HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-04-24, Page 27Sr CLIN'TQN NEWS-RRCOR,D, THURSDAY; APR1L 24, 1975—PAGE 7B Comp!ete dower guide for your garden FLOWERS ow ado u0. Magi Mdlna. okger en. Gut Mower, Conti nal bloom. Law edg ng, arty and Continued r loom. Mads bidding. ,Cut Mowarat Masa dding-or border, ate bloom. TTON .. Cut flowers Mass beddin USE aYll egreidit Height 15-20 0 In.- FUIIaur or partial shade. Tolerates dry soli. 10-20 24 In. Sunny plat;.. Cut bark after peak bloom for fuller flowerin • . - AGERATUM *At. ASTER BACHELOR'S M CO NFLOWER BALSAM * B tie 017 IRELAN CALENDUL A Cut Mowir Mass beddlnp. CALIFORNIA POP Y , . • • •'Masa bedding. Low ridging. Rook garden, Early bloominp. CANDYTUFT .._ ... . Mus bedding. Fragrance. Earty•bloomin0. • CANTER5URY0LLB bJ CARNATION * CHRYSANTHEMUM, `ANNUAL Milts beddlnp, .t ate blooming. CLARKIA Cut flowers, Mass bedding. COCKSCOMB .. .. , . • Man bedding. Dry winter bouquets. Late blooming. • COLUMBINE .Rook' arden. Mass bed., Gut flowers, Earj boom. • GOR OPS18 Gut flowers, Mass' bidding. Early and cont. bloom. *"COSMOS Tall 0sokground Cut•flowers. * DAHLIA • Man bedding, Cutflowerss Late blooming. •DELPHINIUM Tall baokgrouid. Cut flowers, Early blooming. • FOROET-ME-NOT PER. Lowledging. blooming..ss bedding. Rock garden. Cut flowers. • FOXGLOVE PER. . . Tall background. Cut flowers. * GODETIA Mass bedding. Cut flowers.' * GOURDS ... Vine and dried fruits. • GYPSOPHILA PER. Small flowers tor misty -like spray with cut flowers. * GYPSOPHILA, 'ANN. Cut flowers, Masa bedding. Early blooming. p HELICHRYSUM Dry winter bouquets, Cut flowers. Mass bedding. Late blooming. • HOLLYHOCK, CHATERS Tall background: * KOCHIA Tall background. Summer hedg♦. *LARKSPUR . Mau bedding. Cut flower,. Early blooming. LINUM. ANNUAL . Mass bedding. LOBELIA, ANNUAL • Low edging. Rock garden. Mass bedding, Late blooming. * MARIGOLD, AFRICAN Tall background. Mass bedding. Cut flowers. Late blooming. * MARIGOLD, FRENCH Mass bedding. Low edging. Cut flowers. * MARIGOLD, TAGETEB Low edging. Rook garden. Continued blooming. Fragrance.in morning and evening. Fragrance, Cuttlnq with other flowers. • Vine, Late blooming. * NASTURTIUM. DWARF Low edging, Rook garden. Cut flowers. * NASTURTIUM: GLEAM Mass bedding, Fragrance. Cut flowers. * NASTURTIUM. TALL Vine. cut flowers. NEMESIA Low edging. Rock garden. Maas bedding, Cut flowers. ICOTIANA Fragrance. Mass bedding. Cut flowers, Late bloom! ng. NIGELLA Mass beddln . Rook • arden, Cut flowers. 0 PANSY Low edging, Mass bedding.Rock garden, Cul flowers Early and continual bloomig. 0 PETUNIA, LARGE BEDDING . Masi beddln% Fregranoa. 0 PETUNIA. DWARF COMPACT Mass bedding. Low edging. Fragrance.. ❑ PHLOX, »ANNUAL Mass bedding, Cut flowers. *, PINKS, ANNUAL Mass bedding. Fragrance. Cut flowers, Leto blooming. *'POPPY, SHIRLEY Mass bedding. Rock garden. • POPPY, ICELAND Mau bedding, Early blooming,. Cut flowers. * PORTULACA Mass bedding. Rock garden; Low edging. Li SALPIGLOSSIS • Tall background. Mass bedding. Cut flowers. ❑ SALVIA Masa bedding. Cut flowers. 0 SCHIZANTHUS Mau bedding, Rook garden, Cut flowers. • SHASTA" DAISY Mau bedding, Rock garden. Cut flowers. p SNAPDRAGON Cut flowers, -Mau -bedding. ❑ STATICE Dry winter bouquets. Mass bedding. Q STOCKS- • Fragrance, Mass bedding, Cut flowers. * SUNFLOWER Tall background. Seeds for feed. * SWEET PEAS Vine.. Cut hewers, Fragrance. Early blooming. • SWEET WILLIAM Mass bedding, Noontlns renar. ce. Cut flowers. Early ❑ VERBENA Low edging, Man bedding. Fragrance. Cut flowers. Mau garden. Late blooming. O VIOLA Low edging Mass bedding. Rook garden. Early and continued bloom. • WALLFLOWER Masa bedding. Cut flowers, Early blooming. * ZINNIA Mau bedding, Cut flowers. Late blooming, w ed Mass Fresh or Dried Bouquets. In eddln Cut 0 ate re SUN AND 601L 7-16 1-2 0. Full un: Avoid pround•prevlously'In Asters. • 16.20 21 ft, Tolerates partial shade and poor soil: 10-12 In. Tolerates' partial shads and 0.15 11/2-2 0. • Partial shade and cool. moist *oil. 15-20 oom or sol 15-20 10-15 2 ft. 11 ft. 10 10.20 8 In. 1 1t. Man betldl Tall back round. Cul Mowers. Fragrance. Cut flowers, Mass eddlnl , Late bloom. 15-20 10.16 16-20 10-15 2 ft. 114 ft. 2i4 0. 2 ft. 7.10 15-20 21 15-20 10-16 15-20 * MATTHIOLA * MIGNONETTE * MORNING GLORY 15 11/2 tt. East y grown. Likes cool weather. Poor soli or some alkali soil. Bunny. dry location. WIII not transplant. Tolerates some shads. Any garden soil. Shad , cool. moist location. Furl sun and good eoln. Full sun and amphli moisture. • Tolerates some shade. Fairly cool and moist soli. Full sun and light toll.' 2/ ft. Cool. moist situation. 3 ft. Sunny. warm place. Tolerates drought. 3-4 0. Sunny situation. well drained. 2 ft. Full sun. Cool, moist situation. 4-0 fl. Full sun. Fairly rich. well drained soil. 1 ft. Sunny locatlbn. 15 6 ft,, Full sun or partial shade. Good garden loam. 15 1-2 ft. Partial shade. Fairly moist, cool situation. 15-20 10-15 ft.. Full sun. Any good garden soil. 10-14 3 ft. Any garden soli. 15-20 114 0. Any garden soil. 16-20 2141 ft. Full sun. Good garden loam. 15-20 64 ft. Full sun. Well drained son. Avoid moving. 10 2 ft. Full sun. 20-30 2142-314 ft. Full sun. Avoid moving ;dents. 15 1142 It Full sun. Ordinary soil. 15-20 4 in. Full sun or partial shade. Good loam. 8-10 1-3 ft. Full sun. Warm soli. 8-10 6-12 In. Full sun. Well drained sell. 8-10 8 In. Full sun. Well drained soil. ,10 16In. Any garden soil. Moist soli. WIII not transplant. 12-15 1 ft. 10-15 - 10-16 ft. Full sun. Very well drained Ilght soli. I Partial shade If moist. Nasturtiums bloom more I freely on poor so11. 15-20 15-20 1 fL 2ft. 15-20 g 15-20 5 ft. 8 In. 5 Loam soil. Full sun. Rich. moist soli. 10 2 ft. 15-20 15-20 11 ft. 8-8 In. lard. Grows on • • or soli. Will not trans Moist. cool, ►Ichnoll. Partial shade. 10-12 2 ft. Full sun. Warm garden loam. 10.12 1/ It. Full sun. Warm garden loam. 15-20 8-16 In. Full sun Well drained soil. 10-18 1 ft. Full sun. Any good garden soil. 10-14 2 ft. Full sun. Light soli. Will not transplant. 10.14" 11/2 fl. Full sun or partial shade. Light soil. Avoid moving. • 15 4-0 In. Sandy. dry soli. Tolerates drought. alkali. 15 2 ft. Full sun. Fairly rich garden so11. 15-20 1 Sun or carnal shade. Well drained soil. 15-20 15 In. Full sun. Moist garden loam. 10-15 2 1t. Full sun, Well drained toll. 10-15 114-2Y It. Full sun or partial shade. Good garden loam. 16-20 21 ft. Full sun. 10.16 " 1-2 ft. Full sun. Cool. molat garden loam. 10-15 4-8 ft. Full sun. Warm. dry soil. ' 10-16 6 ft. Full sun. Very rich, well drained loam. 7 11 ft. Sun or partial shed,. Well drained soft: 16.20 1 ft. Full sun. Warm. dry soli. 15-20 5-8 In. Shady. Cool and moist. Blooms quickly from spring sown aced. 16-20 11/2 ft. Best In cool climates with winter protection. 5-10 11.3 ft. Full sun. Thrives In heat. Rich. warm. well drained still. * Seed usually sown outdoors where plants 0 Start seed indoors if early plants are to bloom. required or outdoors when soil . and weather warm. Soil PH important by W.E. McIntosh Ontario ministry of agriculture and food S. Commercial vegetable production for years has involved - highly specialized cultural practices with high input costs. These _ practices are constantly being reviewed and improved upon and now, with the pressures of shortages and price increases in materials, even the smallest detail of production needs to be considered. Soil pH is one detail to consider when growing a crop, although it is far from being a small or new production factor. Soil pH in simple terms. is the numerical expression of the soil reaction; that is, the condition of acidity or alkalinity. The pH value of a soil has a definite in- fluence on the conditions favoring the availability of the plant nutrient elements. The condition that favors the highest availability for nearly all plant nutrient elements occurs _ when the soils are slightly acid to neutral in reaction. .The desired spil pH depends on the crop to be grown, but generally speaking this is in the pH range of 6.5 to• 7.0 for vegetable crops. Two well-known crop areas, however, are subject to disease problems which can be partially prevented when the crops are grown within a certain pH range. The effects of the disease "club root of crucifers" are reduced if the soil ••pH• is -raised tO;-al fabs, .lalie;„1 -a� complished through applications of hydrated lime and limestone that are well worked'into the soil. On the opposite side of the scale, the incidence of the disease "potato scab" is reduced in potato crops if the soil pH is below 5.5 'Soil pH has been found to vary considerably within the same field with certain areas being very acid in nature. These areas are often found where the soil has a coarse or sandy texture. If soils are subject to, -an intensive fer- tilizer program (such as is necessary for a number of vegetable crops) the soil pH is gradually lowered through the acidifying effects of the fertilizer. This acidifying effect takes place more rapidly in the sandy areas of the field. Soil pH variation in a field, especially if coupled with some other limiting factor, can be noticed in the uneven or • stunted growth of the crop. Once the crop is planted and the symptoms are noticed in the growth, it is usually too• late to correct the problem. Since pH can have a market effect on production returns, it alone is a justifiable reason. for a soil test. If areas within a field are presenting a suspected pH problem, then these areas should be sampled as separate soil tests. Once the soil test results are known then the appropriate steps can be taken to raise the pH. In this manner, soil pH is prevented'' from becoming an unnecessary limited factor in vegetable production. Houseplants need light • Biennials and Perennials — sow seed outdoors June'- July. Protect plants for Winter. C�ntr�fling crabgrass Crabgrass may have been called that because its refusal to die turning aspiring young gardeners into crabby old failures. However, by following proper lawn care practice's and using preemergence herbicides, gardeners can' now control this persistent lawn weed. • "PreemergenGe herbicides kill crabgrass and other weeds as they sprout," says Ontario ministry of agriculture and food horticulturist, R.F. Gomme, "so they should be applied in April or early ' May. Mixtures of preemergence herbicides and fertilizers, that do two jobs in one, are also available. Always follow the manufacturer's directions when applying these and all other chemicals." To assure even distribution, apply half the recommended amount of a preemergence chemical one way, and the other half at right angles to the first half. Adequate rainfall within a week after application is necessary to activate these chemicals. Two popular preemergence herbicides are Betasan and Dacthal. "Although preemergence herbicides are useful, a good maintenance program is also necessary," emphasizes Mr. Gomme. Crabgrass does not germinate well without light, so a relatively long, thick stand of turf is likely to be least infested. Proper mowing, fertilization, topdressing, watering, aerifying, and reseeding of sparse areas help to defeat this weed. Lawns heal Nothing heals disturbed land better than grass. The fibrous root system of grass builds, topsoil as it' binds the ground, 'preventing wash. Grass plants absorb and hold nutrients, reduce eutrophication downstream. H. LOBB & SONS LTD. ��i, ►��il���li�ll�li111111' 1111 IIII�'� h ,�� 1111��11111111 f11H11��''Ili ..:BRINGS YOU COMPACT TRACTORS Don't keep your houseplants in the dark, ' emphasizes Ontario ministry of Agriculture and food •horticulturist, D.M. .Sangster,.,.." a-.n.ee&plentyt - of light and,even those with IoW • light requirements should be placed near a window during winter." Ivies, Philodendrons, Begonias, Peperomias, . Gloxinias, and African Violets, which do best in indirect bright light during the summer, are just few of the plants that benefit from a window location in the winter. Geramiums need direct sunlight all the time, so they should be placed in a south or west window. 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