The Exeter Times, 1886-4-1, Page 4►TtflE. EXETER TfMJ,S, 1s puhlish.e(l, awry era eseeenioneIdeat the TI MES sTgAm,PRINTINO NQUSE gain-street,ugttriyoltl?osito 1 itton's aewelory Store, Exeter, Ont., by lobit White R Sea, Pro- p1iothrs. n:).Tits 01' ADVERT/SING : kirstitzsertiozi,pe} l.ilie. 10 aunts: Ss04Subseque,utansertiou,por luzo,,...,3eents, To tueure insertion, a dvea•tisonients shOLU1 be sezltznslotiatorthau Weaitesclay ruorning, Our JOt3.1'13IN1.'ING i)EPA'i't'd'MI)NT'is o116 (Atha largest and best equipped in the County unwires .ProniA shoal uutr istset tq us will rocciv Decisions neer are ing' pape rs. Blake lost the ouogreat opporttt. uity of leis life when, on his retWrn from bingleuel, be did not 'honestly kick the bargain, Edgar, the c tele and the whole foul moss into: the po- litical back yard, awl show himself true autl loyal man for once. But this fatal wealfueoo prevailed and 'crushed him anal his party, 1\To predict that' sward Blake will eevor in the oorniog time reooyor the reputation ho lost by his most undo• Lary corl•espondelt of the Toronto News, writes Unto Froin, Ottawo:— "By the way, the Globe's oritioiem of Thompson's speech was the meet unfair thing 1 have dean hi Cauoclian Journalism for a long time. It witch not only unfair, itwas absolutely and eluqualihediy, untrue. When 1 roadie was ashamed to acknowledge that 1:belonged the profession of jouru• countable eOurse ou this Riel coutro• Tux names of those Western wom Nov - verse% Oblivion will claim him as aha berg who "voted Biel" ou Wednesday rightful viotiuh. True moral and pod night are day 11orSODwhotakesa paperregularlyflom lltloal rattlmi.ila and worth are the theaostealce,whethezdirecte(lauhisnameor on y i make a oupCe68— 1 bttributes tl at auo hers, er-whether helms snbsoribed or 11°b ful maor p drop politician. We drop a tear za'sesttonsiblo for 1)a -sun eut 2'if 'person orders his paper discontinued on the bier of Blake and his party. a 010111inlle to send it until the 'payment IS made, -••- _ ,S'1'MPAT1'HZERS WITH MUR-• T11(.71 AND I�L�BELLroN. he must pa WU azrears or thenbllsh(lr may Yl and then oolleet the 'whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the eines) or not, S In suits for subscriptions, the suit may be instituted in the place where the paper is pub• lished, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or poiio(iicals from the post - We publish in these columns the Raines of the Western Ontario meta entoe, or removing and leaving them nnoallod for is prima facie evidence of intentionalfrau,l ser@ of Pm..5111ent, who repre8ent Reform constituencies and who voted for Mr. Landry's motion expres bin f e �'. ser iaea. TUUSRDAY, APRIL 1st, 1880 A •VIG'IORY.. On Thursday morning last, at the conclusion of the Riel debate, a vote was taken in Parliament: on the went of confidence motiou to censure the Government for allowing the. execut- ion of Riel. The result was a wonder- ful victory for law and justice, and not a triumph of race or creed ; but one of civilization 'over disorder and riot. The vote stood 140 against and 52 for the motion, and amongst the number whe voted against this motion appears the name of Hon. Alex. Mac. kenzie. It must, indeed, appear to tMr. Blake, that he is wonderfully as- tray, when he observes the Hon. Alex Mackenzie, the old and true leader, voting against hirci. ORANGEMEN AND KIEL. • M. C. Cameron, the member for West Huron, asserted in his speech during the Riel debate in the House of Oommons that Riel was haugod to satisfy Orange revenge ; but the fol. lowing from the Hansard will serve to show how much pressure the Or- ange Society brought to bear on the Ctevernment in the matter of haugiug Riel, andhowfouudationiess were the xemarke of West Huron's reproseute- tive :— Mr. Taylor asked, 1st, were any, and how many, petitions sent by Orange Lodges to the Government, praying that the sentence of death passed upon Louis Piet, for high treason, be not commuted; and if any, from, what lodges and where situate ? and, were any, and how many, copies of resolutions sent to the Government passed by either the Grand Orange Lodges, district, county or private lodges, to the same effect ; and if any, by what lodges, and where were they located ? 