HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-04-10, Page 6oderieh 'rack opens on April I in CI.,.,,. The Clinton Milt and Mabel Orli' hockey team took a 3-2 edge in their final series against St. Marys when they beat the Perth County, girls 5.2 last Tuesday night in St. Marys. The. sixth game of the series will be .played tonight (Thur- sday) but because the ice is out of the Clinton Arena, no site has yet been. chosen. for Clinton's home game. St. Marys had evened the series up last Sunday night whenithey shuV out Clinton` 2-0 The score would have been. much higher had.It net been for the' sparkling play of Darlene Chowan in the Clinton nets. No.date or place has yet been announced for the. seventh game, if it is necessary. The girls staged a successful dance last Saturday night and would like to thank. those who helped in any way, either by attending or helping with the preparations. Bicycle bugs bad You can learn a lot from observing other people. And it can be a lot of fun. Here's a test for bicycle ` drillers from the Ontario Safety League: Take a few minutes to watch other people's cycling habits. You'll be amazed at some of the manoeuvres they get away with on our streets. You can even give them names. Here's a few to get you going ..., you might even try coming up with some of your own. The swerver bug, there's bound to be one to two. The "Swerver" wheels in and out of traffic as though he is on a timed obstacle course. He gives no thought to the poor, frazzled motorist who is forced to slam on his brakes, risk collision and is left to face, shakily, the rest of the day's hustle -bustle, The tricky -turner bug, we've all seen this one. One minute he's riding harmlessly next to you. Then, without any warning signal or even a backward glance, he cuts a fast turn right in front of your path. It's guaranteed to give the car driver palpitations. The . middle-of-the-roader bug, he thinks he's driving a car and hogs the whole lane. He never notices the traffic jam behind him. The double headed bug, this is an easy one to spot - two bodies weaving along on a bicycle built for one. The wrong way bug, these are usually very young cyclists who haven't yet mastered right from left (bet they can't even button their own coats correctly). They habitually ride on the left-hand side of the road, irritating and confusing both motorists and other cyclists coming towards them. The biking bevy bugs, thisherd, is most frequently spotted on residential streets, three or four cyclists riding side by side. The more ex- perienced bevy bikers will be Electrical needs show slow climb The province's electrical needs climbed slowly upward during February An Ontario Hydro report shows primary energy con- sumption of 7,198,445,536 kilowatt-hours during the month. This is up only 2.2 percent from the corresponding total for February, 1974 + and Hydro sees,the moderate growth rate aa reflection of unseasonably mild weather and continued ecenomic slowdown. Peak electrical demand during February was 13,510,501 kilowatts. This ' came at .5:50 p.m. Mdnday, February 10. Approximately 37 percent of total energy made available during the month came from water power, 29 percent, coal, 13.2 percent, nuclear, 4.5 percent, natural gas and 16.3 percent, purchases. The first of the four_ units to be . brought on line at the 2,295,000 kilowatt oil -fired Lennox Generating Station, ....near Bath,, .delivered. initial.. power to the- .Gittarib-'Hydro: system during February. A 14,800 kilowatt combustion turbine unit was also declared in service. wearing ear muffs to lessen the din . from honking motorists bringing up the rear. • Now comes the test. How many strange,,.cyclists did you spot? How many strange cycling habits on your list describe you as 'a bicycle driver? Get the entire family involved. Top score wins the title: MOST DISCOURTEOUS, DANGEROUS ANI) ILLEGAL BICYCLE DRIVER. Get the . picture? The habits we've described are illegal in Ontario and dangerous everywhere. If you know the laws, obey them. If you don't, take a rest from the road and study up! And if you ever spot the ribbon rider bug, look fast. He's a rare and vanishing breed. He's occasionally seen riding up the painted line in the middle of the road. Why? He probably thinks it's a bike path! Biking is great! Obeying the laws and using safe, com- monsense practises will only ensure greater enjoyment. And you'll live longer! At noon hour last Thursday, the main corners in Clinton were all but abandoned as heavy snow on the road and sidewalks made it nearly impassible except for an occasional car or pedestrian. The roads were bare by Monday. (News -Record photo) Lady bowls near 450 game Louise Gibbings had a near perfect game last week in five pin bowling as she rolled a fantastic 425 play-off action in the Clinton Mixed League. The