HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-04-24, Page 8UNITED CHURCH
A large congregation at.
tended the service on Sunday
a.m. when the Cub and Scout
Annual parade was held.
Welcoming into the sanctuary,
were Don Buchanan and Nelson
McClure, ushers were Clubs and •
Scouts Bobby Penfound Neil
Cartwright, Jerry Hoggarth,
Cameron Moon and Jimmie
Flynn. The cubs, scouts. their
leaders, Howard Cartwright,
David Reid, Mrs. Murray
Popp, Ray McNicol and
Edward Riley, their Group
committee Jack Lee and
Gordon Shobbrook were piped
in by Glen McGregor. Flag
bearers were Robert limiting
and Mark Mitchell. The choir
anthem was "Seek first the
Kingdom of Heaven" Rev.
McDonald's children's sermon
was "yeast cakes" His
message was "Training our
children"'. Service next Sun-
day will be 10 a.m. Daylight
Saving time.
CONFIRMATION SERVICE girls'. tops and some of their Mason. The bride,to4be was
samples. Ann Overholt assisted by her mother and
demonstrated how to sew sister Judy. ,preen thanked all
The United Church was filled buttons on and how to"make slip and invited them to see her
ona Sunday evening when to stitch. Achievement Day was gifts and also to the reception to
fund emb were Greeting
into discussed and the meeting be held in Blyth Memorial Hall
full membership. Greeting into closed.
the sanctuary were Jack
Tamblyn Reg
and L
on Friday night April 25th.
, .
ushers were Dennis Fothergil, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fothergill
Kevin Howatt, John Salverdo The Cheerio club met on and family attended the fiftieth
and Kevin Jewitt. Music was Tuesday, April 15th at the home wedding anniversary of her
under leadership of Mrs. Allen of Tri Duizer. The meetinga encs Mr. and Mrs. Colonel
opened with a poem Hold on • p
Shaddick with Louise Lovett Marks of R.R. 3 Listowel. This
organist and Mrs. Ross Jewitt l� April" by active grP r1Pnt
Lord'sEna Howatt. After theY.n event was held at the Foresters
soloist singing the Hall, Wallace on Sunday.
Prayer and Holy Spirits Lord of "Follow, hollow Me" was read During the afternoon over 300
Love. Following the in unison, the Scripture was people called to give ...best
Benediction a reception line read by Mary Robinson with wishes They have a family of
meditation and prayer by Ena.
was formed and all were Minutes of the last meeting seven children and 13 grand -
welcomed. The UCW served children. ,
lunch, and a social hour was were read by secretary Ida F�ren. —SON BANQUET
enjoyed by the many relatives Durnin. Corr p Ninety-six six Cubs and Scouts
and friends.
Council hears
(continued from page 1)
"We aren't going to make a
decision tonight," the reeve
said. "We can come back every
Tuesday night til. you do,"
someone in the audience
suggested. "We might be back
but you fellows won't be."
"This council works hard but
we just want a say in the
decision. You can't have
recreation for $300.," Mrs.
Teatero protested.
Vanastra and Egmondville
seem to be kept at each other's
throats, she said "and it's not
fair to either." "Vanastra pays.
for everything they get," the
reeve said. "What about
leaving the Vahastra levy for
recreation as it is, since it has
definite boundaries and have
the rest _of the people in the
township contribute for
recreation in the areas they
use?" Ken Smith suggested
"Couldn't the other arenas do
a survey (to find out how many
Tuckersmith residents use
them) tike Seaac th,did?"-Canal
Baker of Harpurhey suggested.
Recreation money could then
be allotted by the township
according"to use by residents of
the various areas.
• "Recreation is an investment
in • the future. This $300 is
nonsense. In what way do you
support recreation?" Mrs.
Baker added. "Why not take
the $700 that's going to the dog
catcher who's not doing his job
and put it to our kids?" Bob
Watson, Egmondville, asked.
