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The Exeter Times, 1886-4-1, Page 5
A ISENBFLUENT DISCOVERY`. (iii .--.^r,--,..-:...... .....-:-- .....,:-.:r._ »..-...-:.-:. I10;eresting litems, AN OLD TIME FAYOl3ITG,, Theo ie 110 et110S remedy that has stone the test' 9f time so long as has Hagyard' 'Yellow Oil for rheumatism, neuralgia, lam back, pains in the chest, colds. croup, sore throat, deafness, and most painful affections The Marine l)opartmeut have under consideration a number of offers of vessels for the fisheries protectiou servloe,. one attribute essentially ht'and, the po\Yer to so?tt's 3tHtllBio annihilate apace and time.'' But vast acid 11 of Pare. important, as have been the results, of mak— Cotl Liver 011, with Hypophespihites, ing steam and lightening the common oar f':spscially Desirable for Children. ries• and messenger of the world, the clic- - A Leer physician at the Child's Hospital, covert' by which weak or iiepure blood can at Albany, N. Y says : •'1V have boon TUE NOBLEST 4CliI1;VEAIENT 01.E S0IENCE, 'The iron horse, with his tireless strength, its pulses of vapour and its heat of name, is a glorf9us.exponent of the metallic nerves through which intelligence _ courses over a °entitlent prove by every flash of thought which traverses them that ;nail possesses II043EMEN. ATTF NTION When y lu: Borst is galled, scratched or out, or has all til;ly sore, bathe twice daily and apply MoGregor tt Pa rke's Carbo] e 0 Create, - It is,eudotlbtedly t)lo finest healing (1 110(1 cleansing"applicatiort for. it. Be sure yen get McGregor ie Parke's. Sold for 25o. per box. at Dr,1300wuing's,D1ug Store, Smell -pox Lee again 'broken out at Man. yi1le, J. Q, One death has occurred, and seyeral new oases aro relicirted, bo vitalized or restored to now vigor and using Scotts P;nulsioll with gloat snco0ss,. purity by means of internal and external nearly all of our patients are suloriug from remedies is of infinite wine, The resources Bono 0115011508 and our pllysioiltus find it very benoficiaL" applied by Thomas Holloway have, proved CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Br n of vegetable chemistry as developed and o, equal tothis mighty task. His ls fainou s chi is immediately 1�lt eS db) oki lo] , s Cure remedies impart to the stream of lifea cis- Sold by ,1, W, Browning Ar) OBSTINATE CASE infecting principle which frees the system from all impure and poisonous 0101000 5, "In the spring of '83 I was ueatl dead as Th f h iatr are almost beyond • Y , The powers o oho yeverybody around my neighborhood knows. tabulation, and s lie has brought them to Ny trouble was caused byobstinate con - hear u 'on all the v liaise of disease !n ou those %ion vegitable compounds 'stitters , One bottle of I3urdoak Blood known a5 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, Bitters cured me entirety," Thin state- Ont t is made by Walter Stinson, of Corrie, they have compassed their highest and holiest object. Steam, as the great motor, is a Sul sliliary Perkins,nsthe English walker, credited with agent. Its usefulness consists, mainly, ill the top record for one mile, 6.23i, recently conveying substantial benefits, with speed died in GUY'S Hospital, Leaden. and certainty, to the fields in which they FLU1D LIGHTNING. areto operate. It is simply the bearer of A11 sufferers from that terrible torment, blessings, not their originator.Of all the Neuralgia, can be made happy in one Ino - freight which it carries over land and sea, ment by a single application of Fluid Light - there is perhaps none so precious as Hello- ning briskly rubbed onaiuful arts and way's remedies. It is scarcely a figure of without using any disgusting medicine. day speech to say that whithersoever it convoys after day with little erne result. Fluid Light them it flies "with healing on its wings." ning also cures as effeetuall Toothache Under the influence'af the Ointment, the Lumbago, Rheumatism, Headache. and is o scences becthe skin, however, omesdisfia red tabu abyrasa,eruppu e, tions day 25 cents per bottle at Dr. Brownings or ex 1 spotless, and transparent ; and this erasure drugstore. c of blemishes is not accom lashed bydrivingShiloh r , Diphtheria, aria,Reman A positiveecure back disease into the vital recesseof thfor Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Mouth. system