HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-3-4, Page 1LEGAL. ll l)ICKSON, 13 tr, rister, S„il 0.� • titter of Supremo 001111b, Notery Public Ca lveyancer,. 1otutuisei01AL,, Leer MOn0Y to rotten, );11001n e.tneon's 131,001i,rowtor, M c 1t Cwrristor, Solictor, Canveyauoerr, Etc., I 1, 1i]rl]l3, - UN. Olnce4tiwell's Slocic (II<LIl'sold office ) II ENTAL. -1 CA.RtTWRIGl1T, L. 17, S., . "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CUIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.” VOL, XIII,, NO. 27, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 183$, ,nihil erg a P Espoo p r1.?PORTANT NOTICES, 'CC Or F ns0 ROUND THE COUNTRY.. a"Heine SweetFhlrne." tie aEen audit ;as Opened doom' rooms over �6✓�1Y V Jif t ,:,k! O ainte)0 0d. do, where Ito will be (()I'te i Yolltrg IF1sh I.AtI,'r- GAO. to p ♦ rt• proai,iredto oxtractbsethwithout OAGULIN.IE.---Cement for 13rok- Brucefieltl, ► Krett humorist and was luridly pnio. :111 , ,,1.•1t, jus portormad with ease tlnd C en Articles, Bola evorywhoro, Wishes to announce to the milabitants of '- -- t Id I h s1i111. tx,ldftldui s•Lsp,:,etaiity; (tfiro hours - 1 - yerlCOrl:d. Mre1, A. �ear"rnp g,�V3 & to an Anierinan buyOC, SLE n gripd' ,;, , u,1-FznncLits :IODLaATL. TLILris solo Makers.—•haY BROS., Stockport YAhterdav (Wedrlesd,. ) a sad and llllmo ons rra(ltrtg, Hili 1 rasa -y aq England. Exeter and vicinity, that he Las opened out fetal accident happened to Mr. Jena- Westlake. en a•- y hzurA. Mr.; Govier evitleats knu>va that the fine appearance of this lady haw tp handle hpreeflesh so Ss to KIN S;Vjp,1, 0laNCASH 'f�ItiT.L.D,t; "FOR COUGHS AND COLDS, Wesel+tk ons lumber front. near Hensel' to alar a it ver m to �hsr 'rea'lvra. w{Lir,#r make ,noires ou it. a�While lie was eo +ret to g Y blrtertmMaE i y fi a iy . Th A B fJ I f)ir Monday last a ooneignmtrnt' of OF entb'B r'eeideito« the sletf h .duet it Mr. B,pwn Rrrdl Mise Jnhn `: by. giving g a Ai VAY'S 00 vIPOUND OF LIN Boot Silo Y esti+tole horses `left, Bruo�field- u i1sr,F,u,Aniseed.,'Soneaa,Suil olu,szc upon Which he was riding upset, and 'stop tv>;i well �reudnred trifid, bein4 . r Ntdltlt)n for b' will! .,binrodvuo.part �%f the lumber Blli,Uad t,i>• Ott err Abilene, Kausas, consist - with the Uorrter Store North of Samwel p something new, rHortved its due iia of severs,( stallions a ro r of him- covering his lease and bed to or l rad that A to COMPOUND, a demuloeut• &,.Pzokard's, where he is prepared to make s, y mar+d of approval. $array 1loGoy, lloreea as fullzlws -- Mr, Deniz ash, 0; 1)00L01'iLllt for Coughs anciColcls, all kinds o: ordered hie br-pttr3E, He was found about ao a duet by missJghuston and Mr' tar Tnoliorsmith,shlpied a %Torttl. r;tar.. hour afterwards, but life was extirto . Martin, was tiie great; hit of th3 even suit,two shipped e AY'S ('(IMPOUND, for Coughs The dF Aeat enrtuL� ie felt, as Mr, W. ing and was applauded again and;:t aaforth,tu three $y,ar old Weloome Sewed work a speciality. and Cords, is equally sorvioable for !Ilk' #rolitnir Utatnertiblp ells a lbeen again with rousing cheers:. Indeed, `eel i Mr. R. Murt'av, HaxpUrtiay, a tlnrsesrtnd0 olds, Repairing promptly attended to, ,, K I the clod...wen had to exceralse ilia ,thee°'year olt Gleneary bolt, and liAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu saved, • titid he been di anvered a few autht rity to his utmost Plan t t t':lt7r J. L11weon, of Loud sboro, a Neuralgia Face -ache &c. GEO. MANSON, miuuteH•e000er• restore