The Exeter Times, 1886-3-18, Page 9HEALTH. Pneumonia., I really cannot sit up any longer, sitter. What will you do if I am very i111" and Nora looked at me solioitouely, a° she lay shiver. In under four heavy blankets,. And I, too, thought, what could I do in Date of serious illness? Five .miles from one, twiny males from aphysician,a 1 ala n our prairie homo not even,clied,aere January storm raging, and wo two women were the solo members of the household.. A sharp little Dough, bright opota ripen the cheeks, accompanied by a chill, were the symptoms -too well Iknew them—ther t?fled Dough sounded like a knoll to rue. Pneumo• nia had often, under favorable circumstances and the best medical treatment, proved fa- tal: But Nora was my only sister, and I loved her, Though young, and an unoxperienoed nurse, I meant to do my utmost to rave her from death. 11 • in half an hour delir- ium was very i ,, ium'had set hale lever had inoreaeed. e ; theest no rub ' hot water be b Iliad t g• I could do was to make one of new flannel, fill it withhops, and cover it lightly in a steam- er over a pot of boiling water. Over the chest and congested lungs I spread thin hop application, coveringcleanly with an oil cloth to protect the night-dress from the clamp bag. These I changed every fifteen minutes, and with muoh diffioulty managed to give her a warm foot bath ; then I filled two lugs with boiling water, and plaeod them in the bed. Oh, for the faoe of our old 'physician, bank in the dear old home, to look in at our hum- ble door. Medicine was a soaroe artlole in our.houae, 1 could not, dare not, leave Nora alone, lest ehe do herself a mischief,. And then the drifting, blinding snow, made it imposeible.for me to walk five miles, to the nearest hoose, for help or counsel, I had Jamaica ginger, which I gave her,. diluted in hot water, in small doses, and frequently. Another trouble epranrt up ; it took con- stant watching to keep Nora in bee. The fever made her strong, and right lus- tily she sang : "Flowers, lovely flowers, I gathered them Doh fcr you." Then the fancy to go and gather them, seined her; with wildly toseiog arms she en- deavored to rid herself of the blankets, and rush out into the storm. By main strength only could I keep her in bed until 'the fanny was forgotten. The bitter, salt tears camp into my eyes. in spite of my effort to be brave and smiling, She had tholook of oar dear, patient mother,, who died from the effects of an acute attack of pneumonia. Nora opened her eyes before I could brush away the tell-tale drops, and a frown rested upon her white forehead, as she reproved me for my ugly looks. "Dear, dear how homely you look ! Why are you so careless about your appearance ? And tonight is the time for our fete cliampe- ere." We had leftente champetree and pleaeur- Inge behind us in the Id homo, and Nora was evidentlyy livfn tier, in delirinm those , , days, ) i. steeped a quantity of pennyroyal, and gave it frequently ; its excellency in breaking up severe cues of cold, I had often tested, and I was fortunate in having a good aper- ient in the house. Of course there was no appetite. I had little chance to prepare muoh. Toast -wat- er, rico soup? oyster a oup, made from Cove oysters, the julce of apples—home canned— and juioe,of cherries, currants, strawberries, and baked milk, were given in small quanti- ties. " Water—water "a, id water ! 