but by neutralizing the morbid .Sold at Dr. Brolvniug's Drug Store. material which• feeds it. The Pills act upon the internal fluids and the organs which secrete them uponthe sanitary principle. They destroy the acrid tparticles subjected to their chemical action, as infallibly as an alkali neutralises an acid; and at the same time impart a mild and constant electric action to the , secretive and excretive machinery. The sanction of governments, the patron- age of princes, the approval of all Christian nations, the gratitude of pagan millions attest the worth of these twain curatives. In fact there is no region with which Eng- land or any country has any commercial intercourse where Holloway would not find himself at home. Some estimate may be formed of the extent and varietyof his , foreign correspondence, from the fact that. p sixty corresponding clerks, of which number sixteen aro accomplished linguists, are em- ployed in conducting it. He is the centre of it sanitary circle that belts the world. Daily Republic. The continued' use of Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion invariably cleanses the blood from all impurities and restores the system to a state of healthful- ness, that is manifested in increased consti- tutional vigor, mental activity, and lightness and buoyancy of spirits. Always, ask for Ronxxsov's Pi OSNIontzED EsxoxsxON, and bo sure you get it. The Dwyers are backing their colts Rich- mond and Winfred for the Suburban. Shiloh's Curewill immediately relieye Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis Sold by J. W. Browning. Wonderful Cure of Paralysis. D. Merkle, of Carlstant, New Jersey, lost the use of his right arm, was useless, hanging by his side;. tried all the known remedies by direction of the beat0 d OtOr s in Jersey and Now York, electricity, striclmia-all failed. Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia cured him. Sold by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store. Advioos received from Pekin are to the effect that the efforts to form a French — ' railway syndicate has proven a failure, lYli . Blake's Position. Why will you cough when Shiloh's . Cure will give immediate relief ? Price 10c., 50o, and $1. Sold by, J, W. Browning. From thyjkoee. When Ur. Blake declared, in his admirable speeoli at London, that he would not unlock the gate of lutists with the blood rusted key of the past, or frame his political platform out of the planks of a scaffold, we Wel- owned his words as at distinct : and decisive pledge that on the question of Riel's execution he was resolved io take the only coarse consistent either with wisdem;,45,f,,with honour. But once more his !oral nerve seems to have failed him, and he has -al- 1 lowed himself to be dragged by the I tacticians of hie party into a course i which wisdom and hontp*r alike oondemu. „It is impossible to read his speech a ithout deep regret. Can he really have the shadow of a doubt as to the perfect justice of the conviction ? Was nob the fact that Riel had got up a rebellion and eked the blood of our citizens patent to ;t the whole world and confessed a handred tames Iver by Riel himself ? Had he been killed redheaded, with- ' out any trial at all, by those against whom ho had incited Indian Inas- mire, though there might have been reason to condemn the disregard of law, there would have been none to complain of the injustice. Cavils about' the ]node of trial therefore would be rivulous, even if the judg• inent of the Privy Counoil had not Bet these questions at rest. That ilir. Blake should condescend to revive the plea of insanity, we must. own astounds us."* ^ When . Piel offered to sell out, and when, at. the last, he showed a perfect sense of his liability to punishment, and in putting himself into the hands of General Middleton provided as well as he could for his own safety, did he not prove that be wv,s fully conscious of his own position and ofthe charac- ter of his `acts ? ^: * ",x * Suppose Riel had committed forgery, would the plea of iusanity;been heard? Would anybody nthought ofleaking Riel's 'al's will fit the most absurd thing of all is to allege insanity as a ground not for impunity but for matigatiou of punishment. he ought insane, 4 If a is retch l s , man Y not to be pnniehed at all. The Asylum, not the penitentiary, is hie proper place. 