HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-4, Page 8• INSURANCE, _,CRN QST ELLIOT, AGEWP FOR ' � t S. 111A t.I, c' ) A L L f a,. ,.. -1.,I J.,, mite rt}all P ICtN' •: 14. 1• A Yea Termite also for tilde Pl IA FIItT: eeeeI'Ah'OBGOXPAttY,0t1,,o,xtr1011, 11tiglanc1, the leDTAL CANADIAN, of Montreal, at' d the BMereSR:EMPIRE LIVE A.SSU1tANOlr 0OM- PANI<, of I,oedoil. Tngltied,• estabiiehed 1847, gaol over,er $5,000 )00; clams anti bonuses .%/.1C11,L A' JTVS.-Wes1'tall be happy to re• 4eive at all times, from any pari of the G'ounty, items of local news, such as ac- •c'idelts,or arty interesting incident what ,ever, from any of our subscribers or read - en generally for the purpose of public- ation. Tee °uteric f,Ie.vati,uie.ut prepOSO to radia; able(1 bila to atieeest,ltlll. e i 1(0'4 tklf t s u w r. Y It av t I t t i o f in ]d lo ce z es t us u - Q: .. . , . t1 a sill from t t • .;I l t t 1 s 0 1 b , d. U wee!, tt 1 'I1 v, l l Of grew. r 1 fi, tet W X150; anti in villages from ;EI3Q to �1J0, l } gt' and in towusines from 7 trt 1QO. Mani• anti; vvlien tr,d Bow to larutie trees. � � 1t tto of ulities get pert of the increase, .1•'kie remit, lis were 'rlatilty in ruetlye P is p � r e he first lists ofvete 'Bauder the Dominion and wets well ieeeivetl A(Joni nut tee Electoral Frauehke Act baM1e been iiuteri AO* p vousiatltit of S. Tlta„'"rtrtll, 1,, t {outer and posted p The r 1[ h 4' revision of i ' p t. h 0 » i e 1 ti I ti lel ,' anthl ! till( 'Ilnl ttt Vette on the Oth of April, and all entitled ton a were. Alrpntlt1ea to •eh•et 0 u.•1•- f•il' 1 vote under the Act .should have their names the coming year, a hien tile a•• fel- 1 ,p0 on. 1)tyti • President 6 y H the Exeter owl Ste hell lists wall take lace J I II I i W But, w u, p p t r N 1 1 h t t' fro , s t t i tare, and name of seuder not attached. It i.ltrpoi' ; Vice Ptleside•t,ty ft.i t to eev cannot he inserted ill our columns until the era' tntltricti all it's, r5'ti+phl<rr, S. 11 u- name of cuntriautor is sent to taus, slut for ,arta •iia W Buohatulttrt • Us -1 t* , Hay, , , faith. All please temetuber till:, Even ,,o , .lxe tel, We lave ret51V'( a s ar r'elmenn en ell Fell • Sea Tterr ., tl, i,t 11 eMordie, u Dashwood of a ntue what ro •conal na• publieatiula, but, merely as a mark of good h• rui• TI , Ii • 11 l' reguter currespoudeuts ere required to at, 5ttmw ll ; Strr..ley, 3 -"hi IC1'10 u ; "^--^ tach their names to their loducttons, 'fucker -milli, Joh), Habutih ; Sen - The follwvie item has been going the , g 6 g forth, D, D. Wilson ; f•i v1rrlch town, Yelet .11111'6. rounds of the press for some weeks. It is �- hip, H. Bette in ; hayfield, U i=uP i)g e ReN8ei l1Ir-.-rN R Hunter and Wino n d)i n"t�give their! i,1LIJele, (-time being al,•+elri, nub, re hill hating had limo t, plepruc Mr strange that in several towns the same re- -- makable a table ln'Ea'O G - a 1. a lots occurred • One e 'on 1 ill t last week a young geutteman' of this town called nu a lady friend, and while shak- ing the show off his erer'eoa, in the ball re- TENOENTt� Oerlinefor tirstinserttan, ane harked, "Thi- is a thriving storm, ain't it ?" °Uit CENTS per lino for each subsequent in •rl5 it '' was the instant reply. "Well, if eetion will be (Merged f0 notices appearing you get the rig I'll be ready in a very few this column. minutes." The dapper yotlug man fairly _.,-, _- __. _ ......_ .._---_ .