HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-04-24, Page 14+ _ M
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1'F a �.' T'N' N C'+T * ► RS^R,!+I.T!, A y['t , ( . p '
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The Retread George and
Mrs, Youmatpff spent two days
in New York ,1a0 week at the
expense of the B.R.C. where
they bad been invited in order
to do a documentary film on the
forced repatriation of Soviet
Nationals during the late stages
of the Second World War.
While Mrs. Youmatoff
literally "tramped the
sidewalks of New York" the
Rector was busy
hours answering questions in
front of the 'camerwafd'raking
up old memories. He is one of
the few people left who can
speak from first hand
knowledge about this, rather
_. unpleasant phase of the War; a
phase which involved forcing
people to return to Russia
against their will; of mass
suicides and demonstrations
and purges. of those so retur-
This is, in his words, one of
the periods which he would
rather forget, but, even after
all this time, he .feels that the
story must be told. After the
filming, both the Rector and
Mrs. Youmatoff spent some
time wandering around seeing
the sights and enjoying their
first look at New York City.
After all that, they both declare
that they still prefer Bayfield
where a certain degree of
liner Robert, Lori and Carolyn, Hemenways were registered at
guests the Albion Hotel along with Mr.
Chatham, were weekend .,
L.W.John Kelnert of Pontiac, Mich,
of his mother, Mrs. � � � . �� :
Bert Caster,.P'"'�
Mr. and
Scotcht'uer. Mrs. . u F'• r,, , s r z • G 1,
Gilbert Latimer, Lansing, Mich. are visiting thin
Toronto, sue
Mr. Mrs. Nor-
spent three three days last week with Mr. and �:- }, , `:�' •' � . , .�
week with his grandmother, man Talbot.
. t... For a •e n nark tljly loos fee, 1
Block will help make sure your
, t
taxes are 14,E low. tt: they van
ltel c. •
��►titin � v i� ►, -.rt
Mrs. Q.L. Knight. With Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Irwin
Knight for the weekend were attended the Green- ,
her son and family, Mr, and Gemeinhardt wedding in St.
Mrs Ronald Knight, Heather, Paul's Cathedral in London on
Jackie Sandra and Kathryn, Saturday evening and also the
also of Toronto. reception following at the
Mr. and Mrs Bob Cluff, Rob Darlene Motel.a, the weekend with his ea y o i I'M left to right are: If atherine May Honking, Donna Irene a Danny ward Lear,
Fred LeBeau. his grandpa and P�randma Mr.lames g , , Keith Alexander Howatt, Darrell Gordon Shobbrook, Joan
k Ralph h Bennev�nes in
and. -Tara; London, •-visited..io>r..... - While his parents were away, large groupofyoung people were confirmed at Londf~sborp United Church l st'h`unday. Back
parents,'Baby Robbie Irwin visited with g Reid, EdA d Larry
Mr. and Mrs. re ' ea Howatt Rev. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker and Mrs. a pMMarie Honking, Kathy Mae Ellen Penfound.
were Tuesdayevening dinner Seaford'. Second row, are: Edward George Riley, Kevin Charles Hulley, Heather Anne Fothergill,
guests of Mrs. Milton Pollock, ' Mrr.. and Mrs. Glen Smith, . y Madel n Ann Sewers Colleen Marie Carter, Thomas Edmundd •Pollard.
Goshen Line. Paris and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Front row are: Kathryn Joanne Lyon, Steven Douglas Bromley, Steven Douglas Jewitt, Cathy
Mr, Bud Sturgeon and Miss Rowse, Cathy, Vicky, Jill and
Barbara Davidson LydiaPeel. (photo b London, Dale, • London _were weekend Y Harvey McDowell)
spent from Thursday to Sunday guests of their mother and
with his parents and brother grandmother, Mrs. L.B. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Jac r. � ,
and Andrew. Sunday guests Tracy, London spent the Onethousand dollar's will be director, Joseph Mellon, "We will be judged by an , in-
k B.SturgeonM and Mrs Don Dinel and
Mrs. are looking for poetic talent•of dependent panel of the
First annual contest held
with the Sturgeon fa weekend with h mother,
their law, chug
milt' were wee en wi her
awarded as grand prize in the
titer and Maude Weston. First Annual Poetry Com- every kind, and expect 1975 to Chaparral Poetry Society.
eir son->ln- ,
granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merrier, petition sponsored by World of be a year of exciting
- ries."
