HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-4, Page 4TUE EXETER TIMES, Is published every Thursday moruii)g,lkt the 'P4 MES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE 4Vraiia-street,ilorlrlyopposite Fitten's Jowetory Store, bh titer, nut b t' Actin 'White ck Son, 1'10 prietols 'BATES O1' Ali V1n2ts1NC k irst insertion, per line . 10 cents Each subsoquout insertion perline •....8 cents. 'Pc( insure insertion, advertisements sueuld be sent in aoitlater than Nrednesday morning. Our .7.013 DRP 1RTMDNTis cap)� of the largest iw) best equippect in the (;ourlty Of Huron. All Norte entrusted to us will recoil, l our prompt attention. Dec isiOns Recording Newee pape1S.. Any person 'who takes n paplaerre1 t tallyfrond the post-o(lice, whether directed in bis mono or another's, or 'whether helms subscribed or not is rospon sable for ltayu.ent. d If a, person orders his paper eiscontfnuea. h0 must 1'ay all arrears Qr the publisher may continue to send it until the uttyment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken frown the office or not. 8 In snits for subscriptions, the suit may be instituted In the place where the paper is pub lisped, although the subscriber utas reside hundreds o1 guiles away. d The courts have decided that refusing tc take newspapers or peliodicals front the peat office, or remo) ing awl leaving themuncalled for is prima facie evidence of intentional frau' eeeilege'esi"°'"eseeeivese._ the oppositionon all other en tiro Should es many more w thdrr4iv fr i the government thele ott{d ate remain a majority of from forty t fifty. Mader the eircuaaatnnees tee• is lithe tear re the itlllaaeditbto noors siou to power of the rflee revenge party, with the Hon. Ed. ,f3lalooe its loftier of the new party uatiopnt. There are n great hooey incorrect statements mode regerditlg the El:: change Bent; ncl its debt to the 1)'> animiuinn Government, 1t• ie a�onernlly inns lint the nlrouu't— i30O,00Q brili be lost to the G1vernmeeo Tuis :8 not nil ; the ern vsrulnF'nt n111 get the seine percentage finial the esteto R8 ether creditors, whioh edit nr01)a- bly be sixty pi r cent. ; in addition to which the Government holds the per-- soltnl secut it, of wealthy men foe a sum which will more than wake 01' the b dance. . `lthe Privy C'iuueil tifllPly avoided that the 1) nntt^ioo Geyer' meat and the Qn• boo G'>v: er, aeon were not privilev d or, di'oe but meet rant{ oU the estate Like oih: er creditors. At a public meeting of the i1111f- breed$ held a' Bt. Laurent, the head quarters +•f the late rebellion, leading loon from all the French parishes were present. lteeolutione were adopted that'kiug the G1>vernmrnt in wa;m terms for the homy e timelier in whioh the half-breed=s bad been treated mince last spring. It w,i de aided that the half breeds should, ask the Gnvernmeut for a free grant of their lands, basing the claim on being he original pneseseors, They will also atilt that an industrial aohool fo. their children be established in the district ; that amnesty be extended to half breeds in prisons or acmes the border ; that naturalization be made more accessible, and that electoral dietriote be erected in French settle- ments. The name of Riel was not mentioned by any. of the speakers. The Biel boon seems to have collapsed THE provincial estimates for 1886 chow an item of $8;000 for "eeuerei repairs, furniture, etc., Government house." As Government house will le abolished shortly, it might be • as. well to quit spending money on it. However, if the vote is out down to thirty dollars, which will do to patch up the roof if it springs a -leak, we will let it pass. It may be remarked ie this oouueotion that the vote for repairing and finicking the asylum for the insane in Toronto is only $6.428. and in London $5,070. ' The estimate for repairing and finishing. the provincial reformatory, Penetan- Qui-bene, is $6,065; the blind , insti tute, Brantford, 53,585; Agricultural college, Guelph, $2.500; normal sole ol, Termite; $2.500; .