HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-01-23, Page 9By Joyce Pepper
Harry Horton honoured
Sunday morning in Hensall
United Church, the
congregation celebrated 50
years of the United Church
in Canada, and also
Celebrated 50 years of ser-
vice to the choir by a very
faithful member, Harry
A gold plaque with Harry's
name on and the number of
years served will be placed
Sound,,, Marsh and Karen at strengthened. The' disciples.
home. Also surviving are his - believed in him because they
mother Mrs. Laila Pressey, saw the power of God. The
Brownsville; two brothers, great lesson to be learned by
Norman, Tillsonburg, this story, is the difference
Phineas, Brownsville;. one Christ makes, just as Jesus
sister, Mrs. Murray (Marie) caused the water to be °
Bowes, St. Catharines; and turned into wine, He also is
one granddaughter. able to Pressey and to give us ae ur newl
l lives
The late Mr.joy of
rested at the , Bonthron living.
F,1,11•10,, ,, „ _ unne.,l The Forrest Orchestra
until Friday evening and accompanied the singing of
thence to the H.A. Ostrander the hymns, and also played
M --the' -church. Harry sang Funeral Home in Tillsonburg '°We have an anchor."
two lovely solos, "The where funeral service took Following the service, the
stranger of Galilee" and "In place on January- ''20• annual Vestry meeting was
the garden", to mark the Interment was in,Tillsonburg held. The treasurer reported
occasion. The choir sang the Cemetery. a very successful year with
anthem "Praise" ac- personals � ,all obligations being,met.
companied on the organ by '
Bonar 11
Mrs. Turkheim.
Rev. Don Beck, preached
on the sermon topic "Cool it,.
man". During the social
hour after the service, Harry
and Annie Horton were the
guests of honour in the
Fellowship Hall. Ian
McAllister, chairman of the
worship and membership
committee; congratulated
Harry and presented him
:with a 50 year pin and Mrs.
Horton was presented with a
gift also.
Crokiinole Party
The Three "C's" from
Carmel, Cromarty, and
Caven Presbyterian Chur-
ches met on Thursday
January 14 at Cromarty
Presbyterian Church for a
• crokinole party. Bob Taylor
won the prize for men's
high; Bert Thompson for
men's low; Eleanor
Thompson for ladies' high;
and Mary Dougall for ladies'
low. Al Hoggerth got the
prize ,for getting the most
Betty Lou Norris con-
ducted a number contest
with Jim Dougall scoring -
highest.. Next, month will be
the first birthday of the
group, and the meeting will.
be held -on .February 25 -at 8
p.m. at Cavett Presbyterian • An evening service was
Church in Exeter. All in- held at St. Paul's Anglican
terested couples from _the
Church on Sunday. Rev.
three congratations :the..
G.A. Anderson based his
invited to come and join. m, sermon on the miracle per
on the first birthday.
celebration. 'formed at' Cana of Galilee.-
• - - Thisiracle w s erf ied'
" � bit iary='` • for a&*able jii p , trl ts; t
Kei"'' W'"- Pressey passed affected the well being of The .
away suddenly at his host in that it saved em -
residence at RR 2, Kippen on barrassment of supplies
January 16, 1975 in his 48th running short. Secondly, the
year. miracle acted as a sign to
He is survived by his wife, show forth Jesus as the son
the former Elva Chambers; of God, so that men might
four sons, Calvin, Brian, see and believe. The greatest
Barry, Paul,at home; three 'event and truth Of this story
daughters, Mrs. Robert is the fact that the taith of
(Lynda) Batkin, Owen the disciples was
A. Reid: Organist, Mrs.
l' 1'and Forrt',t,
St. Paul's ACW
The regular meeting of St,
Paul's ACW was held
Thursday afternoon at the
home of Miss Olive Petty.
The president 'Mrs.
Anderson, opened the
meeting with a prayer
followed by the Lord's
prayer. The minutes were
read and approved. Roll call
was answered with a New
Year's text and thank -you
notes from those receiving
Christmas boxes were read,
also a letter from prayer
partner, Captain Corey.
Olive Petty gave the study
or 1575 are Rec
Leonard Erb of Hensa Officers f E.J. Roberts;boUk "Don't put faith in
and Elmore McBride of tors Warden,Cl k money" and Mrs. Forrest
Exeter, members of the Hay .
Mutual ' Fire Insurance.
Company attended a Fire
Insurance Adjusters course
in Bolton this past week.
A surprt a farewell party
was held recently for Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Brock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Brintnell. The evening
was spent playing cards, and
a social hour followed. The
address was read by Mrs.
Jack Brintnell and Mrs.
Alvin Cole presented the
couple with a gift to) which
they replied fittingly.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Peters-
Gagel of ,Goderich visited
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
Sifn Roobal.
Mrs. Anthony VanDyke of
Three Rivers, Quebec, is
presently a house guest with'
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal.
She has been visiting her
daughter and other relatives
in Wyoming and Goderich,
and will be leaving the
Roobals to spend the winter
months with her daughter in
Chatham before returning to
Three Rivers, Quebec in the
St. Paul's Church
warden, ar
lay delegate to
Frank Forrest;
clerk, Mrs. E.J.
treasurer, Mark
church care, Mrs.
and Mrs. Anderson read the
scripture. A soap contest
w,as enjoyed by
Everyone repeated
clusing prayer.
C1,11•1140N N WS.RECORP. TWr ftt$PAY, .1?0.11J4
feeing meeting to be held in
Ladles Guild
October: coffee and fruit bread
The Ladies Guild of Trinil,y to be served 'at the Junu'nry 21
Church held their January annual meeting: discussion of w
meeting at the home of Mrs. L. Life Memberships; system of
W. Scotc•hmer on })cony coction for allocation
Tuesday evening, •�J'anuary 14 1%.ts set ullepl — the grout) divided
with 10 members present. into two opposing teams with the
The president, Mrs. R. Roy losers serving , the winners
Fitzsimons, read special prayers dinner at the ye•rrs end:
for the new year-Jind the 'First Presbyterial dues of $15 to be
Chapter of St. Mni'k6 Gospel. paid.
The Lords Prayer was repeated Mrs. Penhale thinked the
in unison and the president ladies for their kindness in
thanked all the members for serving at their 50th wedding
their assistance to her in her anniversary ani Kathleen
-.first year- in office and ask for_ Siertsema thanked ° the hostess
their continued support for her and a lovely lunch was served.
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Territories, are now open in
Kron County 53.00 to 55.00 per
irext term of office.
The secretary, Mrs. L. W. Personals
5cotchmer, read the minutes Mr. and, Mrs. Jim Harmon.
Many the previous meeting. Marine City, Mich. were en •
Christmas cards and cards of tertained for the weekend by
.thanks were received and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder of
moved for filing. Landon at their Village
The president gave the flower residence on Keith Crescent.
secretary's report of manyfMr.Norman F. Cooper, Mount
ser trrsout. Also 20 memor, and cards that ial
Clemens, Mich. joined his wife
been sent out during 1974. for the weekend at their
Mrs. MertonMerner, Bayfield home on Clan Gregor
treasurer, read he,r report, and Square.
Mrs, E. W. Erickson dates were set for the annual companied her sister. Mrs.
ac -
euchre and bridge card parties: Gurdon Stewart, Ripley to
Friday, April 4, Oct. 17; annual London for the day on Tuesday.
Fall Bazaar, Saturday, Mrs. B. A. Quigg, Kim and
November 15. All events will be JoeyLondon, spent last
held in the Parish Hall. weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Different and new ideas were Eric Earl. They were joined s.
discussed for the fall bazaar and Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Mrs. Ruth Mutzelburg was Stevenson, Kathy, Koren, Doug
appointed as convener of crafts. and David of London.
The meeting closed with allMr. and Mrs. Robert
repeating the Benediction .in ►
unison. Lunch was served by the Wilkinson, Sarnia, visited last
hostess. The February meeting Tuesday with her grandmother,
will he held at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Bertha Turner.
Bucluh Smith on Tueszlay Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scot- -.
chmer•, Robert, Lori ' and
evening February 11. Carolyn, Chatham were
St. Andrew's weekend guests of his mother,
UCW Mrs. L. W. Scotch ner.
A joint meeting of St. The Bayfield Ever Young
Andrew's U.C.W. .was held at Club members are reminded of
"the home of Carol Penhale with their regular meeting on
29 members and 10 children .Thursday evening, January 30,
in the Municipal Building at 7:30
Mrs. Fletcher McLaughlin,
Meagan, Alfie and` Courtnery,
Mrs. C, Lowther, Bruce and
Chris all of Toronto, spent
Saturday and Sunday with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred LeBeau.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker,
Pam, Jack and David of Dor-
chester visited Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
present. Devotions were taken
by Kathleen Siertsema with.
Doris Reddoch reading the
scripture. The theme of the
'devotions was "Time to Spend".
A skit was presented by Doris
Reddoch, Gwen Pemberton,
Betty Burch and 'Dawna
Westlake. In it, three ladies
were found meeting "St:- Peter
at the Golden Gate". Each lady
needed- a list of three thins
done to further Christianity 'on
the earth. The lists fell far short
of St. Peters requirements.
The following business was Miss Wendy. Greer, Wilfrid
discussed: a possible quilt. for-, Laurier ..University, Waterloo,
United Church celebrations. of was with her parents, Mr. and
6: • fifty years of union; February Mrs., Bert Greer and sister
tr,'zm'ectin '•to bb, ihe1d F'eb'ruary 14 • - Patti, ,lige 3,• Bayfield •for, the
:it the church at 12:30 with pot- weekend.
luck. lunch; Dominion Life Choir Mr. Bud Sturgeon and Miss
of Kitchener to be contacted for Barbara Davidson, London,
a program possibly for May 21; visited Sunday with his parents,
annual' Chicken Barbecue, July Mr. and Mrs., Jack B. Sturgeon
1; Bake Sale on Dawna after spending the weekend with
Westlake's lawn, August 15; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boh-
choir, . Sunday . School and Davidson in Windsor.
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Brucefield firemen Fred McGregor and Gord Hen-
derson rip up floor boards on Monday afternoon at the
former Library building at Vanastra. The firemen
quickly put out the fire in the building, owned by Sam
Russo, before it caused much damage. A faulty furnace
was blamed. (News -Record photo)
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