HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-4-1, Page 1L! GAL, T H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soil 4 s. date of Supreme Court, Notary Public Conveyancer, Joniinisaiontr, &c. Money to t'ioau. « . 0thee in x'xansou's'Bloolc,t;xoter, '9 /f MdFADDEN, Barrist,r; Solicitor, Conveyancer; Etc., li'ilt TE1t, - ON T. Wilco aaniwoil'sBlock (f1i111'sold oftice•) 1)19 91 TA L. to, for from always CAIETWIIIGI3'I, L. D,, S. • . r II/111 opened (lento1 looms over 1'`-: (3 ;; O'NlilL'S BANE, where he will be ®aw.prepared to oxtraotteeth without n, A11 opel;ations'performed with ease anal, pai� skill. Gold fillings a speciality. Office hours O e, in: to 5 p ni. 0r,2Arno is Monnakri:. Timm Casa, TT t.f'e Upstairs Main KINSA'1•, DENTIST.L.D.lrl J Extracts Tootle ^Avithout'Iain, by giving Vitalized Air; or by • using the NOW Luoal Anrostho- do on the gums; makes'G•loicl JfAf „,e Filings and all other cloutal wont the best possible. Booms in SAMwt•;I,L'a I31,00x, ' East side of -Street, Exeter, Ont, MEDICAL rf LUTZ, D2. D. V • Oflio aathiai•osidenoe Exeter, R.IRVING, GRADUATE UNI- YER'SITY Trinity College. Member of College physiciansana surgoonr Ont., Jfli- ce,Rirkton. .I 1b-IdYNDMAN.-0ORONE IiFOR 1 the County of Huron. °Mee, opposite atr.I.3arling s store ,Ex atcr W. BROWNING M. D., M. 0 r -v • 1 T • P. S,GraduateViotoriaLfni ptaity.Offlee andtresidence,Aon:inionLaborator.v,Exeter c TAR. 3. A. ROLLINS, M. 0 P. S' O. Oflloo, Main St-Fxotor,Ont.Residen cohousereoently occupied by P. McPhillips,. r E sq. , AUCTIONEERS, T EN1tY EILBER, Licensed Aum- l tioneor for Ray,Stopheu, and McGilli- n xray:Tow•nships: Sales conducted at moderate .b :atm Olhco—At Post -of e, Crediton, Ont. TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the te Townehius of Stephen, Hay and 'Osborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed, Stiles arranged at this office. VETERINARY. —� TENNFNT & TI�NNENT, Veteri- 3 .1 nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Tor.on- have op erred an office the tree talent of all st Domestic Animals, on i Main street Exeter. Calls P dis a ,_.....- °' •-^^-• tante promptly P Mended to;- Modi 1,4' or Horses CattloAke C on hand, .' MONEY TO LOAN. Iii 1%JrONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES 11'_ tate forth° Huron & ErieLoan •t• Snv inggsSooiety. Low rates ofinteresi. Apply to John Spa okman,Exeter, ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND G4 poroent.according toternis: Private Funds, A1)pl.yto D. V,ELIOT, Angusti5,'95 Solicitor, lasetoi,. ONE1 TO f N AT 6 AND•6 , percent, $25,000 ' rivate Funds. Best Loaniug Companies represented. L, B DICESON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. NT J. OLARII, Agent for the Us 1. \ o borne antl Ribber t:Mfutua 'IFlreinsur. • aucc C ompany, Residence-9rd Con„ Usborne Orders bvinailt°Exeter P,0., promptivat- tendedto. TORN MoDONELL, ISSUER OF II1ARBIAGle LIDENSES. OI`r/OE IN FANS O:N's BLO CR. A.1so agent for the London Mutuallnsurance Company of Canada,Meroantile Insurance Co —Capital 5500,000.00 Head Oftico Waterloo; Ont, Glasgow, de Loudon Insurance Coy—Oail_ .tal 32,500,000: Head Of fico, Montreal ; Stand srd Lite Insurance: Co., Head Office, London. England ; Guarantee is Accident Co, Head Jffice, Toronto. JOHN McDONELL Exeter. fl HIE WATERLOO MUTLJAL- L Filth; INS URANOECO. Establi shed, in 1863. HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. This comxanv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation iu Western On_. tario,andeontinue0 110.. insure: against1o8s or. damage by P'iro,Bnildings,Merehandise,Man ufaotories,ancl all' other descriptions oflinaur- able property. Intending insurers have the Option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System, During the past ton years this Company has issued 57,006 Policies, covering property to the amount of 340,872,088 ; and paid in loss- 08 alone $700,732,00 Assets, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash n Bank, Gov ernmentDoposit,andthe Maass - eased Premium Notes on hand and iu force. J, W WALD/0 1WI D. Prosidert. 