The Exeter Times, 1886-2-18, Page 7•P`
. ......_._...______,_,________.__
wily. 1 KILLim Hung estemed to pierce my brain, and my
u "Rim heart stood Mill for a 'mentent. rhe
, t° words a the letter I had fonnd, the, dim
mern Armature ottried in emoke,ehape. And
i demobbing said to Me that as he rooked to
en Mao moan. and fro, he rooked another wornatt in hie
Bite head had ached and ached ell Mum arms. Al:dither sroinen leitl her cheek
• morning ; beginoing before daybreak, the upon hie breast and clung to him and
pain gradaalitt alteeed from an micastonal dighed In hie embrace. At that moment
twinge or Mart to a dell dteady throbbing, 1 keew whatWaa Meant by---hellr I flung
which could in no way be cured or hem my hands up wildly ; I could not breathe
ened. I had hardly, slept an hour for a moment. Then I looked again,
t throughout the night; the troubled alum- watched again, but I could only' see the
'bee into which I had dropped at Momenta mieeeth3g regthin of the °heir* l'ha
had been fraught with horrible Beetled and agooy greW upon me. I lea the wIndo*
shadows that bore down epee me with and began to walk wildly up and dovvn the
stlflieg pretieure. I awakened frennentlei room' It eeemed to *le 1 mut knew the
to to se the coveringe awey and Mee from truth or die. 1 put on my boneet and
i the bed in the 'dim light. of my quiet flew down the street. I messed and rang
mew, and ciao time 1 wou/d pan hastily the hell of my lover's house for the flat
to the window of his apartment opposite, time. I asked for him, demanded to see
where ',knew he slelat itoOndltt and with- htm 112°44114i
. dove te, en the still September night
mkt t I often leaned put et my wint garliTaintl!telnurniatyonInrsah led athnsowerredentta
and listened, listened almoat aa If I that he was very busy, because his wife
would like to hear him breathing in his had come.
peaceful dlumber. And when I had lean- Innnedietely she spoke the pain in my
ed and listened and waited until eihaust- head lawn" to iimee i a °range Litlehb"
ed with otly own intensity of feeling, 1 newt °sine union me far the moment. The
would return and throw myself again cervailti however, had cOntintled her ex.
upoit the bed and try vainly to find rest. Plaltation, that they were very busy get.
That Iliglit 1 That night I The thought thagready to go away in an hour. I turn.
of it stlil hangs over me like some tinge, ed and went down the steps and back to
terrible winged Ore:Mete of the dark. my own house. The flight of stairs were
Never shall I escape it cruel horrors! very long and steep, Yet I did not loose
It was the end of all, and yet I knew h my breath amending do hurriedly. I
not. It was the last night of many aim- watched again for a moment from the
ilar nights through whi oh he had slumber- window. And again I SOW him rocking.
ed peacefully and I had lain awake and and knew that her head was pillowed on
euffered. The ' end of the torture to his breast. I knew that he was falee
which he had subjected me was at baud, again to me; that he had :returned to one
_and yet a knew it net. sin" that teem. he had /myna to me he never loved.
ble day, months previous, when I had I did uft waste any time. My mind
. first found him false and slime vritioll I was instantly =datum I knew it was
could place no absolute ,faithi n his deeds my ,duty -that whichI should do at °elm;
and worda, he had apparently striven tO n daty to myaelf and the world. I Maly
make amenda. Be had come to live paused a moment to perfect how was the
nearer nay own home ; he had pleaded beat way, the suave:. An idea came to
over aad over again for pardon,had promi me, as I glanced at the little inirrorof my
ised over and over that my confidence dreetingieeidh A navd Ira° °finking in the
should never again be so abused. And in frarae, the card of a man -friend of hie -
the months that needed elapse before our which I had playfully taken from his
maerlage he chose to dwell -close to mem pocket one day. I took thie card and
so that from his window he could ate inc wrote upon it, diagulaing my hand:
at my own, at Wrk or resting, so that I "Come to me at once at the ----hotel"
might wave my hand to him and know -a hotel but a block away. "I must see
that he was smiling back. . you on 'report:anti buainese." I took
Just now, in the silence of this place, something else beaides the card; some.
and with my eyee closed, I could see his thing out a chest of drawers; something
face again, framed in the half opened which I first examined carefully to see if
heavy green shutters of his windows; I it was -right. I harried down into the
could hear him whistlinga :match of blithe street and over to the .hotel which I -had
melody, across the narrow street. mentionedehlriuga meiteenger and biding
Sometimes my eyes feel as if they were hint rake the card at once ' and say the
on fire. And yet how long ago it happen- geatlernan would wait there.
ed I But sometimes even now, when I 1, waited in the ladies' porter, whose
am sitting here Mime, lb seems to be all windovr be mast pass to the main entrance.
