HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-11, Page 51LIEIU AND TpLZ><..
Nowa Condensed.
A. bee was held in Reeve W, 11.
Taylor's woods, in Mo3►Ilivray, last
week when 20 'cords of wood was out
into stove•leugths and, piled ready to
be hauled to the residence of Rev, 3.
.er yorr� wee� a eeeTe eeee veAvestsr res
1'110 Unroll Police Magistrate.
(From 'Jaren Expositor, 5th inst.)
DEen Sin. -Now thattho tiuestioe of the
appointment of a Pollee Magistrate for the
ceenty of lluroe has been settled, and as my
name has been very prominent before the
public as an applicant for that position, and
as I have been inisrepreemted iu the matter
We are constantly reneiliug testimony that 13EWA•'1ttEpp1OE ooU 1T1:xtP7.1Ts•
iux liewso' "Catarrh Cure," is what
druggist is GII,ES' I!il 4YT I) 0E A IYII]N
authorized to. refund the money if it ,ails to, .l. ,. l� '
give satisfaction. What can be more fair,
and need you aaffor any ic1Qer't
.[u order to distinguish one from the other,
the chimer plate must_ be made smaller or the
fashionable button affected 'by the ladle
must be slightly enlarged.
A, Ferguson, from whom it ie intood. by the Anti -Scott party, I would like with The Rev. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bourbon,
permission perission to give the friends of the Ind. says ; "Moth rnyself Ind wife owe our;
ed ss a present. Act', and thuso oppos0,1 to tt, u true statement liveo to Sherries Oonsemption cure, $o14
Mr. Duncan McMillan, of Tucker- of the case as far as 1 am concerned, 10 the by J, W, Browning.
sntitle, itas sold his farm on the 9'I1 r first place let um say that 1 never sou;ht tete' Fluid Lightning is simply a marvellous
cl neessiou to his brother, Mr. Hugh
MoM11la I, Mr. Ma Millan was offer.
ed and refused $10,000 for this farm
position. Carly las' April mete was a con-, Rheumatic Remedy. I was for two months
volition of temperance friends held in Clinton a cripple, unable to get out of the house
to discuss matters in the iuterest , of temper- from Sciatica, One bottle gave me diets
ut Tile speediest and most certain medicine in
the world, '
z1LL FAiil,iL1 N S USNIT;
Weal( Back, P1111zrged Joints, Paralysis,
itlrettivatlsnl, Neuralgia, 1)iplitheriq.,
Sciatica, Prolapsus, 1.1 betel, 1+omale
Tile hest and only cart•ti11 row etiv to relieve
man of` (I1 hind ,001111t4'e1` 03 time long steed,
dire, Instant relief ;,lir:i.ltoed t1i•11/(33. Sw01
lea Jo ate, Vtai-.o,� Ve 1co, Bites u( Insects o:
Sick Hewlaehe, No oil oe grease; is chime said
sweet ; wire ilot soil.
INI•LAblbrATCON 010 Trim IC`Itl:ll.'es, i xxrertIT's
f'1E \ni, hi.ltbetos. iltuotltl11011oa of 17 ins, Is
tuo0111y Diniutent in the hare) possessing rte•
torative powers. x1,11 le) w Orel iilternatl ;
cures Drainer) wr.l ..olio, Iltarrlroeta rind Dys.
auce, tend to t.eelde onthe gest means of eft- relief, and placed mo ou lay feet shard. I
but ultimately sold it for bottle lees to forcing the Scott Act when it cadre into force have drive:, fourteen miles to -day (souto-
hitl brother. It contains 2011 acres, 111e opiuion \vas almost uuauiiuons at that 1 thine; I eo ild hot 1po sibly have dune were it
b meeting that if we were tp have the Act tiro- I not 1'oi' flilid Li'htuin, for Ilia express
Mr, a McMillan now hats 850aores perly,enfoi'ced it was abaulutal ne0ossar )ur o "' e) l
y y 1 p se of procuring auotlier bOttlo; ao
In `it9clteismikl>t anti 150; ttorg9 lu, whet we have u lollce Magistrate a0poruted sltys \Vrq, Uixuu Gitnauocue Ooh' 25 cis
I ± 1
Strthey for the county, ntsprovidedfor iu'the statutes per "bottle at Tit Browning's dreg store.