0. 6I. TAvion, Secretary. J.ft. Huens8,Inspector, CHAS. SNELL Agontfor Elxeterand yioinitV, T1i E OF CANADA. The itoya1 Mail, Passenger and "roight Beate between Canada, and Great Britainand direct route between the West and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Baia dos Clio- leur, also New Brunswick,, Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, Newfoun(1lan(i, tterlfU(la, arid Jalilaica. New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Day Cars run on through Express trains, Passengers for Groat Britain or the Conti- ent by leaving Toronto at' 8.00 a. m. Thilrs ay Will join outward mail steamer at }tali - ax a, m. Saturday. Superior EleVator Warehouse and Dock tCc- onrmodatron at Halifax for shipment of grain nal general mereliaudise, Yoara of experience have preyed tho INTER- OLONIAL in connection' with steamship' 'ties to and front London, Liverpool and laggow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight onto botimen Cadada and Great Britain, Information as to Passenger and Freight otos 00,11 be had on application to BOB BET 71, MOODY,' 'Western Freight ttPassenger'Agent Oil'-osshl IIouao Bleak, York 811 O oronto. D, POTTINGrr, Chief Superintendent. all1yay Office 'lboot° N.134 Nov 10,1885. VOL. XIII., NO. 31. IUEW. TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERETHEY MAY." EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1886, IiNfPORTANTNOTICES . (` OAGULINE.--Cement for Brok- en Articles. Sold Olt Solo 1ltalcors.—.l ayO]3BUS.,oStockport England. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. a'• ".. 0 Wishes to announce to the inhabitants o! Exeter and vicinity, that he has'openod out �AY'S COMPOUND OF " LIN- 6F1BD Aniseed.Seneca,DOL nn S aaHgo11 .Hill To �� 1u with 9 &o w aware 'aro .140. ,,iii the Vorner Store. North of Samwel AY Se COMPOUND, a cieinuloent & Piokard's, where ho is prepared to make oxuoctorant for OouGhs and Colds, all kinds o ° ordered k AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally servioable; for Elora ds and O attl e, TAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu Neuralgia Paco -ache &o. XT J. CLARK, COMMISSIONER }. , in the Court a Common. Pleas -Deeds Ni11s,Alortgagos, Loasos,andall :forms ofag� oeinonts drawn and executed accor'ling to aw, MONEY TO LOAN ONREAL ESTATE. Parties risking to borrow money on account of re- mit purchases ofiand,or to pay off existing aortgagea:wfll And a great saving by giving ae a oall, Gan lend money at6 and 6i per Ont. aocorclingto terms. N,J.CLARB, SUi1I1•f ONED ()Appear .e Bari pp before the Bari E. •H. VISIT, S'hoxe the man who came at the cry of "next" el.', a Shave and a Hair -cut which could of possibly !LONG been surpassed by any arbor. NEAR TRE POST OFFICE. dfi JUBTLQVLT LOVELT PP SAY ALL TIIE LADIES WHO SEE e. J. DE>A.R:,XlIa'S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. Without a doubt they are the most becoming ylos ever introduced: Ladies, for something in fine style, such as the Langtry and arisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, ufee, Curls, or Wigs, ball on Ike, J, Dearing, at ENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Vhero he will supply all your wants in the it Line, CENTRAL UG STOEEI A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and g package Dyes, constantl • on 3 hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- , et and always y fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. Tr BUSINESS SS 1S 7 FIE SAI1T 0.