-Ottawa, $1,500; school of scietloe, $500. and Oegoode hall. $3,500. Thus, it will be seen that repairing and furuiehing. Goverument house annually costs more than many of our colleges,~ schools, and asylums. No farther comment is necessary,—Toronto News. (Tile ,(4-Neeer I Imes. THTJSRDAY, 11iARCH 40a, 1886 PROPOSED 1+.Y2R.1VAL ANCh:. The cost and worry of the slew Capitol at Albany have been an in oreasing trouble to New Yorkers f1+• the post tweuty years. That build lug was started on :t basis of a million Red a half. Here is what the Ne‘ York Times cow thinks of the job:— "It has looked for several, yeas a- though the politicians who emigre gate annually at Albany had no desire to have the Capitol completed,. They seem to have beootne- so attach- ed to the job, whioh has lasted we 1 nigh twenty years, that they are loth to give it up. Their auxiety es always for the control of appointments con- vected with it and a political disport tion of the labor of scone -cutting and atone -laying. The building has already oost the State between $17 000,000 and $18,000,000, and the end is not yet." Such has been the experience at Springfield, Ill., at Columbue, 0.. at Harrisburg, Pa., and at every State capital where the Legislature bave authorized "new Parliament buildings," and will be repeated in Ontario, should the work now in contemplation at a million dollars cost to start with, go on. It is not the Beret coot that tittle so much; but subsequent additions, like those at Albany, where a million a year bah b -on the average rate of increase. With a deficit 0f 5400,000 this year, and of $600,000 in prospect next year, the Mowat Governments should step short on the propo-ed extrava- ganoe•, .else they may stop short for lack of funds or credit to finish it.— London Free Press. t.DITCR14L NOTES. THERE are no fewer than fifty-two eeeeional writers on the pay list of the Ontario Government in the Public Accounts of laat year. The estimate for sessional clerics, writers, messen gars and: pages for the last year was $12,500. The estimate for the cur- rent year ie $15,000. There are 104 persons under this head in the Public Accounts of 1885. TEE Globe says: --"There ie no "better evidence of disloyalty than "loyalty to Sir John Macdonald." To whom then eboutd we be loya'1 ? Would it be to Biel and the unbang- ed remnant of rebeliion ? Sir John and his colleagues stamped out the rebellion, and now, as is most natural, the Globe wishes to stamp out Sir John in revenge. But the Riel organ's idea of loyalty is not, happily, the current one. It is surprising to see bow Reform- ers copy the Dominion Franchise Act, notwithstanding their outory.againet it. Mr. Balfour has introduced a Bill le amend the Ontario Franchise Aot, peace and order have been restored eo ae to enable the abaft of laadhold- anti now prevail. After so serious an ers who may be away he in home' outbreak soma disquiet end apprehen- more than six months iu the year to l pion of the reourreuee of those die- qualify. Mr. Mowat's Act is defect- orders may be naturally expected to iye in this respect, while the Do-liuger,`and it will be the duty of my minion Act makes provision for such Osseo. Mr. Balfour is perfectly cor- rect in bringing in his amendment Bill. !� The Montreal Star Perliameetary correspondent at Ottawa given the following' pen portratt of the Premier as he replied to Mr. Blake on the address: pf our peesene eVet4tp of OW &rine pcoioe. The measures submitted to you lee' 8Nntn fir the oolltolidetiun' of tie 1s utes, u d for the introduction illi= lir NoriloWest. Territories of a mole yin), le and e000nl11tonl system for 1111, iraurft r of lend, sill be again laid be f„la y> u fol e,>nsidet•etiou and tepi,.• l,itive :lotion. `l'Ile Acts of last see, siou '+el be found to, be iuoludled in he first of those meesnro1. Y will be aseed to oon'ider the expedloltoy '+f ienproyi(g the judioary system which obtains in those torriloria,. 1'"ur nttentiotl will be invited to •he propriety of amending the law re- ining to the bu,ittess of the office of b Q.►eeree in liter, and for the Itro- veli „ f r the ,n ,1H satkilieU ry we, ki'og of the nreeeet system 01 G verr,ment'ttl,d Ptu•iialuoutetry pl•i m- iog. THE SPEECH FItOM THE THRONE. The fourth seeeion of the Fifth Parliament of the Dominion was op- ened Thursday afternoon by the Gov- ernor-General, with the usual form. ality. There was a large conoonree of spectators outside the pallia eat buildings, while the galleries of the Senate Chamber wore crowded to euf fooatiou. His Exoeltenoy proceeded ►o read the following Speech from the Throne in both languages :-- Honorable -Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate: Gentlemen of the House of Commons: On meeting you again I have the plessing duty to perform of aongrutu listing you on the sufficient harvest of last year, and on the prosperity and snbstautial progress of the country. Since the suppression of the ivegr• rection in the North-WeitTerritories, Goverumenl to make such precau- tionary arrangements as will assure the present inhabitants as well as in- tending settlers of efficient protection against all disturbances. 