HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-4, Page 3HOUSEHOLD. BeWing Cirole Doughnuts. were 0 circle and we was at a eewi wa the g 'taking out the oontente of divers baskets and pails + preparatory to arranging the usual r'tea, andcould not deny ourselves the Pleasure of a sly comment now and then, We tried not to look oritioal or anyway dif. Went When a poor article o arae to and but did not suppress a word of oommendatien at the good things, There was one generous sized ppail that always appeared at theae BS 6 gatherings full of olden brown doughnuts whioh were orirp without and feathery light within. We said to the maker of these old- fashioned "nutoakes'! who was'buetlinground with the big vestry coffee pot in one hand and a milk oan in the other, "How do you make these always so good?' Setting the coffee where it would keep hot in an off -hand way eee began : "Why, I take about what flour I need and put in two spoonfuls mo a or lest of baking .powder ;, then I take bout so'mnoh sugar,' hollowing "and and h spoke, o atln e her hand 1 3 coo p s and then e.n eggor two. / I mix'eat up with sweet milk if have enough ; if not 1 nee some water." These directions were about ae explicit ae a Southern mammy's recipe for pone and gave not the slightest clue to the secret of the doughnuts. But the quality was so good that it seemed almost an argument for the "use-your•jndgment" kind of oocking whioh so many housekeepers practice. "Don't you measure anything?" we per - sided. "Land, no, when you've cooked for as many years as I have, you won't stop to measure," she replied; Nevertheless ahs must have had something in the way of a guide. Like the young -,wife who, in despair, sent home for the blue cap and bent pewter spoon because all her skill in cookery had fled after she entered her new home, so the busy mother who had made bushels of doughnuts for her growing family had prob- ably used the same utensils and thus been guided to an equally good result each time. Mite Parloahas .said that beginners in cookery nearlyalwayo have a greater degree of anoces% than old houeekeepere with new recipes because the former will pay close at- tention to the directions and not trust to judgment or old methods. eat ie the bet ter way to learn to always meaenre exactly the ingredients used in 000king in spite of the successes of old,housekeepere who sneer at euoh preoleion. The Next Baking. Grate the yellow rind of one lemon ; add the juice, one tablespoonful of water, one- half oup of sugar, one egg, and a lump of butter the size of a walnut. Let It boil two minutes. fhe ianieta, and the taking of an horrible oath that, " like a genuine gladiator,' he would allow himeelf to be bound; burned, beaten or killed at lite owner's will, There were, donbtlearrmanY kind masterser s at Remo •butthe a of slevery was in it- selfe , system a ry a self irredeemably degrading, and we cannot wonder, but oan only rejoice, that, from Coalar'e houeehold downwards, there were many in brie condition who, found in Christ• Lau teaching a light and peace from Heaven. h at: o hi o FI Wever law their r earthly lot, they y t us tained to a faith eo sure and so consolatory that in the very oataoontbe they surround- ed the grim memoriele of death with emblems of peace and bcantyr and made the iii s P elt j argon of the quaint illiterate epitaphs the expression of a radiant happinese and an £1• limitable hope, —The Liee and Work of St, Paul. • SOUR MILK COciiIES.—Two caps of sugar, one cup of butter, one oup of sour milk, five cups of•flpur, one teaspoonful o! soda, spice or flavoring to the taste._ Roll out, cut in shape, and bake. BRowet BurAt?.-One pint of Indian meal, one pint of rye meal, one-half oup of molas- ses, one teaep ..��ssful of soda, one-half tea- spoonful of a `one and one-half pints of cold water. tea- 4 and steam 'three house, and bake one-half hour. • SPONGE CAKE.