� LIFEI BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT THE CASH SiORE ! 0 0 JUST 1LEC.EIVUlj: Pure Boneless Codfish Dried Smoked Herrings, Fresh Canned Salmon, Celebrated Horse Shoo Brand, Christie's Soda'Risouits,' Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Etc., Oranges, Lemons, Etc., Family Groceries, Etc., Tobacco, Cigars, Etc., Dashwood Roller Flour, Dolled Oats,, 01'aelced: Wheat, Etc., Etc. Eto E ggs Taken in Trade: 5 lbs o Sugar Given with ever.... purchase of 1 iii, of 50C 'Pea. rtrMEMBER THE ADDRESS': wor .. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Usbolrnee ROUN D THE COUNTRY, Lucaue, F. Paisley, of Ilderton, is the owner of a Iamb, which weighed uine- teeu pounds when one day old, of Cotswold breed. Ont Sa urday at noon, the foundry of M. J, McLean & eons, of Ibis place, was burned to the ground and, scarcely any of the °entente were saved. The men were at dinner and the cause was purely accidental. The lots is estimated at $4,000 ; insured for $800: GEO. MANSON, Late Manager 0. Eaorett's Boot and Shoe Establishment, May 146h 84. • 1Jors.—lIr. John Allison has sold his farm 'of 74 acres, near Lumley, to Thos. Elleringfon,for the sum of $4,- 400.-1111r. Wee. Glenn has movedon oyh is e J aria o u h D' On nt einN ortl4-taxi Botfnd- Crt i for the North-West, COLT SOLD. -A few clays ago, Win. Taylor, of the 911i eon. of Usborne, sold an entire colt, one year and nine months old, to Wm. Graham, of St. Marys, for the eum of $215. The ft animal took several s1 prizes last fall, and is said by horsemen to be a good 5Eecimeo of horse -flesh. Mr. Graham takes him to Chicago. L711, TEE TAIL f hu1 eaves. ►1 MR. WDf, LYNE is prepared :o do CUSTOM TAWLORING At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS Anderson... made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Ja• ckets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction WILLIAM LYNE. Butter &Eg s WANTED. 4. Matheson Has opened out in Mr, John Rebiuson, jr., of this place, has purchased from Samuel Doupe, of Kirkton, a two year-old Major, Dolt, for the sum of $215 ; the annimal gives promise of being a good one, and we wish Mr. R. sue - nese with him. On Friday Evg„ Mr Jno. Lane, gave the young folks a party at his residatce. The guests report having ted ri pleasant time. JOHN WIIY';`P SON JI'tcl>lislsors and Proprietor Blaolcall, V. 8., be a committee to examine an4 report upon all appli- cations for xegietry, and t,llat three of said committee be a quorum, said 0ommlttes tv be known as the Exe 1utivp Committee, 8, Every application for entry must be accompanied by proof that the animal sought to be 'registered is. the produce of a pure bred' or, import- edLClydesdale or of a pure bred or ianpo,ted Shiro horse, and a mare a with at. least one cross of either of the breeds named, but an imported Biro must be either registered or the produce of a registered sire or dam. But the Council shall have discre- tionary isere tionarypowor to exclude from entry,'` unirnals of two Drosses, but deemed unworthy oft a pisco among breeding stools, 9: The conditions of membership shall up to the tune of the publioa tion of the first volume, be the pay- ment of Five Dollars into the treasury of the Society, 10, The fee for registry shall be, for entries made b5: members of society, $1.00 for each animal regis- tered;. by others, $3.00 for each animal registered, both of which. will. include certificate. Special certificate of entry, 25 cents. In the ease of rejected applications the fee shall be returned Moved by J. J. Fisher, seoondad by John=l'larquis, that steps