Clinton News-Record, 1975-03-13, Page 5O
t many, thi s so differently.
'�"�►� �►�►�' a� �'�'! `,I�Ic'1�er► ,envelope , secre �'y, tk. y
, , and � rl�nced. �n Canda to what
tfi Dsi f a et" vtir�� Bill Porker; f r o�l�
The' Wor Y o y . ,.,. Mrs., Pa. , ; organ'.
held ' Mr.
Baker; newly formed ad.,,. en knorWtiii in the -='Old' ,
neo b ,9ic r fund, Brig. *P th t Country,
or��'rt!��y' � , �, . r� xo y
joined tf�get .er in worshipand smith, Mrs, 15. ' 5h, p erd, Agnes I Mphell MOPh4ii of
prayer. Mrs. Eric Earl, '4hair an of sideman, Kelso Grey County, who became' the
' president of TrinityW.A., Fitzsimons; ' liturgical tom- first lady Member of •
organized the cervico nd was �ittee, Mr, P. Du Boulay and Parliament in 19x2,andff�lt
assisted by Mrs. Harry Baker, Brig Smith. strongly that women should
Mrs. Bill Parker, .Mrs. Merton ''he next n`leeting will beheld hold half the off reel in
Merner, • Mrs. Elva Metcalf, on April 1 in the Parish Hall. Parliament, and many other'
Mrs. John Siertsema, Mrs. M1.._.." institutions. He pl;iaised Miss
,James Reddoch, Miss Kay al Society McPhail for her undying efforts
Reid, Mrs. George Youmatoff, A most interesting meeting of in the penal system. John
Mrs. Fred Clift, Mrs. Lloyd the Bayfield Historical Society Mrs. Jean Bell, Mrs.
Westlake, Mrs. Walter was conducted by the chairman Lindsay, Mrs, Harry Baker,
Erickson. Mrs. Gwen Pemberton on assisted Mrs., F. A: Clift in
Mrs. Mina Talbot EIS guest . Monday evening in the serving a lovely lunch at the
° speaker, told of her trip to Municipal Building. Th theme close of the meeting.
Israel, Jordan, Jerusalem, of the meeting was "Pioneer
Amman, Beirut , and many of Grandmothers". Personals
-• the towns and villages there. Mrs. Jean Bell, the former Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker
She spoke of the fantastic Jean Lindsay, told of her an- accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
beauty of the Holy Land, the cestors coming from Wales to Lloyd Heard and family of
tombs of the Kings, the stone of Goderich by boat and thence to Varna to Listowel on Monday
Gethsemane, the pyramids, the Bayfield and settling on lot 11 where they attended the
sphinx and the feeling of on the Bayfield Line, where funeral of Mr. Heard's uncle,
nearness to Christ that she had they built a log house. They had Sam Lawrason, a former
experienced while touring the brought with them many pieces Bayfield resident.
countryside where He had of Very fine china and because Best wishes to Walter Orr
walked and taught. ' their home was small had built who broke his • heel while
Her address was most in- a storage shelter to store extra working at the Pinery
spiring and was accented h th things in along with the barrel Provincial Park last Tuesday.
h' From her accounts, a Sincere sympathy is ex -
when women from all churches garish Bail 'Beer Mgr. , Garvey 1vicDongait SPOke of
(continued, from page 4)
Baan the best s, a bad airrlli a gift to
all peopla tc enjoy and to toke
along. to the -whole world,.even.
the OW Zeulolall
r,4 l i it v ry well tou1d b that It is
Ch`l ch;Notes a 0 bingo, Mrs, 'eta
The enSali chair sang the. - . o RR x Stai"fa p aged sevearat nota perfect ballad but It has .
of � l � message s,nd one should not put it
m rr� want J!�#'�s,�tQ Walk se C iQnSo�. er accordion,: in tha same , cateSo�xY as.•
al�tl�e . �� i� �
W1 me" ,for the s+ea<'vke pf Birthday greetings go out to in tb kale, umrr• eateg9" love
tb .,
b k dion . it
l h
worship in Hermit ignited Mrs. Isabel Sproat Who in a Tummy•
Church on March 2. RevioDon celebrated her birthday on The "Mamas and the Pupae"
Beck spoke on theGomniunion March 11. are separated but this ballad will
meditation "Do this in memory be remembered.
me,,, a OBITUARY It is not a miracle what one,.