order, and confine ,,ftthir+ ;lbree,year old Borland Chief Ool)., bounds the exhuberant bothria, rtfyt" 1;.t all were first class horses g,rsa, Blanshard. _ feeling excited by tl,ie the o,tly 1t 84. tgtthout ea;'ing- geessa he, proved song of the en,ertai•,msnt. M e good market for stock of this Louis Welker gave a, gond selaetUO„ eluate, and is likely to prone till on the violin with ' Mr, J ,sept: `tetter. That there is ne ,Hey in rats-- Seephens on the organ a000mottOyiug•' isig rf first class stock, every farmer tIrs. Legear plav+ed s�'me fine Place known perfectly well, and they are Cif the organ. Praise to this- lady'(, (pita safe iu devotiu„ attention to it, playing would be superfluous aw her baeatuse the American Market ,, will ability is well known. After readingtl take all the horses Canada can by Mr. Leigh, of Kirktoe, Mr. Buz ,dispose of for menv years to come.' Taz, of Somewhere, a recitation by' &Iise Horniebrook, Whalen, • Nle so '• •Tlie Opening Shot in tlale Mel tertainment was brought to a close b Deli'ate. the audience slugiug "Clod Seve*the Ottawa, Marob 3. -The opening Queen." hot.tu the Riel debase was fired this ►+o+! ' ,tfte.noou,wheu Mr,�Laodreen French HERE AND THERE., tnetnber, gave notice of the followiug — resolution :- News Condensed. ""Resolved that this house feels that it is. its duty to express its deep regret that the CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST $ At a meeting of the Blausberd Re 'esntenee of death passed upon Louis Riel, formers veld last week. the folio vine couvieted of high treason, was allowed to be gentlemen were elected officers of the,oarrie&into execution," Asaueiatlon, to se,ve darintz the gear, ' The discussion may c'me on before President, M. M- Bnlle ,Tyne ; Vloa' the end of the week, or it may net Preeide�rt, T. 0. Robson; Sec .-Treaa,,:, OOlnWefice nutil Itlouday or 'Tuesd:Ly. W. " Carmichael ; Committee, John'' There_ is but one 'feeling- ;in well in- Cameioa, Walter ` Gowen, Captain formed circles, and that is to the ef- l'ampbell, Time. " Epptett, Samna] feet that no appreciable inroads will Radclirfe, W. Marriott, R Web be wade in the ranks of the Govern Bier, Wm. 1VloIutosb and. P. McVan, mane through the vote wheu it is Hell. There were several young men taken- That the diecussron' will be. `'Cr G� present. hob is certain, but just how Mr. Blake., A brutal case of wife -beating oo °`nay turn so ay to get a united vote ourred in Mitchell some evenings ago. of his own side and the few disaffect - which is only one of a series of as ad -French it is hard to day. It is tenths made upon the poor woman bv. ,miff' that the local Grit organ says M a - her cruel husband.. • ,TLB • satire fess ii -e' y as forcing the fighting in the low has been known to even bent )his''i rest Of' the 'Govarumetit, lent it seed mother, but with a desire to wee only the ether day'tbat Its mimeo save the friends from scandal nothing wa+' published as one of the ,Hera who was done in the matter. He will not had forsaken Sir John. The Oppesi- lvork, and it he gets a few shillings, tion will make a desperate struggle= iustea►d of bu>irg necessaries for the over this motion, it is raid, and will htivae, be spends the on liquor, no doubt, move an arnendment con- COUNTY HORSE NOTES. -The f 11ow- demising the Goverumeut ou geuered INSUitANCE. ing bales have recently been made to pl'tnotples, but on such a resolution• and around Blueville. Mr'. C. Thorn• they will not be likely to get