HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-18, Page 14INSURANCE,
1'z1,NY, of Toronto: also for the PRQ NIX EIRE
INTSUIIAIva COA11>ANY,ot4Jonclnn, lluglantl,
the ROYAL QANADIAN. of Montreal, rt tl
PANY, of Loudon. Englund, established 1147,
Assets over, $5.009,000 claims and bonuses
paid, over „10,000,000,
LOCAL 'NE ItS,-We shall ,be happy to t'C-
cei•ne at all times, from any part of the
County, items o local news,f
,f c i such as ac•
cidents,or any interesting incident what
,: ucr, from any of ow subscribers or read -
en generally for the purpose of public-
,.c. t ka
THURSDAY, MARari 25th, 1886
TEN CI3NTS Oerliuefor first insertion, and
POUR CENTS per line for each subsequent in
;ertionwill becharged fo uotioes appoarini
this column.
Additional locals on 1st page.
We would like to hear weekly from our;
correspondents. We have a good staff of
able writers, and we would like to have them
exercise their ability more frequently,
Conservatives, Attention.
A meeting of the Exeter Liberal -Conserva-
tive Association will be held at Mr, B. V.
Elliot's office at 8 o'clock sharp Tuesday
night next. 30t h inst., for the transaction of
important business. Don't fail to attend
M. EACRETT, Sec. _ J. A ROLLING, Fres.
The Storm.
On Friday about midnight Exeter was vis-
ited by the first thunder storm of the season.
For about an hour the thunder was very loud
and almost incessant, and the lightning very
sharp. Mr, James Down's barn on Huron -
street, was btruck by the lightning and badly
wreaked, one end of it being carried into au
adjoining field. Fortunately for Mr. Down,
he had sold his stock a short time before, or
the animals would have been killed. The
barn on the farm owned by Mr. Samuel
Eiedden, of Exeter, and occupied by Mr.
Amey, on the 4th concession of Stephen, was
also struck and burned to the ground.
Skating: •
roller skater,
Tail, our champion a or
John a
went to Seafortb last Friday night to attend
a carnival. He was not allowed to compete
far the medal, but a shake -purse of $425
was raised for a two mile race. There were
several entries, but Vail soon skated away
from thein all and won the race by a lap and
s half, notwithstanding that he had a fall.
The cause of the fall was that skating on
such a small rink made him dizzy. Vail
is a good skater and we would like to see the
amateur that can beat him. We understand
that he expects a challenge shortly from
Wingham to skate a five -mile dash.
Easter Sunday,
Easter Sunday falls on the 25th of April
this year, the latest date it is possible for it
to occur_ The origin of the feast is as fol-
lows: The Asiatic church used to celebrate
the 14th day of the March moon, and the
Roman church the Sunday followiug, as the
feast of the Resurrection. A long discussion
ensued until A. D. 325, when it was decided
by the Council of Nice that Easter should be
held on the first Sunday after the full moon
following the 20th of March. This year the
full moon will be on the 19th of Mach., leav-
ing Easter Sunday at its latest date.
A Good ltIove.
A number of the business men of Waterloo
have formed themselves into an association to
cts of
look after the business inters the town.
There seems to be work for such an associa-
tion to tlo in any town, outside of what can
be done by the council. To communicate
with and facilitate the coming of persons de-
sirous of opening up factories, or industries,
to stimulate a feeling of union and progress,
and to arrange for a frequent and permanent
market for farmers' produce, etc. There is
a grand field in Exeter for an association of
this sort end we trust our enterprising mer-
obants will take hold of the matter at once.
