HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-02-06, Page 7Gregg vanities and display kitchen
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In bowling news this week, followectby the Chipbrealiers Erma had both the high
inthe YBC Saturday Iunior and the Precisions with 64 triple of 686, and the high
League, • the Centennial each, and the Diamonds. average of 205.
Maple Leafs are out In front Laurie Daw had.the.ladies _In the Tuckersmith Mixed
with 170 points, ahead of the high single of 239, Nancy League, the-Violets—are- in
Alley Wreekers with 158, the ,Adams had the high triple of front with 75 points, followed
}lookers, the Spares and 594, and Nellie Burkholder by the Lonely Petunias with
Strikes with 152% each, the had the high average of 193. 591/2, the Hollyhocks with 55,
Head Pin Hitters with 1431/2, Vic Hoggarth had both the the Waterlilies with 54, the
the Super Strikers with 135, men's high single of 221, and Dandelions with 491/2, and
the. AllerOurns w4th 1321/2, the high triple of 595, and the Mayflowers with 43 Jo -
and the King Crowns with Mike Stinnissen had the high Anne Hayman had both the
1231/2. Terry Van Dongen had average of 208. ladies high single of 250, and
both the girls' high single of The Fine Starts and the the high triple of 670, while
220 and the high double of Dam Poors are the top dogs Angus Hummel had both the
37.6., while Murray Bolger in the Molson's Crown Mixed men's high single of 307 and
had both the boys' high League, tied with 59 points the high triple of 835.
single of 218, and the high each. They are followed The Daffy Dolls are in first
• double of 349. closely by the Panthers with place in the Clinton -Blyth
The Tigers are really 58, Ron's Mickeys and the Ladies' League with 26
\running away with the lead Corner Pins with 51 each, points,' but are followed
in the Londesboro Men's the Cheetahs with 44, the closely by Della's Slaves
League, as they have Centennials with 36, and the with 25, Hoggies Hippies and
collected 93 points, com- Pin Ups with 34. Gerry the Evil Knievels with 24
pared to the Lions with 67, Harris swept all the each, the Striking Streakers
the Cheetahs with 62, and the women's honors with the and the Pin Pickers with 23
Leopards with 44. Bert Lyon high single of 243, the high each, the Crown Jewels with
had both the high single of triple of 687, and the high 22, and the Try Hards with
303, andthe high triple of average of 221. Ken Johnston 21. Edna Atkinson had the
810, while Jack Lee and Cliff swept all the men's honors high single of 305, Lia
Saundercock shared the high with the high single of 307, Hoggarth had the high triple
average of 222. the high triple of 850, anbd of 695, and Mary Davy had
In the YBC Friday Junior the high average of 247, the high average of 217.
League, the Pin Bombers In the Londesboro Ladies
are on top with 1731/2 points, League; the Rolling Pins are
and are followed by the Pin on first place with 88 points,
Killers with 1691/2, the far ahead of the Pin Chasers
Streakers with 1621/2, the with 69, the Try Hards with
Corner Pins with 1481/2, the 59, and the Slow Starters
Alley Jets with 1421/2, the with 50. Audrey Thompson
Strike Outs with 1351/2, the had the •high single of 272,
Pin Crackers with 122, and and the high triple of 679.
the' 450s with, 114. Anne The Strike Outs are out in
Diechert had the girls high front in the Crown YBC Teen
single of 199, while Wendy League with 2641/2 points,
- Welch had the high double of and are followed by the
359. Gary Bolger had the North East Kids with 259.
boys' high single of 203, and Next come Chilly On A Bun
Dave Williscraft had the
high double of 386.
The Bowling Buddies are
getting along nicely in the
Clinton Mixed League as
they lead the way with 62
points, and are followed
closely by the Odd Balls with
60, the Happy Hookers with
55, Goofy's Greats with 50,
the Free Throws with 49, the
Leaders with 48, the Born
with 2431/2, Twitter's
Twisters with 2401/2, Wendy's bings with two, Allan Taylor
Playboys with 2271/2, the with two, Dave Archibald
Corner Pin, Kids with 2141/2, and Peter Thompson.
the South West Kids with Picking up assists were Paul
206, and Symons Symples Priestap with three, Paul
with 2001/2. Deb Johnston Robinson, Robert Heard, and
swept all the women's Steve Jones with two each
honors with the high single and John Mc -Mahon with
of 297, the high triple of 663, one.
and the high average of 201. Five second period goals
Bob Atkinson had the men's were scored by Bill Roy,
high single of 256, Steve Allan Taylor, Paul Priestap,"
Kinsmen goalie Arnold Riley made a brilliant stop
during a broomball game against- the Fish and Game
last Monday night. Sid Macaulay made the shot. The
Kinsmen won.
Sunocos down Colts
Last Sunday afternoon in
Clinton, the Port Elgin
Sunocos (last year's O.H.A.
Intermediate 'C' champs)
scored three goals in the
first period' and then
struggled to hang on to the
lead as they edged the
Clinton Colts 4-2.
The win for the Sunocos
was their 22nd in 25 games.
As for the Colts it was
their best defensive game of
the year and as the playoffs
begin next week, the Colts
realize there must be win-
ners in every game.
The Colts season record
Midget dump Seaforth
The Clinton Midgets
played Seaforth Saturday
night in Clinton, defeating
them 12-4.