GaryClinton. wedding of their son • and d styles are eligible to win forms are available by writing
d her arents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Barbara Cameron in other cash or merchandise winning poem will be included Drive, 211, San Francisco,
Potter and Merry of RR 3,Kelvin and Dawn attended the Poetry.Poems of all subjects discove Rules and official entry
Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Talbot brother, Mr. Lorne Merner to the gran prize or an
d y of fifty In addition to a prize, each to World of Poetry, 801 Portola
of 127
Ray S
an pchell, returned last wee esse k Bl d S rrteirE Church in the prestigious World California 94 The comes
Open Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 9 to 6 - Phone 482-3533
Also 19 Victoria Street North, Ggderich
We know
an inexpensive way
for you to look good.
It's called
acre awar
from a most enjoyable three London, and the reception
winter holiday in which followed at the Ukranian
getting active.,
were in Florida they were 18, 1975. The Merners were also
joinedby °
their sister and by their
daughter, Miss Evelyn Schell of daughter, Colleen, Mrs. Wayne
According to contest Poetry Anthology. The contest closes June 30, 1975.
Bradenton, Florida.
While they on Hall Friday evening,
Fitness. In your heart you know it's right.
ki -- C tuitlam B C. who
' sanity is still in evidence. Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. Hop ns o oq
Mr. and Mr -s. Norman Talbot had flown home for the wedding•
On behalf of the Canadian attended the'wedding of her of her brother, and who is
Cancerr Society, Bociety, Frank Burch han remaining for a few days with
wishes to thank rribst sincerely cousin in Lansing, Michigan
last Saturday. her parents and family. The•eats. �� �■ """' '�'�' mom.
the canvassers who jointly . Miss Winnie Armstrong, grooms grandmother, Mrs.
collected $299.75 for the G Brown College Toronto Walter Westlakl and.his aunt,
Society. The canvassers were : - eorge •
Mrs. Irene Apedaile; Mr. Harry spent the weekend with her Mrs. Beverly McClinchey also
tyles: parents, and family, Mr. and attended the ceremony and
Baker, Mrs. Jean Bruce, Mts. W.D.Armstrong, James reception.. ��
Greta Du onlay, Mrs. Evelyn es Byfield Ever Young
Earl rs. Betty Garrett, Mrs. the Armstrong family were Mr. Senior
and Julia. Sunday guests witb - .� a
Citizens are reminded of
th ria Hammond Mrs. lar meeting on April
$ e Veraand
oro y Hovey anMrs• Laurie Scott of Blyth their re
Miller. and. Mrs. Milton Pollock, 24 in Municipal
Goshen Line. p. m. sharp.
We opened our sixth 4H "This is the end, but it's only Best wishes to Mrs. Ken Lynn
Classy Lassies Meeting on the beginning" said the who is presently a patient in
graduating class in Graphic Clinton Public Hospital and to
H d Mrs theM l Building at 8
Mon. April 14 with our Pledge,
Arts of Fanshawe College, Mrs. Doug Gemeinhardt who is
at the home of Mrs. r. Lo d n at their annual get confined to University
Our roll call was answered by
in Advisor, Bill Walker, where Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craig
n o
all members present.together at the cottage of their Hospital, London.
waswitl�Dawn . , ;falh ed y a° party at, the Steep, Auburn on y•
demonstrating jo>lxring;;searta.s.in ti. . • The seven
business part o meet
they, .enjoyed a steak suppei • visited with her brother
b Sunda
I'd like to do everything 1 can to conserve
energy — and save myself as much as $100
a year in the bargain. Please send me a free
copy of 100' ways to save energy and money'
in the home.
.::':rt'.; ,
,•,. PROVINCE - .. s ,.>,�,� �,:� ..: �
•i , A :tr i ,` pi, ''A ,,...$ L V . w w
t 2 z 1'�U 1
" '' 0 ' , 100 wa • s fox 3500, Station C, Ottawa
ali coupon o y _
Albion IJotel. mom. ..�......� amt �m
our blouses. Mrs. Merrier students, Eleanor B�r�er, St.
showed us how to do a french Catharines; Kerry Graham, ARAM seam and flat felled seam.
Fingal; Bill Berta London • -
+++e goon Bayfield for their hospitality.
Then some of us worked an our • gob Verney, Dundas; John
blouses. We closed with the 4-11 • Gliddon and Larry Tichner �•
motto. The next meeting will be
both of St. Thomas, all say •':::.:.:.::::::::
at Mrs. Merner's on April 21 at thanks to the populace of _ •• •
7:30 p.m. By
Mrs. Charlotte Thompson, '; ,f
Mr. Brian Merrill flew home
on Winnipeg, Man. and Mrs. Helen 6 � `
from, Fort George, -Quebec wa and Mr. L.H. � ` ••�•••r,,•
James Bay and visited Friday Hemenway
of Swift rr. , •• .
with hisparents Mr. and Mrs. Hemenway both with j �trt °
• Current, Sask. visited wi '
' Ross Merrill, Howard St. W. � % � •- � • -----
beore flying Saturday for a Mrs. John MacKenzie during i/_'
the weekend. Mrs. Hemenway y - rN..�„t,,
three week course in -Los � _ a sister-in-law , of Mrs. •� - �- _ • • , '� '"`•
Angeles, California. Miss wa
g MacKenzie and Mr. Hemenway I' Y
Celine Landry,Mississauga, '••
is Mrs. Mackenzie's nephew.
Ont. accompanied him to y
B He had recently returned from
f;• 1•.
a field.
India.. Mrs. Thompson and theas
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scotch-
+++ a business trip to Bombay,
� F ,
9 tc< '4t
y�jrr�••��1}',`•iv y�I per] -.5: -y •,army • �'r`�./�) ,�•(v 4 ..0,E :h::. ? .• 1 �. • : ,• r .+ ; � .,�,•c. : i • n
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�"c.'iw• -!• ^ .< ... •., '..t� • ...... �.;���� YL X:T* %'da3.M* �i3Li� r• �����s � ... m•
With weeds like these
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Lasso alone doesn't carryover and rotation... because it gives good
'Il use. less atrazine in_the
You_ - weed control performance with
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1. Sladex,.Jg a registered trademark bf the Shell Chemical Company.
To get all the benefits Lasso has to offer, always
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MONSANTO CANADA LTD., Montreal, Quebec • Toronto, Ontario
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' Don't drowq �r-
the beans
• Mi �ww�rol
WHEN you're coxoking vegetables.
use little water and cook only until
they're tender. You'llsave vitamins
and flavour. Well-designed cook •
.ware. used on the proper settings.
will also conserve energy'"Try '-
cooking the entire
"ccookingtheentire mealin tt•he
If you're Iucky.o:nough to have
a dishwasher, don't use it until you
have a full load. Do the same with
,your clothes dryer --and he sure to
clean the lint lifter after each load.
Saving energy is often a Lame
of pennies. but they all add up -
and so do the savings for (anada.
' :'{ Do you really need a
crushed -ice dispenser?
A FROST -FREE refngenttor
( ?`:er,Pr2.:i, niece e„d (+,r ills. M'r•,) e!
� 1r ct,s,ut,o, carada Ploati rear (.,'a^r.-' uses 5097 more energy than a
standard model. A crushed -ice
dispenser is a big energy drain.