—Beat three eggs and one sup of powdered white anger welt together. Sift into one heaping oup of flour, one tea- spoonful of oream-tartar, and one-half tea- spoonful of soda. Sift the second time, and add to the sugar and eggs ; lastly, stir in a tablespoonful of hot water, and one-half teaspoonful of flavoring. HOME, SWEET HOME. BY THE REV. DE. POTTS. There is no spot of earth's surface where home has ire significance than witnin he bounds of thio Dominion of Canada. AS an institutien, the family stands first in the front rank, and is vital to the church and the state ; indifferent home -life is seen in indifferent church and national life, Tnore ie something very interesting in the found- ing of a new home. It is a matter of inter- est far beyond the two young hearts that have become one in purpose, one in ?love, and one in their plane of life. It is a mat- telalaffeoting ottizenehip, 'morality and reli- gion, Therefore, patriots and C hristians are Interested in the home -life of their country. I want to have a chat with the readers of this paper upon home -life in Canada, We should all resolve to make our homes the brightest places in all the world. There should be something in home that could and would induce all of us to sing. when we turned our feet in its direotion, whether from eohool, or from business, or from social visiting, " (dome, Sweet Home." But what is home ? It may be a castle, or it may be a pottage. The cottage, upon the whole, is the more likely plane to find a model home, Home does not depend upon wealth and high position, nor is it necessarily connected with moderate ciroumetances. It may be the precious heritage of all classes of noon ety. The mechanic may have as much of it as the millionaire. The farmer has as good a right to it as the princely merchant. The newly -wedded couple, whose home le but a rented tenement, may enjoyit as well as the family residing in the brown stone mansion. Home is not conditioned upon rich carpeting, magnificent paintings, luxuri- ous living, and a well-established place in what is known as society. There may be all these and no home. There are great houses and you might as well look for the warm atmosphere of home in an ice -palace, as in such houses. There are certain condi- tions absolutely requisite to constitute home, and these are within the reach of all. It will be worth our while to examine them, and then look at our home life, and eee if it be all that it ought to be, and .if not, resolve to;;go on unto perfection. Model home life must` be founded and con- ducted in reapeotful love and mutual es- teem, If these be wanting, whatever else may be, there can be no true foundation for a delightful home. Where these essentials exist, home life is sure to flourish, bearing flowers and fruit onto happiness. Another essential of a true home is polite- ness. Why should politeness be confined, as it often is, to the circles of society How is it that same men are noted for their polite attention to all claeees outside their home, while within them they are noted for harsh- ness and severity, not only to their servants, but to their wivee and children, Society men in society, but tyrants at home. Why le it that a young man is regarded as a model for young men among his lady friends who ie absolutely unobliging to his mother and sisters? Politeness shines nowhere with such radiant' lustre as in the daily in- tercourse between, husband and wife, par- ents and children, and employers and ser- vants. How essential is home sympathy, and how beautiful it is. The world is oold and heart- less. ;Selfishness seems tobe,almost universal. It is seen in all classes of business, in all the walks ofprofessional life, and its chilling presence penetrates even the church of God, Every human being needs sympathy, its look, its touch, its word, soothes, comforts and nerves for renewed action in life's toil and warfare. Home without sympathy, how re- pelling, how desolate, and how often it has dent men to clubs and saloons, to drown their worry, and at least for a time forget their perplexing oircumetances. But there is another aspect to the picture. The wife and mother may be in as great, need of sympathy as the husband and father. That delicate woman with her sick Mind, or her wayward child, or her fnoom- petentservant, may be as much exhausted as the man of the house. Let the sympathy be mutual. The husband says to himself, in the midst of his disappointments, ",Well, I shall have rent and sweet sympathy at home." He in- voluntarily; says, " Thank God for home." Daring. the day, while husband le away toil- ing for the support