Members welcomed from Captain PTohn R.' Beer of small voice can do, especially+
when the subject is life itself,
other Churches included Mr., Hensall passed away in Vic- This one lady speaks up forallthe
and Mrs, Ross Sararas, Dianne ferialospital in London195 in his innocent unborn people that are
and. Donald Sararas, Mrs. Friday, February 8, being murdered every minute of
49th year, the day not only by some doctors
Surviving are his Wife, the but also by words, four kinds of
former Lillian Mitchell, three words. You want to chuck
sons, David of Vancouver, John everything into
baanec an,
and Steven at home. Also passion, religion, songs,even God
surviving are his mother Mrs. iven human life.
Fred Beer ofHensall, one This is where you showed me
brother, George of Hensll and your lack of love. You make it a
one sister, Mrs. Ralph (Elaine) matter of dollar and cents and
McArthur of Edmonton. that is poor, very poor.
The late Mr. Beer rested at You speak the same language
the Bonthron Funeral Chapel in as my TV set. It tells me, through., -
Hensall where funeral service the mouths of brilliant doctors.,
was held on Tuesday, March 4. and professors that they are not
':Interment was in Hensall Union sure when life begins. This is a
great cover-uf; when life begins.
Cemetery. It is like a beautiful devilish
Pallbearers were Jack lullaby to put one's conscience to
Drysdale, Jack Simmons, sleep.
Robert Monteith, Eric Did you ever take wooden
Cosgrove, Roy Ellis and Ivan nickels? If one is honest with him
McKay or herself then one knows when
life begins! Simple! At the
beginning, right then and there
pian! right then and there!
As for all the questions in your
Bayfleldll,4-H letter: "It would take all the
The second meeting of the paper of Ontario's forests to write
on and still there will be no an -
Classy Lassies, Bayfield Two 4- swer for many of them." If you
H club was held March 3 at 7:30 , are planning to answer this
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Joan
pictures, a miniature sp ofchina.
and a map showing the route terrific wind storm came up tended to the family of the late
she had travelled. one night, blew a tree down Spencer (Spinny) Ervine who
Rev. George Youmatoff, over the shelter, smashing all passed away, Wed. March 5 in
Rector of Trinity, closed ' the the lovely china they had so Goderich General Hospital
service with his blessing and carefully transported from after a long illness.
the prayer that all be of one . their homeland. Mrs. L. W. Scotchmer
mind and with God's help that Mrs. Bell told of her an- returned to her home in the
all shall live inpeace. • cestors being United Empire Village on the weekend after.
Loyalists and told of her visiting for the past two weeks McKillop IV, 4-11 Club field Bayfield visited on Monday
Switzer family connection. The with her granddaughter, Mary their first meeting onFebruary afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
famed Barbara Heck, who Beth -Pounder while Mary's 26th at Sam McClure's under Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie Ann,
Trinity W.A. meets brought the Methodist religion parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack the leadership of Elaine Floyd. Michael and Michelle.
Mrs. P.. H. Du Boulay was to America was a distant Pounder vacationed on St. Officers were elected: Mrs. John Thompson visited
hostes's in -her home on Thur- relative of the Switzer family. Lucia Island in the West Indies. president, Shirley McClure; on Thursday evening with Mr.
sday afternoon, March 6 for the .Mrs Bell also told of her great With Mrs. Scotchmer for the vice-president, Lori Hugill; and Mrs. Andy Thompson of
Trinity Church W.A. meeting. grandmother walking to weekend were her son and secretary -treasurer, Sharon Etobicoke, while being in
The members voted to send an g
Goderich, taking with her, family,.Mr. and Mrs.°Howard Thompson; press.. -.reporter Toronto for a few days at-
gift of money to their Robert,Lori and Doris McClure. tending an Avon Meeting.