___ ground his teeth for the slip lie had in ide, as LOCAL HAPPE1oll�lOS. rl•I UJSDAY, 111A.11(111 4th, 1886 he wended his way to the livery stable. He F. 0.1larsous, 3Q9} j'ouuee: Street, was eared of a 'ltard, laaoltfug cousin, of 16 mantll'e stauding by the 090 of k'eeteriat. Jr. Parsons says : "My eofftirings were in tense. Tho best Amecicetn. physieiaas failed to eut'e me. After "slog one bottle of Pee- tonin I am in better health than I have en. toyed Mr twe Years,''_, Vectox'i0 will (lure the simplest or 4uost severe cough, Any Drug- giet, 215 cents.. tamale, To kftera ccs, --Acre you distnrbod at eight and brekoa of your restby a Kok child Rtofteriugt, anti oryiug'wiblt J151l of Cutting Tbeth? It n0 send at once au,i get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup"' for Children Teethi g, Its value is incalculable. It will relieve. the poor little suffHrer in00 mistake Deuond pppn i.1, mothers t11aro is no mistake about it Ib euros DVse'ttory anti tical dna, regulates trio S.ontach and Bowels, aures Wind Colic, sotteus bus.fiums,,odnmesdnilwmuration, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. ,"mks. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for ohildrou teething is pleasant to the tanto and le the prescription of one of the oldest sand best 401111dephysieians and nurses in the United States,a id is tor sale by till druggist- through- out the world, Price twenty-ilve cents tt bot- tle. Be sure and ask for ',Mits. WINsLow's SooTHING hrpuP,"'.end take no other kind, t t, Thos. Russell, at 11 t,olicitatiou o the audietlCe. trade 111s me' hod t' feeding cattle, ttWell is a g' and One and was receival gladly by the reports haviug hada good time, however. Mealier fel metThe 1'1) 'eti''g PARtE S'NSLITUIE. .Sheep Raising. The Canadian Journal of Fabrics says:- t 0-'- Canadian farmers may well turn th i1 77 The s' (mid Ineeliu ; of the Soutl al ,•ntion to introducing new breeds of sheed Hn'•on Fa. triers' I 'etitute, It'tLN hill( and improving upon old ones. Some 1 Ie- ill Fansoll's Hall, Exeter, on Tuebday dine.. are reisecl near Galt, the wool of which 'There were a great ultluy farmers au others present, and the miotic throughout was a very interestiu arae, -commands a high price, and for the one, there being n number u purposes of the Canadian manufacturer. is valuable papers read. After opening bei„er than the imported ➢aerie° wool in that it is of a purer white and freer from burrs and dirt. A cross between the Meriteos and the Leicester sheep is recommended to fa mere, as they all ayerage 8 lbs to the fleece, and Ming 3 or 4 cents a pound over other grades, while there will be less shrink- age in wasltiog. a skilful ntauufacturer of knit goods pro- r,t•mices equal to any imported. They aver-. age'7'or 8 lbs. to a fleece of wool, IN' WW1 al - d g f A Supposed Swindle. A farmer iu Usborne, it is supnoced. has beau made the subject of another swindle by a temple of sharpers. Two geutlemen called spun him the other day and asked him to s w a bushel of what they called a new kind • of wheat. Alter some talk on the matter the f 1 wer agreed, thinking, of course, the con- ditions were reasonable enough. Before the gently left they induced the farmer to sa- ted his name to au agreement that be give the wheat a fair chance. The farmer now expects to be called upcn to settle a note in few huudrud dollars. the bank fora Oi course, the affair may turn out ail right, but it looks risky. It is strauge that farmers will persist in signing their names to docu- ments carried by strangers, especially when so many warnings have. been given. We wia. ill future, give the particulars more minutely if, of course, the affair turas out tc ue a swiudla. Carnival. Another successful and enjoyable carnival took place on the Exeter roller rink on Tues• day evening last It was as good as, if not better than any of the former carnivals, the numb.el• of spectators being large, and cos tome skaters very numerous. For all the 'prizes tete competition was keen and the rflee1 were especially exeitiuq. The five•mile race had not been started long before a foul ter called, and after a short discussion be- e een e•eeen the judges and those interested in the Stephen, read a paper on -growing tee it was declared off. The names of the shit rug and feedrna rolls. Me. H' plan is a good one, and was re ceived cheerfully by the audience of farmers. Most interest was manifest •d its the storing of roots and bes m•paus of keeping during winter ; i was fully discussed, and maoy an excellent and valuable idea vas put before the meeting.