"Why don't we take a vote
and see where we stand?"
Betty Brady of Egmondville
suggested. "A vote would payers to -get their feeling on a and gifts were preach e Y The chairman introduced the
probably cost too. much. The recreation budget. . Laurel Duizer, Joan and Rosie
This group met April 16th at
Londesboro hall. Ann Overholt
and Marlene Sewers checked
guest"'for the evening Mr. Jim and Mrs, Les Snell and Paul
McEwing of Londesboro who Snell of Kelowna, B.C. at
showed liis coloured slides of London Airport on Saturday
his trip to the West Coast. Scout they are spending a week with
Paul Middigaal thanked Mr. Mrs. Snell's mother, Mrs.
McEwing and _..the meeting Maude Radford, Blyth.
closed with everyone repeating Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowan and
the Lord's Prayer. Greg of Hanover visited on
PERSONALS - Sunday with his mother Mrs.
Mr. Nelson Lear returned Cowan. Mrs, Arnold Riley,
April 18th Mrs. Garnet Wright and Mrs.
home on Friday,Bert Shobbrook' attended a
following 3 weeks in Clinton shower in Mitchell on Sunday
Hospital. . night for Mrs. Don McLeod,
Mr. ant[ Mrs. Cliff Saun- newlywed.
dercock returned home on Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer
Friday after spending 6 weeks Glousher were guests at the
in England visiting her sister wedding of her niece Machan-
Missan<d brother. Ball, in Auburn United Church
Connie Howatt and on Saturday 3 p.m. A number
friends Marilyn Holland and from here attended the
Marilyn Aiken returned home reception held in Saltford at
on Saturday from a' Z week might.
Correspondence was a y w of holiday in Daytona, Florida. Mrs. Jessie Jones visited
Thank you from Jessie Jones, a in
Londesboro along with their ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen Sunday p. m. with her daughter
letter from Ida Townsend and a Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moore,
receipt for Easter seals. Roll fathers sat down o bountiful
night April 15th after a week E mondville and returned
Gall was answered N 11 banquet preparedby gg
members, 2 visitors. Norma U.C.W. and Mothers, on end touring in the State of home, Monday, a.m.
Wednesday evening in Lon, Kentucky, U.S.A. The W.I. are holding their
Pipe reported the club *as desboro United Church. Visitors on the weekend with dessert euchre in the hall on
formed 30 years ago, June 1945, Friday night April 25th at 8
with 18 members. She also Scout David Plant and Spout Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson
Kevin Fothergill presented the were Mrs. E. McEwen and son
p.m. Everyone welcome.
showed some of the earlier p <`O Jack of Pense, Saskatchewan;
pictures taken. Ena thanked flags and the grow sang Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan,
W m Hamilton bb u
• • • Tri for having the meeting in
her home. The May meeting
will be Group 3 at the home of
money might as well go to the Dora Shobbrook , The draw
arena"said Mel Cooper, also of donated by Jewel Cowan won
by Laura Lyon.
Egmondville. • � An address was read by
Some of the delegations
ition might Laura Lyon to Gladys Arm -
suggested that a pet honouring her on the
be a way of finding out how strong g Jack Lee was master of from Mr. Will Govier.• by Ken Hulley attended the it is graded as Fancy, Light,
many Tuckersmith people want occasion of her
50eSe ted her ceremonies for the evening and • Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kennedy Eastern Ontario Provincial Medium or Dark. Each of these
• h have purchased the property of Assembly ' of the Canadian has, different
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns, the types of syrup
Foresters held in the 401 Inn in and are usually used
White Rose gas station. Peterborough `Friday and properties
Mrs. Russel Peckett, Terry, Rev. ridayald is for different pul-poses. Grading
Kitchener Saturday. of syrup is not compulsory in
Trudy and Tammy,.. High Chaplain of the Canadian Ontario.
visited on Saturday with Mrs. Foresters for the Dominion of
Cowan and Mrs. Robinson. Canada., One of the best places to store
Mrs. Mac Hodgen, Kirkston, The congregational Life and your maple syrup for indefinite
visited with her mother Mrs. Work Committee met on periods of time, is in the
Ena Howatt on Thursday. Monday evening in the Church freezer. The syrup does not
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe, Hall with a good attendance. freeze solid, and the fresh
Brussels visited Friday Finals plans were made for the flavor and quality are
evening with Mr. and
Lloyd p
Canada" with Scout Robert Mr. andMrs. Mrs. Harry Tebbutt, Rev. Raccoon has some tips about
Nanking at the piano. Rev. Moorefield; Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and a number of which may be
proper members of the Canadian maple syrup
McDonald explained the ro er Raymond Radford, London;
to you. For the
wayuto ndp tea toast to the Robbie and Mrs. John Lawrie Foresters of Kinburn attended helpfulcelour of the syrup instance, a goodh
Queen and then proposed a and Jennifer, Kit- the Huron District Annual indicator of its flavor. The
toast to her Majesty Queen teener. Banquet and meeting held in darker the amber colour, the
Elizabeth. Cub Doug McClure Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns Cranbrook Community Hall on stronger the maple flavoring.
moved on Monday, April 14th
said grace. purchased Thursday evening. Flavor, colour and quality of
Group Committee Chairman into the home they p Rev. McDonald accompanied the syrup are considered when
The tapping of sugar (hard)
maple and black maple trees is'
one of the first welcome signs of
spring in many Ontario and
Quebec Communities. During
March and April, freezing night
temperatures and mild 40-50
degree F days,' determine the
quality and quantity of the sap
which is gathered in metal
buckets or by modern plastic
tubing systems.
In either the traditional wood
fired, or the modern gas or oil
heated evaporator, the sap,
which is about 90 percent
water, is boiled until only the
amber coloured maple syrup
remain. When the maple
products (maple syrup, maple
butter, maple sugar candy,
etc.) are ready, the maple
syrup festivals that are held,
draw crowds from far and
Maitland Valley's Rocky
If your maple syrup forms
mold on the top, or develops a
musty flavor,°skim off as much
mold'as possible and bring the
syrup to a boil in a large sauce P
pan. Just before'boiling, put in
a 3/4 cup of skim milk per gallon
of syrup, and then boil for 2 or 3
minutes. After straining
through cheese cloth,
refrigerat..e,the syrup as soon as
Sometimes a crust or sugar
crystals will form in the con-
tainer. To solve this problem,
add a small amount of Water to
the syrup and heat it gently (do
not boil) until the crystals
Rocky would be happy to
provide more information on
maple syrup production to
anyone . who requests it from
the Maitland Valley Conk
servation Authority.
expenditure on recreation. Ken anniversary a p shared head ' table wit
Smith suggested ' sending a ; with a 50th Anniversary cup Murraythe Adams,eatreasurer,
letter to the 800 taxpayers to and saucer. Gladys thanked all hyte, representing the
see if they want a recreation and invited them to Open House Nick of Church, Gordonhe
budget for the whole township. April 29th 2-4 and 7-10. Ena Shobbrook, the hp committee
"We know you're on the stump Howatt closed meeting with
"Hang on oto that secretary and Jim.McEwing
because you're involved with reading the special guest.
three municipalities but you smile." The program
a Ana Scoutc Howard Hoggarth
have to take a stand on numbers contest byDorothy Brunsdpn. proposed a toast to the church,
recreation," Mr. MacLean was won byand this
said. Reeve Thompson said he There was also an oral contest , Was sponsoring
repliedoiby body Whyte is
was disturbed to see small kids on names. Several laved, onducted � the esion of the Church. Cub
money on candy ue ....Bingo Robinson. A lovely Bruce Vincent very capably
cigarettes "$15 wouldn't hurt by Mary Tri Duizer, thanked the U.C.W. and; the
these kids." "It's the principle lunch was served by for the lovely banquet.
of doing something versus not Ena Howatt and Marg Bert Mothers for
Middigaal proposed the
doing anything," Mr. MacLean Robinson. ,toast to the Fathers which was
repeated. He joined Walter SHOWER FOR replyed to by Bill Millson. A
Armes in asking for DOREEN MASON Toast to Scouting was proposed
reassurance frorr>L, the council by Ken Popp at which
that :they will , do something Ladies of the -village held a time Scout also a gift toh
�°' 19th Scoutmaster - presentedard"� Cant-
. ,al#stic,a)put recreation, showetc..oa Saturday, .pre
"If we were assured the in the church parlours for
. WIn replying to the Toast
majority of the township *as Doreen Mason, an April bride wright.
rig t In replying
for it, we'd go ahead," deputy elect. Corsages were pinned on Scoutmaster
outmbuilder to Cartwright
reeve Sillery said. "Can council Doreen and here-- mother by nupresentedmber f the der badges t a
find out or do all the township Dorothy Adrie and Dora Stan McDonald oyoke about the
have to come here and tell Shobbrook. A dessert lunch of work of the-CubdPack which is
you?" Mr, Smith asked. "We're cake and ice cream was served. the largest Pack everhat
not here to ask you to ignore the After lunch, the program
Londesboro and at the time of
rest. Just do something for all consisted of a contest by registration was the largest
of therrl." "It's a . tough Dorothy Adrie, "the alphabet Pack in the whole of Huron
problem. We'll consider the pretaining to a wedding," won District. He also presented a
letter," Councillor Bob Bell by Clara Riley. A contest on e number of badges to the Cubs.
said. names of people in theJune At the close' he had
After the hour and a half was conducted by doge'
a Scoutmall
discussion with the group, the Fothergill and won by 1v1arjorie Wayne to Mrs. Murray present Popp, Cub
council agreed to look into Duizer. An address to Doreen andgifScout Mother, for her Cub
writing to all township tax- was read by June Fothergill
1 work in these groups.
Apr.. 24 to May 3
Just, Nherr you thought all prices were going up -- along
P� ccs Sale. And lallams heseem Ken' paints ithare availablBe in all
Fashion -Rite ex tingColRoils Back the Prices Salour lei snrollingre now
while the exciting
Flit walls & ceii
Our New Cash
and Carry Policy
_produces ,some
wonderful Bargains
as Sakrete
$8.95 Dal.
Ceiling Tile
$1 1."0
Mrs. vacation church to be held from
preserved. It should be taken
Pipe. July .7 to July 1lth for Lon- out of the freezer about one
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. desboro Comrnunity Plans hour before using it, and can be
Bob Burns on the weekend were were also made for the annual frozen again after use. If you
the family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Outdoor Service and Picnic to store your maple syrup for only
Smith and family Kincardine; be held in Seaforth Lions Park one year, keep it in tightly
Miss Pat Burns, Toronto; Mr. on Sunday, July 20th. The sealed containers placed in a
and Mrs. Colin Paterson, cool, dry area. Always tightly
a committee have also started
London. their planning for Leadership recap your, syrup. Gontainer.if
Mr. Bei. Shobbrook met his and programing for the 1975-76 keeping it in the refrigerator.
niece Mrs. Rev. Don Snell, Mr. church program and groups.
Moments like
these are what
the forests of
Canada afford
MONDAY through
11 AM to 6 PM
FRIDAY 11 AM to 9 PM
Tops & Pant Suits
(Salesmen's Samples)
TOC- ( QFC PCTI-11.A,R—DE.$-1.0
39" Box Spring with Padded vinyl
headboard 8 brand name mattress
11 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.
Mr. Earl Berscht, our sewing machine
repairman and instructor, will be at our
store April 26, 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Bring
in your sewing machine for a check or
repairs. Mr. Berscht has had over 37
years experience and all his work is
guaranteed for a full year.