'ice 1" was her constant cry. Craoked ioe relieved thirst. I could get it in great plenty—that was 0118 blessing among so many afsoomforts. All day, and that night, I watched beride her; eo slowly the long hours ticked, away, that I oould not have kept awake if it had not been for euepease ane ooretant attention required. In pneumonia the disease progresses rapid- ly -this I knew—in three, five, seven, or nine days, I should know the end. But could.I hold out ? Would' my own strength permit me to keep well long enough to aurae Noranine days Perhape no one would come—three, yea, four weeks often passed, in the winter, with - /int our seeing e human being. "Halt 1" said a monitor within one, "Save Tops strength for better things than climb - bag hills before you meet them1" and I obeyed immediately. The right lung was congested badly, the left not se muoh, and I feared the copse quenoes eo muoh more when the right lung was involved. The eeaend day passed ; the short , cough was very troublesome, and the delirium was worse, At daybreak the cough ceased ; a Symptom I did not like, but I could only work, and hope for the best. At noon the delirium Ieft Nora, and at nightfall ehe certainly was better. The third night was a long ono to me. I was very, very tired end worn, but not for the universe would 1 have desertedmy post at that turn of the disease. The next morning Nora smiled at me naturally, but I feared to discontinue all treatment for at least a few inure. Tho fruit jdicee were very muoh relished and beneficial. The baked milk, excelled chicken broth, rice gruel, or invalid soups as a strength restorer. A sunken plane over the right lung and the mottled appearance of the flesh, the et- feels of the hop applioatione, frightened me, but in a few days the hollow filled out and the flesh aeiamed Ste rightful golor. The Dough did not leave Nora speedily, e ar d for her a not until 1 pr p e simple but ef- feative remedy— one cup of pine tar, steep ed in ono cup vinegar, one cup pure Orleans moiaeeos, steep in a swarm place over sight; one tablespoonful a dose. The tar sank to the bottom and fresh vine. gar with moleases was poured over it half a dozen times baforo the strength was ex. treated, Through MVlaich Nora needed care, but April found her bright and well, with etrougth to help improve the claim taken by the "Canadian school nia'ams." My ohanoos for victory over the dread disease were few, lay iuexperienoe was against me, butNora was worth all the sue- punts and mental suffering that was mine in that battle. And to day I have great reaped for the "garbs' end almple remedies of ye olden time nursee, whose .watchful eyes and Dale• fur hands brought health to "they who were sink," A Wealthy Chinaman lou -Tow -Tai, a groat Chinese spooulator, and probably the richest merchant in the empire, died.r000etiy at Hong Chow. His progress through life may have been as prosy and uninteresting as that of any other •Dom• mon millionaire, but his fanoral was the longest and one: of the grandest on record, At the hes ofthe procession a u d e n number of coolies trudged along oarrying little scraps of paper upon which chert sentenoes full of wisdom and sound advioo were traoodIn pon- o11. Then followed a crowd of lantern bear - ere, the lanterns fastened at the end of long bamboo canes. After them came a 'small army of`musioiane withgongs, symbols,'and trumpets making a noise enough to there the sulphur and the brimstone out of ,au the winked opirite within range. Next name a few hundred little boys, each holding.. in his hand some weapon of strange form In- tended for the slaughter of evil -disposed devils. The bearers of the family tablets with the names of the mouton; of the de- ceasedmarohed after the boys, Next in the procession, altars on wheel° appeared load- ed with choice fruit, the last one bearing the portrait of the deceased. After these altars, two groups of priests presented them• selves, the first dreaeed in white robes rich- ly embroidered, and the second in ecsrlet and yellow.' Between these two groups there was a orowd-bearing lanterns, flags, parasols, and fans, together with all sorts of queer things. The master of ceremonies rode on horseback,and was dreaeed from head to foot in white, the Chinese mourning. Behind him was a large white tent carried along by strong mon, and in this the rela- tives concealed their woo, At last the cof- fin came in sight mounted on a magnificent hearse ornamented in the moat gorgooun style, and borne along on the shoulders of twenty five .men. A large number of man- darins, dressed in their official robes, and carried in Japanese chairs, closed the pro- cession. r "' Asphyxia in the Mont Cenig Tunnel. Paris despatch :--The supporters, of the St. Gothard Tunnel are now takii eadvan- tago of some petty accidents to begin a bit- ter war against the defenders of the Mont Cents Tunnel, and we meet' here, as every- where, the everlasting struggle between two nations destined to oppose each other in every field. The truth is that the Lyons Railway Companyyis not bound t Rai y o pave Mont Canis. Its engines stop at Modane, and it is Italy whioh is bound by interne, taloned treaties to work the railway between Bardonneohia and Modane. Now, as for some asphyxia and death ander Mont Cenia have been spoken of, I have made careful inquiries. The Italian company has employed, in fact, Bsugniot nines and a well-known fuel e g for the goods trains. Now these remain a long while in the tunnel, and it has twice happened that the railway officials accompanying them have suffered from serioas symptoms of asphyxia in ooraequense of the character of the engines and the fail used, and also in oonsegnenoe of the casual state of'the at- moaphere, but the two sufferers promptly recovered on getting out of the tunnel. Immediate complaints, however, were made b9 tbe French company, and the Italian company ohanged both engine and fuel. Since this was done no inconvenience has been reported. It should be added that these accidents have not occurred to the passenger trains. I have,.during the last few days, spoken to a dozen travellers who had just traversed Mont Canis, and all of them stated that, except the nervousness a few of them ex- perienced in passing through a tunnel of such length, nothing occurred whioh could give rise to the slightest discomfort. She was Saved Winter in Canada, BY JOAN WAPDLILI„ Manv of the inhabitants of Great llri tain inia i e that the Dominion of C,nada resembles the countries whioh border on the Arctic elydle. That as a people our lot, otvnpared with theirs, seenii to be mtlo11. less happy. They believe that Canada taken as a whole, is atm* entirely formed. of mountains perpetually capped with snow end ice; that winter reigns during the groat or part of the year; that the Oanadieria live to houeoe which leaveneither door nor' ohirnaey; that the fir* is in the centre, and the melee esoupes through an aperture in front, by which they oreop into the homes upon their hands and knees ; and, confined to their lemma, hoar nothing around them but the whistling' of the wind, ,the roaring of the tempest, and the fame bowling of the wolves, driven by hunger to prowl for their prey near the habitation of man. It le to be presumed that old country people aro very thankful that they do not live in Each a climate, et here, as far ss the eye can reach, extendsone vast chain of bay mouutains and:^immense deserts, covered. with snow. Whore, as they think, the cold is intense and the habitations mtg., orablo. Doubtless they appreciate the value of their own sea-girt isle and climate, where they fancy their condition is so much superior, Unquestionably tbeir definition is not desorlptivo of either a Canadian homo or a Canadian 'hater ; however applicable it may be to couotries near, the Arotlo circle. T' think that the prose, the nobility, and the commonalty ofEngland'ma Yfairly be freed from the imputation of igneranoe relative to their knowledge of our salubrious climate and reeouroes, when the heir apparent to the throne of the British Empire is only able to recognize the Prime Minister of a great oountry logo the Dominion of Canada by the appelation of Sir•Thomae McDonald. During the winter days in Canada we ex- perience a continual succession of vioiasi- tndes, flakes of mow, showers of rain, clouds and sunshine, storms and calme, gnickly follow .each other. Soarcely has the snow enveloped nature, when it vaniehee from our view ; and scarcely does the sun re- veal his splendour, when ho becomes obscur- ed`by dark aloud,. During winter many days are dark, .gloomy, and dull ; but I presume stoma and darkens?: are neoeaeary, and comfortable to the laws of nature.: For even the people of England cannot prevent the day from being darkened by cleude, or their happineeo' from being the sport of oonntiugenolen. When clouds have gathered think in this Province, when the storm and the tempest have threatened, how rapidly haslight bean teetered to the heavens, and gladness again smiled on the earth. Though winter in Canada is apparently destitute of charms, we still havesomething to interest the feelings, How beautiful are the tops of the trees, hoary with frost 1 The hills and the valleys, reflecting the sun- beams, assume various tinter and delight the traveller with their novel appearance, Hew beautiful to see the white hills, the forest, and the groves all sparkling l What a delightful combination these objaota pre- sent ! Jost look at the lofty trees bending beneath the dazzling burden 1 The surface of the earth appears one vast plain mantled in glittering white array. Although we have lost the variety of charms whioh beautified the earth's eurfaoe in the fall of the year ; here and there planta are seen to bear the rigours of a anadfan winter, and by their verdure re- lieve the sterility of the ' soon. The ver- dant evergreens form a dark shade.; and the creeping ivy still winds round the mouldering battlements of the dilapidated Parliament buildings of Ontario, and defies the whistling wind and the storm's loud roar ; it is only when dynamite cartridges are deposited under the pile, or when a sup- posed infernal machine finds its way into the interior a artmente that the antiquated barracks exhibit signs of trepidation. " The laurel blooms here as in other climes with verdure undiminished ; and the lowly box looks green above the snow. We often murmur at the .rigours of our winters in Ontario, and envy .these who know no violasitude of. Beeson/but the keen air of winter, perhaps, renders our climate` the most nalubriona of any in the world. Contrast the languid appearance of the in- habitants living, beneath a cloudless] sun ; the indolence which they necessarily en- dure; and how. different is our lot from that of the shivering nativesnear the north pole 1 Hero in winter the rays of the sun enliven our days and incite universal gay- ety. ayety. There the winter day is as dreary as the night, beoanpe the sun gives it no Myhre In this Province: there is perfect security in cities, and highly cultivatedagrloultural distriota, or in the backwoods of Canada, whether reposing in bedjin aahanty, mansion or palace, or indulging over a blazing log fire, or a coal' hearth, we defy the rigours of tke season ; the charms of society also tend to soften its asperities, and the oon- stantsnooeesion of day and night cheers and revives ; but in the frozen regions the miser- able huts form a poor shelter from the pitiless storm, and the wild savages of the wooda and deserts keep the starved inhabit - anti in a state of constant alarm by the frequency of their horrific Dries 1 and with them a perpetual winter, reigns. Whilst we, particularly in Ontario, after a few stormy months, are visited by' a season whose eharma console tie for for all that we have suffered, and amid thejoy and harmony inspired by a vernal sun we forget the name of winter. Because the varied artificial flowers, portrayed by frost on the glare, has been effaced by the noonday inn ; and the spring becomes rich with flowers, which carnet the seeds to expand, the herbs to bud, the trees to look lovely with foliage, beentiful' with blossoms, and to pour forth, their riches in fruit of every kind to please the eye and gratify the taste, and clothes Canada in verdure which preaenta to the eye a beautiful field of attraction. TORONTO, Ont, From days of agony and discomfort, not by great interpositions, but by the nee of the only sore -pop corn,oure—Patnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Tender, painful corse are removed by its use in a few days, without the slightest discomfort. Many substitutes inthemarket make it neosseary that only "Putnam's" should be caked for and taken. Sure, safe, harmless. "Door; your son affect any particular rohool of art Y' asked the -visitor. "No— ; he's painting a Belladonna: for tbe religious art gallery," eplied the fond mother. t,, rw 4.R410Q1)I/ Mamma : IT IS VERY WRONG IN Y0171 JofrNNY, TO QUARREL IN THIS VVAY. Johnny (who has ,ry'llst had a fight with his brother Toot) : WELL, X or Men AND IIAD TO DO "OMItTIIINO, Mamma : BUT Y017 SHOULD NOT LET YOUR T1a14tputt CARRY YOU AWAY IN THAT MANNER, I WILL TNLL Y01/ A GOOD RULE: Witxoo YOV Alin ANGRY ALWAYS COUNT TTWENTY,BTo0on Y'01/ ST1t,I$8, Tonatin the victor' in the recent QbnpteagetnYES, ICES, AND HE'D BETTER y ( oW TUA' OAN teal Ilial, • COUNT T'ORTY BEFORE HE STRIKES A ItIILL • ' Decline of roan or woman, pre maturely induced by exoessee or bad prao item, epeodily and radically. cured Book (illustrated), 10 cents in stamps, Consul. ation free, World'a Dispensary Modioal Association, n o , 13 ff a arc, id, Y. Can anybody tell why a woman always laughs when she ie being weighed, while a nlau, during ;be acme performance, has a aerioue, if not anxious, countenance 7 xo no o There o t o nee for your oul2erlug any loaner from Catarrh Bronchitis, etc., when you can get e remedy guaranteed to cure. and whioh` is porteotiy safe. Dr. Oareon', Catarrh Onro it a pleasant and effectual remedy. Ask your Druggist about it. ionperiai d;ttou h Drops win give Positive and Inutant:Relief to those eufferine from Colds, Hoarseneae, ' Sore Throat, oto., .tad aro invaluable to orators and vocalists Foe eel° by druggists' and oonfootionere 11. & T. W A T S 0 N, Manufaoturora, Corenttot Fee P.9212 PATCHWORK Gfi1, UR11 8' IK. Ladloa,'mud 10 yenta for our paekage of crazy patchwork Bilk. The CALL, Dorchester, Mase, 5� A9 ft1>w IPA WOE SALE—CHEAP - Uoly $100 redoirod down ; balance at 0 per tent• Address, M. J. KENT. London, Ont. 30 pA lltddon fame erre Slew Verso Cards, ' 100; Sample Book, 5,. Gold diens, Album,, eSO , to; olube. bTAR OARD 00,, Tinowlten,.P,Q. DIAN OR A WUH$AN WANTED IN EVERY town,htp, to eon Dr. Talmge's new boots, "Live Coale " The keenest and moot vigorous specimen of oratory ever written ; nearly 700 pages ; only $2 ; full partioulare of thle and other now booke SAES. Schuyler Smith & Co„ Publishe re, London, Ont BIG Oicl?E*1. -To introduce them, we will GIVE AWAY 1,000 Self-operating Washing Me• chines. It you went one send us our name,P y O. and,oxpreee oifloe at owe. THE NATIOAL' 00., 23 Dey St, N,Y. LANER KNIVES, STAVE (MITER, STAVE, jointer, obeeoe box, veneer, leather i r s linin bookbinders, moulding, tenoning, and otter machine knives of best quality, numufaotured by PETER AT, Qnit Machine Knife Works, Galt, Oat. ; send for price list: ENGOSGWS SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS Jul institute, Toronto, is the oldest. largest, cheap- est and beat on the eoatineet. Bueineca men ens plied with office help an the shortest possible notice, Write for descriptive calendar. Trios. Bltue000n. President ; C. '00. BROOM, Seo'y-Treat. ALE -ONE THOUSAND TONS COARSE SALT - bulk and eaoke; also all other grades ealt; special freight rates and lowest prioea. Correspon- denoeeolioited. Address, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, Goderich. only ;; Something 'you all YOliNG 114E:1 want; a Daisy 40 cent Sample byMaittarl6 oho. Oliva) Agte wanted. Donaldson d On:, Richmond , London, Ont. ANTED -10,000 Mllimen and others interosted in maohlnerr to send name and address for a copy of my No. 12 Illustrated: Catalogue; sent tree, H. W. PETRIE. Machinist and General Machine Dealer, Brantford, Ont. 601IORTHLND THOROUGHLY TAUGHT BY e' Mail • or students attending our Academy will be thoroughly prepared by bighest Masters in Short. hand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, and Business Train. ing. Advanced students helped to situation. Im. modtately address, The Union' 8horthander'a Com. meroial Academy, Arcade, Toronto, EUOOESB AGAINST ALL PREJUDICE ! Williams' Eye Water has proved itself a sue. ossa by all who have used it according to directions, if their eyes were Durable, as will be seen by the undersigned certificates. It cured me, 8 years blind, ocotillo failed,' O. Fortin; i0 has cured me, ooculist would not try me, Alaxaoder Wand ; 6 yore blind, Chas, Amiott ; 4 years, Elle DM our; 83 years bltttd and now I sea, John Leornix. Ask your druggist for it, Wholesale -Lyman. Sons & Co., 884 St. Paul St., Montreal. , AXLE AND MACHINE SCREW WORKS. LINTON LAKE v'A CO., Manufaoturere 01 all kinds of Carriage and Waggon Axles, Irrnand Steel Set and Cap Sanwa, Stude for Cylinder Heade, Steam Chests, Pampa, Bo., GALT, ONT. Bronze Medal at. Industrial Exhibition, 1885. Price List an application. AMU AG" is & WAGON ALES. Manufacturers of the Celebrated Brand GUELPH Agip WOHXS nurrnx. T. PEPPER. & CO., Guelph, Out. Our Duplex Axles are all to he had at all the principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion. ATE STAl�, A lJ �i'.Z�1 $z0 Per Day. �vE1LL �l,m�.aler� Use no superior! 20 Leet per bone; hand or horse power; combined boring and rock drilling machine ; grand enema ;: first prizes and diplomas. Send for catalogue. GS Nary St., Hamilton, Canada. A Lucky Man. "A lucky man is rarer .than a white crow,",aye Juvenal, and wo think he knew. However, we have heard of thouaande of lucky ones and we propose to let their eaoret oat, They wvore people. broken down In health, suffering with liver, bleed and akin diseases, scrofula, dropsy, and consumption, and worn lucky 'ono'lgh'to hear of and wise enough to une Dr, Pierce's "Golden Discovery," the •sovereign blond purifier, tonic and alternative of the age. Flint -brooks are made' of the waste sand of glean factories, They are strong and durable, resisting action of the sun, rain and acids. JAMES :PARK & SON, Pork Packers, Toronto. L. 0, Bacon, Boiled ' Spine Bacon, 0. 0. Baron. Glasgow Beef Hams, Sugar Cured Ham, Dried' Beef, Br tat Bacon, Smoked Tougueo, Mess Pods Pickled envies,:Cheese, Family or /envy Pork Lard In Tubs and Pails. The Best Brands of Eng, Bah Fine Dairy Salt In Stook E ES m,_PacOriag T➢re BillingforNur Out and ee- men and 1 TR Doa ore a speciality. Leading hardy kinds, la large quantities, raised on our own grounds, in lat. 430, H+ H, Hurd It lion, Burr ington.ialtun - Nursery, te A. Honanoa Mine of health is to be fdund fst Dr, R, V, Pierce', ” Favorite Preaerlption," to the merits of a fe which act remedy for male weakness and kindred afi'eotlons thoitsands testify, Catarrhal Ttoadache, hawk;ng and . spitting rip phlegm, oto., at once relieved and cured by the me of Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure. No renew' Why you Should suffer another day. Many Daces of Catarrh dl long standing have boon cured by a Bingle bottle of, bottle, Dr. Carson's Catarrh Ouro. A.11 rueg te, $1.00, poi Sp F1RD I —THE--• $e� .50/�n 600 Acre ,1 arm—t$a,000f I3$ Aero t ten' W pj�jjj? al9 500 '1. Sno 13 17r!i FAVORITE100,080 4 cent wuelt?; anetrumentie