of hie family, the busy housewife looks forward to the evening hour, not because the day's work is done, bat because her other self, who is in such accord with her, shall come to the dear spot where he delights to be and where she longs to have him be. I plead for a cheerful, happy home. Lot. It be so to the children, and !let ;it be so to all who come under its roof. Let'the meal hours be free from all fault-finding, let pleasant topics' be discussed, and try each to please the. other. Let the evening hour be made charming with; reading, music and general conversation. fake sons and daughters feel there is no place like home, I must conclude but not before I write that the orowning glory of home is piety. " Show piety' at home.'] How delightful is the home music of family. praise ; how,,fragiant is the sweet incense of donlestio worship ; how comforting is the unobtrusive, but all-pre- vading spirit of a true and beautiful Chris- tian discipleship. It fa the bond of perfect- ness in family life. Every home represent. ed by the readers of this paper may be such as 1 have desoribed in this article,—Toronto Truth. -.-.+. is ?effiner •r, sulare IIIl�rrraare► .1 YOUNG FOLKS What it Was that Woke Bob Barkham Up " Oh•h•h 1" It was Rob Barkham whose big ogee made you think of soup plates, and his mouth; low open in wonder, euggoeted a third "Sonteplates 1" Very little spup or food of nay kind had Rob tasted in the last twenty four hours, but just now under the sign, just J, Blodgett, Birds Mounted and Animals Stuffed, he taw such a wonderful eight that It aimed made him forget hie hunger, "Pij-jine, see 'em 1 Can stand all day, and a whole year,1 uses too, on one lee exclaimed Rob. gueea, owls—doan't know what the next be—squirrels, and ob, ney 1 Don't l wish I conld get in that door ? Looking in past the door half -open, he saw a deer that turned soft, staring, big ayes towarde him, and a fox with its sharp little nose, and air old brown bear that ,had . uoh a surely, ugly look, A boy's curiosity oan't stand everything. -It was too much to t that w expect Rob said stay outside this P ohop, Stealing forward into this marvelous collection, conscious that a hundred birds, fifty squirrels, several deer, a dog, a lamb, two monkeys- and the above brown, bear directed strange looks of Wender at this in- vader who dared fade them in their eeolu• sion, Seclusion:? Who was it that bobbed np qulok as a Jack -in -a -box and scowled across a counter? A funny old man, carry- ing in one hand a swan, eightleee now, but in a minute to be supplied with ae fine a pair of glass oyes ae could bo bought in all, the city. Rob started. He did not expect to see this wonderful menagerie His heart beat wildly. He felt oold, hungry, wretched. An air of business returned to him. He was no longer Robert Berkham, the sight- seer and boy of 'leisure, but Robert the plaoe hunter and boy of business, who did so want to find somebody who would hire and give him a job. LEMON JELLY CAKE,—Two large eggs, well beaten, one-third cup of melted butter, one cup of linwear, one•balf cup of sweet milk, ono and,�Sns-half cups of flour, a little salt, and two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- der, or one . teaspoonful of soda. Bake in jelly oake tins. When done, spread the following mixture, after it has been cooled : BUNS.—Three cups of new milk, one oup Make a of sugar, one-half cup of yeast. stiff batter at ;night, and let it rise until morning, then add one-half cup of butter, one and one-half cups of sugar, one-half oup of earnests, and flour •suflioieut to roll out, A little cinnamon may be added, if liked. Cut out like bieouit, and let rise very light before baking. A Good Dement. A gcod Dement for mending almost any- thing may be made by mixing together litharge and glycerine to the oonelatencyof think cream or freah putty. Thin cementis useful for mending stone jars or any coarse earthenware, stopping leaks in mama of tin pane or wash -boilers, cracks or holes in iron kettles, eto. Hobe an inch in diameter in kettles can be filled and the lame need for. years in boiling water and food. It may also be used to fait -en on ,Iamp tope, to tighten loose nuts, to .secure'` loose bolts whose nuts are lost, to . tighten. loose joints of