HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-11, Page 4rl. RE EX1 TER TIMES,
-1fs published every Thursday moi.•uiug,at the
Main -street, nearly opposite Fitton's Jewolery
Store, Exeter Ont, by John White cC Son, Pro-
: prtetois•
'wags 01, A])V71VO1$1NO
isirat insertion, Per lino .-..-... .. ,lo scuts.
End), 411b8QC111,44 ti'tisertiou,porhne.,..,,8cents ,
To itrsuro iu8crtion, aclvortiabmelits should
be sent in not later than \\"eituesday snor)tina,.
'Jl'lle c. V. R. to 13ayf eicl.
It ie now rumored that the citizens
Dakota, for there ere quite a numb" 1 11C4I,K1�
ofyertise youngfor ma ewitife, 5 here who m(est attAd
poor houselteepers, I tllerekte, lid liestois;i Eevt
I aw
hc�i• to ,C�> , r �14�/c'
tura.l co r, t
incrca�es ice `
growth ) i ,lt„
not soil
As a hair (Iris
sing, it his nc
superior, O , sr.
ante.cC1llar:n i
1'reparod h
Harkness Gr 1.4
London, On
Sold by all Druggists
ed Patent )lledsc nr i
41 Loudon are making au effort to niches high, weigh 180 pounds, age
bring the C. P. R. iuto their city. 20 ; I have dark curly hair, rosy
Would not this be the proper time to cheeks, dark eyes, nod owe 320 aortae
Agitate the qusation of enticing the of Iand. Any young lady who thinks
same Company to run their hoe title would fill the bill, please exehaoge
north of London through. Exeter, photos :-S, 13. Kessler, Kissenbary
of ,,,he ecaeplubist andonr t equi1,lAa rT14 Ifil e ClouubQ Zurioh and Bayfield, acid as far north Springs, Emmons Co., Dakota.
efHuron. All work entrusted to os willrooeiv as possible ? We kuow thae people of
our prompt attention. that section of the country are A surprise party viisited the resin
Decisions teeg}1rcliUg New$e anxiaas to have railroad oonitullzia-
1)apers.. cations. At the same tithe we oral
Any person who takesapaperra ularlyfra1l:I Safety say, that no cowpony will have
the eost•office,whether direoted Mills name or reason td regret the undertaking.
another's. or whether helms subseribedornot There may be some Syhc will not l4oli
Is responsible for payment. y
2 If Wt)arson arciers liis paper ,lisooutiuuecl
upon this ill a favorable light; they
fie mpublisher in pay all airoars or the publishinay
aontinue to send it until the payment is made, are those who always went their
and then cohost the whole amount, whether dimes and hoard them up.
the paper is taken from the oiiiee or not.
3 Ii, suits for subscriptions, the suit may bo New, 1 assure the farmer+) of
instituted in the place where the paper is pub'
limbed, although the subscriber may rosicie Stephen, Hay and Stanley, that they
4 The courts have
llunareds oemiles away, a end more money, twice over, ySitll-
cleoidoa that refusing, to l) +
take newspapers orpeliodicalsfrom the post- OP a raill'Oad than would pay the
deuce of Mr. John Martin on the
eveuiug of the 20th lilt„ and pre•
rented that gentleman, who with his
family were about to leave for Wk-
eoesin, where he is to 'take up his
future residence, with a very itiudly
worded address and a het of china
and glassware. Mr. Martin made a
suitablo reply, and the company
'passed a very pleasant evening to- a goy.
gether afterwards, ; How Lost, , o'W Restored
Is Bread and Milk, or 0a,tlneal Porridge, to build up a strong
office, or remo y Mg and leaYing thele uncalled
for is prima facie evidence ofintentieualfraud exit "a taxes with a road. WilY, the
'We have recently published anew' edition healthy constitution, still. who wants to live on. either all the
farmers of those districts are itlwayta rather Bona tiring OUCUffed at SAYoi tho ad oalan�d' o rEaaenRATo.D Es. time, Shad who does llOt lik + [ r
oon1Ulaenin'that"there is no salefor marriage in this county recently, outmedicine)ofNne-gnil,Teb•lity,nlont,(rwith- a r`t•p1eGe Of pie. 031y, Ila, a, chile,
;a; I , 6showingthe Perfect iuuooeuee of the physical capacity unpediments to 1 ariingo; Just by wad of t hetnge'BROS.,
or ilothln4 (tire ? Wla oven 11od
Vie ° .- GD llirl� their stock ! Whynut ? Because I. 7 yr Y Y,
y g ug trona excesses, i
etc.,toauiti r
stook buyers San do batter when they
groom. After the minister made Pia�,insealedenvelope,only6oents,ortwe and so Got .1'tAN1 UN L' [ti0 ., tvl�zle tie 1xttVe Grey lllottgr�5;
- -the couple man and wife, he used the Posta olebrats• Brown aollands, (iottonad b 1}e m' o
'- have it; railway atatlau within a mile p Tlieoelebrated author of this admirable es, � e', niu s, 1ickin s, etc., we
rPUTTCRIIAV 'b1ARf1Ff hull. 1S$6 Of tlleiu, and they go to wliel'e they term 0uptnmtiry on such accessions, suoceasfttl iraotioe zates,lfrom thirty
nee vers- have a host of finer OOOds �V '
h1c11 uorne in to slake up the
make the bast bargain; and who can when he said
"salute your bride." eosmayberaclicallyoured �vitiloutthe dank- rest and what lady cares to go out unless she isjust alittle
Tile nun man did not ItUow what Brous use el internalmedieinesor thoitse of , 1st Mile
blame them . I ilii young
meant, and simply the knife; Pointonta' moue of euro at once spicy, then. look, new Spring cr �i oo lS
Farmers, citizens and all, lot litmply made a simple certain and effectuaI, bymeans of X1 b ale Coming. to hand,
remewbdr that the more we can formal bow to his wife. '1'hiolring ado maybe may curve ho imself caa� lily pr1 many of them in already and worthyyour inspection
the re neat was riot heard' the minis- vatelvandradicall
oommuuicate with the ou side world,
9 1 -..—Thi lecture shouldboin611ehands 01eV.
Fine Lawll Embroideries Bettlltlful Muslin Einlar0ider-
the better for ourselves. Let the ter again said 'salute your bride.''eryyouthandwerymanintheiand. leg, Insertions, Flouilcin s. and Allovery,
people of Stephen, Hay and Stanley This .time the new made benediat put • Address tc°
get together and see what can be
out Ins hied as if to shake that of Mull Muslit1S, Swiss Medias, Ja,conets, Nainsooks,
Piques, Lawns, etc„ in plain, checks and stripes, for Aprons
and Underclothing, Children and Infant's wear.
Laces, full range of new Kid Gloves—Blacks, Fans and
Colors, in the new four clasp. Look. at our Corsets and be
convinced that we sell the correct Corset for ease, comfort,
and a graceful figure, and at the right price.
�i &NTO� �
The Popular Dress Goods and Clothing House. Dress and Mantle Making
next Month.
h.DJTORIAI.., NOTES.THE friends of Jefferaoulau eifupli•
city to the United States have been
horrified by the occurrence in Presi•
dent Oleyelaud's last message of
phrase in which he speaks of one of
the statutes having fallen into "in-
nocuous desuetude." It is pin ed
that perhaps Miss Ruse Elizabeth
Clevelaud is responsible for this
dreadful language.
done for the interests of the eouotry, the bride. The minister, ,seeing the 1gE CULVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY
We hope others will push this matter nilemtna the youth was in, broke the Post Oleo Box 460 41 ANN BT., NEWYORE,
into activity.—Free Press. speel by the magic words "kiss your _
bride," when there was an explosive
Wheat Swindlers at WOrk. sma-•k that was heard on the next.
concession, showing that however
Mx. CAMERON, M. P., mentioned in A. correspondent sends the follow. ign.oraut the young might bo as to
the House the other day some oases ing account of how farmers are being the meaning of the certain terms, he
was 113 novice in the art of osculati'+n..
in which, ha claimed, Reformers had
been harshly treated by revising
officers. It was more forgetfulness,
of course, which caused him to keep
sileut about the North Victoria case,
in which every Couservatives name
presented -314 in all—was struck
out by the officer, and all the names
of Reformers except twenty•five were
admitted. Had the order of thiugs
been reversed in this case, Perlia•
ment would never have heard the
last of it.
Tse Globe advauces as one of the
"Solid arguments of chose who regret
the execution" of Biel the following:
"Hts ot.uusel were forbidden to pro•
duce evidence to prove moral justifi
cation for the revolt." And yet in
August last it said. "'We' have al-
ways contended that there was no
moral justification." •Another of its
"solid argatneuts" is as follows:
"There is too much reason to fear
that Riel was insane, and known to
• be insane by the Government." And
yet in October last it said. "Far, as
to his sanity, has there been any doubt
since the jury, haying heard the
experts' evidence, decided that Biel
was responsible? We mast say that
Tiew taken by the chief organ as to
the impossibility of reopening the
question of Riel's sanity after the
jury had prouounced upon it, is quite
victimized by "spricg wheat" switud-
"Some parties have been operating
in the county of Perth, ewiudling
farmers, under the pretence of intro-
ducing a new and valuable variety of
spring wheat. They nailed on me a
few days ago and showed a sample of
beautiful wheat in a small bottle,
which, they said, was grown in the
county of Simcoe; that it was free
from rust, and would yield more
than any fall wheat. They first
offered to give the seed to any farmer
who would grow it, and in return
give them the half of the produce in
fall. A neighbor who was present
agreed to take a bushel on those
tetras, They then said they wauted
to put 30 bushels to the neighbor-
hood on those terms and wanted to
get someone to act as their agent in
looking after the business; and as re
muneration they would give him one-
half of the profits, after paying the
expenses of iutropucing the wheat,
winch they estimated at $180. They
represented the thing in a very plaus.
ible light, and at their request I con-
sented to act as their agent. They
then handed me a paper to sign. On
examining the document I found that'
it was entirely different from the way
they represented it. In fact, it was
an agreement by whittle I would be
bound to pay them $180 as soon ae
they delivered 30 bushels of wheat to
me. On my declining to aigu their
Dominion Lands. paper they offered to have me draw
up an agreement myself, and that
Ottawa, Mrach 8.—The Zim they would call again and get it. 1
Thomas White, *Minister of the requested them to leave me the blank
Interior, laid his report for the year form they had, but they refused.
1886 on the table of the House of They then left, andi have not seen
them sin;oe. I have since found out
that they have succeeded in trapping
several farmers iuto signing their
Commons this afternoon. It is
shown that the outbreak in the
North-west last spring serionsty
diminished the sale of Dominion papers, and now they find that they,
lands, and also prevented the .usual. the farmers, are bound to pay the
Humber of homesteads being taken, 5180 as soon as they receive the 30
up. A. comparison shows the fol • i'burhels of wheat.
"A. short time ago a neighbor of
mine was trapped into a grindstone
attachment agency, which cost him
over 5100 to compromise. Another
hewing to be true: --
Sales 213,172 126.049
The sum ,realtz.el by the Depart-farmerwas induced to take a fanning
ment from Dominion lands was mill egenov, which <cost him over
5288,594. In 1882, when land was $'400 before he got rid of the business.
booming in the Nor tb• west, the sales When the hayfork swiudle ie exposed,
aggregated 51,727,280, and in 1883 then some other scheme is brought
the amount was 5925,962 out. By publishing this in the TIMES
During the year 584.955 was real- the numerous farmers who read the
ized fron 'timber, Mineral and grazing paper may take warning and give
land, as the result of leases, sales these swindling gentry a cool
and dues. reception."
There are now 40,000 head of
1884. 1285.
Acres• Acres_
533,280 249,552
364;.40 106,218
6.It• 4
cattle and horses, and nearly 10,000 NEWS NOTES.
head of sheep grazing upon lands -
under lease from the Department, of an Interesting Character.
There have been set for settlement
in the North west 418,847 farina of It is reported in London, ou what
160 .acres each. The population appears to be good authority, that
tneee lands would eusta'lu on the Ur.Gtinastoces's Horne Rule echeme
basis of five flouts to a homestead proposes separate legislative councils
wc'tiid be 2,094,235, for each of the four Irish provinces.
The report n;eo shows that the At the meeting of the East. Middle -
price of lumber has come down nearly sex Farmers' Institute, held in Lori=
twenty-five per cent. in the winnipeg don on Friday, a resolution was
district since the previona year: It adopted strongly coridew nng the
mayhe Inferred that this has' been wanton slaughter-: of insectivorous
the result of the Go eri'men t'lmb_, birds for their plumage.
V t rt
policy. Cold is also tower. Hard
coal, which sold for 512 iry 1833, is
now worth 50, and soft Coal may be
hell for $7. At points near the Galt
Miner! coal tatty be bed for $4 per
Peuudfnaker Ihae been liberated
frorn privoir, enc] has gone to his re.
eeev,ltion '. The. is lint SO 01 U011 to
eat on the reservation as there wits
in the penitentiary, not are the nieele
served will) the 88111e regenerity, but
there is freedotll,,ind freedom on an
empty stomach is preferable to inn,
plrisomeent and throe metre r1 day,
a1t Works Gp&ny
Have for sale T8 N TONS OF SALT suitable
for Agricultural and Domestic purposes,
which they offer
At Lowest Market Prices
A call respectfully so-
And Oilier ardware,
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- 0
si''ued,and endorsed "fonder for Infantry
School, London," wit be received at this office
until MONDAY,the 29th day of MARCH next,
for the several works required in the erection
and completion of
Plans and specifications can be seen at the
Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and at
the ()dice of Messrs. Durand & Moore, Archi-
tects, London, Ont.,on and after Monday, 16th
Persons tendering aro notified that tenders
will not be considered unless made on the
printed forms, signed `with their actual sig.
Each tender be accompanied by an ex-
cepted bank
oceptedbank cheque, made payable to the order
of the HongQraolo, the Minister of Publio
Works, equ51-to five por cent. of the amount
of the amount (tithe tender, which will be for-
feited if the patty decline, to enter into n con•
tract when called upon to rio so, or if he fail to
complete the work centre etod for. It the ten-
der be not accepted the cheque will be returred
This liot)artmeut does not, however, bind
itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
Ey order,
Secretary 1 C& . S. G -IDL 1Y
Departmentof Public Works, 1
Ottawa, loth llareb,1886. 5
Q �.
CD ,4-
Cd r�
CD cd
cE co
—AT --
AT --
QEALED TENDERS addressed to the under -
t` signocl,and endorsed "Tender for Indian
Supplies,' will be received at this office up to.,
.noon of TUES,)AY, 20th APRIL, 1883 for the +
deliyory of Indian Supplies during the Ilscal I
year ending 30th Juue, 1887, consisting of
Flour, flacon, Beef, Groceries. Ammunition,
Twine, Oxen, Cows,Bulls, Agricultnral Ilnplo- 1
manta, &C., duty paid at various points in Ma-
nitoba and the Noruh•Weet;Territories,
Norms of tender, giving fah particulars rela
tive to the Supplies required, dates of deliy-
ery, &e., may belied by applying to the under-
signed, or to the Indian Commissioner at Re-
gina, or to ono Indian Office, Wiuniueg,
Parties May tender for each description of
go -es (odor any portion of each description
of gecds) separately, ,)r for all the goons called
for in tho hedulos,
I8ach tender eemust be nceonipauied by an ac.
cepfed Cheque in favor ,if the Superintendent
General of Indian Affairs, on aOanadian Bank,.
for ,, least five no,•Cent, of the lin/buutof the
tenders for Manitoba and the North•WesiTor- Ana Funerals' furnished,an1 conducted at
ritories,ivhich will no forfeited if the party
teu,ler_ug tleeliees to enter into a.contract
01 i )e) ai aCO J, 1IJli E111 OF ALL TIIE lrr'ri0u7NT Sociws s9.
0'f dead hogs to a London butcher 11 comi,lato the worl,conaraheed for. If the ten-
or notacceetec, the cheque will b, return —• -•-
fete days riga which were discovered leuder:ersmu;t make no in the P,Ioney Col-
exanlination to have died from hog limn-, tho schodulo fbo total ,ronoyvaloo of
cholera and therefore lnlhl�7tfor hornet) ihogoorlstheyolfer.tosimply or their tondo•
will not bo` 617 tei'tathert.
f sell. This Careasrla were destroyed. Visit tender, must, in addition to the aigntr-
turo of the Londe, ca', he signet' by twrr sureties
rar1 Cf set a agency reports a total ri.countable to the Department, for ilio phoney
of 227 failures in the United States .irerfor,nanco o1 theooniract.
in all eases whore transportation may bo
an,, 85 in Canada lust week, a1 only partial by ,ail, contractors must make
ir]Crearti,'aOm )arse with the fed Proper etrangements for supplies to bo *Cet•.
[warded once from railway stations to their
Of the tveelt previous 0f 19 fit ttie destineticu in tbo dovorntnent Flonio at the
o7 �y' p , ,point of delivery.
lJnlled States and of eislit in (JEtnadee The lowest,or• any tender, not necessarily.
h.nE'S t CH,INCL Fon Yt)T7, GIiiLS.— t,- VANICOtJGTINrP,
"The only scarce' article here It w0- i7 elf,tty Of t,'ho eitpel'in tondoni•Gen or,1l
leen, and not a few sof them cured got ci Indian Affairs,
geed bores if they had a tnirld to try )epO1lrsv1,lr�dSia1 h,1'5g3irs,
Furniture Manu/acurers
Furniture, ,'Coffins, Caskets,
And everything in the above line, to Inept
immediate wants.
We have one of the very best
Hearses in the. County,
extremely low prices,
Two Yarmouth farmers sold' a load
wttoncallcrinpt„1ttb ticso f 1 f 1 t
Woitr povi-1 10,
'Arc pleasant to take, Contain tholr o]olf
Pnrgativo, Is : a r � ,'ru on,f r t.cct:::if
41Itidiaroyor o1 torus Pi Ci.,ildror or Adults
A 'FE !
t ` ` `c i I F'"
i ,
1J T G- ST0RE!
Pure Drugs & Family Receipts Carefully Cotp,ounded
0 1V
CROSS— O`t7"T.