- Mr Hogarth deserves credit for such a highly elevating paper. The nex paper read was by Mr. Hannah, of Seaforth, on "Creameries", in wbicil be pointed out that by farmer's send ing their milk to creameries, would br- more largely reuumerated than bt keeping it at home or sending it io cheese factories. The diseus•iou ended with the same impression oe the audience. It was a very able paper and the ideas expressed therein were clear and pointed. Next came .1 paper by Mr. W. Buohauan, of Hay, on "Uuderdratning", in which b clearly showed that a dr tin two acid a half feet down was sufficiet iiy deet to drain the average land of thi, section, and that it was more profit- able to use a machine than to dig by hand- Dlecusslou on the matte amounted to about the same, the majority agreeing with Mr. Buchan Lan. The paper was ,an instructive one, Mr. Ales. Duncan, not beirll' present itt the forenorin session, read hie paper following Mr. Buchan an, subject : "Grain Growing and Stook R•iieing", dealing minutely ,,ick, both branohee. He pointed outtha the produo,e from a certain amount OI land was sufficient to en-tain a beast for one year. For ius once, an acre of corn or rye would suffice. lie ale,, dealt on the benefits of stook raising, showing that by feeding but twice a stay was sufficient, and that cattle would thrive well on that ;; say straw morning and hay at night. The die mission on this paper was interesting, aud a great many held Mr. Duncan's views, while, of Course, others did nut, but very similar one The paper was an instructive one, and many of the farmers p res nEt nu doubt, uleaied some valuable information from it. The aftet noon modem clos- ed td- resume at 7:80, Evening see. A ceW belonging to Mt. Jas. Ramsay, of tionopetled, and the first paper read Exeter ' North, on ruesclay evening' gave wire' a veryloo and i• 141 eatin One • to twin salves both heifers; The are filth ,. y h' Mr. Show tai llamlt ou nt r bine well:and are likely ter, y r p 9 week whilo tlr, Charles parfflg cattle for shipping put.pnees, CSpe'': day 'Hist inls wag choppingsome kindling, a pieoo dealingieselileively on the 01480 to use , - ,. , .. r 1 . . _ u antistrdckbetain the eyo, injuring. for slid ping. The tt tr CO SO re 1 1 1 � p }` '=Iieei4tely. He stilt keeps it under covet'. lett that but little discus»ion ensuod r p. ,, :: Oka a af1~1;11ts+of Hebrunry 28th for ,, •e. ar tx other Uiau a few nestions beiti r tit. ' 11 pitrgtfhar post-otlicO did not recoil' their rite {i� It 6 p • -51 ,otib- to ir1:•. S t bill of Wllitill were'abl .itud A n,atxun, 8o we ere lamented by cut std s, • • taro teem. The'papers swere despeiehed from satisfadot iryt auewered. Mr, Iohn l bra ,Exeter °Moe, awl the would like to know Allmon, of U6bo se'y made a few ire - .IF h vo oaae We intsgktio all . hero tlio,y' t1 g marks on fttltE growing. Mr. Al. 1. i� g ,lb106.01l t t e s u ltec a ,r v op s[t ibc1aIl ...,. license eXperletlOe in thlb;brahtlitewe rho meotP g in the usual way, th first paper read was by 11Ir. S. Smillie Heu•all, on "Breeding of Olyd'esdal, Horses". This paper i' as of au instruotive na111re, a,,rl de tit minutely with the bleeding of this clans f horses, anti threw out some new and uovel method( ; it also called forth considerable di -cession, in which Inru,y stood and valtietle ideas wet 0 xcll'tl;gePl. 'I.'ho 11ext paper read was by i1•lr. T. Straw, of Iiauliltou, o • "Robbing the Laud", from which es say eousiderablo inferm°tiun was t leitu sd. This, too, elicited oousider- sbte diFettstion, and Wie flower of the arguments advanced did much by tvay of giving those present a clear idem of the best and mist profitable meal,.. of working the Iaud. This couclatle,i the morning session. Shortly aft' -t• dinner the afteraoou session opened and the fi fit payer read was one It, 1Ir. Kotohen, nt Stanley, on "Feediu, Stool",t Mr. K'. excellent paper was receited with great applause ; it dealt free", on the feeding of cattle and horses, and some of the suggestion - 'were nt ulnoh value to the brother farmers. Disoussi an on this subj 'c was very interesting, as those pre en1 inauifested great iuteteet in the sub ,Peet. Dir. Ka paper will be of mach value to those interested in stool: rats i'Iu and feeding. Mr. S. II tgrtt'tlt, ' f size-wiriners are : For gent's comic cos - nem, John Veil ; Ladies' character cos- ime, lst Edith Gould ; 2nd L. Oke ; Girh' esti race, 1st. P. Bawden, 2nid, A. Davis ; .Born' race, 1st. A. Clack ; 2nd A. Spicer ; Bachelors' and married men's ranee, 1st A. Shetsa,2od, Dr. Sweet; Lady and Gents' greedmt skating, lst D. and Mae Susie Tait, '`duct, S. Veil and Miss Charlotte Eaerett. Three-legged race, 1st, J. Davis and George Recited; 2ucl, Chas MCDonell and John Elliot. 1rireveties Can arrangements not be made to have a 24th of May celebration in Exeter this year ? .vir. John Gillespie has purchased a pair of new 'bus horses. They are fine span. Phew is a case of scarlet fever in town. but it is not a serious one. Union revival services will be held in the Main -street Methodist Church next week. Mr. E. Spicer has purchased the old Fish- burn property from Mr Westell for a reason- able sum. The frost in the ground at the present sea- son is of considerable depth, in fact, roots in pits have in many cases suffered severely. A smart and intelligent lad wanted to learn the printing. Apply at once at this office. Some valuable prizes were given at the carnival on Tuesday evg. There was a very large crowd 1' resent. Complain no more about shirtings nor washing, bat go to Banton Bros.. and get fast colors. There are a great many horses in this vi- cinity troubled with a sort of sore throat, which causes a severe cough. Will. Foltand slipped on the icy sidewalk the other day and sprained his wrist so bad- ly thathe is rumble to work. Mr. T. Dearing intends erecting alar e Inuit block on tiaain-street, un the corner of Carling's property. Just received at Spackman Bros., ten tons of celebrated Montreal nails, to be sold at the' very lowest rates. Call on than, Several horse buyers have been here dur- ing the past week. They purchased several fine equines. A good many farmers and others were in attendance•at the Farmers' Institute held en Tuesday - rhe weather here during the past few days has been Severely cold, the thermometer registering from 15 to 18 degrees below (rend. The annual missionary meeting will be held in the Main -street. Methodist Church shortly. A missionary front Manitoba wilt addreee the meeting. Day Books, ; Jeannie, Ledgers and all kinds of blank books, also full line of stat- tiouaiy at Central also Store. C. Lan, p1 ro arkaioa. Oile day (ass week, while Mr, John Gould's team Were working arohnd the trill yard one =of thein was slightly injured on the leg, but it is uourly ail right again. throughout etas a grand 'nC0e85, end p�ofitable to "111 ek, I'ettet11. '1'Itese institutes oue h1 to be mitre largely a'tetided, as a Vast tt111 rant of valu- able iufurllliltioil c in be gleaned. Ur. H .1. Ilewhius of El1ty, pun• 011.8 .d la -t d'r"k, • ft ern NIr. J .1)11 O'lwell of Tucker'mith, au entire colt 18 m wits old for the haI,dsl 1e -u.n •1f $30t). 11 r'. 1I. inteitrts taping him to Iowa in a few we -b'. '1'h•' animal is a very fine One weigl1i g already 1400 ibs. Tile i"roprieor of the National Hotel, at St Marys, states That the fire which ncenrred hn the premises ,t few days fig", was confined to the stable, and that the hotet itself is still intact and in °ampler° running order for the nec'inm"dat.i n of guest.'. Dl r's. Jane Gray, formerly .,f Leu - don West, was brought, from Mitchell nu Monday night, by Detective Schram, ora eharge of abduction the 12 yenta old Non of Job" C"liin_. She vas tried before Squire J B Smyth, 1nim morning, and acquittal on pny- tnena of the OONts, velli h e"m"itted t,, the modest sum of $28.60. Andrew ISsefe, of l3nldtl pb, who was charged with fOrgery and taitan to Branford, lime been released, and returued home on Monday night. It i' ntalerstord that. \Ir•. Keel•e's friends interceded wi II Mr. F'ir, and sae-• ceeded in effec'luef err'lnrgemente for hie release. Keefe denies ever having seen the note iii q•restinn. SALE REGISTER. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 101:11.- Farm stock, the . property of Benj. Sheppard, lot 4, con. 18, McGillivray, sale at one o'cioek. Henry Either, Anct. tlggs MARRIED. CONSUMPTION CURED: Au old phvsioian, ret rod from prltetlee, haw• ins hall 1)160ed10 his hands ny. en Platt Indian m,ssiOnary the formula of a simele vegetable remedy for the speed v and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Oatarrb, Asthma, and Il throat and lung tiffeotions, elle° a posi- tive aue radical cure for NbryousDebility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of closes, has felt it his duty to mike it known to hie suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send lreeof (Marge, to all who desire it this reciuo, in Gernitte,Frenoh or English, with tull directions for lirt,psriegand using, Hent by mail „y tideless .ngwith stamp, naming this lP a 1J c r, W. A . N ovEs,149 Power's Block, Rc clrester, . Y. V11'Ali 1?.W0111141 E. Itis just as essential that the beaten body sbould have pure tblood its that nti tree of n t .lett la r- pleat a s Gold have flitp to nutu•isia anti l i vigorete its.growll. Nearly all our bodtty ills rise fr uul • I ' o at 04n i s a' O Ill m t, Gl bud d t I 13. h. 3 Blood Bitters purifies this fonntaiiz of life and regulate s all the vital Pals o b metals t 1'helilthy aetula. Pereneelamitteeareretereeerpeece 1'RU1?li11Tlf Lisrr, Olt BALK;, --.A FIRST .. 1 ULA.S,,S:, le Fella 'i comity f t } ley o,f Itltrou Qu the boh- dot Road between. dxetor iu,ti Ctiiitois elose to railwayst,t lion 1ebellt 98 acres ; 50 lea oa e al of ioiwell turutslled 2 story S nick Devellieg and farm buildings. Two orchards and ear - den, Fall ploughiligo11 de04(115 homeraf gar- den, wheet sown, Apply to a,v.FlefdaT, Solicitor, t71(ebex,• 1st Feby,,1880. rflARM FOR SAL[ .-Tile" t.ite. scriber otfore for silo the north, half of to 30,0031 13, Voweship of Plait Waweneee, County of Huron, nontatutug 100 eaves ; well ,a fenced; a good stream of water from a g aever- [`yEALED TENDERS marked ,eF, r 5ffra0uiliitietnmtrpsatneaerernind niceetoblyanusknegeUrderdohaawnloo,gf bbeaomo o „ bush• Frioe• 0. tiv •third •ash. loss ►J Motii Iod Polioo of '84,00 , . o ds 4 ussio a Cl bias Suppltms,. and u addressed to �ho felon, the Presddeut of the given any tilno. Apply to ,l. Stewart, eattle- Privy Council,. Ottawa, will be received up to buyol•, ,r"iugham, ort) J. Matheson, flay C. 4. 110011, Thnrecdoy, lSth 1n•Atroh 1886, r . ••.- Printed forms of tender, aouteining full in- formation es to the a rticlos and qui ntities re aired maybe had on application q to the un- dersigned• No tender will be received unless made on tutor will out you in the way of ,halting tntore may .,e seen at the oftlee of the undersigned, moray at once, than �tu,ytniug oleo in Arne rile Each tender must be accompanied by a aa 130th sexes of all ages (reit live at home and nadian bank cheque for an amount ogeal to tvorlt%u sutttotime, or all the Limo t aliitad tau per ceut. of the total value of the arttoles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party making the tender declines to enter int° a contract when (relied upon to do 40, or it he fails to complete the se rvico contracted for. if the tender is nos accepted the cneque will be returned. No payment will be made to newspapers in sorting reds advertisement without authority /laving arst been obtained• FRED WII1TE, Coto ttt,oller, N. W.M. Police, O1 awa,February 24th, 1886 611 •Send`10 .ate postage and erevrll send you free a royal, yaluaule sans/404a 'x of goods such printed forms, Patteetts of all ateielee • 0rs3i , I;{n L t4 .h lij ? s e . win 1)e mat,• 11 Nil E to all nrplla.uuts, and to M110uuren1 4119e year without ordering It. 111 counting about 120 pages. Jo llluitrutious, prices, nwlurent tlesorilrttens and valuable . Preetions far p planting all varieties of VEGETABLE nut ELtr\i tilt BN Lnifs l3Ul.r1s, stn. Iuvulaabin so all, espaiiully to Market Gardeners. Send for it,• 0.11. rU11ro5V •8! fill Windsor, Ontario. y 1 II1l 1 1415 Clod.) Detroit. Michigan, LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE It'Y. -, GOING VoOTH, ]rxpross. Hail Freight London. depart .,.7 55 Aar 4 50 P, M. 6 05 A.M, Exeter 9 13 0 08 9 333 Hensen ...... ....... .. 9 54 0 23 10 Kippen5) 59 0 59 20 Bre -afield 9 30 0 38 10 35 Clinton 9 55 7 05 11 30 23„ Proud� esUoro 1C 11 7 1_ t0 Blyth 10 20 7 55 12 00 P az JJelgrave ..•........10 5350 78 05 1 47 12 20 20 0 Wiugham arrive 1p GOING, SOIITH, Express Mail. Freight 3 10 leer. 10 20,A.at " 30 11 23 3 46 11 47 W inghatu, depart 7 20 Aar Belgrave 7 38 Blytu 7 54 onutsboro ....... 8 02 3 55 12 110 (1111,5011(1111,5011L 8 25 4 16 12 40 Brucofleld 8 42 4 35 1 10 Bi pp en 8 51 4 43 1 25 Ken all ....... 8 .58 4 48 1 40 Exeter ....... 9 113 4 59 2 35 London arrir e]0 30 6 00 5 30 AIONSTIVEIGIS MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected ,tt5o'clock pan. Wednesday. WALL WHEAT waits Nuee dal rife eerie) Juts Clover Soo:] !'Timothy Peas Corn CHING-MCCsLLIIlt.-Oa the 17tH alt•, at the Methodist parsonage, St, Marys, by the Rev. W. C. Henderson, 1MI. A., Mr. Wm Chiug, to Miss Charlotte' Matilda McCallum, both of the Township of Hay, County of Huron. DIED. EL wxsnew.-ln Seafort.h, on the 24th ult., Harry Roy, infant son of Mr. William Hawkshew, aged 1 year and 12 months. CA3trnrLL.-Iu13lanshard, on the 20th ult., Mr. Archibald Celli. Campbell, son of Capt. Campbell, aged 27 years and 3 months Electoral Franchise Act 16815. NORTH RIDING -or THE- • COUNTY OF 1VIIDDLESEX D, Notice by Revising Officer of Preliminary Re- vision of First .List of Voters. (See Sections 17 and 18.) Tne Revising Officer for the Electoral Dis- trict of the North Riding of rho County of Middlesex, in the Province of Ontario, appoint- ed under the "Electoral Franchise Act," hereby gives notice that ho has completed and pub- lished in the manner directed by the said Act. the first general list of voters for the said elec. tonal district, and that be will bol th e'follo - ing sittings uursnint to the said Act, for the preliminary revision of the sold list, namely : AT PARLIifliL,on Thursday, sth Aprihl886, at 10 a. m,,, for East and West Williams, Park- hill and Ailsa Craig. . AT EXET..R, on Friday, 0th April, at le a. m., for Exeter and Stephen, AT LUOAN, on Saturday, 10th Apri, at 10 a, me for Biddulph, McGillivray and Leman. Any person objecting to any name on the said list may at any time before the said days. and any pennon desiring to add any name thereto, or desiring otherwise to amehd the same, may, at least one week before the re- spective days SO fixed as aforesaid for iamb preliminary revision, deliver to the 'said Re- vising Officer, or mail to the Dare of T A„May. burry„Revising Clerk, Parkhill, a notice in writing In the forret for that purpose contained it the schedule 16 the said Aot, ae' nearly as may be, Betting forth tee name or names objected to, mid the grounds o8 ohJoo• tion, or the nam() Of ' as es sproposed to be adde9 to the list, with th grounds therefor, r a and rest. fi rid an � particulars of the u inn d a.ic1 q p o; a propole 1 s ar p r hose name donco of the Pao sous w p ed to bo added, or the particudaes of any othoi , nrtrposedanrencimentt, ,and the grounris, there,. for: and every titter notice must be signed by the person giving notice and:; must ret tooth his ies`detee, ectepettoh, lied poet ofl'iee ad•`. r 0 getting pp r d nthe event ofthd oa ns tics ob ebbin to the 'na nep 6! anycPere n al' roads ori Inn lise,the,,yyo,soh enobjoting must also deliver to or mail to the hist knuyen ad - Mess or thearson Wilmer name it objected to, 1a time (ss ottOr, and at the Ranee iS registered1 , . r leer co tub notice ie given to the revisiKl;off r a py hf the notice given, 16 will be beeesssry for those parsons who have alretrdy'sont iii .the r, Spplieatibn,e to be placed on °the voters'Lrst, 56 attend at the, them and. Wader( e.bove tnentidned, eie that softie One shonld de, SO oft their behalf. bated at Londe"' this era [day of Sf atelts' i. b. 1880. 'Call TJIAltti tri" `f111Yi1 ItoiiflNiiis f1id(1aexi9tridt fttebn teethe 1015I80 WHEAT Butte) . .., Flourperbbl. Potatoos,por bag rlpples,perbag 3riede.ppleopr b Goeee per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per pr Chickens per pr Fogs;dressedperloe Reef Fiidesrouhg, ... dressed . Sheepskins once Caltakine Wool per Ib onion eper rbuee .•• Woodper cord ••• HENSALL MARKETS Fall Wheat per bh ... .., 3 goring " Barley (b' ieht) Barley (feeding) ... White Oats, ... Black Oats Apples per bbl. otatoes Der bh 078 to 079 O76to077 070 to 071 050 to 070 0 30 to 0 30 600 co 650 150 to 255 0 55 to 0 57 1159 to 061 0 13 to 0 13 13 to 0 15 500 Co 555 060 to 060 040 to 050 004 to 000 006 to 006 006 to 008 040 to 060 025 to 040 525 to 550 500 to600 500 to 600 0 00 to 7 00 050 to C57 050 to 070 0 17 to 0 18 800 to 9 00 050 to 075 250 to 3 oo 080 to 083 05uto080 055 too 70 040 to 046 028 to 05( ... 03ito038 ,.. 100to101) .• 0 55 to 9 70 WANTED -LADIES to work for tat. at their own homes. $7 to $10 per week can be quietly made. . No photo. painting ; no canvassing. For full particulars, please address. at once, Crescent Art Co. Boston, mass., Box 5170. wA.NTICD-Ladies and gentlemen in city or country to take light work at their own homes. 83 to 1194 a day can be easily made ; work sent by mail ; no canvassing, We have good demand for our work and furnish ate rely employment. Address, with stamp COWG COIMIPANY,294,Vine St., Cincinnati, N M'lf' Ohio. Welland Canal EnI m r C n a gent NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CEALED TENDERS addressed to the under - r.7 signed and endorsed "fender for the Wel- land Canal," wirl be received at ,his office from meet anies!, skilled, practical contractorsuntil the arrival of the Eastern and Western nails on TUESDAY, the el t NTII day of MARCH next, for raising the walls of rho locks, weirs, &c , and increasing the height of the banks of that part of the Welland Canal between Port Dal. home and Thoreld. The works throegghoutwill be let in sections, A map' showing the different Pie oes, together With plans and descriptive apo iicateions, can be seen atthle o,lice,on rind'aftt, Tees day the 23rd February instant, where printed forms of tenderean be obtained. A aka Maas of inform- anon relative to the weeks Will be supplied at the Re sitdent Enklneer's Office, Thorold. Parties: tendering are requested to examine the locality and bear in mind tnat the season and circumstances under • which the works have to be done render semen( them of aif•ex- oelltional nature, fenders will not be considered unless made strictly fna000rdanoe witkierrintbd forme, and in the ease of armee a*dept there are attached the tactual sigu titres, rho nature of the occur pstioh, and Wee() of residence of each member deposit of the some; and fdrrher, a bank p osit recei pt for elle Slim of Tee() ; Ted/Wend .Ddtlars or more-- Accentng £a the extent of the work oh the sec, tion -must aecomuany the respective tenders, Which sd•n shall be forfeited` if the party ten- deringgeelinotl entering into contract for the works at the rates orpricea stated in the offer 9ubreitted, '1.Ihe atrlouut entitled, in each caller Will be stated to the Poiret of touder: The doliOsit raeeipts thus tont fn *tithe re• stunted to the respective parties whole tendons aro net aeeopted.,, This Impartment dons net, hoWeeler, bind arty tender. ftselftoacr'sopttholotvostOi v Ply Odor, Seorotty. Denmantent(Atelier/aye anis Canalb, Ctttttva, 170 1 ebvlfary,1885 I notrequirud, We will rftsrt you. Immense pay sure for those who start at once. Smiisox 5 Co , Portitnd Maine R, WOODRUFF, permanently located in No 185 Deeetee Avenue, trenio.t,a few doors east of Poet Otfiee, Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, aa • l the pres- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, an - Petted hearing, told discharges from the ear; diseases of the Throrit, etirotlic inflammation being a frequent 010srt of deafness; diseases et the Nose, catarrh being a eolnmou o 080 of ISAAC CARLING'S GENERAL STORE Exeter, Ontario. GROCERIES, DRY -GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES AND QENERAL- -1VJERCllANDISE Our Goods and Groceries are warranted of the st Qual- ity and Latest Styles. Families in the village and surround- ing country can rely on Goocl Value for their money. Articles delivered promptly at your hones, in the Village, if desired. A Trial Respectfully Solicited ISAAC CARLIN GENERAL STOR E i gn t,1,.,aTel -AND- " HELLO LLO " FOR CHRISTMAS ! AND DON'T YOU FORGET That G. A HYNDMAN has a Fresh Stock of Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Teas, Coffees, Pipes, Tobaccos, Biscuits, Confectionery. tt iou These Goods are All Select and Fresh for the X -Mas Trade. ' Don't forget to give us a call.before buying. Oysters in Every Style. . G. A. HYNDMAN , Faneon's Block. Goods delivered at ohoo. i.[ WANTEff.2oo O QUICK!! About TWO HUNDRED good customers at, the NEW CARRIAGE SHOP, Exeter. The undersigned begs to intimate to the resrdPnts Exeter and surroundingfitted y o>; country; that he has f [ted uP for Carriage Making in r� Purposes The buildings lying immediated : oath of . 'R RS ONS r g MR. IjA SUNS Blacksmith Shop, :1I111n-st. 'alas bawl." " Stocksd the srtM'o withsurtable material for t1 construction tructlon df 'Carriage and Sleigh work,share g we theretnlE, .,c,,I.r✓lt. a liberal s]�,rtre btYour es- teemed patronage. Repairing promptly and properly done at S ,tisfactor - :Prices, Y Ulli,. tl ill. JtF r r�1YJidi .viii N. 13.x- ecia , r � l votes to the Lively ��'�t�� rtttc�" �rayites b2cying �c quantities.