A. Tussle.
The captain of the Salvation Army and
"set-to" another citizen had a Bet -to on Saturday
evening. The Army soldiers had taken po-
session of private property on which to hold
a short open air service previous to the sing-
song in the • barracks, without asking per-
mission from the proprietor of the land,
who thought their proceedings rather cheeky
and ordered them to ieave the premises, nut
the captain impudently refused to do so
when thelowner of the land took hold of
him and gave him a shaking np. It is need-
Iess to say that they went. While the
tussle was going on the soldiers selected the
highest spot on which to stand, as if they
were trying to get out of the way as much
as possible, while their countenances betok-
ened the fear they felt. It is not at all prob-
able that they will very soon assemble again
on that place for worship.
Nearly a, S'ire.
On Friday evening what might have ended
in the destrnetien of the best buildings in
t:iwrr, occurred in Mr. L. H. Dickson's law
office, inFarson's block. Mr. Ferguson, the
caretaker of the premises, was passing Mr.
Dickson's room shortly after 7 o'clock, when
he beard a crackling noise. He at first
thought nothing of it, but a second thought
led bim to investigate. The door was look-
ed but itlr. Ferguson knew there was more
than an ordinary heat in the room, for the
fan -light above the door was quite hot, and
he immediately forced his entrance by burst-
ing the door, when he found a portion of the
Boor, some newspapers and axile of wood.
which was beside the stove, on fire, and' the
room filled with smoke. Mr Ferguson gave
the alarm immediately and speedily procured
a large bucket of water, with which he ex-
tinguished the blaze. There is considerable
diversity of opinion as to how the fire origi-
nated seine claiming that it Was accidental,
While Mr, Dickson and some others have su-
spioionthat it was the work of an incendiary,
ae Mr' D. can notaccount for the very strong
lholl of Coal ail, and the papers which were
tying on the floor, ono of which ee la. Daily
1Wail of 1885, containing an account of the
departure of troops to quell the rebellion in
the%forth-West, Had the fire not boon die-
aovered Until 10 minutes later, there is 'little
doubt but that Fanson's Block and the ex-
cellent buildings on either side would to -day
lure been in ashes, as the fire engines we
have would. be of little use if ft fire got any
head Nay in suet" a' largo building, .This
'should awaken the people to tiro immediate
neclfitsitq of Ucttiug mord efficient tiro' pro•
All the popular patent medicines of the
age at ScArir,LrVs Dauc STORrt.
A number of cattle were shipped from
here lust week.
Board and lodging for respectable lady or
gentleman. Apply to 1Vm. Grigg, jr,
New Felt Hats right from the city in let
est styles at Manton Bros,
1'11' r, W, Cr, Bissett has some choice poultr
for sale. head his advertisement.
1i1 oQpse ueltoo' of the recent
q heavy rain
the water in the river is very high.
The "Metropolitan" is decorated with a
attractive and handsome new sign.
Da. Jvo's MEnterxa and Pars sold at
ScArMuTT's Diwo STOxu.
A smart and intelligent lad wanted to
learn the printing. Apply at once atthis
Union revival serviees are being held iu
the James -street Methodist Church this
Oen Exeter not have the water works
system ? We aro in good standing, and eau
safely afford it.
Several horses were shipped from hereon
Tuesday to be used on street -oars in the
A ooeple of Dashwood lovete came to.
town last week, and were married by itev,
Mr. Dickson,
The Bissett Bros. a few days ago discover
ed a nest with two old foxes and half-a.doz
kittens. They are raising the young ones.
Complain no more abopt nhirtings no
hashing, but go to Banton Bros.. and go
'fast colors.
