HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-4, Page 5;1'Ite Fly fig CO11?4illu.
0''a Wit, Alereli 2 —1.11)0 (lying
oo,oin0, erunpe ed orf rnet). f1'0111 1114
Eyed, eictoil anti Torolitn iuft4nilfl
$0110018, lied the school of cavalry,
St, ilio, 1) Q i1 der ertrl?Illt mj tlf
(2O• , •il; 1'lilll1.1e1„11 'will leave for
the "rtllwest on 1l+roll 28.. 1; 10;1
tenant Ookn„1 Tay for till go;te
{jiutxul, tysfd Oolont°I Irwin, Jus)..Pot-
or of It! i11.1y, na Quartermaster ga..
era• 1111 (1111 ueleral'N, slag1, trite
glal)eral believes that be will llcenrn-
plisll (he trip in two tnl,uahs. The
nl eveU1ant 11 o rt'nee wit 11 1. I) 1
lar lay .r lleio, )L- ilr '111 nee a"Kf•iiiv
la, ,n
].t1 Vql qt_ o rl iv, without being
11 L
of I y tto'i031 ",'lh, while it /nay
Daslbly have a I1'lirlr„ey LI) ral-e t11n
y ,'f hr_who are onw
fi i r•tliy dlstl! ed t ,tvatrtl4 lite uevern
110 clir'OtOra or
the • ri'll (lurmu Au lei&ttral S,roiely
ht'tl al Ile self ti )'I n)d+IV last, it
ty.l decided 1`, hold 1he11,x fell show
Or 1)1•• 8 Ulrly at -i aaf••ri It, h) 0 „1
pee Ial soil) the Illollt'I'5111111 11,!1,1011.
'i'o.• Branch S cie'', c'iV,, Itidi ,g
bt,elr•ly the .oto nt $900. 'There
\4,.. sl,.) .). ,I1i,ll' a 1 •') -)h ('l11 11001
th,. Stephen tied U•b” it b !11,011.
r211 y .:r't1 (1 11111 v w 111 • it al hd
to • tier 1) 0 t101tir )•.,my 1 rrL! 1• "I1U it
]t` ^4'rH tlneoyr 4r(l ttdyl•I dile ,r1 lnko th,
show to Exele,, Ili 1 ey 11i,I , ,
wl^h to ill ,-1 Iii(" 0 nitle•iti-rt illi
tilt 'PHokerrl1)I li , eiiiy 111111 nets
quite 1illlt!g that 11 o allerll,00 .“stern
tit 1111111!., the .how 1,110 y4•nr 11,
Seal rth aid ill.• next ill Exeter
81) . u'd b4. 0)8 toned Tore (8)114
gui,e 11 1 n 1 the ,-i,1!• 1' -how.
Th1 fIi s,111 '(11111,” nay', bon Ione
1 lia ' 11 ,-h uld 1113 h- 1J ill
that vtll•e!1, . They thi-• v, a, offered
the sum n1 $1150 awl thew 1„ telt( the
gate receipt., and 8e%eral of the
diraoturt weie etr tgly 111 favor of
m king the ohenesi as Brucoftold only
off rod a b •nus of $20 ,lie auoi:•ty to
to Lahr the gate receipts. Upon a
vote being taker! between Her.el:I1 and
Brocofit•td it wag fpund to be a tie
RAO the PieyidlI t gave hie casting
VO a in favor of Bl nc. flPld. So the
sprit g show •.% ill b13 Il'1d in Bruce
field as usual and Wednesday April
2211(1 way fixed IIs the day upon
which it will be held., This will tie
one week later than last year.