high score easily netted her the ladies' high single of the night, and she also got a commendable 799 triple. Currently, team 4 leads the way with a 5,970 total pinfall, followed by teams 3 with 5818, team 1 with 5744, team 6 with 5374, team 8 with 5357, team 7 with 4987, teams5 with 4972, and team 2 with 4853. Rob Van Damme had the men's high Harness racing fans in the area will be able to attend 19 race nights this year rather than the previously scheduled nine according to Don Masse, secretary of . the Goderich Trotting Association. The announcement was made after the Goderich horsemen joined forces with Bluewater Raceway and Associates. recently. The Bluewater company represented by London businessman Loren J. C tssinn . apr'ilrpr1 tpn mice dates in April, May and June for the Ooderich track and will hold their meet immediately prior.to the Goderich association. Opening night at Goderich Raceway will be April 18 and will feature the .$1,000 Feagan Invitational Pace as the highlight race of the night. Other dates included in the new calendar are April 25, May 2 and 9, all Friday evenings ,and May 20, 27, June 3,10,17 and 24, all Tuesday evenings. These dates, termed the Bluewater Furling Club News BY INA SCOINS The final playoff game took place last Monday evening to declare a winner in competitive curling. The°winners were Dr. Alexander, Gerald Smith, Neil Dolmage and Elmer Dennis over Bill and Grace Campbell and John and Gwen Patterson. After ten ends, the score was four all, with Dr. Alexander having last rock in the eleventh end. Old man winter came back in full force this past week and the pot -luck supper had to be tri le of 749. postponed. I understand it's to single of 275, and Rollie Steep P be held this coming Saturday, It's all oyer the hightriple of 689. The regular season has ended r in the Tucker- ' in the Crown YBC Teen April 12 at the curling club with smith Mixed League, and the League, and the Strike Outs a disc jockey supplying � music finished on topwith 391" for the dancince. Lonely Petunias ended up on points.officers of slate of .for the top in the play-offs with a 6611 They were followed by Chilly on ladies' The sefor s 1975-76 total pitfall. They were a Bun with 369, Wendy's followed by the Dandelions with Playboys with 3571/2, the North season are as follows past - East Kids with 3551/2, Titter's president, Leone Rowat; 6376, the Violets with 6279, the president, Grace Campbell; Waterlilies with 6268, the Twisters with 353, Symons S m les and the Corner Pin first vice, Wendy Tremur; Mayflowers with 6146, and the Y P vice, Dianne Hollyhocks with 5944. Kids with 3391/2 each, and the seconde; secretary, Fleming; Alexan- Jean Adams had both the South West Kids with 321. Ma, Margne Fleming; Deb Johnson swept all the treasurer, ladies' high single of 253 and the g ub. and press, Ina Scoins; high triple of 639, while Mel girls honors with the high P Graham had both the men's single of 265, the high triple of draw committee, Marion 648, and the high average of 199.. Willson, Ann ' Cunningham, high single of 298 and the high g K i Howatt had the boys' Joyce Hilderley; special ev n high single of 302, while Steve events, Sharon Wilson, arg. Wise had the high triple of 662 Fleming, Wendy :Tremeer; • � S 11 s Ann Laverty Varna site of motocross events is buying committee Marg and Alex Harrett had the high Y g , average of 213. a ow , Ann K Cty; The Dam Poors are in front in membership, the Molson's Crown ningham, Marjorie Papple, U Therb is plenty of overnight riders in each class after the League, son'scollected Mixed Lyn McNaughton; social, Dada's International, series is completed. Riders g having bons lel Canada's largest motorcycle camping and good parking P ins so far, but are closely Verde Sinclair; bonspiel, accessory distributor has facilities. must signupand enter all three p Norma Riley,Isabel bonspiTheedoel, followed by the Panthers with completed arrangements with races, in order to qualify for the Dianne Alexander, Kay Sharp, The Di-Jer International 9819, the Corner Pins with 9800 Randy Collin, president of total series point program. � bons lel catering, Audrey Spring Moto -Cross Series will Entry fee is $5 for the three Ron s Mickeys with 9690, the bonspiel Dejong Hully Gully Sports and P g Fine Starts with 9638, the Beuerman, Marg Recreation Ltd. to co-sponsor consist of a three race total race series, plus $1 per race to Cheetahs with with the Pin -Ups Gloria Riley, Loretta Dolmage, for Moto Cross events this point program, for school boys cover the - C.M.A. rider levy. Gloria Murray ; decorating, and all Junior classes. First Entrees close on April 29th, o ' d with 9514, and the Centennials spring. All four C.M.A. sane- . ionedf maces rwih b>a heldcn the event .is.MVlay. 