11Ir. Blake, we fear, has ibst himself. He has ruined his ownp position as the mover of an inquiry iutp the eauses of the rebel- lion, character in which he might Have appeared with the greatest advantage to himself as well as with • the greatest benefit to the country, and lie has, we suspect, seriously compromised his party. : The annual rneolln Of TTirltton cheese factory was heldon Stturdsy last when the following offioern were eleotedfor the ensuing year: Directors, B. G, Lowrie, Wm.„ Hazlewood, and N.bhier; auditors, s W .J 0 has toil and G. D. Lowrie; sec.-treas., D. W. Talmage; salesman, W. Campbell. Mr. Campbell has undertaken to Make the cheese thiPoummer for 2i•o is lb., keeping the whey at the foctory, a A COMPLETE BREAKDOWN. "For ten years," says Jennie M. Barrett, of Wallaceburg, Ont., "I did not see a well. day -was all broken down with dyspepsia, liver complaint, catarrh and debility. Three doctors abandoned hope for me, when But dock Blood Bitters; came to my rescue.' It is the best medicine T• have ever taken. I say this for the benefit of all suffering as I did.'. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster.. Price 25 cents. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. SURE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. the system is properly cleansed by some medicine that acts upon the bowels, kid- neys and skin, such as Burdock' Blood ' 13it- ters, and the sufferer, will use ,Hagyar's Yel- low Oil according to dileetious, there are few eases of rheumatism, however bad, but will yield promptly to the treatment. The Portuguese Government has issued a decree authorizing free exportation of gold and silver coin. WILL TAKE OATH TO THE FACT. Edward Cousins, of Ranson, declares he was at ono time nearly dead from the effects of a terrible cold and cough. He tried' mady remedies but Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam was what cured him. lie spates in highest praise of it in other cases, and adds that he. is willing to take oath to his state- ments. Are you made miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yet. low skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive ens Sold at Dr. Browning's drug store. ' RAPID WORK, "For two years I was troubled with dys- pepsia --could neither labor nor find relief. Less' than one bottle of B. B. B. relieved mo -3 bottles cured me." So says John A. Rappell, of farmerville. Bnrdook Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney complaints, and all impurities of the system. Sir John Macdonald's health is improving rapidly, though he will probably not, be able to attend the House for some days. "Blood will tell." A face adorned with Pimples, Boils, Blotches, &o., is not a partic- ularly pleasant sight, anti invariably betokens an impure state of the Blood. Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters free the system from all gross humors, renders the Blood Pure and Cool, aids digestion and gives ix healthy ap- petite. Por sale by all druggists in large bottles at GO cents. ' The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold by 3, W. Browning. llollaway's Ointment and Fills. -Old Wounds, Sores,: and Ulcers. -Daily expert. ence confirms the fact which has triumphed over opposition for thirty' years -viz., that no means aro known equal'to Holloway's remedies, for curing bad, legs, sores, wounds, diseases of the skin,'erysipelas, abscesses, burns, scalds n ix , and, in truth, all eases where theshin is broken. To cure thesb infirm- ities quickly is of 'primary importance, as the compulsory confinement indoors weakens the genera] health. 'The ready means of cure are found in Holloway's Ointment and Pills, which herd Ilia sores and expel their cause. In the very worst cases the Oint- ment has succeeded in effecting a perfect cure, after every other means has failed of giving any relief. Desperate cases best display its virtues, The public; brooding studs of 'Germany possess 2,043 stallions, In the last ten years tlio increase in horses has been 170,- 085. A 0 0 .E-�., Jl-:-c. I) • To all who aro suffering from the errsrs a indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ro, I will send a reoei t n i' e,11 ti nue •o o FREE Ala', P i u t R CHARGE. i t 1. Y This great atromo