Mr. Danielltanhas requested us to
publish the following; which he says is his
experience on salvation :—"Oil the 30th day
of November last I was on my way to Park-
hill Village to take the law of a man. I was
and am :•ery lighthearted at all times. Just
before I got to Billy Bolt's I got very lone-
some ; then I commenced to sing "Roll the
Old Chariot Along," and then 1 turned south
on the 12th con. of Stephen Township, on
my way to the Village of Limerick. 1 still
continued singing "Roll the 'Old Chortot
Along, and we won't hang on behind,” There
was such a gloriourf,i, feeling come over me
that I became so h6\1 ,' that I began to cry.
I was so happy I stiTll opt singing "Roll the
Old Chariot Along," same as before." I be-
came so very happy that I cried for jest, and
I have been and atn still very happy at
present. I got to Parkhill all safe and full
of the glory, and the first man It, met I told
him I bad met a friend on my way down,
and that friend was Jesus, and that He had
pardoned all my sins He saidthat was a
grand job. Three days after, that same Man
I met came over to my place and he said to
my wife, "What is wrong with Ransom 2"
She said, "Nothing strange," and asked him
why. He said, "When I met him three days
ago he was drunk," and she said, "No, as he
has read a chapter in the Bible of late, and
has had family worship this morning."
It was the rem k of a distinguished
physician of the last cnturv, that the ,man
who should discover a epecido fot physical
pain, as certain in its neutralizing effects as
water when applied to fire, would rank, in
the estimation of posterity. neat to the.
inspired writers. Professor iolloway, the
founder of that simple yet profound system
of medical treatment, which has traversed
with such wonderful rapidity both the old
world and the new, appears to have accom-
plisbed this grand desideratum and some-
thing more. It is alleged, by those who have
tested the prupertios of his celebrated 11111s
and Ointment in their own ailments, that
they not only alleviate the 'agony attendant
upon all internal and, external disorders, but
pern)anently eradicate them. That these
remedies are among the wonder-working
agents of an age of won, era cannot reason-
ably be questioned • se who believe that
the science of the ale is a close mon.
opoly, and that th .tn is ,no medical skill
beyond the circle of the "Faculty," who
look upon a diploma as a Bert of "firman,"
to which every man shottld bow In homage,
will, of course, prefer being conventionally
killed to being irregularly cured. Such is
not our taste. We care little for names;
nothing for big wordslitnd oracular shakes of
the head' What we see and know, we
believe; and really the proofs of the unwary
lig efficacy of Holloway's remedies are IR/
numerous, so consistent, so incontrovertible,
that our cllmn 011 sense, despite the leaning
which wets have in common with most tion,
towards time sanctioned systems, compels
us, noleas 'velem, to attach frill Credit to
It may be weakness to be guided ny our
9 own pdadeptiene and tile testimony of fitment
r.'wltneasea, 111 preference to rreceiwing as
Gospel what elle inter'eated advocates of a
veryfallible system would' •ave us believe;
but we Claim right, to the independent use
iDint f,i'etiltf/r5 and tonal state our Oen
frons, I'he science oi'`medicine, as practised
by a large portion of its grave professors, is
merely a *own& of stereotyped prescriptions,
which eversane man'
. knows da oat, one
time otit,of'tent answer thodesirett purpose
Idol(nwayts remedies, a5 far as Wes tan edge,
out of ten timed to effect a
do not fall once
"..ewer 'founded
our'' an
is r -
Who °`Ina
observation and inquiry', to all w y
ati•lta n our. jtid nut, for according to •:nese
elltr'atnd Ttary
d + i6 preparations' What We conceisie
to belt just Mead of praise, fila, Traveller,
r�`Iki1� N1✓[4.111'�' 0W4104Its.
