HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-2-18, Page 8BITAANOBr, Thu spring *sititett;or Heron ofnine t will �ieGil; 0. tq S. Pe Po Hen. ,WjIbi Me,
I be held; tiff Goaerioh kxt M 22n4.
lent T IiLJ tIQ , A,C'T.z' ]T','' QA. Complain, am more abOr t etlirlingt{ leer Herd ; `Qookerel, Willient MoNeil;; Pullet, W.
TRE: WESPEEN A88UBANCE "COM. nwehlnn, bt'lt gra t4 Banton l,Brose sn(3 gotMcNeil.
WurrS Q. la'+o&lail,—Z'ullot, JRn4es Creech,
&. o$ SAB4T a a..-.Cookerel, W. J, Carling;
Pullet, W. J. Carling;
BLAME J'Ayas,—•Gook, W, G. i3ieaett, 1 .
Goddard ; Hen, Howard at ,uollaud, H. God,
Bard, W. G. Bissett ; Ooekorel, H. Goddard,
W. G.13iesett ; Pullen, H. Goddard,
IUiTA Y, otToronto : else ffoe the li nfi1X EIRE feet, (Qlers.,
NSA lCE COIItPA. ,bile lee klusierei, A'49'I3Qoks, Jonrlaale, hedger, AA est
the lioX. L:OANADIAN, et #entreatend tha:
SIXITISHk111,iiu I+z1rl7; ASSUlealebl.t ooz'kinds; of blank bloke, also full lice of stet-
PRAY, of T,Qndon. Iflaghted,' eatabliSlled 1847. tioncry at Centre/ Drug Store, 0, Lrtxz,
Meseta over, $5,000,000; °Jaime and bonusesproprietor.
paid, over l.0,090.000,
John Snow diel at his residence in Exeter
North ou Sabbath last in the 76th year of ilia.
LQQ4I NfaWS,-4Ve $heli be happy to re- age, eoeasecl was au old and highly re- 8. tS. IIAx'r:A s, --Cook, W piste MoNeil;
ceiue at all tunes from any tart o the
spected eideut of this bines. The funeral, .Hen, William. McNail; Cookerel, William Mc -
, items a 'loccz.l Stews such <ts no, which took place on Tuesday, was largely at- Leod; Pullet, William McLeod,
y Ir 'nznipD BLACK BANTAnis.—Cook, W.
vitZants,ar• any interesting incident what 'tended, Roan Co
ever,. from any of our subscribers or read- Air Jonathan Bentley, of Blyth, formerly MoNeil ; lien, William MoNeil ; Cockerel, W,
ewe rgeneraliy, for theter public- of Usborne township, while unloading saw MoNeil ; Pullet, William McNeil.,
io p pose o loge at a mill ill the tolrnship of Hallett, a Janet:sea-Cook, William McNeil ; Hon,gat ti' few days ago, got his leg broken in twolaces William MoNeil ; Cockerel, William McNeil ;
e'ese-,.. """" "" ' caused by a couple of large logs rolling off Pullet, William MoNeil,
the sleigh. The injured limb is doing as
;;1'dAte1' Ipi?ICr3. well es can be expected,
• Some mis3reauts, last week, threw a stone
zes--------- against a window in 11,1x. Chas. Gidloy's
THURSDAY, T, EB'Y 18th, 1Ssa house, breaking a largo pane of glass. Tho
guilty patty bad better call and settle dam.
'^T1;NCENTS penins for firstinsertion, ane'
FQ'f3R CENTS per line for each subsequent in
sertion will be charged. fo notices appearing
this o oluutu .
ages and save further trouble. This is the
tnird time windows in his residence have
been smashed, and it won't be well for the
person who again commits the dastardly act.
We compliment Itir. John Buckingham,
- son of Mr. S. Buckingham, of this place, and
a graduate of this Oleo, on his success dur.
iug the many years he has sojourned in Cali-
__._._.. fornix. By degrees he has worked himself
.rap until he bas, at this season, received the
Wedding Bells. editorship of the Mendocino Beacon. Mr. B.
