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The Exeter Times, 1886-4-15, Page 4
THE IflXETEli 'TIn1LS. 1 Is;xltbltshed every T11uesday huoriiiugaet ,ho °bargee. The. Globe's c.lrrespoudeI1, the Bev. Alfred Andrews, is u. geutlo- man well known to ourselves and TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE ono who in early day bad no leaning Matoeetreet, ucarl y opposite If ittou's Jewelexy tiltore, Exeter, Out., by John White & Son, Pro- prietors. BATES of ArlvOATiPING Eirot insertion, per line..., ,10 cents, each subsecjue.ttfuser tlon,per line 3 omits, Co insure uisortion•advertisouleuta should be, sent in not later thitu 1Vedueedayeemorning, . high estimation, ll'o says the Czlobes `yes. Commieeioner of `.works, NOTES - 4)f an fntoresttng Character. Bol3r1. S virzi.iz. -In 131ttush11rd, on the 31st ult„ the wife of Floury Switzer, of a on. Mr. Gladstone has given potpie Lee.* ------^' towards (Jonservatista' but rather the that bo will introduce his Irish Laud MARRIED. opposite, atld who arrived in Alberto Pte Ant today, - a euttple of months on ag.?. 110 1s a Another seeessiq o from the Glad- WINSAIAN-J oons,-- At t1te. liarsonas the Gth Met., by the Rov. G. N. 1 miuibtsr In the Methodist ()hatch, in stone Cabinet iS auuin the Dickson, Mr. Asan, Jas. AVTinsman, to. Mies which denomination he is held in pertiolt of the Earl of Morley, who Martha Jacobs, Liotti of Staulay. N>G\via of the hurgest and Our 303. PRINTING plePA1t'eenerTis one editorial of the 3rci Del)C:iMy, lie. :best aqui eo.in the OmeutY of Buren. All work sutruste<l to us will roomytailing silo.. t1 deplorable state of ef• our tirourptattentica; fairs in the Nurth-west wee It bur - prise to Mini and quite contrary to what existed In reference to the statement that the --Iudians $eek among the garbage thrown out from the books of houses, bits and scraps of food and eat them ravenously, he save :— "Now I ask where this is going on. It may be seen aroundthe towns and villages of the rt.ortli-west .; it cannot bo seen near the Indian reserves. * * * They are not $o choice and particular about food as we are, and even when not under any necessity will pick up and eat or carry away food which we should regard as unfit for use. Another reason is thatmany articles which we eat aro rare luxuries for then, and cyan a mor- sel of food, if not very clean, is seized with avidity. * * * * But they are not starving on their reserves and driven to these straits." I have not been 'all over the North-west,' but will detail what I saw at the Blood Re- serve agencies last week, and the ofYioers laid not know I was going to bee what was going on. Thursday morning, the 11111, I walked over to the middle agency, and found about ten o'clock, six fine prairie steers killed and being dressed by as many Indian men, who are paid fifty cents for each animal by the contractor who furnishes the beef to the Government. The meat was far better than ballot, whowere before disqualified, the average beef to be bought in any Ontario D©eeeterls Ilei arrliasg News- pt1J J?S. Aiay person who telcos a papperregularly from the post -office, whether directed in lais dame or another's,§or whether he has subscribed or not 19, responsible for payment. 3 If a person (Balers his paper cliseoutinued &e must pay all arrears or the publisher mai continue to,seudituutil the payntentie made, and then colloet the whole amount, whether (Moe or not, the paper is bake .fro rho oil o h u. m 1 !may 3 la suits•for subsoripticus, the snit m Y be iustitutediuthe place where the paper is pub• lisped, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. A The courts have decided that rofusipg to take newspapers or peiiodieals from the post - office, or removing and leaving theta uncalled for is primeefaoieevidence of intentional fraud g'i ` 'rxiied`tlpZ'. TRUSRDAY,, APRIL 15th, 1886, 1'HF, FRANCHISE ACT. The Reform papers are still keep- ' ing up the cry tLat the Dominion Franchise Act is un infamous Tory trick. They surely do not mean this; if so, we would liketu know in what shape the trick comes in. The Act admits tens of thousands to use the market I know of. It was well bled. but not and who, we believe ought to have dressed as carefully as we do it in the east. had the privilege of voting long ago. It 1s a measure atich a9 liberals ought to approve of. Is it not much better for all iuterested that the voters' lists should be prepared