wood or iron, loose,boxee in wagon -hubs. and in a great many` 'other , wale. In all casae the articles mended ehonldnot be used until the cement its •which will re- quire from one day to a week, according to the quantity used, GLINTS OT‘ HOME LTTE. BY ANNIE L. JACK:.. "I think of all meals breaktost is the most iheerloee r maid one e e er to another lately. And her companion replied, " It le the ploaeanteet:meal of the day In our house, out then we have a sunny wiudew that foto the stet." I thought how much of she sooret lay In the sunshine that helped .o make the people cheerful and happy. . A lark room is neither oonduoive to health nor od temper, and if both are gloomy, the drat thing in the morning, there 1s not much comfort for any oneacts, A while the day1 summo rmornin breakfast wihw windows pen and fresh, 000l air, the able sale ld with china and crystal, and tempting food, ,vith flowers and frulte euoh as the season brings, Is the perfection of enjoyment. I Always pity the breakfasts of olden times, when beer and ealt fish or a chine of beef made the ohief feature of the breakfast, whioh they ate " booted and spurred." There was no fragrant Mocha till the close ofthe seventeenth century, no cheerful r Bohea, and the olrcumotanou of some one drinking coffee at Oxford was recorded as worthy of remembrance. In France the de- jouner le always commenced with an egg, Then vegetables are handed around, then hot fish and meats, lastly fruits. At many tables in our own country the grains form the staple for breakfast, and there is certain- ly nothing better than oatmeal porridge, properly made, as a foundation, Atter this the meat needed is very little, and to con- clude whit f,ult salts many, but not all di- gestions. To many people 0000a is the best bever- age, and for nutrition it cannot be excelled. Shakespeare has said : "Now, good digestion watt on appetite And health on both," " Who-who—what—you want ?" de- manded the old man with a fierce air. "Could—oould-you give me 00 nething to do?" asked Rub in hoarse, solemn tones, The old man shook his head and Rob hur- ried to the door. How disdainfully looked bird and beast 1 "Can you. etiok a swan's eye in ?" shouted the old man, following Rob to the door. His boy heart leaped up in hope. Could he ? His heart went down. Oh, no, he couldn't 1 Onoe he made a mistake and put out the oat eye's with a stiok. Alas I•that cat's eye never went in again,, and what could he or any boy be expected to do with a swan's eye ? Rob shook hishead and murmured : "N -n -n o, sir." "Humph 1" muttered old Mr. Blodgett. "How did ye expect ye could without Inn - in' ? You come in this way, and let me see what you oan do," Rob did not ace the old man's face. He tally saw the back part of his head ae he preceded Rob. The old gentlemen was very oald, and Rob was thinking if nose and month and eyes were marked on the back of his head how stern he would look. If :fob could have seen the ether side of his head ! Just the pleasantest face in the world I Old Jonathan. Blodgett was saying to himself : Life at Rome in St. Paul's Day. The condition of the jower atones rend- ered thein more hopeful subjects for the en- nobling influences of the faith of Christ. It is true that they also lived in the midst of abominations. But to them vice stood forth in all its bare and revolting hfdeouenees, o wealth to gild its anguish lfe and , ire temptations rent aspect to the master d: it over the souls and bodies of a thousan�lhelplees minions, and to the wretched elayo who was, the, victim of 'his caprice' and tyranny. Ae in every city where the slaves far' outnumbered the free population, they had to be kept in subjec- tion by laws of terrible severity. It is no wonder that in writing to a Church of whioh so many members wore in this sad condi- tion, St, Paul had thought it necessary to obedience and warn them of the dutyof obedient honor towards the powers that be, The house of a wealthy Roman contained gloves of every rank, of every nation, and of every accomplishment, who could be numbered, not by Moores, but by hundreds. The mss - ter might Mll or torture his slaves with im- punity, but if one of them, goaded to pas - 'donate revenge by intolerable wrong, ven- tured to raise a hand against