Prayer Partner Sister Dorothy butter and eggs and returning Scotchmer,
Y with groceries for their very Carolyn of Chatham. They discussed: "What is to
DykesEngland f •1 Mr and Mrs Art Latimer be in a sewing basket and a McKillop IV 4-H club held
hK e kro„:�: n9� ti.
Mervyn E:' Falconer of RR 4, Seaforth was elected County
Preceptor of the Huron County Chapter of the Royal Black
Knights who met in the LOL-hall in .Clinton'ast Saturday.
(News -Record photo)
Mabel Blackburn and Mrs.
Tressa Fletcher. Those ad;
mitted to the session were Mrs.
Grace Drummond, Doug Mock,
Ross Veal, Hans Gerstenkorn,
Lloyd Ferguson, Roy Brock,
;Pat O'Brian, Dave Kyle, Mrs,
Florence Slade and Miss Joan
On Friday, March 7 at 3 p.m.
the World Day of Prayer
Service was held in the
Fellowship Hall of Hensall
United Church. Rev. James
Reddock minister of St.
Nadrews United Church in
Bayfield was the guest speaker.
in large family. Mrs. F. A. Clift led in" a Harry Baker then spoke very and Christy and " Mr. Ronald functional wardrobe. their second meeting at the
reading "A Litany of the . fondly of his grandmother, Knight and Sandy all of home of -Mrs. Mary McClure.
Beatitudes" and Mrs. Du Mrs. Margaret Fields, whom Toronto, spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith They discussed "How to
Boulay read the chapter on the he. called a Saint. He said she with their mother, Mrs. G. L. and Julie of Exeter visited on choose clothes to suit our
4th Commandment taken from ' had had a very difficult life, but Knight. Saturday ,with Mr. and Mrs. figures and personalities:
the study book, "God's one being the mother of Paul Southgate and Jennifer. Each member is to bring
a happy Mr. and Mrs. Ian McAllister, Lawson, material and pattern for a
Psychiatry" written by Charles nine children. They farmed on Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mr. and Mrs. Reg
L. Allen. the Bluewater Highway and her John and Elizabeth visited on blouse to the next meeting.
husband was killed at a very Campbell and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Haw, Bayfield, returned Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
early age `She and her children Earl Lawson of Clinton.
f enjoyable
Bayfield I, 4-H
The first meeting of Bayfield
One 4-H Club was held at the
home of Mrs. Margaret Garrett
' tin March 4.
D��' to the " a>�sez�ce ,of our
agsistant leader, Mts. Lorraine
Healy, Norma Garrett took the
roll call and conducted the,
election of officers as follows:
president, Cheryl O'Neil; _vice-
president, Patti Greer;
secretary, Anne Talbot; and
press reporter, Karen Erb. We
then discussed planning our
St. Andrew's UCW
lar meeting of Unit
thSaturday from an J Mr.d M Frank Riley
Havana, Cuba They reported
Euchre well attended
The C.P and T. Committee of
the Oddfellows and Rebekah
Lodges of Hensall held a euchre
Wednesday evening recently in
the lodge rooms.
Wonners were: ladies' high,
Mrs. Gilbert Johns; ladies' low,
Mary Broadfoot; men's high,
Clarence Volland; men's low,
Roy MacDonald; most lone
hands, Mike Connelly. A draw
for a smoked ham was by
Mike Connelly.
then moved to where a trip to the Isle of ° Pines and an rs. BY KAREN LEHNEN
Bavarian an Inn now stands, and Kim and Greg Riley of Win-, This week I have several
while attending a social fun- throp spent Saturday in
plentyof sunshine and friendly taming events dor Vanastra.
,.otion, one• evening; .their -home ee le and a week's experience Stratford. The St. Patrick's Day Dance
turned: wowtt. They then moved p p will be held Saturday, March
to where Mr. and Mrs. Reg. that everyone could have There was a good turnout on
Francis now reside where Mrs. before Cuba becomes com- Sunday when the Foresters 15, at the Vanastra Recreation
Fields died at the age of 97 mercialized. held a toboganing party at Ed Centre. Music by the "Lincoln
Dorrance's Hill, followed by a Green". Call Dick Briere 482 -
years. '
Mr. Baker said despite all his Welcome to Mr. and Mr's pancake supper held at the 3510 fhoarCecthes Wealth" tickets
grandmother went through, she' Victor Lecompte and daughter Hall.
was a very humorous lady and Michelle who have St. andased a Sunday visitors with Mr. and 29 stildral available or $1you cou d be a
dearly loved by all her gran- cottage on Howard St. Mrs. Bill Storey were Mr. and luckywinner. The draw is
herdchf ren. In order to Support presently in the process of Mrs. Joe Storey of Clinton, and sponsored by the Vanastra
her family after the death of remodelling it. Mr. -and Mrs. Terry Richmond parks, Recreation, and
her husband, she became a Bud Sturgeon' and Miss of Walton. Community Centre Board with
midwife, working with the Barbara Davidson, London, Mr. and Mrs. Hector roceeds to Huron C,ounty's
The regular three doctors in the Village; were weekend guests of his Kingswell of Clinton visited on p st indoor swimming pool
One UCW of St. Andrew's Dr.Woods, D. Smith arid' Dr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. with Mrs. George, flr. �.
United Church was held at the Stanbury. In those days the Sturgeon and brother Andrew. 1 Sunday ain and Mr. and Mrs. building fund. Tickets are
home of Mrs. Gwen Pemberton midwife was expected to look Carl Merner,.Sandy, Julie Ann, at area business
Mr. and Mrs. John Founder, outlets availableor call Rene Brochu 482 -
on Thurs. March 6 with 19 after the home, do the- baking, Sarnia, spent the weekend with Michael and Michelle. 3379 or 482-3544.
members present. Mrs. andain general keep everythingRegistration for swim
Dorothy Merner was in charge runningsmoothly until the new his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mrs. Ella Jewitt Larry,
part of the Pounder and sister Mary at Kevin and Steven of Seaforth courses at the new Vanastra
of the devotionalmother was able tto be up and their home in the Village. were Sunday visitors with Mr. will be held Saturday,
meeting, assisted byed Mrs. Jean about to care for her household: Bruce Ovens and Miss Julie and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Bill, pool
Bell, Mrs. Doris Reddoch, Mrs. Mr. Baker also mentioned his March 22, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and
BettyBurch and Mrs. Elva Ann Elliott, Mitchell were Debbie and Michael. Monday,rch March 5 p.m. 8
grandmother walking to Sunday guests of Mrs. L. W. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Southgate
Metcalf. Goderich to market her eggs, Scotchmer. and Jennifer and Frank p m
The theme of the service was butter and dairy products. visited on Sunday
Easter, and the importance of Mrs. Elva Metcalf told of Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch ,McGregorwith Mr. Day
the Cross in our modern times Susanna ' (Strickland) Moody and Terry Goshen Line, visited with Mr of and 1, Lon Mrs. orn
was stressed. and her. sister, Katharyn Ann Sunday in Goderich with their when they celebrated Mrs.
After a short business (Strickland) Parr; early son-in-law, daughter and
meeting a delicious lunch was pioneer women from Suffolk, grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gordon McGregor's birthday.
served by Mrs. Freda Scot- Mr. and Mrs. Clair Merner of
England. She said they were Lamont and Scott.
tamer, Mrs. Jean Bell and Mrs. very different in their attitudes '
Jean Greer. to their new country of Cafiada.
Mrs. Greer thanked Mrs. -Susanna being -a reluctant
Pemberton for being the immigrant; not pleased with
hostess and closed the meetinganything and constantly
with a prayer. complaining; Katharyn on the
other hand enjoyed her new
' Rector named Rural Dean country, 'with each day
At the regular meeting of the bringing something new and
f A
4�-H Club meets
letter, be sure that the least I
Merner. We open the -expect is a ballad, a real ballad. I
meeting with the 4-H Pledge am are able to write one
We then had a discussion period better than the one you attacked,
Highlights from Queensway in which we talked about and don't forget to slip in a few
atterns, named fabrics and words like toe nail cleaning - dead
Tuesday the. Church service P horse a corduroy road and rusty
was conducted by Rev. H. decided what clothes we would rout hanger.
make from them. Yours truly,
VanEssen of the Bethel We discussed the colour Stuffed Shirt
Reformed Church in Exeter. which would go well with our
Mr. Van Essen accompanied on
complexions and why. We are
the piano while his wife led in a
having our 4-H meetings at 7:30
hymn sing. m, now and they will be at
Visitors on the weekend were p
Les Mitchell, daughters Brenda Mrs. Merner's home each
and Barbara with Louise Monday evening. by Jo Anne
Mitchell. Sturgeon.
Rose Harris and Susan
Mousseau with Bernice
Clarence Smillie with his
mother, Ada Smillie.
Mrs. Jessie Angle and Mrs.
Isabele Alcock visited with
Cora Alcock.
Clarence and Marg Dilling,
Brenda, Brian and Krista
visited Anna Dilling.
Mary Goodwin was,with her
father Wilfred Goodwin.
Milton Taylor of Exeter was
with his Mother Adeline
Taylor. '
Dorothy Brintnell visited her
sister-in-law Isabel Brintnell.
The ladies from the
Chiselhurst UCW entertained
the residents on Monday by
e e t of or hereto v'tt.
m , _._ lain '� -r -12: ,04-ov `.
Trinity Crum about_ B.ath_girls were , gifted" -
evening, March 10, the Rector, ' with great literary ability and
Rev. George Youmatoff an- Katharyn became an in-
nounced that he had been ,ternational" authority -with -hex
chosen the new Rural Dean for book on Canada's Plants and
South Saugeen. He will be in- Fowers.
stalled at a meeting of Great
Mrs. Frank Burch, the for -
Chapter of South Saugeen on mer Betty Mustard spoke of her
Thursday evening, March 13 at ancestors, the William Mustard
8 p.m: in St. Pauls Anglican Family, who came to Canada.
Church, Wingham. -', from Scotland, and how her
grandfather established two
saw mills, one in Brucefield
and the other in Bayfield on the
At the same meeting, Rev.
Kenneth Anderson, newly
appointed Director of Huron
Church Camp, will speak on the
expanded program of the
During the business session it
was approved to commission
Ray Oesch. to install new out-
side doors in the front of the
church with a solid arched
portion at the top, and to use the
antique hinges from the present
doors. It was also decided to
- look into the possibility of
purchasing a home in the
Village to be used as a Rectory
..• •• °•°•whewthe•need.arises
Several ,committees were
voted in, namely : - finance,
chairman, 'Harry Baker, Brig. passages typical of anyones
�,, L. M. Smith and Mrs, P. Du prandrnother of baking bread,
Bakery; property,.Higgins, Harry
b soap making house parties and
Baker, T. B. Higg
north - side of the Bayfield
River, In- this one her father
was employed. She spoke of her
grandmother walking to
Goderich to purchase a 100
pound bag of sugar and coming
home by a trail along the lake
bank so she wouldn't meet too
many ladies, otherwise they
would have borrowed the sugar
frotfl her and by the time she
reached her home she'd have
had very little of it left.
'Froma book- entitled "A
Gei-it'twoman. - i.n... - Uppe-r....