14 Ir. Chapleau—There have heeu no peti- tions sent by Orange lodges to the Govern- ment ; There have been no copies of resolu- tions sent to the Government passed by either the Grand Orange .Lodge or by district or county lodges to the same effect. R/EL AND THE REFORM PARTY If ever the Reform party of Canada was in an unpleasant position it is now. Whatever confideuce and es- teem the party had in and far Ed- ward Blake as leader is rudely dis- pelled by his action and vote in the i m Riel mater. After his previous rec- ord on the former Riel affair, after all the papers submitted to the House, after the most positive proof of Riel's t every white settler in the North - sanity, duplicity,meanness, treachery, West. The statement made by Riel self-seeking and diabolical scoundrel -Ito Mr. McKay, which came out in the ism; that Edward Blake should vote evidence of the latter at' the trial, that he regretted he was hung, is mattes it evident the rebel leader's ob. truly aetouuding. Everybody hooves/pet. He said to McKay: "'You don't the compact that Edgar and the Globe know what we are after ; it is blood ! made wittl the disaffected French, blood ! we want' blood ! It ie a war how, so far as they could, they sold of extermination 1 Everybody that is the' Reform party, body and bones, to against us is to be driven out of the theFreucli, hoping thereby to gain country. . There were two ourees in the. country, the Government and Hudson Bay Company. Mr. ':Trow,• es ion, by his vote, expresses regret that a they lost eotne twenty-three of their "lamb -like" individual like Riel should own following—but this was- not have suffered such an ignominious and cruel death ;-but the voters of South Perth will doubtless demand some explanation for his reversion of 1 g regret that the Government' allowed the murderer, Riel, to suffer the ex- treme penalty of the law. Amopget the names appears that of James Trow, member for South Perth, and what excuse M. `Trow can offer his constituents for having v)ted thus we cannot imagine ; He now expres- ses regret at the hanging of a mur- derer, and in the year 1872, when first contesting South Pet•th in the Reform interest, in opposition to Mr. Joseph Kidd, he was wonderfully ag- rieved that the Goverument did no hang this same man for the murder of Thos. Scott. The inconsistency is visible, and no doubt the electors of his constituency well remember how earnestly Mr. Trnw and those speak - leg in his behalf appealed to them to record their votes against a Gov- ernment who had allowed a cold. blooded murderer to escape sootb.free; iia fact, he and his assistants have been known to shed tears over the NAME ARMSTRONG, CAMERON, CAMERON, CASEY', HARLEM, LISTER, MILLS SOMDRVIFLE, TROW, WELLS, CONSTITUENCY $. llicidloseA Huron W. Middlase>; W. Elgin 0ARI 01? '.i'HANI S. Wo the itf?ito t for of tits Cor1feaoratl`on .;life ,k ui,--rleaeo accept toy thanks for the very prerupt 11:11(t satisfactory settlomrut of the. Ctai'n against your Company,, under Policy No, 10020, upon the life of my late husbatte, through your ugout,l$, Iauulug,108q, CATHERIN7 WEBSTF]i , N.13,—'Phis Policy had only been issued ab out ,three mouths and tho premium covered by note. the amount of which the Company simply deducted froze the amount cf the }?oliey: Brussels Post How Lost, How Restored \'e have recentlyuublishod a new edition of 1)li.Cr1LVI11i\VLLL'S CL,L1oB1tATED ES- SAY on the radical audpe manent cure (with- . Oxford out lnodieit;e)ofNervous Debility,xnentapland 8physical capacity impediments to lifart loge, W. 