G d w dim -rood 0 •od. a(, is of 1 b * a Y 4 S mis- sionary in South America. Send a self-ad- dressed envelope to lbr:,v, 'rosnrn fl', INDIAN 8tettfon D, New 1o' 1 Cit s -.0o ---a f SPRING SI=IOWS, Spring shotes will be held iu this vicinity this season as follows : East Huron, at Brussels, Friday, April 16. Manchester, Friday, April 9. Hibbert, atStaffa, Friday, April 16. Seeforth, Tuesday, April 20. South Huron, Brimfield, Wcd,, April 21. Stephen clr Osborne, at Exeter, on Friday,. April 23. Stratford, on Thursday, April 22, St. Marys, Wednesday, April 21. Milverton, Thursday, April 15. Henson, on Thursday, April 22nd. East Wawauosh, at Belgrave, on Thurs. day, April 15, Wiugham, ouWednesday, April 14. Biddulph, on Wedn•• .day, April 14. South Perth, aIJ St. Marys, April 21. North Perth, at Stratford, April 22. Blanshard, at Kirkton, April 22. Northern Fair, at Ailsa Craig, April 22. Lucau, April.17. Creci,lton, Wednesday, April 14. Mitchell, at Mitchell, le on Thursday sdn Ari x Y, P the 8th. Prwe g. IRB ots I i PgicG tl-Fl :��rr A }a�� Use 1 _ty 1 Win be mnlledlaltEE to all appll,au Ca, sad to customora of Fast year without orh.rim; It. 1t contains about 180 pages. .1e Iilustrrtions. pri t:, maturate descriptions and valuable • reetions for slanting alt varietlea of VEGETABLE,. and PY,O1i I:xt FEEDS BBGns, eto.. Invaluable to a11, cspeefally to Market FEEDS, Send for It. t4 O ��!! uteric �■ 11Io FERRY q� �G�7V q� �rytv tti�l @C 61 V r g Detroit, itiichigan: 1.4 -WET �R POULTRY YARDS. • W. G. BISSETT, Breeder of • PLYMOUTH ROCKS, BLACK JAVAS, BROWN LEGHORNS and HOU.DANS NO. 1 YARD -P. Rocks ; Cockerel, score 031; 4 Hens, average, score 92. Eggs 92.50 per set- ting, No.2:YAItD-P. hocks; cockerel score 01 • 4' Pullets;. average score 90; Eggs 81,50 Per setting, NO.3 YARD -B. Leihorns, Cockerel. score 03; 8 Pullets, average snore 92; Eggs 91 per set- ting, NO.4 YARD-Houuans, Eggs 91 per setting:. These birds were all scored by Mr, Jarvis and won a good share of prizes at rhe Exeter Poultry Show. r --One trio P. Books for sale. SA.LT! SALT! SIT I TE XEITEI�. a or o Save for sale TEN HUNDRED TONS of SALT suitable for Agricultural an d Domestic Purposes, which they :offer At Lowest Market Prioes A. call respectfully so— licited, • Apply to T. 13. CAR.GING, Secretary. ANNOU ARRIVAL OP - CE -New Dress Goods— Albatros Cloths, All Wool Ottomans, All Wool Nun's Cloth, Prints, Satcens, Cotton Crapes, Ginghanls, Embroideries, Oriental .Laces, Valentine Laces, Torchon Laces, D.ent111e .L TWEEDS, Scoteh Tweeds, Scotch routings, English Worsteds, Irish Sergee, Canada Tweeds, Cellonades, OCs, wA.TJT, 1 PEM-4, NeIV Groceries, New Field and ('('Tien Seeds. Call slid 'inspect for yourself, yeti. will - not be importuned to buy. Milliner Opening, y Upenln�tlpril 13th. UIIOLERA PRE VEN PATINE. In order to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and the proper action of the stomach are requir- ed. To insure that end, in the cheapest, most available and complete manner, rise 'McGregor's Speedy Lure for Dyspepsia and Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer or more reliable remedy in o1istonco for Intl!. gestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc, Ask your neighbor or any person who. has used it, sola at Dr, Browning's s Store g Drug 1 We aro constantly e receiving to f a testimony that hat Dr, Carson's Catarrh Cure Iswhatits ynarne implies a "Catarrh Cure.'' : Your druggist is Authorized to refund the money if it fails to give satisfaction, What can bo more Lair; r nd need you suffer any longer 7 amwell Pickard' IUIWARxl Oi' e uzvxiu11irJ i s. GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA, Tho speediest and most_ certain medicine in the world, ALL FAMILIESUSE T. 1, Weak Back, I,nlarged Joints, Paralysis, Rheumatism, N ,uiaJd ui, Diphtheria., Sciatica, Probopsns, 17tcrei, Female Weakness, The best and only certain remedy to relieve Pain. of alt kinds, umtter of how long stand- ing. Instantretiuf guaranteed erippes. Swol- len Joints, Varicose Veins, Bites of Insects o: SickEieadaclto. No oil or grouse; is clean and sweet; will not soil, Iir'FLAnfbrATION ole" '51110 I';IDN15VS, BaIoI T's PllnsAse, Diabetes, incouthrones of Urine. Is the only Liniment in 'tbo world pos sassing a lr torativo Mowers. Clau be taken internally; euros