HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-18, Page 5i-zesbytery qf' ifilio. n The tete b}x^ } ti C n .r First Presbyterian eburoir, Seit)teh, on Tuesday. The A1teedence was fair. The tecordrl or tie 'mos within lie boniels were millsd for Red ex`+mined. The Ueneeiter of Irtil mitt(•) tie the State of tleli'onu lead a care -fully prepared report, condensed from HHESWer's fnroiatll-d by the vet, ions s r se sign- of the Prenbytt, y> Revs. Messrs. Danby, McDonald, Thorn •air, f'fitotlard and Stewart were appointed men 1 iesieeora 10 the General As-elu bly. The annual report of the Women's Foreign Mis.ionar'y Society (presbytteed) was toad, tet ieg forth very considerable eueoess in this pa,t of chits eh work, $1439,75 hy,ving beer: raised for Olgo tlli:48100l, The r•A pilrabytei•y hrGo+,i 10 receive the report, and heartily teeermnerel tale society to the oo-opot•rttion of all the congregations within fire b brads, Revs. McDonald and Fletcher were appointed to meet the W. M. S. and a uyey to them the tiotttinletits of the Presbytery, The elder, appoint e4 ei commissioners to the Assembly were Messrs, Derr, Brottdfoot, Riddle, Murray and Sourt. Since the reports on louipe 'mice from sessions had not come into tits hands Of the convener, it was agreed to give him power to formulate a report from seesiuuaf reports to be se,it to Ilial, and for. ward the sena to the. (lonveuer of the Synod's committee. A. c'fntniitiet• conferred with Rey. J. E. Culvert regarding his reception as a ininistef of the church, and Presbytery agreed to apply. to Assembly on hi. behalf. Mr. Carrier and Mr. Carney were appointed inembets of the 5yuod'tl Cotiltilittee ou hills aud nyerturee, Shoes and boots are less pointed, out, pot squats -toed• HANDY'1'O HAVE, Deers household should keep some remedy at hand for painful diseases, sudden attaoas of inflammation and accideutel injuries. such a remedy is best found in Hueyerd's Yellow Oil for internal and ex. tornal use. It cures rheumatism, sore throat, croup, eouralgui, lame beak, seeeli,e bunlses and burns, Skirts of street suits aro ieede longer and barely eSCLIo the side -walk, ov al h A SOUIBCE OF GREAT TROU13LE Probably the most prolific source o clironie ills is indigestion or dyspepsia causing unhealthy blood. Yet bitten ju time it is positiyely durable.. Burdock Blood Bitters has cured some of the worst caees known, even of 15 ,years' duration. If troubled with indigestion try it. The best wet weather coat is of rough frieze, bontette, or boucle cloth. Complain no more about shirtings nor washing, but go to Renton Bros.. and get !feet colors. Long wraps will be worn only for travel- iling nod raitleyweather this spI'ung. from Dyspepsia, and tried all known reme- diesattd the best the 1 skill of tiYn v quaintenee, but still grew worse, until un- able to eat auythug without great suffering, or de any kind of work. I began to think there was no hope for nig, and that I must surely die; when, like it drowning man oatohiug at a straw, I determined to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial, I at once began to improve so rapidly that in two months I was as well as. I had ever been in my lite.—Wet. EVERS LEAMINGTON. Sold by, J, W. Browning Druggist; Free trial bot - les, • 6 Stripes of all widths and in ,every variety of olnster are immensely popular. Do not take Pills or Powders containing Calomel, for, at this time ef the year, the re- sult may be serious. If you require, a close of physic, take Dr. Queen's Stomach and Constipation Bitters ; it acts gently on the Bowels, purifies the Blood, improves the cir- culation, stiniulates ir-culation,stinrulates the Liver and Kidneys, and speedily cures Bilionenese, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. $caroti the Drug Stores from one end of Canada to the other, I had fur years been a miserable sufferer The next ineetiug of Preobytery will and you cannot find a remedy equal to it. be held at Londesbo^o, I Try it and' use it is your families. Sold ►.a+r Interesting items. That hateful nuisance and unhealthy gar- ment, the rubber waterproof, is moribund • A GREAT AWAKENING.' There is a great awakening of the slug- gish organs of the human system whenever Burdock Blood Bitters are taken. It arouses the torpid liver •to a action, regulates the bowels and the aidncys, purifies the blood, and restores a healthy tone to the system. generally. All dressy spriug wraps are short. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE 1T. There is no. one remedy offered to suffering humanity whose,;so is so uuiverr:ally and frequently rell' l as Hagyard's Yellow Oil, for rheumatts , neuralgia, colds sore throat, deafness, croup, lumbago, and aches, pains, lauienehs aud so eness of all kinds, when internally and externally used. "Whittle good for a cold ?,. is a question often asked, bus seldom satisfactorily auswer- ed. We cananswer, to the satisfaction of all, if they will follow our, advice and try Eagyard's Pectoral Balsam, a safe, pleasant and certain throat aud lung healer. Sold by all druggists. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitali It never fails to cure Fluid Lightit a ,'s simply a marvellous Rheumatic Remedy. I was for two ruonths a cripple, unable to get out of the house from Sciatica. Ono bottle gave me instant relief, and placed me on my, feet again. I have drivel. fourteen miles to -day (some- thing I could not possibly have done were it not for fluid Lightning) for the express purpose of procuring another bottle. So says Wm. Dixon, Gauauoque, Only 25 cts. per bottle at Dr. Browning's .irng store. Trial bottles free, 6 • Pansies are the flowers of the passing moment. IN GOOD REPUTE. James MVlci\Turdock, writing from Kinsale, says;—"B. B. B., as a remedy for diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys, has au excel- lent reputation in this locality. I have used it. and speak from experience as well as observation. It is the only ]medicine I want, and I advise others afflicted to try it." THAT HACKING COUGH' can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guar- antee it. Sold by J. W. Browning. :Both round and pointed bodies are fashionable. Years of experience and successful trial have proved McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate the most complete and satisfactory compound for healing Old sores, festerings, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Frost Bites or Felons, and for keeping cut the cold and to cleanse or prevent proud flesh. sloughing or decay. Insist on having McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate, sold at 25e. by Dr. Browning. 6 p Hooks aud eyes are again used on the bodies of dresses. The bard worked loan of business,. tolling day by day, with little chance for rest, should take occasionally Robinson's Phosphorized Emulsion, to give activity to the brain, and strength to the constitution, and thereby prevent the attacks of fevet and oth r destroying diseases. Plaid buttons"' .ivory and of mohair come among Othos sales in big buttons. CATARR CURED, health and Swoe breath secured, `y Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Pride 50 cents. Nasal Injectr free. Sold by J. W. Browning. Holloway's Pills,—No Mystery --When- ever the blood is impure or the general health is impared the humsu body is pre- disposed to attacks of any prevailing epi- demic Tho first indications of faulty action, the first sensations of deranged or dimin- ished power, should be rectified by these purifying Pills. which will cleanse all cor- rupt and reduce all erring functions to order. . '&Lies t Pills counteract the subtle poisons ill decaying animal or vegetable matter, and remove all tendency to bowel Coinplaints, biliousness, and the host of auuoyiug seam- i toms arising from foul stomachs. This sea- son Is cspeeiatly prone to produce Irritation of the bowels and disorders of the digestive organs ; both of which dangerous conditions can bo completely removed by Holloway's corrective medicines. SAILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares Consumption. Scid by 3. W, Browning.. 