4th,1olj A ty p;arepavail e, fremrany in ` ` , ,'1, 2w' :��4 . " nominating, Ann Laverty, Joyce Doig. And so, dear readers, I bid you "so long for now", I hope you have enjoyed reading the events and -happenings of our Club as much as I have in presenting them to you. Have a good summer and I'll see you at the curling club next fall. t Molson qualifier on y , redesigned Hully Gully Moto- and the final race on June 8th. Cross track, located near Purse for each race of the Varna'` series i�40 percent of the gate, During 1973, Di-Jer Inter -. and $1,000 in Di-Jer Inter- national sponsored the suc- cessful I.S.D.T. Qualifing national Gift Certificates will Series, and in 1973 and 1974 also be_ divided amongst the top sponsored the Di-Jer Cup Enduro. Di-Jer continuestheir interest in the sport by spon- soring, and' promoting the following Moto -Cross events, April 20th "The Di-Jer Spring Bash". First of this years sanctioned Moto -Cross races: This event is open to school boys and junior riders in all Classes. For the first time in many years, riders will not have to pay an entry fee to race. The new $1 per rider fee, recently levied by the _ C.M.A., payable to the Ontario Centre, will be paid for by Di-Jer International. Entry is by mail only, no phone calls and the closing date is April 10th. The "Di-Jer Spring Bash" weekend will start off * on" Friday evening with a press conference, to officially open the redesigned track, and the start of the Di-Jer International Moto -Cross Series. Practise will open at 9 a.m. on Sunday, with the first races scheduled for 12 noon. Prizes are limited to trophies at this first event. Motorcycle Dealer who c Di-Jer International products, or directly from: Di-Jer International __ .._._Mot -o -Cress Races, c -o Hully Gully Sports and Recreation Ltd., R.R. 1, Varna, Ontario. \NF Kinette Club of +Clinton Girls' Softball Entry Form Name Phone No Birthdate • Mail to Mrs. Andy Peterson, 204 Townsend St., Clinton by April 30 Open to all girls 9 to 15 It is expected that two groups will be formed — one for younger girls, one for older girls. If anyone is interested in helping with the girls' ball please contact the above. Applications will be available from your principal. 15,18b "MAINE- ANJ MEAN$" "COME AND SEE", You are invited to attend an informal session on Maine -Anjou "The Performance Breed". A representative from the Canadian Maine -Anjou Association will be in attendance at- this time to present a slide show with general information on the breed in Canada,. followed by a question and answer period. EVERYONE WELCOME Tuesday, April 15, 1915 8 p.m. Cafeteria at Central Huron Secondary School "Free coffee and donuts" ti,.; Pr'i14 RileYdpwc.rL ttgson• 1:1"'(iire Fitness is something you can jump up and down about. .,Y Spring meet, will praceed ; regular season planned by 01 Goderich Trotting Association, A new wrinkle inracingi# accommodations at thea. Goderich track will acpompan the new race dates. To com- pensate for the possibility .o bad weather on the early dates' Bluewater has arranged for complete indoor betting.. and refreshment areas. The company has rented the arena floor and auditorium for the four Fridays and Six Tuesda and plan to set up par-mutue booths and a ref reshmen section on the floor. The move indoors would give Huron County and most of western Ontario a first in harness racing. Indoor services of this nature have'never bee provided at any track for th betting fans. The area under the grandstand normally used as the par-mutuel booths will also be in operation for the fans wishing to watch the race live if the weather permits. Race secretary Don Masse is hopeful that the venture is successful. He said the added - features and extended seasir may draw more fans than last year adding 2,000 people, 800 more than last year's at- tendance average, is the figure. for which the association is hoping. Make your first bike two bikes. Kawasaki G-5 100 Enduro For street and trail riding. 5 -speed transmission, adjustable shocks, lodkable helmet holder. Kawasaki lets the BULL ood times roll SPORTS & RECREATION L L� . VARNA 262-5809 ' YOUR 1 CQOMPLET'E,5c,RVICE PERFORMANCE CENTRE, rj WITH THESE SPORTING 111 GOOD SPECIALS - MEN'S & LADIES' & JUNIORS' 11 & 7 p1ece _golf.sets on special 20 TO 40% OFF (1,3 & 4 Woods and.3 iron to wedge starting at s12.95) �! Putters &l Golf Bags 20 TO 40% OFF Golf Shoes - 9 Roller Skates -40 Some Seconds REG 10 BY BAUER & DOMINION' ALL SIZES AVAILABLE NOW 19.95 While they last We have a good. selection of Used Roller Skates from $202° UP Bicycles WE CARRY A GOOD SELECTION OF RALEIGH-BROWNINGS & GITANE Priced from $1 15.00 TO $179.00 We now specialize in "TEAM SPORTS" Sweaters & Socks, Jackets & Uniforms, Trophies etc. 114 THE SOUARE GODEPICN' AYNE SPORTS OPEN MON. TUES. THURS. 8 SAT. 9 A.M. TO6 P.M. CLOSED WEDNESDAY OPEN FRIDAY NITES TILL 9 P.M. 524-2287