HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-11, Page 1LEGAL,
H. DICKSON, Bnr, inter, f oil.
• oltor'of Supreme Court, Notary Public
Cciuveyaucer, Ja)nntissiuncr, &o, iJOnoy to
O,luce i8- x� aii5a)l's'J31ook, t+,.xeter.
Banister, Solicitor,, Conveyancer; Etc,,,
ExtlmER, - • Or1P,
OOloo�a)iltv,11'eTilocic(fI .1]'sold oitic0.)
0 CA.ItTWRIG11T, L. D. S.,
v' ate, opened dente 1 rooms ovo,
O,5 IL'S BANK where he will be
" *ars: ereparodto extraetteeth without
pain, All , ioratiOue performed with ease ana
stmt. G.)icl fillings It speciality. Office hours
9 a.1r1: toy r)ial. 0u(151418-5:4ozOataT77, WHIMS
ii extracts without lain
.4\toasts rl'00t11 \sill O .1
bygiving Vitalized Air, or by
losing the New LuciA Ati(o8the-
tie onthe gums males Gold
411,0. ;Pilings aud Lill other dental
work the best possible.. dooms
-Upstairs 8-L ti'AnwJt'L'a 13Loor, East side of
Mtt-n-Street, 8;xetea,Out
.77". -...-,•--..- -.:•q-.,•,:
ri LUT'Z, III. D.,
• 4).11iooel llist•esic'leuce Exeter,
VEUSI'X'Th iiityCollege. Afeuthor of
College phys1cianeancl surgeon( OW., Are
co, [itrkton.,
13 the 'aunty of I-Iuron..Oince, opposite 1
Ar.t. ltrling's etoro,l:xetet
\Y. B,tto'YNLNti I.,,D., M. G '
e, • P..`l, 4ratluc1ve IiuterialUuiversit3.0titee .,
1011 residenec,t)ou Pio 3Laborator v..Exeter c
T1, LI. J ..A.. BOLLINS, M.O. P. S
Ley 0. Otnee Hain St,1;xoter,Out.Resi'iion I
10 1euse L•00ently ocoupied. by P. MoP11il11ps,! t
T_TENEY EIL13ER, Licensed Auc- 'i
tioneor for flay, Stephen., and 1LIoGil1i- i.
xray:Townships. Sales con at moderate r
7atea. 0 tgoe—At Post-ofnoe, Crediton, oat.
JOFiN SILL, Auctioneer for the
TTownships of Stephen, Hay and Osborne l
andthe 'Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
Abend ea, Mud satisfaction guaranteed. Salus
arranged at this 08100.
p ENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri 4
nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College, Toren
to, have op r tined an , °flies
tmexit of all sDomestic r..r Animals, on 5)
idainstreet Exeter. Galls p
-.- tance prom2)t'y p
a clic _.-_•
tttonded to:- Medi I ' for Borses Cattle,&c C
Llways on hand
.. .. .,.,-. ..-,c mn r r.). NT
L bate forthe Huron & ErieLoan Sav-
ings3oeiety. Low rates ofinterosi. Apply to
John Spackman,Exeter,
Air ONEY'l'O LOAN -AT 6 AND 6}
porcent.accor'ing totorms. Private
Funds. Apply to
August 15,'85 r _;..; Solicitor, Esetei ,
ONE): TO eta AT 6 AND 6;i
1 per cont, 825800 etrivate Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
XT J. OLARK, A.gen t for the Us•
0borne and ttibbert )Iutua :FireInsur
mice 3omllany, Residence 8ldCon., 'Osborne
Ordeveeeluailt° Exeter P. 0.,.promptivat-
tended to.
orrice I;t PA mere a naocit.
Also agent for the LondonMutuallnsurance
Company of Canada,uoroantile Insurance Co
—Capital L+500,OOC.00 Head Office Waterloo;.
Ont,. Glasgow & London Insurance Coy -Capp-
.tat $2,500,000 ; bead 0 slice, Montreal : Stand -
red Lite Insurance Co., Head Office, London
England ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head
A'1' I+l RL O 0 MUTUAL
Lrstablislled in 1803..
This op},ul.av has been oyer Eighteen
years in aucoe fu1 operation in Western On-
tario,andsontinttes to insure against'loss or
damage by lriro,Buildings,M0rohand)se,Mtin-
ufactoties,and all other doscriptions oflinsur-
able property. Cntendiut insurers have the
option of tuauring on the Premium Note or
Cash System.
During the past ten years tl-is Company
has issued 57,006 Policies. covering property
to theme: omit of $40,872,038 ; and paid in loss-
es alone $709,752,00
`(.ssetS, S117c100.00, consisting of Clash
n (tank, GovernmOntDonosit,anilthe unaes
owed Premium Notoson hand and in force J,
W W,\tp1:N1I D. Presider t. 0. 11. TAYLOR,
Secretary, J. B. liuonits, inspector, CHAS..
SN'AILL, Agent for I,xeter and vicinity.
pp 6�b I
Info royal Mail, Passenger and 7eight
Route between: Cana5,1 find Gloat B7 tali and
direct route between the West and all points
o11 the Lower St. Lawrence and 13aie acs Cha•
lent, also
New Brunswiciz, Nova Scotia,
P. B. Island Cape Breton,
and Jamaica.
NOW and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleoping
anil.DayCars run on through 1;xprees trains.
Passengers for (*rent. Briton or 'ho Conti-
nom, by leaving Toronto l),t 8 ',0 17, in, Th nrs-
doi will join entw,.rd'uuwl 510/1101 at Ila11-
fax a. n) Saturday.
:iuporior 1f11CVator WetrohonSe, enol Dock etc-
con)tnodatuin at 11n111r,x for sbip10entof grain
and 3 )1 01,,11(1(1113''r=.o,
Years O. oxporirn)oo have proved the INTER•
c t1:E )\IAL i)1 CO1111003 au with atoatnship
lints to and front Lou,lan. .L;yerlrool it (1
(11a:,ge*to no1lfaa, to betl)o quickest freight
'onto between Gadoda and Groat13ritain,
lnforn,atior, as to Passenger and 1''roisht
rates can be had on .tpplt.ation 1a'
11014[. ILC 13.114.101)111,
WVc. tori) I'reight&.Passenger Agent
03 Posen; 11 *100 Moot:, Rork St., Toronto.
1), )?O'.C't.I N Gf 1 R,
chief Suporiiuteudent,
111003 Office' .SIoucto N.11.,Piov 13,1011,
VOL. XIII',, NO. 28.,
il'u.,laahorc a,nci E lgprtetor8
ROUND THE COUNTRY. qualities both of mind and heart.
Originally he purposed followi,ug the
0 OAGUL1NE.---Ceinem for Brok- Stephen. legal profession,his•
J en Articles. sold 1 ,but after t otivot.,
. everywhere. Wishes to f►mounce to tllo inhabitants of -^
Sole 1l1akors.--KAY BROS., S.tookport ,loll a few year3 ago he decided to
]',ugimen Exeter and vicinity, tet t he has opened out ; Rather tin au,us'ttlg eeeue took enter the mi'uietr fie was
v p place in this towiElilp the other cls Y a for a
T('OR 00UG}IS AN•D UOLDS, y time a student of the Strathroy gorge
�g�� The Dominion Voters' List bad iuot School, Of ribs, 1.01)8-51 pbysi 8-e,
been posted up i8- one of the. pollitlO he always y enjoyed the best of ile:tlth
-.. Aun Aniseed.,
OUND OF I sub divisions, wee L)1 t,
L N oo , u t ALP., w.1.
1 a Oapu scarce
1,1 ) r W hop
► ltnOwln i f tS 1, lnlseod.,Sgno�a S ulltTolu &c` r y z taf alcltneae vas
11 does OOt .lye a tot,+uaandintoes fi0lnwith Chlnrodvne, t1I1' he was GLlteu ill with rufiam
metier) of the lungs while waiting
1rAY'S COMPOUND, a detn.nloent
71 expectorant for Coughs and Colds,
. AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs
11. and Ooicls, fs equally servioable for
AY 6.TIC PILLS, a specific .iu
1. Neuralgia Face -ache &o,
• intito•Uourt,:ICo:ninon Pleas. -Deeds,
Ville,Mortgages, Leases,p,ndall forms ufag-
cements drawn and exeoufed ;tceoraing to
vishiug to borrow money on account of re-
mit purchcusea o3t,Lnd,or to pay off existing
uortgages mill find a ;rest saving by giving
0o a oaa11, Can loud money ate and. 01 per
ent. accordingtoterms..
o Appear before the Bar
E. 11. FISH,
Nhere tlio m, n who came at the cry of "next"oceive9'a'8-have and a Hair -cut -winch could
of possibly have been surpassed by any
ar. bar.
;Ice. J. DE 11A.Ital\TC'S
Without iL doubt they aro the most bac-ming
tyles ever introduced. Ladies.for something
ivory flue style, such as the Langtry and
Irfsian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches,
uffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike.J. Dearing, at
Where he will supply all your wants in the
air Line,
in the Uoriier Store North of Samwel Greed Bend, b tppeued along.
& Ptokurd's, where he is prepared to make pereloh who was stendieg close by
kande to; asked the M. D. what he thought of:
allwork. the list of voters. The doe. comnhen•
ced exnulinine, and on finding that
some names, which he expected would
be on, were left elf, the language
used was not of the ohoiceet. He
launched out in the following strain,
with referepae to the Revising Offi
oar; -"Jost what 1 thought, the d-
b--- was appeiuted to put on Tory
names and leave off the G its." Af-
ter he had deuounced the Fraucl iso.
Act, the officers and the government,
he was gen.ly ro,ninded that the
Tie les were left off as well. It is
needless to say that the M. D. did not
remain long, but immediately slunk
off, feeling, no doubt, wiser if not an
,"oyod with himself. A great many
instances of the some kind are oocur-
ing daily ; hot-headed Grits giyiug
the lists no consideration or exetmilla•
SUITS tin11.
,PANTS OR, COAT;, t. -j.»
clads in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction Wotic[illanl.
guaranteed in every respect. --
The dog light is muolh talked of in
\1Voedham, and .1. Neely is malting
CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST good sales at cost. - There lies been
NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. much growling anti snapping for the
--- past week. The fight was likely to
Ladies Jackets a Specialty lt,t end about Oete handrod people
takenplace on Friday eveuiug
Give him a trial and be convinced that assembled in the village. As none of
will givesatiafaotion. the dog6"were properly prepared tet
the fight but Growler, Snap and
WILLIAM LYNE. Tower, the popple thought of turn-
ing the affair into a s'lrprise party for a gentleman in the village who has
Bulter resigned the superintendence of the
fully filled that o
WANTED. Sabbath school, aft -r' Laving success.`
i4 office for about 21
year,. He wits presented wil.h a
J 1 Dila tic." .esors. chair which cost $15. 1u .respond-
ing, the recipient .thanked the coin-
Has opened out in Inittee only, and the young people as-
Currelley & Co's. Old Stand sernbled were not allowed to enjoy
themselves to their heart's °outwit, as
EXETER NOLTH is customary on such occasions. It
Complete stock of Groceries. ( seems l, accorng to the etiquette
tow a-dreaays, thedidonors are allowed
B16 lbs. Sugar.; $1 Tea, 25, 50 only to remai a about an hour, eat an
and 75 els-Good Quality. apple each and leave et 10 o'clock.
Boots &Shoes (All Styles) at f A great deal of dissatisfaction pre -
t Low Prices. veils, and the fitilit liar 1501 yet ondecl.
A. nicely assorted stock of A friendly neighbor hoe voluiiteered
H .A.:R D W A. Et F. to give the young folks time and spume
FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, to enjoy themselves anti to empty the
(Cheap.) I3eetMachine Oil 60n per Gal. baskets of the good things prepared
COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVE11: for the Friday night surprise.-Boxsa
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Late Manager 0. Eaorett's Boot and Shoe
May 145h 84.
MB. WM. LYNE is prepared So do
At Iiirkton.
r A reduction of fi Per tent. on Hensall.
A full stock 'of all kinds of Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of
;ALL -WOOL SERGE for 57.50. Suitings and, BRIEFS, --Mr. J. Blatchford was
Dye -stuffs and package Overcoats Cheap.
Our Drbss Goods are marked down to
Dyes, constantlyon
hand, Winan's COTTON 20 YARDS F-'- 0'�L' DOLLAR
the Lowest Notch.
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family rocip-
eF carefullyprepared at
P h
the Central Drug Store Exeter
9.J. .iU'1'Z,
EnowlotlEo Is Powor —o 0
who demonstrated to an 111#iom that
1 they were tailiuy; brains enough to ap-
ppeeiate anything *tensible, and it le
to be hope. 'that the he'd time tlioy
attend an entertainmen0 of this kind
lmothers, they trill ole aceotnpttnied by their
"Star 01 the West" Council, ,No.
172, Boyel `2'elntilard of Temperance,
is atipreeenl i8- n very flourishing con-
dition, Pitting ;tole past two• or three
weel[e twenty-four persons have been
Initiated into the order, both Ministers
of the Methodist Church, and also
the most prominent business men of
,he village beingamougst the num-
ber. Tile Beneficiary or seeooud de.
gree will eho:tly be instituted i8- cot
eoliou;with the Royal' degree which
has been workiug Isere for the past
couple of years. Dr. Irving is Medi.
cal. Examiner, and has already felt
the pulse of twenty-three .numbers
who iuteud taking benefits. The
present healthy condition of the Count:
upas a sialc ralntito who was confined den,
is duo to the efforts of Mr. J. Heb
with the :same malady. Dt'ce,Lyeti_� den, D. O., who reoetrtly spent a
felt the first syr, )tones ,hast. Wodnee couple ofweeks in this neighborhood.
day, but wits no tltougltt''laugernus
till the night before he died. Besides Ushorne.
being of 80 generous a disposition, 1lT -.
possessed talents of,a'. superior order 1;r Ou luosday lama.?lir. Jno,Dalbridge
p , solei tL pair of heavy draught geldings,
aged 3 and 4 r o ,
de Mored. c i ec lively, to 1blr.
and his sudden death is deeply to he 1�
Thos. Bissett; for .;$400, They go to
the other ei(ie. The animals 15 8 fine''
specimens of horse flesh. Mr. D.
111r, Thos. Halls, of Lambeth, is peeps nothtu, btu firs'. class 8"01t%
visiting friends iu this neighborhood. A very successful anniversary' was
Fur a couple of years, past some re held iu the Thames E,ad Presbyieri-
aidents of the village have been roused 'all church on Sunday and Monday
from refreshing slumber in the small 3'185, There was a good crowd pres-
Edacattonnl s rrnoua willibe preach alit to listen to the eI„quent addresses
ed next Sunday morning and evening delivered by the several rev. gentlemen
In the morning by the Rev. J. Veale, present.
of Crediton ; in the eveui,ig by the Mr. Jas. Gillespie, of Ribbert, 1108
itev. Mr. Middleton, of London. Cul received the appointment of secretary -
le t` o
of nf t
0 N. ill ahd sb0 n
b half ofU r e
the ” & sib
e elaoational ihart
fund Fite Insurance Co., o., in the room and
hours of Monday =minas by the stead of Mr. N. J. Clark, who has so
hulloing 'of 1138 village dopa, r,c ably filled' the position for the past ten
tasinnod by homeward bound pede years.
striaus stepping on the loose boards
of the bridge. The ma trim "uia1 fever
has caused the disturbers (If steep to:
spend Sunday eveiilugs at home.
Front an occasional correspondent
Revs. E. Middietou, of London,
and J. Veale, of Crediton, are t sssist
the t)astor, in the Educational :So-
clely's interests, next buu3ny.Rev.
1Ir. Geolgo will preach at Crediton.
The young peons from the Free-
will aupnt.0talon t, numbering 25,
spent a very pl•asent evening at the
parsonage on the 24th February ; and
daring the enure° of the evening pre.
settled Rev. 11[r. Gane ivitti a hand
seine '1 Rochester " i tads? lamp.
Mr. Robert Craig saw a. Robbin last
Sunday. 'Tlhis is the sign of an early
Thomas, Loughlin purchased W. 3.
Moffiat's thoroughbred cow, Lady
Sarah. Price $80.
Jo►'n Loughlin purchased a
thoroughbred three-year-old stallion
from A. McIthal•gv. The pride paid
was $500.
A foot ball match came off here
last Saturday.' between Crediton and
oar club, the Crediton club winning
by two goals. The gatne passed
pleasantly, although' there was Nome
pretty hard bunting.
There was. a dispute on Main
severely injured a few days ago by a street the other day, and some pretty
horse falling ngRUlet him .; he was rough naines .oalled between an annle
badly crashed between the animal and tree agent and a, retiredfarmer. Tile
wall. -Mr. Marehallis reeking re- carie is to appear before 'Squire
orations to rebuild his block recently' c et e•
destroSed byfire.-Young Mr. Mc-
Afarewellsupper was given to T.
Pherson, the other day, woo a $5 Longtlli i and family, by H. Miller
rite at theClinton carnival. as week. very fine eveningwas
spout. Music au dancing were the
principalarnusetuente. ' r. Loughlin
is going to start for Manitoba in a
couple ofweeks.
A n•restling match came off here
the other day between Broran and,
beet three in five. S. Basker-
ville, referee. The stake, were , 25
a side andt.te championship o O.
trans. The ret fall wtts won by'
time twenty minutes. This
seemed to nettle Brown, who threw
11 t ) •,: Sands aroundin [feat shape
dayevening, March 12, there will be [that to the (ne.t,
women the nest.
several interesting races tette three falls- he hold was catch as
cutch can.
Mr. G. Clarke has rented iii+•. Geo.
Grunt's term.
1VIre. Mathews, widow of the late
Mr. J. H. Mathews, will reside in the
village with her father,- lir. James
Gras r,
Mrs. J. S. Grant will spend ttvo or
three weeks visiting her friends
London previous to removing to her
8-e 8 hole' in Toronto.
.Lu consequence of Mr. J. S. Grout
having removed' to T ,rondo, Rev. Mr.
Campbell will in future reside iu the
village at Mr. Ingram',,
Mr. '1'tiointts Fotheringlham's fine
brick dwelling house, on the 8th con.
of BlaushaY•d; was de,troyed by fire
on the evening of the 8rd inst.
The property of Ur. Jas. Ratcliffe,
oout<isting of dwelling house, black-
smith shop, toots, etc.; will be sold by
auction o(1 the 16th inet.
Mr. Ed. Dinsmore and ,Mise Emma
Westmiiu, dangliter of Mr. Isaac
�Yesttnan, were ,tarried on the 25th
ult. Rev. Mr. Stephenson -performed
the ceremony.
GRANT. N l2AREars.-Wheat 80 to
810; eats, 30 to 810 ; peas, 55e.; bar.
ley, 50 to 70c.; bay, $8; potatoes, 75o
per bag flour, $2.25 ; eggs, 14o.;
buster, 14o.
Mr. J. Brooks and Mr.- Parke are
getting the material on the ground for
new dwelling houses. Mr. J. Grant
and Me. L. Pidd also purpose erecting
new houses during the cowing sum
1 p pre -
M F 11 q
Middlesex teacher's aasooia-
AHouse ant Lot to sell or runt. Apply to g p tion was held00 the 8th and 9th inst.
In ooIieoquanee the school children
last A enjoyed ah,)liday. Dr. MoLollan, di.
p C t 3I d 1 rector of institutes, took the leading
Exeter Butcher Shop. '
M L g part in the work of the association.
did h Ott the 28�h nit., Mr. Jas. Thomp•
son's family was increased creased bythe ad-
1' 1 1 d
1 vent of another daughter. A few
b days later Mr. and 'lira. Licero Wal -
Sands, laee rejoiced in the possession of their
B 1l a fir..t born -•a daughter.
'1'I 1 J Ii H •d 1 l '1 f Mi. Wm. Middleton will ea11 his
fi property by 100110+1 on the t.Gtlf. It
Sands, o0usis'(8 :- f hotel property, cows hor-
D 1 Brothers!, d sob, a ,tinge[ of thoroughbred hogs,
Custotneisauppliecl TUESDAYS, THURS.
elo. 'l'be reason assigned is that
DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence
A GRAND 11121. COILING. Ou I'll {, from � 4 the
l fi t 1 piopt•iobO' intands going t+, England.
ORDERS LEFT AT THE SIiOP WILL Itl7 g �, Abont 1010 tveuks ago 1110. J. West-
PROMPT ATTENTION. (1.18-15 heti the misfortune I s love a
place on the L�euettill ice [lair. A five
valuable itotsi..
SV�t i�n ,
mil, ruts between lir. Towns, of 1 t a c tole of
DLMAL day, offr a targe math[ of his
enCri } £1 a iut t t•S s M. tiI rog ' epee s n I�ir1 tot' friends suboribed 11 s(nllt 83111 81011
1 and A. Cools, of Henson. ' `Towne, to --
skate 100 laps while McPherson and .Batter's.- Sa11 sells 11(18 at 5;1;; 150' aucl retnitte' hien, per post, the price
r 7 1A Gook skate 48 Laps each. This ;till barrel ; I,,, excuse for bans„ "too of the horse, X100.`
.JL1�ll.�I� �Il` • bo on interesting race. '1'here will be fresh. -The last Moro issues of the r'II'• j D• S'atlay 1lt been ap_
,1 t;co 1315[1 (L half mild race otton to all, 1'lnrl.e have
reached halo be{Si+8-1 the 1»inted agent ter the; fire i11 urenee
WINTER � � To 01(3. i1cPtlore°il lt,h (l �(j001S ha00811. times. The Clehly CVas unavoidable,OoinpLL 111es formerly I'ep1'eee t'd
s �� -�(1by
A uttti)ber of ether ra0os will „meal, being busy 11) the lob iloliitrl.iue,tt +Ir. 1 . •i1I. Jeruiyrt. toll. Jo;earn
amongst wbiol} one (,1)tWd)E , 1519(1 nod. 1n fntti('e we pl'OmiOO to (1,i better. -E» IVI11t•ray 1e lomat agent fOL'. the Vater -
Ti) by sold out to make 1[30112 boos of Z h soh: All lovers of sport Nolo,' weddings on SVfirUie'I loo iVltl'ltai Lile tlssur£Lnce A:asocia-
fOT-- hhould go and witness the contests, day of last wool(, and one o : 1Vedae i- tint. I3 ,th ars the pt'opet 1)cr Dns
�r day of this week with more to fellow, for Mie 1>o.iti mv.
SPRING .i 1P0I1• CATIuNS 1, Marys. -lir. David Kirk, driiggist, of N
tvi011 until ins wife and sister -in-law, worth ii'iithi5CSet.
1600 yds. Spool Cotton, 25 Cents. `
1 " f 1 g this tv")ek with [0181(1y
Caps Rf)ducoc120 per cont, I:hh altii+,uttce,nont a the (leach its are nlen,liu
Scarfs, Men's ShntalG Drawcra Overcoats. St. Mitt s of John, ton L. Armstrong baro. ---A number of onus • • •
, 5 6 .y ,. petiole, Plie l>)tll)ntutlly l)u,nlul')�1 v�itcrs'
13,1, of Men's E 1Votn(:n s Overshoes, 8.130,
nee 0£(1581(1 1L feeling of intense regret some in double and saws in 4' it I' Y i •
;, t+,_1 1st fol the 1\ori) 1Ltdtu� of lllltldlos£'Y
• 7 .>' 1: -\ \ ' ^1000111' the many friends of: t hthrl101g, Intend stetting > ,
-j i ., yhn , l t11S, for lietnttOb.t has been 199aed 1)y Judge I';llnt the
25 117. Good Rice, dsceissed atld 1115 1,115511y. Ilo Ira+ next ww,'11. - revisio btsfrlstor. The 'n t •
5 0 1 51 00
n• c# 1 I 0.1011
241hs. Baking Sada; 1.00 batt 10 ye Le8 and 3 510,5113, old; and sue Ixttbrara'id Musical C weed shoIVO t111 number of voters
'' . � ei s is mach
20 lbs, )ul)b)u', 1.00 was the youngest of four brothers given bythe Ill"ii3)1 Aid (0 SI. Panl's a "r• ' -
1 11111 IIOIpalltV
14 IbS, 'lhorloy's Cattle Food, 1.00 31)01) of 11Ir. Jnl t)Nt+,n Ariu trcog of Church, 0n f 1 Io night l isle t
y , was a Pati.lulL.:.:..•..,".....,..,...... 1
t3 .T3csxos Eddy's Large 13ns Matches, U.2G 3 ' " 'I , 31
�' ' ,rJt, li til H He wee htt0 [1 (loan. I. LU09f )le,Ltli}n �+ltetlr)ity, liLi evening Aitaa i•
20 yds, Factory Cotton, I. yard wide), 1.00 Y h l n Craig.. ; ..... ; . , : ; . , .. • , :: , . • • . , 131
( eg l 5i0 I t IVO11ro 1) r
(, .cls. Grey: Flannel, :. 1.00
loins, laving u►ntr c 11n ed honorably, v, s faro°, nbli., and as the prow amine st ill.1)nn� , , .. • . ,. , . • . • .. . ; .. 485
rP�c to ttc tc at)d ryas preparing t0 enter thH tniih tvae lttti',ective ...tall �+ Iia tvOil fillet. , 47d
r,8- 1 in 81,11e) 30 Lxeter..,.,:.'; ..;..•..,:,-:......'S;�1
lstry of the Metitnit_t Clitirch PI
veuanus shu,ia tv0u by .hcS•e
Leuiember otic i.2 lbs. tea ni or holds good Ste : Lucati .. , .:... • 211
.luno of the present year, Lu St: tvhoso x)1)10118 appeared 08- tits plc, Iiiddulph..:..;,,.....:..,.:,.....
N1�'VER UNDERSOLD ! M,trye, where ho woe born and where c�lan:up° ware well received bynolo Stepheh.: • „'r;..,,•,;,Yp 3
i o�ThetisO , McClillivray.
7�� ho lived, he was nulvorHall,y beloved, ntl.hnu0... wore, llnivevct, tt , . • . • • I.I4(J
D. VV �,N I�GE, Eirkton f'ot' 1113 nuth8031tl3 tltt(1 £Lsli111111 0 ,timbal 01 felt0;V3 (nialo 1tiltl artist Ci)t11,, •
, 0,233
Butcher & General Dealer
—IN ttt J ICINn3 0P—
6 lbs. Rico, .. 25 Cents
5 lbs, Buckwheat, S.1.1. Flour, 25
1 lb. Cocoa, 2
1 lb. Y.H.Tea, .. 25
1 lir. Good Collo°, .. 25
,i lbs. lurlioy Prunes, 25
3 Gans :Mackerel, .. 25
3 Thick Plugs Chewing or Smoking
Tobacco, 25
Currin Powder, C, 1E 13., - , 20
1 Quart Pickles, .. 20
N. P. Soap... 20
3 lbs. Family Soap. Ili
2 Ears Electric Sono). , . 15
2 Bars Victor Soup, . 15
6 Pickstone's Washing Crystal, 10
Honey Suckle Chon•ing Tobacco, 10
McDonald's Thick Smoking, .. 10
Ti, Gold Seal Cigar, 5
5 Cigars, Pure Spanish Juice), 5
., i ., ,. ., t
Drew's Block, `.South Qtor�e.
Ageut for Dominion pine of 11. M. StCatn-
SAWING MATCH.-Tl10 following is
the time in which the contesting
sawyers i their work in the seosut
sawing match, the tirne given includ-
ing two cuts ofa lard beech log,
measuring about 18 inches in diame-
ter: First Prize-Panl Boa and
rantne , 72second,; Second `prize-
somas Peart and : oggartb,
74 seconds; Third prize -Brown and
Poland, , 84 • seconds; Fourth prize--
8-a op 85 secons,