1 warmly oougratulate yon ou the practical completion of the Cauadien Pacific Railway, and the announce- ment that it will be open for the daily carriage .of passengers and freight "Sir John rose. He was greeted from .ocean to ocean in the month of with a hearty round of cheers. From June next. This greet worst, so iIm- the very outset "Old To morrow" portant alike to the Empire and the shook vitt the greatest vigor and Dominion, cannot fail to cause the 1)g life. A big red necktie lent juvenility trade between British Colombia and. to hie appearance. Standing in his the other provinces to ensure the piece, swaying from aide to side, with, early developrnent and eettleuieut of his halide' in hili .trousore• pockets, he Manitoba and tIle North-West, and printed forth a torrent of telling in. greatly add to tate commercial pres- veotive upon the eonrse whioh Mr. perity of "the whole country. Blake had adopted ie his remarks:" Should the negotiatione between Her Mojesty's Government and that There seeme to be no one at Ottawa of the United States for the appoint - who oan name more than six of night relent of a joint oommisi+ion to adjust French members, who have decided what te'kt,own ass The Fishery cities to censure the goverumeut for the *ion," and lot 'raider the best -means execution of Riel; and not cue oft of developing our international cam diose, • it ie' said, have the elightest1 •coerce, finite to eeoure any satisfeetory attention of jog opposition, ) osition result, you will be naked theu i p Only on this Biot !natter, and a 'vast t to matte fray' ton for the protection difference ext`ste betweep theme and of our itieehoi e ni8heiic:t by 1t111a ente:l' HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair' to its na *.ural, color, re - memos Dandruff, stops the hail from falling' cot. increaseets, growth, tl l v it not soil the ..l. in. As a hi <t sing, it liastl; superior. ! . atltecd hartni. ,0 Prepared. 1. • >' ere:ices see ,v L and 1 (i,.. Schd by all 1181)7.:' 1i01 1)sxlari. ie etil "bSFgkeTlte Al nom IlLtiteeoil 7 Net ttv A numerical mittens f the N'r'tl• Trott”. to tTri r RP. ®Y'P.Ct Celrtlovies'less levet taken a tune •urs bt►-ell the,eou for theep- ri+•,eotet:i to of the ta3ople- in Parti 1 - inset is ill b1) laid before y 'u, tool 011.1. r 1.1,11.-11E-8 ill b= laid betere you. met rteeong them Will he foetal bilis previdieg tor the beoer mode f trial Ul e1,11111y oval 1 Itl-' 0,0 VII ' t:t1• re t;telett g ,po +- •die" eaviugn bailee ill iiritinlr Uolulubi+ aed the Notch• Wee' Teriootie- ; fot eseetlihli1 the i •cue of paten s fie hidiun litud4 ; for toe a,dmiuietrati:tit s.1 1Ite right- 1,1 the Oro an on 'tie Yurssh•ues of the D +luiuion ; fir the estatilish•nent of an experimental farm; and f.,r the amendment of the Chinese Itntuigrtt tion Are. Gentlenierz of the House of Cwnnt uts. The pot:emits for tite past year will J be laid before yen. You will fi d tutu the estim te'of 'eceiptd bite been fully Cre realized, bus I re,rret to��.T' v that the v enthrone iu the North West has add ed largely to tue expeuditure of the - country. We have recently published a now edition of 011. CI rf LVElt t.:MI,'S OE t,EBEATI'.)) ES- SAY on the rn•clioal and permaaont mire (with- out meoeincloftervousDebility, Kanto] rnit physical capacity impediments to }ittrxiage, etc..resintling 110m excesses. Prioe,in sealed envei0pe,ouly 0 conte,01twc postage stamps. The celebrated authot•cfthis admirable es, say ,lpally demonstrates, from thirty years aueoe'stuleraotioe, tliatalar•ring consequen- ces may be r tdically cured without the clang - ' era b use of internal toe. tciues or the ase of t the knife ; Point wit a ino.te of ouzo at once simple oertaia and efrectunl, by nlelillel of 1whitheverysufferer,no,n'ittor what his con ditionina ba,mny eurohtmsolf eb.aplp,pri vately wad radically. i Chi lecture should be in. the hands of ov• v man i n theta land. hh,3ude er e u Y (r 0 Allerest, ZEE CULVEUWELL MEDICAL COMPANY, 41 ANN ST., NF.WYORK, 1 Post Office Boa 4410 0 The ebtimates for she current sear will be submitted to you. They have ! ,-4 been prepared with due regard to !t9 to economy and the requiremeuts of the 0 public salvias. (11 Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate. Gentlemen of the Huuse of Commons. 'i'� I commend these several subjects / and she others which may engage phi •= your attention to your beet oonsidera• ca tion, and I earnestly trust that the VPn , result of your deliberations may, un- fa der the Divine blessing, conduce to PR ,fit the advancement and prodpetity of Canada. .4! 