t oc;;Ted onA fighc
name was rho eery one brought hefuiu that A cited born tLong Island. Cltyliaa four
Ontario, 1878, without salary, and my I Trial bottles free,
King street, Parkhill, hist Saturday meeting for' the posiliuu, and a resolution arra,;. If he ever 're rs t h• will e (
l7 up e vtll b able
Aiteruoon, ill which the contestants teas passed without upposttion, inetructlag to take two young ladies sleighing
+r without
the LC�
Pounded and nhewed eaolt other like seoutivo Committee to take the latices- risk of making either jealous.
eery steps at outer to securethe appowtrrwut.
cannibals, while the crowd far
tned a Tile Cuutmittee interviewed the (lovers scut IN GO0k, REPUTE.
flog to see "fair play." James Mc furclock, writing. from Kinsale,
la The raw on the matter, and were rued tint they ,nuSt a
'BLB •
u hour, during 'Q to the County 1.0111 1! its ii oiutin pts s, ya a 11 melody fur diseaxos of
lasted for neatly half a , . i lg b v , pp rite blood,liver t
nlnst 00100 tlu•uugli that body.Well .the a ld kidneys, etas a1 c.xcr,t
wkith time to oaths nada vile leu• y lent reontatioh in this,ioutlity. 111ace used
u„ e used were sins '11 awful, And telunalitly \vane there and gut the Canary tt, itntl speak frown evperleuco its well as
g g ply ciuciil to pass rt resolutfuu ni favor of the is ie:on y trtediciue.f want,
ant I advise others aftltiltei to try it,"
A Nasal Iujeeter free. with each bottle, of
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents.
Sold by J. W. Browning.
yet no arrests were made, observation It tl l
principle, le, \vhlch would entitle the appointee 1
Mr. Alex, Thompson, of Stanley,
sold a thee year old l gelding fur $215;
Mr. Win. Moffatt, a gelding. for $220;
Mr. Ge•1. SIaubury, a f tIy two years polntment, butthey decliued, Another.'0ou- We diseprove of broom -drills, The ever
old, for 5800 ; Mr. John Hagan, art volition was called, aid` held in the town of az woman eau wields broom too well al-
entire colt.iwo ears old fur 6350. Gunton, Iu the meautirnetlie Comuzittee
Y h„d eedeavored' to oufuice rein Act a Scott's Enlulsioli` 01 Pure.
„ tate the
i sit•1
were ecn
rie 11 t byu
T e
Cod Liver
Oil with
r o .i3 u rhos hires
a read ,
etre t Meeting sorra bP L P ,
the -y
P Seo.o
Careless, fortne"I owned by Mr. P. tory, was to the effect that ha had biieu tin- Its Use in Lung trouble&
that unless we got a Police Magistrate ttp-
uinted the o
At s
wa of
The directors appanted' at the
P g ut, to be useless, as
tuauy of rho magistrates ware afraid to take
meeting of hordtmen t.• s weeks .ego eases, as they hail been tltrreateued atlllOny-
met in Clinton ou Wednesday last, ruuusly by the enemies of the Act. A roso-
end diboupeed ruloe and requlatiirnti ,?Anion was passed unanimously at that meet
rug urging the Govern ,lent to make the 15
for the �overuineut of the new stud poiutluNutofa L'olioe Magistrate wtthoat sal.
book. ' A number of these were ary, and another• resolution was passed undo.
agreed to and will be submitted for imously by a Standing yote, that John Beat-
ratification at a future meeting to be
called by the president. The move-
ment continues to meet with favor
from both "breeders and deatet s.
Among/the good sales which have
taken place in whir vicinity of late, we
notice that. Mr. A. E. Hughes, of the
Ut•d concession of McGilltaray, has
Bold his span of two year old Crewe
Pi ince colts, for the sum of 5875. to male the appolntmeut as asked for by the
temperance people. It Nitl be asked what 1
The purchaser is'Mr. Duncan Bo ' was doing all tiny time. Wueu the Commit
of Beechwood ; also Mr. A. tee decided to reuumulend 1110 for the pusi
W. Smith, of Mario Ledge, bete dirt tiau, l wrote to the head of the Goverumeui,.
posed of a valuable short horn. bull qt and rho three ruembei•s for rho comity, tell-
ing them what the te,mperauee friends haze
a high figure. Ml'. Wilsou, stook dune, sue teat e had „greed to accept, if ap-
feeder if Gree �,t 'y, is the purchaser. pointed,and 1 stated to them that if after wire
He is a veteran ;sus corer at Maple matter was brought before them, tuev
L idge Farm, and seems determined thought I Lel ;it fur the position, 1 asked
their support. Olive is 11111 ever did in the
to keep one of its animais et the head matter. 1 never spoke to a euan if/ tree eouu
of his herd. ty of Flurou for his support. There was nu-
At J. Ratteuborry's sa'o, Brucefield' thing iii the position t0 mane a person an
last week, the following, sales were xjous for ft that l know of.
mane :-First, imported Clydesdale
mare "Spark," in foal to "Rover,"
- sold to Mr. Charles Monteith, Us -
borne, for $500; 2ud, imported
Clyde -dale mare "Bella," sold to Mr.
Donald DM 'nu, �, ITsborne, for $450
8rd, "Young Conn, Careless," a three
year old stallion, sold to 11. McDon-
ald, Hibbert, for ^ 700 ; 4th, "Doug.
Jae," a stallion rising three years oli7,
sold to M. Dow, Exeter, for $700 ;
- 5th, one draught foal, five months
old, sired by 1incoln," dam "Bella,"
sold' to Mr. Ax. McDonald, Hibbett,
for. $140; 6th, one filly, rising two
years old, sired by "1'ievenge,' fold to
Mr. L. Hunter, Usborne, for $92 ;
7th,ione Co*, sold to Mr. Alex. For-
sythe, Tudkersinitb, for $28 ; Sth.
two yearling heifers, sold to Mr. Gra
ham, Stanley, for $18' each. The
imported draught stallion, "Lincoln,"
t the.
was bid in at 700, a �d g
stallion "Revenge," wan bid in at
The Middlesex Spring Assizes op
ened at London Monday night about
0.30, before Mr. Justice Rose, when
the grand juty were -duly sworn in.
The Judge,in liis address, congratu-
lated them upon the ligut calendar of
criminal cases. The only serious one
ou the list was for nlarislaughter..
• The law on tits be, very clearly and
minutely laid down. He said that
human life was sacred, and that no
man was justified in tarring it unless
his own life was in danger. Where a
man's house wits being broken into
he woe not justified in killing another
unless Iris life was enda'nger'ed, or un-
less the circumstances were such as to
lead him to the belief that his life trawl
to a saleary, The Warden refused to forward
the resulutiou. A certified Copy was pro-
cured, and 'a depntatiou vvaitetl ou the Gov-
ernment and urged tlleut to maize the a1)-
McGi egor, of 1l nefield, and new by
to get nlsgi'S'tlates 'to take cased and D. aflame OADUIIETTo, of Jaeiisotiville,
Flee, says.: "I have for. the last. ton 1n0ntos
predcribett your Emulsion, to patients offer=
Aug from lung. troubles, auce they seem to be
greatly benefited by its use."
Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis
Sold by J. W. Browning.
Years of experience and successful trial
have proved Meteregor &' Padre's Carbolic
Cerate the most complete and satisfactory
tie rie the person appointed to the position, sotnpound for healing Old sores, festeriugs,
and that petitions be circulated and forward- Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Frost Bites
ed to the Government immediately. Well, I or Felons, and for keeping cut the cold and
believe that 2,470 persons asked the Govern- to cleanse or prevent proud #lush. slougliiug
merit to snake the appoiutmeut, and two out or decay. Resist on having McGregor se
of thethree members fur the cosuty, wrote Parke's Carbolic Jerato, sola et 25o. by Dr.
to the GoverumeUt asking them to appoint Browuing. 6
John Beattie Police ltlagtstratc and a ulna- So hroili• asps: Did eo to in the olUeu
N P r-
private persons, l am told, wrote to the tunes I:uuw anything of sleighing 9 Yes,
same effect, and the County Council passed the aucieut warriors used to go slaying in
a tesolutiun to the same effect, asking them their chariots:
Every household should keep some
remedy at hand for painful diseases, sudden
attaeos of inflammation end accidental
I, juries. such a remely is best fon ucl in
Hagyard's Yellow Oil for internal and ex•
cereal use. It cures r tleumatl sl'n,. sore throat,
croup, neuralgia, lame back, sprains, bruises
and -burns.
Lpiscupal mother catechising her children
-What is the outward sign or vi -dile form
in baptism ? Little girl of seven -The
baby 1
Probably the most prolific source of
chronic' ills is indigestion or dsemepsia,
•hero is not, that 1 stn aware of, a p1'00e- calming unhealthy blood. Yet taken in time
dent forth conduct of the Goveruntent in, it is positively curable.. Bnrdook Blood
this matter, where any man was so stroh;;1y Bitters has cured some of the -worst cases
reeolnln acted for a position and diel not re- known even of 15 years' duration. If
wive it, especially a supporter of that Gov- troubled with i.udigestion try 11.
ernment.. But they have-cattailthe i'esponei- Areyou made miserable by indigestion,
bility of refusing the wish of the people, and.
it has taken them nearly ten months to do
that, acid during clue months of that time
the law has been set at defiance, and od ac-
count of the dilly-dallying policy of the Goy-
erurnent to the matter, the Act is almost a
farce in the county of Huron.
Tue reason assigned for the course of the
Government is rho danger of putting so much
power in the hands of a layman who has not
had legal training. ' There is not 1111011 con-
sistency fu this excuse, as. this same Govern-
ment have appointed laymen police magis-
trates in several places iu the Province. 1
might well say 111 this matter, save me from
my friends -politically,
I now wish to thank my temperance friends
111the county of Ilurou for their expressiou.
of opinion of my fitness fur the position of
police magistrate, and I hope I will never,
by any act of mitre, forfeit thei, high opiuioii
of rue, and by the grace of tied I will endea-
vor to stand up on sill occasions in my power
for temperance and the right.
Seaforth, Feb. 24, 1886.
P. S. -1 know, personally, that Mr. Slott,
who has been appointed, did not want the
position, and did not agree to accept until
waited upon by a member of the GSvernntent
who urged him to accept, giving as a. reason
that the Government could nut be got to
agree on, my appointment. J. B.
M.. John Willis, or Hay.
thrssatenod. If .he circntn.tances
were such 11 lead hien to that lie -
lief, then lie w 0 not guilty of man.
slaughtei'. If, cit the eon here I,e
did 1105 thinllhe was in any danger,
then be vr(ts guilty. This was in
brief the Judge's charge. o. H
9 con-
cluded by inviting the grand jury to
inspect tiro public inetitntiolm of the
county. The gout t then rose till this
IC. 1 way's Ointment Dills. -Safely and
Seem • 5. J When the severities of winter
have yielded to the genial spring, invalid
should make a determined effort to regain
their' lost health; when through confinement.
hide()) s, )vent 01 appetite, and disturbed
sleep, tie) entire rysten'r has been wealcenecl,
and the spirits have been broken clown,
.Holloway's remedies are equal to the oc
casein, The Ointment rubbed over the
region, of the stomach and liver, aided by
Pills, the ' i I'0n r t iii. Itlln will
uilmnal riclmin aria 1 s all
ri•etily the digestion, regulate the bile,.: and
POriry, the blood -three sauritory actions
which will sp1'0111ly confer, renewed vigour,
brace up the failing Nerves, co,i(.irtu t110'
flaccidu. ore t 1 uliug
nt rind lest o the ar11u
i 1 ciCe, a c �
hetiftiness, t'atg1eatcharm of eeistatict.
Whycough e
will you coag ironShiloh's Curt s
will give immediate relief ? nice 10c,, nor
and $t].. Sold by J, W. Browning,
Interesting lteini,.
There ie no oue remedy offered to suffering
humanity whose use is 80 uuive'Sally and
frequently required as Hagyard's ` Yellow
Oil, for rheumatism, neuralgia, cokes sore
throat, dettfuess, croup, lutub Igo, and itches,
pains, lameness and so encs of all kinins,
when internally and externally used.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A positive cure
constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yd..
low skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive
cu Sold at Dr. l3rowuing's drug store.
1° had for years been a, miserable sufferer
from Dyspepsia, and tried all known reme-
dies and the best medical skill of my nc•
quaiiltauce, but still grew worse, until un-
able to eat auythiug without, great suffering,
or d., any kind of work. I began to thia
there was no hope for me, and that I meet
surely die; when, like a drowning man
catching at a straw.,I determined to give
McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial,` I at once
began to improve so. rapidly that is two
months f was as well as I had evor been iu
tris lire.- Wet. Evens LEAIIINGTON. Solcl by
.1. W. Browning Druggist. Free trial bot -
Some oue says there. is a great deal of
character in eYebrows.: Wu do not know
about this, bat the do know that there is a
gree, , deal of Iuclja ink in them. sometimes.
Rey. Thomas Cook, }lector of Episcopal
Cheroh at River Head, Long Island, derived.
most wonderful results from Giles' Liniment
Reticle Ammonia in paralysis. Sold by 0,
Lutz, Central Drug Store.
To all who aro suffering front tee a vers an
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
party decay, loss of hlauhootl, ,Co, I will send a
eceipe'bit will cure you,.Pft1 ]1f15!071 RGl
This groat remedy was discovered by a mis-
sionary in South America. Send a solf•act-
dressed envelope Co Itrv. TOIEOII T. ler.reer
Station 1). Neap York Cit
�j THE p,tt
for Catarrh, 3rowui Diphtheria, and ter Meath. Dartmouth Ropework
Sold at Dr.,Browuiue's Drug Store.
A certain professor claims that a person
gannet taste anything in the dark. It is Company,
evident that the worthy man never played S
Boys and Girls who are growing rapidly, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
should, (to ensure strong and healthy con. lire 71010 prepared to quote altret e:
BINDER TWINE for the .sen0nn r, f 1 Sort,
in lots of 10 tons and arpt1.erriei'.
Adairs s `
Ttwice NTO. '
stitutions) be given regularly Robinson's
Phosprizea Emulsion, to keep up
the waste, that is coutiuually going on in
the system during the growing period.
The now President of Bowdoin 'College is
said to be in perfect sympathy with the.
students. Can it be that he smokes cigar-
and .bowls fouurl nights ? FITS!,
I'eVhat i.,goodfora cord 7" is a truesti0u
Often a5kod, bob 0e1Cl0tt, eaiisfaet01ily aueNC1. Mont soy curt, ttlo not mann' tuora10 to oto„ thein for•.
ed.. We can 111151901' to 1110 .' satisfaction of it rie nnrt tlsn tri Vo trmui rhturn BMn, r mean a rndieal euro,
t I 1 ,Vo „rifle 4110 dleanna of SiTtl, Et'li.ur9Y m' U.tLId N(t'
all, if they evil: follow our advice anti try same •,0s a life-longtitlidy, 1 warrant my mostly to caro
rho wolnt cnnen, 0oeaileo otrroro Lave Collect la no raaeon Cor
1-.Lagyal1 11 1?eetora113al soon, 15 safe, pleasant nr l w roc hrnr n arire. Send at euro fora treatieo had u
h' 1 1. :,r r 1 1111lo r hods. (live L•Sirreitl aid Post
arid CUl'tallltll1'Oatall(1 tun; healer. Sold by pre d•• for n tt9n1 ,±d Iwrlt care you.
111 dr•ug ist5, uo'r.ze•,t art ss„1 aw,r,„a;.
i. spring --Those '7 first of Int
i tc, E r, nsc; which your l - — ---
wife selects for her Easter bonnet. .1 pp[ ay. 1 j�'� 'r.; ,•1 •y '1'o nit)0,
For la,ux; back, side or chest, use Siiiloh's ,�At ' - � ttin•i1t1.11•u,'
- we wit) I've away l>IVl;�iAt`rey I,('Ct1
Porous Plaster. .L rite Zu cont;. Sold at lar, +,v eelf operating vele11in , enteleme
1ooivLnn'''S 0rng Store. 1. 6 r;
b :V0a Want 0110 x301, d. l.IS •r1111' 1111.11 c 1 0, ae
i Y_ I i 11 of
AI )1. C , toss office tut once) t li ,, IN I'D.) \ i, f,,
r t awakening o UoyYtrciot,N,Y.
'rheic is tt great at\t o F the slug- 6' o t, ..
✓~isle orgr,us of the 111110111) system wltonever t. t'l i
1311rdeck 13loo1 Bitters are taken. It arouses 1 > vi
the torpid liver to a action, regulates the
bewe1s and filo kidneys!, muffles the blood,
n a healthy u n to thr
a d lo5torc5tono 5 t'
,ys ear
g y,
A 1.1`1 rrmai (1110(1in' i11 bo's elothing
axil Herself luta b sa 'inh "01111 1.” when
,V y J
he ,lull, Ace down, 1. than would have
llt•,Jtr It lYllttltlVe rtiiftdet� 1'ilr`PTIO
io'a toi`o(] �'
V tl C Isea0a$ tr Its
1 hn1/,11111r1A oon0:110(3 Um e(n•0) krong 1St of fall 0 ur1111�yr1a3. tIntt 1 .1+111/001000,e3013 l)OTI'11011•1')) 10,
to ttt it'. int VA 1 ivll, E send'MVOEon thi 9160000,
P twit'. Milt 1 VA LtrA
to any 1(rla'oier. ((Ivo PLE
o'sl> 5,1,11i50 0lttreSs [Souses,
1115. 1'. A. 90001311, .1St Pearl 54., 31 ,v York.
1'I11(1' VI,It'CY lliR3 • u.yc,,. ,L s
vc±rt sin i1 ) . ,
8 t .8f. pool nu1t.. 1
rand., n - (Ilflcteut g equally roc, richt r .: t”' t 1
lcrrta�h rho, ' e tt f 10 s t r, 1, ,,r) .
erilphatic; xjpro.co•9t,rert,13, Y,
00,D a Y at, t. locoota"Ts• TWAT, Borne 25e.
\Y11to 1)r•. (ribs, box 3,112, N. Y, 1', 0,, who
will give advice .,u all disoaasoi free of charge,
)sllewaro or unsay ullutGas dealers au11 coun-
terfeits. Tim genuine has 1110 name blown in
the glass and fag sheilie of the discoverer's
name over each oorlc.
G1L1A5' letrxl01En eireer5151r5 PILLS. f3A'PE.
Svn:u,PEexerme anti EInt t'onwia, Da NOT Gltrrri
They toe composed outirely of Togo -table sub
stances, mud can be taken at all seasons of the ,
year \v'
int tt
0 t
y t restriction .•the '
tt 1 1:,
O l i t L4
1s to diet - ] •or •t
0 olothit, a e an r
y dreto•
g s t t
a; a ,o health Debilitatoc. Constitutions, and are invaluable in
Porrelrlisoriletwofthe Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are prieeh
L'c. P,•.co, 2eo, per box. 0. LUTZ, Ageut,1
1'lxoter Ontario,
At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used ou x111 machinery during the
Exhibition. It bas been awarded SIX GOLD MEDALS, during the last three years,
r... S'ee that you get Peerless. It is only evade by
SA,MV EL iloarae CC?s, TQP,ON IC
Cures Dizzlne,s, Loss ofAppetite, Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, jaundice, Affections of the Liver, and Aidne-, l '
Pimples, Blotches, L'oils, `17uknors, Salt-L�heutr2,� Scrofula,
Erysipelas, 11ncl all diseases arising front Lnpure Blood,
Deranged S"omaclu, or irregular action of the Bowels.
Purify the Bleed, correct all Disorders of the
TRIS OUT mud return to us with
1 lOs or 4 Se stamps, and you'll get by
return midi a ciolion Box of Cioo
that $ will, '
t'"84t�7� o tri. more ! v e mono
wen 0nytlting else in An.erica
You. fortune if youstcutquio'(.
Yarmouth, N. S.
Just deceived
Ickard s
New Furs a 3r at Varity
A.strican Mantles and Caps—
choice goods ; Persian Latub
Setts and Clips—coico val tie;
Milk Setts and OPTS —Stlper-
ior quality ; Baltic Seal Setts
and. Caps -a nice selection.
The fineet littiug goods that can be
The Public are cordially in-
vited to call and inspect
fol. themselves.
No trouble to show goods.
UND, TAI1115b
1 y t -MAKER
Walnut & Rosewood Gilskets
ALSO 00EV1Ns ori EVERY t)sisCltsPr1c1N.
A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings
Always 011 hand.
My Stock of Furniture is 1111 -
?nlocla all the cao tees avenues of the
Bowelis, Kidneys olid Liver, carrying
(el'ti1act±tllyw[1,1013 vwakeningthe, system,
ell the impurities and foul heelers of the
se0r'.'11'1115 ; of the sante lime Correcting
Acid-ty of the Stomach, Miring Bile -
r.' - r. •
< , .,, �y''Sro� l�.a, Headaches, 11:
(3110133, rlcartburll, Constipation,
DrynessS 0� tho Skin;
n D1
of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rhouil..
;rYSelas, Scrofula, fluttering of
he'Ileart, Nervousness andaeneral
Debility; all these and malty other settl-
ar Con-minimsyiclrl to the Floppy
Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Cotds,Glandplar Swellings, and alt skin dinars
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it aots like a charm.
Tho Pills and Ointment are sold at Teoares HoILoweses Establishment,
also by nearly' every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots,at 1s. lad., 2s. 9d.
4s. 61, lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size eootains three times the quantity of the
1.s lid, size ; the 4e. 6d. size six the lis. size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pate.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be ha,t in any language
► Purchasers should loop to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.
iltl9i 1,1111D11111lOI�
for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly.
o fly..
FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand. AIL
Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting a
• and
Superior (Finish.
It will pay you. to order now and derive a benefit from .1`0171 pUl'=chasing good and oheap Goods. A call is respectfully
Fashionable Tailor, Exeter.
teeter Poet Office Tlrne Table.
tsarlcton, Woodhaxn Wtiiehelseattnd.lalimvillo „• ,..
Soutll,east and 09059 incllidills London, Hamilton 'Tor Onto 1xnnti•enI
'Manitoba, 0uftec1 States, Elsglisb and f0i•eign mails ,,. .•, •„
west ...
goal), oast .•. �., ...
North and cast,: including Goderieh, \"iagham Kincardine
month, Strattncl , TIlronto Mslue and all points
> , Montreal, and tlastorn
North 0a;