HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-11, Page 101NSUl,Z0011. r I'lta St, 1411(141 <toltl t(ll; ac+zna a 1 c
an a lit^ a a far. . t l an,l n 'goo roixdia ii# 8. 8, Gifaoitgalnonk, SAIa 2c1AC1TSJ Pli
— -�--, p g 1tflel,;Rlfloll tba llltinl,lie. Of confer-
3 4. iia a'1". ' tt X:1L(IOT ADEN 2'lle 1 1'11 Hare ilavo itiirgdlteocl, a hall, ,its =nrrrl n t ._. , .
} >? 11'0 nlltlwllinslmallustrll t l enQe were tau ( a W7 a .r 1124ztoll �4, Faun Stcek Im•
;VMS 4411( ltln tl oft 1u111Gs,t! r li to them far their
f,, WP.tA , .,likf ASSURANCE t)tm� \ow I� llto wii, 10 cCa,, rho S et b ,
'1 c,4 oro tto 1 a . 11 - est hi ts-l'1g'ht fi•exa the cit i1 , 1 r The i 1 a e of 10 tE @.
1laofol,tllelkiCL�I , Y iiat o,l? >+d,, �.1,)ClO,{13eA1<3 � ,
' )+,l11tI oluvtU.d, fol filet 211{)Y11
fNSuktAOp; 001041,17m1 qutlo i t t aGylas at Ravtolr la)ios, Brown, lutl 1, 1(044. 7,utallhiill, $ale at 1
t .,.1, 1,a(,lalnh cello l * ' .l : le
111RO ,Y,ll rix till ie.ta (t ( r
�. ?i it t1ANAD�IAN'. of Montreal, a ( t Qtr Sabbat � o 1441 � i , , ? � a folio Y ca . ,'1?t a. t o crook p. in, fT�lt 14111111 ucto ce
1?I11bFL r 1, . r 1 h« li, v 1)k l »t� a eoapl of, S1411,i1 Y a] n. r,
F,MPiltill..I. )eel ASSURANCE COD a dent, i��l, Ttt,ls. Ye.l , ,
k'A r. l ion army soldiers \vez a power." : \ 1 v, Hl, Sect(atnl � ...•.,..,.�.:.,,..,_. . ;..
NX, of ,ohdtxn, k,oglaud, 'estab1 y o '`.under fur file prtxeii (; : , y „
A d leenue s a 131oad Wilt
slots over,. 43,QOQ,Q0Q; era "a 1 Our vets. have their hands (till a tea n end
11. aF,t i t, D. A, l nq+l ^ r sllora til tell,, A facie a awed with
aid, ur and bolluse= 1( p e a , l a f1
p .. , vvoz � 0 01111")1'51'13°P8'
l lm ll s. o
1Q, oo, oo, 4 1 a 73 lis 1
tGeuc iu to sick : l , 13 0 (116 e
g Sick COWS and lto e i H. x . , , , I. 11Ut l (10
xs s. D�. W.},a. 11�►11,r , it„ 13�;Iflb 1�ed�1v, Tllste, � , , � � 4 a pa
sweet is Rept fining night and da , re , , , } an impure
pleas tat sight, nod eltnri l)r. betoto 's
• W. A. llollius has ru y 441 i)) , J1''+ W. ,T. Lil/Inc anti i 00Inas ' an impure state of 4'lui 'Mod 1 •. Chi,.
pu haled a nnRiber of F 111 vc for t 1�e 1, "'t nn i it Ga}1131 s
horses erouud Here, and intends taking t11ene , . g L to + !l t tt xet. V, J. S o1 cl 'Bitters free the System from all
to too Nurth•Wert, Gl,trlc, i�tav, W, I , Goole, anti 1', T. gross humors, renders file Blood Pare and.
Dile Nortl 11Teet.e•wgkint: CuGtiug, fit- f�a'tr e• Cool, aids digestion nett give) a healthy, ap.
tine, &e.—style, neatness i4nd despatch at S: 0 44411 sesiuu opened at `2 o'clock bottle, O sale by.all druggists ii1 large
Radion Bron,bottles att DGQ Punts,
p.l } Ieol, _ _m_. _ _- -__. _....
r`EnugltlH 6011311 tight'( '"fall 644115," ate, 1,, )re,tdent 4 T, Werr'y, sr,,
• Abt 1414, Uroko UE71s,-Are piny disterbod. at.