41 The New Vanadian Stud Book. The third meeting on this subject was held at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, last Thursday afternoon, and was attended by about 30 of the rep- resentative horsemen, breeders' and dealers of this section. Mr. John Marquis was chosen as chairman pro tern., in theunavoidable absence of the President of the Pro-. visional Board already chosen, Mr.AA. MoD Allan Mta) rd a A 0 M ar lon The standard for registration Was aubM reel 0 V fully disouseed, when it was again de aided that two crosses be the �mini- rsz CD 4z mum, as fixed. at a previous meeting. a It was also decided that the book be4., called "The Clydesdale, Shire and "ll 1J1 Canadian Draught Stud Book," to i ei contain a division for each class: illN as On motion of Mr. McMillan second-. C) ed by Mr. Alex. Innis, it wee decided L C that all horses that have been n in the county of Huron and have left pro. geny (but are now either dead or re- Q) > PA moved from the county), be registered f Q) t` c '—t 0 free of charge. E 0 re•constitoted as follows, fifeto be a CD eves quorum : Joseph Salkeld, Stratford ; h"64 Alex. Calhoun, Exeter ; Thos. Mc- 7.anghliu Brussels • Chau Brooks The Board of Directors was then 0 1. 70,0 i Is Bread and Milk, or Oatmeal Porridge=, to build up a strong healthy constitution, still who wants to lives one either rril the time, and who does notn. pieonce w' like piece e of 1 L N il, rt Hilt-, just by way of change, or nothing else ? Why, everybody, and so at .RANTON }31vCS., while we have Grey Cottotls, Brown Holl t,nds, Gottou des, 1'tenitos, Pickings, etc+ , wo httvo a host of him goods, which t,orne in to spice Ill) data I reit, and what lady °ales to go out unless, she is just a little spicy, then look, new Spring Goods ate coming to haul, many of them in already and worthy your it.,snection Fine Lawn Embroideries, Beautiful Mtisliu Embroider— ies, Insertions, Flouncings and Allovers. Mull Muslius, Swiss Mus11ns, Jttcouets, Nainsooks, Piques; Lawns, etc„ in plain, checks and stripes, for Aprons and Underclothing, Children and Infant's wear. Laces, full range of new Kid Gloves—Blacks, Fans and Colors, in the new four clasp. Look at our Corsets and be convinced that we sell the correct Corset for ease, comfort, and a graceful figure, and at the right price. ItANT0N 0 � 1 • tIr Mitchell ; Alex. Innis, Clinton • T. C. & S. GIDLFi+ Y, Evans, St. Marys; S. Smilie, Tucker. smith ; J. P. Fisher, Auburn; John MoMil)sa, Hullett ; David Fisher, Godcrtoh Chas. Mason, Bruoefield Win. Weilwood, St Helene ; David Molntosh, Bruoefield; J. Aikenhead, Goderioh ; Alex, MoD. Allan, Preei. dent, Goderich ; J. J. Fisher, Treas., Benmiller; James Mitchell,Pecretary, Goderiab. They were empowered to solicit names for memberohis, and it was docided they shouid meet at the Rettenbury House on Wedneedry, 1 March 3rd, to draft rules and regu'l lations, whioh will be submitted as a general meeting. The meeting tliroughont was ss 1 hearty and earnest so could be wished for, and the ultimate sucaess of the work seems now assured. Over $100 in fees were raid to the Treasurer, and there are a suranoes of a membership list whioh will en- title the Society to inOorperate and place their book on a permanent and recognized bath. A gentleman from the state of Maine, who has been prospecting for land it) Southern Manitoba, where 1t3 secured severs) half sections for biro- self and friends,, was in the city loot weelt'attending Mr- Ptllinge' popular eale.l His remark to .a friend was, 4'There is no nog of me trying to buy anything here: for every article put up there are ten wanting it; and more Shah that , they've got the money to pay for it. No, air. that dnesn't disootiritge me in coming ;totine. country, it shows that forming is all tight hero." Et is, indeed, a sign 'of llletttinies --l3tiindoi', (V(01.) Sun. UNDERTAKERS ! ---AND--- furniture Manufacurers —A FULL STOOK OF— Frirniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And funerals furnished and conducted at extremely low prices. EMIL IS OF ALL TRH DIFFERENT. SOCIETIES. P R VEDIAIr'S ViOItM IOWDEr S. Aro pleasant'to'ttiIm, Contain their owri Pergative. To a 5:118, ti c aucl ettedittaS AlifirOter ul;vrirtns,lfi Aduttre .1, The Popular Dress Goods and Clothing House. Drees and Mantle 1Tuliiug next Month. SAWS, AXES And Other Hardware, --AT REDUCED PRICES JAMES PICKARDS. ELU]RRAF[! DRUG STORE! 0 Pure Drugs & Family Receipts Carefully compounded SIA PER CENT DISCOUNT. CROSS CITT s A. 1/77" S A LV D AXES, AT SI�SETT SR