HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-04-10, Page 17Last. weeek in the Legislature the Minister of Agriculture announced that the- Milk 'Coxnznission of Ontario will held a public inquiry into ce.rtairi aspects of the 'Milk Industry, in view of the several price ,Increases in recent at+►s, Milk prices have in- creased by about 40 percent over the past year - more than ' ''twice as quickly as other foods. In Toronto a year ago a quart of homogenized milk averaged 37c, today it is about 56c. The _.Minister_ of Agriculture indicated that consumers in Ontario have a right to know how certain elements in the chain of milk production and sale affect the final price paid for a quart of milk. ^ These factors include the cost of production, processing and marketing' fluid milk products, trade practices, •price spreads, management policies and methods of financing. The public inquiry will begin as soon as the necessary t rangements can be made. At the end of March the Milk Commission, an agency of the Ministry of Agriculture; which was set up in 1965, denied an appeal by milk processors against another milk price increase set ,for April lst. Loss of the appeal means that far- mers will get an extra $1.16 per hundredweight for whole milk, for a total of $12.01 per hun- dredweight. The Milk ' Com- mission upheld the -farmer's case for an increase, to meet increased costs, as put before the Commission by the Ontario Milk Marketing Board, which represents the milk producers. The increase means farmers ho received about 25c a quart f milk sold in Ontario last pril will receive about 32c a quart in future. Some of the price increases e due to removal of a 5c a uart •federal ' government ubsidy which was introduced 1973 to cushion effects on the onsumer of earlier increases prices to milk producers. ae Riddell, Huron !o'p' • increased production However,. p costs have contributed trem,endousiy to the higher prices. Milk production Canada in 1' in 1973 was . 16,9 billion 'pounds, which was 4.6 percent less than the 197.E production of 11,7 billion pounds, Ontario produced only 4,25 billion peigkiS of . zz iklast !ear compared with 5billion:undr 10 yearn _ego, In. 1973 Ontario milk productiond ed� 5,8, percent froom .that .of 073, and in the first4monthsoff1974 the , province's , . production was .,.town 7,6 percent Many l operations have., gone out .' business, and larger .milk producing operations have taken up the slack in milk production. In fact, we now have in . Ontario 29 percent fewer milk producers than five r li It t , uein,g g p(�) volt loonies have risen: as Ofx�"x'itt costs of � Iii, , �,7� she �� !i f 1TTN NzW .RE 0 .;THUMP Y" OWL 10 104,40E lif A'. • ^ r The newly Rout± eF tlir'' practice$, margin . . to .ruin discounts in monks basic will Investigate ' rang practices and margins Jurisdictions+ the three .dairy farmerout of ,a total of essentials food, clothing and, 3 have gone out 1;f shelter. Underatandably, . • a- fair operation I ince i9 farmers ,wish to ha ��oh�►llcn�� f s�cing the. milia: � share of this standard, of industry M• in fact the living, and if they are to cote t agriculture riculture Industl +.'':genergllyM, ~tinue "producing. ,.the -food . so t consumers vital toms all, they must bo able is 'ens>�xing. a , i ,.., understand the prob e , inn to achieve a living standard volved, Since tett* er World comparable to that which they ` War `11 the ,,eo 'le of Canada could gain by taking their h . p l their management have enjoyed ahigher standard:capita ,, ' e of living one of 'highest in: skills and, labour into other the world and until recently areas of endeavour. 4' p acts . ween processors, distributors and retailers of fluid milk products, and inquire into the manner in which these practices, may ...vary within _ a corporate organization, as well as fronn.� the province t one part of p another, and compare different processors, , distributors and retailers and ,their retail margins, discount practices In and after the year 1972. Retail compared, :with ' other. Sarno laws Bicycle drivers,axe subject to - -the same traffic laws as motorists, states the Ontario Safety League, This includes a signalling all turns and stops; obeying all traffic signs, road markings and speed limits, etc. w d Values BLOSSOM RE4,ONSfITUTED APPLE JUICE 48 -FL -OZ TIN 39 S VARIETIES - 142/4 -os tin A ACTION PRrCEDI KRAFT - SALAD DRESSING ACTION PRICEDI LILAC, PINK,WHITE, YELLOW ACTION PR.CED, SOCIETY Luxury MIRACLE16 -FL -OZ $ poo DOG FOOD WHIP JAR - ACTION PRICEDI P �3AFriM h ��r.f1 ROBIN HOOD, --6 Varieties, 9.o: pkg ACTION PRICEDI ORANGE PEKOE PUDDING Id SAIIADA PKG OF .O® 'CAKE MIXES TEA BAGS 60 S VARIETIES ti 4 VARIETIES - 1-0Z PKG (PREFRICED) General Mills Snacks 6-Q= pkg 69 ¢ ROYALE„=s OETS 1 SHE FACIAL TISSUE 49¢ Digestive, Shortcake, Nice, Chip Ring ACTION PRICEDI PEEK ' REAM 15 -OZ TIN 9 _, �! TIE BAG 9F T' BISCUITS FROM CONCENTRATE - RED, WHITE, CONCORD Welchs Grape Juice 24-11-ozbti 79? ACTION PRICEDI NABISCO CEREAL Shreddies 24 -oz pkg 85? Hollandia Cookies 2$1.00 JANE PARKER 9 OZ. G C Potato Chips WITH PORK ACTION PRICEDI Clark Beans 14.11 -oz tin 42? Almond, Milk, Assorted, Rally Family Pack of 4 Ban Hersheys. Candy Bars 69? COMSTOCK, 16 -F4 -OZ TIN ACTION PRICEDI Mixed Bean Salad 3/$1.00 A&P Ketchup 320Z. 99c KOSMkR SIYLE (SAVE 20c) HEINZ DILL 32;FALR Z PICKLES ACr.ON MM..dt r Beef -igen!, Beef-o-gNN, Ravioli, Spaghetti & Ground Beef or Meet Balls, Lasagna 7y2.f1•os tins AR -DEE Y-31$1.00 BETTY CROCKER - 4 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI Muffin Mixes 13 -oz pkg 79? AMP BRAND, INSTANT Coffee Creamer 16 -oz lar $1.09 EXTRA OW WHITE OR COLOURED Cherry Hill Cheese 8 -oz stick 99? BY TOM TREMFIX Question: My wrought -iron lawn furniture is rusty and un- attractive. How can I restore the original beauty and obtain a long-lasting finish? Answer: My recommendation is that you use Tremco Trem- clad Rust Paint, not only be- cause it'll get the results you • want but also because it's -easy to use. • -Tor-instance, you can paint right over solid rust spots with Tremclad. It inhibits the rust, seals out moisture, and helps protect previously painted sound surfaces. Tremclad goes on fast and dries to the touch in 2 or 3 hours. It dries completely in 6 to 8 hours and provides a smooth, long-lasting, attractive finish. One• coat usually . covers; but, if your furniture is out- doors constantly, two thin coats will give more lasting protec- tion. To use Tremclad, make sure your furniture is clean and dry. Remove all loose, flaking rust and peeling paint with a wire brush or scraper. "Feather" the remaining edges lightly with sandpaper. And, for best results, remove any gloss from,old paint -by also lightly sanding. ' Complete instructions on using Tremclad are on the back of the can. You can buy Tremclad Rust Paint in ten popular colours in .;IJipenarft'ilf:p titiF lnurts� ;end_ .: gallons; or in aerosol spray cans ' -- which are ideal for covering all the intricate curves and cor- • ners of most wrought iron when used as directed. • For more' information on Tremclad Rust Paint, write to Tom Tremfix, TREMCO, 220 Wicksteed Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4H 107. Independent Shipper t0, United Co-operative of Ontario • Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmef Monday 11 Shipping. 'pay From Varna Stockyard. CALL DAYPIELD 5654638 By 1:30 s.m. Monday For Pronlbt- 8+rrvice . No CNsrgas on Pick-up ti More Fresh Baked Goods from our own ovens! JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) WienerRolisPKGOF 12 Cogi (BUY 2 LOAVE>; - SAVE 11e) 16 -OZ LOAVES JANE PARKER, SUCED - DEUCIOUS TOASTED Raisin Bread JANEPARKER LEMON PIE • BRAN .MUFFINS . J (SAVEAIOc pkg of 6 4 9 56 JANE PARKER SPANISH BAR CAKE t , 19 -oz cake 7956 JANE PARKER Chocolate or Orange 13 -oz cake 79? (SAVE lOc) COFFEE CAKE IN 12 -oz cake 7.5? (SAVE.' 4e) COFFEE- CAKE -' R 10 -oz cake 69ce DONUTS IN O:EW 69? FAMILY ►LAIN oR' 0e) - pkg of 9 (SAVE 10.) JANE PARKER •-••• SUM, OLD-FASHIONED OR , ( 2 LOAVES - SAVE 1e) ITALIAN BREAD. • 2 24-0=1--.8A9 ¢ JANE PARKER - 2 WHITE OR 1 WHITE & 1 WHIMf (SVE 4s) .. � ...._.BR,4i:75.14...