Just received at Spackman Bros., ten ton
of celebrated Montreal nails, to be sold at th
verylowest rates. Call on
Advertisers should remember that our cir-
culation is inereasing rapidly, and now is the
time to place yollr aunonneeurent in, the
Txatiss, gquu. uelua,ud ror our work and fuiilislh ste ich'
TXT YV AN'C1alD-LoAltes and gentlomenin otty or
oeountry to take light work at the it own
holo e, t 5 19 tlp4 a day eat) bo easily made.i
work sent by main 'no eanwaesin•• Wo have
0tup oyuiun . Acict actress, with stamp, Citcr'pr i
Previous to the last snow sterni the side- ' 'G OOlt 11A141,21)4 V1iieSt, Cincinnati
wallsa throughout the town icar0 all but dear
Of MOW, There are a few banks which T -'
Should be Cleared ell by the commissioner LONDON, I Ui3'°N AND 13RYJC11; ll'Y,
"Wle•'e is veer ,, v„ 4`..rl Go1NG Neurit, Exprosa t11ai1 Freight
. t t do„ ii cl, well 1 eau
+ I `o d,x r
y Luci de t 75,
, pax a Ani 4
00 0I, 0 05 A.ot
Scarcely say ; he hasn't ; been around for Exeter,,,,.. .,:,,0 18 ti 06 a 35
In , mess somt,oue, Who thougjlt Iluusall.... •,....,; 9 24 0 23 30
s he had a better right to lain than rno has i 1npp0n 0 29 0 20 10
930 088 10 n5
taken the olil fellow away,"
Postmasters are requested to sop that the
copies of the Dominion voters lists forwarded
to their aloes, are placed in position aoees-
The members of the "bicycle school" ar
progressing very well, and in a few weeks w
will hays plenty of riders here. What about
forming a club 1'
Clinton ,•. 9 15 7 05 • 1130
Londesboro.... ...,..00 11 7 23 12. 00
131vth 10 20 7 32 12 00 g M
'itolgrave 10 85 7 47 12 90
Winghatu arriye 10 00 8 05 1 20
sible to the public, and are not removed from OMR-$ovrnf Express Mail, Freight
the offices.
The trraud Trunk Railway Co, have given
orders to station masters to enforce the rules
regarding baggage storage. Each piece of
baggage removed to the store -room is there-
fore liable to the charge of 10 cents,
You don't know your own wife or best girl
now when you meet her on the street, Sev-
eral yards and thickuoas of yelling wrapped
around her bead to keep the spring sun from
tanning her lovely complexion, you know 1
You lied better etyour baott yard cleaned spring 0 78 to 011: 82
g S ria 'Wriest 0 01 to 0 78
up and make the work Of the inspector as dxtrloy ,,. .,, . .., ,,. 0 50 to 0 5
' light as possible, and at the snare time raise , Qats ... .., 0 30 to 0 31
yollrsetf in his estimation. This is the Oiovox' Seed 7 0 7 1
tune the work .should be done. limotUy 1 75 to 2 00
Peas ... ..: 5
• Ail who are interested in athletic sports Coin 8t
are kindly requested to attend a meeting, to Pgg5 "'
r be held in Fauson's hall, on4 l3uttet ...
i Monday evening Flour i,erbb1
t next, at 8 o'clock for the purpose of organiz- potatoes per bag
Wingham,dopart 7 30 Ant 310 r,tr. 10 20;A.Ar.
Belgrave 7 38 3 30 11 23
L1ytb 7 54 3 40 11 47
oudasboro 8 02, 3 .,u 12 00 -
Utitltou,.,... 8 25 4 10 12 4),
1irucefleld 8 42, 4 55 1 l0
of ippon..... 6 51 4 43 1 25
Hen. all 8 58 4 48 1 40
Exeter . 9,13 4 59 2 35o
. London anile i0''y0 6 00 5 30
(Corrected at5 o'clockp an. Wednesday.