'the pointed waistcoat front is the marked feature in youngairls' spring froells. Scott's Ei inision of sumo. Cott Livor 011, tvitlt nypophuslrhites, A Most Nelritioui Rood attd Medicine. Dr. LINnsAv Jo/teems, of Caitelsville, Goo., says, "1 take great pleasure in sae ink your Emulsion has proved itself in my hands a most efficient remedy, in the various west - ingcoildlitions calling for such arrutritnott,", everywhere iu large bottles a 50 cents. O A. Z • To all who aro autiorlu tl•oril the errJrs 111 indiscretions or youth, nervous weakness, eariy.ttooay,loss of:eleulmood &e'rwill send reeetpe that wilt.curo you, EBBE UL' eaAl1k,S deals great remedy was .discovered. by a mis- sionary in South America, Send a eelf•ad- dressed ,envelope to ltiiv. roai)1 if T, INPiAIt Staiiait D. New York Jit dARic HAM iiA iYi Reetot• s ;Teter hair to auralcolor-, : Flag \F" air, zioves 137 rltfl ,15. 7! ":4,' fromstoallele,'lttu. ri •N V/ .I increases it r43 ,t ` {, 1 grov✓th, au w, " Ili Fit -f l:' ({ , t itt ti o: sail the sl ire l:p ,✓ i B11d "'`N!S i mvrar f ,.-sr,rr, t;• ' .3 a lictlt dtee•lttiesfi ,t1 '. NA },r `,•,QII}la /•pups iier. i,uzl it 5tt ' f)t s) ii ft°,, ' "1" 1r11G'CCii1,7r:nlf•tc 114,,'Isfsivj'e,4'iiiit.110-6(7.1112•./.:4"'".1 f`reparedby L tf ' a,id 11Y til tit t.. ) T,....r nod i,... ,:tri. •'"• = Dee s i,:. i,l i 5 - s,...'- h ]11111tnn Daalels, t.- s. OUE'TWbcnisay curd Ido not mean merely to stop them for a Imo and then have .diem ret MAI agate,. 1 mens a radical mire, 1 levo made the disease of PITS SPIL EPSY or FALL. 1N0 SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure tlto worst Cases. Because others h Ivo failed is no t.eaeon fornot now receiving a cure. bead etonce fora Ireetle° and aFreo Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and PestiWce. It costa you nothing for a trial, and 1 will cure you.,Address DR. n. 0. ROOT,Brand OMce,37 Tonle St, Toronto, ElmO ToopTo intro- ducethem we will give away GIVE AWAY LOGO Self -Operating Nasbing Machines, 1f - you want one send us tyour-nam e, P. 0, and ex- press office at. once r1Ii'l3 NATIONAL Cu„ 21 coy street, N, Y: OONSUIYIPTWN. I haves u.positive remedy for the above disease.; by its use thousanda ofameof the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, so, strong is my faith In its Mosey, that 1 wig send TWO 0ortraES FREE, together with. a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer. ONO express. and P. 0. address. DR, T. A. SLOCUM, Branch Office 37 Tongs St. Toronto Ezeter Post Office 'Time Table. ,`MAIDS Kirkton, \yoodham Winchelsea audElimville South,east and wool, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, Manitoba,Unitod States, English andforoign mails ... ... ..:. ... ... 10.15a.m. South, east west etc ... 6,45 p.m. North and east, including Godericl:r, Wingham, Kincardine and all points north, Stratford, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States... ... ... ... 1C,15a.m ARRIVEm GLOBE, LAOp . in 10 OO 2.m North east,Rc ... Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays .... 5.30 p.m. 11,noa,m. ... ... ... O On a m 8.30 a. lo 4.15 p. In 8.30 a. n) JMPORTAVT TO QWNERS. OF STOCK. filiME,USIiill 41... : t3PtUL MARK GTL ES LinimentIodi ,A Ammonia; Removes all -Unsightly launches, Cures Lame- eese in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found- er, Weak Limbs, Sprang Knees, Spav- in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgtilis. No stable should be without it, Railroad, Mining and Express Clomps. tries all use Giles' Liniment, and to the groat same stables of Belmont and Lorillard it bus actliieved wa tiers. Qne trial will cenviece, Itd Write DE. GIL1 i4,Box 318$, N. Y, P. 0., who will, without charge, give tetvioeon son funguses and also oltSilo luau agerneat ofcite le. Sold by 1l dr a