And a self-cleaning oven uses 20`%
more energy than a standard model.
af the
Rt. •\TI Av% .s, RI „f the energy • se
Assk k) yyou really need.
ourself how many o
VVituatoo. easy to say. "Well
there s nssthini I cin do iiv,ut it ' N hen you go shopping for a new appli
\k eon) There • plenty that each one of us once — tetrigerator. dishwasher. range, dryer.
rn do to our homes and apartments to help. washing machine -- look beyond the pace tag.
( :roach end ,.:1\ e as nuL h as S100 :t s car Whatetter- s the energy copinst of running it'' Often the
\\ hen yys aO 5 int I . yye ilso stye mom._ bbuilt. more exsiye model is also
I his new hook is lull of ideas you can more energy-efficient..� better1 u ib The
,putt' to heating. eookmL. ,u► eondttionme!. long -run.
Ii,,:l►tmg. water heating \nd it's written
simply .with diagrams and lull instructions,
,nt how to li\ tap washer. dirty t'urnuee •Five ways to save
t liters. Lips around w indo sss and s,i on. on home heating
\Inuost esersthing that has been written
•n home consenauon is packed into this • HEATING is the biggest item in a family's
1„ )0k And it's yours tree. home energy budget. Here are a few simple
Here are a loos of the ideas Ways to save' -
tower the thermostat. the day and close them at night, for their
Each degree over 68 adds about ''�'" `• insulating value. In summer. do the opposite.
.21/ c/ to your heating hill. By
, dropping the setting from 72 to
70 you can save 5%. Dropping it
from 72 to Ni will save i 0 % - about S30 a year.
It helps,to lower the temperature furtherAiwa
at night. and when you're going to he away
.,•from home for a few days.
•htc -yoni fulactaCe,.titter..,; '.
A dusty. clogged titter force
the system to work harder. and
wastes energy. Inspect it every
3(1 days. (The hook shows you
how . ► An annual or semi-annual
furnace cleaning can says you
:mother 11)', -
How's your insulation?
Many ( anadtan homes have
inadequate insulation. ( citings
should have h or more 141- nitn-
eral wool or glass hhre insula
, non, Wall ea>itics should he
completely tilled. Basement
walk should also he protected
to 2 feet below grade level, oto avoid fire Could you use an
hazards; don't use foamed plastic insulation in extra $}(� a year?
expt►sed applications.
These are lust a few ot the many. many way s
to save energy and money
It's well worth doing. By making intt.si
energy savings now, we can improve our
envin►nnient and way of life tar into the future.
.time/ in the rout,,,► Irrr 100? /o e err' rel
"I(Xl ,euyy 10 sire etier•t,'r and ntrn►r•r 111rhe 110111('...)rder early . Ali„N i, w,,ek. t',jr Iltrtrtrrf. :Ind marlin
Drip, drip, drip, drip "f
- ()NE DRIP per second t roar a .a
water faucet or.shower-head sends alum*,175
• gallons a month down the drain. That's mime)
down the drain. You can probably lix it >o,t►r-
self witty a new washer and a few minutes
Be sure the site of your water heater
n►atches your -needs. Don't set it for mitre than
'140 degrees. and turn if off when you Loon
Have you tried a cold -water wash for
clothes'! It usually works lust as welly Re;
her. too, that your average show cr bath uses
only 5 gallons of hot water. while a tub bath
takes almost 1(1 Tallon..
Use storms and weather-stripping.
Storm w endows and dotl I
reduce heat loss in ss inter by up
Weather-stripping is a must.A tiny gap of tit' along the
bottom of a door is the same as
having a 9 square -inch hole in
vonu'r liar rox►ttivvaIi 100-x, ov fa 4ut'e -
ener•try (Ind money in the heath' exp ainsrhow to
weather-strip Joints and caulk the frames of
y. endows and doors,
in the home
Energy, Mines and
Let the sunshine in. Resources CanadaOffice of Energy Conservation
Energy tmnr'the sun is free. sit h
makes sense to, use as much of it Hon. Donald S. Macdonald
as we can. In the winter. open Minister
curtains and drapes during the bright part of