Fa1lWhe'n i
00 t 2r
r1• •
... ::055to0 6
05 0060
5 00 10'5 55
... 0.00 t o 0 60
... 040to050'
.. 004 0000
... 000t0006
:• 0 08 to'0 08
Oto 0
04 00
25. to 40
. 0 0
. 550,to625
5 00' t o 6 00
... 5 00'to6 00
6 00 to 7 00'
Sheepskins eac1, •' ... , 0 50 to C, 57
°airships 0 50' to 0 70
Woo) per bb - 0 37 to 0 18
liayperton ' ..• 800 to 9 00
tloionsoerbush 0' 50 to 0.75
Woodier oord ... ... - 2 50 to 3 00
Fall Wheat per bh 8080 to 083
Suring 050 to 080
055 to 070
040 to 040
0 28 to 0 3C
0 8[ to 0 33
1 00 to 1 00
... 0 55 to 0 70
ing an athletic cliih, and definitely deckling Aii•ples,iE,rbag
riedA: relespr'b
a upon a leading game, for the ensuing season,
Ueose per lb
e Mr. J. H. Dates, the well-known advertis- Turkey Par lh
aver k
ing• u ofr
agent E New 1• p
Yo. p
1 has tl.
hasocl the
Chickens ter r
e old established business of S. M. Penteuglll, go i sued r •100
e which has been ie existence for forty year
and on the'firet of April he will oonsolid
it with his own, Mr. ]fates has render
Miss Wood has returned from the city,
and will be pleased to see the ladies who
want anything done in Dress or Mantle
making, at Banton Bros.
Bev. Mr. Stewart, of Clinton, will preach
at both services in the Presbyterian Church
here next Sunday. Bev. Mr. Martin will go
to Clinton.
Mr. A. Q. Bobier has purchased a house
and acre of land from Mr. P, MoPhillips.
Tho property is situated on the west side of
Main -street, near the market.
Ottoman Cords, Satin Broohes, Millinery,
Grosgrains, &e., for Mantles; Jackets and
Dolmans -over twenty pieces to select from -
cut free, or made to order, at Manton Bros.
Dress and Mantle -making, Cutting, Fit-
ting, lto.-style, neatness and despatch at
Banton Bros.
Mr. John Snell stripped from ,here on Fri -
da last a carload of
horses. es for the New
' r
York market.. They were purchased in the
vicinity of Tedford. Horses must be get-
ting scarce around here,
Pedlars and otllers from the cities are
being fined nearly every day some place or
other. The pedlar's license is a grand pro-
tection to merchants. It will make dude
agents fewer.
Day Books, Journals, Ledgers and all
kinds of blank books, also full line of stat-
tionery' at Central Drug Store. C. LIITZ,
A reader the other day asked : "where
do you pick up all the locals which appear
in the Tarns?" Wo are always on the alert
for local news and have our share every
The other day, one of our bicyclists, while
riding, had a oollisiou with a brick wall, and
the wall being harder than his face, be was
bruised above the left eye. He confesses the
wheel got the better of him for once.
Mr. J E. Tom, school inspector, has en-
tered upon his labors ; last week lie visited
'the Exeter school and made a few promo -
tions. The scholars are :making good pro-
gress and praise is due to the teachers.
Miss J. Spicer has been teaching school at
Winchelsea this week . for Mr. G. W. Hol-
man, he having had sickness in his family.
His little daughter died last Tuesday morn-
Don't borrow your neighbor's TIMES, but
come to; the office and subscribe for the pa-
per yourself. Nothing like haring au article
of your own ; so it is with a newspaper, you
will read 11 with a great deal mole pleasure,
Isaac Williams, London, has appointed E.
popular medicines, 1. e., ROYAL CROWN BIT-
ties desiring a supply of these will find a coni.
On Sunday several crows and robbing
were seen. These birds are supposed to be
harbingers of spring, but this time snow fol.
lowed their appearance. It fell to the depth
of three or four inches on Monday, and cut-
ters were .again on the go.
An exchange sizes up the peddlers' trade
in this style, which cannot be gainsaid : "If
the people declined all dealings with strang-
ers, peddlers would soon be very scarce."
Thi's is a fact and swindlers' would not be so
plentiful either.
Ransom wanted to lecture again on Fri-
day evening,' but could not do so, because he
could get no one to keep order for . him. He
is bound to lecture even if he has to wait
until the weather is warm enough to speak
out of doors.