Call naw be beard on our Streets, The small 1CT1. the Qlta11'• Tha. WANKS of file 0011- night t4n(1 'broken ofyour reef- by it. Sick oh31d.
boys have cululnericetl marble-pltt}'ing, 4et'ettco were tondo! ed t,, the f ietlti8 pi11ro1'tllg lulu crying.. w1411 44(411) of Ottino
Day Books, Jo:irnats, Ledgers and all of the neige 1)ieth? it ,o 1086at oncgtiyl,t " 4 i bottle of
kinds• ......ell(.. r11411ti f01• their 131446 alt• ltl4,.1i'iuslowsb0atlliRgbYltup" for.Ghihtron
� A � Q 1 bites.
' d blank books, also full of state tertalu.;lletlt of the clele a + 1`oetlii 'g. Its val11
e is iUC44lciilabfe, Zt will
6ii .. e 1' ✓�... es. (4(068 of 1(:t Ceu t1•al Dl•Score. C,. LATz,. . • #moi to rl'lla 1•Ulievc, the pi01' 11(41)11 sufiNrer (411lnerliaat61
proprietor, BllllarCl+ or tllBCn861()11 f•)1' the ItftOr- Deoeuclupou ll,rnothers: there is no niietal e
_ L10C11 were then ( 1(4;.out it, et euros 1)yseutely and Diemen!,
Millinery openings will taste plaoo In the c 1 x1444(1 a lt, 1'egulates tee Stomach an6 v
TkiUl't 'Dal 1' AT it 1�1 8p0 love -1(1 stores 111 tow 1 s rt . Bowers, Wind
1�. ,. F RO13 114 , U�7ll t. ba l} The rain's ,C`h'at topic'.--•c'S11 ,411 lye teaoll d'e' t:i6(( Voll4 11 411111 lU14 fi,ytote6111io10 int
may expect a emu(' display. old s,ivus tBoc and energy to thewhule sy
trine ill our ,5, . S. 1 Ntta introdLi0et1 "'mete Winslow's Suotliiu; Syrup" o
The poultry dealers iu town Hare madetor chi
TEN CENTS verde° for erstinsevtion elle same very rood s by Rev. J. Ball x111(1 0118 cF ev teething is 1 ofsant to the taste awl is
ell Hd by .
g s!lle, lately, 6'1104 have 7T f f llrgscrlptlgll of 0110 of the oldest ane
POUIt0I,NTS per line for each subsequent in sent birds thousands of miles distant, W, H.. Gene. ft r. helln-'llV Rev, J. ,etn1LiephySiaia,lg411(6 nurses ill the
ertien will be chargedfo notices appearinl n States (('2(11 10
T s 101'41110 by all (irugg 01( flat
thiaaolumn. Ottoman Cords, s11vin sreahes, Minwery, 1 e1ti4', illy, J. PtlrN010, 010 „resit:out ' Pelee
Grosgrains, &o„ for Mantles, Jackets and out tLe wart d, 1 u -o twenty -live ognts tL
Etied Donald 1\lo.1n(1eK. t1e, lie sura and ass. for '•1411x, Wins
Dulmaus-over twee typieces to select front-- i'ootEIN'G Fxntii, -1 rd tale no other. Liner
cut free, or made to order, at .Manton Bros. ' �erlolrrl to1�i.C.—'"Ilow shall tto ecru •..•..._ _.__•,—
T11U first Court to revise thepreliminaryI orate 0(11' 801101rtrN :,, ; ,; „ coNsvn,('04 ort CURED
( .3atematte elvIng
voters? lists for Perth will be held in St. for 1111,"inn+ nur)nae8?" 131(1( )tiro 1ua1G1114ysirinu,re1(411from practices, llay.
Property Changes, Marys on the 30111 111dt,1 11);; ha.l 1' -aged in his panda by au l+;get Indian
dl Oe(r
n11B5)Unlll' t
1)I . tete
urml. o'
V J. r y a 11 •
l (' 1 simple by Gl t 1 ,L11 vitt., 4 11
11 14 z le v
Last .eek Mr.I. Cl rke purchased ( vegetable
J.a an d 4 A four-'ear•ol(
� �t I :1 1 son 0f lir. E. Roberts,RobArtsof � t remedy for the speedy and pel'lnttagnt cure of
Mark Olark s premises ou Main -street, and this place, died ou Monday frotn the mumps. (jlscu.ar+•1 by 14 4 J. V ale, 111. Iln», Co0 41 tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma
p , ,
Mr. Chas. Suer! hay bought three noes of 1 The little fellow had only been ailing about a 'an", 11Ir, 00044 lilt1)tuu, Rev, J, it tLud ;211.1 tnroat 1(ncl lung uif'ptfons, also tL poli.-
1,444(1 near die railway. We believe Mark has , week. Sit ll11 by, lte.V• 'Il• T. 'ti ,• .1 -, tive ., 11(4110 1 elrlefot Nelhoving t tr tested
3 lr 0 t 0, R v, W. 2111 Nervous Oomplulnts, n4tgr having teste6 its
disposed of all his property in teen, and well I During the past weer( „1)r market has been H, C.Tltr12 lie ( r wonderful curative powers i11 thousands of
go to Loudon. i • 1. I3111, 11] 4. hb01ll". 08.808, has fell it his dui to melte it known to
1 1palc.l with previous weeks.
� �'
Worry rind Mr. J, Pareolls, his suffering fellows. Actuated by tins motive
and a demo to relieve human suffering, I :4111
,seed free of charge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in Ge1u1a1),Freneh or Euelleh,:vith 4411
dir ections for preparing end using. Hent by
mail ev addressingwith stamp, naming this
paper, W. ,l . N ori,:s,149 Power's Block, Ileollester,
N, P,
&90-4L 1VEJVS.--lfre shall be happy to re.
Moe at all times, front any art of the
County, netts'sf local neva, such 0,14 ac -
vi 011414,or any interesting 471016ent what
ever, front aley of outr'subscribers or read-
ers generally for the purpose of public-
.. � ..,t,
P.� ARn1 FOFt" �S',f1LE.—Tile sub PIWPnt4TY^LUST, M-
S0rlber offers for sale the )lortll half of , --
lot 00 0011.10. .110:04ship ot, 44as4 WIIWnaosll,,
Oolint.. of
Y Tiur1aoutliziitt. 1QP arl'os ; w«1l
folioed; a,goodoai of 414 or front ,4 210v91•
t)LL7111g, e111ulg ; 3024ng- 01'01141,Lr, 01' Choi00
fruit trees; a frame b!lnli 11rru and log lzollse'
00 acres cleared and seeded down, balance
mash. Price „4.000, two-thirds Cas11. Possgsaigll
given any time. Apply to i), Stewart; eattle-
buypl', gingham, o1' to J. elatheson, Roy P; Q.
1QEAL1+D `1411 NC)1+; I1S nli,rked "For
minuted. Pollee Clothing Supplies," and
atidresse6 to the llou. the )'resi(1Cut of the
P1'lwy p{,nll0)1, (14ta:ViL, will 110 1'000140(1 1444 to
nowt, Theirsdey,18th March, 1.886.
Printed forme of. tender, 0ontn1(1iug full in -
ma ion lib to the articles and qu't utitios re
(1 1 e may be lied on so psi nL(,ell to 114.0 1111-
^t COD PAR IS N °l- A
-1 b'1`ANLI)Y for sale' I,ot,1,7, (oshou 41140,
Stauloy 11110 acres, (100d steno 1101180, two burns
with stabling. 180 acres cu the 1310418011 1114(0, r.
Stanley; 11n0brick house taimtwo bunk b'4rns +:
with stabling uwlerueeth, Lot 25North To l ,
lite, liay ; 1(11 acl'gs t ggod Izolise a std baulr •,
barn, stabling ulzrtornoptb. 674 (40308 110140 y-!
Drysdale P.O., Lake Shore. rebore are 8p1011 -
(ha large orchards and spring creolcs on. the +,tl
!mini car 611e 40il is 1ir0t-class for 44rl'.il1 foul.; 811ock
Tlie o re 1(110)14 45 acresof•boautiful bush
mostly 144 plo,iud b000h, ou th01144111, '1'110 10041
1s luostly all iu 4L,gnod 141416 0114100
f 0211(1vat140%1
0(1 and
tit for tee reaper: ' I want to sell one-half of
thea bovc, end am not particular w ,loll, 80
14,111 offer all for Ha10 on tile.3Lst of Meech at
3 o'clock p, In. by auction, at the Rieke Farm
about 7 miles Irma Rippe II Station. if not sold
sooner. If not, sold then it will, leo arivertiscd `,'
for ashe' .41 time alter, Liregn:44011 time 40111 ti,�'.
bo givou,byp tying a small 'tnipurt down,
Jail Tt(:I'1'li, Prep fetor,
I11ako t' •
,. and we willysend you
send 10 cents po41(g0
1ti011, able
stem. No teutter. will bo received unless made oil Iasi I L I wilt
}ilp 11)4( Of g0o<is
ldren snob printed forms, Patterns of tell ereio os that :will Nut you fu the 40 e9111(1((11 11014
the may .0 seen at the office of the un(lersigned. vno,tel/ atones, than ,tllyth(ug alae iu teinee riot,
l best I+,ach c0nder'mustbe accompanied bya 130th 10x14 of µll of es cau tivo at 1101440 '1
t 41(. aid
tJuited nadiau bank cheque for an amount egmtl to til orlt;ilrsnr4tgthuq, or 4111 the time Uap(tal
ougln- t01( per gout, of the total value of the articles 110tl'oqutruti. iM4'e wilt start you: Immerse
bot• tone eced 4or, 13111)11 will be 'fortfeito(it if the pay sole for'thoso who start at once STINseN
now's party 144011(11(1 the bollen,' dooli11O9 to enter into R
, (I001)tract whoa Gellert upon to do 30 or it b
Pedlar Fined.
.1. D. Riley, who was taking orders for J.
B. Digualu, of Loudon, for shirts and gents'
fuleishluge, was on Saturday 1011 sitmmutle(1
before the Mayor of Goderiell, under the.
Hawkers' lied Pedlars' Aet, and fined 410
and costs, $14.50 in all, for not haring a
license. There have bean several of these
ag0nte around here lately, and our officials
require to be on the alert and "`nail 'ern"
if they do not carry a certificate of license.
We hacl a call from 441r. Ronald, of Brus-
sels, on Saturday last. He was ou his way
home from Essex Centre, where lie lead been
negotiating for the sale of one of his cele-
brated steam fire engines. --1441r. aucl i\Irs. Ira
Spicier, who have been visiting in Philadel-
phia for some time past, returned home on
Saturday evoumg--Rev. :\lr. George, of the
Elimville circuit, preached hi the Main-st,
Slethodist Church last Sabb:Ltn evening. -
Rev. W. S. Pascoe preached in the Welng-
ton-street Methodist Church, London ou
Sabbath last.
The Assessor.
Mr. McDonell, the assessor, is on his
rounds and will soon have his work com-
pleted. He is this year determined to re-
turn a correct roll. He is very careful to
rice"tams correct information, and every
ratepayer should assist him as much as pos-
sible in assessing personal property, for to
persons so assessed he has to trust solely for
his infurmatiou, while in real estate he uses
his own judgment as to value. All those not
satisfied with their assessment can have
recourse to the court of regi:ion, when their
complaints will receive due consideration.
True Renlarl'ts.
A stranger, the other clay remarked that
Exeter was one of the finest and hest built
places he had seen for some time. There
• ver' dull,as compared 4 T11is is owing principally to the bel state of
the [004.15
Miss Wood has returned from the city,
and will be pleased to .ee the ladies who
want anything done iu Dress or Mantle -
making, at 112)111(11 131'05.
':rias Ann Sawlwell, Mr, Geo. Samwolt's
auut, of this place, died on Saturday last, in
the S3rd year of her age. She has beau liv-
ing in Exeter for many years.
The .Exeter Salt Works Co. hays for sale
ton tolls of salt, suitable for agricultural and
domestic use. It will be sold cheap. Read
advertisement elsewhere, '
A grand clearing sale is now going on at
Bissett Bros'. in order to maim room for
contemplated enlargement of premises. Ev-
erytlliug iu their line away clown at Bissett
Bros,, the hardware merchants.
A Sabbath -School convention of the Mm•
tlzodist Churches of Elimville, Crediton and
Hens lll eireuits, and Exeter was held at Be-
thesda hast (week. A synopsis of the p. o•
r r
c .eaur�s will lbe.o
o llnll elsewhere.
During the latter part of Inst week, there
were several days on which the sun 511011C
so strongly tl'at our new sleighing was com-
pletely removed, while in the Country there
was comparatively good slipping.
Parkhill which is a great deal smaller
place than Exeter, will be incorporated as a
town, by special Act of Parliament, to take
effect -after January next. To call s1ch a
place as Parkhill a town is actually rough on
the towns.
A good authority says t:.at a teaspoonful
of 11op yeast taken every two hours or be-
tween the medicines, in cases of diphthel•ia;
scarlet fever or sore throat, is very bef eAdial
and has been known to give relief and work`.
u cure i1. desperate cases.
Hines, the Lost Tribes of Israel 1nan,:has
been making himself conspicuously ; ellen
sive in Brantford, as he clid in Exeter, if
he is connected with the Lost Tribes, it is,
as an exchange says, a source of regret that
they were ever found.
An experienced horseman says : "'To keep'
Ile snow from balling 011 the hoofs of horses,;
was but one fault, that was we had nota re clean out the feet and give ` them a coat of
spectable hall in which to hold public meet-
ings, &e. He said that in nearly every place
he had visited—and a great many of far less
importance than Exeter —1 he corporation
possessed a town hall of scme sort. It is
bad enough for the citizens to realize this
fact, but when strangers notice it, it is time
the Council were making a move iu the taken up at each service in aid of the mis-
matter of having a market building, town
hall and engine house (combined) erected Bions fund.
We were shown the other day a water -color
painting of an English hunting horse, by/our
Missions. ( talented young artist, W. D. Wadies. The.
painting is about 2Sx3e- feet, and would be s
credit to more pretentious artists, having,
been pronounced by critics to he a complete
work of art. Any one wanting to see a good:
Fiooe of work will be amply repaid by calling,
at his shop.
There will be an interesting race 011 the!
Church, Rev. A. E. Green in morning and Dominion Roller sink in this place, 011 Tues.
Rev. Be 7, Treleaven in the eyening, at usual day evening next between George Eacrett
hours. The annual missionary meetings' and John Veil. There is considerable money.
will be held in the James -street and Main- up on both sides. Veil has )von the medal,
street churches on Monday and Tuesday ev. which has been given by the proprietors of
ening respectively, to commence each even- the rink, once, the last race resulting in a
ing at 7.30 p. m. lir. Green will exhibit In
draw, a dispute having arisen concerning 1(11
dials Chief's dress, idols, scalps, Medicine alleged font
man's instruments and other relics. -Messrs. Snell & Whole have purchased
from Mr. R. S. Godman, of Muirkirk,, his
Something for Business Men, roadster mare. for the sum of $200. On Sat-
We are in receipt of a "Retrospection,"
urday last, Messrs. Willis & Oke shipped
from J. H. Bates, of New York, one of elle from this ststion a number of thoroughbred
oldest and most reliable advertising agents in bulls for the English markets. Two were
America, giving the conclusions he has ar purchased in lJwborne one from Mr Henry
rived at after an experience of 30 years in Jones, :which weighed 2,000 lbs:, the other
newspaper advertising. When he commenced from Mr. John Heywood, , weighing 2,280
lbs., the heaviest of the lot. Mr. Heywood
tar." Be ayers they can travel for days
after this remedy has been applied, and will
not ball It is simple and well worth a trial.
The missionary meetings on Monday and
Tuesday evenings will be very interesting,
and'all in sympathy with the missionary
cause should attend. • The church choirs
will furnish music. A collection will be
Setreons will be preached in aid of the
missions of the Methodist Church on Sun-
day, March 14th next ; in James -street
Church at 10.30 a. m., by Rev. R. J. Tre-
leaven, of London and at 6.30 p. M, by Rev,
A. E. Green, missionary to the Indians in
British Columbia ; in the Main -street
in business, advertising was looked on as le-
is noted for steeping good stock.
wore lar and away untiler, tt he has customersthis
feeling Do not take Pills or Powders containing • Tile Revising Officer for the Electoral Dis-
spend nearly $25,000 a month, 121. Bates Calomel, for, at this time of the year, the re fret of the North Riding of the County of
„ suit may be serious. If yoji require a dose Middlesex, in the Province of Ontario, appoint
goes on to say : It agrees with my experi- of physic, take Dr. Carson's Stomach and: { ed under the "Electoral Pratrchise list," hereby
erica that newspaper advertising is profitable,gives notice that he has completed and pub -
As 1 look back over the very considerable Constipation Bitters ; it acts gently on the lished in the manner directed by the said Act,
number of these whoseveryadvertising I have Bowels, purifies the Blood, improves the Cir the Oretgeneral list of voters for the said elec.
111(11 district, and that 1111111 hal the;folltbe
clone. I do not recall a single one who 'udi- cufation, stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, - ing sittings oursuent to the said nut, for the
and speedily
cures e Biliousness,
ciously, perseveringly andfreely pushed good p ,Y a Headaches,' preliminary revision of the said list; namely
articles of sever whatever kind in the newspapers, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Search the Drug
ATPARLEIfr,Lstalld Thursday, et), Apr11,1880,
and did not make at least a fair success, Stores from one and of Canada to the other, at 10 a. m„ or East and West willinins. Park -
and „' > Lill and Aftsa Crei
Park -
while a great many have gained ample for- Try it and use it ie your families.equal Sold
tunes, I will not mention names in support everywhere in large bottles at 50 cents. BORN. AT EXETER, on Friday, 9th ,ri), at 10 a.
of this statement, as I could easily do, but _ m., for Exeter and Stephan,
the list is a large one. Indeed it has been 1VletiloeiiSt 111. S. Conference. Se Ivz nls._-Ih Exeter' ou the 4th inst., the AT LVCAN, on Saturday, 10th A7nL, at 30 a,.
1444 observation that itis easter for large ad-
)vile of Mr. Harry Sannvell, of a son. 144,, for Biciclolp7l, McGillivray and Luean.
Often tscomesinaso fast that the than t head sets The 17th annual conference of the - '"' Any person objecting to any name on t1,/
11IAERIED; said list may at any time before the said.
turned and latish, personal expenditures and Sabbath s'ihnole of Exeter, l reditoo, - -- d.,ys, luct tenypoOlon tlesirtng to aldd any name
unprofitable investments swallow up the for- ):' ihnvine, fiensalt south and Oen- LOADbfAN—PEitt(INB,--Q1) the 3rd ing)., 1(i thereto; or Desiring otheriyise to amenu the
tunes which, had they been longer in making the residence of the 111.)60'1 father, by Rev. 811110;1 eacyl,.aalot st 011 as before
ef it foe re
would likely have been more permanent. trails circuits of Elie 141eth0dist ehuroll W. S. Pascoe, 441 John Bondman, of Us
preliminary revision, deliver to the -said
When business glen enure to look on the was hold at Bethesda, 01.1 Thursday, borne4 to hiss Lucfncla, datl titer Re-
visingO$icar,or)nail to the 044)1 Of 'It -A, M1
cost of steady newspaper advertising as an March 4th. 1 Chas Perkins ' , s of ML. lyra inaryin Cierra li 121i 111 d notice 111
$8�r. , of Dxeter. y, g a ,
investment, sere to pay as wall as anyother Saxnsnux i writing 111 the 40rn1 for that rtilrno50 contained
+ Fleet session was opened at 9.30, N 1toss. Atthe, lesiden000f the Ir 411n1,1 50hedulo 410 the laird Act, aa; 11/4411'
and nut unlikely to be exceedingly rotable 1 , 1)rfda s y
profitable, sltl I(ry e1) t father, 12th con. wf. L+nllarEnn On +ts 4480 be, eettipg forth hie • name :or
Choy will use it more systematically than Y F1 g d raper, the president, tlle3rd inst. b th'' natuesob'ectocltodtb„ r0uucla cf ob'oc•'
, .Y e 1tm. 111.,, I{estfe, 1121, tion, m• trio name' 001," :a.,"na8 1
ilerotofure, and regard it as a necessary item Jolx❑ Rau41on, noetlpyfrig the allair, Samuel SOnclsbitrne, to Mtss Sarali Jane PmIlased t0 uo
of, expense. arid. T1108. 'tferr r" the Bocrtltar !( daugh'ter of Mr. r acldc3tothaliso lvith the `(mans then/fol,
y, s �(livarcl lwogb. and articulars of tills ualilfeation a
--. -. desk. �ASTritnanwlt SwI; 11.1. At tire. leBidetl 419 cf dance mf tffe ))C3601]Bwhi15A Ylamee 1(L d:apr0 1)e•.
the bride'sed to be 11(td4411 0(tho lar,ticulars ('f.a'n '011191
8rev -ties1
The minutes 0r j)reyiclu>l conference mother, l xeter On fire 4th iirl 0Sed'aulendlnOnt and the grounds tier net.. b .Rev. 1 1 ,tl .
;beet received at Speakman Bros,, e y V, S: Pas of t ,
1 I Z3 s", t ll tons (,. o, ' , o„, , i'y ittstel for, and snob notice and milk,
Wel read and eanfilln (l i L, ,v
. broult ut: l , . . .
f Celebrated nails to be sold ' l to 4twn to M the person 1v1z1 "uatloe au(t1 1)t mt fntth
v at the 1 sty Elm 1 0 g C a rs,, r.
very1oweB* rateliu Call til,m• The pI'eeldenk rtppr+tnted 8 general' "Sweet, of Exeter his 105'den(o,0Cetjhltlen, 8111(1 )401441 office 246 ...
ig - 0091.(4 r _ ,.. 1'Q$Ltalt I1"'IZi!;Not4.••—.. 1 ... g t#
A smart 1(116, intelligent hid wanted to esy C41nTlilttee ay fc,ll(iYt In I,csn(lon on t
, tl . : , , r be 8th t,co ub,T6ei,n ; to th0 nitna of any 11011 n a1�;
earn the printing. Apply l at 0nee at this not, ., 13,0 + , Ci' H1 �-q - . l .11101„ at tlld 104ldanee of :1lle brillo' reiid �. onthe list 1 , : • t' t meet
p f7' 1py f/ 1744111,. t'V, y� H.
Gane Tho*. r at1llt, S 1 list. last C or, Yni t
R 286 ClarQnce )treat, by ltov, 7. V,,9iixith,
Office also deliver to or mall to tbm' last known e.d-
".. ;11r. 14f0Phe,'sen, nellsall, l.fas tel es as part- ' ' , :,ht• 6191(5 t)t tbe,person Vhose name is ob4eoted tri,
or, put" Mr. 14511 Russ. 1Tar o y notion
o of Y tt t, arae to iSI offie .Brno y
ly '� � letll in t11BtailOrinf{. „. ,. •- libilin,iffloy:,dattgla'Ierof,��1::J1 .t'1e17Ci"1'", of tllk•llotlaoiagieent6the i•eyieilgufl'icelcJpy
nalnegs% iia eearetl►t y 1 (4(i ahNdulo te. w� t .1)d. of the botfoo given,
On Saturrlav evening 11054018.' Snell & ports from the rlrff,tllo*, itnl: a lJ ,(nae,. -- - -• -<_- Itwilt bo neceesarytoe those Poem's WIA0
111)16 topic.—"What at)eeial mal„B
shall we adopt to b4'11)g our Foh0lar8 to
Ciir.i31 ?” was 143t(' 111110'6 b./ Rev J.
Veale turd direnes, 21 by 1'4F -v. J. 13,11,
Rev. W. II, G•Ins and Mr. Thomas
A.NT34D-Ladies mud gaut1eulenin 81ty or
VY ,:ootlucry to take light work. at their owls
11021 s. 413 t0 t 4 a clay min be easily glade ;
A i 1r e number of (ovations were work sent by mail; 110 cau41158(ng, \Ve have
intelligen'l�' ;lrl.(voro,l by the comt1111- 1 eui� lav u011ltlfnddiess�04111) stem ; C[ U%V v
the a11poiaate,3 for that ptlr1`oee. NiNG COill.PltlNY,294,Vine St.,l111elan titi,
Evenir:r; session oll4ur6 et 7.30
with singing by eh.'ir and prayer led LONDON, HURON AND BRIJUlI R'Y.
by Rev. Veale. Able and instruct- GOING NOBTII, Fxpress flail Freight
ive addresses were delivered by Rev. T,onctol1,depart ..,7 55 /or 4 505,44. 6 0`5 A,Ar,
14 xcter 9 19 0 08 9 US
61(+SHr•0• (1(-,1110, SIlullbv !111,1 Gnome, ou lieusall............. 9 24 6 23 40
subjects chosen for the eve11i11o. The ppen.................9 29 0 29 lu
- Bru•:efleld U 30 G 39 1p 25
Clintou 9 5,5 7 05 11 38
lmldesbere14 11 7 23 12 00
Blyth 10 20 7 32 12 OOP It
1lelgrave 10 85 7 47 12 5U
It e 10G 8 05 l 20
GOING SoUTIi, l;xprc`ss bIail. Freio":It
\\'iughaun,depart 7 20 AN! 3 10 P.M. 10 20,A.nt
Belgrave7 38 3 30 31 23
Blyth... 7 54 3 46 11 47
110ndc5110ro ,.,,,8 09 3 55 12 00
0111.ton., ...8 25 4 10 10 4e
Bruce -field ...........8 49 4 35 1 10
Nippon 8 51 4 43 1 95
lien all 8 58
448 1 40
Exeter 9 13 4 59 05
London arri, a ,,10 30 0 00 5 30
affaRKi T REPDitTS.
(Corrected at5 o'clock p.m. IVetlneaday.
WVnitt Juon + 0 78 to 079
Ltod ... .., ... ... U70te077
3t'111NG w4L;AT
droll• of the church rendered efficient
service, i\lies Kedrly preoidiug at the
01 gall. after collection ens taken 1)p
al I � v1
and 1.
1, usual �.1
7 votes ofL
,laL"1.1(; n: aK
) 1, , Hd,
dnxnIogy 11418 all!1j, rural the conference
adjourned to meet In Centralia oil the
8 '1 Thu, T.+'eb''n;try, 1887.
:'if c•
tlarlo y
Clover Seed
1i'lourl.erbbl .
Potutees,per bag
Apples, per bag
Dried Apples pr b
Geeee per lb.
Turkey per lb
Ducks per pr
Chickens pot pr
ftogs,.iressetlpew• 100
••• .• 0 75 to 0 78
0 5U to 0 70
... U30to030
••• ... 1 50 to 2 50
.. 058to060
••• ... 013to(13
.. 500to565
0 60 to 0 00
... 040to050
... 004to000
... 006t00086
•.. 006to008
... 0 40 to 0 60
... 525 to550
500 (0600
... 500to60G
G 60 to 7 00
050 to C417
077 to 018
800 to 9 00
250 to 30
FIidesrouhg, ... .••
rlressect .,•
3heopskfus oac1,
Wool per Ib
Woodpor word ... „•
Full Wheat per bh ... $ 0 80 to 0 83
Svrtng " !1 5U to 0 80
Barley (bright) 0 45 to 0 70
Barley (feeding) 0 40 to 0 40
White Oats, ... 0 28 to 0 34
Black Oats 0 31 to 0 33
9.pp'es per 01)1. 1 00 l0 1 00
otatoes mer bb ... 0 55 to 0 70
fleet—era Franchise Act.
—011 TIIE—
Notice by Revising Officer of Preliminary Re-
vision of First List of Voters. (See
Sections 17 and 18.)
S file 11t1r(itd ,,..
Whiteb'nugllt it tette 41040 1Zid (etovan several Ctnn 0F' the CO41(04041(40 v'....4:z"--------,--,
p)iaeed on.. the Voters' List, t0 attend et fila
61)0160 horses, , ., `y "" s-=::. -, .-_:: -•- ._rtime and• ))laces above ntantielted, of that
rlrl(0 Vtsltote 11 l )rilrltecl tit the lyidvtett8 I4olll f4s.-,-p11 Exeter me thhe81±1 ffist, r` . soinodnesh0ulddoao ontlib l'belrllf.
?l hd fish Bdaann flax alullsd, end "catch. f ! ,
. ,, conferellCe tb Vis G,t' 140(1 of . " , egcd Dieted `
his 1e nit t]td ill. edarde acid assert ,that t Id vaYl�tTs schools 1�clwhld aniq, Gdcrhaltoberts a ori , • ie , el ladridon tine sled, day of • March, A,
p w ,41~1(124 (incl 11 Yllo6111s, 8 D., .880,
'tho braughl Irl r'il;eir reports Ur II We're
firer"els lYot sufiieiant renluueratson for ,, ,, t� t .. . ,,
3Aml�ttf,ri.Yn, pt n Wil LrAm i r�r�> ox,,;
verjr'11itereStlkl(l{ ab(? etl t3ted rllali + LY tlld 6111 tit„, Allo
tt,t6v6 i, ll't; Saltr;eil, aged 6� )'oars and 1 lnentlf: ': ltovlsingie°11 ;(t .tor tlid dlectoral (llstr1ot
uftiYi3lvorthTtidin wf Vi)tldie
age• q�ra�?tr2t2eS�
he ye alreedyeent ffi tt)1,I' alynlfeatibile to be
ails to complete the 8501,108 contracted fur.
11 the teudar 1s (101 ac00R43(1 the euoglu; will
be returnee,
setting al a wiltisemenbe toto withou( 1nthorite
having first been obtained•
Com iit, oiler,
Ot.awa,Pebruury 24tH, 188E
N. W. Pollee.
S t,1) ,Portland Maine
WOCI,1IUP:L', ,permanently leoate(11u
,,td No 185 Q"een's'Av/uuq,Ti0ndoola'rew doors
east of Post Office, Speoral attention g(vou to
diseases of the Eye, bad sight, au the pros-
ervation of vislon diseases of the Ear, ,irn-
d,alredh.oaring, and disshargos from the ear;
iseases of the Throat, clrouic igfleminatiou
being a. frequent cause of deafness 4 diseases
of the Nose, 9,4tarrh being a common '0 4i se: of
hoped ed hearing,
Exeter, Ontario,
Our Goods and Groceries are warranted of the Best'` Qual-
ity and Latest Styles. Families in the village a surround-
ing country can rely on Good Value for their money.
Articles delivered promptly at your homes, in the Village, if
A Trial Respectfully Solicited
China Cup and SaucerGiven
With EVERY POTJND of BAKING' POWDER purchased at
About TWO HUNDRED good customers at the NEW
The undersigned bogs to. intilnate to .the .residents;- of
,Exeter ., ,
and sullo�,tnding country, Haat lie has fitted" upfor. �+,
Carriage - a .
�n , fur. eyes
i � i 't ,.
Tho u.l l.� ; lriri � iTntnedi.atel sot1th of MR , 'P RSO
Blacksmith Shop, Mail? st., »end' 'having stocked the )rime
with Suitable, material r, .. ",
, fol ,tl , ,,r:,.i.lStrut7 ,
4 ctlon of :�altrlt„�, and
Sleigh work we `theretr)r . i viii it' '
r � 1lberrll' share of otir ds
teelried patronage.
Re promptly attd ptor)erly done at
Yr1 .
Satisfa ('tor PPices,
d4ial. ittie io'the Liver' : •ya
.:. fiaties bityzng �ft