Clinton News-Record, 1975-02-13, Page 11Fire last Thursday morning caused between $75,000 and
$100,000 to a barn near Highway 8, two miles west of Clinton..
The barn, along with its contents was lost in the blaze and
the Ontario Fire Marshal's office thinks that the fire may
have been deliberately set. Two of the destroyed bulldozers
can be seen in the rubble. (News -Record photo)
Highlights from Queensway
Among the visitors this past On Thursday afternoon,
week at the Queensway Unit IV of Hensall UCW met
Nursing Home were Mrs. in the Fellowship Hall of the
Vera 'B. McDonald of Exeter Church with 18 members.
who visited with her husband Mrs. Jessie McAllister
Roy; Mr_ . and Mrs. Keith presided and opened the
Leonard of Willowdale who meeting with "A christian
visited with Mrs. - Feather- thought for February" taken
ston; Rose Pyke of Hensall ' from the Upper Room.
who visited with Mrs. W. Several cards were signed by
Dilling. Also visiting their all members to be sent to the
wives were Wilbert Dilling, shut ins.
Roy Parlmer and Milton The devotional was given
Lavery, and - Sam Rannie by Elizabeth Riley and was
visited with his sister, Mrs. entitled "Kindness". Kind -
Harris. ness is the golden cord that
Monday afternoon, the holds the world together.
Kippen UCW group en- Hymns were sung ac-
• tertained some of the companied on the piano by
residents by playing bingo. Dorothy Mickle. Hazel Love
Mary Broadfoot played the read an article on modern
piano and -led in a sing -song to' Israel, and conditions in the
complete the afternoon. Holy Land bringing Israel
Rev. Harold Snell of Exeter closer to us and the offering
United Church provided the was received by the hostess,
residents with a Church Madeline Harburn, and
service on Thursday af- dedicated with prayer.
ternoon, . with Mrs. Snell The study on "Our
accompanying on the piano. changing role in mission"
After the service, Mr. Snell was given by Grace Peck.
played several selections on -This was an article written by
his violin, again accompanied Dr. A.C. Forest, editor and
by his wife. publisher of the United
Remember Valentines Day Church Observer.
on February 14, and don't It was reported that 73 calls
forget your friends and loved had been made on the sick na
worship in Hensall United
Church on Sunday morning.
The Choir sang the anthem
"Charity", with Belva Fuss
taking the solo part, ac-
companied on . the organ by
Mrs. Turkheim.
Mrs. Carl Payne and Mrs.
Peter Bisback attended the
Senior Leaders Training
School "Baked in a pie" at
Clinton for two days of last
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins,
Kitchener spent the weekend
with the latters mother, Mrs.
Laird Mickle.
Mrs. Ross MacMillan,
Waterloo, and Charles
Mickle, Hamilton were recent
visitors with their mother,
Mrs. Laird Mickle.
A very good crowd turned
out to the Hensall arena on
Saturday evening for the
reception of Robert and Joyce
(Webber) Vanstone. The
presentation was made by
Tom. Merrigon and the
Heywood Brothers from
Exeter provided the dance
and shut ins and it was
decided to leave the quilting
4-H resumes again until March. The World Day
of Prayer will be observed in
The first meeting of Hensall the United Church on Friday,
1 4-H club was held Monday March 7 at 3 p.m. with Rev. J.
evening at the home of Mrs. Reddock of Bayfield to be the
Bill Fuss. The meeting guest speaker.
opened with the pledge On Sunday, February 23,
followed by the roll call "Why the UCW will have charge of
did you join 4-H?", which was the Church service when the
answered by 15 members. gUest speaker will be Rev.
An election of officers was Anne Langford. The Huron
held. They are: president, Presbyterial is to be held at
Cheryl Fuss; secretary, Listowel Trinity United
Brenda Pepper; treasurer, Church on February 26. South
Sandra Nixon; press Huron has arranged for a bus
reporter, Jahet Bilke. It was- leaving Exeter at 8:30 and
decided to hold the club will stop in Hensall. Contact
meeting on Monday evening. either Jessie of Shirley
The girls were asked to think McAllister by February 18 if
about a club name for next you wish to go, and bring a
week, "Planning the war -boxed lunch.
drobe ' was discussed. Pfter the closing of the
made and patterns were of friendship.