� 12-oz pkg of 2 loaves 49? Full 8 -inch pie 89? CHIFFON CAKE FRENCH STIX'� :41. (SAV) JANE PARKER (BUY 2 PKG$ - SAVE 21e) SNOWFLAKE ROLLS 2pko289? STRAWBERRY PIE PJARKER Full 8 -inch pia 9q? MOLASSES COOKIESJo180zP 89? TURN -OVERS JA�f'I E 10 -oz pkg 5556 PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO PORK (HOPS 10 CHOPS IN A PACKAGE 2 RIB CHOPS 2 LOIN END CHOPS 6 CENTRE CHOPS lb .0 TIS A WARE SHOPPER! . Poaching A Chicken Most "leftover" chicken dishes taste better if they are made from poached chicken. If you have left- over roasted, broiled or fried chicken choose a Ieiftover dish with a sauce or broth base. Poaching chicken is easy. Simmer In water In a covered pot with a stalk of celery, an onion and a little salt until tender. Strain the broth and reserve it. Cut the chicken meat from the bones in generous slices. Any unused portion of the poached chicken may be stored in an air -tight container in the refrigerator or freezer for later use. We owe you more than just food! FRESH PORK ROASTS Shankless 684. BUTT ROAST Shoulder ib 78? "ELESS lb 88? Boneless lb 910 SHOP A&P - ENJOY GREAT MEAT! CENTRE CUT SUPER,RIGHT QUALITY, SLICED, Pork Loin Chops 14 13 8 Beef Liver COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs . FREEZER CUT - CUT AND WRAPPED Whole Pork Shoulders SHOULDER OR BUTT Pork Chops FRESH Ib 89? Pork Leg Roast lb$1.09 1 -lb vac pac sus 14 1.18 1b 68? 1b 88? FRESH Pork Steaks SUPER -RIGHT BRAND, SUCED Side Bacon BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK, BEEF 4' PORK Sausages lb 78? SKINLESS 1b 681 SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY, BEEP Liver Steaks lb 88¢ TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLW, BONELESS Cottage Rolls vac pac Ib $1.08 BLUE WATER, FROZEN Cheese Fishwich ALPINE, FROZEN Beef Steakettes GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE Chicken Cutlets 10 -oz pkg 88? 2 -Ib pkg $1.28 1b78? SCHNEIDERS BRAND, BWE•RIBBON ROASTS 1b$9¢ PORK LOIN Bologna BY THE PIECE SCHNEIDERS, SLICED Side Bacon 1 -Ib vac pac $1.48 SCHNEIDERS BRAND Wieners "RED HOTS" 1 -Ib vac pac 79¢ SCHNEIDERS BRAND, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES Cooked Meats 6 -oz vac p-42? Ib 88? LOIN Ib AVERAGE RIB PORTION 2 TO 3 -LIS AVERAGE 1b98� 985e TENDERLOIN Portion 2 TO WS RIB HALF ESSEX BRAND, NIAGARA COIL Polish Sausage WITH PORTON TOMATO SAUCE Banquet Brand, Frosea, Beef. Chkken„ Turkey ACTION PRICEDI 28-114z tin 6351 Meat Pies 2 =I 69 Ann Page Beans mem GIANT, FROZEN Ws! Carrot Nugets .Healthand. Beady A JOHNSON i J0KNS0T1- Dfkkil`ft " • "1.1C 11 -u=__ Disposable Diapers $2.59 PAST RFttOM PAIN i DISCOMFORT OP HEADACHES i COLDS • ACTION PRI Bayer As inns btlof10tablets 89? FOAREOULA MENTHOL, LEMON.LIME, PACE SAVER 7-01 AEROSOL TIN ACTION PRICEDI Gillette Shave Cream.$1.Q6 REGULAR OR POWDER - ANTIPERSPIRANT ACTION PRI Right Guard 9 -oz Wosol tin $1 • 39 ACTION PRICED! 24b pkg 89? FANCY McINTOSH APPLES 3L8. 6 9 c CANADA No. 1 GRADE. CALIFORNIA, TENDER, GREEN SPEARS ASPARAGU S LARGE SIZE Ib 5 9,1 ORANGES FLORIDA VALENCIA FULL OF JUICE 5 -lb bag 79? TOMATOES To No. 1 GRADE C____RI_A, FIRM, RIPI 2 -lb trday 89? Lc. oulogorit GitOWN DAFFODILS bunch of 12 79? $1.08 NEW ZEALAND. FROZEN SHOULDER IAMB CHOPS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY NIQUIREMENTSI ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED imam THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 12th, 1975. ACTION PRICED! 8 VARIETIES 1141-0Z TIN Heinz 890 Soupsil