by impartial county judges than to leave it in the hands of partizan essessers to "fix up" the rolls, from which lists were made,to snit the party with which they are identified ? A case .vbere the as- sessor worked things to the advalttnge of his party Las recently come to light in a neighboring township, which clearly proves the necessity for the Dominion Act. If it be contended that the county judgea are all et u- sciencelese Tories, and that they are bound to perpetrate wrongs upou Re- formers even in the face of penalties Attaching to wrong doing, we have nothing to say, for the man who stioks to that view is simply taiking against common sense. Has any out• rage been corrluaitted on reformers by revising officers up to the present ? We judge not, or at least we have not noticed the Reform press claiming that they have suffered injustice. Or have the Couservatires been unduly favored ? If the real belief of the Reformers were known it would be that they think the system an im- provement, in fact many Reformers have admitted it. The county judges are doing the work more fairly than the assessors used to do it, and the loweritg of the franchise is awaken- ing a healthy interest in public af- faire among thousand's 'ivho have hith- erto been outside the pale of the oun- stitution. There are, it is true, a great many more supporters of the Conservative Government being put on the lists than Reformers, but that is no fault of the revising officers ; it is accounted for only by the fact that 1 Yet, save the blood that they allowed t0 get on the meat, it was clean enough, but hada rough and untidy appearance ; still the In: diens are satisfied with it—and why not ? I asked twho white men ho were employed about the agency whether they eat the same meat, and they said. 'Yes our rations are all from the same as the Indians get, and we find it very good.' \Vo then went 12 miles to the upper agency, and saw there eight steers shut tip 1n the corral to be killed next day. There is a:good book in which it is written, 'Thou shalt not speak evil of the miler of thy people.' ” Broken faith with Indians is a general charge and a very serious one, that the Globe makes. I cannot go over the whole of the Indian territory. But what din. the Gov- ernment promise to do that has not been done ? when that is stated definitely it will be time enough to find out why the treaty was not kept, Now on the food question. Take treaty 7, which covers the Bloods, Blackfeet, Piegans, and stonies. No promise was made to give food. Yet afterwards, finding that the In- dians were needing food, rations were added and have been given for years. Surely this 1s not breaking faith with them t The treaty promised money every year as long as the grass grow and the river ran. $25 to every head chief, $15 to each minor chief, and §5 to every other Indian of any age or sex. It has been paid promptly." Mr. Andrews also epeske very high- ly of the. Christian progress made by the Iudiaus, and denies that any Burns, llyudlnan, Champion, and Williams, the London Socialist lead- ers, were a quitted on Saturday of !laving iuotted the Trafalgar square riots The seven-year-old sou' of a Batter - Bee farmer was shot demi on Satur- day by his teu•year.olil brother while the Iwo were playing with their father's loaded gun. Sir Jobu Macdouald's health has improved so much that it is probable he will be able to resume his duties in the House of Commons some time this week. The traffic receipts of the Canadian Paoifio railway for the week ending April 7th were$162,000,an iuorease of $20,000 compared with the cor- respondinglast year. e@ week The Briteh Home Rule Association, of which Earl Ashburnham is pre- sidout, is preparing to make a vigor- ous oampaigu throughout England in favour of Mr. Gladstoue's bill. Thirty-one time -expired members of I"A Battery arrived at Kingston from the North-west on ,Saturday night. They were given a hearty reoeptiou, with a supper ab the bar- racks Made BIlort Work of it. OFFICE OF DAYTON Journal.. DAYTON, 0., Nov. 11, 1885.—In April, of 1883, after doctoring for four months. for kidney trouble, began taking ' Warner's; safe cure. In one week, I was relieved of ti stone as large as a peanut, followed by sediment that indicated dissolution of the stone.—W. ROIJZER, foreman of a job -room. "Blood will tell." A. face adorned with Pimples, Boils, Blotches, &o., is not a partic- ularly pleasant sight, and invariably betokens an impure state of the Blood. Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters free the system from all gross humors, renders the Blood Pare and Cool, aide digestion and gives athealthy ap- petite. For sale by all druggists in large bottles at 50 cents. DIED. ennoi,—At 700 Youge-street, Toronto, en April 1st, C, Harrison, son of Will, C, and Alfie M. Senior, aged 1 year and 5 months, BuowNimee In Past Williams, on the 2nd iust., Bruce Brownlee, formerly of Exeter, aged 35 years. SlnLLIw.-Tu Tnckersmith, on the Oth iust., Benjamin Smillie, aged 47 years. 11.•111k ,iinsinininaiwitarriincrinwlearantw How Lost, How Restored We have reeentivpublishod a new edition of DR.o1ILVERWELL'S CELEBRATED 14 S- SAYontheradiealandpermanent euro (wfth- otit medicine)ofNervousDobillty,Montaland physical eapacity.imepedaments to Marriage, etc„resuitingtrom excesses, Priee,in sealed enyelope,only 6 oents,ortwo postaee stamps. The celebrated author of this admirable es, sayclearly demonsteates, from thirty years suecess!ulpractioe, thatatarming consegnen ees maybe radically cured withoutthe dang— erous use of internaimed'ioi,aesor-t9teuse of the knife ; Point out a mode of cure at once simple certain and efleetual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what leis eon- ditionmay be,may cure himselt cheaply, pri vatel-v and radically. .Thi lecture should be in the hands of ev- ery youth and every veryyouthandevery man in the land. Address THE. CULVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY 41 ANN ST., NEWYQRK. Post Office Box 450 LIVER COMPLAINT. ' o Yellow Eyes, Sal- SYMPTOMSlowComplexion, Pain under Right Shoulder. Alternate Costiveness and Diar- rhoea. Tongue Coated with dark heavy Slime, Dail Spirits, Weariness, Sick Head- aches, Variable Appetite, Poor Circulation, Debility, &c. great immorality exists on the North• '"'"'" The liver being the larg- west reserves. His letter all through t CAUSE I est Glandalar Oligan, and praises the Government for the liberal ( a filterer of the Blood, is manner in winch they treat the In- oftener diseased than most other Organs, diens, both in animal and human beings. Its chief office besides is to Secrete Bile, which is the HERE AND THERE. Natural Cathartic to the Bowels. What- ever then deranges the Blood or Bile—as improper food, bad drinks, bad air, gold, malarial poison, bad drainage, etc.; or what- ever will close up the Bile Ducts will induce Liver Complaint. News Condensed John Whitmore, of Parkhill, was arraigned before Judge Elliot, Mon- day morning on a charge of larceny. He pleaded not guilty and elected summary trial. Trial fixed for Mon- day next. G. N. many years rising generation realize that the prey -1 li hthouee keeper id, for G' oderiah, has ant Ceovernment are worthy of sup-- accepted the position of tlity mission- ary of Trenton, N. J., at a salary of $1,000. He will work specially in the interest of Presbyterian Churches at Trenton. Mr. Henry Collins, Deputy iieeve of Kincardine, and merchant in that town, has decided to remove to Cal- gravy in the course of a few weeks. His removal will necessitate the election of a successor to the Council.. It is with deep regret, they we chronicle the death of Mre. Hess, beloved wife of Mr. Fred Hess, of Zurich, Mrs. Hees has been on the deolino slice New Years, when she port, while the Reformers have no policy whatever. The revising officers are in 130 way responsible far the feeling so prevalent among our young men that the Reform party has no longer a mission to fulfil. E4;DITORI4L NOTES. THE United States Congress also, it seems, is troubled with long-winded; speakers like Messrs. Blake and Mills.+ A. proposition ..tae been made in the; House of Representatives to limit; speakers dnring the morning hour to ten minutes each. An agitation is passed away last Thursday morning also on foot to limit debate House. about 8.30. The deceased: lady wase all the regular businese of the House. very highly respected by all who It is a somewhat significant fact that, knew her. Mr specs and family have in Canada the chief objection to the - length of Mr. Blake's speeches has our deepest sympathy in their mad come from the•,prees of his own party. bereavement. Tire Hamilton Spectator shows very Mr. Abraham Adair, who liven bat oleerly.that the fishery question is not a short distance from Sylvan, had a matter of life or death