HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-18, Page 10THE EXETER TIMES.
Is published every Thursday moruiug,at. the
Main -street ,uearlyopposite Fitton's Jowelery
Store, Exeter, Ont., by John'White & Son, Pro
First inSartion, per. line .., r li..,10 cents.
Eo eh stlbseque,ltuisertiou peno.•....Scents.
To insure Insertion, advertisements should
be sent lu uot later than Wednesday morning.
of the largest and best equtlipeo in the County
of Bunion, ,A11 work entrusted. to as will resew
our prompt attention:
lDeeisLozus Regaritin NeWee
Atty person Who takes apaperro&ularlyfrom
the pest-ofdoe,wiietherdireoted in his name or DOD ane of them protested against his
another's, or 'whether be has subscribed or not exeoutiou, and their suddenly 9.8611111-
Mx, Bnevaseocx. ia"lust he credited
with having scored a point et kr.
Blake's expense in his epeeeh at she
Brantford Conservative demonstration
Saturday, Speaking of Mr. Blake's
reoeut utterauees iu parliament, be
asked: "Where was Mr. Blake and
his friend when they might have
benefitted the unfortunate man? They
quietely and peaceably iu the solation;
of thio problem, then legislation,
backed by public opinion, rust be
brought to bear and the itdnriilistrri.e
tion of justice enforced. 1
Now le the time when every mem—
ber in the house will speak out ee
that his constituents may know where
were dumb, It Riel was ,Murdered, lie stands on the Riel question Con-
tie they teriu it, they, and not Sir stituents are exactiub sometimes, but
Jolty, were the nur;deiers." Mr. as long as their representative tickles
Blnokstook here laid his finger upon theirears with acceptable straws he
le wea t spo u i p
regard to the Reel case, While his
fate bung wavering in the balance
is responsible f or payment.
2 If aperson orders his paper i'iiseoutinllea ed indignation on account f obis fate
he must pay all arrears or the ,publisher may is therefore clearly hypocritical, ,and
continue to senaituntil the payment is made,
and then collect the whole amount, whether a'mere dodge to oaptule Quebec
the paper is taken from the office or not.
3 In Suits for subscriptions, the suit may be votes.
• instituted in the plane where the paper is pub •
Belied, although the subscriber may reside
hundreds of milds away,. r, to Trni Dominion voters' lists for
4 The counts have decided that refusig North runAAlesex have been issued,
take newspapers or peiiociioals front the post-
ofeice, or reruoytug and leaviug theca uncalled and the court of prelimiwary revision,
for is prima facie evidence ofintentional trawl will be held by judge Elliot, here on
"'--" Friday, 9th April. The lisle, as
Cho teOrseler ritlXttl'b, iesuedeliminary and of conree
incomplete. are rIt is every voter's duty
__ _-_-,-.____ to see whether his name v,ppears on
THUSRDAY, MARCH 25th, 1886
The position taken by the Reform
press of Ontario at present on the
Riel questton must indeed be disgust-
ing to Reformers when they Ohm of
the attitude these same journals as.
sumed prior to Eiel'e execution, when
they thought there was a chance of
his escaping punishment. The opi-
nions expressed regarding Riel to -day
are quite different to those published
by them some months ego. The
fallowing, extracts which were publish-
ed by Grit papers prior to his hanging
,trP Very interesting et the present
tIV(A only its s traitor to Canada and her
institutions, the murderer of her sons, but as
the deadly deceiver of an ignorant, though
brave community, Louis Riel deserves the
penalty affixed to his offence. That penalty
is death" --Belleville Ontario.
Snlrn--Ifiilx—At the residence of the
bride's father, ou the 10th inst., by the
Rev. W. 0, Henderson, M. A., Superin-
tendent of the District, Mr. Josiah A.
Shier, of the Township of Usborne, to
Miss Matilda Kirk, of Ifirkton.
TIRDITS DINsmonn--On the 3rd inst., at
the residence of the bride's father, 10th
eau. Blaushard, by the Rev. J, Hale,
Burton A, Tibbits, of Clarke, Dakota,
to Nellie Dinsmore, daughter of Mr.
Thomas Dinsmore, of Blausbard.
GEIGER—MOrTEs.—By Rev, G. N. A.. F. T.
Dickson, in the parsonage, Exeter, on. the
17th inst„ Mr. Noah Geiger, to Mins Sarah
Metter, both of Hay Township.
the list, and if it is not there it is his
1'o the Manager of tlw Oonfetlerc tion Life
Stri,—Pioaee accept my thanks for two gory
prompt and satisfactory sottlerurnt of the
Clain against your Company, raider PolicyNo. 10020, upon the life of my lido husbauu,
through your agent, 0. Manning ,Esq,
B.—This Polioy had only boon issued about
three months and tlto Kalahari covered by
note, the amount of which the Company
simply dedueted from the amouut of the
Policy.-.Srussais Post
How Loss How Restored
We have recently pabliehod a uew edition
S•SAY olitho raclicalandpermanent cure (with-
out medieino)ofNervous Debility, trontaland
physical capacity • impediments to 1lfwrridge,
ate.,resulting from excesses,
Priee,in sealed envolope,ouly a oents,ortwe
postage stamps,
The cerebrated author cfthis admirable es,
sayoleariy demonstrates, from thirty years
suooessfulpractice, that alarming aonsequen-
cos maybe radically cured without the dang-
erous use of internal medictnesor'tbeuse of
the knife ; Point outamode of cure at once
simple certain and effectual, by means of
whichevery sufferer, no matter what his con-
ditionmay be,may cure himself chpri
vately and radically,
r3Thi lecture should be in the bands 01 eV.
eryyoubhaudevery mania bile land.
duty to have it put on. It is easily HAGAN.—In Usborne, ou the 20th inst.,41 ANN ST., NEWYORS,
done. All nee essary forme and Annie, beloved wife of R. A. Mesa, aged Bost Ofl1ce Bqa 4Ao
inatruotione Gan he procured from the
officers of the various political organ-
izations, and it ie highly desirable
that all concerned should attend to
this matter at once, that all may
be ready for the revising barristers
when the day arrives fcr holding
court of revision. A few minutes
time taken now will save a great deal
of trouble and annoyance hereafter,
and it is desirable that first Domin-
ion voters' Bete shall be as complete
as it is possible to make them. that
every name shell be on which' has a
right to appear, and that none shall
be classed as voters who should not be.
Ix the LegielatureMr. Meredith mov-
ed a resolution to the effect that in
future county registrars should be
appointed by the County Councils.
As the owners of land in each county,
whether they reside iu the county or
' "When Riel conspired with the Indians he not are the parties who paythe
opened the gates of rapine and murder, and i P o
for that offence deserved the severest pen- , salaries of the county registrars, it
arty possible."—Ottawa Free Press.
"It has come to a pretty pass indeed when
a red-handed rebel can thus snap his fingers
at the law."—Port Hope Guide.
"No one who has road two evidence can
doubtthat Rielrichly deserves death."—Globe.
"Should the Privy Connell declare that
therewas no jurisdiction, must it follow that
a double -dyed traitor shall escape the pun-
ishment due to him."—Guelph Mercury,
"That the Government will attempt to
shield itself behind the recommendation of
the jury is evidetn. But they will find that
the people of Canada wilinot approve of such
a farcical ending to the North-West rebel-
lion."—Port .Elope Guide.
"That Riel deserves the murderer's fate
there are "few in Ontario to question."—
Guelph Mercury.
"Nothing short of hanging for Riel will
satisfy the people of this Province."—Mitchell
"He certainly deserves to be hanged if ever
a mau did."—Huron Expositor.
"There is no question, there could be no
question, on the merits of the case. Biel
committed treason and he deserves the pun-
ishment which rightly follows those guilty of
this henious crime."—Brantford Expositor.
Bub as soon as the rebel was ex .
dated, the Reform press, of course
following the suggestion of the party
leader, turns right aboat face a! d de-
clares Riel was judicially inurdered to
satisfy English araving for blood
Says the Globe
"Biel has died that ENOI.islt blood may no
longer cry from the ground for his punish-
Then it proceeds to justify the re-
bellion, which it had formerly de—
nounced, as follows s
"After the title to their lands had actually:
been given away to speculators, what was.
left to the miserable vtretohes but to rebel ?'t
What inconsistency l The Re
formers s=hould, and many of them
are, ashamed of the course pursued by
the party newspapers and leaders in presiding. The civil business is light.
regard to the rebellion and the ere— and there is but 0110 oriinival ease.
cution of the prime mover in it. His Lordship, in charging the Grand
Jury, reminded them of their right
to present to the Court their views in
I DITORIr:L 'OYES, regard to any matters that in their
judgment required legislative atten
A further proof of the benefit of the tion. One matter that was begining
N'. 1'. to Canada is furniahed by the to affect the interests of the public
Value of agricultural itnplemeuls im- was the labour problem, and he
ported into British Columbia, In thought, peihaps, before ending their
1882 the value of tiara class of epode ,session they might think it wise to
manufactured in the United States give the country the benefit of the
for that province amouuted to $28,.
192, and in Canada to $18'467, In
1883, United States, $80,230; Cr.uadn
$25,881. But in 1884 the tables were
would seem only reasonable that the
representatives of those who pay
should have something to say in the
appointments. Mr. Meredith iitated
further that by giving County
Councils the appointing power, the
Government of the day would be
relieved from a great deal of party
pressure and imbarrasmeut, and put
a stop to much political corruption;
the present system opening a wide
door for debauching the electorate
by dangling such valuable prizes as
vacant registrarshipe before the wist-
fut eyes of candidates. Mr. Mowat,
knowing from experience .the value of
a vadat registrarship for electioneer-
ing purposes, called frantically upon
his followers to vote down Mr. Mere
dith's fnotion,which was doneprompt-
ly. Much can be said in:favor ot giving
County Councils the power of appoint-
ing county registrars. The owners
of property in the oounty`are the par.
ties who pay the fees which make up
the regisbrar'e salary ; they are the
parties affected hp the manner in
which he discharges the duties of his ,FZ'E$
office, and it is but reasonable that
they, through their representatives in
the Oounty Council, shonid have a, Y
voice in the selection of the registrar.
chauge in the
Have for sale TEN HUNDRED TONS of SALT
suitable for Agricultural and Domestic
purposes, which they :offer
24 years.
HoLnleN.—At Elimville, Usborne Township,
on the 23rd. inst., Jennie Josephine Alberta,
beloved daughter of G. W. and Jennie
Holman, aged 2 Years and 10 mouths,
THonsnsv, MARCH MIL—Farm,Farm Stook
Implements, Household Furniture, tie.
the property of S. A. Wilson, lot 2 3, con
1, Hay. Good terms. Sale at 12 o'clock
noon, Jas. Oke, auctioneer.
Fnunty, Apart 2nd.—Farm Stock and im-
plements, the property of JaoobFinkbiner,
lot 11, eon. 8, 1 miles west of Crediton.
Salo at 1 a'clook. Henry Eilber, auo.
SH.ILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi-
ness, and all symptoinsof Dyspepsia. Price.
10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. W,
An old physician, retired from prim tice, hay-
ing had placed in his hands by an East Indian,
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedv and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and all throat and lung affections, also a posi-
tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, has feltit his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tuffs motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will
send free of charge, to all who desire it,this
recipe, in German, French or English, witfull
directions for preparing and using. Sent by
mail by addressing with stamp,naming thin
p er, 4V, B, N9Tp s,1s0 Power's'Zeock, Zit cheater,
W,e .„-0 C' ppun
Will bor sltbl°I<ME to nil applicants, anti to customers al
fast year without ordering It. It contains about 180 pages.
.9t illustrations, prices, accurate descriptions and valuable
-,ircctions for pplautin all varieties or VEGETABLE
and FLOWER s Ens, BYILIIS, etc. Invaluable
to all, especially to Market Gardeners. Send. for it.
it FEaRlf It-_ fi® Windsor Ontario.
Gus s 6iSi5 8'iC ', Detroit; . Gioaaigam
The first effect of the c g
law as; proposed by Mr. Meredith
would be to put a stop to the corrupt
trafficking in offices which the pre—
seut Outalio Government` has inau-
gurated. The next effect would be to
put the right men in the right places.
Linton Spring Assizes.
&odefloh, March 22.—The Huron'
Spring Assizes opened here to -day,
with the Hon. Mr. Justice Rose
recap of their mature deliberations
on the subject. 1t Was a question
this country, with other countries,
mast face very soon, and it was to
turned, rind Canada came rapidly to be hoped ib would meet with a peac3-
the front, the figures standing lh'iis: ful solution, la was not quite right
—United States, ,$18,614; Canada, to say that labour and capital were in
$20,474; thus asserting the policy of conflict ar that they ellould be. I(i
"Canada for the (Jauadiatls. the nature of things they should not
be. They must work hand in hand
AT Reform coventions held
throughout the country the speakers,
and triose who °tight to know better,
if the truo`_intereete of the country
,core to be considered, 'Vhile it
would not do to llrtva those who have nil
utter` Buell hilly things concerning the , been placed by t pnbl1c in posses, ironderei;s must make up in the money col
AtLowest Market Prices
A. call respectfully so-
Apply to T.13. CARLIiNG, Secretary.
EAL TENDERS, addressed to the nailer -
signed., and endorsed "Tender for Indian
Supplies;" will be received at this office up to
noon of TUBSt,AY, 20th APRIL, 1888 for the
delivery bflndian Supplies during the fiscal
year ending 30th Juice, 1687, consisting of
Flour, Bacon, Beef, Groceries, Ammunition,
Twine, Oxen, Cows,Bulis, Agricultural imple-
ments, dec., duty paid. at various points in Ma-
nitoba and the Ncat h-NestTerritories.
Forms of tender, giving fnll particulars relit
tive to the Supplies required, dates of deliy-
ery, &c.,may hehad byapplying to the under-
signed, or to the Indian Commissioner at Re -
gins, or to bus Lidian Office, Winnipeg.
Parties may tender for each description of
goons (or for any portion of each description
of goods) separately, or for all the bootie called
for in the schedules,
Each fonder must bo accompanied by an ac•
united Cheque in favor of tbo Superintendent
(General of Indian Affairs, on aCanadian Bank,
for at least (1Y0 00r cent. of the amount of the
tenders for Manitoba, and the Nortlr•West Ter-
ritories, which will be forfeited if the party,
tendering declines to enter into a contract
when called noon ;to do so, orif he fails to
complete the work contracted for, If two ten-
der he not accepted,.tho cheque will b.' return -
Dominions Franchise Act ne this • eio[1 of 11'g° fratichiees and great stmueintho schecluie ilio total lnoneyvela° of
goods they offer• to supply, or their tender
"Watch the hepta Find watch the Tor- power ihrot,.I wealth to handle . it to thwiie
fesforleach tondos, must, in addition tet the 81gna-
, they need watching." We (1(r the (1HtrilYletit of the nountry, on t119 tnraofthetoncielei°,isosignodLy twn sureties
not see why the Iteviein ; Officers other hand it would never do that acceptable to thof>opartiiient, for the proper
have to be watched, If a 'Reformei'porPorinanco of the contract
makes the nossery application or
some' one on his behalf, sand it can be
shown at the octtrt of Revision that
he is entitled to it tote under the Act,
his name will go on the list, and what
mote is wanted ? .Do the lteformsremotthe Conservatives left off ? That
cutout be what is tvrotlg,
those who have the power to make
money, the power labour, ehould bo
able to combine a(ld fubvert peace
and °neer and the piospeaty of elle
of the country i0 order to aceonlplieh
that which they think is in their
interests,, 1f 111 HO .110 commend
1(rbour and ii1080 NI 110 d;onitnend
1 al
n 1 csea w s here
transportation may bo
only partial by rail, contractors Must -make
proper arrangomsnts for supplies to be for•
warded at once from railway stations Co their
dostiu,ttiou in the Governmont 'House at the
point of delivery,
Tha tocvOst,Cr buy tender, not necessarily
Deputy of two superintendent -General
of In ditto Affairs,
O 0
0 Pei
C ca
n• O
- t--1
Ud t
C4 -'I
j CI)
F.4 -8 U
Ix F-1
• '
O P.
O e
v ca
. ON. TIS.
Tl a P otii re.
J f.
Still you can see at a glance how
much the children look like their
parents, like their father especial-
ly, far better than if we had writ
ten half a column about them,so
while we tell yoki of a lot of New
Goods in last week and more this
week, that, while they excel our
hi gh.est expectations, New in design, Rich in appear.
g p being
anee and at prices which surprise most people, still you can
scarcely any idea of the stock we keep or the value we
are showing unless you come and see us, and it is a pleasure
to present on our counter before the eyes of an appreciative.
public, goods which are a fac similie of those shown in the
city, and as much alike as the babes and their papa.
Ottoman Cords, Sicilian Cords, Satin Broches, Merveilleux,
and Gros -grains for Mantles and Jackets (20 pieces to select
from) Chenille Trimmings in five qualities, Fringes, Orna-
ments and Loops at RANTON BROS.'
Mantles out Free or made up in Latest Style by . Miss
Wood, who is well and favorably known in and around Exeter.
Now Prints—a daisy lot,—New Dress Goods—such pretty
shades,— iushegl Ribbons, cue., U.? beautiful goods at
And Gentlemen, you should see our Nobby Scotch Tweeds,
checks (quite the rage.) Our Fine Pantings, Worsteds, and
Suitings. We can rig you up fine and to your entire satis-
faction. Our 'Swell Hats are the Latest and same as sold by
W. ez D. Dineen, the hatters, corner King & Younge-streets,
Toronto. Prices right; and such an array of Neckwear in
Scarfs and Ties. Just listen, boys, and then come and prove
that we have by far the largest range ever shown in Exeter,
and fully 20 per cent. cheaper than a year ago. Ladies and
gentlemen, you are welcome to call and see these goods, bay
or no buy.
rt . TO 5:311-05.
And they Hardware,
Furniture Manufacurers
o g
I Furniture, Coffins, Caskets,.
1 And everything in the above lino, to meet
immediate wants.
tette teIden Not ltarra )ifi7 t•11 work Ds''trttrfl11araalli6fait'
We have one of the very best
Hearses in the County,
And ljunerale furnished and conducted lit
extremely low prices.
AT --
st to ;wry s
0 0
Pure Drugs $ Family Receipts Careful ompounded
.-o... .s......,.......a...mm... wecrre., ....,.a.asam7..,,a ansa r
The following lines, which will be sold at the
Closest Possible Cash Figures:
20 tons Cut and Steel Nails, American Pattern,
Lindeman Blacksmith. Coal (will tonsd,will bo sold Cheap
for Cash or on Short Dates,).
10 tons Buckthorns and Barb -Wire Fencing,
100 boxes Glass,
: tons White Lead,
bbls. each I,aw & Boiled Oil,
3 bbls. Turpentine,
10 bbls. MachineOils,
Also a car loadof Lochs, Hinges, es g Butts,
and general Shelf 1l:ardware.
Full Stock of Stoves &Tinware Cheap for r Cash.