Dr. T. L. Hooper, who about a year ago,
left for Vienna, to take a course in the col
loges, returned home last week. . e intends
opening an °f
ace in
will g and doubt-
less do well, having had a thorough training
and being well acquainted. We might add
that the doctor is looking hearty.
Mr. J. T, Mitchell, of the Palmerston Vin
dicator,who has unsuccessfully endeavored to
run papers in Blyth, Wingham and Palmer-
ston, has again closed. lie has gone to Dray-
ton to try his luck this time, finding to his
sorrow that Palmerston is rather small to
decently support two newspapers; He is a
"Blood will tell." A face adorned with
Pimples, Boils, Blotches, &e. is not a partic-
ularly pleasant sight, and invariably betokens
an impure state of the Blood. Dr. Carson's
Stomach Bitters free the system from all
gross humors, renders the Blood Prim and
Cool, aids digestion and gives a healthy'ap•
petite, For sale by all druggists in large
bottles at 50 cents.
gs r re i'
s ; Beef
ate Rides rouhg, ••• ••
ed dr
. himself very popular with advertisers and
publishers throughout the country, and his
more extended sphere will no doubt meet
with a still larger sharp at patronage and
support than heretofore.
Wo understand our local horse -dealers in-
tend tendering for the supply of horses for
the North-West Mounted Polies, the adver-
tisement for which may be seen in another
column. We see no reason why our dealers
cannot furnish a portion of the horses re -
coked, as Huron county is noted for its ex-
cellent horses. The Government asks for
tenders for 100 team and 100 saddle horses,
and we think suitable animals of both classes
could be easily got here.
Wo thank our esteernod'contemporary, the
Parkhill Review, for its suggestion that we
(the peep's of Exeter) might, if wo lcnew
enough, make application 4o the Legislature
for a glacial act to incorporate as a town.
Exeter is probably making
as much head-
way, if not more than Parkhill, but she does
not care to have on larger shoes than she
can comfortably stand in. and does not as•
pire beyond its capability. Parkhill may
have big -feeling people, but the village is
scarcely worthy to be called a town, nowith-
standing the "special act," which only makes
it one in name.
The wife of R. A. Hagan, teacher of school
section No. 1, Usborne, died very suddenly
on Satadray morning, at the age of 29 years.
She was in apparent good health while en-
tertaining company on Friday afternoon, but
after tea became suddenly i11, and expired
early the following morning. Deceased was
a sister to Dr. Buchanan, of Znrch, and was
1 highly esteemed. Mr. Hagan has the sym-
i pathy of the people of the community, in his
sad bereavement. He was married to Hiss
Buchanan not quite a year ago. The funer-
al took place on Monday and was largely
attended. The remains were interred. in
the Rodgerville cemetery.
The portion of Rev. Mr. Saunby's sermon
on Sabbath evening where reference was
made to the unwillinguess of Canadian boys
to commence at the;=bottom of the ladder in
the various trades, professions, &a., and
steadily work themselves up to the top,. was
not appreciated by some of the young Ca-
adians present, and they altogether disagree
with him in his opinion that emigrants from
the old country are more willing to receive
instruction and sumit to the authority of
their superiors than Canadiau boys. We be-
lieve our Canadian boys and young men are
just as eager to excel, and as willing to bat-
tle against difficulties in order to acquire
knowledge to fit them for a useful life as any
of other nationality.
Get on the Roll.
Every Conservative should see that his
name is on the voters' list now being pre-
pared, as it is likely on these the next:elec.
ion will take ;place. The list of voters for
he village and surrounding townships, under.
he new Dominion Frauchise Act, hangs in
n the post office for public inspection, Seo;
whether your name is on it or not.
:96 per Bushel.