Their Ilteltef CenV4trrti►tg tit, Seat of 'L o i
anti i>041$h) l.,
rill I,rv1I11, nECAaui1l? As TUE PAvo11E1) 00QAN
•*—ltOW 00Uid) ITrnC so ` REOEN.r saga
i'A'B.'iL)t 0011p'11,M TIr,s :J1i rarF,
file ancient Greens thought the seat of
love and ; passion was in the liver, be ) li41,. ,1101 in
groat t0easnre their opinion was Ilot far
astray, The lover whose liver is off, or the
1108balu1 whoili8 bilious, is not half a loan -
his sluggish liver has filled his blood with
Of all the moan 0outenlptible oountorfei'ts
in the world, red blood full of bile is the
worst -the very worst 1
We have about 10 quarts of this fluid in
the average size /nail. It f8 coast witty un-
dergoing change and is manufactured from
the feed we daily consume by a chemical
process nature has, She selects only that
portion which, after digestion, is found to be
proper, and takes it t(p by a tube called the
thoracic dna1, emptying into the Targe veia
near the left uoller bone, frees which it is at
(nee ca, vied to the kidneys to bo strained of
all the deleterious matter; whioll was left by
the 1)0)1'018.
If the kidneys aro in healthy condition, the
blood is au absolutely pure state, contains
all the elements for repairing waste, returns
at ouoo to the heart and is thrown by that
organ to every part of the Hying body to give
op its nourishment and take up ell the worn-
out niateiial.
Contrary to general belief the live, is not a
bluocl•1)ttrifylug organ ; its purpose is ouly
for nuts Itious digestion and it secretes daily
Many pounds of bile, seine being ttsed in di.
gtla'i011 and nutrition, aha the balance as a
Now, after being housed up all wint'rr with
meat largely c troposieg the diet., 'for the pnr-
1,ose of producing heat, rhe liyer increases
one.tbird of its simply of bile, andin the
spring, nature not having Use for the excess,
it. is an own into the blood, carried to the
skin (fo, it most bo got rid of i1, some way),
and causes that eoudition !mown as 'bilious'.
when the person is dull, l'thargio, restless,
%cell to -day and hay 8106 to -morrow; because
the blooa is loaded with this substance which
is just as foreign to it as so much dirt or
corruptia,i, and poisons the entild body,
makiug your blood impure. You know there
is something out of gear and the 118111111 im-
pulse is to take caoharties—but drastic ca-
thartics do not remove the cause—they make
matters worse.
Yuu ase, why? Becanse, niy friend, the
liver i,, a sluggish. lethargic organ that can
not be relieved of any ailment except by me-
dicine which acts upon it i1, a quiet, steady
manner, producing permanent effects, and
assisting, not goading its normal action.
The kidney do the purifying. Always re-
member that 1 No other organ in the body
can take their place in this respect, and they
attend to over 9,000 hogsheads of blood in a
year. Think of it and wonder that they are
able to do so large an amount of work !
A healthy kidney to purify, and a healthy
liver, emptying its poison into the bowels
ane not into the blood, are the true and only
givers of pure blood.
The interior of the kidneys have few nerves
of sensation, and a stone can be, and often
is present without any indication until it
reaches the first outlet, which is sur plied
with nerves that soon sound the alarm.
Do you see the moral of this 2 A healthy
liver and kidney 14 all there is to this ques-
tion of pure blood. Keep them in order.
Don't wait until you find they are diseased,
for then it may be too lats. Do this and you
are bound to have pure blood. Warner's
safe cure has a direct action upon both the
kidneys and liver, and has become a recog,
nized agent for its health -preserving and
blood -purifying properties, and as -such is
used by many physicians. A few bottles will
positively prevent disease, and we are certain
that disease of either organ is prevented by
its use, if taken in time.
The Spring approaches, and nature needs
help. Take it and save sickness and doctor's
bills. Don't let any season go by without its
use, or you may regret it forever.
interesting items.
Dr. William. M. Giles, Hartford, Conn.,
March 24, 1879. Sir -I have procured one
large bottle of Iodide Ammonia Liniment of
Messrs. Sisson, Butler & Co., your agents for
this city, which I sent to an invalid friend in
Zurich, Switzerland, who had been three.
years confined to her bed with rheumatism,
and I am happy to announce that I learn it
has effected a radical relief. The patient is
now able to walk and work, and the cure is
solely attributed to your Liniment. I am
now requested to ssnd another parcel that
others may be benefitted. Yours truly,
GEVReE Baae. Sold by C, Lutz, Central
Drug Stole.