cramps and Co lie, Diarrhoea and Dye - eatery. OL1?]Y.ALr, DRUGGISTS. TRIAL BG TUE 25c. Write or, Giles, box 3,482, N. Y. P. 0., who will give advice 011 all diseases free of charge, t 33eware of unsorttpul.ous dealers and eoun- torfeits, The genuine hes tho name blown in the glass and Ilio simile of the discoverer's nano ovor each cork. GILES' Ir,zpooVED 1VIAND1t11ild PILLS. Sem SVRE.RPLLIDL[9 tynd 1'F;b•COTIVE. Do. NOT G1;IP4 They ate composed entirely of vegetable sub. stances, and can be taken at all 801(50ns of the year without restriction as to diet or clothing. For alldisorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bo wels, So. Pr:ee, 950, 'per box. O. LUTZ, Agent, Exeter Ontario, JOHIT UNDERTAKER 8� CABLNE £-MAZER, sem. ,,�I ,,s :r t % ..`- t \; r'' - t ....:,,,I,...;::.0:,... u /f 1. ,--..) Walnut ct, Rosewood- Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO;]. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FTJRNISF_ED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. "GIVE ME A CALL HARDNESS HAIR BALM' • Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its growth, and will not soilthe skin; As a hair dres. sing, it has no superior. Guar- anteed harmless. Prepared by Harkness & Co. London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicin Dealers. At.. Toronto, 'Every Barrel Guaranteed. '''his Oil was used • on all machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDALS duringthe last direyet/T5. �cw •"''S�ce�pthat +you gget yPeerless. It is only made by�q rpt p y��o � s,&,i,Y,�. 4.I lrlrsr wi rS,-Lao4 tits { CO,, !dc O O.4,r7 9,t FOR SALE 13Y ALL DEALERS. 1LLh5. [0[11 [!SU11, 11111111,11101� PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to make room for , Fall and Winter Purchases which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly oaa. baud, All Shades, Finest Goods Best Artistic i f StIC �.uttln and Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited. SOTYTHCOTT. Fashionable Tailor; Exeter. RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PiLLS Purify' the Blood, correct allDisorders of the . LIVER, STO\IABH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWEGS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in Complaints iuoidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are priceI, THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores mud Ulcers. It famous for Gout aod•Rhenmatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST 1T HAS NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Coids,Glandelar Swellings, and all skin disea it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Tames HOILOwAY's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; • also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. led., 28. 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 901. size coutaius three times the quantity oft he is lid, size'; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 335 size fifty-two timesthe quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hau in any language Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. WILLIAM 1 1 GIME ! Vhonl arty euros do not mann merely to stop them fora tlmo and then have them return 1 rz,ln. I mu,n a radical curd, rh0v0,,lode the disease of 11(9 L•PILF.I'SY orOALL INC'SIOI:NSSSa ilO-long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Miro the worst caeca. Because others have failed In no •e000n for not,no00 receiving a care.- Scud at once. fora (0001(00 and n Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. 0100 Express and Post Wilco. It costs you nothing. for a trial, end Y will Para you, Midreos DR. II. G, ROM`, Broach Office, 37 !ouzo St,. Toronto, 3Xhnl' O " R To intro. duce them ,. we will rive r„way GIVE AWAY 1,010 Self -Operating leashing Machines, If you want ono send us your naive P. 0, and ex- pplross:°ince at once THE NATION AI; CU 1., 2t 'Soy Street, N, Y 12/1 i.. TSO. 1 havo ,.0u,adyfm•'t(oabove diadeae;:byVIli lied thouremia ,t 01803 Orr nm worst kind an -I of Wog itanttlig kava Welt oared. 11 1(00 eo strong as lay faith In fid a!lieeey, that I'. all Nerl ' 1V0 BOTTLES P71Ew, to(Settre, with it V tt iid,ll.t' 1IICA'I'IStt on tilde disease to any sailers, (1(00 cio al 001 r, O. nd lreoa, 11(1 1'. A,.9LOOlI11, ,. Er'anoh A6ice, 37 Yonge St., Toronto Send 10 cents postage and Ivo will send you .