with Cana- the misfortune 10 loose his dwelling da. Last year we sold to the United, holism, together with its contents, States $3,500,000 worth offish, :stud. ore Wednesday night last by fire. A to other countries $4,400,000. In lamp exploded, and set fire to the our neighbours lin- ported place, Loss $1,000; insurance $700. the same tittle g The popple of Listowel are taking ported 84.000,000 pounds of fish, and exported 39,000,000 pounds. That is steps to get up a band tournament to say, their imports exceeded theirs in the town. It is contemplated to exports by 45,000,000 pounds. As give a thousand dollars or over in a contemporary points out, if fish, prizes, the tournament to last two caught by Canadiansdays' are excluded from United ,States markets, United r. MT. Elkg ,in lou of Usborne, has . sold ten acres of the farm lie recently Stated fishermen will be unable to > ilr of eu I the hcme demand and the purchased to 141r. Wm. I. ann , pp y Lumley.—Mr. T. Alien has sold his whole of the foreign market now 110u8e and lot on the Thames: Bead, Supplied from their catch will be open UOboroe, to Mr. J oeeph Diunln, to Ganadiane. We, are by no means where he intends moving on the let wholly dependent upon or neighbours of May with all his sweetness, as he, is this mailer, owns one of the largest apairies to frequently assorted tine section of the aountiy, and no Tee Globi, baa q y that the Government has not kept faith with the Indict!) e of the North- west, and owing to mal•ndministra' tion they are in a starving condition. After such a sweeping assertion the readers of the above-named journal doubt when ho gets it rightly fixed up he will have no trouble to settle his mind on one of his many lady well- wishere in at way that will stick. AN vtntruBAa shortness of breath, with minimal disposition to pleurisy and bronchial affeetionendicate that the blood is full of CURE The Diet should be Blain and Nourishing to make Pure Blood and Healthy Bile. Shun the causes above enumerated. Keep the Bowels free, and the Digestive Powers active, and AROUSE TILE SLUGGISH aivzn WITH THAT GRAND LIVER REGULATOR Burdock Blood Bitters which acts at the same time upon the Bowels, Stomach, and Blood, while it regu- lates and strengthens every Organ. Thus B. B. B. Cures Liyer Complaint. N OTIC E. e+ BALED TENDERS, addressed to the nnder- h7`sipned,and endorsed "Tender for Indian Supplies," will be received at this office up to noon of TIIESOAY, 20th APRIL, 1886 for the delivery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal. year ending 30th Juue, 1887, consisting of Flour, Bacon, Beef, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine, Oxen, Cows,Bulls, ABricultnral Imple- ments, &c_. duty paid, at various prints in Ma- nitoba and the North -Wes t Territories. e'orms of tender, giving fail particulars rola tive to the Supplies required, dates of deliy- ery,&e.,maybe had by applying to the under- signed; or to the Indian Commissioner at Re- gina, or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg. Parties may tender for each description of goods (or for any portion of each description of goods) separately, or for all the goods called for in the schedules. Each tender must bo accompanied by an so- cepted Cheque in favor of the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 011 a Canadian Bank, for at least five per cent. of the amount of the tenders for Manitoba and the North-West Ter- ritories, which will bo forfeited if the party teudor.ngg declines to enter into a contract when lalleduponIto do so, or if he fails to coinp.ote the work contracted for. If the ten- der be not accepted, tho cheque will hr. return - Tenderers must make up in the Money col- umns in the schedule the total money value of the goods they offer to Supply. or their tender will not be entertained. Each tender, must, in addition to the Signa- ture igna-ture of the tondo, er, be signed by two Sureties acceptable to the Department, fox the propos performance of the contract, in all CO3e08 where transportation may be. onlypartialby rail, contractors must make proper arrangements for supplies to be for- warded et once lion railway stations to their destinntioh in the Government Honse at the Point of delivery. '1'he lowest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted, L, VANI{0UGHN1iT, wunld, no doubt, be Ittttoniehed to Deputy of the Superintendent -General uric acid poison, which