HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-02-06, Page 15CL14TOWNEW$*Tt'ECOat) ,.THU stmY, ogoituiatY,6,, Lvv! B. HELP WANTED PERSON for full time em- ployment - salks duties and waiting on tables. Apply in person - Bartliff's Restauran- t.—bb PERSON to clean the house one day per week, no meals in- volved. Apply to U Danny Colq n; phone 482.9747.-5,6b 9. WANTED (General) 11..®.,.x.., • KNAPPS will buy outright, com- plete household, estates or single pieces of furniture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527-1336.—tfn 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED GENERAL OFFICE, typing and dictaphone experience. Letters of recommendation available. Phone 482-7318 if in- terested. -5,6b 12. AUCTION SALE RICHARD R.G. Lobb 8 Gethke AUCTION CALENDAR - Atictioneers & Appraisers Clinton Monkton 482-7898 - 347-2465 Sat. Feb. 15 60 cows & heifers, dairy equipment & feed. 2 miles south of Holmesville and 1 mile west for Mr. Bill Smith. 4b ggpATHWELL'S AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSES AND BONDED ONTARIO -WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 —cgtfn 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE SNOW Rempval for lanes, driveways and parking lots. Phone - C. Huizingh 482-9083, after 5:30 --51 tfn INCOME TAX preparation. Front $7.50, personal, business, farm. Free Property Tax Credit with return until February 15. Leonard Ruetz. Phone ..482- 3779.-6b WHET„LCHAIRS—The CP & "I Fund Of Clinton Oddk'Ihm s Lodge 'ha heel( h,rirs .t� ailable for loon try(.. ( (intact I on) ('inter 482-7(2 or Mrs 1\1. }ialki►�, 482-38(;I; . STAN 131 UV I•.S el Service, :32 Wellington Str•eo, Stratford. Ior• all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates' on time oymcnts. Prepaid arrangements for relatives . isiting from overseas. (''all 271- 5710.-6b 71- 5710.—Gb 12. AUCTION SALE. ESTATE Auction Sale and other Consignments of Household Effects and An- tiques at the Auction Rooms, Hwy. 21, one mile South of. Goderich on SAT., FEB. 8 1:00 -P.M. Flat,to-wall cupboard, hall rack; kitchen cupboard; sideboard; cherry ',drop-leaf table; antique desk; china cabinet; child's cradle. rocking chairs; captain's chair; 5 wooden, kitchen chairs; sets of dining -room chairs; 8 stacking chairs; commodes; washstand; dressers; chests of drawers; hall table; library table; large dining -room table; small tables; buffet; sewing machine; iron and brass bed; beds; trunks; foot stool; antique table lamp; crocks; frames; coffee -grinder; dishes; 12 wicker baskets; 5 pce. bronze set (like new); Gilson frig; Roy‘ frig; electric stove; washing machine; horse cutter; wood burning stoves; hand tools, etc. etc. Terms - Cash Mike Cummings - auctioneer Goderich 524-9064 SALE °F Registered and Grade Springing and Fresh Holstein Cows and Heifers WEDNESDAY, FEB 12, 1975 AT 1:00 P.M. Sale to be held at DAVID CARSON'S FARM 1 Mile East of Listowel on Highway 86 :Selling will be 15 Grade Cows owned by Gerald Blake of Ethel, Cows due in February and March. Also Selling 1 VERY GOOD Cow sired by North Star Reflection Charlie due March 6 to Ned. Plus several other Registered-Cows•and-•kleifers-and-a-Choice Group of Fresh Grade Heifers. All cattle vaccinated for I.B.R. and blood tested and free of Brucellosis. Carson's Auction Service - R.R. 3 Listowel Phone 291-2049 ATHWELL'S AU li.ee �,► - ' m. Farm Mothinery Auction To be held at Lot 24, Con. 7 Goderich ToWfrislip, three miles west of Holmesville on the Cutline (follow signs) on Sat., Feb. 15 at 1:15 p.m. - Consisting of TRACTORS - Cockshutt 1650 diesel with cab over and under, .hyd. shift.; Super H. Int. with hyd., PTCA row crop; COMBINE - 428 self-propelled cockshutt deluxe; 10 ft. header and pick-up. TRUCK - 1965 Int. 1700 Loadstar complete with 14 foot ifirvestock racks. SWATHER - 502 Cockshutt self propelled, 10 ft. header, pick- up reel. MAeH I N E RY - 3242 Cockshutt four furrow, 14” bottom, three point hitch plow; 171/2 ft. J.F. Flemslafte cultivator (new); McCormick 45 hay baler; Case 10 ft. wheel disc.; Int. 15 run drill; one way disc; three bar side rake; two - five ton ,wagons and hay racks; New Idea 125 bu. manure spreader; Malco 4 section diamond harrows; bale buncher; Int. 130 bu. manure. spreader - Allied push-pull snow blower; 7' Int. • mower; 12 Beatty elevated calf tie stalls (never bgen used); four Surge units; Beatty feed cart; Beatty automatic feeding system; wheel barrow; two electric water bowls; water trough; 16 ft. grain auger 1/2 Hp. motor; 225 Lincoln Arc welder; anvil; vises; 20 ft. skeleton elevator; 50 cow trainers; cattle clippers;'dehorners and many more items. Terms - Cash - No Reserve - Farm Sold Proprietor. —Howard Harris RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brimfield - 4824120 + Book your Auctions early foi' desired sale date - Phone Rathwell's 482-3120 collect. 6,7b 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED! dVl rtt equiprrient, work guaran- teed. Write or phone H. T. Dale, Clinton. Phone 482.3320.--4tfn HUitON Music Studios - Accordion and Guitar lessons available. In- struments loaned. Call 482-3119. —51tfn ZURICH Abattoir custom but- chering. Monday — pigs, Wed- nesday — beef. Phone business 236- 1939 (collect) or residence .236.4681 ( collect ).-37tfn 1 YElts UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild, re -lover or re -style your ojd furniture better than new. Call 48.2- 79:39, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.—tfn— REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a . specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-2tfn VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfr_ CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING' & ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED ROY'S TAX SERVICE 17 GIBBINGS. ST. CLINTON 482-9357 5tfn R. CARTER,B.A. Tax Advisor Personal Income Tax Prepared Please Phone - 482-7776 after 6:00 p.m. 5,6,7b PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth 527-0053 Open Mon. Tues. Thurs. 3:30 to 6 p.m. Closed Wed., and Fri. Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PIANOS, ORGANS, GUITARS ETC. LESSONS -- -PIANO TUNING. ROCK'S CARPENTRY All types of renovations at reasonable rates. Custom Built Cupboards and Vanities Phone Rock Cote 482-3794 after 5 p.m. 88 Princess Sf. W., Clinton 4 trososotokoftrollii ,CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates— Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY—Beef and Pork ' FRIDAY —Beef Only PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE. 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 21. BIRTHS TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax Returns - Business - Farm - Individual LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James St. Phone 482-7988 50tfn Clinton Needlework, 011 and Picture Framing, choice of frame 1" to 3" width. Regular or non glare glass. Ready to hang • 48 hour service phone after 6 p.m. 482-7409 Harold Tyndall Clinton 6b HURON PINES "Construction Service Centre" 482-7901- CLINTON Electrical Wiring Pole Line Construction General Contracting Concrete and Brick Work Back Hoe and Small Dozer Services 2tfn IN THE ESTATE OF GRACE ANNA MAE MIDDLETON, late of the Township of Goderich in the County of Huron, Married Woman, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate- of the above- named who died on the 25th day of November, 1974, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 17th day of February, 1975, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of January, 1975. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 5,6,7b IN THE ESTATE OF HENRY RUNDLE HUNKING, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 5th day of December, 1974, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of February, 1975, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3rd day of February, 1975. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 6,7,8b 16. PERSONAL 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of NEVILLE CROW FORBES, Farmer, late of the Township of Hullett, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 25th day of November, 1974, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned -by the 15th day of February, 1975, as after that date the.assets of the estate will- be ill-be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 17th day of January, 1975. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —4,5,6b IN THE ESTATE OF ALICE LAURENA NOTT, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. • ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 5th day of November, 1974,. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 17th day of February, 1975, after which date the assets will be distributed, having --tic-ga trd ...tsr1ly....t0.., the ...c1 a.i m•s ., ... which the undersigned shall then have notice. ,.. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of January, 1975. E.B. Menziies, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. 5,6,7h ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of DAVID MacKIE GIBB, late of the ToWnship . of East Zorra- Tavi,stock, in the County of Oxford, Qentlema.n, deceased,._ who died on ' the 25th day' of DECEMBER, 1974, at the City of Woodstock, ,in the County of Oxford, are required to file particulars of same with the undersigned on or before FEBRUARY NINETEENTH, 1975 after which date the Estate will be distributed without regard to unfiled claims. - J.R. FARLOW, Q.C. Barrister & Solicitor P,O. Box 161, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7W8 Solicitor for the Executor —3,4,6 FARMERS Are you thinking about Building? For a good job at a • Reasonable Price Phone RAY LAMBERS at 482.3305 - 44tfn r WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation.-4tfn 19-• BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CATERING Business with 2 trucks fully equipped plus equipment for cooking. For more information call 482- 3574.-6b 20. TO GIVE AWAY TWO pups, two months old, part Border Collie to give to good home. Phone 262-5580.-6b •21. BIRTHS OESH: Roy, Barbara and Sheri are pleased to announce athe arrival of "Jeffrey Eric", 9 lb. 14 oz. born January 29, 1975 in Clinton Public Hospital. Third .grandchi.ld... tor ... r.....and...M1 S.. Harold Wilbert, He'nsall, and 9th for Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Oesch, Clinton. BOS: Clarence and Ingrid Bos are pleased to announce the birth of their ,to "Patricia Helene" on January 30, 1975 in Clinton Public Hospital. FOSTER: Richard- and Judy announce the birth of their son "Jeffe Mathew" on February 1, 1971, of R.R. 1, Londesboro; Born in Clinton Public Hospital. WILLIAMSON: To Corporal and Mrs. G.R. Williamson (nee Janet Carter) a daughter, born January 25, 1975 in Lahr, Germany. LOVERING: Born to Ken and Marilyn at McKellar Hospital, Thunder Bay, on January 14, 1975, a son "Kenneth Todd", a little brother for Jason. Proud grandparents are Mrs. K. Lovering, Thunder Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnston, Vic- toria, B.C. MOOQR,F, — Bern to Mr. and Mrs. Carter Moore on February 1, '1975, in Sarnia Hospital, a daughter "Mandy" Grand- parents are Thelma and Ben Moore, Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter. 22. DEATHS WESTON: Passed away at his late residence Highland Park, Michigan, February 2, 1975, Fred Weston in his 72nd year. Funeral service from McGinnis and Besmond Funeral Home, Highland Park on February 5, 1975. Interment Roseland Park Cemetery. The late Mr. Weston had a home on the 5th con- cession of Goderich Twp. HADDY: At Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, February 2, 1975, Alex E. Haddy of Clinton in his 80th year. Beloved husband of Ruby (Potter) Haddy and dear father of Don of Clarkson and Wes of Willowdale. Also surviving are one sister, Miss Agnes Haddy of Toronto and four grandchildren,- -The- Funeral Service was held on Tuesday from the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton at 2 p.m. McGEE: James A. McGee of Seaforth, formerly of Bayfield, passed away in Seaforth, Thursday, Jan. 31st, in his 71st year. Memorial service was held at the Ball Funeral . Home, Clinton on Wednesday, February 5th. Interment in Bayfield Cemetery. 23.. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Hilda Gronau of Kitchener wishes to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter Rosemarie Renate Wiese to Steven Charles Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Cooke, Clinton. The wedding to take place in Bethel Lutheran Church, Kitchener on March 22, 1975.-6b 25. IN MEMORIAM FOWLER: In loving memory of a dear mother, Helen Priscilla Fowler who passed away one year 'ago, February 8, 1974. My memories are filled with your acts 'of love, (4 -the courage you showed me from strength above. Your spirit,,—it'• •gui.de.s....m,e,• through good times and bad • Thoughts of your laughter pick me up when I'm sad. When my time is over, my life comes to an end 1 pray to he with you mother my beloved friend. So dearly "'loved and sadly missed by daughter Ger- t rude. -6h .111.11111.11.1•111,- 26. CARD OF THANKS FALCONER: I would like ..to 26. CARD OF THANKS HEIPEL: 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Watts, Dr. Harrett, nurses and staff for the wonderful care I received while 1 was a patient at the Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Jos. Hardy, CWL, friends and relatives for visits, prayers, treats, cards and flowers. Irene Heipel.-6p RATH: I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends, neighbours, and relatives for the lovely flowers, gifts and cards received while a patient in' Clinton Public Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Watts, Dr. Harrett, Dr. Baker and the staff on the 1st floor.—Mrs. Imogene Rath. -6p DIXON: We wish to express our sincere thanks for all the lovely flowers, cards and gifts. Special thanks to Dr. Baker and second floor nurses at Clinton Public Hospital and the Wildex Recreation Club and Huronview GoodWill Fund. —Judy and Christopher Dixon. -6b 26. CARD OF. THANKS BOLTON: The family of the late Mary E. Bolton wishes to ex- press their most Sincere thanks and appreciation to the neigh- bours, relatives and friends for their expressions • of sympathy, floral tributes and other donations and for all other kind deeds during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the G.A. Whitney Funeral Home, to Rev. M.E. Reuber and the UCW of Cavan ' Church, Winthrop for the lunch served after the funeral. Also their appreciation to Home Care Services, especially Mrs. Grace Pepper, -6b McILWAIN: The family of the late George Mcllwain would like to thank Dr. Harrett, Dr. Newland, also the nurses at the Clinton Public Hospital and to those who sent floral tributes, donations, cards, phone calls and to the folk who sent lunch to the house. A special thanks to Rev. Stan McDonald, the pallbearers, flowerbearers, G.A. Whitney and staff. It was very much appreciated. The Mcllwain family.—Gnc eeoeooeoeoee 0 0 Mor O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O As)0000 000 C eeeeoeeeeoeeeee e00e t! en (3)tII)6)tr'f00e 0 400000 0000 0000000000000tig O0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IMO HAD YOUR PUMP - - CHECKED LA TEL Y? AVOID MID—WINTER•GRIEF BRING YOUR PUMP TO 7� PeemA peo/tee MINOR REPAIRS OR SERVICE PUMP • MAJOR OVERHAUL ON •AVAILABLE , ry ALL MAKES OF PUMPS IN. EMERGENCY FAST EFFICIENT •SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES C: H. EPPS MANUFACTURING LTD. HIGHWAY 8, ONE MILE EAST OF CLINTON PHONE 482-3116 or 482-3418 T� r�,, p�1 thank eve one who sent flowers. ���.N�!✓1.1�;I.�"��:�,s�.�r:7•n�+�e•a��-'.t• 1+i7.�.....,�a• w.�w ran.w+u.r�7�w..,m�w+�,�rs*�..,. •- _ . Ruth of R.R: 1, Loftdesbortt are arc care .5 wring my stays ii iFfie proud to announce the arrival of hospital. Thanks alsd . to Dr. their son "Anthony Paul" on Harrett, Dr. Baker and Dr. January 31, 1975 in Clinton Lampert. Special thanks to the Public Hospital nursing.. staff_ of thesend floor. Edith Falconer. -6b 15. PUBLIC NOTICE 15. PUBLIC NOTICE 111111111111111 SPECIAL NOTICE: Subscriber of the TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 9th, 1915 ' the Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System in conjunction with Bell Canada will be implementing Directory Assistance charging. Directory assistance charges will be made for .25c per request to No. 411 for those numbers already in the directory. No charges will be made for numbers not yet in 'the directory, or for numbers outside your directory area. Those persens over 65 years of age and those handicapped can apply at our Business Office for an exemption certificate or if unable to call at,this office please Phone 482-9908 and we will forward a form to you by mail. Hospitals, pay phones, and hotel eboms are exempt. TUCKERSMITH MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM Mel Graham, Manager & Sec. Treas. R.R.1, Brucefield, Ontario 5„66 TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting of producer members of the Huron County Pork Producers' Association will be convened at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. E.S.T. on February 19th, 1975, at the Legion Hall in Clinton for the impose of the proper business of the annual meeting. The election will -lake place at the hour of 2:30 p.m. for Councilmen for the Townships of Usborne and Tuckersmith • to complete 2 years of a 3 year term. - `Eric moose President Liar,Siewai t Secretary 6b ORDER YOUR BEAVER HOME NOW AND SAVE UP TO... ON EARLY DELIVERY [DISCOUNTS! 0 -}f-you-ar-e--thi*lk ng-ef•building anew home in '75, qualify yourself for this time-limited Early Delivery Discount offer. Mail coupon to receive the Beaver Homes Catalogue. Mail to: BEAVER HOMES 570 Harrop Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 2X9 NAME' ADDRESS 1 CITY L PHONE