�scussed and the next
meeting will be February 17
at 7 .p.m. at Mrs. Fuss's
house,, Mrs. Bill Fuss is the Rev. Don Beck preached on
leader of this club, and her the sermon topic "The fear of
assistants are Janis Bisbck being alone" at the service of
and Cathy Puss.
United Church Notes •
The International Meeting
of Kippen East W.I. will be
held on Feb. 19 at 2 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Dave Triebner.
The roll call will be, "An
interesting item I read in a
newspaper or magazine
about another W.I." Mrs. J.
Sinclair will give the motto,
Mrs. Hummel, a contest and
Mrs. Pullman, a poem.
Members are asked to
bring a crochet hook, broom
stick etc. for the craft
workshop, and also to wear
something from another
country. Mrs. R. Broadfoot is
ciaprrom NEW
Ability Fund richer by X1,762
The Marching Mothers',
who canvassed the area last
week for the Ability Fund,
collected $1,762 at press time,
compared to $1,698 last 4rear.
Several organizations have
yet to be heard from ac-
cerding to chairman Janeen
Clynick of Clinton.
In • Bayfield, $11.95 was
collected by the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Brownies, in
Sumn.erhill ladies
charge of president Mary Ann
Yates while canvassers
under the direction of -Jane
Wildfong collected $50.60 in
Dora Heard and her crew
picked up $32 in Holmesville,.
Beatrice Taylor headed the
Varna collectors who brought
in $4.6.60, and Nancy Allen
and her help collected $83.10
in Londesboro.
Jean Vodden was hostess
for the February meeting of
the Summerhill Ladies Club.
.Phyllis Tyndall opened the
meeting with a reading
"Reciprocation" and roll call
was answered by 18 mem-
The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and ap-
proved. Lorna Ellis gave the
treasurer's report and thank-
- you notes were received from
Margaret Good and Edith
Sue Vodden and Phyllis
Tyndall volunteered to go to
hear the Hon. F. S. Miller,
Minister of Health speak on
the Mustard Report on
we get letters
Dear Editor:
This poem, from the
imagined point of view of an
unborn abortion victim, was
published on the cover of
THE TABLET, in Dunedine,
New Zealand. Editor John
Kennedy reports it evoked a
"tremendous response"
particularly from young
readers. He said the poem
will be set to music when a
song writer has been com-
Ballad of the Unborn
My shining feet will never run
On early morning lawn;
My feet were crushed before
they had
A chance to greet the dawn.
My fingers now will never
My race was done before I
The smallest steps to take.
My growing height will never
Recorded on the wall;
My growth was stopped when
I was still
Unseen and very small.
My lips and tongue will never
The good fruits of the earth ;
For I myself was judged to be
, A fruit of little worth.
My eyes will never scan the
e to rural mailman
By Robert E. Hulley
The services to the rural area
Make life so smooth and sure.
The milkman, to the dairy,
If the weather, be good or poor.
The bread man, with his happy
The fu man, never fails
As drive the country, mile
by mile
In rain, and sleet, and hail.
These service men, you get to
know '
As you meet them, day to day.
But, there is one more, that is
on the go .
You'd miss him, if he went
in charge of luncn.
Mrs. Vivian Cooper is
convalescing 'at her home
following surgery in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
A number of ladies of Unit 2
of the U.C.W. of St. Andrew's
Church, Kippen, entertained
some of the residents at
Queensway Nursing Home
last Monday. Mrs. Ross
Broadfoot entertained on the
piano and led the sing -song..
Mr. and Mrs. Alex
McGregor, and Mr. and Mrs.
E. Hugill, Clinton, are
holidaying in.Florida.
Unless you use both hands.
The post leans way out,
towards the ditch
Just reach it if you can.
The box is filled, with starlings
Now look up at your home.
How smooth and tidy, with lit-
tle mess
Did you hear that mail man
club meets
February 7 at Goderich.
The Hall Board card party
will be held February 13 and
the March meeting will be at
Sandra Westerhout's home.