A couple of wheat agents have been operat-
ing in this locality for the past' few weeks,
and have succeeded in deceiving a number of,
farmers, the majority of whom, it is conced-
ed, ought to have known bettor than to be
"drawn in" by strangers. The scheme is a
sort of"lawful swindle," which is worked
very cleverly, indeed; they visit a farmer's
residence under the pretense of introducing a
new and valuable variety of wheat, show a
sample which is carried in a small bottle,
and which they say is entirely free from rust
and would yield more than any fall wheat.
They offer first off r to giye the
aped to any
farmer who will grow it, and in return give
him half the produce in the fall. If this
taxes well, they ask the farmer to take an
agency for the neighborhood, say to distri-
bute 30 bushels, on the same terms, and to
receive half the produce; in the fall, saying
nothing about the payment of any money.
The schema is presented in seal a _plauaiblo
light that nearly every farmer approached,
is induced to enter info contract. Then fol-
lows the presentment of an agreement, which
is entirely different from the terms given by
the sharpers containing a clause which calls
for $180' at time wheat is delivered. Many
farmers sign it without reading it or causing
it to be read, and therefore can only blame
themselves, if that is any consolation. There
were no less than half -a -dozen of the unfor.
tunate farmers in town on Saturday, who
had dome to talce, home their prized wheat
0 per bushel) 1 s1 e) but had to forfeit $180, the
Unbar anew act
phased. ata .recentses-
pun'y" "
ued :the "cool gentry" gonas "swindlers."
e next thing is to see what sort of a re -
amount contained in the agreement. The
rmers were very much surprised, and de -
cion of the Legislature all parties offering n
maple sugar for sale will be' compelled to
p la' Th
sells sugar at 15c, a pound as Maple • sugar, o
which he has purchased at $i for 15 pounds,g
in a grocery, is liable to a fine awhile I w
bel it as such, and the farmer ,who in future
of his goods,
The Board of 2lealth, file other da het
a sitting n� d
8 to determine whether or not the
stable off, Mr. John Wood, at the lower
end of the village, was the cease of sickness
in the vicinity. After examining the torn-
plainant, the medical attendant and others,
the Boar' decided that the building
the cause of the illness. Mr. Wood made b
epplicatimt to the Board- t6 bo allowed to or
keep fens head of battle instead of two, which et
was granted, and the meeting adjourned., o
rn this wheat will make ; it ought to be
od, as the growers will take extra pains
ith it, having had to pay a fancy price for
the seed. We aie surprised at farmers-
cute and of long experienco-being drawn
into a trap of this kind, more especially after
having been warned time and again not to
sign a document carried by a stranger, or
even a person with whom they are acquaint-
ed, unless the contents are thoroughly un-
derstood by them. We might montionthe
Was net names of those who have been deceived, but
y request wo withhold diem. The "aliarp•
s" selected only those who Barri 'deep pock-
s, Those Who aro not "flush," console
ur solves.
Barley (bright) ...
Barley (feeding)
White Oats,
Blank Oats
App, es por bbl
otatoos nerbh
dors for Horses," and addressed to the
Hon. the Prosident of the Privy .Council, Otta-
wa, will be received up to Boon, ➢fonday,March.
201h, 1886, for sup plying 100 SADDLE and 100
ULAN' IIORS 33forrtheMounted Police, to be
delivered at Regina. North-West Territories.
not later than April. 2411r
Tenders to state the priori per horse in each
class, team or saddle, and. may-befor any num.
ber notlees than ono car load.
An Officer of Police mold a Veterinary Surgeon
Will examine the .horses prior to shipment from
Ontario and Quebec, but they will be at Con-
tractors' risk and expense, and will not be paid
for until delivered at Regina. Horses injured
or fslbng sick in transit will not be taken over
at Regina Until fully recovered.
Parties tendering must state the Mate on
which their horses wilbe ready, and the r•a11-
road station in Ontario or Quebec they select
for inspection.