One first period goal was
scored by Robert Heard with
Allan Taylor and Steve
Jones assisting.
Six second period goals
were scored by Mike Gib -
Assisting was Paul Priestap.
Three second period
goals were scored by Paul
Priestap., Allan Taylor and
Peter Thompson. Picking up
assists were Mike Gibbings,
Robert Heard and Rich
One third period goal was
scored by Allan Taylor
assisted by Robert Heard.
stands at 10 wins, 13 losses
and 3 ties - a respectable
'record for a first year effort
in the O.H.A. Intermediate
'C' loop.
Port Elgin jumped to an
early 3-0 lead in the first
period on goals by Grant,
Schell and Symons. In the
second frame, the Colts
hnlinrprl hnrk cfpcil hv
Paul Draper with assists
going to Paul Bartliff and
John Van Loo. That scoring
at 18:34 mark ended the
Second period with the score*
The Colts came within one
goal of tying the Sunocos
when "Captain" Ken Daer
banged in his own rebound
at the 4:18 mark with the
assist credited to Scott
Parks. But Port Elgin
secured their win with a goal
by McKinnon at 14:07, and
with that, the game ended in
a hard fought 4-2 battle.
This Sunday at the local
arena, theXlinton Colts meet
the Milverton Four -Wheel
Drives with the face off time
8 p.m. This game promises
to be a fast skating, hard
hitting affair as Clinton is
out to secure third place in
the O.H.A. Intermediate 'C'
circuit. See you there Clinton
Arena - Sunday 8:00 p.m.
(continued from page 6)
performance of his Armbro
Napier, who has won his last
two races in good company
_ _Losers_44,_and the Alley Cats in Windsor with Ray
with 24. Bar -b' Van Damme Gibbings had the high triple Frank Flynn and Mike Remmen in the sulky.
had both the ladies high of 661, and Alex Harrett had Gibbings. Assisting these 4,
singli 243, and the high the high average of 218. goals were Robert Heard,
Quick Almahurst, owned
triple of 641, while Val The United Nations" and Frank Studney, Peter by Bill Fleming of Clinton, is
regaining his form. The
Marriage had the high the Snowbirds share the lead Thompson, Paul 'Priestap
three-year-old colt was
average of 220. Jim Switzer in rthe Ladies Afternoon and Dave Archibald.
second Sunday night at
had the men's high single of League with 81 points each, The Midgets travelled to
itteltite titilt 6r-673, and "Willi" 16,' ehe- Roadrunners game of the semi-finals in a 1. mg.
Owen Sound at Hanover
N Hamburg 19 9 1 197 126
Hanover 15 8 4 151 124
Clinton 13 9 5 145 99
Listowel 14 11 2 152 131
London 3 25 0 98 273
Owen Sound 2 23 0 88 219
28 2 2 291 88
21 10 2 184 146
12 15 7 170 189
12 15 4 221 236
10 21 1 149 223
St. Thomas
e illop Twp. forms,ree group
A Recrehtion committee
for the of McKillop
formed at Lt public
meeting last w('ok,
Reeve Allan Campbell
acted as chairman and
Donald Reid was present,
from the ministry of com'.
munity and social services to
outline • the duties of a
Recreation committee.
• The majority of those
present 1,mlicated that they
were in favour of forming a
Recreation committee for
The following Motions
were passed - subject tc
approval by council - that
two members of the Council
of McKillop and 10 residents
of the Township' who ' are
qualified to be elected as
members of the council be
appointed to the Recreation
Parks and Community
Centre Board for a one year
The,, are William Seimon,
Bob Regele, Jack Horan,
Graeme Craig, Laverne
Godkin, Ron Ryan, Gordon
Pryce, Dan Murray, Kevin
Kale and Ken Murray.
The next committee
meeting will be! held on
Wednesday, February 5 at 8
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Gary Freeman had the high with 74, the Try Hards with three game series. The final Dillion Song, owned by .
average of 210. . 72, and the Hopefuls with 66. score was 6-3 for Clinton. George Elliott of Clinton was
..In the Wil-Dex League, Rosemary Armstrong and Two first period goals forth in the eighth race at
the Ferrotics are still on top Erma Hartley shared the were scored by Mike Gib- Windsor Friday night.
with 70 points, and are high single of 274, while bings and Rich. Taylor.
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told Immunization is quick and convenient
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on immunization is
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1 IP
I often combined. And the only way to
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as many people as possible.
share -by providing vaccines and pay-
ing for immunization through OHIP.
dren are immunized. Consult your
family physician, public health nurse
•or local medical officer of health.
aiallAte., 'Wierefigfettrotottir--whitt--- ,- -
Your Ontario Government is doing its
Do your share -make sure your chil-
7 Immunization protects against pad
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measles), whooping cough, smallpox munized against, and at what ages. For
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to be "childhood diseases, they are
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stance, can lead to encephalitis (brain
disease), a cause of retardation!
Here in Ontario, the Ministry df Health
' provides the vaccines and your Ontario
Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) pays a fee
to the physician for administering them.
Health Resource Centre
Communications Branch
Ontario Ministry of Health
Hepburn Block:Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1S2
Ministry of Health
Frank Miller, Minister
Government of Ontario
William Davis, Premier