There is now being manufactured here an
article for instantly` removing pain of any
acute external nature, and itis certainly the
most perfect cure for Neuralgia, Headache,
Toothache, and the like that hasever been
tried. ,It is called Fluid Lightning from the
rapid manner in which it acts, and is menu-
factnred by McGregor & Parke. Sold in
Exeter at Dr. ILowning 's drug store 5
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the
remedy for you. Sold by J.' W. Browning.
The firm of Rice & Sharpley, of Montreal,
has been summoned for exhibiting in their
eindows statues of undo females.
It is certainly glad tidings to the poor
invalid to be informed of a remedy that will
give prompt and sure relief in case of painful
suffering. Such a remedy is Hagyard's Yel-
low Oil, adapted for internal and external
use in all ordintrry aches, pains, lameness
and soreness. It cures rheumatism, 'neural-
gia, sore throat, croutt'and all inflammatory:
Holloway's Pills,.—The, changes of tem-
perature and weather frequently upset per-
sons who are most cautious of their health,•
and most particular in their diets. ''These
corrective, purifying, and gentle aperient
Pills are the best remedy for all defective
actions of the digestive organs; they aug.
went the appetite, strengthenthe stomach,
Correct biliousness, and carry oft all that i5
noxious from the system, Holloway's Pills
are-oomposiil of rare `balsams, ttninixed with 1
hisser matter, and on that account • are
peculiarly well adapted for the young,
delicate1 auda ed. As this peerless Inc;cii.
One has gained fame 1 n , Wait.
preserve it i11 he future ,by its renovating
alict i11yigor•8•ing IltlailtieS,.. Ault its inoa
paoity of doing harm.
lnoreasing testimony is borne to the feet
ie the bust entre fol'
that the heft f,1mF1y,d' iys ,
Dyspepsia "or Biliousness 3g Dt CarnCnrs-
SttmaCh Bitters. They hewer sicken o+°
gripe. All druggists; 110 cents.
i'or Dyspepsia' and Liver Celnplaint, •yott
halo a printed guarantee ow every bottltl of
Slflah'a Vitalizer. it hewer fails to euro
G H dntl'Blreit.
) Uq•
f) h 'Vit>I b
PING 110
Ck� H
b bhili)lt tt 000
t l relieved
ohtla utltntldta e yy
,Sold Illy if,. W4 $ro\vnitie .
sHtf�OElr 't1OOGII ,till COM:Afnptios
Coro is solid by tta oat a tluax`antee it Oreg.
Con110tnpt enc Sad %f t�,' Br:0* iii
A n 1110' act 50 '
l'residetib Cleveland :bbµ, n',iluivate':
lrigaclier^Greuetal, vice Hancock. (113e01181311
WEATtiEll 'PITO 8413B•lhl'IFS,
The probilities aro that we shall have,
nuc11 da,*p, chilly, slappy'' weather during
+.11e coming season—just the weather to nett
knot sadden eoidr.: Be prepared for then'4
by having on hemi Ilagyavcl's P00101al 13x1•
sem, 11safe, agreeable and speedy cure for
colds 310(1 their couieguenees,
Burglars broke, into Britton's 'rooery,
store, Toronto, ea Sunday,: anti 0ared off
large quantities of groeerius aull liquors.
I. Scott's Eint11$104 tit Ptsre.
1otl Liver Oil, with ITypol0toapllttea,
Ts mist Natr•ilious arra ht1•eltpthe1ira,r/.
Dr, C. P. KNIOU'r, St, J0sepn, r1)1 , say5,
"1 base used Seutt's liiuulsion for three
years, with the; ro ttest sittl5laclion in 011
, eases, w 1161 111.1trle01 medication i• regal real,
CATARRH OUiil1D, health and Swee
breath 'oo red, hy Sb1l011'5 Cata1lteue 1y,
1)ri0e‘50 coats. Nasal Injector .free: Sold
by J. W. Browning.