TEAM Holwsns„ago 5 to 7 years, about 1.250
lbs., short legged, active horses, sound, and free
fromblemish, well brokeh, and good walkers.
riADD Lri honsEa,a'ie 5 to 7 veers, height 15
to 151, well bred sound horses, -free from biem-
ish,with good substance, appearance, and ao-
tion,aud well broken,
Each tender must oe accompanied ay an ac.
cepted Cana.dianBank cheque for an amount
ewjual to ten l,erlcent: of the horses tendered
for, which will be forfeited if the party- mak-
ing the tender declines tolenter into a contract
when called upon to do so, or if be taus to pro
duce suitable horses for inspection on Abe date
specified in his contract, onto deliver them at
Regina notlater than the 24th April. If the
tender bo not ace opted the cheque wilt be re-
The lowestnor any tender not necessarily
No paymentwill be made to newspapers in-
serting this advertisement without authority'
h 'ring first been ootained.
N. W. M. Police.
Ottawa, March 13.1886.
Electoral Franchise Act.
-Or' TEE-
Notice by Revising Officer of Preliminary Re-
vision of First. List of Voters. (See
Sections 17 and 18.)
The Revising Officer for the Electoral Dis-
trict of the North Riding of the County of
Middiesoi, in, the Province of Ontario appoint-
ed under the "Etcetera Franc?fisc Act,'' hereby
gives notice that he has completed and '`pub-
lished inthe manner directed by the said Act,'
the first general Ii st of voters for the said :
1 to -
torala thathe will bol the'Pol w
'dfstric( end
for b
'nsittings u+ tan t the said Act the
1 D lel t 0
preliminary revision of the said list, namely
A1' PAIILHEI L, on Thursday, et)' Aprii,1880,'
at 10 a. m„ for East and 'West W,illlams, Park-
hill and Arlan Craig.
AT EXETIIR,•onFri'lay,• 9th April, title a.
in„ for Exeter and Stephen,
AT LUOAN, on Saturday, 10th Apri,at10 M
m., for Biddulph,McGillivray and I,ucan,
Any person objecting to any name on'tbe
said list may at any time before the said
days. aucl any person desiring to add any name
thereto, or desiring otherwise to amend the
same, m ay, at least one week before the re-
spective dh.ys so fixed as aforesaid for such
preliminary revision, deliver to the said ite-
vising Officer, or mail to the care 'of T. A, May -
burry, Revising Clerk, Parkhill, a notice in
writing In the form for that purpose contained
in the schedule be, the saidAct,. as nearly
as may be, setting forth tile. name or
names objected to, and the grounds of objee•
tion, or the flame or .wines proposed to be
added to the list, with the grounds therefor,
and particulars of the qualification and resi-
dence of the persons whose names are propos-
ad to be added, or the particulars of"any other
Proposed amendment, and the grounds there•
for : and every suet, notice must be signed try
the person giving notice and must s b
hie residence,oceupatlon. and post'otfico ad -
dross: In the event of the person so giving no -
ready on the list. the person se objecting must
also deliver to or mail to the last known ad-
dress or the person whose name fe objactecl to,
b roistered letter, atul at the same time as
tho notice is given to the revfsingofficer, a copy
of the notice given,
11 wilibe neressaryfor those pergoht wile
have alroadvsent in their applications to be
n ADvton To Mornens.-Aro you distirbed at
sight and breireu of your root by a sick child
'lifeline and crying with pain of Cuttiue
Teeth? If so send at once autl got a bottle of
"'Mrs, Winslow's Soothing;Syrup" far Children
Teething. Its value is iucmlaulab1e. It will
roliovo the pour little sufferer immediately.
Dopoo2 upon it,mothers ; 'there is uo mistake
about it, It eurea Dysoutery and Diairhosa,
regulator the Stomach and Bowels, euros Wind
Collo, softens the Gums,roduoeslnlfauunation,
and, gives tone and energy to the whole system.
'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children
teethingispleasant to the taste and is the
preserl»tion Of. ono of .the oldoat and hest
otnabe ph axolaus aucl nurses in the United
States, and is for Gale byall druggists through.
out the world. Price t ent-iivebcents a' bot-
tle. 13e sure and ask fory'+Mns. WINenow's
SOOTWNG SYnur," and : take no other kind.
DR. WOCDRI7,FF, permanently located in
No,185 Queen's Avenue, Eundon, a tow doors
east of Peat Office, Special ttttentioit given to
diseases of the Eye, bad sight, au d the pies•
orvatiou of vision : diseases of the Ilan, lm -
paired heearing, and diatharges from the oar;
diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation.
being a frequent cause of deafness; diseases
of the Nose, catarrh being a oommou cause of
honed •ed hearing.
Notice to Colatractors.
13Rdressed to thudr
S of uedAT'ED o
g ,andTENDEDud teedSadlouder foit.
Sobool, London,” witl be received at title office
until MONDAY, the 29th day of MA1l0ft' next,
for the several works required in the erection
and completion of
Plans and specifications can be seen at the
Department of Public. Werke, Ottawa, and at
the otilon of Messrs. Durand JL Moore, Afolii.
tecta, Loudon; Ont„ on said after ''Monday, 15th
Persons tendering are not"fled that tenders
will net be considered up1 ss• tirade on the
printed forms, ei id with, . th !1
actual sig.
u®e Each tender must be accompanied by an ac-
cepted bank cheque, mado payable to the order
PROPERTY LIST. of the Honoranlo, the Minister of Pubiic
Works, equal to five per cent, of the amount
of the amount of the tender, which will be for-
feited if the !mit, decline to enter into a con-
tract when called upon. to do so, or if he fail to
complete the work oontre cted for. It the ten-
der be not accepted the cheque will bo returned
This Department does not, however,' bind
itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
By order,
1ARM FOR SALE,— The sub
scriber offdrsfor sale the north half of
lot 30, eon. 13, Township of East Wawanosh,
County of Huron, containing 100 'acres ; well
fended ; a good stream of water from a never-
failing spring ; nice young orchard of •'choice
fruit trees; a frame bank brrn and bog house;
90 acres' cleared and seeded down, balance
bush. Price 84,000, two-thirds cash. Possession
given any time. Apply to D: Stewart, cattle -
buyer, Wingham, or to J. Matheson, Hay P. O.
Department of Public Works, 11
Ottawa, 10111 March, 1880. 1
Exeter, Ontario.
Our 'Goods and Groceries are warranted of the Best Qual-
Qa l -it and Latest Styles. Families in the villag
ing country can rely on Good Value for their money.
Articles delivered promptly at your homes, in the Village, if
desired. _
A Trial Respectfully Solicited
0 -EN
China Cup and SaucerGiven
With EVERY POUND of BAKING POWDERP purchased' at
G. A■
TWO About T�h O HTJ n
HUNDRED hood customers at the NEW
The tinder iiv
sY ued begs to Intim the r dp
�, • g ate to est nts or
.Exeter and surrounding f
roundxn country that:he 'has fitted upfol.
Carriage -
Making P
ho buildings lying immediately dlatel south of MR. PARS
Blacksmith Shop, M n-st. andd
p, � , havingstooks the same
with suitable material for t}" ccnstrof Carriage action e and
work, we therefore <,,,1r�lt a liberal bare of
s es-
teemed patronage.
Repairi▪ ng promptly and !',properly done at
Satisfactory Prices,
placed on the Voters' List, to attend at:tho
time and places s•bove mentioned, or that Yours truly,
setae one should ' do so on their behalf. -
Dated at London' this 3rd day of Tdareli, A. =
7) 7881
[V'.,8, S�cczrcl antes to the Livery yy irvnne and parties buying in
IteviInhg Olfl 11i1 lfofthe fo' lefci tlorCal district quantities