be taken at onee-to secure the incorporation of the sooioty under the Dominion l'Aws. —Carried. Several lists of new members were. handed in and a number of entries for registration, which latter will' he considered by the Directors at• their meeting. The meeting 'then adjourned;. sub- ject to the Daly of the president,, the directors to be called together as soon " as the application for incorporation had been Filed and the conditions complied with. The following 1 owing are the- Provisional DIrestors chosen at ibe previous meetiug held in Clinton:— Joseph Salkeld, Stratford; Thos. MoLaughlln, Brussels ; Charles Brooks, Mitchell ; Alex. Tunis, Clinton ; Thomas Evans.. St. Marys; S. Smillie, 'Tiiokersmith; J. P, Fisher, Auburn ; John. McMillan, Hullet ; David Fisher, 3, Aikenhead, Goder- io11; Charles Mason, .Bruoefield;, Wm. Wellwood, St. Helene; David McIn- tosh, Brueefield; Alex. MeD. Allan,. president,. Cxoderioh; Jas. Mitchell, secretary, Goderieb; J. J, 11'isher,. treasurer, Benmiller. We would like to bear from Mr. Snowden's lien again and more size this time. Itis rumored" that a company is being formed for the purpose,of.bor- iag for oil near Mr. Poore's well in McGillivray. A' neighbor of his, uo1 p 1 whose property there are strop indications, is said to have offered five acres of land to the parties who siulc the well if oil is found. NI,SSQUI'f, Saturday afternoon Mrs. Ife,rvey Scott, of Nissouri, dropped dead while lifting a kettle of water from the stove. Coroner Murray, of Thorn - dale, viewed the body, and reported that death was caused by heart disease. A particularly interesting event transpired on Wednesday, the 24th, in the marriage of Mr. I•iobt. Bedg- good, of Tborndalo, to ?,Iiss Henri. etta Duffin, of West Nissouri, both of whom are deservedly beloved and respected by their numerous circles of relatives and friends. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. J. Kennedy at the house of the bride's parents, and iu the presence of 60 or 70 guests assembled iu houcr of the oocaeiou from Buffalo, Guelph, St. Marys, London and the neighbor- hood. The bride was very beoom- ingly dressed in creamy white; her bridesmaids were Mies Sarah Events and Miss Josephine Cloud, and the groomomen were Mr. John Bedgood and Mr. W. J. B;aslcoi villa. The numerous valuable, gifts were a centre of attraction to. all. Space will not permit an enumeration of the list. Ameug the number was a very curious Oriental keepsake, eenb as a souvenir from a distance,' in the shape of au idol or household god, Arab. Sinclair is home from Da- 'm kotii land` goes back next Tuesday. 1 w Hereports things middling out there. tonal Sinclair, purchased from M'r; Graham, of S. Marys, an 'm• pored' stallion "Barnscroft," for $1,600, which ho has shipped to Flint, Michigan. The minimal was four years old and weighed 1,800 lbs. Currelley & Co's. Old Stand Centralia. EXETER NORTH- Complete stock of Groceries 16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts--Good Quality. Boots & Shoes all Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of HARDWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Beat Machine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. SW" A reduction of Ci Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. O. Exeter Butcher Shop. R. DAVIS Jas. Neil, who has been visiting in (Luoan and Like Craig for the last • week is staying here for a few days. Mr. Geo. Eesery has bought out the carriage works here occupied by Charles Bissett. Mr. Thos. Baker, earriage bui:der of this village, has assigned, liabilities $90, assets nil. The towuline dade is thinking of going to Neil's school the Doming summer. Michael Behan, o#1'Brandon, Man., who has been visiting friends here for some time hasgone back. Miss Sadie Abbott has accepted a situation with' II'r. G. Brown, Brindley. Mr. Jno. Parsons,. jr., has leased the brick residence on Main street from Mr. Thomas Nairn. John is (going to the 1Horth•west. Success to both. Mr. and Mrs. T. Loughlin and family of Adare, W. MoFalls and wife, of Luoan,. T. Nairn, Mr. and Mrs. Tapp, of Centralia left here Thursday last for the North•Weet. Mr. John Lawie,, of Adare, is *vein confined to his bed with a severe attack of inflammation and slight hopes are entertained of his recovery. Mr. Robe.. Grundy, pear Clande- boyo, was taken suddenly and dan- gerously ill last week with inflam- mation. We wish him a speedy recovery. Butcher &e G neral Dealer rN ALL IRINDS OP'--- ' Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. —GO TO DULMAGE'S KIRK'rrN •—FOI;--• . • New MiI e linery, New Tweeds, New Dry -Goods New Boots and Shoes NtwTeas, Mc'Giliivraay. Mr. Joseph Moltard lost a valuable horse last week from distemper. Wm. Lake, who aooidentally shot himself last week, is rapidly recover- ing. We regret to record the death of Mrs. Thomas Molnnis, 71h eon., McGillivray, which ()centred yeater day, aged 50 years. Last week a little boy, eon of Mr. Juoob Smith, of McGillivray, had the fere finger of his left band so badly ) s ada from the harclend sap of some onderful Eastern tree. After the ceremony the party and guests sat down to the richly spread wedding repast. The bride and bridegroom shared iu the festivities of the occa- sion and then drove to their owu home a few miles distant, followed by the earnest good wishes of all who know them. D1 AUGHT ILORSE F31i1EED I Ek S' SOCIETY. A Complete Orgicnization Secured—TheNew Stud Book .for Clycles, Shires and Their Crosses. Another meeting of horsemen and breeders, in regard to the establish- ment of a new stud book, was held at the Rateubury House, Clinton, last Mouday afternoon. Amongst those present were tiva,foltowing gentlemen Alex. hues, Clinton; Charles Mason, Bruoefietd; John Mason,. Londeaboro; J. J. Fisher, Benmiller; S. Smiilie,'Twekersmith John Mar- quis, Benmiller; Thomas McLaugh- lin, Brussels; Joseph Salkeld, Strat- ford ; Wm. Wier, Clinton ; David McIntosh, Brteoefied; James Horton, Lumley; Robert MoMurdie, Kippen ; 0, Nisbett, Clinton; Wm. Murdock, Brucefield ; John Avery, Thomas Welsh and John Hunter, Clinton Thomas iYloMichael, Seaforth ;. J. E' Blackall, V. 8., Ciiutou. Alter the reading of the minutes of Iast Ineeling, the first busiuess taken up was the completion of organize, lion by the consideration of rules and regulations prepared by the Board of Directors. A lengthy and careful discussion resulted in the adoption of the' following :. 1. The association shall be known as the Dominion Draught Horse Breeders' Society. 2. Tho objects of the society shall be to promote the interests of breed- ers of draught horses iu Canada, anti to protect from deception dealers and users of oturbreeding animate. To effect theta objects we propose to establish a Book of 1 egistiy, to be known as 'The Dominion Stud Book, for Clydes Sbires,•and their Crosses," and to be under the management of a Couuai! composed of fifteen persons chosen from'the • members of the society at an annual 'meeting, time Hud place of meeting fixed at the last previons annual meeting. But 'elle aid Council shall bo guided by ssn h out that it is feared amputation of regttlations as may, from time to y the injured member will be necessary. t Mr. Ninian Grieve, of the 21st i eon., McGillivray, last week, sold his thoroughbred bull ()elf, aged seven o months, to Mr. Pitcher, of Stephen, b i for the sum of $80. a Mr. Chile. Bean, of McGillivray, has disposed of the celebrated stallion i "Crown Prince" to a gentleman near Sarnia, and has purchased an i n- o ime, be adopted at any general meet- ng of members regularly called. 