can be iemoved of Indian Affairs, through the kidneys by means of Warner's Dopartmen,. of IndianAfle.ire, days ago, giving a fiat denial to Lha safe' euro. Ottawa,srd Nlardh, 1896. read a letter which appeared a few r-1 0 0 U rn -r-1 U tJd Ian r/ cd 0 0 0 -1 Ca t1 t—t 0 0 PLIQ rn rn 0 0 Ca Ca 0 MM0 r-1 cal 0 w 0 0 ID 9 0 0 VI fr} ON TEL r' It' Only a Picturef 'TIS TRUE, Still you can see at a glance how r C •nu lithe children look like their parents, like their father especial- ly, far better then if we bad 'writ- ten half a column .about them, so while we tell you of a lot of New Goods in last week and more this week, that, while they excel our p highest expectations, being New in design, Ricl , in appear. sillyou ca ance and at prices which surprise most people, can scarcely any idea of the stock we keep or the value we are showing unless you come and see us, and it is a pleasure topto:resent on our counter before the eyes of an appreciative resent public, goods which are a fac similie of those shown in the city, and as much alike as the babes and their papa. Ottoman Cords, Sicilian Cords, Satin Broches, Mervellleux, and Gros -grains for Mantles and Jackets (20 pieces to select from)Chenille Trimmings in five qualities, Fringes, Orna- ments and Loops at BANTON BROS.' Mantles cut Free or made up in Latest Style by Miss Wood, who is well and favorably known in and around Exeter. New Prints—a daisy lot,—New Dress Goods—such pretty shades;,—Plashes, Ribbons, &o., &c., beautiful goods at RANTON BROS.' And Gentlemen, you should see our Nobby Scotch Tweeds, checks (quite the rage.) Our Fine Pantings, Worsteds, and Suitings. We can rig you up fine and to your entire satis- faction. Our Swell Hats are the Latest and same as sold. by W. & D. Dineen, the hatters, corner King & Younge-streets, Toronto. Prices right; and such au array of Neckwear in Scarfs and Ties. Just listen, boys, and then come and prove that we have by far the largest range ever shown in Exeter, and fully 20 per cent. cheaper than a year ago. Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to call and seo these goods, buy or no buy. ; 3LO. C. & S. GIDLEY, UNDERTAKERS,! --AND--- Furniture Manu facurers —A FULL STOCK OF— Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants, We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And 'Funerals furnished and conducted at extremely low prices. EMBLEMS OF ALL THE DIFFERENT SOCIETIES. 1 CURE FITS When l coy curb I do not mean merely to stop thorn for a time and then halo them return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the disarm otiITS EPILEPSY or FALL INO 9101M8Sda llfe•long study, i. warrant my remedy to cure the worst moo, Reenuoo others have failed le tut mason for list now receiving a curd. Send at once for a treatise and n Vireo Bottle of my Infallible remedy, Olvo Express and Post Omec, It coots you nothing tor a trial,. and I will cure you. Address DR. II. O. ROOT, Branch Oleo; 37 Yugo St Toronto. SIC Q I p To intro, ow of duce them ewe will give away GIME AWAY 1,000 Self -Operating Washing Machines, If you want one send us your name P. 0 and ex- press office at onoo. THE NATIONAL' CII., 21 Deg street, N. V. I.tette A pnslttve remedy for the abore dl eeeso; by Ile pas thedaande of ranee of the Worst 810 owl of long otandtnc h 8' hoen cured, Indeed so litrong 19 My faith in Ipl eald6o, that.I will aihd TWO ROTTLFS FREE, together wttg a VALUAnIE reteeUSCoh• t1,ta dlseoso to adv enterer. (five expreea Ind P,.0, addtde8. en, le A, 81.06801, Branch Office, 37,TongO St,, Toronto GRANT) Millinery I` euro AT TFIE-- OLD ESTABLISHES April 13th and Two Following Days. Stock Complete in Al? Departments and Prices to Suit the Times. o -IP C) ;• Good Goods, Fair Prices and Square tealing. JAMES PICK _RD, EXETER I1UHR A SCA. oi D.RUG STOBE! 0 0 Pure Drugs & Family Receipts Carefully Compounded NOW ON HE W The following lines, which will be sold at the Closest Possible Cash Figures : 20 tons Cut and Steel Nails, American Pattern, -40 tons Lindeman Blacksmith Coal '• (will be sold Cheap for Cash or on Short Dates,) fJ 10 tons Buckthorns and. Barb -Wire - cing, Fen b, 100 boxes Glass; 5 tons White Lead, 5 bbls. each Raw (36 Boiled Oil, 3 bbls. Turpentine, 10 bbls. Machine Oils, Also a car load of Locks, Hinges, Butts, and general Shelf IIardware. Full Stook - r Cash. of Stoves c> Tinware Cheap fo NAVE 'i'I1OT,J011ING A SPECIALITY Y$BETT SROM.