Clio Smith bloelc on 'Sandwich street,
Windsor, was damaged about $600 by kine
1 this meriting,
I Pliny, slcl ly, trettttl childr•,n, aro
{`very tlymg to Ole !1atlenoe of al. (10) have
the care Ol thein, !roll in the majority of (nisi- 8
1110 fretfulness arises Froin a weal: unit
emaciated condition Dt the body, caused by
the drain oil 1 l emistitutiou du iu:; tha
period of teething, t.r the ill, ,id gin v h of
childhood, maned casesg180 ltobiiisou's
Pltosphovizea. Emulsion two ddilly,
to directions, or the adviea uf,yalr 'Physician
WILL YOU BUPPEi'.t with Dyspe .sia and
Livor Complaint ? Shiloh s Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cute you. For sale by 3. W
1 Browning.
In the fall of•'84 Ra. dell Miller, of Mait-
land, N 8., was prostrated to hi, bud with
an attack of incipient consumption. Cough
remedies all failed, lie •a,dllly grew de-
Ibilitated, aud frien is des .air d of his
recovery. Ho tried Burdock B mud Bitters,
with immediate relief, followed by ii speedy
011) 01„
livery stable, at Atoheson, Kan„
was burned Wednesday night with thirty
fine horses.
This new theory of cure is rapidly growing
in fashion but is illogical in 1.068On and
science. Faith without works is dead.
Those who have faith in Hagyard's Yellow
Oil have its good rvorks to assure their faith.
It is an unfailing external and internal relief
for aches, pains, lameness and soreness.
The preliminary Dominion voters' list for
Hsmiltou contains 10,443 names.
SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need
fol Uonstipatinn, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi-
nese, and alt symptomsof Dyspepsia. Price,
10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. W.
The Committee of the French Chamber
/Deputies approves of M. Rivet's proposal to
leave the Government the initiative of the,
expulsion of the French Princess.
of Hamiltou, Ont., are the manufacturers
of the greatest healing and purifying com-
pound'knowu for Sores, Burns, Cuts, Scalds,
Salt Rheum, Frost Bites, etc. It is called
McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Be
sure and get the genuine McGregor &Parke's
Carbolic Cerate, sold at Dr. Browning's
drug .-tore at 25c. a box. 5
The liver secretes bile to move the 'vowels;
the kidneys secrete urine, to carry off uric
acid. which would poison the blood; the.
stomach secretes gastric juice to digest or
dissolve the food, etc. Burdock Blood Bit-
ters acts upon these organs and purifies the
blood by cleansing all the secretions of the
E. J. Phelps, U. S. Minister to London.
and his wife were the other day presented to
Queen: Victoria at Windsor Castle.
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. 'We guar-
antee it. Sold by J. W. Browning.
In selecting a remedy for coughs and colds
the wise choice is to take one that loosens
the tough mucous clinging to the air pass.
sages, Such a remedy is Hagyard's Pectoral
Balsam, which promptly breaks up hard
colds and their troublesome effects.
Bismarck has recovered from his attar`k of
sciatica. He attended the annual political
dineer on Tuesday. I "Mors et Vita."
Victoria has sent a telegram toll.
Goucod expressiug her admiration of his
work,"Mors et Vita."
Catarrhal Headache,hawking, and spit-
ting up phlegm, &c., at once relieved and
cured by the use of Df. Carson's Catarrh
Cure. No reason why you should suffer an-
otner day, many cases of catarrh of long
stknding have bean cured by a single bottle
of Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure. All druggists.
$1 per bottle.
To all who are guttering from the errors an
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,;
eariy decay, loss of Dlanhood, &c, I will send a
reoeipe Hint willeuro you, FREE OF CHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis-
sionary in South America. Send a aelf'ad.
1 dressed envelope to REV. TO5EPH T. INIIAN
Statlonn, New York Cit
Dartmouth Ropework
Halifax , Nova Scotia9
Are now pprepared to quote prires �!f
BINDER TWINE Tor the season of 1880,
in Iota of 10 tons and sIpwardts.
Tolttul! TO,
hen I b8¢ euro 1 do not mean merely to" stop thorn
Wroe d -
*10 and than havb thomCreturn e5eln. Irncan a roiliest lure.
I 8,vo inrtdn the dleeoeo' 03 Prrs, sem.arbit or PALitarra
stall; F.S8. p life long Mtady. 1 warrant toy ramddy to acre:
608 igorot raMe8. ;lncaneo others Ravi hared !e co reason far;'
066 now eeeeIvint d 'caro. 5608 at ouoe lata treatise and 1►
Pilo Dottie er my anlhnahae romody. Give ExpresehudPtlet
Office. It cohlp yon nnthl+rg fora Erin,, aa,l I erIll curb ybu.
n 1t00T.18t Pearl St' N6 Y k.
lrobovr. IC. Nevi
ft "1y,tAi$ , Q dt11JIcT'i'actrBf $.
S' II C. .
Tile speediest and most certain ruedicille
the world.
ALL F A &I1 L I i'1 S U S L', I'C
Weak Bacic, Eulrtrgotl Joints, Paralysis,
lthertmatisn), Neuralgia. Dip11therin,
sciatica, P1Oli(pslts, Uterei, Female
['lee 11881 and only certain remedy to relieve
118.1 a of ,111 mad, ho nr ,/to, of how long s1a,1,1-
les.eitherL.;taut eief gu�trn ,10.,11 .ril,pe:4
lea Jo tits, Vo1•icose Veins, Bites of laseers 0:
Sisk 13e1da1he• No oil or grease; is Olean and
sweet,; will not soli.
IN`1AAliSIAT1ON 08 •PHF, KIru f,Ys,. PHIL;:a'rS
I1ir), (40, P1 tbebes. in; rattitl 1 of U in . es
111 111liri vml•, p11008•:,,. ,t 1•
teri1.tiVe 1. lY `, l't4 • .11 I'/, till'+11 1111 1 „ ' 1. ;
unree OreJune.11 :1 I lie, 1)iarrhuoa li
0.411 1,E 11.11 Da004r1.:1T8, Cat•LI, r;,: ;,).
write Dr, Giles, box 11.483, N. V. 0. 1 Lo
will give adviec un 01l1 di•.0Its0•; fl 1, of l ,r,;,•
t-•- Beware of nnsclul„rl,ns,ienl. ,,, an t,.,n 1
tet teits. Tint p.011111110 11 is 1110 /111,110 111 • . u 1,,
the glass sad ao blh1like of tb„ ,le .,:r,1'::
Mune e101 0.011 cork,
Groes' [MPn0v131) 11ta0unnxr, wire
Sw1 E.1%aoIAsLII ()U11 IHSS er181,.. 1) v 1 ,,3 )11
'i'ueya 00011 ,04011 entirely et vet;
81111006, 111(1 0.in he takC( at all se,, )1I
year without restrietiou es to diet a • et 0 1
Fur of the Stn.:U.14 h, Liver 1, n.
&e. Pr.oe, `25e. per box. C LU1'Z, ,..q.
Exeter Ontario.
THIS OUT and return to n with 1
10o r•r 4 3c statues, and yon 11 get by
leturn snail a Bol Ion Box i.i • (nods
that will
yo” 11,mn1t •
than anything else in \1..,r::a.
You, fort) tie if you start gnic
Y•.r,uuuth . S.
Just Received
New Furs in Great Varity
AStrican Mantles and Caps—
choice goods ; Persian Lamb
Setts and Caps—choice value;
Mink Setts and Caps—super-
ior quality ; Baltic Seal Setts
and Caps—a nice selection.
The finest fitting goods that eau be
• produced.
The Public are cordially in-
vited to call and inspect
for themselves.
No trouble to show goods.
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
A Complete Stockof Robes & Trimmings
;T b `'g
At Toronto. )iso1'y liarrelGlaranteed, `1'li>il e)il 18asu.'Hdo0 ail mac/n/191ydurin;.I 1i i0
'Exhibition. It: has been awarded SIX GOLD NI IDAl1S durilig the hast three years.
r "See that you get Peerless. Itis only made by
4.Y.0..1fl1VOY--.j"o.°'..:L^1:.. ".-•' +ii�sk' :F-
,G 14 , •.,•Y .! r "'t.rLC�" . !.' Appetite, �tf .iZ(.l ..;. 3
�.> C.rac, ,) .� as 1�..,, p� tt T t EStort..T�'ilr'btcsnes ,
,hl s ae. silt, Jaunrliee, 4I f eclions of f he .Liver and i'idfrl
Pimples, Blotches, li'oits, .lau7nors, Salt . heU?fl, Scrofu'la;..
Gres'p.acrsi rr1'ard "illi eliscuses arising from .Impure Blood,
1)c,'altyeli ,,41'oinue/t, or irregular action, of the Bowels.
Purify the Bleed, correct all Disorders of the
,10) invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions; and are invaluable in
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For chilclreu aucl the aged they fire prieelt
Is ;til infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bacl Breasts, O10. Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It
fatuous for Gout and Rheumatism.
1''or Sore Throats. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds ,Glandelar Swellings, and all skin diseess
it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it aotslike a charm.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at TnolrAs HOLLOWAY'S Establishment,
also by dearly every respectable Vendor of Medioiue, in Boxes and Pott, at ls. 1id., 2s. 94.
4,.. 60., lis„ 22s., and 33s, each. The 2s. 94. size co„talna three times the quantity of the
is lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33e size fifty•two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Potts.
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be has in any language
! Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.
for Fall and Winter. Purchases, which will arrive shortly.
FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on band. All
Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and
Superior Finish.
It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur-
chasing good and cheap Goods. A. call is respectfully,'
Always on hand. CTIA. '. SO'TECOTTI.•
FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- , Fashionable Tailor. Exeter,
My Stock of1Ftirniture is un-
B Ora( aa,' dltee tlientwe '
‘801f-Operll ating• We ash ng Machines., Y a,Oif
you waat'one send us
'you.r, tamo,1'. D. and o,.,
iressoiltoe at onto, TAM 'N41I)VAGC4,,, 2i
lyes street, >,i, Y:
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Patrice •streot1,X.'Y`.
E$eter Post Office Time Table*
Kirkton, Woodham WinsIlelseaandElimville ...
ltl g. London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal,
Southeast and west, including
itnitoba,Unitod Stated, English and foreign mails ... ...
South, east west &o
North and east, including Goderich. Win ham,
s cardite and all points
Borth; 9tvatitoid, Toronto, Mont4•oal, and flKinastern States,.. ... ;.. ...
North east, ttso •,. ,,,
Sarept!t Tuosdnys, Tbursdaysand SatRrdays
4,001).3:n.10 00 R.m
1O.15a.m. 8.20 a. ni,
0,45' ,P.m. 4.15 p.
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5.80 p.m,
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Esse ed and paid un and from any Money' order Office in t11 n
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Depositso oI r, <..
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maser-Getiorel's special permission eau depo611 *1600, Deuoslttft on &twin e flank gl1000nut
Delved from a.m. to 4 Y. m. Interest at 4 .pot cent per anilism •ivlll.bo allowed on dIC . deposit
office houra ft om 7,20 es
7 p,nl
Letters Intended forsegi6tlitition must be 1.0 mliiutesbefore the closing of each inast
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