A very imposing ceremony took place at is a promising young man, and his studious
the residence of llir, Wm, Treble ou Weducs- habits and perseyerance will, in the near fn -
day evening last, it being the marriage of tuns, gain for him a position of honor. We
Elizabeth, eldest daughter, to Mr. Richard , feel satisfied that his many friends in Exeter
Hoskin, of Statla, formerly of Exeter. Tho will be glad to learn of his success,
ceremony was performed by Rev. W. S. Pas- The council met by order of the Reeve at
cue, in the presence of a large circle of the 'Market Howe, Exeter, February 12th.,
friends. The young eonple left for their new 1880. All the members present. Tho ob•
home in Stafanext morning. We join their jest of the meeting was to consider an appli-
many friends in wishing them a joyous and cation to reduce the license fees for billiard
prosperous life. tables. Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by
D. Johns, that the Clerk reply that the fees
for billiard table )ileuses wilt not be reduced
and that this Council is not ill fayor of grant-
ing n billiard table licence at all, The coun-
cil adjourned on motion of James Pickard,
seconded by Wm. Bissett.—ill, EACRxT•r,
Commander Cheyne, of Her Majesty's
Royal Nayy, will lecture in Drew's Hall, un-
der the auspices of the Exeter Mechanic's
Institute, on Friday evening, February 19th,
1886. Subject—"Egypt and the Late War,"
illustrated by 65 maguificent lime light
views Commander ed Ch ne'e lectures are
Mr. John Willis, of this place, was in To-
ronto last week attending a meeting of the
Live Stock Assocratton of Canada, of which
he is a member.—Miss Mary Welsh, milliner
in Fenton, Michigan, is home spending her
holidays.—The Misses Meldrum and Gibson,
of Godericb, are the guests of the Misses
Clank. of this place. --Mrs. Stephenson, of
Kinburn, was visitieg friends in town last
Eorses Sold,
Mr. D. Moir, of Usborne, last week sold to
an American buyer a team of carriage horses
for $400. Thev were a fine pair of animals,
and well worth the price paid. Mr. M. is of
opinion that it is more profitable to breed
carriage horses than any other class. It is
well to have this opinion, for the majority of
farmers claim that heavy draught horses are
the most profitable ; consequently Huron
county is well stocked with the finest Iot of
draught horses to be found in any county in
St. Valentine's Day.
Sabbath being the 14th., the date when
those incongruous missives are despatched
through the mails, the days observed were
Saturday and Monday. A great many valen-
tines, aonveyiug to an enemy anonymous,
personal and contemptible spite, were sent,
while gathers, evincing one's affections, sent
coatly cards. The postmaster states there
was this year a falling off in the number sent
.as compared with former years. The old
practice is gradually dying out, and when it
does, no person. save the publishers of the
iki,thographic daubs, will But& r or feel sorry.
LNarrow Escape.
On Thursday night last, while the ice har-
paters were at dinner, a young lad named
fames Esther ventured out upon the ice, and
Ding too far, came to a shallow covering,
„•hich let him through into the deep water.
The lad grasped a piece of floating ice, and
bravely clung to it for about half an hour,
until the workers returned, when a great
many schemes were thought of as to the best
means of rescuing the boy, as he was almost
Met of reach, and the ice surrounding being
so very thin that it was dangerous to venture
out upon it. He was ffnaliy captured by
some one throwing into the water a large
Mick of wood, which he grasped, and made
for the edge of the ice, when he was drawn
out. Had the boy been left in the water
much longer he would certainly have perish-
ed, for he was in a very languid state when
brought out.
anniversary Services.
The anniversary services of Caven Presby-
terian Church, Exeter, were held on Sunday
and Monday last- On Sabbath, Rev. Mr.
Macadam, of Strathroy (a former pastor of
the church) preached two very eloquent and
instructive sermons. On Monday the an-
nual tea was given{ and of the good things
provided by the ladies of the church in their
usual good style, a great many persons par-
took. After tea the people congregated in
the body of the church, where short and
highly elevating speeches were delivered by
Revs. Messrs. Fletcher, Thompson and Mac-
adam. Notwithstanding that the weather
wee very inclement, there was a large num-
ber present. The proceeds, including Sun-
day collections, amounted to $114. There
was a children's entertainment on Tuesday
night. Proceeds, $15.
Revival services will be held during the re-
mainder of this week.
A cutter to exchange for wood. Apply at
this office.
Mast be sold at some price ; 3 -Persian
Lamb °aps,,1 Seal Cap, 1 Seal Muff ; at
Banton Bros, A bargain for somebody.
A smart and intelligent lad wanted to
learn the printing. Apply at once at this
New shirtings, fast colors and sure to wash
at Renton Bros.
Division Court was held ou Monday last
Judge Doyle, presiding. The cases were of
little importatce.