3. Two crosses in at, animal shall onetitnte eligibility to registration ut the Council shall have discretion- ry power to reject inferior animals, 4, foals with the 'neoessay breed- ng shall be eligible for regiltration. 5. $orgies which have boon sold of of Canada at any aims if having All Guaranteed Pure. C1IEAnt THAN EVER 1 10,000 dor. Eggs wanted and 10,000 lbs. Butte' wanted AT HIGHEST MARIZET PRICES. , T) IV ILTLM AGI';, Zirktan. Drew's Block, South. oto re. GEORGE MP ported Clydesdale from a Mr. Mitten t an enterprising horseman of Mark - turn "1'ownsbip, o Mr, John Greve is possessor of a r hen that can down that big egg -layer of Joeso Snowden'°, by eoneiderable, Lest week she produced one, whose eireutuferonocaa to ere 8I• in, by 8?r in,. ho rieoosaary breeding. 6. That no animal shall bo re- ordeal until the pedigree has been +sported favorably upon by a eonl- m' lite° selected for that peeposo. 7. That Messrs, John MdMi1hui David MoIuloth, V. S., j, ,T, Fisher, W`illiatn Wellwood, and James Id. • Daniel itteLellau, who is. w known in Parkhill, having teed f some time at Mr. McLellan's ju south of the village, met with a a aooideut while working on a h press hast Monday in Forest, b which one of his deet was fearful crushed. Amputation was found be necessary. Judge Elliot, revising offi;oer f Sorth.bfiddlesex, will hold sitting- foilo%vs : At Parkhill April 8 fo East and West Williams, Parkhi and Ailsa Craig; at Exeter, April 911I for Exeter and Stephen ; at Luca April 10; for Biddulph, Motillivr and Luoan. On Friday evening last the yonn people of the Fansville and Hill Green appointments met at th Methodist parsonage in Hensel!, an presented their pastor, the Rev. W Torrance, ,with a beautiful arm- ohai and Mrs. Torrance with a couple o fine,, large landscape pictures hand somely framed. The gifts war accompanied by a neat address,, ea pressive of the sincere respect as high esteem in which the reveren gentleman and his wife are held; b alt - A meeting of the Cotincit of th Oneida reserve was held on Saturday when it was decided to ask th Government to purchaae the reserve he dusky wards having decided to save the county of Middlesex and cutlet in Now York State or ,th Jortli.west Territories. The Govern ment has been communicated with nd an effort will probabiy be made o induce there to settle in the North - est, if they are determined to leave heir preterit reserve. The other afternoon as the through eight o' f i,l w le t os nearing g was n eartnb the 1. liary's'station an accident occur - ed through a ewiteh being closed, °suiting in the derailing of an' en - me and several of the cars. The rgiueer and the fireman jumped, 10 latter escaping unhurt, but, ho ngineer sustained a slight injury to is shoulder. The engine was badly a • aged, and the `ties %vete cut up r several yards. The auxiliary was speedily sutntuoned, and ftor a few hours' work the track was pen for traffic. At' investigation tt 0 the cause of the accident ,has neo been hold. Tenders were opened on Wednes- ay last by the committee appointed y the County Council to receive the amt for rebuilding Benmiller'; bridge nd Ctaig'e `bridge. Far the fotmet ere there fourteen tenders ranging` one $2,700 to $3,30;1, and fifteen riders for Craig's bridge ranging onl $500 to $800, The lowest ndr o for Ben miner's way from Mr. , Hardy, and that for Craig's from r. Kincaid, of Wingham. The tldotsltvore a:Warcted to thee°,' and event of thoir declining to proeced, len to the beet lowest biddeis, ell or at ad, ay 9 ly to or• 99' 11 Lucian ey g 8 e d r f' e d y e e a