HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-04-24, Page 5w; •
rtd a • dirty house
(A story of how things lead to "Those walls are too plain. I
other things, proving that a could paint a few rose and
_ rose by any name should Smell green flowers on those Walls, te
as sweet.) match my lovely rose
Once upon a time, in a quaint begonia." So she got some rose
Village called Rumor Mills, paint, and some green, and
there lived a family named •painted some rose and green
Drabb. They lived in a shabby flowers on the white walls. As
old house. The furniture was she stood back to admire the
'shabby. The walls wanted walls, she thought, "Those
paint. The curtains were dusty crummy curtains have got to
and torn. go. I shall get some material
Olive Drabb— (for such was and make some new curtains."
her name) often thought she So she went out and. bought
would like to fix things up a bit, sone crisp yellow material, tQ
bit she didn't know where to match' the yellow table, and
start. Whenever she raised the ran up some ruffled curtains on
subject of repairs, her husband her sewing -machine. Then she
would grunt and ask her who washed the windows and hung
she thought he was, did she the new curtains.
, think he, was made of money,
who was she trying to keep up
with, why hadn't she married
that real estate agent she was
so stuck on, if she wanted a
palate, and besides, the
weathered old house with its
sagging verandah was kind of
homey and rustic. Eventually,
the rustic verandah sagged
right down past the windows
40ind had to be removed
altogether. Olive said it was a
shame, and her husband said it
was just as well, damn thing
always needed upkeep of some
sort, verandahs were old-
CLINTON' rtriWiAg.CORD4 THPRSPAY, APRIL 24, i915i4'444
. .0
She looked around the smart,
cheerful room. She felt very
pleased. She thought, "Now I
will ,get something special for
dinner." So she cooked a
chicken and mashed potatoes
and gravy and a chokecherry
cheesecake, and put a bottle of
Loganberry Parching Dry on
ice, because it was a Special
She got out the everyday
dishes. Seeing they were
cracked, she put them back,
and fetched the best china from
the corner cabinet. She got out
the best cutlery, and the
as smart as our lovely house."
She said to the twins, Holly and
Ivy, "G.irls, please wash the
licorice off your dimpled, in-
nocent cheeks, and put on fresh
hair -ribbons, so you will look as
pretty and uncurruptible as our
lovely house." She said to her
teenage daughters, Pandora
and Phriske, "Would it be too
much to ask you useless hussies
to put on some shoes and
foundation garments? Your
father will throw a fit if you
appear at table in those sleazy
halter -stops. And give your-
selves a squirt of my Evening
in Pompeii - it might cover up
the disgustingly attractive
scent of that Must Oil or Musk
Ox or whatever you call it. And
please scrape off some of that
witchy eye -shadow and lewd
lipstick, so you will look
somewhat less vixenish - since
it would be expecting too much
to restore you to the virtuous
and relatively unsoiled con-
dition befitting 'our lovely
L counsellin
house." ow cost
Then everyone sat down on •
the bright green chairs, at the
bright yellow table with the Counselling services for technology, marketing and
rivers flowed down many streets in Clinton during the rain storm last Friday night
flooding dozens of basements and washing Out parts of some roads. Here the Public Works
department puts in fresh gravel on a wash out on Princess Street West beside the Clinton
Electric Shop. At the height of the flood, a rivet'. 2 feet deep was flowing over this spot. (News -
Record photo)
rose begonia on it, in the room small businesses in areas service industries.
with the flower -decorated white ranging from cash As it is not intended this
walls, and the crisp yellow
management to marketing are service compete with private
ruffled curtains. They ate the being made available this year consulting firms, businesses
fashioned, and anyway, now
delicious roast chitken and through the Ministry of eligible for the service must not
the sunlight could get into the heirloom ruby -tinted glasses. trimmings on the best dishes, Industry and Tourism Small be in a position to engage
rooms at the front of the house. When the table was properlY with the best cutlery. They Business Assistance Program. professional consultants.