happening over agate, and, I find myself' I waited calnaly, for it was my duty that
wandering again the streets of the city,' I should perforin.
treading the smooth stones of the pave- He came promptly. I saw him cross
natant, as ifrettiread out ray own former the street blithely. I knew he had no
footprints left ere in hours of bitterest thought of deeth or the woman he was so
agony. At such times 1 redive the whole ready to forsake. I knew hie Judas
of that terrible year. Every hour, every heart at last. And even so 1 ran out to
moment repeats Itself with unaltering meet him, with that which I had takeu
fidelity I remember how he looked ; how from the chest of drawees no longer hid -
long helad been my lover; how ardent den in my dress bosom, ,but levelled at
his .leve and devotion had seemed ; how he his:treacherous brain.
had songhtand pursued me ; howatlength So at the single pistol shot he fell down
Thad been moved to care for him and had dead ; so my duty was done. As of other
promised to wed him. I remember the vermin, the world was well rid of him.
certain obstacles Which delayed our mar- AO she who waited might welt forever
Maga ; the friends who warned me agaiimt folding! voice. He would lie no more ; he
I him; the se*in with whieli I repelled all vieuld Imminent) her. E' was dead,
who might, Oat fo warn Ine,sagainst:111m:i ilai'd at thy hatichri '.
I remember the earcrifibes I natide for blind
1 remember my discovery of his first Yet here in the grayness and thesilence
• •
falsity, and the agony I suffered thereat; of pm retreat, 1 sometitneti remembee his
After that' the old ottefitience, the old eii grace4his carelerie, face,ii hie blithe
trurit seemed to vdnisit, and life to beconati gait as lie came to meet hie death; and at
a dreadful uncertainty of hopes and feats, such times I like to write it all down, my
All the more sorry was my intght, aim:al reason -my taaaan why I killed him I !
had sacrificed frienda and ' ahdinitintaticest - 'a. itif , slim e ei ite r
because of my Icifieito Meeting all their' '''
' F'elf4raise.
hints and admonitions until they turned , . . ,
from me in anger and disgust. All alone Conceit is an lusuirerable quality in a man
was I ; all aloe, end malting patiently, orowemata an honest self-estimetion 12 quite
for the'day,d,totpatmandWotkinligent.' eiliOrr °Illg'‘'' A' Man Mna4 'iltrWaVar, tuire
ly when and as I could:. though secretly indienutabty'prorealtby lila deeds that 'he is
disturbed at momenta by little things t worthy to stand emong the great, before an
that he might do or say, and other little. assumption of worth can be forgiven him, '
Some of the nelf-laudatory remarks of
incidents ed which' he was unaware. i feenciati men have an houett 'simplieity,
-Oneearati the findleg of a:litter oncra which amuses tie, 'while We are nimble to
after he had gone away, tipoit the floor, dispute their substantial truth.
beside the chair on which, he sat; a 'letter Victor Huge ret. a high valnatien upon
from another woman, though whether or his own genlue. It is mid that, in emealid
no to him I loved I could not tell: No ing 'ofia :con Untied 'existence after death, he
signature but one initial letter curled declared that only in a future life should
snake -shaped at the end; no beginninglaut, hit attain the true greatness which his earth-,
" My darling." No date so that I could ly career merenaprotnised, "
tell nothing, nothing, nothing I I could " At present, said, he, "lain but the
only fear. It was on the day before this tadpole of an aronangel,"
Although this metaphorical natural (cr
terrible last night, that I had found this celestial) history may have struck his hear.
letter. In the evening when he had come ers as being slightly irreverent, it evidently
across to call upon me, I spoke to .hira expreesed his honret opinion of his own great
of it, questioned him and 'frankly told' powelre.
. . ,
him my thoughte. He laughed and, khan. John Hunter, a vonaderful anatomist and
ed me. I know not why, bat instinctively surgeon of the eigOteenth century, had no
I thought of the kiss of 'Judas, and won- delicate eeruplee against Mudation of his
dered if that earliest traitor had not °wit taleritit
laughed, and if his laugh had not sound- "Ab, John nutter, still hard at work !"
ed like that it'd at rdy ear. "A silly girl," one day exclahned a; medical friend, who
my lover had said. found him at the dim:reefing-table.
" Yes, dootor," was the reply, "and
As 1 said before, my head was aching you'll find it &Moult to meet with another
wretchedly that , morning, , and I could John mutter who?, e.em gone e,
barely force a smilewhen the heavy shut. Again he is reported as saying, "1 k ow
ters acmes the way were thrutt wide open I am but a pigintein knowledge, but ,I feel
and hie face looke ''nt. ' ' ", ; as a giant When Ooiripared with other men.
Motiiieg about lea 'aisy, putting things here
' "HOW do you like the English ?" asked
I w,atched foe' to leave the ^ hones. ' e,' Self. praise ' Is pot (wafted te' individaale ;
He remained- elm, time ' in •Iiis room, 4:await embraces an entire nationaatya
and there. I wondered why. a British, muire of hieScotch gardener.
When ab length I saw him come cut "Weed, eir," Witt tile answer, "bele'
into the street, he walked very rapidly free hame, acid among the English, I find
numgreat faut in them ; but I maim mak'
and did not once look up te lift his hat
and smile. 'this remark, that for twee -rasters or garden.
era, or anything needing hode-wark, ye
My head ached dully se I went about metal comoito•us V the :aorta m
My work, 'Suoineemaddre ' are Mekely amusing, be -
was mid-afternoon when, rseated at 04E40 \VO are ectiectionally willing to bear
my window, watohinghis window to know them from 6. gteat man, and from a small
when he Should have returned, I fell into Man they aro paipehly abeurd, Remember -
a dreamless, exhausted doze, born which. fog, however, that Ste:rattle earned his
I dh.ortiii aroused at a clicking sounchfrom right to be called the wisest of men by his
acme& He had come noegoi for one of recognition of his own ignorance, and that
Sir Isaac Newton dootatea .hitmelf to be a
the shatters, which had both been openo cettiL ticking up a tow pebbiee �f knew.
Was closed, and some one Moved biihind ledge, while the great 000an of truth lay all
it. I looked eagerly for some signi and amiteee,,,,,,et before iibm hull, perberje be
taw that he we rocking to and fro in hie tritest for the great majoritY Of u� to preserve
rockingichair behind the ehtitter which a discreet silenoe in regard to 'nue poWees.
was closed, and at each neaten ijtiot pasha ---w---asesiewrieeenee
Ing It a little so that I could catch a nar- In a medical report to the Maritimmeue-
now glimpse of chair back, and his, head tetra of China, Dr. A. Mary refers to the
above. I waited and waited. And still astonishing prevalence of suicide at Ichang,
he rooked to and leo. And still he never One day e•Yeeng girl broke a basin. Radio
turned to look upon me. I could not being neeldatili weilt into an aaJoluitig room
understand why he should not turn. 1 and hanged herself. On the Immo day a
leaned forward and, whistled a snatch of man conamitted suieide in the same *ay
aIter an altercation' with hie father, For a
bane We both knew and 1°144' 1 WaVedi likelier cause a .youtig Men attempted on the
my hand -it seemed to Me no mast have senewhig day to oat m11,111,4,4. The wtiter
aeon and known. And still he rocked 1 MVO that Whittle le a veritab'e mo, lc at ne
Then, maidenly, a terrible thought lady,
before danced before'hitY iMea the initial
meammrpin TN Uittlikl)A. writing 41)90 them for ale Menthe, after -
/MP* lie nlifOt eay genet/ling Ini weuid X • 0Ef;IGN 40,401181 . SNOW 11T TU
Ile besesibetk the , loollitalea with I"! !unr6otyr, alislefrivVhiell iiila Ohlgrqh 7f9nhi BO' In Englend
loiter clothes ott. . J.Tect him to lieveireobuthtilwtholiplain:,e 'oTohnews, beet
Charartgne la new the 'faiibioneble wine aer nix 1.044"ed intend 4 et' a verY
_ i t .
ota the Brooklyn ale.' . , ,Ate,4crito:SXPeue.
way for a aeginner to wear enowahowe is to New Zealand, With a papilla/don eel' about The queetion, What is the beet Way of Ma"
t You heve never men Canada melees yeu imitme the enema ram mine tt end 34 044,. 1,00,,vorr,s250hag tsodecabothoith,teatlaYuei,040,000, ditioeltIttegel,03:70,tinhot Nile ora 1,..tY perm,: r?ittilitniQu nehe
She is charming in the time of the roses, bay ing mine in the baggage ear. I will continue
hind) seen her with her whiter clothes en, riefi/ then). en his shoulder. 1 am new carry.
so is the desert at that time. But when the ,,° "erg them there until we yeaoh the Choi. na4K4n nutg,4tilonoll noufk ,S eerovznia,p rwe :Al 440wertanOdf eniteniltlegigeaamt4ethdatefeh4eg eittYhe l°170041.1PLInp,t
Doodah))) mita eni a tobeggem dint and mairlia- gidnptectirile;illTahtd4.1deit't hoof 'where the rewhidep whieh covert hls trunk, lege and Mt the mow that may he offered at a certain
Hes herself in turd and ' mitres:hare, arum prim per earthed: PAY ffir it On thew aPot,
again, she is just too dazzlieg to look at,
save through einoked gliwories. The glese ell
tslitaringdrseauellank:sitilo"rthderNifbarlthh!tProeiblechhnel bfraTle downhp aavy edhninehlYdt:m4ones 1111p,r tleftttri,mrid: leeillsemt,dPh:itr:h+L;watiltrziluitict. ljitesaarktel 144 avelaryett.r:eth etIteitdtheesnht emlfeaate. alacravatiett:eri:1)fdtiaulinieisPee:4411,:sht:d.tuhttehairillialie' trihTaart4eeswinlatlee
fled ray temper. Bet 1 would like to get African travellers agree that 'elephant
sort, which fa said to add a peculiarly dell -
11 ere Intoked with Peat, or demething Of that trimmers Aege, but nyen ever eiov a enewehee nearly the whole geldtumbling ever him.
them homM I tried to elip them Maid° my ike4,tiaker 44431114ing S9713: leadingAaati jab °arBfr 1)4.7127 hiEte el )dl elle Eir44Ie , universal
nn i dtv he terhsrl We Vthulenerialltlfd8nt. h°avwen utuihndeerhk:1331eirdai
mite flavor to the bottom of the glees. Ter ed of anew in We days. '
present style of pentaloene, thist boherae
7401 will modile understand how, with the Twit jookeys were killed outright, half a
mgenteitthle,olkaliabreonuifhttohietghietweEawOkirhaorn.:71,0107 would be a mama' failure, awn °there oerionsly (some fatally) injured,
and several tome killed or mainsed. 14 London the snow ie emptied in pits ex -
Yen oannot ittiagine hew animated and
brilliant le Toronto when she puts On her Leland in Suxamer• The London Tiniee lately oontained an hl.ratted°13213biyusatLemr 7hietthheesreenielltaactQhiel uaingWiPaela
eteratedfor the purpose, witla perforated iron
, waiwaiwa-sees.„—....„,
snowohoeil and gets herself up en millers, 1 a edvertitement for a smart -looking ococnd rapidly melted, and the water runs away '
and fill* all the air with the chimee of the ge I SY makers who are at a loss where foetman, who mud have unexceptionable
deeign and pattern and color of pleigh and
robe and' ball and plume, and the Opiate
meightmie, where is an endless variety in be tempted m try /mime. it bi net mew netPeenatek retlend oebutatnod thEisgpliaarlia.godeted6d800043 v.. ly removed at a very moderate expens .
sadly emel therm notwithshanding the re -
to go to Ware a eool elicit, rnay, paring:at, ohmmeter and be aotiye an early mem and frinettes tthitee bartitreavit itIenetteheig more enilyr ti/r kim*
look like Christmas so long ay the thew frug 'mind ef the name, but it is a good In ),Iihlin the renewal of the snow is let
Sootth volleys, and there ie a good deal Y"Ar.wonaan in Bohemia was 'Mein seam- soon es the sinew oeasee fcilling the cite' en -
lasts. Even the street oars feel the Infem deal leu likely to be hot than Swiss or eVell Oat by oontract at so much per inch. As
tion (heroine° a wise ordisance conapele them ced to imprisonment for ten dawn for forgery gineer, in the presence of certain officials
to) and mount themselves on bobs, and msre to see that would be fresh to iMe visa
tor. Nor is the island by any means difficult bemuse she changed her physician's pre. and the ohief oentrecters, measures the
With plebeian independence *igloo the toget * soription calling fer 120 gramme of !nor- depth of snow on stone alarm which are oom-
leudett bells and take the beat half of the "" na- 14'" pblne so that it read 6.20 grammes. It is pletely sheltered hem the winde. This
street, right out of the tniddle as usual, and
turn out for nebody and run inteeverything menthly voyage from Copenhagen to Rey.
said that no Atelier case has ever avowed measurement furnitheri the basis for compute
Ole Danish Royal Mail eteenaers make a
kjtvik, and firs of them run all round the on the court rimer& of the United States or ing the pritie which the city ie to pay for
the well -ordered, breadashouldered, I h isitnd, am well so calling on eaoli voyage at Lady Granville Gordon, whose new do- of the °IV wilidl'lent Pedal" dirndl'''.
each ward and diatriet. There are portions
and in every way ceadact themselves like
the jolly street oars that they aro. a ng ey Iaith, There is alse an English line during paxture aa a het and bonnet maker in Lon.
were ARE TRUE 114 ULANICOT SLUTS? thi, aurarner from Leith to Reykjavik. don has excited attention, is the daughter get a larger allowance,
tieo, and for oleaniang these the oontractors
iaeland is by no weans the diminutive of Mr. Roe, the Dublin distiller, who halo
It is pleasant to tarry among people whom eeantry widen temple who do net look at fallen on evil daps. Helium the bonnet shop, On a winter's day in Miler, after a fall of
girls wear satin slippers when they dance )age maps are in danger of suppseing It to aa Lord Gordon has not, nor ever had, any snow, there will be as massy eemetirnes as
throe thoueand men in the streets eweeping
and moths when they wade through the be,, when they read that the population does money. His grandfather, the Marquie of and shoveling,
now. Oar fair Cene,dian mato have no not exceed that et a thirdwate English town, Huntley, was sold out by the Sherift, and
dreed of comfort. The meow has no terrors It is poesible to travel from east to west in his brother, the prewent Marquie, had writs The remarkable eiroutnetanee h the email
for them; ihi y eren for the storm as tiot sibly a eireet lino for a greater distance than from sum of money which it °eats Min to get
out against him for obtaining money under entirely rid of its MUM. In the winter of
au for the reception. They dress prettily. Lendon to Carlisle, eo that the hiland is reel. false pretenses, but his brother-in-law came
And if there is a prettier figure on the North lyof very reipectable dimensions, little over three feet elx bathes. The ex -
to his aid at the eleventh hour, and the pro- 1874-5 the total fall of snow amounted to ii,
American Continent than a daughter of Can-
ada, apparelled for the lee or the toboggau Nor are the people, remote as is their oeedings were withdrawn. penee of its removal was about Ot2,000.,
dWelling-place from the centres of sweet -
slide, herself a part of the snow drifted ness and light, by any means an uncultured The " Claimant " has just delivered a leo- The wirater before last the fall was only five,
landscape, a picture of health and comfort rare. They have had a Parliament of their once, who hailed him as he came on with for $5,200. The oity, we shoald add, tor-
ture in Dublin. He drew an immense audi- and a quarter inches, which was removed,
that fairly eaten' the piercing winda int. a owe -the Altlaing-for now nearly a thou- niehes all the implements employed except;
sense of warmth, I have not seen it. She sand years, and they are a great cleat better Wagga 1' All the other performers with
ell" ef " Hd11°, Roger 1" and " Wagga" vehicles and berme. Generally speaking,
dresses in perfeet harmony with the winter insturoted than European populations gen- him were hiseed off, Sir Roger was in it costs to remove the snow from the etreetre
and landseape, Jibe harts oomplexion clear as evening dress, and is described as tall of
the ice of Ontario and her warm bleed orally
The ordinary cockney tourist would hard- stature, portly in build, of dark complexion One thing is certain : The ,now should'
of Milan about $1,000 an Inch.
shines through it doh as the flambee of the ly find Irimeelt at home among them • but and as eoletan as a professional undertaker in
, ' be removed from our oitieo within forty -
aurora, graceful and free in every movement anintelligent observer, interestedin tater:tidy appearance. His powers of oratory are not eight houra after it has fallen. It is the
-when you look at her you forget there le of 'nature and in the ways of isolated cam- good, his voice is bad, and hie twenty min. woret possible economy to let it remain to
such a thing as a roller rink or an American
munities, might really do muoh world dur- utes' address was of the plainest charaoter. November to April.
thaw aod freeze and freeze and thaw from
banker in Canada.
Ererybody dresses for the winter here for the winter by a week or two In Iceland.
ing the summer months than brace himeelf up The railway cars of Russie, says a writer
when the winter cameo, and yet it is a dim. Fishing and farming are the Icelander's in Mechanics, are among the most commo- .1701-11--"-Y AN17--1-TilfiOSOlif.
ate no more severe then Oat of New York principal pursuits, and fishing is more ira- Mous in the world. They reeemble ours
a stifi felt hat and a cloth overcoat, and I
State. I was the only man in Ontario with
practically no manufacturers in the country,
portant, perhape, than farming. There are elsewhere on the continent of Europe, but to all women as the desire that another
rather than the compartment oars in use --
In matters of love nothing is so common
felt all the Ulna I was in the province ite and trade Li se little developed that up to shall not gain that whichnshe herself refuees.
in Russia the aisle ie shifted to ono side so
though I was a lost Arctic explorer, and had last year the island did not even possess a -- [Hamilton.
that the seats on the left will ancemedate i
eaten my fur overcoat, cep, mittens and bank, though the Althing was seriously oc. three passeagere side by side. and those on ta
boots, and WAN waiting for a rescuing party oupying itself with the eetablithment of the right but one. This is eapecially con- . When one speaks of women, thttie a a
to find me. Before I had time to die of such an institution. Some intereeting in.
truth,- [Leopardi.
ve2aient when the car isnot crowded in night weapon more terrible than calumny -the
starvation,however, JRoesRoberteon and the formation on the Icelandic &merles is con- travel. The end doors of the ear, instead
e, arid earefulM tattled in the last report presented to the of opening upon the platform, lead into a Love is more pleasing than marriage, for
Toronto Prods Club found m
nursed and. fed me back to life. They would Foreign 'Office by Mr, Cowie/ Paterson. out at right and left.
email, enclosedvestibnle, whence doors open the reason that novels are more amusing
have fed me more had I been a larger man The Iceland fisherman's beat customers are .
than, history.-{Charefort
with greater stowage capacity, for their not his comparatively near neighborn-he At the Royai Academy exhibition in Lon- It is inconvenient to be a widow; it is
hospitality is as boundlese as their lend, hats no neighbors at all but the Greenlanddon which gives a fair idea of the architect, necessary to resume the modesty of a young
which, you know, is bounded not on the ere, within eiz hundred miles -but the ural taste of the time it will be found that girl without being able to feign her ignor-
north by anything, and reaches away gut Speniards, A good deal of the fish caught the plain early Englislatyle sa, d'Houdetot.
into the great unknown beyond,
BACITLIS Drecuasus. , goes to Copenhagen, but more to Spain, and
architects formany yearapast in the cirsignt It is necessary to hav-e at least fou
Spain gete the pick of the catches. r
for churches, is giving way to later styles, 1VIVOS in order to find one in good health and
Wheat growing 100o part of the Iceland especially the flamboyant decorated. A gentle humour -.[The Koran.
The toboggan is a sled with a single run- farmer's industry. For that the climate is curious example of this new departure is .
ner, which spreads clear aoroes the bottom not warm enough. He breeds flooke and shown in the eubjecits chosen for study by onITY11:inive°Lt abtewauhtiicfhul sghierl hiane.t_heEc whaoramIlirtome.
of the sled. The top of the toboggan is herds, and during his short summer is much the art students in the Architectural Odes
just like the bottom.. It is somewhat thick- concerned for the result of his hay harvest. earn, WestmOuner. A few years since Women are angels.-{Tenimeon,
r than a sheet of writing paper and about Thee, laat year, were not satisfactory in scarcely any aubjects were *selected for Angels have wings and always end up in
as long as an atter-dinner speech. Ito seat- the southern parts of the ieland, owing to drawing or modelling but the beautiful foli- flying off. -[Byron.
Ing capering is limited only by the number the occurreamer of wet weather late in the
it. The urbane summer, A further reduction of live stock ages of the thirteenth century, whereas now We take women for what they are Dat;
of peopte who can get on
of being misunderstood.
and gentlemanly conductor sits aft and uses was the con esquence of the scarcityofOodder to the am:Outten of all others. Evremont.
and detailr, are preferred ahnost we nit them for what they are. -[Saint
ing apparatus by which he guides the tobog. goad, and.the farming interest there is fair -
one of bis lithe and willowy legs for a steer- In the north, however, the hey crop Wm' A scientc journal gives an account ofta Womencomplain
gan sorne way or other. It is easy to slide ly prosperous, pianoforte made in Paris in whichpaper wee --flralzac.
down hill on a toboggan. In fact after yea made to take the place of wood, the whole ,
start down you can't do anything else. --e------me-eamen-em—...., case being made from paper so compressed He who comprehends' them le their im-
True, you could fall off. Then is easily done. "Canna Thole.' . that it was enablod to receive a hard Pur- placable enemy. -[Diderot,
The flying machine is not high, eo you If a Hinder' has a daughter who remains face, which took a perfect polish. Teie co- Perindious as a wave.-[Shakespeardt
havint evry far to fall. Stilt, if you have to " an unappropridted bleesing" at the age of
, , Mr was cream white. The tone of the in
. I have seen those (the tempests) of women
fall from a toboggan balf way down the ten years, he considers himself disgraced. strument is reparted to be not • loud, but and I have seen these of the. Wave? , and 1
slide, or else fall down stairs with a kitchen From the day of her birth he is anxious to very sweet. The short, broken eliaracter of pity mole the lovers than the sailors. -
stove, you take the etove and the stairs the sound emitted by ordinary pianofortes
seoure her a husband, .As a portionless girl [Byron.
everytimo. It isn't so exciting and its so is not attractive to men, the father severs a is replaced by a soft, full, quaaimontinuous One leads a horse by the bridle, an Me-
rmen. The prince and I walked up' the little every. year, so that hi daughter's' sound, resembling somewhat that of the or- phant by his rope a woman by her heart,
stairway for the purpose of sliding down the dowry may zacrease her value in the naatri- gan. It has been suggested that the even- - [Oriental Proverb.
banister on a toboggaia. The president of menial market, ness of texture of the compressedpaper may
the club took lits place alt; somebody said The young lady Is not consulted, The cation of sound. lktagnified Incidents. ..
have soroe influence in effecting tide modifi-
ident said "}1w did we like itt" I left my she accepts him as the husband to whom It is surprising how many British states- The dwellere in lonely regions are forced
"let her go." Then we stoppedeand the pres- bridegroora may be old and repult3ive, but
breath at tbe top of the slide and we had to her father has sold her. Even if he is young men of note have once at least completely to seize on the most trivial events and wring
go up and 'get it There it was, a great gasp and oemely, her interest in him is far lees changed their political views. Lord Castle- eacitetnent from them, if they would find
3a inches long, eticking in the air like an than that with which she sarvemithe jewels reagh begets as a burning Nationalist, and relief from the stagnations of their daily
icicle just where I had gasped it when we that adorn her person. The wedding core- drank, in 1790, at a dinner to the Northern life, A traveller among the San Francieco
atatted: I took it down, stuck it into my monies and feasts which, celebrate her sale Whig Club, "to the Revolution 1" it will mountains tells, in Outing, his own expert -
left lung and began to breathe rgain with and delivery to a master, are Mr more at. not surprise any ono if, too, in anothir de- ence ia finding a trivial cireumatance digni-
great freedom. The toboggan is to any inodtivedtb her childish nature than is her bade, hie great nephew, Lord Randolph fied into matter for disouesion. Re says :
other way of getting down hill what "u"'"' ' ' Churchill, should veer round. Agtia the Once at Ash Porice, a colleotion of a dozen
flying is to goleg to sleep. If I was in a When she is transferred, as if she were a late Lord Derby mainly • carried, as i.(7hig shanties, the coatless ruffian who served a
hurry and it was down hill all the way 1 heertlese and soulless animal, to her lordn and reformer, the measure reduoing the mockery of a dinner brought me a glass of
would rather have a toboggan than a pair of, Mem, ehe begins a dull, dreary life, reliev- preposterous number of Irish Protestant milk. It had turned a little sour and no
wingo any day. ed onlyby the bares of the kitchen, the'nur. prelates. Hie own sonti change of views wonder ; for in that cieeert place the sun
P. S-Thore iii nsuelly an angel on the eery, and,the idols, And broken by the scold'. and that of the late Sir R. Peel are notorioun Q
beats down with a tropical heat.
toboggan with you, which as a tendency big" her mother-in-law' as is the fact that Lord Beaconsfield. was not Quito conscioua of possible , unpleasant
to confirm the impression that you are going Scholars tell no that not a few of the ous. always an ardent Tory, or Mr. Gladstone an consequences, I objected to say milk. The
down With wings. toms of modem civilization originated in In: advanced Liberal. Lord Russell neer bearded waiter arras akimbo, stared defiant -
young Canadian of broad expe- diad. Perhaps they would amert that the wavered. England cannot point to a more ,ly, then slouched, to the door, where sat the
Hence mares me that Toronto angels ready cumurea European marries off his daughter consistent career. bulky landlord, and made known my corn -
and truly have wings insomuch that often to -day as the uncultured Hindoo has done i------moin-tiewtent-tri plaint.
he has to drive with, one hand, using his Mr hundreds of years. Certainly, the fol- No less than four idlers followed that
other arm to hold' the angel from flying lowing anecdote, if it ie illustrative of a An ode.ons thing: A poet. landlord to ray table. The unfortunaM
away. •
"Good grardous,d said thellien, when elm glass: of milk wee passed in silence down
. general practice, enderses his arisertion,
Addenda -I bane known the game thing A Seotch farmer's wife was one day ex -
to happen in this Malted StaMs. plaining to a neighbor how well eho had discovered the porcelain egg in her nest, "1 the lin. 1 Mit the eituation to be serious.
. .
CURLING. shall be a bricklayer yet,' it "Hanged if it ain't itour 1" spoke at last
married her daughter, who had anew house the portly host, and every loafer echoed,
We went to the Granite rink and watched The perified ft of sheepn wool, which "flaxseed if we don't make that ranch -
fined with new furniture, and many acres, "Hanged if it ain't 1"
the curlers. Curling is a game that will
to nay nothing of a gig, in which to drive to
on yeti& cows, ,sheep, ptge and poultry fed, has been introduced into tte drug market man drielt the milk 1" was the further von -
probably never become a general pmular under the name of lanolin, issaid to possess diet, eupplemented by the chorus, "Hanged
aporn Tile maddening which seenis m
excitement attend. '
arket, " jiet like a Ieddy." remarkable sueceptibility to abeorptioa by if we don't M
The neighbor expreesed her delight at the skin, linen Mae thousand parts of it "An' if he kicke, we'll hang him!"
ant upon this thrilling parttime,
to belts great fascination, de iars ally except such a greed marriage. "Oh, there na,o are mixed with one part of a soluble metal- "Shoot us ef we won't 1"
the eitmagent 'heade and steadiest, nerves /Mont it's a grand marriages" answered the lis subetance and applied to the scalp, a me. That demigod milk was the event of the
froth ventueleg into the seething maelstanm
------- " Att' what might the cte thing be 2" ask -
mother, "an' it wasna jlet for no thing." Mille taste is noticed in tha mouth within a day for six mon. It fulnislaed tlaem with
ef ha reckless gaiety, It is caned curling few minutes, It is thought the onbetaace
beeaush it makes your hat curl to watch it. ,
Sil the how carious neighbor. wilt be of great value for ointmento.
A Man takes a boulder of polished granite . "You didn't stay long at Miss Longoof. material for thought and speech.
" Wed, ye see," answered the mother, as
men Wish 'breaths walk along in front of it "' o.a*......—.....
him. Then it efides along the lee. Two ,,er man
idith e handl° to it, dad Puk4u3 tlywil7 from "the pair silly canter canes. thele fendurel tem not iu. good humor. She had the Moth. mosquitoes floutieli in America. A Spanis
if tho "to thing" was of little conaequensei fin's,lait night 2" . No ; miss Esmeralda Fleas eboruiLla ainnd
sollitithegrainta&rope, an
and sweep a °leen place for it to slide in. ache. What are you laughing about V' or Italian lady evould no more blush to b
marke at intervals,. "Soup her cop," A
Another nisei says, -Ay mon," He also re -
She complained of too,theahe jest to ,make an American girl to bejbittenbya mosquito,
HtnisOn Bay Railway. i* She hasn't got a real tooth in h li seen with a Bea on her pereon than would
. ' •
Mr Hugh Stitherland is in Winnipeg. eon. you believe her teeth aro not fable. I leuow But the American thinks that the preset ce
. .
'stranger onea in a Siacklees hour joined a ferning with the centramoni for the proteoe. her dentist, and saw him making a full bp. of natio indicates uneleanlinese, and this
empty of desperate curlers, In an ina e ' . tadton Bay read. aa being interview. per ead lower k et ftr her mere than ton .fact Iles at tam bottom of the amusing anew.
guarded mornennhe mild "Man" instead of ed he said me " I hope to be able to an. years ago." ,
'mom" The freezied curlers at once tied flounce very shortly that all arrangemente , ' dote told by the Argonaut of San Primate.° i
a "steno" about his riock and chucked !Mtn
through a hole fin the ice, . are coniplete far the building of the railway, trA news item statee tnat a amber of Some days ago a young lady was walking
and I believe; that in les (than two years a amps took pooestision of a palatial reoi- with a gentleman rather older than herself.
Bat then, nonten00 aside, everyberly knows train wfll run from Winnipeg to Hudson dense, during the absence of tlatt tenants, SuddenM be saw upon her natin neck a
how khows anything • at all, that a Bey. I do not wish it, however, to be under. made up comfortelale fires, slept in the lux. black objett, It moved --it was an insect-
/nIntuit be .to . the mutter born to stood that all difficulties have been over. home), and Jemmied in nearly ruining the Taking the Advantage to which man with
urine beds, ate all the aimed edibles in the gontit lanitx.
en •
appreciMe and enjoSt malitte. A stronger come, although I do say that everything (Remy
intermeddleth not wtth the ioy of the ctirl. 'mike most proraleing. It le no easy task to onapete and furnituke. ,And then h gray hair aro to prato,-s. younger man
er, The barbarian clan never be taught to raise $15,000,000, for that la the leasa it adds witn an air:id surprise : "They even Would have beet more timid, -he at once
underetand it and PO his life met ever re. will take," He also submite a ropott of the went so far 88 to drink all the wince and removed the based with his Amor and
main incomplete. And even an alien can Company:a offiser with the Alert, expreseieg liquor tlaat had boon left in the closets." thumb. The young lady turned at the touch
I hold it to be solemn, self.entiaout, heaven. from April or May till November;
born truth, that a man who will play chess
see that it is more of a game than 'chose, the opinion that navigation will be open vandalism." Wheri tramps at the plea "Pardott me," asid her ootnpanion, "but
That certainly was an unexpected`piece of inanitiliglYi
and maned fruit tying around loose, de. you had a flea on your aeok.
for amuseitiett, would sew a cord of wood It dean mock tut diffunce bow big or liar mons)" the costly furniture, beild fires to The young lady showed mock displeasure,
for a joke. • or puseon is, he hates or impart a glow el warmth to the deserted
' A OREAT LEVELLER. tell de trathk linimon aat won't rooms and kick the stuffing out of au $800 he anxiousln.
6' Sin:1111cl I not have removed it?". asinedi
The snowehoe ie tie the Cainediala light. Paper rails are made in &task, They " " she replied, healtatinalyi
piano, they merely follow the bent of their
someness, and to all the ieet bf the World a are longee than ordinary mile, atml said to the winos and limiore loft in the elogetet Oar
nomadic( natures ; but when they drink all "but you might have called it a meecititmi
....._..., --0044i.,-08.....,
stinnbling bloeln A mat who has tried snow have a greater adheolvenese in oontact with neap lament nature is badly shut A theatritial manager thanks ills otare
ehoes or the first time ia &qualified from locomotive wheele, td
when they don't leant all the receipte.