A number of the young folks of the town
spent' a few' pleasant hours at the residence
of Mr. Win. Dearing, Stephen, ma Monday
During the resent thaw several cellars in
then were flooded with water. The weather
at the prceent time being harder, this Moot -
veniendd will be remedied,
This evening there will be a carniyal held
on the ice rink at Heneall, A large list has
been published for e.irnpeiition for priest( and
we understand the prizes are vatuable ones.
At the preseut tithe there is scarcely a va.
dant house in town. As well as many
'thers, Me. Ed. Spaolctnan will area a com-
jlodiiis brick residence next summer on 'Wil-
iam street, in the rear of Mr' john Speck -
fiat's property",
On Tuesday last while Retry, son of Mr
iOhn Strang, of "(Isbornc, was engaged in
loading cedar poste id Howard's saw mill,.
t, ho horses took fright and started off, knock.
an gr the young man down and tramping 014
hit 11, Drooling lite log above the .louse. My.
'Leine ,were gl lnmdnad wile set the brokeu
the uaiiont-is(Wog aswall
noted for being original, entertaining and full
of reliable information, and the time devoted
to listening to him will be well spent. All
attending are guaranteed a rare treat. Doors
open at 7.30 ; to commence at 8 p. m. Ad-
misnion, 25 cents ; children, 10 cents.
The Poultry Prize List.
The first exhibition of the Exeter Poultry
and Pet Stock Association was held in Exeter
on February 2, 3, 4 and 5. The show was a
fair success, and there was a very large num-
ber of birds on exhibition, of a superior class.
The judge, Mr. Jarvas, of London, said it was
the best 'how he had attended this season.
The following is the
LIGHT BRAHMAs.—Cook, R. P. Wright, J.
Down, J. P. Clark ; Hen, James Down; R. P.
Wright, J. P. Clark ; Pullett, lst, and 2nd,
James Down, 3rd, 0. E. Grundy ; Cockerel,
C. E. Grundy.
Deng BBa ssAs.—Cook, Pickard Jr Spicer ;
Hen, Pickard & Spicer; Cockerel, lot and
2nd, Pickard & Spicer ; Pullet, 1st and 2nd,
Pickard & Spicer.
Muse Coonnes.—Cook, William McLeod,
William McNeil ; Hen, William MoNeil, Wm.
McLeod ; Cockerel, William McLeod ; Pallet.
William McLeod.
Neil ; Hen, William McNeil ; Cockerel, Win.
McLeod ; Pullet, William McLeod.
WHITE i;ocHINs: Cook, William McNeil ;
Hen, William MoNeil ; Cockerel, William
McNeil ; Pullet, William MoNeil.
BLACK Comm—Cook, William MoNeil ;
Hen, William MoNeil.
LANGsaaNs.—Cock, A. J. Kern, R. P.
Wright ; Hen, R. P. Wright, A. J. Kern ;
Cookerel, 1i. P. Wright, Cousins & McLaren,
A. J. Karn ; Pullet. H. P. Wright, A. J. Kern,
Consins & McLaren.
PLYMOUTH Roofs.—Cock, William Moore ;
Hen, William Moore ; Cockerel, W. G. Bis-
set, William Moore, C. E. Grundy ; Pullet,
William Moore, W. G. Bissett, 0. E. Grundy.
WYANDOTT80.—Cook, Pickard & Spicer, et sato reproche," "St. 'Valentine's Prfeon-
B. B, 2i, Gann BAWrAMs.—Cock, Pickard
& Spicer ; Hen e Pioktud & Spicer ; Cockerel,
William McNeil ; Pullet, Wiliam McNeil.
PEztt e DUCKS. 1885 hatch. --Drake, Wm.
1aiNeil, William McLeod ; Duck, William
McNeil, William McLeod.
AYLESRunr Duoxs, 1885 Batch. —Drake,
Wm. 11I1Leod ; Duck, Win, McLeod.
BLACI( CAYUGA l)pctcy,1885 hatch.—Dral;e,
Wm, McNeil ; Duck, Wm. MoNeil.
ROUEN Duracs.-1)r111ee, \Villiam McLeod,
John Hord ; Duck, William McLeod, John
TovLOUSE Grasse. —Gamier, John Hord ;
Goose, John 'Bard ; Gander- 1885 hatch—
John Hord ; Goose, John Hord..