u Fats •1 ^ t 50n • bg t at to b 0 b„ 0 t ,i '. I t lu and n t, quarts at $$2,f,0; in which thorn is gevat irwing Tito Liniment in white wrappers pers is for family use; that iu yellow for Battle, GILES' IODIDE A't5M(:NIA 'HORSE AND OATTLIt PO.WDEnS, Used by all the leading horsemen 0113cronia Pare, Fleetwood, Beach, Sr eepel,e,tli B ty stud Bull's Hemel. Nevem diasupetal ,arc Touio, Al- terative and Diuretic, ,Destroy Wor'ms' Cure Indigestion, Collo, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink -eye and Rhoumatinni. The dose is small and the power is great The Powders are Guaranteed and Purchasers 'Tailing to Obtain a Oure Honey Refunded. Sold by all druggists at 25 eta. per bo.:. 0. LUTZ, Agent. EXETER,ONT. WORN/ PO'1DEPb. Are pleasant to tnko. Contain ihoir own Purgative. Ie a R - fn, earn. and r'i::,erual *Omer sal wortus in Chiltircn o, &dolts 0 THIS OUT and return to u t with 11 So. or 4 8o stamps, and vou'il get by return mail a Golien Floxor c' code ,, that will bring yon in more money 1 than anything else iu Aiorioa. You,: fortune if you startquio'r.; CITY NOVELLY CO , Y'triuouth, N. 5. 5.30 p. m° 10.0011..m. est Received 1000 ani ------AT ONEY ORDERS Issued and paid on andfrom any Stoney OrderOffice in t 11eD ominion o f C a sad a,Gren t liritair and Ireland , Brit ishTudia, Newfoundland, Italy, Anstralia,New South Walss, Tasmania, Nor arn Zelaud. France an Algeria, the German Empie, Swedeu,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgluni the 'oethrlands,Switzerland, Austria-Hungary,itoumania, United States, Jamaica and Bal bados. POST OPFLCE SAVINGSBANTi. Depositsevillbereceived at this office from sl to ewe. Depositors obtaiuing the Yoe maser -General's special permission can deposit $1000.-Deuositson Savings Bank account; ceivedfrom 0 arm. to.4p. in. Interest at 4 per cent per annum will be allowed on ell deposit Oiliee hoursftom 7.30 a.m.to 7 p,m • Letters intended for registration must be posted' 15 minutesbotore the closing of each mail N B,—Itis particularyrequestsdthat the -senders of matter will kindly add the names of the Counties tothe addresses. D.JOHNS,Posemastex, III!6 1.1.1t 1011111111101 PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to make room for Fall and; Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand. All Shades,' Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited. SOUi'T tOTT Fashionable Tailor. Exeter. ar 's New Furs in Great Varity Astrican Mantles and Caps— choice goods ; Persian Lamb Setts and Caps --choice value; Mink Setts aud Cps—super- ior quality ; Baltic Seal Setts and Caps —a nice selection. READY-MADE UL STERS The finest -fitting goods that can be produced. The Public are cordially in- vited to call and inspect for themselves. No trouble to show goods. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS !. A(:.i•AIN HIGHEST HONO1 S . AND GOLD MEI)AL FOR PE 0i-IMs, 0 IL At Toronto. Every Barrel. Guarlinteed, Tliis Oil was used on all machinery during the Exhibition, I6 bas been awafdetd SIX GOLD MEDALS duriu the last three g r 'See that you gut Pgerioss, it is only made by fi t o years. S 4M1:'1ziL 21,00.7MS & CO,, t1'O1IQNTC Felt SALE 13Y ALL DEALERS. Walnut & Rosewood Caskets sn x:s -1 RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify the Bleed, correct all Disorders of the LIVER., STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. rhey invigorate aud restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and aro invaluable in Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For childrf-u and the aged they are prieeli THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bud Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OP THE OBEST 1T HAS NO EQUAL. t Fotor S ohr T o pts Bronchitis, Cc u hs , Colds, Glands+lar Swellings, and all skin dfseaa it Itas no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it aotslike a charm, Tho Pills and Ointment are sold at TaoMAsBorxowax's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of rlLedieine, in Boxes and Pots, at ls. 1}d., 2s. 9d. 4s. 6d., 11s., 22s., and Sas. each. The 2s. 94. size contains three times the quantity of the is lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis. size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 338 size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hat in any language Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. WILLIAM DREW St i l li ilii ((.,. l 01 Ifni lel, 1+..r Ri em it see f tom. 1ae.e: Undertaker and Cabinet-rnaker. EXm-3'.1'FR, 01 TTAR20 ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. SCHEDULE OF CONVICTIONS. Returned by Justices of the Peace in andfor the County of Huron, for the Quarter ending March 9th, A. D., 1886, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 76, Section 1. o►, oName of .Prosecutor. Name of Defendant 1 Constable Yule, 2 3 4 5 6 di ft er 0 (4 t4 id ,r tt .8 7 Constable Paisley 8 Fremont, Thompson 9 Constable Pettypiece 10 IJ. 12 tt fr It rt 1C it 13 Francis McLennon 14 15 " 16 Constable Pettypiece 17 James Creech 18 Wm. Dillings 19 George Whitman 2.1 Adolphus Shuart 22 George W. at 23 Arthur Balkwill 24 Chas. Lippet 25 t tt 27IJas. Drewe 28 W. Moran W, Kickley 29 ,John C. Morrison 110 George Murdoch 31 Abraham Myatt 32 Eliza Badore 33 Jeremiah O'Connor Wm. O'Neil. James Dallison, Hannah McEay Charles Woocl J. D. Riley Archibald Mckinnon John Adams Alex. Armstrong Fred. Hollingsworth James Watson Robt. Pearcy Elam Livingstone Jas Cronyn George Shaw James Saint Wm. Mullett ,John Cunningham Thos. Brimacombe George Parker Enoch Parker George Witman George Whitman James Dawson Jas. Howard. Benj. Higgins, Jr. John Tom Frank Elliott George Edmunson Thos, Collins Robt, Grieve John MCAlum Bella Greeney Jd c i d 1+ 1 t Nature of Charge. Vagrancy rt Contravention Hawker's .w Vagrancy Drunk and disorderly Assault Uttering blasphemous Furious driving t tt tt Disturbing ,Religious bV tt tt tt tt Placing goods on siclew Breach of ;fay -Law Assault Breach of Tay-Law,,:l,tr Eisanit Malicious injury to pro` Township Hay l3yebew Assault Ref using to pay 'Iyll ft ft 7f tC if Larceny Vagrancy Non-payment dog taxa Assault, It 01 I hereby certify the above to be correct and true 1,•, Clerk of the Peace's Office, Goderioh, March JA, Date of Conde - tion Jan'y Feb'y tt it tt rt d 9 25 8 22 2`, do do' 27 . do do 711. W. Williams, Mayor of Clinton • do do 1. Neelands, Mayor of W ingham do do do Flo: do clo do do do do do do do do McDonell, J. I'., Exeter do do do do do do do do do do do do 'Amount Time when Name of Convicting Justice or Penal paid or to be To whom paid over by Justices. Fine paid to said said Justice. Damage Justice. If not paid, why not, and general obser- vation, if any. H. Horton, Mayor, of Godevseh $1 00 do do 100 do do 1 00 do do 1 00 10 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1. 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 .118 411 McPhee, J. P. Ashfield l.uruhie, J.1.'., Winthrop.. .venlork & A. 111urc}iio, J.P's do Flt) flab efy, J. P., Port Albert to Flo ... Forthwith do do do do do do do do do do do do Flo do do (Io 2 00 Forthwith 2 00 do 1 00- Flo 5 00 Feb'y 5th Settled out of do do 'Warrant to 1 00 Marsh 13th 1 00 March 13th 5 00 Forthwith County Treasurer 1 00 Flo do $5 to Committed for 20 clays. weeks with hard labor months. month with hard labor. County Treasurer. months. Committed for 2 Committed for 2 Committed for 1 informant $5 to Committed for 6 Treasurer do Towle Treasurer do do do •do Town Treasum Jr Treasurer of t;xeter Treasurer of Hay Cadets' Treaserer. (1e do County Treasurer Court, and paid to Col do do arrest deft., and search Settled yet paid. Withdrawn. Pleads guilty, do 50c. pairl to party ai rieved, Dismissed. Pleads guilty. lector without costs. do do warrant issued. No return as yet: Six mouths imprisonment dof'tpaying tax and costs. :1;2,0 and belief,LEIA 17.0VcratEi (."ier1k of the I: eaoe, (C C. C. A. County Huron.