Canada" Journals of Anne
Langton, Mrs, Burch read
at 8:00 p.m.
1,, Receive and consider annual reports of the hospital for the
year ended December 31,1974.
2. Elect 5 governors for a period -of 2 years.
3. Appoint auditors for the ensuing year.
4. Pass Medical Staff By -Laws as submitted.
5. Transact all such other business as may properly come
before the meeting.
A copy of the Medical Staff By -Laws is available at the front
office of the Hospital, Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., to
any member of the Corporation.
Any person, over the age of twnety-one years, who pays to the
corporation, fifteen or more days before the annual meeting
in any year, a membership fee of five dollars shall be a
merhber of the Corporation for the following twelve months.
Membership cards are available at the Clinton Public
"Hospital�P'f'bnt Office.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario this 14th Day of February 1975.
By order of the Board.
Mr. R.B. Campbell
Clinton VI, 4-H
The first meeting was held at
Brenda Gibbings, Feb. 24 at
7:30. We had election of of-
They are as follows:
president, Mary Ann Klaver;
vice-president, Brenda
Priestap;, secretary, Jo -Anne
Middleton; phone girl, Brenda
The leaders are Brenda
Gibbings and Heather
Rutledge. There are nine girls
in this club.
The discussion was read by
Heather Rutledge. The subject
matter was . "Planning a
Wardrobe". — by Brenda
Complete Landscaping Service
Sodding - Seeding - Rolling
Aerifying - Fertilizing
Goderich 524-2401 or 524-7044
of the WORLD
The history of famous
diamonds is a fascinating tale
in which history, romance,
and le&end are closely in-
terwoven. Great diamonds
have often served as the
ransom and • gifts of kings,
have been the cause of
disastrous wars, and the
overthrow of dynasties. Many
of the stories go back into
history, and it is difficult at
times to distinguish between
fact and legend. .
Many diamonds are famous
because of their size, others
because of colour, cut or
perfection. Perhaps the
greatest factor which
stimulates interest in these
famous diamonds is the im-
portance attached to them by
their royal owners. The Orloff
is inseparably associated with
the lost grandeur and
romance of the Russian
Empire, and the largest of all,
the Cullinan, will always be
associated with the largest of
all empires, Great Britain.
Diamonds and other gems
were the most important
collateral in the treasuries of
nations and individuals.
The Kohinoor, the most
famous diamond in'the world,
has .a long and tragic history
and the longest known
pedigree. Of all gems, it has
been endowed with the
greatest imaginary powers.
When the Kohinoor was
brought to England it weighed
186 carats. It was re -cut and
now is the central stone in the
Queen's State Crown.
A diamond, with any tinge of
blue is exceedingly rare,
especially when a rich deep
colour is combined With great
brilliance, as in the Hope
Diamond. It is believed that
the Hope Diamond was cut
from a 67.5 carat blue
diamond in the French Crown
Jewels-. However this stone
was.stQlep and -it was not until
_ 1880 that a bYue diamorrdearrie -
on the market; the 44.5 carat
blue was bought by Henry
Thomas Hope. The last sale of
this famous gem was in 1911,
to Edward B. McLean. The
hope diamond was surrounded
by myths of bad luck. It now
rests in the Smithsonian
The world's largest
diamond was found in 1905, the
Cullinan, weighing 3,106
carats. It was presented to
King Edward VIII, by the '
Transvaal•government. Of the
several diamonds cut the four
largest (from 63.7 - 530.20
carats) are all part of crown
jewels of England.
Many a smaller, beautiful
cut gems of today, may have
been part of one of these
larger gems, perhaps split
into smaller pieces by man.
Indeed, some diamonds may
have been recut more than
once and have actually once
been part of the Great Mogul
or some other famous
diamond of intriguing history
or mythical power.
David C. Anstett G.G.
GraduateGemtnologist (G•I.A.)
217 Isaac St., (South End) Clinton
master charge