PAIRS,—Light Brahmin, C E. Grundy,
James Dotvn; Dark Brahma oh:icks, Pickard
& Spioer, let and 2m1; Buff Cocbius, \Vm,
McLeod, Wan. McNeil ; Buff Cochin sleeks,
Win McLeod ; Putridoe Cochius, \V1a, 111c -
Neil ; White Ccchim, Win, McNeil ; Black
Cechins, \\fru. McNeil ; Langshaus, H. Ealu,
Cousins & McLaren ; Lau„ehan Welts, 11. P.
Wrieht Plymouth Pocks, William N„oro ;
Plymouth hock chicks, \\ m. Moore, \V. G.
Bissett ; W'yandottes, Thorpe & Scott, Pick-
ard & Spicer; Wyandotte chicks, William
Moore, Thorpe ,b Scott ; Silver Grey Dork-
ings, Wm. McNeil ; Silver Grey Dorking
chicks, Wm. McLeod ; Colored Dorkings, W.
McNeil ; 13. B. 11, 051004, A. Bissett ; B.B.R.
Game chicks, Wm. McLeod, Cousins ,2 lic-
Laren ; Duckwing Games, Wm. MoLecd ; S.
S. Hamburgs, \\Tin. MoNeil, Hyndman &
Kelleway, Pickard & Spicer ; S. S. Hamburg
chicks,',Vm. McNeil, C, E. Grundy ; Golden
S. Hamburg, \\'m. McNeil, Howard W Fol -
land ; Golden S. Hamburg chicks, Wns. 1Ic-
Neil ; Black Hamburgs, Thorpe & Scott, W.
McLeod ; Black Hamburg chicks, Thorpe &
Scott, \Vin. McLeod ; Brown Leghorns,
Pickard & Spicer ; Brown Leghorn chicks,
Wm. Moore ; White Leghorns, \Vin. Moore,
Howard & Folland ; White Leghorn chicks,
Wm. Moore, 17 •adman & Kelleway W. T.
Black Spanish, Thorpe & Scott, John Moore;
Hondans, Wm. McNeil ; Houdan chicks, W.
McNeil ; W. C. 13. Polish, Wm. McNeil,
Piokatrl & Spicer; tie or P. Spangled Polish,
Wm. McNeil, John Hord ; Black Smnatras,
W. J. Carling ; Black Javas, H. Goddard,
W. G. Bissett ; S. S. Bantams, Wm. Mc-
Leod ; Rose Combed Black -Bantams, 1st and
2nd, Wm. McNeil ; Japanese Bantams, Wm.
McNeil ; Japanese Bantam chicks, Wm. Mc-
Neil; B.B.R.G. Bantams, Pickard & Spicer;
B. B. R. Game Bantam chicks. Wm. MoNeil;
G. P. Hamburgs, Wm. MoNeil, Pickard &
Spicer ; G. P. Hamburg chicks, W. McNeil,
Pickard & Spicer ; S. P. Harnburgs, John
Hord ; Pekin Ducks, Wm. McNeil. William
McLeod ; Ayleabury Ducks, m. McLeod ;
Bonen Duces, Wm. McLeod, John Hord ;
Any other variety Duck, Wm. MoNeil ;
Toulouse Geese, John Hord ; Toulouse Goose
hatched in 1885, John Hord ; Fantail
Pigeons, 1st and 2nd, Dr. Sweet ; Cat, W. G. '.
Bissett, 3. P. Clarke.
BREEDIEG PENS.—Light Brahmas, R. P.
Wright ; Plymouth Rocks, Win. MoLeod ;
Dorkings, Wm, McLeod ; B. B. R. Games,
Wm. McLeod ; Homburgs, Wm. McNeil ;
Leghorns; Wm. Moore; Polish, Wm. Mc-
Publications Received.
March—comes with its usual variety of read-
able and valuable articles, attractive stories,
and well -executed illustrations. Is the Pan-
ama Canal a failure 7 many ask, The ques-
tion is answered by Mr. Arthur V. Abbott in
"Progress at Panama." Christian Reid, the
well-known novelist of North Carolina, con-
tributes a story called "The Price of a Kiss."