Things continued this way for set, she looked idown at herself. • drank the Loganberry Dry. Based on the success of last Cost of the service is borne
• some years and Olive "Ye gods!" she cried, "what a When Mr. Drabb had year's program in which more almost entirely by the Ministry,
tot despaired of ever breaking the mess!" So she ran and changed swallowed his last mouthful, he than 600 Ontario companies although a nominal fee is
pattern. - to a clean dress. She put on her belched robustly, and wiped the benefited from this low cost usually charged to the
One day a friend gave Olive a best ruby-craarti pin, and 'cornera .of his mouth delicately program, the Ministry will be businesses using it.
beautiful rose begonia. The curled her hair with the with the border of the employing 126 university ., Last year, student con -
magic begonia. If you put it on family to dinner. couple of times, he looked students who, supported b
faculty of schools of business counting assignments, 166
Y sultants worked on 231 ac -
friend said, "011ie, this is a toothbrush. Then she called her tablecloth. Clearing his throat a
' finance assignments and 235
administration, will supply marketing assignments, 108
house over." "Swig, Please put on a jacket thus addressed her: counselling services to small .,
Your table, it will -make your She said to her husband, across the table at his wife, and
. Olive said, "Pshaw! Magic and tie, so you will liik as nice "Olive, my dear, that was the businesses from May through assignments in such categories
begonia indeed!" But she put as our lovely new house." He best meal you have got up in a August. as personnel, organization, site
the flower on her table anyway. started to say something about dog's age. Incidentally, where Companies taking advantage location and helping establish
The begonia looked very who did she think was coming, IS the dog? Ho ho! Just kidding. of the service receive business new businesses.
bright and cheery. Olive a man'shome is his hovel, had And I have to admit, the house counselling in cash Most of the work was done for
thought, "Hmm. That begonia she been into the cooking don't look half bad. You have rnianangg, ement, financia
makes my shabby old table sherry again, and other certainly outdone yourself bookkeeping and
look even worse - if such a thing similarly witty remarks, but today; what happened - did the paper flow analysis.
is possible. I think I shall buy olive was not paying attention. network cancel your soap- In the marketing area,
• her teenage son, operas?' ' businesses have been helped to
some paint an pa . e sato w
table." So she ran down to the "Doldrum, please Change your Olive looked at her husband. ettablish marketins plans
indicates that motorists are
hardware .store and bought socks and comb your beard, so She looked at the rose begonia solving such concerns as
often "astoundingly ruthless"
some bright yellow paint and a you will be as fresh and neat as in the middle of the table. Then channels of distribution,
in their behaviour at crossings.
paintbrush. She hurried home our lovely house." Then she she smiled mysteriously and promotional techniques and
Frequently drivers said after
and put on an old dress. Then said to her little boy, "Gremlin, said, "It is airbecause of this pricing. Companies have , also
she, painted the table. The . please wash your hands and put elegant, wonderful, magic rose been helped to install.inventory 14 ifi
, an accident that they thought
e child 'WOuld still) 'and give
yellow table looked fresh and on a clean shirtt so you will be begonia!". By R.T... and cost control and production ..
cheery, with the rose begonia scheduling systems. . the car the right of way. In
some cases, says the Ontario
on it. • . • ; '. In announcing • the 1975 Safety League, they didn't even
Minister of Industry and child at all. Young drivers,
A Swedish study of traffic
accidents involving children
Olive thought, "Say! Those
chairs are a disgrace beside
that shiny table. I shall buy
some paint and . paint those
chairs." So she went out and
bought some bright green
paint, and -painted the chairs.
The chairs looked lively and
cheery, with the yellow table
and the rose begonia.
As she stood back to admire
the effect, Olive thought, "My
word! That shiny yellow table
and those' smart green chairs
make those walls too shabby
for anything! I shall buy some
paint and paint those walls." So
she went out and bought some
paint in a shade called Egg
White, and also a roller. She
painted the walls. She even got
out tile stepladder and did the
ceiling. The walls and ceiling
were spotless with the green
chairs and yellow table and
rose begonia.
Olive put away the
stepladder. As she surveyed the
bright room, she thought,
Use hot water wtsel y
Hot water is needed on the
farm for Many purposes. It is
used to wash ,and sanitize
milking equipment, to prepare
warm milk replacers, to wash
brood sows and cow udders, as
Well as for many purposes in
the farm home.
Water heaters use significant
quantities of energy regardless
of the fuel type. It takes ap-
proximately one gallon of No. 2
heating oil, 11/4 gallons of
propane, 143 cubic feet of
natural gas, or 29 kilowatt-
hours of electrical energy to
heat 100 gallons of water from
40 to 140 degrees F. Wasting hot
water is like throwing energy
or money down the draM.
Here are a few tips to help'
obtain maximum efficiency:
1: Make sure the water heater
is well insulated.
2. Set the water heater
thermostat as low as practical
for the limiting use.
rs ;
With a wide variety
of tropical plants
program Claude Bennett,
consider the behavior of the
3. If lime deposits occur, have
Tourism, noted the majority of mostly males, were most ac -
the tank . flushed or cleaned companies utilizing last year's cident prone in these situations.
regularly. program had high praise for It could be said that there are
4. Locate the water heater as the work done by the students. more male drivers than
close to the center of hot water "This is a most sensible and females, but . it has been
use as possible. If significant
useful program," he said. "It suggested that women are
use _points are widely offers business counselling at a inclined to be more cautious
separated, consider installing a very lbw cost in areas essential with respect i to children when
second tank. This is par- for the success of small
ticularly useful if present hot businesses." driving: '
5.15- Business administration ° +++
Repair leaky faucets. A
water supply is not adequate.
cent washer will soon pay for faculties of 12 Ontario - FOG
itself in energy. The U.S. estimates that every
universities will be par-
ticipating in the program. year about -1,000 persons are
' 6. Insulate hot water pipe § to Students' work is closely killed and 60000 injured in fog -
reduce temperature drop and supervised by, _university related highway accidents.
unnecessary water draw to get faculty and is supported by Slowing down and using extra
hot water. services available from caution are two musts when
If each of us saves some Ministry of Industry and driving in fog, states the
energy today, there will be Tourism specialists in Ontario Safety League.
more to all of us tomorrow.
' Legion Auxiliary Plans
Penny Sale
The Legioil -Ladies Auxiliary
meeting was held recently in
the Legion Hall with the
President Wanda McClinchey
presiding. Members decided
that the May meeting would be
held on May 13 because of the
Zone rally being on the regular
meeting night. Margaret
Thorndyke, Zone Commander
of Zone Cl made her official
visit and gave a report on the
Convention and the work of the
Auxiliaries during the past
year, Past President Mildred
Chalmers presented Mrs.
Tliorndyke with a gift.
Members decided to hold the
annual penny sale with the
draw to be made on June 6.
Members also decided to
cancel the New Year's Dance
for 1975. Sports Officer, ' Iva
Reid gave a report on sports
and announced several bowling
tournaments coming up. The
guessing prize was won by
Mary Bisback, attendance
prize by Gerry Chappel and the
mystery prize by Vera Smale.
companies in service industries
with 217 such firms receiving
assistance. Next came
manufacturing companies with
133 being helped, followed by
129 retailing companies. Others
receiving assistance included
agricultural businesses, non-
profit organizations and
tourism establishments.
Companies wishing to learn
more about the program should
contact Ministry offices in
Ottawa, Kingston, Sudbury, St.
Catharines, Thunder Bay,
Toronto, London or Kitchener.
If more convenient, firms
may contact the faculty .of
business administration at the,
university closest to them. The
faculty member responsible for
the program will be able to
provide additional information.
sermon topic Rev, Don. Beck
preached on at Hensall United
Church on Sunday morning.
The choir sang the anthem "In
The Master's Steps" ac-
companied on the organ by
Mrs, Turkheim. The
Chiselhurst U.C.W. are
sponsoring a bake sale on
Saturday, April 26 at 3 p.m. n
Joynt's store in Hensall.
Anglican Church Notes
An evening service was held
at St. Paul's Anglican Church.
Rev. G. A. Anderson's sermon
was from Matthew "What think
ye of Christ?" Mrs. Eric Luther
and Mrs. J. C. Britton sang a
duet "Great Is Thy Faith-
fulness", and Mrs. Luther also
sang a solo "Nearer the Cross".
The Forrest orchestra played
before and after the service and
also for the hymns during the
St. Paul's Church
The regular meeting of St.
Paul's A.C.W. was held
Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Middleton. After
packing a bale for the north, the
meeting opened with the
minutes of the last meeting
being read and approved.
A report on the Deanery
meeting in Stratford was given.
Invocation was read by the
President, Mrs. Anderson, with
the members taking part in the
meditation. 'The scripture was
from St. Matthew.
The Litany was followed by
the Lord's prayer, and the
'meeting closed with the grace:
United Church Notes '
"On Nothingness" was the
The Top Tailors held meeting
four on March 24. We opened
with the 4-I-1 pledge. The roll
call was "A new garment or
accessory I will need and my
plans for the style, colour and
textures so it will fit into my
We chose Diana's picture for
our book cover. We discussed
how to use the pattern. We did*
not have a meeting on March
• Meeting 5 was held on April 7.
We discussed that we would do
a planned shopping trip for our
. demonstration on achievement
For our group work we did
some staystitching on some
material. We closed the
meeting with the motto. - by
Karen Bolger
Bauer Baseball Cleats
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-Consider-these out§tanding features: .. .. . ..
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CLINTON — 482-9514 SEAFORTH — 527-0910 HENSALL 262-2418