'Lambton etc .,resuiliugfrom excesses, Bothwell Price•,in sealedenvolope,only 0 conts,ortwo W. Bruce postage stamps. The celebrated authoz'cfthis admirable es, S. Perth sayelearly demonstrates, from thirty years E. Bruce suooeesfulpraotiee, that alarming ocnsequen eroas use el internal medicines or'the use of the lcuife ; Point mita,mode of cure at once simple certain and effectual, by means of whiollevorysufferer, no matter whathis con - ditionmay be,may euro himself ohaaply, psi MR. Pliow,, of South Perth, voted that it was wrong to hang that mur- derer. Biel, for whom, during his first ,Ltely iLll(l raaleail political campaign, in 1872, graved Yt 'L'hi1 leotureshouldbei4the handeol ev- or a mus er of � ' T�'oty leas appealme to the Orange- • "R.E CICINERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY, 068niayberadically cured without the dang- ] as bis merited' punishment eryyouhhandeverynlaninthgilnd. penal Addresct f th d Soolt. When Mr, men for support he displayed Soott'e bloody shirt. How he eau face his constituents again after the course he has pursued in the Riel affair is a queatiou we will not ate tempt to answer, but he will likely try 41 ANN Sr., NEW1OR1i. Post Office Box 450 1--1 0 N Q to pull the wool over the eyes of the electors. Cn ca 03 TES Bill to further amend the Pi ' Q Municipal Aot which embrarces all eel0 the Municipal Bills introduced this •� ; session that have survived the Man- ieipal Committee, has been sanctioned Pe Fei by the Lieut. -Governor. Among the (u C' important provisionsofthis, Bill are' the following:—To regulate slaughter f --i houses; to fix the qullhoatiou of man ,•,1„� w ioipal representatives in incorporated villages at freehold, $400; leasehold, poll a) $800; in'towns, freehold, $800 or 0 leasehole $1,600; feeling appeals to the Orangemen for $1,500, or leasehold, 3,000; in town- i/2 ' support. Never was this matter lost ships, freehold, $400, or leasehold, I 4"a - sight of wheu it was thought a vote $800; to provide that in al ere La cruel murder of Scott, while making , 0, in cities, freehold Q • 9 Ist 0* 9 Irit 'et" could be gained. And in view of such or incorporated village any . lien or rd to al a grays offence having been commit. encumbrance or freehold: .property R 0 , a j -1 414 ted against law and order, the people rated at 2,000 shall not disqualify Cid F-4 C) ) were earnestly pleaded with to semi the halder for election as a municipal en A CD Pe :hi. s Mr. Trow to represent them instead representative; to enable a candidate '� of Mr. Kidd, and thus administer .a for a municipal position to qualify on v sl iimi c'3 0 Ai cl 20 44 0 4 ce il 14 014 0 Q CD 0 ° rZJ (1') -4- *y E -i g PLI 213 14) o PI 1J 03 0 a 0 8 cd .--cl El r --+n. C2 0 CD ril /1 -i-. a 0 to A H ON T1:S Y� It's Only aPicture 'TTS TRUE, Still you can see at a glance how much the children look like their parents, like their father especial- ly, far butter: tha�i if we had writ- ten half a coluixu about them, lie , so while we tell you of a lot of New Goods in last week and more hole dais week, that, while they excel our, highest expectations, being New 111 design, Riel1 -iu . ,�.. appear. ante and at prices which surprise most people, 'still you can scarcelypS have any idea of the stock we leo or the value pwe are showing unless you come and see us, and it is a pleasure to present on our counter before the' eyes of an appreciative public, goods Which are a fao similie of those shown in the city, and as much alike as the babes and their papa. Ottoman Cords, Sicilian. Cords, Satin Brpches, Merveilleux, and Gros -grains for Mantles and Jackets (20 pieces to select from) Chenille Trimmings in five qualities, Fringes, Orna- ments and Loops at RANTON BROS.' Mantles cut Free or luacle up in Latest Style by Miss Wood, who is well and favorably known in and around Exeter. New Prints -a daisy let,—New Dress Goods—such pretty shades,—Plushes, Ribbons, &c., &c., beautiful goods at RANTON BROS.' And Gentlemen, you should' see our Nobby Scotch Tweeds, checks (quite the rage.) Our Fine Pantings, Worsteds, and Suitings. We can rig you up fine and to your entire satis- faction. Our Swell Hats are the Latest and same as sold by W. de D. Dineen, the hatters, collier King' & Younge-streets, Toronto. Prices right; and such an array of Neckwear in Scarfs and Ties. Just listen, boys, and then come• and prove that we have by far the largest range ever shown in Exeter, and fully 20 per cent. cheaper than a year ago. Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to call and see these goods, buy or no buy. fitting rebuke to Sir Johu A. Mac- doneld, who, through the influence of his French masters,- had allowed the murderer of their. brother Orange - his wife's property; to eoable cities and towel to assist in the purchase of toll roads, or to "abolish market fees on condition that toll -roads be. Man to escape `punishment, 'Che made free; to enable,a town. to reunite Scott murder cry was used by :fir, with a county to enable Boards of Trow and his supporters with great Police Commissioners or City effect in turning votes. Really the Councils to license and regulate murder of Thos. Scott was cruel and second hand stores, junk stores, revolting, and for it Riel should have livery stable', horse case, carriages, been made to pay the extreme parts, trucks, sleighs, and 'other pen- alty. But was not the recent rebel --vehicles used'' for hire, and to estab lion, in which two hundred lives were lisp rates for fare; to suable counties sacrificed, among. them being Chris- to calculate ou the cost of the main tian ministers of the Catholic Church, tenanoe of prisoners, the original cost and defenceless women and children, of'site and erection of gaol buildings, two hundred times"worse ? And yet and of !repairs, iusuranoe, tend sal - this same Mr. Trow, who so deeply arias of officers and servants; to lamented the murder of one .iudividu- Iicense .roller skating rinks and other al in 1872, by this same Riel, has re- places ufamusement; to.simplify in corded bis vote m 1880, expressing various respects the regulations for regret that the Government has al. the ooustruction and maintenance of lowed the red-handed murderer to be damage works; to enabto Councils to put to death for his benious crime. license and regulate plumbers, and Mr. Trow, like his leader, will nue pass by-laws for securing, improving , that he cannot blindfold and lead the and maintaioing the sanitary condi majority of the Reformers of South tion of a city or town; to compel the Perth into exnusiug rebellion and ,use of water from municipal water- uraer, or making a martyr out of one of the worst criminals that ever trod this eontinent, and one whose design was the utter extermination of works.; to provide for the reduction of sinking funds; to euablo a Council to guarantee local itnprovement debentures; to provide for the cum- pletion of local improvements before. making the assesstnent, therefore; to provide for a reference to the County Judge of claims for compensation in respect of lands; and to provide for the completion by a new 'Council of works and proceedings begun by th•e old. power. But they reckoned without their host, and by gaining some six: teen French votes on this question, Blake's fault. He did everything in his power as leader of the party to carry out the sale and bargain made by Edgar. Hd spoke with all his opinion in this matter since 1872. eloquence (and it is net a little) to They can surely see into the soheme. persuade his followers to vats regret It is quite apparent. at Riel'e punishment. But how bad his cause must have been, when Mc- Kenzie, Oartwrigbb and souls twenty others could not be convinced, and voted against him. No man ever made a greater political mistake than did Blake ou tide ocossion. As a polities' leader he is to day,discredlted in Ontario, distrusted in Qsebec, and heartily Cursed 11.1 the othe pot: tions of the Dominion. It must have been some revenge for poor old Alex. McKenzie to display his better judg- ment in rising to vote against .flake on this questien. The Reform party are to -day, in- stead of holding power, as they fondly hoped, by aid of the Reeina scaffold, utterly confounded, disheartened, broken up, paralyzed and sat upon by an adverse majority of 04 in the House. Ana all this disaster is brought about by allowing political wire•pulters litre Edgar to run the party and having a leader like Blithe without snfficient backbone to break the fetters that Edgar ire Co, bind around him. IoDITORIAL NOTES. SIR JOHN M'AODUNALD 1l steadily im proviug in health. A meeting of detegates from atl the municipalities in East Huron assemble. N OTICE. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the tutder- Suppliies' wII bo received a"Tender his fce Indian noou of TUESDAY, 20th APRIL, 1880 for the We have one of the very best delivery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal year ending Seth June, 1887, consisting„ofi FTeiurses in the County, Flour, Bacon, Beef, Groceries, Amnittnition, Twine, Oxen, Cows,Bulls, Agricultnrai Imp�he- I And Funerals furnished and conducted et ' nleuts, &c.: duty paid. at varione pointe in Ma- n itoba and the North+Wes t Territories C. 8c S. GSDL3iY, UNDERTAKERS! --AND---' Furniture Manu faeui'ers wa i {F 1 \' i 1 t ti —A FULL STOCK OF— Furniture, Coffins, Caskets,. And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants. Norms of tender, giving fnll particulars rela tive to the Supplies required, dates' of deliy- ery, ace., maybe had by applying to the under- signed, or to the Indian Commissioner atRe- gins, or to the Lldian Office, Winnipeg, Parties may tender ior ofoesetogos (or ony porton h description of goods) separately, or for all the goods called for in the echeduleg, hath tender must bo accompauted by an ac- ed at Brussels on Tuesday, for the General Iranian A cop er ogne Ln favor of the Superintendent of selectinga candidate t0 fla irs, on 'Canadian nattk, purpose i for ao least five per cent.of the amount of the Contest the next election for the Local tenders for Man htobaandtl:o North=WeatTcr ritoriae,which witl bo forfeited '} House, The meeting was to a man for Thos. E. Hayes, of McKillop. who is chosen ae t'tmulti rd bearer of the Conservative party in East Huron.- Tier; Ontario Legislature has been prorogued without very much busi- ness having been done. The mem- bers of Huron ()entity .Council did more business in fotir days than ithe Legislature did in four weeks. Why not abolish the present system of meeting, and hold biennial seselone. The result would no doubt bo eatie. factory to all. tendor.ng declines to enter into a contract when called upon ;to do so, or if he fails to der complete tcontracted e not accepted, tlieci ee willibe return. ed. Tandrnorsmust makeup in thn Money col- umns in the schedule the total money 'value of the goods they offer to supply, or their tender will not be entertained. Each tender, must, in addition to the signa- ture of the tondel 00, bo signed by two sureties acceptable to the Department, for the proper performance of the contract, In all cases whore, transportation may be only partial by rail, contractors must make' proper arrangements for supplies to be for- warded at once from railway stations to their destinntioil in the Government Ilonso-at the point of delivery. The lowdet,or any tender, not necessarily accepted, h. VANI 0UGHNI T, Deputy of the Superintonleht•Genernl of Indian Affairs. "Ptoe,�” the well known Parliatneie Depmfd, , OttaartlVnent0,3rdlnNtircianiiAe9eAff0Irg. extremely low prices. EMBLEMS OF ALL TILE DIFFERENT SOCIETIES. THE itE1r TO HEALTH Jnlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying elf gradually trithoat weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same- time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach curing Dili- ousr:.ess, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz• 511aFlrs, Heartburn,Constipation, Dey_Zess of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ,- 'CM of V1sjon,3Taundice, Salt Rheum, 11rys��i_peras, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happy influence of EtTRDi7CK BLOOD BITTERS. bare ale Bottles lee ; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T.�iiLRf1.1V ez C04 Frepr;etorp, unto And R� JAMES PICKARDS. 4 TT0N macs. ther AXES IILHR1F[! --FOR so xttsixavo$ DRUGSTOHE! 0 0 Pure Drugs 84 Family Receipts Carefully Compounded NOW ON THE VAY The following lines, which will be sold at the Closest Possible Cash Figures : 20 tons Cut and Steel Nails, American Pattern, 40 tons Lir delalan Blacksmith Coal. (will be sold Cheap for Cash or on Short Dates,) 10 tons Bucl3thorne and Barb -Wire Fencing, 100 boxes Glass, 5 tons White Lead bbls. each Raw 5c Boiled Oil, cac a 3 bbls. Turpentine, 10 bbls. Machine Oils, Also a Carr load of Locks, Hinges, Butts, and general Shelf Hardware. ' Cash ofre Chea Full Stock Stoves & Tinware Cheap � for EAVE _ C A SPECIALTY t� —h w 81 re 1 0 a w r it h p G a: u el to R a in bt If A. PI 11 0 iu 11 lea rid .th ell 10 ell la: ale D'. G. TT O': a1