hie owner, the whole familia, withthefr wives and children however innocent, were put to death. The Roman lady looked lovely at the banquet, but the slave girl who arranged a curlwrong had been already branded with a hot iron, The triennia of a banquet might gleam with jewelled and myrrhine oupe, but if a elave did but drop by adoident ono crystal vase he might be flung then and there to feed the lampreys in his, master's fishpond. The senator and the knight might toll upon cushion in the amphitheatre, and look on lrixtideel ly fit the mad etragglee of the glen deltas . but to the gladiator this meant the and there west,Il ing reaotionr worn a ver�f, -z who could 1 "I ought not to have scared the little fel- ler so, j umpin' up behind that counter at that rate. Dear me 1 To see how Me face changed ! I wonder when 'old Blodgett' will stop bean' a boy i Never, Mr. Blodgett, never 1" "Do you think you can give a swan an eye, if I give yon one to start with, a good glass eye, say?" asked the old man. The problem of the swan's eye was now different. "Might try," said Rob, .timidly, hardly daring to hope. Jonathan Blodgett watched the slender, lithe fingers, with their quick movement, as they inserted the bit of glees and gave the swan his eight, such as it was. "I'll try you for a week, said the old man. Oh, such joy as that ocoasslonedin the 0 strait- ened Barkham household 1 They were s in their circumstances that f had been given out day • the crumb -measure. On the strength of Rob's good luck , Mother Barkham sent out at once and engaged of the botcher a big mutton -bone f broth. At the end of the week Robl tab] as es fished in and Jonathan Blodgett's emfiloy, a soon �d b made nothing of making even a de ear's oyes look as lively as a bruin's rug in "he woods. Jona " I like my new boy," thoughtthan. "If he jesilproves to be hon Honest? He meant to be, mpt- ed one day. Bob's old pa ear in mother int the knees. In a week his ended to buy new ones. Bat he em at once, and a dollar would those covering. troublesome knees a new One work, furnish- ing while doing extra rnish- and canary Ing several owls, eagles birds with eyes, he chanced to se n the bench near him. "Take me 1" the dollar se How Rob did want that a we firm, though. "No 1" he said, rasolatel t the same time, for he was very "Take me, i+, "N -n o !" replied Rob, a . In a little, though, he began t "I'll take a peek at that softly said, rising for a closer vi et feel of it," he concluded. Ho eeling of that powerful dollar ! a nnin est 1' bdduranoe of all the detestable savagery, elf ow Drift FAVORITE TIIERE Id r Powder �Poe IIO BET.. Ba k TER. The Snow Drift Powder Op., Brantford, Ont, "IDORTM DORTMUND T'HOROUGtiLy TAU011T BY Nell ; or andante attending our Acadomv will be thoroughly prepared by hlihestldaeters in, Shout hap nee Train- ing, rai - d Typewriting, Bookkeeping, o to and Buoi a n yp g, k e p g. n situations. Im- mediately g, Advanced studonte helped to ltuatio mediately address, The Union Shorthauder'e Oon1- ntercinl t'nademv, .Arcade, Toronto, UI I1t'll BUSINESS COLI,EGE,Guelph,Ont �• That man only is rightly 'educated who knows himself, possesses practical how to use meet who o s such r t knowledge and ends manual ekill es will enable him to compete euooesstully with his fellows In the bud - nese of lite- To Impart Qaoh education, to re are s . n ur sea o s. tion. For terms, etas call at the college or address, M. b1eoc0RMl0Y, Principal. ARM F010 SALE — 200 ACRES -- IN EAST Fremont, Sanilao Co„ Michigan ; 176 acres' cleared, and:' balavoo, in down timber land ; well drained ; all well fenced: with poet and rail in 10 and 20 acre ends; well watered with a living spring run. Ding across; one forty veneered house, 20 x 42, the Wing 10x22 ; stone cellar under the whole building- two barna, one 100x20, the other 02x62 ; both 20 fet poets; young, orchard of 200 trees; this property 18 well situated on two main roads, in an excellent neighborhood ; good sohool withiy halt a mile ; near- est church two miles: nearest d arket and railway station 6t miles ; 26 ratios from Port Huron. For full particulars eddrede to ,S1YUso TIIenlsenuu, East Fremont P. 0., Sancho Co Mich, ouch moo i thede ig and p p f this1n btu. which is nowhere better seen than in the varied appetites that wait on breakfast. It was at one time thought to be a wise thing to take a long walk before breakfast, but this idea has changed, and it is considered more prudent not to go out on an empty stomach. With agreeab a company this meal should ba a very enj ayabl a braotng for the labors of the day, and even if alone there is nothing more pleasant than delicate- ly prepared viands, eaten with cheerful sur- roundings. The summer mornings especial- ly are intensely enjoyable at this hour, and the hour of breakfast should always be one of the brightest glints of home life. CHATEAUGUAY, QUE. If love is blind, as some folks say, how is it that spoony couples always persist in turning the parlor lamp so low ? Forty invalids were saved from an untime- ly grave the other day. Their physician committed suicide. The New and the Old. The old style pills! Who does loci know What agony they canoed—what woe 1 You walked the firor, you groaned, yon sighed, And Mt such awful pain inside, And the next day you felt so weak You didn't want to move or spank. Now Pierce's "Pellets" are so mild They are not dreaded by a child. They do their work in painless way, And leave no weak see. for next day. Thus proving what 13 Of contest That gentle means are always best. The misery of illness is as nearly manifest in high life as in the rage and filth of ex- treme poverty. The Ruddy River. of life is the blood. From it the system re- ceives all its material of growth and repair. It bathes every thane of the body. How necessary, then, that the blood.ehould be kept pure and rich. Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" le the great blood food and blood purifier. It is a sovereign remedy for all diseases due to impoverished blood, consumption, bronchitis, weak lungs, acrofu- ta, influenza, and kindred diseases, The Norwegians in Minnesota have intro` duced their peculiar snow shoes there. The shoes are made of stripe of hard wood, about ten `feet' long and, pix•, inohes Wide, slightly turned up in,front. They are fast- erred to the foot at about the middle of the shoe.' Tho wearer elidea over the snow,' not trying to lift' the shoes, and carries a pole with which to keep his balance. Since the big snows ofe winter eee shoos He was to n18 would t did want th plane on o a dollar o erred to say dollar. H Y, gaping a tired. adding now dollar," be o waver. ow; I'll ja w nice the f was raised birds and to aqua hies, a mon bloat in ter he bear he would addition "Rob nd thorn w ingin Rob, I ere is a glad to eee to give and I won pay till pa me those trouble- some The Tar Reaching. Perfume of a good name heralds the thi into these h have claim that Putnam's Painless Corn Extrao' sen almoet the onlymane of locomotion in for is aeure, certain, and painleas;remedy b for carne. Fifty imitations 'prove it to be Dodge i nuntry, It is not unusual to see rue bebt. At druggists, something like half a nerd of shoes piled in front of a store, within whioh their wearers are shopping, Itis said to be the etiquette &thong' the oommandora of the "creok" • transatlantic eteemehipd to reside ata hotel when in part aientnet on hoard, But they have to live en board, don't they, oven when they reside at b hotel t A,:13. Save ,c a(p P'"ftw��r , Mollwain a Telegraph and Eclectic Short. hand Institute - 31 KING STREET WEST. Shorthand taught in too months. Sand for olroular. Evidences, eta , reported by experienced Stenographers. CARRIAGE & WAGO11 AXLES. Manufacturer] of the Celebrated .1-1=, GUELPH AXLE WORKS T. PEPPER & CO., Guelph, Ont. Our Duplex Axles are alt to be had at all the principal hardware Stores in the Dominion. .—C1 r 3RATED— Crooker Roller Skates, One. Million pa •t 1n use in cassia and ELS. o runni n ! et R tet d a she a e Simplest; strongest, g � P Send tor Catalogue. Liberal iaduoemanta to gal:,fer: building rinke. Local agents wanted. • OROOiKER $FATE 00„ato oat. L8 Kiug 8p W . Torn ES TheeraPTor Nursery'rue emad pwlers_r�cis c Fi....Y Leading hardy kind., laps,-ge quantities, ragged; on our owagrounde, in lar. 430: $. H, tur. & SOU, IIt 16o I• er a, n Nu a_ t Y, TREESII BuI•lingtou, - gats B�(R�A(N1TF RD COLD WATER RICE STARCH NEVERFAILS. Promises made'in the time of affliction require a better memory than people oom- monly possess. • Delicate diseases in either sex, however induced, speedily cured,. Book, 10 cents in stamps. Address, in confidence, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. The purse had better be empty than filled with other folks' money, Catarrhal Headaohe, hawk;ng and spitting up phlegm, eto., at once relieved and cured by the use of Dr, Sareon'e Catarrh Cure. No reason why you should suffer another day. Many oases of Catarrh of long standing havabeen cured by a Bingle bottle of Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure. All Druggists, $1,00 per bottle According to the Darwinian theory our ammeters were all tail -bearers. Imperial Cough Drops will give Positive and Instant Relief to those suffering from Colds, Hoareenese, Sore Throat, eto„ and are invaluable to orators and vocalists. For sale by druggiate and confectioners, R. & T. W A T S O N, Manufacturers, Toronto. History that is good, faithful, and true, will survive for ages ; but should It have none of these qualities, its passage will be short between the cradle and the grave, Here, what an outcry by all ;hat bewildering crowd of beasts In the shop ! A hen beganwk, a luck to quack, a goose to key to angrily onattor, a Iamb to terror** watch dog to bark, while t growled and sooivled, looking as if make a mouthful of the thief. In to all this, a voice was shouting,1' It sounded like a dreadful voice. Rob opened his eyes, a ae old Mr, Blodgett, not thunder terror, but Baying, pleasantly "Guess you got asleep, must not keep yon longer. Ah, tth dollar I left on the bench. I am , Rob, that yon are honest. I oughta you =thin' for the extra work, 't keep yon waiting for the extra yday. You take this now." Oh, the delighted Rob 1 Before another night ea ouble- some knees were duly shingled, The entries for the, great Colonial and Indian Exhibition etill come in from all quarters- of the Dominion, and corporations, eocietiee,'and institutions of all sorts, are contributing to make the display of the most varied character, One of the novel features in the. Dominiondieplay will be a journal printed, in the building. This paper will be edited and pabliehedby Canadians, printed from Canadian tepee on a. Canadian press, and from Canadian made paper. It will be published' by a syndicate of gentle- men, under the name of the " Trades Pub - Belling Co.," with offices in Toronto and Montreal: The best mind Dura is to mako up one's mind to be contented. Thera hi no .excuse for your suffering any longer from Catarrh Bronchitis, eta., when you nen get a remedy guaranteed to pure, and which is perfeotly safe. Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure ie a pleasant and efteetuai remedy. Ask your Druggist about it. &.P.269 New Orleans Wood Cart Co'y 431.411.xdsr, antrum. �U —mat u etoeusaae— AXLE AND MACHINE SCREW WORKS. LINTON, LASE .v CO., Manufacturers of all kinde of Carriage and Waggon Axloe, Iran and Steel Set and Cap Screws, Studs for Cylinder Heade, Steam Oheate, Pampa, &a, G.3LT, ONT. Bronze Medal at Industrial Exhibition, 1886. Price Vet on application. JAMES' & SON Pork. Packers, Toronto. L. 0. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, O: 0. Bacon, Glasgow Beef Hams, Sugar Cured Ram, DrieS, Beef, Br act Bacon, Smoked Tongues, Mees Posh Pickled ongues, Cheese, Family or Navy Pork Lard In Tnbe end Pails. The Best Brands of Eng. lisp Fine Dairy Salt in Stook Winters' Patent Wood Cart, Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, &e. FITS! 'Caen en I say cure Ido not mean merely to stop them fora time and then have them return again I mean a radical Cure..I have made the disease of FITS, EPI- LEPSY PILEPSY or FaT,r,TNG SICKNESS a life-long study, I �sveleio cure the no� others bafailed s nreasonLor no now receiga. care. Send at once for atreattso and a Free Bottle of my ief"nible remedy. Give Express and Poet Office, It costa you nothing for atrial, end I will re ous Addree9 Du.,B.G.. ROOT, ISS cu e Pearl St., NewvYork. end ,tor Catalogue. J. WINTERS, Manager. Galt, Ont Allan Line Royal bail Stsamshipsr Sailing during winter from Port an" every Thursday, and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec eva,y Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Lon- donderry to land malls and pnaseuaers for Scotland and 1rel,.nd. Also from Baltimore, via Halifax andet.John's, N. F„ to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. 72be steamers rf the Glasgow ileac sail during winter to and from Halifax, Penland, Boston and Philadel- phia; end during summer between Glasgow and Mon treat, wo,,kly, QlaMow and Bunton, weekly; and Ghia cow and Philnasiphia,1ortnl htiy. For freight, passage, or other information apply to A. Sohumacher ee Co., Baltimore ; f3 Cunard & Co.. Halifax; Shea&Cn , St. John's, N. F,. Wm. Thomson & Co., St. John, N. B. Allan Sc Co., Chicago; Love & Alden, New York; lI, Bourlier, Toronto ; Allans, Rae & Co., Allan Portl nd $Bostton, Philadelphia H, A CONSUMPTION; I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by ids use thousands of oases of the worst kindnand of fq long fattb 1n iia eillcacp that I will send TIS 0 d, soBOTTLES FM's, together with a VALUABLBTREATISE on this discus* to any sufferer. Give express and P. 0. address. DE. T. A. SLOC'UM, lei Pearl St., New York. FOR THE MILLION. Along the line of the Chicago and Northwester •I2ailway in Central Dakota and Northern Nebraska. New sections are being openedup and rapidly settled in these wonderfully productive regions, and the "first oomere" will have "first choice " of location. Fax tun Information (whioh will be gent you tree of charge) about the tree lands and cheap homes, apply to JOHN H. MORLEY, Western Canadian Paso. Agent, 0. & N. W. By., R. S, H ].Iii, 9 York St., Toronto, Out. General Poise. Agent, Chicago, Ills. 01:TR FOR Opium,( %orphine, and kindred ih abifs. Valuable treatise sent free. The medicine may be given in tea or coffee, without the knowledge of the person taking it, f so desired. Send two 3e. stamps for full particulars and testimonials of those who have been cured. Address. •• 47 g M. Y. LUR �1�, Wellington Street East, Toronto, Canada. _ assizierEVESIIINCEtit A Main farmer astonished even the na• lives by his ingenuity in keeping warm. On the forward part of his sled was rigged a email tight shanty, ,in whioh were a cont Portable seat and a hot stove. Two small holes admitted the reins and a pane of glass let him see whither he was going, 4 GENTS WANTED FOR THE BEST SELL - INC, Patented Article in Canada to -day. Send 26 cents for Sample and Agents' Terme. DOLoton & no Guelph. $3 530 GOO Acre Farn —$2,000130 Acre y I Farm -100,000 actine.plays,l6 cants 100,000 6 cent music; Instruments bait -price, BUT. LAND, Toronto. JrLAVER KNIVES, STAVE CUTTER, STAVE list, jointer, cheese box, veneer, leather splitting bookbinders, moulding, tenoning, and other machine knives of beet qunlltY, manutaotured by Purses HAT, Galt Machine Knife Works, Galt, Ont. ; Bendier price AN Mlmmn and others interested W in machinery to send name and address for a Copy of my No. 12 Illuetrated Catalogue; sent free. eI TRi.11;, Machinist and General Haohino DeMet, Brbntford, Ont. BIG OFFEB,—To introduoe then, we will A GIVE 000 Self-operating In W hi ng 'chlnee. It you want One sand 012 your nam e P. : O. and express dike at once. TBE NATIONAL CO., 28 Day S/:, N.Y. ENGOVIIII/'S teHORTHAND AND BUSINESS lnttitube, Toronto, le the oldest.itrgest,cheep. nen and best ,on the continent. Easiness inen enp. piled with oitloo help on the ehorteet possible notice. Write for desarl tive ealendiY. Tues. Bfmaouen,. President ; 0. IL Diuresis aeo'yTreae. MANUFACTURERS AND„MILLERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING ' di „, 3 ' T' Try it once and you will nee no other. Every Barrel Guaranteed. We are the Sole Manufacturers ofthe Genuine Lardine. se Also Cylinder, Engine, Wool and `Harness Oils. -a cCOLL CROS. 8c_ CO., TORONTO. Try Our Canadian Coal 011, "SUkNLIGHT” Brand, Finest in the vers are' not generally aware that theasese diseases are contagious, ious, or that they of living parasites are due to the presence membrane of the nose and Ein the lining Microscopic research has proved this tobe sta tubes• a fact, and the resuit . ' a simple remedy has been formu- lated it that these diseases are cured lined heneby simple applications in from one to three made ' at home. A descriptive pamphlet x sent free on receipt of stamp.. by wast, Wog -street A. (Dixon & Son, 805 Toronto, Osnada. rant ► •