Philip Bourke Marston,the Blind Poet, sends
"Captain Bromley's Life Romance," and Mrs
Sarah A. Bolton tells us of "Marston and his
Home." Noel Buthven carries us bank to
the days of the Chevalier Bayard, "sans pear
Thorpe & Scott ; Hen, Thorpe & Scott, Pick- l er" is a seasonable story by Frances B. Cur-
rie. Mrs. Emily Pierce tells of the "Streets
of Mexico," and M. F. Vallette, of "Old-time
Punishments and Ordeals," The well-known
naturalist, C. F. Holder, in his "Wooing of
the Birds," describes and illustrates some of
the strange performances of the feathered
gallants when they seek brides in the Spring
time. Altogether it is a most enjoyable
and & Spicer ; Cockerel, William Moore,
Thorpe & Scott ; Pullet, William Moore, O.
E. Grundy, Thorpe & Scott.
SILVER GREY Doailzceos.—Cook, William
MoNeil ; Hen, William MoNeil ; Cookerel,
William McLeod ; Pullet, William McLeod ;
Howard & Folland.
COLORED Domeneas.—Cook, William Mc-
Neil; Hen, William McNeil.
B. B. R. ;xe1IEs.—Cock, A. Bissett, Consins
& McLaren ; Hen, A. Bissett, W. 3. Carling,
Cousins & McLaren; Cockerel, William Mo-
Leod ; Pullet, William McLeod, Cousins &
McLaren, A. Bissett.
Docxwma GAMES,—Cook, William Mc-
Leod; lien, William McLeod.
McNeil, Howard & Folland ; Hen, William
McNeil. Howard & Folland ; Cockerel, Wm.
McNeil ; Pullett, William McNeil,
McNeil, Hyndman & Kelleway, Pickard &
Spicer ; Hen, William McNeil, Pickard &
Spicer, Hyndman & Kelleway ; Cockerel, W.
McNeil,Pickard & Spicern
Pullet, C. E. Grundy, WilliU. E. Gru am McNeil, Pick-
ard. & Spicer.
BLADE HAMnuOes,—Cock, Thorpe & Scott,
1st and 2nd, William McLeod. 3rd; Hen,
1st and 2nd, Thorpe & Scott, 3rd, William
McLeod ; Cockerel, William McLeod ; Pallet,
Thorpe & Scott, 2nd and 3rd, Wilson Swen-
Hord ; Hen, John Hord.
GOLDEN PENOILED HA1tnuaus.-0ock, W.
MoNeil, Pickard & Spicer, Hyndman & Kel-
leway ; Hen, William McNeil, Pickard &
Spicer, Hyndman & Kelleway ; Cockerel, W.
McNeil, 2nd and 3rd, Pickard & Spicer ; Pul-
let, William McNeil, 2nd and 3rd, Pickard &
Spica r.
W. T. I3LAOK SrArrxsn.—lien, John Moore,
Cockerel, Thorpe & Scott, 2nd and 34d, John
Moore ; Pullet, Thorpe & Scott, John Moore.
BRow8 L> onoaxs.—Cock, Pickard Bc Spi-
cer ; Hen, Pickard & Spicer ; Oockere1, Wilt.
Moore, W. G, Biseett,'11, B. Carling; Pullet,
William Moore, 2n4 and 3rd, Pickard &
H1TIt Lrononxe.—Coels,. William Moore,
Howard & Foliated, PTen, Will)am Moore,t
Howard & Folland ; Cookerel, Wilawn Moore,"!
Hyndman & Kelie'tvay, Howard & Folland ; 1
Pullet, William Moore, H. Goddard, Hynd
mall & Kelleway.
I3x,Acxc Lnotsomss,—Cockerel, Iryndtnan &
7tolleway ; Pnllett,1Jyndmen 8c Kollsway.,
11:o0DAN0.- -Cook, .Willialn Mo tefl, Heir,
William MCNe)1; Cockerel, William McNefi;
Pullet, William McNeil,
W. 0. 13r.Aort I'ox,larr.—doeir, Wiliam Mo.
Noll, 1st and 2nd ;- Hen, William McNeil
Ceolterel, fist end ;tad, ,Pickard & Spioer;
Plrrllat. wilt ttli McNeil, and :and 3r•d,1lekitrd
March—well sustains Ms reputation of this
favorite family monthly. The opening arti-
cle is "The Origin of the Now Ynrk Church-
es," and is really a religious history of New
York city. It is profusely illustrated with
views of the city at different periods, several
of the early and now destroyed church build-
ings, and portraits of eminent persons con-
nected with them. A curious article, entitled
"Fish Out of Water," with its still more cur-
ious illustrations, will attract the attention of
the naturalist. Prof.. Elliott's second article
on "Instinctive iv Architects treats of the fes.
thered species. "Dilettante Days" takes no
into Holland and shows ug some views there.
The Rey. Edward A. Rand contributes a
short but interesting article on "Anslem,"
whose great work on the Atonement is a
standard even now. Two additional Para-
bles, three more Sacred Musicians, the eon.
tiuuation of "Pauling," the conclusion of
"Love's Harvest," several beautiful poems,
and an abundance of short articles, all go to
make up a very interesting number, while
the illustrations are unusually fine.
Fire at Heneall last night (Wed-
nesday,) the Marshall Block Hen -
Ball, was destroyed by fire. The fire
originated in the rear of' the building,
and within fifteen minutes time it
wast in ashes. Loos considerable; not
known. Cause of fire not known.
Jackson Bros. lost everything in their
scorer. Thev were the only oeoupantg
- 9 t )Iitistillliltni(sos.9 hk1�i,
113 L5 anr:ai,:.i)i iti.L tailtnphtrntntn, and 14551 ,ISO t1O)flu, wriaalit atd03 tit I Icor,ir01l 145551L,7D11ttos..
410 rllnstra(lons pr(daa, nanarntn dP.,:ort senna nglt:1�nlnatitll
trtirtot �P'�.],iantt,r n,l vartatrnn n) Vrs
find 1saSoniatt lli Blattae,�� !fins. r, Sc foO 11.ar,la
(a rill aa$anlntl to n[nritat Iri,TirC€IFrB� Scud far icr
"i 4, �e 1t at aicerrad°ovtf d
nct4,41 IEP
Bowacnlc--PQQ4sM--OU the 10th inlet., by the
Rev. Mr, lholr?aa, at Trluit s eleerob, Lias*
Craig, George S. Bowman, of L,Ilzdou, #cz
Mary Ann, oldoet deughter of Jas,• Poen*,
Esse, of Ailsa Craig,
Werr—Ii :Pieter, on the 18tIe east., Alegre*
Jahn, son of Andrew Watt, aged 2 yeeee
and 12 days,
CANN—In Osborne. en the 16th incl, , even
L. S„ son of Mr. Thomas Cann, aged
3 mouths and 12 days.
BoLToz---In Exeter on tbo loth inst. Goo.
Bolton, aged 42 ,years. ,
Co -saes -1n Usborne ion. the loth lust., Boa.
trice, daughter of Mr. Thos. Coates, aged
5 months.
SeroW—In Exeter on the 14th inst., John
Snow, aged 76 years, and 2 months
ILsme—In St. Clair, Ulichigau, on the 12th
inst., Margaret Hall, aged 85 years,
Dcoeascd was mother of Mr. Jas. Stveu-
erton, of this place.
F. 0. Parsons, 300i youuge Street, was
cared cf a hard, hackiug cough, of 16
month's standing by the use of Bacteria.
:11r, Parsons says : ."My sufferings werei in.
tense. The best American physioiaus failed
to mute me. After using ono bottle of Pee-
toria I am hl better health than I have 00-
jcyed for two years.” Pectoris will caro the
simplest or mostsevere cough. Any Drug-
gist. 25 cents.
ADVICE;TO iMaTI[ERs.—Aro you disturbed at
night (anti broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying Withpain of Cutting
Teeth? If so send at once and got a bottle of
'Mrs,\Vinslow's Southiug Syrup" for Children
Tootling. Its value is incalculable. It will
relieve the poor little snif„rgr in>mediat»ly.
Depend upon it, Mothers ; there is no mistake
about it. It cures Dysentery and Dialrbcea,
regulates tho Stomach and dowels, cures Wind
Colin, softens the Gums,reducesinianinaation,
and givos tone and energy to the whole system. \\
Ails, luslow's Soothing Syrup" for children
t +ethic i s pleasant to t110 taste and 19 the
prescription of one of the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists through-
out the world, Piioe twenty-five coats a bot-
tle, Be sure and ask for "Mao. WIxsl.ow's
SO0TLING FYRnp,"and take no other ]rind.
Au ol0'physician, retired from practice, hav•
ing had placed in his hands by an Eaet Indian
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of
Oonenlnption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and all throat and lung affections, also a posi-
tive and radical 5010 for NervousDebiiity and
all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will
send free of charge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in German,French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sent by
nlaillby addressing with stamp naming this
pap W. A , NOYEs,149 Power's Block,11cchtester,
N. Y.
GOING NORTH, Fxprese itlail Freight
London, depart ,..7 55 Ras 4 50 P. M. 6 05 A,M,
Exeter 9 13 6 08 935
KippersHensall.............. 9 24 6 23
Brucefield 9 38 6 38
Clinton 9 55 7 05
LBlondesborovth 1C 11 7 23
10 20 7 33
Belgrave 10 35 7 47
Wingham arriye 10 50 8 05
rGOING SOUTH, Express Mail. Freight
Wingham,depart 7 20 AM 3 1.0 v.31. 10 20 /UM
Belgrave 7 38 3 30 11 23
Blyth 7 54 3 46 11 47
Londteboro 8 02 3 55
Clit,ton8 25 4 16
Brucefteld .........:8 42 4 35
Klppen 8 51 4 43
Hem all 8.58 4 48
Exeter ........... 9 13 4 59
London arril e.,..10 30 6 00
10 25
11 30
12 00
12 50
12 45
1 10.
1 40
2 35
5 30
(Corrected ate o'clock p.m. Wednesday.
WniteWlloa 1
Clover Seed
Flonrparbbl. ,',
Potatoes,per bag
Apples,per bag
DriedApplespr b
Geese per lb.
Turkey per lb
Dunks peFpr
Chickens per pr
flogs,dres'se dper100
Rideerouhg, ,.- ...
dressed .
Sheepskins each
Wool per lb
Hay porton
075 to 078
056 to 076
050 to 070
29 bo 030
00 to 6 50
50 to 260
50 to 056
58 to06C
15 to 015
10. to 013
40 to 050
04 to 000
06 to 0 06
06 to 008,
40 to 060
25 to 0 40
25 to55$
00 to 7 00
50 10 C 57
50 to 070
37 to 0 18
800 to 900
50 to 075
50 to 3 oo
Woodper cord
Fail Wheat perbh $ 0 80 to 0 83
Barley (bright)': ,,, 0 55 to 0 70
Barley (feeding) ,,, ,,. 0 40 to 0 46
WhiteI� Oats, ,,. -.. ,,. 0 28 to 0 31
Blac Oats„, 0 34 to 0 33
''' k per bbl;. ... ... 1 00 to 1 00
0 006 per bh• ... .., ... 0' 55 to 0 70
ANTED—LADIES to work for us at
their own homes. $7 to 1610 per week
can be quietly made. No photo. painting ;
no canvassing. For ;fall particulars, please
address, at once;. Crescent Art Co. Boston,
Mass., Box 51701
4R7 ANTED—Ladies and gent emen in city or
VV country to take light work at the it own
homes. $3 to 5'04. a day can be easily made ;
work sent by mail • no s
ale as
We have
gcod demand for our work
and furnish steidy
employment. Address, with stamp, C$ OWN
M'ti'G COMPANY, 2:94, Vine St., Cincinnati,
Power of Salo oentainedin a certain in-
denture of Mortgage, which will be produced a t
the time of sale, there will be sold by Public
Auction, by MR JOHN GILL, Auctioneer, sub-
ject 10 such conditions as shell then be pro-
duced, on
M1st day of March, 1886
o T11fl6 JE'inlbN1.1811i1S,
The following
All and.singular those oeitain parcels or
tracts of Land and Premises, situate, lying
and being in the
Lt the County 'of.'kluron and Previte( r of On-
tali°, oontarning by edmeasurernoni olv1:-
FIFTE OP AN ACllJti SAC12I, bo the sem amore
or leas,boing coni3osad of
AN() VILTIDAN't on the South side of
Ann -street, 'Last of Cncrlinge-etreet,
"Sander's Stii'vey3',
There is of etcd' tb
c of ban. a commodious til
story Prnrrto Dweliiiigs•.ioaeawlth Oellar, also
a, Stable stye other eonvanieltoes,
Pot furtllotpai'ticttlars, apply to the Atte,
11011001', Or t0
ba toct Btlt Fen„ 1886
13. V, lLLtOT,
Vendor's $01101tor,
W aUaza4 Cau,aL
I'-7etLED TI;NDEB(0 addressed to the under-
siguedl and endorsed ":`ender for Leek
Gate Timber," will be received at this omoo un
til the arrival of the i0astern and Western
walla on TU G SDAY, the 9th day of FEl3RUAItY
Dextl for„furniabing and de)ivoring,on or bee
fere 22nd day of Juno next, 1886, of Oak and
Pine Timber, satin to the dimeneieuslrequired
for increasing the height of the Look (latos on
Tito timber must be of the quality described
and of the dimensions stated in a printed bill
which will be supplied on application, person.
ally or by letter, at this officio, where forms of
tender pan also bo obtained..
No paytuont will be made on the timber un-
it lits been delivered at tho place required
on the Canal, nor until it has been examined
and approvodby au officer detailed to that
soryico, •
Contractors are requested to boar in mind
that auaoeepted banItoquo for tile sure of
$000 must aocomnay each tender, which
Shall be forfeited if the Marty tendering de-
clines to enter lute s, contract for supplying the
the timber tit rho rates auo on the terms stated
in the offer submitted,'
The cheque thus sent in will be returned to
the respective parties tvlto.to tenders are not
This ]Department does not, however, bind
itself to accept tho lowest or ally tender. '
13y order,
Department of Railways [tact Canals, }
Ottawa, 22nd Truuary, 1886.
,Ji-' FARM Countyo � Iliteon oh the
denlectedbetgoefa;exeterlead(ll ton, close to
railway Outten; about 08 .acres ; 00; clearse
superior well furnished 2 story P rlok Dwelling,
and farm butleiege• Two orchards ,;and gar*
filen, .Fall ploughing dope mett l$ sores ,ref fait
wheat sown, Apply to
Solicitor, Exeter,;
let $'aby„ 1888,
1ARM FOR SA14,-- The etlb.
Norther offers for sale t' a north' half of
lot 30,con.13, lownehip of Last Wawionoshs
County of Huron, containing 100 pores; well
fenood; a, good stream of water from a never -
failing wiring ; nice young orchard of (thole*
fruit trees; .4 frame bank be rn and log house;.
90 acres] clearest and aeoded down, balance
bush. Price 634,000, two-thirds cash. Possession
given any time. Apply' to D; Stewart, cattle-
buyer, tVingham, or to J, 'Matheson, Hay 1'. 0,
aoud10oe l,so d.y.ge
and 100 -send you
free a royal, valuable
Bumps box of o
GIFT 0 Ods
that will put you in the way of making sabre
money at mute, than anything eise in America.
Both sexes of all ages can live et home and
work in spare tiine, 01' ail the time, Capital
llotreCUirud, We will start you. Immense
pay silo for those who start at once. STINSON
-t Co ,Portland, Maiue .
nit. WOODRUFF, permanently located in
JJ No.185 Qaeon's Avelino, Londou, a few doors
east of Post Office, Special attention given to
diseases of the Eye, bad sight, aarithe pres-
ervation of vision ; diseases of the Ear, im-
piair•etlhealing, and dissbarges from the ewe;
diseeso5 of the Throat,, chronic inflammation
beiug to frequent (muse 0f deafness ; diseases
of the Nose, oatatrh being a common o testi of
inipai •ed heating,
Exeter, Ontario,
Our Goods and Groceries are warranted of theest Qual-
ity and Latest Styles. Families in the village and surround-
ing country can rely on Good Value for their money.
Articles delivered promptly at your homes, in the Village, if
A Trial Respectfully Solicited
s =Tau, 4:0),, Er.
ins sip the °retapono
That G. A HYNDMAN has a Fresh Stock of
Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Oranges,
Lemons, Teas, Coffees, Pipes, Tobaccos,
Biscuits, Confectionery.
These Goods are All Select and Fresh for the
X -Mas Trade.
Don't forget to give us a call before buying.
Oysters in Every Style.
Goods delivered at once.G. A'- HyNDMA.IN , Fanson'e Block.
200:... :
_.� 200
IGhT ✓
About TWO HUNDRED good customers at the NEW
The undersigned begs to intimate to the l'esid1rts of
Exeter and surrounding country, that he has fitted u for
Carriage Makine Purposes
The buildings lying immediately south of MR. PARSONS
Blacksmith Shop, Main-st, arlcl having stocked the same
with suitable material for tr-. construction of Carriage and
Sleigh work,we therefo.r€i x,c,;ioit a liberal share ofes-
your eS
teemed patronage.
Repairing p�'o aptly° and `ro erl done
Satisfactory" Prices.
W. .
tte'.t `1/ YaMIgy
Vifgy�pp'' .`.
N, ales to tate Livery urns a °
Livery 9241 parties $fry29r� 292: