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The Exeter Times, 1886-4-15, Page 3
i. 0 9;� �+'� Y•) 1 T D. A nEodotflts of G eat ble , into myths, There fa in that meontlplo soca h litrtic iii lunQrQ and Ieaiv Yertlo 4lirrds .,1. ;3 4 A' !f.., A.7 ,lL:'d 1-1 C) :tl„_l 9.J o A i 11 $ y � , _ _ lti the greatneea of the noul that was in him, t ►`�' k0o : Sazup•. T3ook, 4 a. Gold latogd,. �+lpun>e, t b 'e r h l all�,, foe cl .h TAli OHRA Co, Know Vic, k, (Z I3X T1Ii+1 FCLY. W, S, 11LA0>IBTOOIC, r � . ,._,, .. �I3I119i1 itsOtiRtS Of T3uA'don 1Ii SVCB(ie1• �' Sarrausl Johusan,; that}pil a lover of [tai lien 1qt? eavhloh he has rendered the ntQttha @q n uouAero kuru-f;t,ttaq"fsfj sere At Staakholm, Sweden tkzs do a,some t anoodoten did not set a high all litoraturo, of his oountr -tee. shiest to the 106 00 Q i rarnt,-100,000: aotiva t1layo,15 coato b value. u on n t z n , g Y P loo uo 6 c n U o G 1 , W14010; n ae aDrument hml i Bur - of s t N r , p Woman o h a r tile t , d- o 00 a. w ma a r a iu - of o. Was whir a 1 occurs, for W p al niorp thorough and rz n,,/ to ,.. hate told shoo. w r t• .. ills the respect 0f thoaa 'LAND Toronto. complete than m any city of nortiicru great ineu, lis doubted the utility of a who think. more Of the pubctunae than 9f fib �-_1___________ �r,.-�^ re- e h the only t,1. a�,i � �v I.,arO a , Silo hero ^^e ' r t slot t r eil'se • o meta scald t f .@'��� t practically , ali,nt9 4 which n a o assn char � � 1 rutty ul1 Y.2 Y f Loh Ic to; snake h actor, 6500 F:091000. Boflers,`Irnn, W"I, and miecehan. alta Feasts of burden, And the t,'riter le theeublo0tof it appear riilcul0 a. [:von ,,-�- _ oo.us m ILhiuea for sale F or p attic ,late address not altogether unfamiliar with woman's whoa ttietae n;arrativea were strictly true lis n fo Ont work in l+.ur0 0, I have risen her at the eould;not nos that it was worth ;,hill a The 111 ster . of the • _;-- H. W3 T'-AEAE Bra ` td. p 1 t X 3+xeii;011 tfiNA ESAW h1AU11I2,L1•-k1lTrSS21.3-L9TI.t3T gait's mouth, at the forge, and barefooted in scut them on record. " I know trot well," t rile ar , :ll..)t lmprovemtnto; litnuket band m,Ao for st`soh• the book ardo of g Marr i+lu ]rand "and cold be In an ansa i re a so many theories touching in • to y Y 5 .. r r y 4Fa'atton ixt detottop at 1, poem ; nmat; ohoap and durable ; send.tor &liter: hl a¢t furnuoao 0r l`sAdicg gooks 0vrna hns0dot,oe, "what advantage posterity can the sinking of the magniiicant steamer oi�cU:Ara: JOHN C+ILLlI13 & 00„ qq talon Plae®, p y 0 ee on that another may be ventured in onG� k is 14 Sunop Fe/tuoo." I have sadly wat:'hott rryaolvo Frani file one oircumstmaa b which, i; ! y --^--------- her bearliag the heat Riad burdens of, the Tlckuell has distiu ui¢hsd A Bison from the abaenos of a batter, or at least 'until 1;'G ol'WE1 ".=To int,pduno them, we, will „ g d GivF AWAY 1,o0p esti oporgting Washtnl; DIG• da in the holds ri ra ire land and in rho rost of mank -- the diff ar gives his: teaturon as to the ' Y of 1 i r , led the irregularity c f y illi ne" It you waaut 0116Mond,i vol r spino, 11- uatru•H r ver cof man and his ulss nor . abu.e of t t o 1 o and ex ice ta. _2 _ ua a dote the c l p roan I think m self over std i s two bolos in xer hull, and p s offloe at onoe. TaB N .TIONAL r3 y g y p r, 4 bomb, ou the farm and in:the ming, I havo for the time spent' In reading the life of this tneory may be, embodied in a aeienti• 00„ 23 Dtry Sc., N,Y, seen the women emorge from the 00111 -pito A2alhcrhe by being onxbled to relato, after fic question, 'c Was the Oregon omnk by AL lk An Ta keI also Tl other grade SALT of Belgium, whore little gL's, and young the learner! biographer, that Malherbe had an w .-olite or re.Olites " Liv ' mentions sneolal foigbt rates And etas all other grudhe wgtt , inwost prioee. Oarrespon, woman gradue.te undrirgrauud as hewers of two predominant opinions ; aria Haat the , ahuwer of stunep that fell ah Mount dense e011o)ted, Addrege, cold and drawers (if carts; fcr it Is no un. Woeenota of a single weman might destroy Alban near, Rome The fall ? great WILLIAM OAMPBELL, Godeyirh, cominaii thin In Europe to hitch women ;ill her boast of angio descent other ' a 1 o a g LANEB IMVE - r -31 AVE ancient iso t, the ter Stone at E roc otami on the Hellespont, s, 9TAVe CUather a16vi*, and (logo do t-Ahcr, that Manufacturing ms, that the French beggars made use ory Im. e P + p , Jointer, chanes box, veneer, leather's splitting a' g Y t g$ v • ed by I'lntareh. Pliny, in his hcokbindora, inaulding, tenooiag. anal otherrnaehine is mentioned las done cheaply. I have aeon woman, aged, propar,y and bcrbaronsty of the phrase da not I kulvra of best quality, manutaotnrsd b7 I'arnR HAY, bon!, and eunbutned, with ropes over thrix nolle gentlenictri, because Dither word to y' t Un 9 saw, it, but doscribos it as Gait Machine Saife Works, Galt, Out.; send for price ehouldors,.; ling on the banks of eanala uludea the sense of both," baing as largo as a wagon and of a brown stat. _ __� . _ _ vast dikes , picturslque holland, It' is probable that he wculd have been color, Near the village of EasialAelm, in MAIY 0E W6UL N'11TIRTIE6IN-EVERY Tiaviug ): 1u`ufw?ed all this, 1 ryas yet aur- even coverer In his strictures on theta col- Alaaoe, a atone weighing two hundred and •� township. to aril Dr. "raimag.% new book, ! prraed to find in av city so beautiful, mud lectors of anecdotes if he could• have fore- sixt ounds fell from tate sk •. Aterrifio e p'1Yo C°'ria'" The reenter and moue vlgotop1 y p 5 epocimen cf water ever written; nrarly 700 pages ; seemingly eo rloh and proaperous an Stook• seen what would be made of some of shower of pbones fell in Normandy in only'1i2; full particulars of this and, other new books holm, woman atill more debased, In 4tock• the incidents of his own life. Without 1803, the largest of which was ,seventeen FARE. gchl*'lerSRith &Cc ,Publlsbers,London, Out halm women fs almost exclusive employed as thane ane0dotas, however, posterity would pounds. The teat black Mecca Otx &A16C CiillGu,r BQ PTi'IV ATF `TRI9ATv : hod carrier and briCklayar'n naalstant. She not have had a aoiuplsta picture of the man; g r 10 Bona Thnroti rbred Aurbum Cattle, talth kiased by Pilgrims, and the great ptrang• first -cisco podigreea; 6 head Titoronrhbrsd Ayrollra carries hrlok, mixes mortar, and, in short, and, on the whole, oven those who hsva er stone on the Pyramid of Cholula were cattle, with uril,"llaae pealgrees; S head F1lgh Grade a work tab dots all the heavy w r nut the'hu' y tidlnl , most respeitt for his memory do not regret metoorfc or ,a oliblo. In several Western Omttle; 00 hind ess Zi,roughbredGLAZU OOR,LeicesterSlmoo , N For At this dinner hour you see groups of women that they have been preserved and banded Co . Out. Address Zi, GLAyRaR00A, Simepe, Nortolk slitting on piles of wood and atone eating down to succeeding generations, Happily States Large Et rolitos have fallen, and in Co. Out their frugml meal, he had great qualities enough to render in Texas, about two yeaza ago, a tremendous slut aL A1'T� a'II(i'lEt.-Something every - The entire dairy business of the city Is unnecessary for his weaknoawa and faults to abone fell from the heavens, amoking hot, , t, y body:ohould have, a "wilt" fouutais pen; the and buried itself several fe©tin the round. ch spe`t And most duanl,lo ever invented; ovary pen In their hands, and hero they Cake the places be overlooked and forgotten, A lase bi;il- g axua,nnteed to give Fatlstaetion -, agents ;,wanted for of hOTBBB IIndd0„11, carrying on their should.d li nt luminary than ilo eon would be els• Sections- of the ,largest 0f these a.f� oxlEsallna e of Canada a la'•9 00 mmiealon and no capital ere the 'heavy Cane of milk from door to med and diefioured by the spots whish ha have been disbribabad among the muse• requiead; frond for descripidve circulars and apeoial door. While woman thus slaves in Stock bears upon the surface ' but his transcend. ume. Now De^olites do not fall Agent, to agents. C. H, Brooke, bola Canadian p , , porpsu• Agent, Tnrouto. holm, man paradea, You will ace him In a ant offulgence makes us unconscious of dicularly, but obliquely. There aro un - sort of uniform In the market place, loung- their presence. merous instances in which the have 31101t'fIIAND THOROUGaLY TAUGHT BY In all day 6°for biro," to run erraiands or to Macaulay r^ilea Boswell's biography o y Z Mall; or students attendiag our Academv will y P " 3 dashed through houses, killed the Inmates be thoroughly prepared by highest Masters in short, do light porterage, Whenever any light ,Johnson, but he does It at the expense of the and buried .themselves In the earth, hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, and Budloeu Train• work that papa fat+Sly well in to be done, judgment of its author. He' appears to' These shote from the sky are constantly mo latlyaades,1ThesUniondShorthander's Com• there in the man, On drers parade you see havo been of the op -inion that with a.sona.d• falling. Who knows but the President mereial Academy, Arcade, Toronto. him as a soldier, awaggerlvg about beer -gar- er and more vigorous understanding he and soma obhar lost eteamera and the dens, loafing In the barmok•pard, or fishing would not have Clone as goad work, inf9so A r �7 ELSON & CO., MI LLWRIGHTB k ENGINEERS, on the outskirba of the town, It Is a pity he seems to have come to the eancluelon fated Oregon may no, have been sunk by 1� Berlin, Ont --epla manuf,c:urors in Canada of that some of the showy soldiers of these that in order to be a first rats biographer a one of the awful me'ssangera from the sky, automatic engines from 2 to 15 h. p'; automatic en. gives for p,intinq offices ; high speed sntomatic en. little Euxpaean posers could not be convert• man must be a hal#•fool. Bat if the aim of breaking into two parte when it reached glass for electric lighting; automatic engines for ad into expert hod -carriers or ekilfrtil mor• the biographer ehr.uld be to produce a true the latter etoamahip, andllenee the two ;cheese, butter, and sausage factories, or any otlier tar•mlxerc, Instead of weighing women picture of the subjeut which he undertakes perforations in her hull? Themomantum P,a,`,pp jos lire li ht andher cheap e woulwer asdd aee10ae down under the yoke of double burdens, to delinlate, as well as of the principal of a large wrolibe would be gaibe sufficient above, events of his life, one would think to sus• to sink the stoutest armored vessel. It Spring House Cleaning, Beed In this sort of work would require the would be a shot in her side which she A GRAND BOOK. Nu matter how rogu arty 'the routine of very hlghept qualities of authorship; and could not resist, 46EROES OFTS. FIBLa, P1BLH LANDR AYD THE daily work has gone on ring the ',winter the man who, confessedly, has produced � WARINTIIS SOUDAN." Taisrernaikab'.ebook months the opening spring reveals to the the very bent biography which has been ------ u------- to f eah from the pr.eo with 760 Pages of reading mat. P g p g ter of thrilling iwevoet and startling truths. over 50 ambitious housewife the absoiateneceasity of written do modern times deserves a more The island of Arran off the west coast pages of beautifal steel and wood engraviuge and a thorough overhauling, Don't be too eager favourable verdict from mankind than that ' mope. It 1s sold only br cub,criptfon; a represonta. v g• g of Scotland is said o b mild that b a eo which tive want d f t has been ro a neve dlstNoD• liberal nonnoad upon h'>a al m i. ' n 1 b the 9 will be a ry pay about 3t P sisters, ante e P Y 0 ,. you aro exceptional. P alms an camel fa m e open twee• i d 1 11 thrive i h g fall infxma ran will ha i 1 strong. A Moan house however satisfac• great essayist and historian, p p . t even tree of charge Y ` ' I confess I do not altogether like the ac- + J y, In winter, although by the Mo pucllehore to Canada„ International Book for of strict£ will he deaTl air, without in ur y , y purchased at g g &Bible House, 66 and 48 Front St. E, Toronto. the expense of hoalth. Let some Strang- count that Boswell gives of Johnson's eat. the latitude is that of the northern part - --- _. -- armed humble worker lend a hand In the Ing ; and yet without that, Inimitable piece of Labrador, on the continent. LIiVNTON, LAKE .& CO., Galt, Ont. 6°rough of it," i£ the services of A domt:sti of desciiptiou We would not have been able' A recent study cf the geology of the AXLE AND 31A- REW cited BAA et are not available, B. in in to sce him ae he really was, Thoseprotrud Saguenay b the Abbe La Flamme ofamoscrews, WORCHIK S. Car. 8 g Y y tivoaxa. Cae• nod season, undertakfa one or two rooms mg, near-sighted eyes broughtdown to with g g 0„)aebec convinces him.thab the abysmal Sicca d Wagonfin two or three inches of hie late• those Axlea. frog padonly at a time, instead of having rho whole P ore of that river owes its de th to thePaine �tandin out like whI oords u on his g g p Steel Set & Cap house c laris a gat once. g P p simple action of the vrater, continued etc. The collar is a good plana in which t0 he- brow glistening. with perspiration; "cud the through cosh ion periods that the canon Liat an appticatlon: gin hostilities. The arh roe -bin should be emp- silent and concentrated energy with which g g p ar— he devoted himself to the business in hand of the Colorado le called recent in aom- tied, the furnace cleared and every big of GUELPH CARPET WORKS. uaeleas rubbish disposed of. A faithful until the cravings of the Inner span were pmrlson., search fo i"r)ooked and decaying vege• fully satisfied, though they do not, taken The frogs on the "State" Railroad,pp A A,fit p tables in l edeasary, for they are a prolific together, form one of the most delicate and throug'o western Massachusetts are being J. & , ARMSTRONG b•RO;�T & G 000 cause of disease. If needful the air of the refined pictures Imaginable, are too charac. filled with wood, In order to prevent asci• tIANUFecTnasaa of Union on and Damask cellar may Ia purifled and parasitical growth teristic of the man for them to havo been dents like tl;at which happened lately, OARPETS, destoyed by burning brimstone In an old omitted without the picture of him losing Where, by catching his foot in a frog, a Of new patterns and designs. Cnelply Ont. pan, closing doors and windows meanwhile something of its truthfulness and reality, brakeman was run Lover before he could - — for a few•houra. After the floor has been We should not have fully known the great- get loose. sprinkled and swept a coating of whitewash eat Englishman of hie time i# Chia desorip• O �Y6 LOAN should be applied to the walls and wood• tion had bean left out Visitor (in Penitentiary) : °' What I I do not know ho brought o this 1 ee m orb Ada to the o a which w w the Scotch people like br h on t s a friend Y w wash o pper e, this p p o R y p , y the ill-natured u article, s sayings of ohraon antrict. Sneezing." Visitor. Snetaz- a heap tela, in the proportion of is orJ respect. C g eight pounds to half a bushel of quicklime. ing themselves and their country which have ing." Convict " Yis Corr. It woke the 11HN subscriber has a largo amount of m•ney to Tula haAae cleansing and disinfecting pro• been preserved. Ha appears t0 have, for gintleman up, and he nabbed me." p, ,ductlord farmfor land sownlents on a cavity of mortgagee on parties, and is a sovereign prophylactic some occult reason that, so far as I am A young Englishman arrived at Hamil. Tae lowest current rate of interest to charged, and against t e,` ,vague of rats and mine. Once aware, hue never been explained, formed tea several months ago destitute ofmoney repayment privingoagranted in sues s termthan the a year u . irie Duo often for thla to be done. an Inveterate prejudice against Scotland and and friends. The Mayor after investigation borrower is Dlaoed in A0 extrcmely favorable poeition R to pay his inoebtedness as he find• :htmsed able, The drala of the kitchen sink must never tithe Scotch. .He could, apparently, see gave him money, and the Young ,Men% without sneitalafng loan of tntereat be neglected. Dissolve a few cents' worth nothing either in 61 the laud of mountain Christian Association helped him. By and , Specht loducements are offared. All"communica• Of copperas in a pailful of hot water, and and of flood," or in the people who liv? in it by he got work. Now comes the climax of tions bonadentlal, ponr a little of this liquid Into the drain• at all worthy of his admiration. The coun. this remarkable story. He paid the Mayor 8. M. Chadwick, Ir'sq., pipe daily, and it will be freed from its nox- try itself he pronounced t° detestable," the money he had got from him,. and left Bank of Toronto BnudinR, Ions odors, The grease from dlsh•water of. and the only ground upon which he with him a like amount for the next unfor. ToRoNTO. ten clogs the pipe. Ammonia, used instead found himself able to justify the ways :tanatethat might need it, and he ,pad the of soap for dish -washing, would soon clear of Providence in producing such a country Christian Association people for every bit of � .(� �� �� away the obstruction, as it works ehemi• was that °i it was made for Sootehmefn." food he had received at their hands. ` A". M- 1 S pally upon grease and °t hills" it. A solu• Sidney Smith confessed that he would like "The cu that inebriates and makes Patent 'fiempered"Steel tion of lye would have the same effect. to roast a Gtaaker-metaphorleally I sup- p , On examining the accumulations of super. pose, of course -aid evidently it would have .you feel like cheering." ��10b1r, & Cal'i�1 C UeaCSe Snous furniture or c st cif clothing In the bean) Det as agreeable a pastime to Johnson " Said Aaron to Noses 'b J ag attic, sort out, with a free hand, what may to roast a Scotehman in the same sense, Let's ant off our noses," — Ike spared for the greutar need of others, Even In his dictionary be finds occasion to Aaron mast have been a enffarer from Our !'Jump 9Aat" Body on EcApseGear meets with Winter clothing mast be cared for before void ble bile upon the North Briton. His catarrh, The desperation which catarrh aready d ref ale, aDd mak.a ightensywith oris unable the insidious moth -miller 0laime it for its definition of oats la well known : " A grain produces is often enffioient, to make people pamenR'ers, and Charred from A single buggy to a home, and hatches these destructive little commonly fed to heroes in England, but say and do mann rash things sad many cos- double oaridago quickly and oouvoniently, eek your worms that live but to destroy, Hang the uBod ae food for men in Scotland." Head. dune eaffaring just as If no such cute as curihRe maker far parttoulara. CatalSgua malted on garments eu the line out doors, and beat matted to a Scotch gentleman that Grad Dr., Sage's Catarrh Remedy oxisted. It appllcatiOn to them well with a whisk, then envelop them 'made his country, bat lie took care to mod• cures every case from the simplest to the J. B. AICI1Slrl oxcx lilfa. Co. (ILII)., In brown paper and mark the name of gar• ify the admissfon by reminding him that most complicated, and all the conacquencea GUELPH, CANADA. ment and Ito owner with,ink on each pack. the same great Being had made hell, of catarrh, A person once cured oy Dr. _ age, Carpets Infested by buffalo ba le And yet it is a remarkable fact, that Sago's Catarrh Remedy will not be apt 11 I n 1c e F- should be steamed with a damp cloth, and ought to bs mentioned to the credit of the to take cold again, as it leaves the mil }i, F.q 0 I" hot flatiron, which will kill the grace and good sense of ,the Sootoh, that coua membranes healthy and strong. By , Q sant eggs, and the adult miscreant that shows among no other nationality has he more ay- druggists. r♦ himself will, no doubt, meet the fate he de• dent admirers' than "among those peo- A sure ours for cold in the head Is to atop a �, � " CA a�/3 serves on the spot, The steaming operation, ple whom he would' 'have us believe up the nose with beeswax and starve the r< 411 should be repeated ;,frequently. Bodsteads are brought up on ;horsefeed, To say cold out. JZ) � F washed occasionally with kerosene will noshing ,of, MaoaulaV and ,Main, both of .► I Don't•Kuow What nils 11Ie," a,, 410 F4 n �, mover be troubled with vermin, D_Imatian wnom are .SOotobmen, Thomas Carlyle Is " r 0 fr, c+ - powder sprinkled In the way of ante when perhaps the only man In the last generation says many; sufferer, I have the blues r � ,_, their visits begin will cause them to disap•• that has fully understood Johnson, or who frightfully; I am troubled, with appetite ; _ xt t» pear. Powdered borax also is said to be has bean capable of duly estimating his and. dizziness bad'; I have 'tom my appetite ;I thorn is a bad trite ia, my mouth 0onetant- good. character and worth. The rugged elements 1p. What is the manor with ms?" We 0 When a room is to have new paper, the of essential manhood, the great heart, the will tell` ynu'; yon are [' bilious " Glot a e old ought to be removed first. A boiler of great understanding, the iron will, and the bottle of Dr. Pierre's " Golden Medical a I11 hot water set In the room, and the doors fierce and terrible earnsctnese and indepand• Discovery," use it faithfully, and you will the a to. enoe which he found in this strange and closed for a will, will cause papersoon be a new man again, All druggists FOR TLik7'QILLION. loosen so that it may be taken of without wonderful man, made the modern Diogenes have it,a Along the line of the Chicago and Northwester dlfficnity. The wood -work may then be forget his faults and foibles. He does not A witty fellow who was called on to drag Railway in Central Dakota and Northers classed easily while the dirt bs softened by hesitate, therefore, to give him a permanent Y g Nebraska. New aecoiono are being opened up And the steam. Weak lye is invaluable for place among the heroes whom he retloom• off a large dead horse said it was a cold•hoa rapidly settled in these wonderfany produetivc cleaning painted woodwork, and saleratus- mends to the worshipping attention of man• cal affair to move. I olatoi1' of local on. 11 flrat comers" will have "firs{ water Is goad, but both must be thoroughly kind. Use the surekt remedy for Catarrh -Dr. For full Information (which will be sent you tree of rine d off before the final wiping. Whiting There In just one scene in the life of John. Sage's. I nharge)About tho free lands and cheats homer, appli 1q:, 4ry powdered quartz fa serviceable for eon, which, as Itappeara.to me, might better ytrhat is the 'd►fforouoo between a farmer to ' JOHN H. fn''al&wtFY, Westorn.0anadfanPaEv. Agent, C. & N. W. By.. •' sailed 'e ots. Ammonia used in have been far ottan." :.Hls ttrffoatunate• ran- a tills the land and the aht nae[ I , g and a burglar Y On R. S, HAIR, 0 York St., Toronto, out tt g f n of General PAss ctrl Chicago, Ills. t 1 oonfnl 0r less i oauntre with Adam: Sm'th' 'the casco t e 'proportion of a !,b ea the ( ) s ,. other Lunde the [111. . A¢ ag , very strong), to a quartofphot water, Is an whish has. been presirved bye: Sir' 'Walter Do not take Pills or Powders containing excellent cloaneer.. Afterward uro It still Sootb was scarcely creditable to either`one or Calomel, for. at this time of the your, she re more diluted fol the paints, , the other of these worthies, Johnson called suit may be serious.If you require a do:a of hyt•ictake Dr. Carson's Stomach and Con• CONSUMPTIONN --.--- .a.----------�- Smith a liar, and Smith responded by call- yti ationvtre.s;itabegentlyontheBowels, thaws;apoNnvgrumedyrortyaaboicdlseme;byftsuse a Eat p' f-thonsandeafcnsaoortho worst W.'I sur. i oflnng'atnnding Bound to Preserve His Health. Ing Johnson ason of a -well not of resp purities the Blood, improves th3 circulation, able woman, " Oa such termsi" says Sir cumulate the Livdr and Kidne s, and sed- smah.v., beet; cored on teed as OTTL ip R' tarn, et it. Barkeeper -What's yours Y Y p errancy, that a I t salla Two rsoirl.rs rnEla, tbgantar Walter, f1 did these two great moralists ily euros Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, ivttr, a VALIIARt r TRl•:A;1 ,1•, on tole tdseaao to any Cautious Customer -I was thinking of • g c 1 ns, T. A. ,),A11 lio read the meet and part, and such Wad the classical Ind' Ca sda to rthe other. And yon gannet sufferer. siva cxp,esb '.A. qL curaxa. othertakina that of ice water, but I e dialogue between these two groat teachers find a remedy equal to it. Try it and use it in $=ohOfce, 37 On At, TOroitfia other day thatsIn nearly all this asason's crop g ,, g. ngAt,, of morality," This id very sad Indeed, and car families. cold everywhere In large _ .- —.___._. ..•._�... __ bf ice had worms in it. I for one could have wished that when b , Barkeeper (stiffly) -Haven't heard that, otttes et 50 Dents. � BCott'c account of it was written, that like You may break, you may shatter that z, air' 'Stnne'a recording angel, he had dro "ad a X18,000 vase if you will, butthe ecent of the Customer -I to a fact, I assure yon, I 11 g g- ' PP dollar will hen round it still. - take a glass of ice water if you'll put in last upon it and blotted it out forever. g a r. �, thin ofsonoua to k111 the worms. Highly reprehensible as the conduct of thbo Imperial Cord Ill 1Dtopg will givt something p tE iso teat men unquestionably was on that 1'ositivs and InstantiAalief to those sut%rin@, Barkeeper -What shall I put in Y g occasion, it In not conceivable that ft formed from Colde, Hoaroonesu, So:e" Thr©at, olio,, Customer (miter reflection) -Whisky will an e; lsentl d art of the character of either aatl are Invaluable to orators and vocallate, p do, ' -•.eo one or the other of tha3ni, or that it was in For sale by dru. gietll and, oonfeotionerrs, + ; s in" order to calm lete t A - S O JN MmnI ufaoturort`, 7itlle 1l111;IItY 19oll.ir ally sclLsrtt n0cos sty p 1�. & �., '�' t ion dintanoea b a 10 cent bottle of Pol• the .ict,ureof either of them. ias^tanth- - ' t. Is P Y p ,, son's NrBVILME the newest and best pain On the whole, the probability scorns to be Why is a lawyer, swindling a baby heir xAmody. It crates colds, oratnpsb colic, pain that unless Mr. Astor should take him in like a person taking in a breath of pars tit• In•tho hear), solation, pain in the chest; in hand, even the alchemy of modern criticism masphere 7 Because he is rt taking. In a +@ 41 O. fact It is equally ciTtciolous as an external will savor be able to make a fine gentleman llt$le freshhtire or internal reined , Tr" a 10 cent sample of Johnson, But after 'what has been done A,p:27J �. Y Y ..p _ ._ bottle of tha real ails remedy,, Xeavilahe, for Lueretla Borgia there Is hone that o ,ln „ 9; ,,,�„®„�,, a,,.,�,,, _ ,�.6. Sold by,.drugglritn.p Largo btles only 25 'life ferocity of maunee, and his soilsd linen, �+� ' CUE wilk111 Fait sitle-CIHEAP - cents. Try a crimple bbttle of Nerviline, which gave so much offence to her sons of rt OR1 Wo requlred down balance at a per only 10 cents. Take no subatitute, fastidious taste, may' after all be resolved cont. liddroes, DI. J, XENT, London, Out. Mc ration This Payor, : y r ..;; . '.rottriw: ti mi.a;,.RV_w,+pp s : : < .,:p; CIRRI[ sGR a& WAGaftltl AXLES: Manufacturers of rho Oelebrated H B-Ld GURU A111.9 WORMS D>7 -i— cc ,% T. PEPPER & CO., Guelph, Ont. K f _ - 9 r l.�� Ovr Duplex Axles are all to be had at all the `1';'li i' `.4 pllacipal 1lardwaro States in the Dominion. i•1•I FRFEE FLOWERING PLANTS I �ti���l i'll, 0 BY MAIL. :4 l P I ,� to: $1001 ALL FiMT QUALITY, and with every ® " r f, " 50 Dollar cider, an emarylllo, a Cbrys- n S " 26 t anthtmum or Monthly Rose, 1FT6F.B, U i 1 •11r.__ The heat Strawberry Plants, Z5 cls, a Dozen. tj I guarantee Plante to plerse, and to arrive to good order at Any poet c0loo to the Dominion. Large CONBOI'S CARRIAGE TOPS plants by freight or exprese, aro the Beet and Cheapest in the Myrket. Order J. P. Coeklblirn. Florist, i one from your Bantage Maker. Take no other kind. (Stamps taken.) GRAVaNnURAT, 0,.,T Send for Catalo¢ue-407 Sing St. W., ToaoaTo. CAPITOL a � v. , a� ELDOAEDO -_ - MdCIII C LI NE Y ND R E GYL1ldD R � ENGINE v eerlUSSOiJS Are made only at the Queell Citlastee years (til Works, and have received during the I13a.'IG. CXC „X. Send for sample barrel. If It does not prove satisfactory we will pay f-Ight both ways, SAMUEL 'ROCKERS & CO., 30 Front St, East, Toronto � �1.' 0 � '7 1 I. t 9 �lwi L ''•i� a t C �.i ,� 11 �Q. 5 5 d1 r,:, ,., ant, Morphine, and Kindred Rabits. Valuable treatise sent free, The clue m%y be given in tea or coffee, without the knowledge of the person taking It, desired, Send two 3o. stamps for full particulars and testimonials of those whc been cured. Address. 31. Y. LUif 4N, 47 TArellIngton Street East, Toronto, Canada. f SLAUGHTER o the INNOCENTS,, '. I 'THE SPARROWS MUST GQ.. By the dissection of many hundred eppalmons It has been proved that 94 per cent. of the food of the Spar. rows 0omieta Lf groin ,-r seeds of some kind, and luteo0 food only about 6 per cent, and that they 0011811028 in Greet Britain alone four million bushels of ,Tran annually. The Union Ornotbologletrecommends as fol- Iowa:-F1reL "That eholtering or otherwise fostering the sparrow by the public, be discouraged and tboA Ito Introduction artificially Into now localities, and its este for such purposes, be forbidden bylaw.' Second, "That all existing laws proUcting the sparrow be repealed, and that bounties be offered for rte destraotlon." •' Sox ' 1�uitions �- = TUE(EM Slaughter. CONSIST OF A PATENT SHOT CARTRIDGE. These cartridges are made In the ordinary etzss of Rim and Central Fire for both Pistols and Rifles. The shot le enclosed in a thick paper ease, packed closely, and when eat In the $hull has the appearance of being a bullet. This case is lubricated on the outside. when shot, the papar case Is forced through tho rlfltng of the weapon, and thorouLhlp Cleans and oils the barrel, and at the same tima acting as a shot ooaoentrator. 11 Upon rewhing the muzzle of the rifle or pistol, the case burete and the shot somters. The 22 long, 32 long and 38 long Rim Fire Cartridges are adapted to Revolvers, to Fiobert, Remington, Ballard, Stevens, and other Rifles of tho3o calibres. The 22 Oartriages are all made with No. 12 Chilled Shot, while In 82 and 38 the shot to larger, say No. 9 shot, and more of It. These sizes are especially adapt• id for sparrows or other small birds, and espoei.11y for q call, partridges, squirrels, and other small game. From testimonials received, w, notice that for rata and cats they have been Largely used, espeolaliy fat 11 oats. A cat, after recetvinv one dose, (if able to leave the premisea) rarely ever returns, but takes npp hat abode In some place remote from the man who owna a rifle or pistol and keeps a stook of shot .A. dgea about his house. The 9. & W.'elzes-82 and 88 -are used large lyy by persons who own a better Class of revolvers, each so M. H. Co'e Automatic Revolvers, S h W. RevolIore, and the better grade of Bull Dog Revolvers, such as b L Bull Dog or bettor class of Am. Bull Doge, or any other good C. F. Pistol. Persona who are not owners of rifles can take a few hundred of these Cartridges with them on their summer vacations and have really as much @partwith them by wing them In their revolvers, as do those who carry rifles. The 44 Winchester ,: Shot Cartridges (No. 9 and 8 shot) are adapted to the Winchester Magazine Rifle and all Frontier Pistols Of some calibre, and are used for shooting prairie chickens on the western prairies. 11 8131 FIRE. CENTRAL FIRE. 22 cal. Rim Fire. L�ng.......... por box of 50, 10 40 82 cal. S. A W., O. F., ...... -.,.,.per box of 50, W 10 '° 60. 0 76 Be a .. o .. so, I W gq ., .. short " 50. 1 on A. .. g...,,..._ •. 44 " Winchester O. F.. — °' 60. I W, 38 ° loo 60, 126 , 1 " u 68-62 Cal. Spencer or JOSdpn Rifle, 25, 1 10 44 Evans Rifle — — 60, 1 Bo NEW GAME LAWS. The recant wine remodelling of the [fame laws for the Dominion defines We close period$ae follow@ t- (1) -Dear, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou, between the fifteenth day of December and the fifteenth day 0t gqCbober. (2) -Grouse, pheasant, predrle fowl or portrldge, between the first day of January and the anal N of 9optombee. (3) -No quail @hall be hunted, taken or killed during the years 1880: and 1887, and no wild turkeys during the years 1686, 1887 and 1898, and In eaen case thereafter n0Y between the flftsenth day of December and the fifteenth day of October followl0 . (4) -Woodcock, between the first day of Jannary 11 and the fifteenth day of August. (5) -Snipe, rail, an�golien plover of all kinds between the filet tiny of January and the first day of Septembet,' f0) -Swans or geese between the first day of May and,the first day of September. (7) -Duck@ of all kin , and all other water fowl, between the first day of January and the first day of September. (S)-Haros.beiween the fliteonlb day of Marchand the first day of 9opta02ber. I I We are Canadian Headquarters for the safe ofthe following well-known goods t *InchcRter Bepeating Arms Co: WlncheRtow J. Stevens a Co. -Gallery and Sporting Well and Repeating Rifiee; Winchester single Shot Rifles; Pletols 111.; Hotohklee Repeating Rifles; Paper and Braes Shells, E. Remington dt Soars-Rifloe, Guna And Revol• Wads, Caps and Ammunition of all kinds. vete. Marlin Fire Arms Co.- Mariin Repeating Rifles; IR, M. Quackenbush. -Air Rifles and appy rtenancea Ballard eiegle shot Rifles; Standard Revolvers; DAWN Patent Hand Cdff3. Tower Lyoa-Police equipments. Colt's patetFire A,rnrsManufaetnringCo.- Mrowakll Clay Pigeon Co. -Canada Target ny New Lightning Repeating Rifles; Single and Double hall Co.-Merivin, nnlbert alt Co.'s Auto- ; Action Army, Navy, Police and House Pistols- matio Armv, Police, and House Ptetole. Double-barreled Breech -loading Shotguns, gml"h and Wesson"s-Revolvere. ALSO AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING WELL-KNOWN ENGLISH MANUFACTURERS: J. P Clabrough & Bros. 1 Enoe, James & Co. - Westley, RlobArds & Co. C. G. Bonobfll. i W. W. Greener. Iiynook b Cc, (Limited). Below we Rtvo an Idea of the prices of our Goode. It you are in want of ANYTIMG, or take any Inter. oat In shooting, boxing, fencing, etc., send your address on a post card for our catalogue, We have , Single Muzzle Loading Guns • from l$2 00 to $i12 aXy..VV. XsxxeuxxXXXXXY.cxicxaxsaxxsz Double Muzzle Loading Guns • from 6 00 to 20 out No. 160 and No. 1 Double Barrel, Breech Drub;e Breech Loading guns g from 9 00 to 300 Lcadlnz Shot (dales, side anap a6tion and Genuine , TArgot Riflas, 22•oallbre = from 3 so to SO 7'wfat P,arrefs, IO or 12 Gauge, for l$13 and $t15, Combfned Shot and Rlflee, are the most remarkable bargains over offered -11. Breech I,bading - - . from 15 00 to 60 lustrated on page 07 of our catalogue; Breach Loading Sporting Rifles from 4 06 to 1550 xxxxxxxxxxxx--ccxxxxxxxxxxxYSXx.•txxx OURMIN REPAIRING DEPARTMENT to complete with Now and Improved MWhlnery foTChoke boring, to•otooking and Ali kinds of repatrs. r We will shall, Fool, to any address, our new One Hundred dnd meoenty Page Illustrated Catalogue, p very kind of FIRE ARMS AND SPORTING GOODS. cents slag A complete o deaoriptlon of e j� 52 Church Street, A an b: R K '1'ORei��i""�"'rDre -, This billing Qat 4bwa fele"Air >10ar ir. e Ing N...rt4 P'1 Q� ' ^--ft- 4-- i l/ F Ai�aFtlT TREESr+M rnon and >D _ tau....+..wwwv,.+�t=r„raanwcrnw+a+.�.�,�sr • etaloP p s 1 s ! cin t lti A,.Y•, THE]= Is ' Leading hardy tried$,:ln 14r�o .girantitleq, raised tt�� B kin P On ,o Ar pwn grpnp(iB, In let, 43 ..... Q ',! Wder y R, 1arU.. i3 2�. Tk 1 PIC 9 4. nosy Drift akin B Po dor Ci. L to d C)., Baking .. , w A2 a t _ f Out Halton Nuns e `, ■rr AC _ ._. _ i` 1' r TREES1111 —_.r.:_..:..,•___,..--,-,+:::—....,-.. -._.._... 1CIArIlAff•^tQrl,:.' • tA�. FUCCES9 AGAINS'P ALL FBRJUDAQE 1 Wlllto e' S e_ b o n co u h m 1 y water h s prnv,d A6eR A true• Coo y all who have used it aouordiair to direotione, - "- -�T-- '"1. F t N W Wilms Road car Co their V sir. eyes were hatable. as will bo seen by the _ , undersigned rortliioates It ou ed m? 8 earaYlind Ocoullst 1 1 -3 ' Y . t.....'. ai ed 0.,ltortio 4b bn n" a cured m„ Ooouil.t - a�A r�fn' 4013 A W. !. _ would Slot try mo. Aloxandor Wand • 6 i oAro blind, Mae, Amlott; 4yeAra, i,lleDulour; h3 yoaroblind . -IAANUFAQTURaRa- and new I Boo, John Leoroix, ask yourdrurr,Clet for It Wholosale-Lyman Sone &•Co.. 384 $t, PAUL St., Winters'PatentRoad ���UI5uVnL li�t�tA Cry Montreal. `' Buggies, i h & iR �€r s, Carriages, �Ie � s! J.� PARK `. KES Pt.,, ,�Dt . ,_ Fork Packers, Toronto. end for Catalogue. L, C. Bacon, Rolled S too Bacon p . t7, C. Br L'nf:... J.WINTERS,Manager, Glasgow Bee$. llama, BugAr Ottrad , firaay l)rtat Beef, Br sat BReOR, Smoked 7,ORguee, mesa Poo .. _.. I Galt. Ont. Pickled onguee, Choeee, FI tmily or Navy Po,k Lard In Tubo and 2glla, The Boot Brands of Rn llsh Vine Datry Salt to 8hocIr g ro R T ■ � o®. —_ RICE STARCH SEND FOR IDRICE LIST. 0 U Awn>.ng, F1a�, Tent � Camplll� Repot X-0 T7'M1 - __ .�I�iJ�r. 16.9 Yonge Street, Toronto. - LL AMFr g Y --CUREr Felt FITS f� Slate Roof ae . r H.1110 -. 8. - l � Manufaeturar and dealer in Tarred Felt, ROD$ng when I eayoul'. l da not [noun sorely to atop theta fur• time std than havo th4tn return .gait, I mean a mdfcei Pitch, Building papers, Oarpet and Deafening Fe Reddy Roofing:, etc• cure, fhavamado Dtodfaceeeol'rr16,EelLEPSY-FALL, INC; 6I0KNLNSa lire -long study, i w.,i" n; .my remedy to cure tiro wort Cages. Became others h.ve fmial For low prices addraeB 13. WILLIAMS,xpnss is ao T—an for not now recoivi:ig a care. Bend at once for a ,`tiLLL ' trcatleo nod n Frey liattla of my infallible MMt dy, alvo and i -on om.., It caste 'ou nothf.g r ' I a +, fo u trl.t, t 4 Adelaide E SG. Toronto. , .,W t twin aura You. .[d 1r �s ..ji. t eD li. n. 0 I i 'C 00 71,,.,...,1, eat^.. nn n^___ na m'___i_ CIRRI[ sGR a& WAGaftltl AXLES: Manufacturers of rho Oelebrated H B-Ld GURU A111.9 WORMS D>7 -i— cc ,% T. PEPPER & CO., Guelph, Ont. K f _ - 9 r l.�� Ovr Duplex Axles are all to be had at all the `1';'li i' `.4 pllacipal 1lardwaro States in the Dominion. i•1•I FRFEE FLOWERING PLANTS I �ti���l i'll, 0 BY MAIL. :4 l P I ,� to: $1001 ALL FiMT QUALITY, and with every ® " r f, " 50 Dollar cider, an emarylllo, a Cbrys- n S " 26 t anthtmum or Monthly Rose, 1FT6F.B, U i 1 •11r.__ The heat Strawberry Plants, Z5 cls, a Dozen. tj I guarantee Plante to plerse, and to arrive to good order at Any poet c0loo to the Dominion. Large CONBOI'S CARRIAGE TOPS plants by freight or exprese, aro the Beet and Cheapest in the Myrket. Order J. P. Coeklblirn. Florist, i one from your Bantage Maker. Take no other kind. (Stamps taken.) GRAVaNnURAT, 0,.,T Send for Catalo¢ue-407 Sing St. W., ToaoaTo. CAPITOL a � v. , a� ELDOAEDO -_ - MdCIII C LI NE Y ND R E GYL1ldD R � ENGINE v eerlUSSOiJS Are made only at the Queell Citlastee years (til Works, and have received during the I13a.'IG. CXC „X. Send for sample barrel. If It does not prove satisfactory we will pay f-Ight both ways, SAMUEL 'ROCKERS & CO., 30 Front St, East, Toronto � �1.' 0 � '7 1 I. t 9 �lwi L ''•i� a t C �.i ,� 11 �Q. 5 5 d1 r,:, ,., ant, Morphine, and Kindred Rabits. Valuable treatise sent free, The clue m%y be given in tea or coffee, without the knowledge of the person taking It, desired, Send two 3o. stamps for full particulars and testimonials of those whc been cured. Address. 31. Y. LUif 4N, 47 TArellIngton Street East, Toronto, Canada. f SLAUGHTER o the INNOCENTS,, '. I 'THE SPARROWS MUST GQ.. By the dissection of many hundred eppalmons It has been proved that 94 per cent. of the food of the Spar. rows 0omieta Lf groin ,-r seeds of some kind, and luteo0 food only about 6 per cent, and that they 0011811028 in Greet Britain alone four million bushels of ,Tran annually. The Union Ornotbologletrecommends as fol- Iowa:-F1reL "That eholtering or otherwise fostering the sparrow by the public, be discouraged and tboA Ito Introduction artificially Into now localities, and its este for such purposes, be forbidden bylaw.' Second, "That all existing laws proUcting the sparrow be repealed, and that bounties be offered for rte destraotlon." •' Sox ' 1�uitions �- = TUE(EM Slaughter. CONSIST OF A PATENT SHOT CARTRIDGE. These cartridges are made In the ordinary etzss of Rim and Central Fire for both Pistols and Rifles. The shot le enclosed in a thick paper ease, packed closely, and when eat In the $hull has the appearance of being a bullet. This case is lubricated on the outside. when shot, the papar case Is forced through tho rlfltng of the weapon, and thorouLhlp Cleans and oils the barrel, and at the same tima acting as a shot ooaoentrator. 11 Upon rewhing the muzzle of the rifle or pistol, the case burete and the shot somters. The 22 long, 32 long and 38 long Rim Fire Cartridges are adapted to Revolvers, to Fiobert, Remington, Ballard, Stevens, and other Rifles of tho3o calibres. The 22 Oartriages are all made with No. 12 Chilled Shot, while In 82 and 38 the shot to larger, say No. 9 shot, and more of It. These sizes are especially adapt• id for sparrows or other small birds, and espoei.11y for q call, partridges, squirrels, and other small game. From testimonials received, w, notice that for rata and cats they have been Largely used, espeolaliy fat 11 oats. A cat, after recetvinv one dose, (if able to leave the premisea) rarely ever returns, but takes npp hat abode In some place remote from the man who owna a rifle or pistol and keeps a stook of shot .A. dgea about his house. The 9. & W.'elzes-82 and 88 -are used large lyy by persons who own a better Class of revolvers, each so M. H. Co'e Automatic Revolvers, S h W. RevolIore, and the better grade of Bull Dog Revolvers, such as b L Bull Dog or bettor class of Am. Bull Doge, or any other good C. F. Pistol. Persona who are not owners of rifles can take a few hundred of these Cartridges with them on their summer vacations and have really as much @partwith them by wing them In their revolvers, as do those who carry rifles. The 44 Winchester ,: Shot Cartridges (No. 9 and 8 shot) are adapted to the Winchester Magazine Rifle and all Frontier Pistols Of some calibre, and are used for shooting prairie chickens on the western prairies. 11 8131 FIRE. CENTRAL FIRE. 22 cal. Rim Fire. L�ng.......... por box of 50, 10 40 82 cal. S. A W., O. F., ...... -.,.,.per box of 50, W 10 '° 60. 0 76 Be a .. o .. so, I W gq ., .. short " 50. 1 on A. .. g...,,..._ •. 44 " Winchester O. F.. — °' 60. I W, 38 ° loo 60, 126 , 1 " u 68-62 Cal. Spencer or JOSdpn Rifle, 25, 1 10 44 Evans Rifle — — 60, 1 Bo NEW GAME LAWS. The recant wine remodelling of the [fame laws for the Dominion defines We close period$ae follow@ t- (1) -Dear, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou, between the fifteenth day of December and the fifteenth day 0t gqCbober. (2) -Grouse, pheasant, predrle fowl or portrldge, between the first day of January and the anal N of 9optombee. (3) -No quail @hall be hunted, taken or killed during the years 1880: and 1887, and no wild turkeys during the years 1686, 1887 and 1898, and In eaen case thereafter n0Y between the flftsenth day of December and the fifteenth day of October followl0 . (4) -Woodcock, between the first day of Jannary 11 and the fifteenth day of August. (5) -Snipe, rail, an�golien plover of all kinds between the filet tiny of January and the first day of Septembet,' f0) -Swans or geese between the first day of May and,the first day of September. (7) -Duck@ of all kin , and all other water fowl, between the first day of January and the first day of September. (S)-Haros.beiween the fliteonlb day of Marchand the first day of 9opta02ber. I I We are Canadian Headquarters for the safe ofthe following well-known goods t *InchcRter Bepeating Arms Co: WlncheRtow J. Stevens a Co. -Gallery and Sporting Well and Repeating Rifiee; Winchester single Shot Rifles; Pletols 111.; Hotohklee Repeating Rifles; Paper and Braes Shells, E. Remington dt Soars-Rifloe, Guna And Revol• Wads, Caps and Ammunition of all kinds. vete. Marlin Fire Arms Co.- Mariin Repeating Rifles; IR, M. Quackenbush. -Air Rifles and appy rtenancea Ballard eiegle shot Rifles; Standard Revolvers; DAWN Patent Hand Cdff3. Tower Lyoa-Police equipments. Colt's patetFire A,rnrsManufaetnringCo.- Mrowakll Clay Pigeon Co. -Canada Target ny New Lightning Repeating Rifles; Single and Double hall Co.-Merivin, nnlbert alt Co.'s Auto- ; Action Army, Navy, Police and House Pistols- matio Armv, Police, and House Ptetole. Double-barreled Breech -loading Shotguns, gml"h and Wesson"s-Revolvere. ALSO AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWING WELL-KNOWN ENGLISH MANUFACTURERS: J. P Clabrough & Bros. 1 Enoe, James & Co. - Westley, RlobArds & Co. C. G. Bonobfll. i W. W. Greener. Iiynook b Cc, (Limited). Below we Rtvo an Idea of the prices of our Goode. It you are in want of ANYTIMG, or take any Inter. oat In shooting, boxing, fencing, etc., send your address on a post card for our catalogue, We have , Single Muzzle Loading Guns • from l$2 00 to $i12 aXy..VV. XsxxeuxxXXXXXY.cxicxaxsaxxsz Double Muzzle Loading Guns • from 6 00 to 20 out No. 160 and No. 1 Double Barrel, Breech Drub;e Breech Loading guns g from 9 00 to 300 Lcadlnz Shot (dales, side anap a6tion and Genuine , TArgot Riflas, 22•oallbre = from 3 so to SO 7'wfat P,arrefs, IO or 12 Gauge, for l$13 and $t15, Combfned Shot and Rlflee, are the most remarkable bargains over offered -11. Breech I,bading - - . from 15 00 to 60 lustrated on page 07 of our catalogue; Breach Loading Sporting Rifles from 4 06 to 1550 xxxxxxxxxxxx--ccxxxxxxxxxxxYSXx.•txxx OURMIN REPAIRING DEPARTMENT to complete with Now and Improved MWhlnery foTChoke boring, to•otooking and Ali kinds of repatrs. r We will shall, Fool, to any address, our new One Hundred dnd meoenty Page Illustrated Catalogue, p very kind of FIRE ARMS AND SPORTING GOODS. cents slag A complete o deaoriptlon of e j� 52 Church Street, A an b: R K '1'ORei��i""�"'rDre