Roll call is to be ansered by
an Irish Joke or verse.
The program and lunch
committee for March are.
Marg. Good, Donna Gibbings
and Barb. Lovett.
Laura Forbes entertained
with Highlights from the
Almanac and Verna and
Vera Gibbings conducted
The meeting closed with the
Queen and Grace and lunch
was served.
For my high -flying kite;
For when still blind,
destroyed where they
In the black womb of night. -
I'll never stand upon a hill
_.Spring's winds in my hair,
Aborted winds of thought
closed in
Onl motherhood's despair.
I'll never walk the shores of
Or know the tides of time;
For I was coming but
For that my only crime.
Nameless am I, a grain of
One of the countless dead,
But the deed that made me
ashen grey
Floats on seas of red.
-Fay Clayton
LLe2A,„,,,AiApaigtVags,ift;,.' r u FAL
In his banged up, little car.
Do you ever, really give a darn?
How good, his conditions are.
You never get to meet him
Or your face would sure be red.
With the condition of your
mailbox, being more than sin
Yet, not a word, is said.
The•�mail box door, just will not
The snow plow sweeps the road
so clean
The conditions are the best.
Now where does all that wet
snow lean?
Against the post, you bet.
See, there comes, the rural
With red flag on his car, to
r 16l :;..ww :Ker! tas'°0,1::grr.,urtuctil
But he'll have to be, a super-
Sincerely yours,
Bert Greidanas,
Edna Jeffrey and her girls
collected $122,19 (double last
year's) at Vanastra-and
Mabel Middleton brpught in
$126.70 from part of Goderich
Area school children as
well as several clubs and
organizations helped in the
The committee from the
IODE set up, the canvass.
They were: chairman Janeen
Clynick; recruiting, Kay'
Hanley and Coleen Phillips;
finance, Beverly Wllliscraft;
publicity, Lina Cochrane;
and supplies, Jo Merriman
and Kelly -Ball.
The town -captains were
Phyllis Nicholson, Helen
Aiken, Phyllis Harland,
Karen Scruton, Marion. Peck,
Joan Bell, and Clare Dixon.
Tom Whyte, Clayton, Gary
and Fred McClure have
returned home recently from
a three week holiday in the
states, visiting Texas,
Arizona, to California then
home by the northern states.
On their travels they visited
Grand Canyon, Red Wood
National Park and
Yellowstone National Park.
They were accompanied by
Steve Sholldice of Lon-
desboro, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Graeme Sholldice who is in
the Armed ' Forces. He-- left
them after the second week
and. went to Calgary to visit
friends then to his R.A.F.
many other countries where Base at Edmonton.
prices have doubled and Mr. and Mrs. Sam McClure
tripled in recent months. For ,and family visited on Sunday
many poor people the price of with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Floyd
a single meal now exceed~ a of RR 2, Seaforth.,
day's income." Miss Margie Whyte of
This condition is a striking Guelph spent the weekend
fulfillment of Bible with her mother, Mrs. W.L.
prophecies regarding our Whyte, Tom, Bill and Mr.
time, one of, which foretold:. Harold Whyte.
"A whole day's wage for a
quart of flour, a whole day's
wage for three quarts of
barley meal!" (Rev.6:6
NEB) High prices, food
shortages, disease epidemics,
world wars and other un-
precedented troubles in our
generation were prophesied
to result from the ride of the
'horsemen of the apocalypse',
all identifying our times as
the foretold "last days"
(Revelation chapter 6; 2
Timothy 3:1-5)
While human observers can
only guess at the future, there
is a truly reliable source of
Dear Editor: information as.. to what the
To the man who drives the near Muck holds. That guide
snow plow on Hullett Con -
to the future is God's Word,
cession 8-9: the Bible. Its prophecies for
Hello! our day have been strikingly
We don't know you, but accurate; so will its
we've followed you in our prophecies about the future.
car, or truck. You rumble Sincerely yours,
along in your great machine C. F. Barney,
— a- permanent fixture on Clintszn_.,
Several friends and
relatives from the area at-
tended the Storey -Eckert
wedding reception on Friday
evening in the Brodhagen
Mrs. Barry Powley, Jason
and Jonathan, and Mrs.
Leslie O'Gorman and Shelagh
returned home on Thursday
to Ottawa from the week's
visit with the John Thompson
county roads in winter
weather. No matter how
rough that weather or how
much it has snowed, you're
still there; like a huge knife
spreading so much peanut
We know you're just doing
your job, and sometimes you
get discouraged, sick and
tired of it, and I don't
imagine all that cold and
snow at three or four in the
morning turns you on either;
but we appreciate you being
there. You may be one of
those people whose services
are taken for granted 'by
many, but we dgpend on you,
and you do a good job.
My husband drives a good
distance to work, and to look
out of the window at 7 a.m.
and see your reassuring bulk
out there clearing .the way
makes me feel he'll reach
his destination more quickly,
safely with men like you on
the job.
:So keep up the good work,
r lar eve�gb
we may not say so o en,
you're needed and ap-
To get near the box, for snow. preciated.
. Everything would cer-
Someday there may be a better ,tainly slow down without
way, you. '
To , deliver mail, to country Best of luck always,
folk. A Hullett resident.
'Til then, let's vote him a raise .
n pay,
For his conditions, are sure no
Stephen gets park
The Honourable 'Leo
Bernier, Minister of Natural
Resources, announces the
approval of a provincial
grant of $4,500.00 to the
Ausable Bayfield Con-
servation Authority for the
proposed Crediton Con-
servation Area.
The Authority proposes to
acquire some six acres of
land in the Township of
Stephen; just east of the
Village of Creditdn, for the
establishment of this Con-
servation Area.
The Authority's purpose in
acquiring this property is to
rovide a day -use recreation
ai ea w►tn facilities for
fishing, picnicking, hiking
and swimm&ig.
The Township of Stephen,
as the main benefiting
municipality,' will bear the
Authority's share of the
The-,- provincial. grant
covers approved costs of
land acquisition; legal,
appraisal and survey fees;
and perimeter fencing.
Development plans for
1975 include ' fencin'g,
brushing and clearing, and
renovations to the old barn.
Major development of
facilities will not take place
until 1976.
Dear Editor:
Many people are finding it
harder to "make ends meet".
Paychecks do not buy as
much as they used to.
Housewives observe that
nearly everything in the
stores costs more.
The root of the problem is
inflation - that is, constantly
rising prices. That has been
the pattern for many
decades. In 1974 the rate of
inflation world wide was
higher than ever before.
Because of inflation, it takes
more, and more of your
money to buy the same
The New York Times
recently reported: "No
matter how severe food price
inflation has been in the
United States, it has been
Mild by comparison with
r,nlonel `enders' hacipe
gentile ,
t -
Miss Kerri Medd spent the
weekend with Miss Susan
DeGroof of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Southgate and Jennifer
visited on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Smith of
Miss Donna Buchanan of
Ajax spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Buchanan, Paul, Gary
and Jim.
Master Alvin Storey of
Vanastra spent the weekend
with his grandparents , Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Storey.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Romanik of Seaforth visited
on Saturday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Stevenson
David, Darren and Luanne.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Presz-
cator and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Cook of Clinton returned
home on Saturday evening
from a two week holiday in
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Stevenson, David,
Darren and Luanne were Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Herman,
Betty -Ann, Karl Kellar of
Shakespeare, and Miss Rose
Carovillano of Rexdale. They
celebrated Darren's second
Foresters -Family .Bowling
was held on Sunday evening
February 9th at the Clinton
Bowling Lanes. Next bowling
will be held in three weeks.
By the Trinity is meant - One God - Unknowable - above the
reach of man - One Manifestation - during different stages of
mankind's development who reveals God's purpose for that
day - One Spirit - which is all the God like qualities emanating
from the Manifestation.
Goderich P.O. Box 212
Clinton P.O. Box 345
tied Chiekn.
when you buy a
bucket or barrel
of Kentucky Fried
Chicken at the
regular price.
111, VA, S
87 Kingston St.
.at the 5 Points --
KeKti,ickyfried Ckiekn GODERICH
Colonel Sanders and his boys make it "finger lickm' good"