halt•prlgo. BUT., 1 TBaxillgP wder HERE IS + t NOBETTER Tho now Drift Baking Powder Co., Brantford, one --CELEBRATED- Crockera aka es a COLD WATER RICE STARCT VER FAILS. One Million pa r in nee in Canada end U. S. Simplest, etrougeet,lighteet end .easiest running, Send nor Catalogue, Liberal induoemea0e to puttee building rinks. Looai aoonbe wanted, CROCKER SKATE CO., 148 Kivu 80 W., Toronto,Ont. Aimau lane it$oyai Bteameinvi. Sailing during winter from Portan" every neuraday, and 'Halifax every Saturiiar`to Liverpool, and in aumtuel from Quebec, every tsaturdty to Liverpool, oalilma at Lon' donderry to land melte and paeeeneere for Boatload Fad Ireb'ad. Also fromBaltim ore,vio/TaittasandSt„Tohu'o, N. Ii'., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer month's. he 0 >. a eataern rf the Glasgow oa ilnes.aail duelers winter to and from Halifax, Paz land, Baton and Phi/adel• ph:a; and during summer between Otaagow and Mon. trial, weekly, Olsvgow and Boston, weekly; and Gies. Sow and Philadelphia, fortnightly, For freight, passage, nr other information apply to 4.. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore • 8 Cunard et Co.. Halifax • Shea & Co , St. John's, h. F,. 'Win.' Thomson Fc Co, St. John, N. B. ADen & Go., Chloago; Lovo & Alden, Nen York ; 01.73ourlteer, Toronto ; ,Aliens, Rao & Co„ Quebec Philadelphia ; d Por Portland, Boston, Montreal New Crlers Road Cart CQ' y1 -ItAN 1fFACTUnnlui-- Winters' Patent Road Cart, Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &c. end for Catalogue, J. WINT' st S, Manager. Galt. Ont. RENNIE'S SEEDS ARE THE BEST illustrated Catalogue Tor 1886 Containing description and prices of the choicest FIELD, GARDEN t$ FLOWER SEEDS Mailed free. Every Partner and Gardener should have a copy beforeordering seeds for rhe coning' Season. i•Iandsomestcatalogue.published in Canada. *ki Age Ae' 0 m cs,s Ea g l When I say cure 1 do not mean merely to atop themfor a time and then have hem return egnin 1 tans a radical cure. I have modeto diseaseof PITS, EPILEPSY orFALL- ISM SICKNESS a f -long study. I warrant my remedy to euro rho worst elle a. Because others have failed Is no reason for not now r calving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Prue Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Poet Olace. It costa you; nothing for n trial, and I will cure you... Address DB. LI. G, ROOT, Branch eco, 37 Yonne Sf,, Toronto. ATOHES A combination among manufaoturere le now being organized for the purpoee of advancing prices ; this organ lnationis thorough and embraces manufacturers of watches and watch oases in the United States and the Domiaton. To the uninitiated this may appear Orange and improbable, that whilst the Farmer can positively get no protection, Manutaoturera the world over are combining tor the purpoee of forcing prioea Up, Any retail Jeweller (it he le willing to post you) will endorse our abatement, that the watch trade of this Continent le today (though quite recently or- ganized) one of the etrongeet combinations ever known, their combined capital representing over twenty minim a, and extends from Maine to Oregon and Newfoundland to British Columbia. Previouu to the oomntetlon of thin Huge Combina- tion. we eooured SEVERAL VERY LARGE .PAR- CELS, which we propose to dietrionte amongst oar thouernd, of ',strong _4t Nearly 55 per Cent. Leas Than Old Prices. For the NEXT 60 DAYS We will Bali at the following Reduced Prioea': Appleton, Tracy a0 Co. $24 50 P. S. Barnett •-- • - • 12 e0 Peerless Chicago, a new brand, Jewelled same as P. S. Bartlett - "9 Oft Deminion. Jewelled sante as P. 8. Bartlett • - - - - • 9.04 All the above are in Solid Coin Silver Caere, Men'e lin s Size, Rey � V d. Peerless Chicago or Dominion, in sflverinc cases - 604 P. S. itto tlett, is stiverinc laces • 1000 Thio new metal 10 guaranteed to hold its color, and to in flnieh, appearance and all respects, (except In tranda value) the equal of coin silver, and being very hard retsina Ste finish as no other metal can. Meal Mee, key wind. These piano positively cannot be repeated after date mentioned. Oertifiaate of guarantee accom- panies each watch. Postage paid to any part of the Dominionand Ede delivery guaranteed. Our 120 -page Catalogue Sent Free, contains Over 1,Of0 iduetratlono of Gold, and Silver Jewelry, etc., mainly of our own manufacture. CHAS. STARK wholesale and Retail' Dealer, Importer and Manu- facturer, 52 Church. St., Toronto. eerless Oils Are made only at the Queen City ®iii Works, and have received during the last three years MEM ;..fid Xill Send for sample barrel. If it dons not prove satisfactory we will pay freight both ways. SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., 30 Front St. Bast, Toronto' 1 .'0ttt .1rk5540k_i.e4/.34 n ,h.r,''o1Mi:, ,,t+,:, x A i g. t 711'0,41'4itilttRl00 t., 7n. ;-'r':h 4 " Ipiutn1,:Morphine, and ILindred 4, obits. Valuable treatise Sent free. The edicinemay be given in' tea or coffee, without the knowledge of the persontaking it, _ l ao desired. Sendtwo ostamps for fuel artiaulara and testimonials of those who 3 . P ave been cured. Address, M. V. LITS AIN, 47 Wellington Street East, Toronto, Canada. ligaMENEEMIGNME.u' 8 F3"t¢i:,.-enl.i:?i ,1i`. it".k CZEEMEZIEMMEEMEESSEEMEIN THE E=°r GLE BRAND FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. FOR THE MILLION. Along tbe line of the Chicagoans]. Northweaster Railway in Central Dakota and Northern Nebraska. New sections are being opened up and rapidly gabbled In .these wonalerfully productive Hotregions, and the " Hot comers" will have "fleet choice" of location. For full information (whioh will bo sent yon free o1 oborgo)ebout the free lands and cheap homes, apply to JOHN 11. MORLiEY, Waders] Canadian Pass. Agent, C. 8s N. W. Ry., R. S. 11A111, 9 York 8t, Toronto, Ont General Pam. Agent, Chicago, Ills, stWearing,es. Fitting, Looking IN THE MARKET' Every pair and every box bears:this eagle AS TRADE MARA. TAKE No OTRIMS. "HEAP'S PATENT" DRY EARTH CLOSETS Are The Best in The World. Over 16,800 in Use. • Awarded 10 First Prize %Odnlr. READ tTMntuyn-tfluoyeahoesspe tOmmrcawand ebhMfodd c!aol t and lady nurses in charge express themeolvt e „T �r wolPreeteseor Gold dwin Smith sad with le : "I have pleaqure in tesiiising that the Earth Closets (8) supplied by Tour Company to heuses °Coupled. by members of my house held, are found to Work exirome)y well, and to be very ocnduolve to health and ootnfort." " Very Rev. Dean Boomer (London)}, le pleased to tor. lily to the value and useitil nMIS of the Bedell a Commode, supplied to him by AIB, Heap. It hoe tu181kid all the promises made for it in the printed etroular, and ho etrohgly recommend' it for the use of invader' [We may add, it lea No. 9 Pull up Commode and ,fonds by the Dnan'ebedside, be beluga confirmed invalid,) ' Telephone leo. 68. Patent Eights Per Sale. COMMA'S C,+ RRL4OE TOPS Aro the Beat and Obeopoet in the Ilarlcet, order ono from your Barrlago hiker. Take no other kind. Send tor Catalogue- 407Ring St. W„ Tonc3'r0. I 1lovn a mslttveremedy or the above Maarten ; by Its n15 eo thousands of eases of the worst kh,d nue of long standing have hens anted, Indeed so s song In My 'faith In its efficacy, Butt 0 will Bond TWO BOTTLES PIREE together With a VALUABLE TIIEATLSE on tido dlseale 10 any. sufferer. Give' express and 1. 0. address, 0I0, 'I`, A. SI 0000 _. . ranohOffica,37 Tong(St.,Toronto Heap's Patent Dry Earth orAshes Closet Coilnpany (li.inlited), Inodorous Portable 1CedroontCorritnode.-y tv A, the Urine Separator rl, ITrion iReceptacle;clo, v7 tfltielSti(113 0.10 'nest, oro1i11o: 0, Exotornent Pad, ea Mention this paper' United Stated,,leaotory-41fM8letgon, dish, ;1stplish Fact n / -Manchester,