� rte a ro a1 Valltablo Y r Sam to box f i I'T e t(1de that will put you in the way of making mese money at once, than anything else in America, Cab se'esoftill ages can, live at home and work in spare time, or all the time, Capital net i•o nirn LWowill t start you Immense ny n lens , pay si11 e for those wilo start at once. S01Nb0 & Co Portland Maine Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.. I have Just received' a Car Load of New Stylish Furniture and I am SELZ, N'G A T COST For tile. next SIXTY DAYS. It will be to your advantage to call on nie before going elsewhere. �' REMEMBER THE PLADE, ONE DOOR NORTH OF MOLSONS BANK. WILLIAM DREW. Ezeter Post Office Time 'Fable. alAI LS Birkton, Woodham Winchelseitandflimvitle ,.. ,,. aiseive cease.. �I 4.00p.in.10 ooa,ni 8oath ,oast and wos;, including London, Hamilton Toronto Montreal ltlanitoba,United States, English andforeign malls ,.. ,,, ' South, east west tic .., ,., North and oast including Godericb, Wingham, l ineardina and all . points north; Stra told; Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States.,. • ,,, North east, &c ... . . Saroptn, Tuesdays, Tb redeye and. Saturdays .., 10.15a d . 06.45 ,,,m, 11.15 a.m 3.80 a, 5.80 p.an. 5,80 lr. lh 11,Ooa.n1, 10.00x. nt. 9 00 a la 10 00 a 111 8,30 a. of 4.10 p, ill ONEY oRbERs [stirred and paid on and from any 'moneyOrder Oklic8ifit)l;'Dominion andlroland,13ritishTndia, Newfoundland, Italy Australia ofCess Tasmania, Ne r .]vow South Denmark lasmalrfag.Nev 7cland, 7� tanto an Algeria, the Gorman Empire, 9wodeit,Norlcay, l:iemm�;rk the Nethrlands, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, ttoumttuia, United States, aiataiem 110©5 B(r bados. POST OFFICE SAVINGSSA,N7f. Deposits will be received at this oflloo from $1 to ;$300. 37opositors obtaining ; t ' malar -General's special permission can deposit $1005, Deposits on Savings 13s Ilk scchonnlra ceived from 9 a. m, to 4p. m. Interest 4 of pp cont par will i i 1 bo allowed on ell' deposit' Office hoursfiom 7.30 a, m •to 7 p, m Lottcrsintondcd for registratiorn must bo posted Li minutes Ise (era Ilia closingtf volt li soh Ina11 0 Z't tr itis'. tady ,'t5tthat the ondore of Matter will kinflp add the names ofilo'Countiios'tOgib'aiieSSO, D.J'OHNS,Pesemaster, 4 F_ R.� •••= w -7. I es � Seethe _x.nr , e Vika ` rREEMASvJ'S WORs POWDERS. Are pleasant to t .1,o, Con .in their own Purgative. Is a F. fes, afire. and effectual etetdloyer of worms in Children or Adults, CTUTS OUT and return to u3, will 10e or 4 3c stamps, and you'll get by return mall tt Golden 13ox of Goode that'will b1•ing you in wore mono y hau du thin ' oleo to Your fortune if you start qu C i.;erioa, CITY NOVELTY CO., Yarmouth, N. S. JOHIT UNDERTAKER 8� CABLNE £-MAZER, sem. ,,�I ,,s :r t % ..`- t \; r'' - t ....:,,,I,...;::.0:,... u /f 1. ,--..) Walnut ct, Rosewood- Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO;]. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FTJRNISF_ED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. "GIVE ME A CALL HARDNESS HAIR BALM' • Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its growth, and will not soilthe skin; As a hair dres. sing, it has no superior. Guar- anteed harmless. Prepared by Harkness & Co. London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicin Dealers. At.. Toronto, 'Every Barrel Guaranteed. '''his Oil was used • on all machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDALS duringthe last direyet/T5. �cw •"''S�ce�pthat +you gget yPeerless. It is only made by�q rpt p y��o � s,&,i,Y,�. 4.I lrlrsr wi rS,-Lao4 tits { CO,, !dc O O.4,r7 9,t FOR SALE 13Y ALL DEALERS. 1LLh5. [0[11 [!SU11, 11111111,11101� PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to make room for , Fall and Winter Purchases which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly oaa. baud, All Shades, Finest Goods Best Artistic i f StIC �.uttln and Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited. SOTYTHCOTT. Fashionable Tailor; Exeter. RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PiLLS Purify' the Blood, correct allDisorders of the . LIVER, STO\IABH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWEGS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in Complaints iuoidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are priceI, THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores mud Ulcers. It famous for Gout aod•Rhenmatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST 1T HAS NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Coids,Glandelar Swellings, and all skin disea it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Tames HOILOwAY's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; • also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. led., 28. 4s. 6d., lls., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 901. size coutaius three times the quantity oft he is lid, size'; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 335 size fifty-two timesthe quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hau in any language Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. WILLIAM 1 1 GIME ! Vhonl arty euros do not mann merely to stop them fora tlmo and then have them return 1 rz,ln. I mu,n a radical curd, rh0v0,,lode the disease of 11(9 L•PILF.I'SY orOALL INC'SIOI:NSSSa ilO-long study. 1 warrant my remedy to Miro the worst caeca. Because others have failed In no •e000n for not,no00 receiving a care.- Scud at once. fora (0001(00 and n Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. 0100 Express and Post Wilco. It costs you nothing. for a trial, end Y will Para you, Midreos DR. II. G, ROM`, Broach Office, 37 !ouzo St,. Toronto, 3Xhnl' O " R To intro. duce them ,. we will rive r„way GIVE AWAY 1,010 Self -Operating leashing Machines, If you want ono send us your naive P. 0, and ex- pplross:°ince at once THE NATION AI; CU 1., 2t 'Soy Street, N, Y 12/1 i.. TSO. 1 havo ,.0u,adyfm•'t(oabove diadeae;:byVIli lied thouremia ,t 01803 Orr nm worst kind an -I of Wog itanttlig kava Welt oared. 11 1(00 eo strong as lay faith In fid a!lieeey, that I'. all Nerl ' 1V0 BOTTLES P71Ew, to(Settre, with it V tt iid,ll.t' 1IICA'I'IStt on tilde disease to any sailers, (1(00 cio al 001 r, O. nd lreoa, 11(1 1'. A,.9LOOlI11, ,. Er'anoh A6ice, 37 Yonge St., Toronto Send 10 cents postage and Ivo will send you .� rte a ro a1 Valltablo Y r Sam to box f i I'T e t(1de that will put you in the way of making mese money at once, than anything else in America, Cab se'esoftill ages can, live at home and work in spare time, or all the time, Capital net i•o nirn LWowill t start you Immense ny n lens , pay si11 e for those wilo start at once. S01Nb0 & Co Portland Maine Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.. I have Just received' a Car Load of New Stylish Furniture and I am SELZ, N'G A T COST For tile. next SIXTY DAYS. It will be to your advantage to call on nie before going elsewhere. �' REMEMBER THE PLADE, ONE DOOR NORTH OF MOLSONS BANK. WILLIAM DREW. Ezeter Post Office Time 'Fable. alAI LS Birkton, Woodham Winchelseitandflimvitle ,.. ,,. aiseive cease.. �I 4.00p.in.10 ooa,ni 8oath ,oast and wos;, including London, Hamilton Toronto Montreal ltlanitoba,United States, English andforeign malls ,.. ,,, ' South, east west tic .., ,., North and oast including Godericb, Wingham, l ineardina and all . points north; Stra told; Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States.,. • ,,, North east, &c ... . . Saroptn, Tuesdays, Tb redeye and. Saturdays .., 10.15a d . 06.45 ,,,m, 11.15 a.m 3.80 a, 5.80 p.an. 5,80 lr. lh 11,Ooa.n1, 10.00x. nt. 9 00 a la 10 00 a 111 8,30 a. of 4.10 p, ill ONEY oRbERs [stirred and paid on and from any 'moneyOrder Oklic8ifit)l;'Dominion andlroland,13ritishTndia, Newfoundland, Italy Australia ofCess Tasmania, Ne r .]vow South Denmark lasmalrfag.Nev 7cland, 7� tanto an Algeria, the Gorman Empire, 9wodeit,Norlcay, l:iemm�;rk the Nethrlands, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, ttoumttuia, United States, aiataiem 110©5 B(r bados. POST OFFICE SAVINGSSA,N7f. Deposits will be received at this oflloo from $1 to ;$300. 37opositors obtaining ; t ' malar -General's special permission can deposit $1005, Deposits on Savings 13s Ilk scchonnlra ceived from 9 a. m, to 4p. m. Interest 4 of pp cont par will i i 1 bo allowed on ell' deposit' Office hoursfiom 7.30 a, m •to 7 p, m Lottcrsintondcd for registratiorn must bo posted Li minutes Ise (era Ilia closingtf volt li soh Ina11 0 Z't tr itis'. tady ,'t5tthat the ondore of Matter will kinflp add the names ofilo'Countiios'tOgib'aiieSSO, D.J'OHNS,Pesemaster,