HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-18, Page 4T,RE „EXETER TIMES. Is published every Thtirtiday morning,at the TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE hfaiu-street,nearlyopposite I ittou's Jewolory Store, Exeter, Out,, by John White & Sou, Pro- piietera BABES OPS, ADVERTISING- eirst insertiou, per S,tuo ... ........ ..10 °outs. Each subsoglleMttnsertion,pel sane....,.3 °cote. To iusure inseroiqu, advertisemouts should be Bent in not later than 1Vocluesday moruiug. our ;op PRINTING DEP 1ATMENTis one t of the largest and boat equipped in the. County of Huron, 411 wprk entrusted to us will roeoiv our promiitettentiou; .lecisloias 1443gardlinb News- papers, Any perscu'who takes a paerregularly from the post•otlice,wbether directed in his name or another's, or whether helms subscribed or upt la responsible for payment. 2 If a; person orders his paper disooutinued mustpay all arrears or the publisher may continue to send it until the Payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the papor is taken from the offiee or not. 3 in suits for subscriptions, the suit may bo Instituted in the place where the paper is pub• lisbeci, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. 4: The courts have deckled that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals #row the post - office, or removing and leaving them uncalled fords prima facie evidence of intentionalfraud. Pe e eter gimes. THUSRDAY, MARCH '18th, 1886, 2RI ffIEL DN.'BATF'. On Thursday last Mr. Landry mov- ed his Riel motion, expressing the re- gret of the House that the sentence of the Court was carried out, Mr Langevin next spoke on the subjeo and moved the preyioue question thereby preventing any ameud.nents till thio motion is voted on, and mak- ;ng the Reformers face the music in straight vote. This is a straight plain motion, and the people soil watch closely how the members vote on it. On Friday the Globe goes into hy• steries over this+ matter, rind blames the Government for stilling discussion, claims we !lave no full parliament, tells the people it is time to assert their freedom, and in fact tries to in- cite a rebellion. Here are it' words :—"Where is This tyranny to end ? What is its in• tent ? Has it not passed beyond the limit which should be tolerated by freemou ?" Nine language that for a great party organ like the Globe. All that is wrong with the Globe ie that this motion onmpeis its friends to vote on this question, straight for or agaiuss, or else to sneak out of the House and not vete at all, No doubt the Globe would like to frame a motion LO suit its own friends, one part to catch the Ontario Reform - ere and the other the French. The Globe is badly hurt or else it would not raiee such a fearful howl about such a simple matter as this. Surely it need not be told that after its friends have voted on this plaiu mo- tion, they can bring in as many mo• tions, with as many amendments, as they see fit, worded in language as vague and unmeaning as ever Edward Blake could desire, and that they can speak and vote an these motions and amendments aft they please. The only thing the Government bee done is to bind the Opposition down to one straight issue aid settle it first of a11; . and that is the only cause for the Globs to go stark, raving mad and oall on the people to rebel,—for if the sentences quoted from our contempor- ary mean anything they mean that the time for rebellion has Dome. If that iuferenoe can not be drawn then the Englieh language cannot ex. press it. What an absurdity fora great paper to get off such trash and nonsense, • tf a TEST VOTE. 11) The House Divides on a Motion to Suspend the Biel Debate. Tut. Provincial Parliament will close about the 25th. There bas been a tittle important business done, but more could Have been done in half the time they have taken to do it. Of course the 8011001 books ain't receive a sifting and now ouoe addled in order to make something like a allow of busiuoess. Tun St. Marys Reform orgap, in speaking of the Domiuiou Franohiae Act, says it (Ibe Act) has great ability to supply Tory voters. Have not the Reformers grit the same op.por tunity, and are they not as likely to get all their voters ou as the Conserv- atives are to secure votes for their party? Certainly, but they use auy- thing, no hatter how silly, just for the sake of opposition. M. C. Cameron, the Grit M. 2. of Goderieh, and Rev. W. S. Ball, of .London Township (a brother•iu•law of the late Hon. George Brown,) appear to differ materially on a ques- tion of vital importance just at pre- sent. Here are their view:— CAMERON'S BALL'S "Riel's execution was "The hanging allied nothing less than a Judi- was a righteous sot." cial murder." Mr. Ball was Chaploine of the Seventh Fusiliers during the North- west campaign, and does not require to wait for evideuce to oonvinoe him that the rebel's fate was richly de- served. Mr. Cameron daring the same period was thundering invectives against the introduction of a wider Franchise Bill at Ottawa. at the rale of $8 a day. ONLY EIGHT FRENCH MEMBERS RAT. Ottawa, IIaroh 15th.—:There came a relief to the monotony of the .Biel debate to dayln the form of a divi. sion. The Oppoeitiou thought to teat the strength of their following on the queetiun by a motion which had for its object the suspension of the debate. Mr. Blake made the motion, and be, together with Laurier, Mills, Casey and other chief Runs, spoke strongly against the Government. Sir Hector Langevin moved that the 'debate consinue until settled. The motions were looked upon as a test of the relative strength of the two sides. The Opposition, amid much excite. meat, polled the highest vite duce 1878, namely, 61. The government, however, with many of its friends absent, showed up with 105. This is a very reliable fereoast of the result at•the end of the debate, and it ie o.nsidered certain the' Goverument's majority will reach about seventy on. the final divisiou. Any who were timid as to the result of the debate are reassured, since but eighl Brooch I m'etnbers are seen to have gone over � ! That surely is very ohatitable, liberal and statesmauiike. Su'ely any peeoa in his seines Will flay this is a most monstratls tax. if liquor is used as a luxury or a.bev• ercge, tax it of course, but if it oari only be used to relieve suffariug humanity, this Marne suffering people should get it as cheaply as poraible. Why not tax druggists who sell gen ine, Itaudanum or auy other inedi- olue ? Aud it snakes an nufair diatiuotion betweeu men in the same business, Either 1411 druggists should be allowed so sell or none. All the druggists should l)e lletttr'Cl alike, A►Nn "IQ people, ddutnrs, and all nt'd at the Weioy of rile drugg et, and have t: rely solely on lite honor. Thete is uo authority to keep the druggist bnu• est or straight. Ise can, if he likes, sell roost abominable trash et exter• tionate rates. Taking it all around, the Scott Act, as at present run, is gine of the phenomena or farces of nineteenth ceutury oivilizatiou. Yours, etc„ ANTI HUMBUG. CARD OF THANKS. To the;ATertnger of the Confoaoration hife Aseoeiation, Sia, -Please accept my thanks for the very prompt and satisfactory settllemrnt of tho Clai n against your Company, updor Poiiey No. 109E. utioa the life of my late husbaun,. through your age ut,1i, Manning ,Esq, CATHERINE WEBSTE1i. N,13.-TbiePolicy had only been issued about three mouths and the premium covered by note. the amount of which the Company simply deducted from the amount cf the Polley, How Lost t few Restored We have recently published a new edition of t1R.Cr7LVERWELL'S CELEBRATED 'ES- SAY ou the radical and permanent oure (with- out me licine)of Nervous Debility,Mental and physical capacity impediments to Marriage, etc.,re9uitiugrrOni excesses. Priee,in sealed envelope,unly a cents,orttve pOstane stamps. The celebrated authercf this admirable es, say clearly demonstrates, from thirty years ®riri�l�iffitC4 Bueceasfulpractioe, that alarming ooasequeu• ces maybe radically'eured without the clang- ero s useof internalmedicines or the Use of the knife; Point oet a umee of cure at Once simple certain and effectunl, by means of whichevery saferer,uo mutter what his con- ditionmay be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vatelv and radically• tai" Phi lecture should be in the hands of L ev- I �'�� l exp youth and every man in the land. �� = X E 1, l POULTRY YARDS. W. G. BISSETT, Breeder of PLYMOUTH ROOKS, BLACK JAVA.S, BROWN LEGHORNS and SOUL/ANS NO. 1YARD-P.Rocks; Cockerel, soore 931; 4 Hens, average score 92. Eggs $2.50 per set- ting, NO.2 YARD -P. Rocks; Cockerel, score 91; 4 Pullets, average score 90; Eggs 51;5u per setting, NQ:3 YARD -B. Leghorns, Cookerel:.score 93; 8 Pullets, average score 92; Eggs $1 per set. ting. NO. 4 YARD-Hondans, Eggs 51 per setting' These birds were all scored by Mr, Jarvis and BIM a good share of prizes at the Exeter Poultry Show, ISr'One trio P. Racks for sale, SALT! SALT! SALT t Sal6 Warks Compact' 4,tdresh THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL *COMPANY, Post Office Bos 450 41 ANN Sm., NEWYORK, $,,,1 O O 41 PSI tri cn ca r . o Ii4.2 a A • 0 C) r 5 O 44 LC .1� C/2 � j ,c'Ia .,�..t w (L) I et, t„, 02 P4 Cid S -I L -t n CO U Have for sale TIM HUNDRED TONS of SALT 0 suitable for Agricultural and Domestic tv purposes, which they ;offer At Lowest Market Prices A call respectfully so- licited. Apply to T.13. CARLING, Secretary. to the Opposition on the Rtel ques- tion. The debate will probably last until Wednesday or Thursday, and there is no longer any room for expecting any other result than the over. whelming triumph of the Gov- ernment.. COMMUNICATION—S. We do not hold ourselves responsffile for opin- ions expressed by correspondents under this heading The present position of the Scott Act. To the Editor of the Times SIR.—The Scott Act appears to be simply because its friends got caught getting a huge farce. Iu the first in a trap tbly were laying for their place, it was never supposed when opponents. It is high time that such the Act passed in Huron, that the journalism as this was put a step to County would be called on to salary a in Canada. It was just such appeals as this that gave rise to the trouble last spring. It is time for sensible and loyal people to di cinedly sit on a gaper that is guilty of such outrage. one conduct. EDITORIAL NOTES. A liEFORM paper, speaking editori- ally of the North -Wast census, says 'leafier all that has been dons to en. ooutage immigration 10 the North. West," &e. Everybody is well aware of how much Reform newspapers do encourage' the settlement of the North-West. Instead of showing the advantages our own country at - fords settlers, they speak ie giowiultt terrne of the United States Ah cabal is that party doing at the pres- ent time ' Endeavoring to rnin tier country, just for the sake of eppoi;i tion. A pr,or policy. Lin question sf abolishing toll roads aas taken up the ocher day t, the Onta in Legietalure. Th, general ol,itlitrn of members being; t),e owe thing should be done to thrrl ,r, nletviil. 1ylr. Mowatsaidthin 11 o ere to be removed it ought 4 the expellee of the mu, twee at d the government were raged to compel the mu • id) air do this. If the Govermne,. afraid to compel the rig loo d ..r what is geterally considered n ntiie4auco, they tnight set to wo k and purchase the roads. The l,avm,.iil o11' of the grand sdrplll#4 of six rI ser en million dollars would lioVtr be, misses. police magistrate. Such a thing was uever mentionedby its advocates dur ing the campaign. But uo sooner is it safely carried than an attack is made on the County funds. But the County saw fit not to yield to the de - stand. And then the Scott Act As-: sooiati n, backed by 2,500 petitionere and the County Council, asks Mr. ;vinsrrt4'a CTovernmeut to appoint Mr. John Beattie, of Seaford], Police elagietrate' Without salary,' But Mr. Mowat disregarding the tais1i.es of all the county, both those who wanted a eneglelr'ate and those who did not, takes advantage of the statute giving him tine power, and appoints Mt. Seen, of Clinton, to the office, a man no One wanted app inked. The Scott of pe•,ple wanted Beattie, the Antis wanted no one, but Mowat tells the wltcle county he don't care what they ung, end proceeds to do as he pleases. Has Mr. Mowat hong out the sign. •N,, Irish used apply" ? It seems tee it. Mr. Beattie, we believe, owes ns extraction to the Emerald Isle, and that is the only apparent teasel) tor tetnsiuglto appoint flim, And Then a aiu,, Mr, 11Iouate. Govern men ach"M a fee of $30 to, a iiceitse tin lie. tee Act. This tares direct:y the ie least table to bear the taxation, , the sick. Liquor can ouly be .d ler medicine, and a licensed drng- gist: is the only one who con sell it, let which privilege he pays a high l,cetrr,•, Then the unfortunate sick, 11 They 4alit a bottle of wine or mint O1' brandy, hey') to fee the doctor l for the certificate and the druggist for his menet), l,y. Aute so Hewitt like a gocd Cllriet)a,,, oppl'e-ses those On nhorn Providence h s the hatitl of tiff' Cliote Notice to Contractors. 1 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under signed, and endorsed "Tender for Infantry School, London," wi,lbe received at this office until MONDAY, the 29111 day of MARCH next, for the several works required in the erection N c3 u U Pq Pug 0 PI x•54 f4 ra o a cn 14 8 ce d r -t INFANTRY SCHOOL, LONDON, ONTARI0.1 and completion of Plans and specifications can be seen -.:at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and at the odice'of Messrs. Durand & :Moore, Archi- tects, London, Ont., on and atter Monday,15th inst. Persons tendering etre notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printedfoims, signed with their actual sig- natures. Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted bank cheque, made payable to the order of the Eonoraolo, the Minister of Public Works, equalto•five percent. of the arnonnt of the amount of the tender, which will be for- feited if the paity decline to enter into n eon• tract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to complete the work centre cted for. If the ten- der be not accepted the cheque will be returned This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, A. GOBEIL, Secretary. Department of Public Works, 1 Ottawa, 10th March,1886. f lot fe Is Bread and Milk or Oat . ,meal Porridge, to build up a str usg healthyconstitution still l who wants to live on either the time, and who does not like a piece of pie once in a while just by way of change, or nothing else ? Why, everyhidy, and so. at BANTON BROS., while we have Grey tJot,?,ous, Brown Hollands, Cottonades, Denims, Tickin-s, etc , we have a host of finer goods, which corne,,in to pine ftp the rest, and what lady cares to go out unless she is just a little spicy, then look, new Spring Goods ate coming to hand, many of them in already and worthy your inspect ou. Fine Lawn Embroideries, Beautiful Muslin Embroider– ies, Insertions, Flouucings and Allovers. Mull Muslins, Swiss Muslins, Jaconets, Nainsooks, Piques, Lawns, etc,, in plain, checks and stripes, for Aprons and Underclothing, Children and Tnfant's wear. Laces, full range of new Kid Gloves—Blacks, Fans and isr. Colors, in the new four clasp. Look at our Corsets and be 11 convinced that we sell the correct Corset for ease, comfort, and a graceful figure, and at the right price. MANTON 23110 .� ft The Popular Dress Goode and Clothing House. Dress and Mantle Making next Month. SAWS, AXES And Oth.er Hardware, 14 'REDUCE a) O .4.D 5 8 1511 P4 C c4C S. GIDL EtY, UNDERTAKER ---AN D --- Furniture Manufaeurers —A FULL STOOK OP- .. Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, 1 And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants. NOTICE. ti`►E,it1111) TENDFIRS, addreeeed to the under - signed, and endorsed "Tender for Tudialt Supplies," will be received at this office up to noon of TUEStiAY, 20th arxxa isss for the delivery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal` year ending 30th Juue, 1887, consisting of Flour, Bacon, Beef, tGroceries, Ammunition, Twiue.Oxen, Cow s,B idle, Agricuitnral Imple- ments, &c..duty paid at various points in Ma- nitoba and the LS Orth -West Territories, /forms of tender, giving full particulars rela tive to the Supplies required, dates of deliv- ery, &e.. natty be had by applying to the under- signed, or to the Indian Commissioner at Re- gina, or to Ines radian Office, Winnipeg. Parties may tender for each description of go -as (or for any portion of each description of goods) separately, or for all the goons called for in the schedules.' Each tender must be accompanied byanac- ceptedChoque in favor the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, on aCanadian Bank, for at leaEt dye Der cent. of the amount of the tenders for Manitoba and the North-West Ter- ritories, which will be forfeited if the party. tender.ng declines to enter into a contract when called upon ,tc do Hc, or if he fails to complete the work contracted for. If the ten- der be net accepted, the cheque will hi returu- ed. Tenderers must inako up in thn Money coi- uinn,in the schedule the totil 143 000y vain() of the goods they offer to supply. or their tender will hot be entertained, tach tender, must, in addition to the signa- ture of the tondos er, be signed by two sureties acceptable to the Dopartinent, for the propel pclfoa•rnaneo of the contract. to alt taros tvhoto transportation inay br Otily partial b,y i ail, contractors must hralte proper i',rrangements for supplies to bo for. Warded at once from railway stations to their dostinrtion in rho Government Aotiso let the p0iht ut rl°2LI efr'y, Nlie lowest,or any tender, not necessarily adcepted, Jr, VANKe GHNET, Deputy of the 5npo010tendent.(leuerlii of ruffian Affairs. 17epartment of Indian Affairs, Ottawa,3rd ,tiareh,1886, We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And Funerals furnished and conducted at extremely low prices. EMBLEMS OF ALL TRE DIFFERENT SOCIETIES. THE i El -Y® HEALTH. `?nlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying off' gradually without w, akening the system, all the impurities and foul humors secretions; at the sante timeirioriectingeefthe Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- o i ess, Dy>pcpoia, Headaches, Diz• s L io ts, Heart hUrn . Constipation, 1) , acus of' the Skin, Dropsi, Dim- ..,a of Vision; t7auneice, Salt Rheum,, -lf,yzlelao, Scrofula, Fluttering of 't,;,43 heart, Nervoust ess andGeiitital Leh11it;.7 t all these am many other s•mt, 1.,r Corn Dia ints_ yield to the 111npV influence Yil BURDr 0: BLOOD BITTERS. f. Irr 1?c l;of.ticro 1Cc ; re,Cular eize i 1. Por srtte by all dealers. t s 111111,10Z0fA Co., li'r'nprieforv, ;rwatfo AT-- T AT--- AT--- RICES axaCEs JAMES PICKARDS. --FOR-- r�z scArtt:tivrysi DRUG STORE! Pure Drugs & Family Receipts .ccs ts Careful!: Co ounded NOW ON THE WAY The following line, it l be sold at the Closest P `ures: 20 tons Cut and Steel I\, 40 tons Lindeman 1 for Cash or on Short 10 tons Bucht hm' 100 boxes Gln:;;-, 5 tons Whit( 5 bhls. (,H('.1 3 bbls. 10 h l l Hill es Butts 111) di i t Il, be sold Chea Full Stock0f StOV�� t, ANTE Tz cOITY t,, Wil i't for Cash Z ;:?s uhaB ro4a Y i IC)