ten. ton sold one for $160 ; Mr, 1t. Harris, Freugh votes. o•te for $140; John Harris, a span for Toe Opposition are quibbling abonA FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, $325; R. Matllere, a spun far see°, the Government holdiul; back inform - (Cheap.) Bet Machine Oil 60e- per Gal. and W. Y.,e, an old horse for $110 atiuu o❑ the Riel mutter. This is on --Mr, Geo, Cox, of Detroit; ship• unfair and untrue. FAIL reports of Mr..Culquhuuu and Dow of Exeter', have purohi sect fti011 £fr. Jahn Willie of Hay, a �liolf' i'ttorest in a well tfnutvn xtaliiori " rlenlee`? toad have sant him to lo.10 in charge of Mr. W. \Villie. '"Glenlee" watt one of the most popular horsey in South .Huron. At Mt•. Plummer's sale iu (a -oder -- lob township. M,`. , ohzs Govier, of.the bee lite, bought a yearling stallion •'Youi,e Lincolnshire Toni," got by H. Hi�bM' Horse. This promising. colt M.•. Gooier his just so1d`''to "uessrs, T. & W. Bell, of Londes- bore, for the sum of $295; they intend taking it to Keueas. Mr. Govier also e0 another -ave horse lxtrects Tooth without pain, g, n Vitalize r or by t1s11g the New L00,41 ( testhm- tie on' the gums; mattes (4051 t�llingn and all other dental work the betlt possible. Rooms Upstairs to SAMwI1LLi s• .13r.ogr., East side 'of Ma,n-Street, Exeter Out. 1'IGl)iGAL (1 TSU I'Z, ;1'1, D., lJ • )faecal 11in -ssideuee Exeter 11,-[L�V[NG, ail ;DUA'I'IS0NI ✓ OMIT -a Pttatty (lolleg3, Member of College pbysiciansand surr;eott ee,hirkton.` 11 lt, ll YN OMAN .-00R0N E l i ['UR AJ he louutyof•tlurdn. Attlee, opposite yf1.t, 1 trling's stere. Exeter 4 T +V. l3,sillYVN[N(x NI. D., M. U to • P. S, ;mat -tate ✓totorialJuiversity'.Otlice mud vesidence;0lr- ni0.i L),bnratcl v, llxotor R. J. A_ ROLLINS, M. C. 1'. S 11ILJl o, Oltice, nate S4.F,xeter,0ut. Residen ce t•mserecently occupied by O. Mab111ips, Bar" Esq. To Appear before the Bar" \T J. ,)Gaoler COMMISSIONER 1 �l • inuretlourt...,Common Plsas•—Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leasos,an1 all forms ofag- reements drawn and executed according to law, HONEY TO LOAN ONIIEAL ESTATE. PartioE wishing to borrow ,Honey on account of re- cent , 1 ui phases oi'la,ld,nr to pay off existing mort„ages sill and a ;!'Oat saving by giving mo 0 call, can laud money at and Oti per U cont. according to terms. N.J.0LARK . Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 1411] 84. COUNCIL !MEETING. --The regular meeting of the Oou'noil was held on Monday; Let inst. ; all the members ! present., Minute, the previous meet, ing were read and ootairmeci: Tau- _ ders sys te' ipened fur the building of bridge serosa Otter Creek, wheu that MR. WM. LYNE is prepared to clo of C D fiSwausuu was accepted, being cusTo! TAIORINq 5359 ;; contract to be completed ao b c �rdits g to specifications by lst July. The following orders were issued aha At I .irkton. signed ba'th`e Reeve :-A J. Fairbairn, $54 60, ,gravelling ; W. St. John, SUITS, PANTS OR COATS u''avrtl, 1 Ligltrfers, 75e binding roll ; Jacob Near, $11, water tins';.; made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction D. S, Ciampbell, $18, letting and to guaranteed in every respect. epecting ditch; C. L)• Swanson, $8, plans arithepecifications for brides.; Ruth Ri:laie, 7, Geo. Wilkineou, 3, NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. ceatltieal Council then ndjourned to the first' Monday in April at 10 a. m. S. CLARKE, Cleric. B1' ke• • Acoseet T.—011e clay last week as Mise Suean''Sheritt was attempting to unharriose, one of her father's horses, the animal kicked her, strik- ing her on, the leg and fracturing the hone about half way between the knee and ankre. She was ai:so cat about the head. Under medical treatment, hoeever, she is getting on nicely, and we hope lO, aeeher.sultliug face around again tio'Itic i �:.:., A RUNAWAY. Mr. Uer'iry Dowson had au uupleasarrt mishap the other EXETER N OEsTH day. While driviug a yots g horse through the village it became numan- Complete stock -of Groceries. ageable, and after up -setting the cut_ DRUC STOR E16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50' ter and d+ egging him some distance Sand 75 cts-Good half, rte let go the linea, when it went at a Quality. Carious rate as far as the tamers, } Boots & Shoes (Ml Styles) at Low Prices. where it turned io, evidently thinking A nicely assorted stook of it was time to eait until Mr. Dowsoe H . R D W .A R F, caught up. His movements, however, Isere not quite an lively as were those of the horse. There was no serious damage done. SUMMONED 1 A.UCCIONIIR,S. E. 11. FISH, — — Where tho m1 ❑ who came at the cry of -'next" IFNRY t'�ILB1_+1R, Lice..sed Atte- receiveda'Shave and a Hair -cot which could tionoer for Hay, Stephen, and McOilli- not possibly have been surpassed by any Tray 'Townships. Sales conducted at moderate utLrber, 1'ates, /dice—At Post -office, Crediton, Ont. NEAIb'rII1J POST OFFICE. Jni1N ir[LL, Aucltonert, for the Ai 1 pp Townshlns of Stephen, Ray and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. 411 sales promntly attended, au 1 s4118 00tion guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. - -- SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE VE`CERINARY- rnENNENT & TENN L NT Vt=teri LANGTRY AND PARISIAN .BANGS. 1 nary Surgeons, Grudu<Ltes of the Ontario Vetei4nart College, Toren Without a doubt they are tho mostbee ming to, have op ened an office ;tyles ever introduced. Lacfies,for something for the trca talent of till in very fine style, such as the Langtry and Domestic rAnimals, on P,.risiar Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switcnrs, l ainstreet -.deter. Calls Puffs Curls or Wi • . Dearing, j' &`.,g. -r.- 6s, call on Iko.J at from a dis - ,soca praniPt'3' CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,,& always on hand: Where be will supply all your wants in the Hair Lino, MONEY TO LOAN. 1 /(ONEi' TO L0AN UN REAL ES . V_L tate forthe Huron & ErieLotan Say- ings Saciety. ay- ingsSJciety. Low rates ofinteresi, Apply to Sohn' Spackman,Exeter. A.i 'ONEY'1'U LOAN A7' G ANll 6 1!' percent:eoccor�iti1 i1 tioteYina, Private Funds. Tei yto r 'I•.v.ELI,IOT. Augustl5,'85 Solicitor. Exetei % ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6a- percent, l . percent, 32"0,000 Private Funds- Best Loaning Companies represented. L.R DICKSON, Barrister. Exeter, Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. Butter & Eggs WANTED.? J. Matheson ORES CO LI S COLDS: >%fH C A'R;3'EN ES'S ,ETC.`'' CENTRAL Hae opened out in' Currelley & Co's. Old Stand, J. CLARK, Agent for the Us• 1 \ • borne and iibbert .futua 'Fire lnsur nncc : ompany, Residence -300 Con., Usborne Orders by ma,lto Exeter P. U,, grolnptl:y at- tondedto,. JOHN y1CDUN ELL. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIJENSES. OFFICII IN FAN8ON'S BLOCK, Also agent fOrthe London Mutual l-euranee Company of Canada, Slercantile insurance Co —Capital ,500,000:00 Head Office Waterloo; Ont, Glasgow & London Insurance Coy—Cap- ital 32,500,000: Head 0 Mee, Montreal : Stand- tr,lLite Insurance Co., Head Office, London England ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head office, Toronto. JOHN MoDONELL Exeter. T- EIE WATERLOO MUTUAL .L FIRE INSURANCGCO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This comranv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation iu Western On- tario,andoentinues to insure agaiust'ose or damage by Eire,Buildings,Mercyantlise,Dban- ufactories,aud rill other descriptions oftinsur- able property, tutendinI, insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash Systom. During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,006 Policies, covering property to the au,odnt of 340,872,088 ; and Haid in loss- es alone -8700,7,2,00 AasetS, ,8176,100.00, consisting of Cash n dank, Government Deposit, and tho ut1a88- eased Premium Notesonhand and inforce. J, W WALDEN el D, Presider t. C ti TAYLOIL, Secretary. ,T. 0. Hoost,s,Inspoctor. -0HAS, SNELL, Agent for 'Exeter d vicinity. TIN !nterco1iailayo�aOF CANADA, rr The Royal Mail, P0800nger and neigh, Route between Canada and Groat Btitai,: and direct route between the West and all ,points on the Lower St. Lawrence and llaio dos Cha- leur, also New Bruns' ick, Nova Scotia, P, E. Island Cape Breton, Newfound land, Bermuda, ant! Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Day Oars run en through ,.Express trains, Passengerl•for Great Britain or 'ho Conti- nent by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a. m. Thurs. nae will joie tintwartr mall steamer at Hali- fax a, h1, Saturday. Supd"riori Elevator Warehouse and nook ac- commodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and general merchandise. Years Of experience havro proved the INTER- f1OLO1NtAL in conheet en with steamship Titre to ant! i,-om London, Liverpool and GiaSeow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight Couto between Cadada anti Groat Britain. Information as to Passenger and Freight rates bait he lead on application to 11013 r• it's P.M./01)1E, Western Freight &Passenger 'Agent 03l'+,ssin house Block, York St., Toronto, D,I'O` VlNGEE, Chief Superintendent, RCttivraa'Oftice',1one to N.1.B.,Nov 18,1885. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER: �, Per �,�,��. ped a car of horses the' other day the trial grave been published and laid A full stock of all kinds of Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of 1 David B from Clinton, purchased of •he fol- on the table, and there isnothing not ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Sailings and lowing parties:-NIr. Stenf, Kinbarn, affooriug that case whtoh they have Dye -stuffs andpackage Overcoats Cheap. not ot, y mare, $185; J. McMillen, Hallett, g Dyes, constantly' on Our Dress Goods are marked down to horse, $200; Thos. Churchill, Gorier- It was remarked to -day that the Y , 5 the Lowest Notch. ieh township, horse, $1S0, male, House has seldom been so full at an hand. Winan's COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. $175; A. Lawson, Hallett, horse, ordinary meeting, which shows that —` $150; J. McMann, Seaforth, two a keen interest is taken in coming Condition AHonse awl Lot to sell or rent. Apply to borses $360; W. McKenzie, London events. Powd- JOHN MATHESON. Road, mare, $150. ---John Gentles, The story which the Toronto Globe HAY P. 0. of Kincardine, has purchased Young publishes about Hon.' Mr. Carting erg Wagoner, imported by Wm. Steven- arid the Lieutenant -Governorship of the best son, of Glammie, for the sum of Ontario is wholly without foundation. • $1,500. Young Wagoner took the However popular such an appoint - in the mark- third prize at the last p ovinoial meat might be the yarn is a fabei'ca- exllibition, and had the stallion been ►ion, et and always in proper trim would doubtless leave It ie quite probable that the Fin - fresh, Family reeip- come off second at least,--NIo. anoa Minister will bring down th a Henry Chesney, of Tackersmitb. budget on Friday of next weep. es carefully prepared at recently sold to Messrs Sharp & Hon, Mr, Thompson, the new Min: Donovan, of Seaforth, her splendid ister of Justice, made his debut in the the Central Drug Store Exeter' team of black heavy draught borses, Hu11se to day, and created a decidedly �' and received for thein the handsome favorable impression. His remarks C. LtUTL p d sum of $500. They were both herd- ; to -day in explanation of the two Bills ' lugs, the ono six and the other seven introduced by him were brief,but they �r ' [years old, and were well matched. twee sufficient to show to the RI use Wooetllarti,They were, without exception, one of!hat tie is a fluent speaker, perfectly Enowloige Power -..- -•••••••••••• best theme 5n the country of Hurou, cel -possessed and tllarongly actquainet. The eouoeit at Horses' ,eohool and took first prize at the Seaforth, el with the business of ]tie depart 1111, D II Ii MAO:. house 00 Friday evening, 12th alt., Clinton and Exeter shows last fall, men,. Even his opponents concede ° ° was a grand success. The eohool One of them was sired' by "D tnnld that he will be a decided acquisition BUT YOUR GROCERIES house was filled to overflowingwith Diunie," and the other byPeok'a to the Government. KITH '1r1,�1 a most respectable audience. At "Bleck Robin." They were aken to North -rest Rebellion Claims. F 0 R C , S II '1 1 eight o'clock Mr. Juhuetou, of Blatt- Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and were -� _.:o . t,.- �" _ oAo shard, tools the chair' and begat. to resold ,heti, tbo day after Heir arri Ottawa, Marco 1. -..he Govern - 6 lbs, nice, .. WINTER dispose of theprogramme rte ` his val. Mr. Wm. Chesney has also sold meek have appointed rt commission 25 Conte 1 y pp 5 lbs, Buckwheat, S. R. Flour, 25 usual off -handed style. Mr. C. his boy team to an American buyer to proceed to the North Weet to en - 1 1b. Cocoa, 25 To be sold, out to make room Copeland, of Woodham, gave the for the sum of $450, The team also quire into and take evidence upon 1 lb, Y. H. Tea, 25 —for— first reading from "Peck's Bad Boy," wee well matebed, and was hard to lessee of loyal settlers, during the re - 1 lb, Good Coffee, 25 which was well received and web beat, They are both geldings and cent rebeltiou and arising eat of the 4 lbs. Turkey Prunes, .. 2u B 3 Cans Mackerel, .. .. 25 SPRING IMPORTATIONS followed by Mr. Martin,- of Usborne, aro corning six years old, One of aisturban,e, the Cominissionere be• 3 Thick Plugs Chewing or Smoking with a song, "Tho lempeet," Mies them was sired by "Sterlingshire ing Alphou ie Onimet,, of Montreal ,• Tobacco, 25 1600 yds. Spool Gorton, 25 Cants. Latimer residing at tho - organ. Champion," and the other byHenryona ' Currie Powder, C. &B., 20 Caps, Reduced 20 per cent: ' p g "Honest Y hf l�rttmbo ; Thomas 1 Quart Pickles, 20 Scarfs, Men's Shirts & Ilrawere, Overcoats, Ilia harmourca bard of \' oo.lham, Sandy. 1dCay, of Prince Albert. The re- N, P. Soap, _ 20 Bal. of Men's & Women's Overshoes, $.130, fcotnposed of Masters Jim Mille, Mr. Charles Monteith of the port of the previous informal coin - 3 lbs. T'amily Soap. 1ti , , . West, Mills, and Jaell Swallow, /ilea Thames R.aad Usborne, Inst week miesion' recommended the payment of 2 Bars :electric Soap, 15 �.7r' Dura'_ LrR1.T.T5 1 ;i ,feces and here loudly sold his well known thoroti fibred p Y 2 Bars Victor Soap, 15 25 lbs, Good Shoe $100 some fine 1Y g a number of settler's claims, but, , , ., encored. Misses Johnston and Legear 'mere, imported by'tho late Hugh stated that as' to others and especial•, a Pickstnno s Washing Crystal, 10 24 lbs: Baking Soda, , , .. 1,00 Z ' ,loners Siiokle Clrewiug Tobacco, IO 20 lbs. t3rrl,gift, 1.00 with Mr. .13; Brown, of Winchelsea, Love, sr, of ,alt sGteen, to a gentle ly as to the chains of business p00,•. Thick Smoking,, t • , ,rgood 't in their part song,' ' man lit' Oxford count: for the baud. McDonald's P S g, 10 11 lbs,' Tho, ley a Castile toed, 1,00 ,nude a (; od 111 l 1 �, y i 1plo; a more Corral»l eutluliy by nom-. Tie, Gold Seal Cir+ar : , 5 c rr 0.25 "Mortgage .. e „ n r 3 Boxes Eddy's Largo Box Matches, Well have to the Carlo, some truth of $400. missiditEirs authariZeil to take eb°. 5 Cigars, Pili'© Spanish Juice 5 20 ds, Factory Cotton,(1 nr'ci wide), 1,00 li t s ( p ), y ti v„ )r and secured a meet vociferous tip- Mr, l+atnes Gardiner of Farquhar deuce under oath should b' l atie. G yds. Grey Flannel, , , 1,p0 REMEMBER THE AbDRrSS c plausEL Mines Brock and - 'Jodie hurl pttee1)used the oelebretea horse The Goeernment have, pending rho &C., &e., &S., &o'' J t, ,r r 1 6 t'gave a good tseleotlon en the Organ Stone Cloves from M1•. W, .Rollins so'0,00 of Parliament, ala half the 7y �•r y, y 6 , 1 Drew s Block, t�ou�+li More, 1',elnourbot our 12 lbs. tea offer holds:good ye ti It very and charmed the audience as much of Steppe foe y large elan and 'amounts tet3iminended to to pals to •. , + , tie the coming se will . ,: Nl+VEII UNDCCtSO.LIJ l bq ,lieu btlu,t},- its tb+su playing. dui r g ml g as()u,vittnaval 'settlers, Vltsats, Online rind .Muria Mt, 1\'1oucyi of Kirkton, brought the Along with "0 d Enterprise, We will leave tit once for the West 11 • Agent for 'Dominion Line of 11. M. Steam. .. Y , y. r 4 slaps. �, DUN G , �rkt n lichee down' With his ne'w version of wish Mr. G. euecess, Rey berm anent ,1 on t re„s PR PERTY CHANGES. --Mr. John Oesch, of the'Brotison Line, Hay, has maid bis farm to Mr. rinuer- tnan, of the township of Wilmot. - Mr. Andrew Kipfer has bougt,t 40 acres from Mr. Mann° Swartzentrub- ler, which is near his plane, -Mr. Robert Todd has staid his farm near .Dryseale, to Mr. Mero, and is on his way to Kansas with his wife and fa - wily and mother -in law„ who sold her property of 47e sores to Mr. John Reith, for the sum of $1,850. Mr. tt�+itis has besides this 180 acres on the Bronson Line, Stanley, 100 acres on the Goshen Line,. and100 acres near Blake, north town line, Hay He says he has one-half more land than he wants, and is going to adver- tise all and sell whichever half suits the buyer, as he is not particular which he keeps, There aro beautiful spring creeks, and the buyer will have choice between either brick or atone houses to dwellin, au gold bank barns for outbuildurgs. Exeter -butcher Shop. R. DAVIS, Butcher 8i, General Dealer —IN �tLL RINDS ()4' -- .MINI.. I'S'IS Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTEXTION.