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Clinton News-Record, 1975-01-16, Page 18
1A .16 CI INTQN NEWS}RECORD, THURSDAY. JANUARY 16, 1975 THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, Card Party, Summerhill Hall, 9 p.m. sharp. Sponsors Hall Board, ladies please bring -lunch.--3,4b CARD PARTY: Thursday,— January 23 at 8.:30 p.m. ,.I,,,,O.Q.F. Hall, Princess Street, Euchre and Five Hundred. Ash ission 75 cents: 'Ladies please bring lunch. —3b NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 p.m. January 16, Admission $1; fifteen regular games, $10 each. Three Share -the -Wealth games. One Jackpot for $170 in 56 calls.- Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not won. BINGO - January 21, Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $56 in 56 calls. Six door prizes.—46tfn HURON County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expec- tant Parent Education Classes, being held in the following areas: Exeter — commencing Monday,, January 13, .1975 — Health Unit 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.; Golvlerich — commencing BAYFIELD Agricultur•a;l Society annual meeting, Wed. Jan. 22nd in the Municipal Building, Bayfield atl;45p.m.--3b —CLINTON•and District Snowmobile Club meeting, Monday, January 20, 1975 at 8 p.rn. at Chowen's Shop, Telephone Road, Everyone Welcome. —3b Tuesday, January 14, 1975 — Assessment Office Board Room, 46 Gloucester Terr., Goderich — 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.; Wingham — commencing Wed- nesday, January 15, 1975 -- Health Unit — 7:30 - 9:30_ p.m.; Clinton "=•- commencing Thur- sday, January 16, 1975 — Health Unit - 7:30 -.9:30 p.m. Would anyone who is in- terested please pre -register by calling 1-800-265-4485 toll free or your nearest Health Unit of- fice at the following numbers: Brussels 887-9331, Clinton 482- 3416, Exeter 235-1014, Goderich 524-8301, Seaforth 527-1243, Wingham 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and -par- ticipate in the discussions.--L-1,2,3b Why not get your float In shape? . For the Clinton Winter Carnival Parade February 1st, 1975 fi HULLY GULLY Coming Events: Sat. Jan. 18 - Snowmobile Trail Ride and party. Sun. Jan. 19 - Oval Racing, M.O.S.R.A. Sanc- tioned. Sat. Jan. 25 "MOZART and the Melody Makers". Sat. Feb. 1 "Star Trex". —3b At their recent January meeting, Sarah Hale Chapter I.O.D.E, fprp d a com- mittee to work on their upcoming Centennial project, sponsorship of n concert by the Choralaires. The popular Woodstock Choir who appeared in Clinion •last spring will perform here again on April 19. In charge of the project will be Alice Andrews and Olive Johnson and working with them will be Ruth McLean and Helen Bartliff on publicity. Helen is also on hospitality and Colleen Phillipson tickets. In other business, a letter from provincial IO.D.E. executive suggested ways to promote sales of the special rose -bush developed to celebrate the 75th an- niversary of I.O.D.E. this entennial year. The profit from sale of this rose goes into; a special 'fund called "Concern for Children", which in Ontario will he used for research in genetics. The report on the December Christmas tree project showed a profit Oaf over $400, .which will be used for the education and charitable Qrojects of the local group. The two boxes of supplies sent before Christmas to the Indian community of Ogoki have arrived safely. The March of Dimes committee called a meeting for January 9 to hand out supplies to the "captains" who ares, organizing the canvass. An executive meeting was' also called, to be held at Helen Bartliff's January 23rd at 8 p.m. CLINTON Horticultural Society ANNUAL MEETING - Wed. Jan. 22nd at 8 p.m. in Clinton Town Hall. A variety program is planned. Everyone welcome. —3b SNOWMOBILE Run, Sunday January 19, 1975. Meet ar Clinton Sales Barn 2 p.m. bring own refreshments. Sponsored by Clinton and District Snowmobile Club. —3b JAPANESE Embroidery and Broomstick crochet classes beginning Tuesday, Jan. 21. If interested . phone the Hobby Shop, 482-7222. —3b WOODSTOCK CHORALAIRES: Reserve, Saturday, April 19, 8:15 p.m. at Central Huron Secondary School auditorium, for an evening of music with the Woodstock Choralaires - . a Centennial project of Sarah Hale Chapter, I.O.D.E. Tickets - adults $2.50, students $1.50. Contact 482- 3668 or any member of I.O.D.E. —3b A.C.W. of St. James Church Middleton will hold a card party and auction sale on Friday 17th, 8 p.m. Ladies please d bring 'lunch. Admission 75c.-3nc BLYTH LIONS BINGO, Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. $150 jackpot in 60 calls. Big rash prizes.-38tfn Work is well underway on installation of a gas pipeline that will bring Huron County natural gas into Huronview and Vanastra. The gas wells are located in Stanley Township. (News -Record photo) News ofConstance ANNUAL MEETING COMING Colored slides of the Yukon, Alaska and the West Coast will he shown by Mrs. Frances Clark at the annual meeting of the Auburn Horticultural Society to be held in the Auburn Com- munity Memorial Hall on January 21 at 8 p.m. Plans were made at the Executive meeting held last Thursday in the Town Hall. Mrs. Elmer Trommer, vice- president was in charge, The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary Mrs. Beth Lansing. The program is to he in the charge of Mrs. Donald Haines and the lunch con>,mittee will he Mrs. Ross Robinson,- Mrs. William. L. Craig, Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. Robert Arthur. Roll call is to he answered by suggestions on how the Society can celebrate its 25th anniversary in September. Everyone• is invited to attend. Memberships will be received and there will be door prizes. SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Arnold Craig was able to come home , from Wingham hospital where she had been a patient for several weeks. - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt visited on• the weekend at St. Catherines' with their son, Kenneth Haggitt, Mrs. Haggitt and family. Andrew Kirkconnell is - 13 patient in Clinton Public Hospital. - Ernest Snell of Westfield will he, guest speaker at the January ' meeting of ,. the Auburn Women's Institute to he held on Tuesday, January 21 in the Memorial Com- munity hall. Everyone is invited to attend. • BY MARY MERNER Court ' Constantine L1842 held their monthly meeting on Thursday evening January 9th. District Deputy , Phyllis Harrison and High' Marshall Isobel Sturdy were special guests for this meeting. An Introduction ceremony was held for two new members, Sisters Tina Bos and Mary Merner. Business discussed in- cluded Family Bowling this Sunday night January 19 at the Clinton Bowling Lanes; installation .to be held at Benmiller on .January 22; and plans being made for a bus trip to the Ice Capades on March 16. The installation for the new officers for 1975 and '76 was held: past president, Edith Nott; president, Marjorie Anderson; vice- president, Mary McClure; recording secretary, Delphine Dolmage; treasurer, Anna Dolmage; chaplain, Nona Pipe; warden, June Fothergill; conductor, Olive Little; outer 'guard, Ann Agar; innerguard, Sharon McClure. Mary McClure presented • perfect attendance gifts to six members, Doreen Dolmage, ' Edith Nott, Anna Dolmage, June Fothergill, Annie Vincent, and Betty Hulley. Betty Hulley presented gifts to the District Deputy and the 1-ligh Marshall. "I''''Personals Mr. Peter Harrison of RR 2, Goderich visited on, Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllwain. Mrs. Jack Medd visited on Thursday ' and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Harris of Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson, David, and lans 4.********** Committee chairmen are reminded to submit their annual reports at this meeting. Darren spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. David Preszcator, Christine, Lisa, Christopher and Greg. Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs. Ed Szusz, Randy, Rodney and Robynne were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tchorz and Mr. and Mrs: Art Hickson, all of Wheatly, and Mr. Terry Fear of Goderich. Mr. George Mcllwain has been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital since Friday. Mrs. W.L. Whyte returned home on Monday from Oak- ville where she spent the past week with her grand- children, Paul, Mark and Margie Van der Molan. Mr: and,._ Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Bill, Debbie •and Michael visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson, David and Darren were Sunday evening dinner guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson and family of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mrs. George Mcllwain. _ All groups and organizations are welcome, _cash .prises. Contact Jack, Raid 412.7700, `or John Lawson 482-7650 Parade toms st Legion at 12:30 p.m. and proceeds north on Victoria at., along Albert, • west on PrIncas, north on Jihipow WHO on John and '"ttiattri Mitts— RECEPTION for • Jane & Steve Carter (nee Jane Harris) SAT., JAN. 25 9:30 to 1:00 Clinton Legion Hall Music by Scott's Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome PLAYING * THIS WEEK * $-‘1IFE" * , • Coming Mon., Jan. 20 • "BUSKER" BUSKER * Both Bands Enjoyable *. For All Ages * Matinee every Sat, *► 4 p.m. • 6 p.m. ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CANTON NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Huron Central Agricultural Society will be held on January 16, 1975 at the White Carnation, Holmesville, at 8:30 P.M. Guest speaker will be Mr. K. Charles, Livestock Division, Agriculture Canada. He will be discussing the grant structure etc.,.with regards to moving from a Class C . to a Class B fair. Any Interested person is welcome to attend. Harold Lobb, Robert M. Gibbings, President. Secretary -Treasurer. 1,2,3b Blyth Lions Club DANCE Blyth Memorial Hall DANCE Friday -January 1 7 at CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL «sourHcorE" Dancing 9 to 12 Admission with student card - $1.75 without card $2.00 REFRESHMENTS 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 GODERICH ' AIR CONDITIONED WED., THUR., FRI., SAT. — JANUARY 15, 16, 17, 18 SIDNEY POTTIER `• BILL COSBY And HARRY BELAFONTE As Cec•c h„• Dan FRIDAY, JAN. 24 Music by Heywood Brothers Dancing 9 to 1 a.m. Lunch to follow Tickets S6. per couple restricted to persons 18 yrs. of age or over 3,4b Ij'ioIiday Tours FLORIDA to oolkln aider literature at the Huron Presbyterial held last week in Seaforth are, -left .� . ._Sanderson .�. , � . _ . r�,..zw�rank , _ i_:. ,_ ntt �d-nf-�+Gttderlc�h�; Mrs-. Wilfred. �o<_. s-s- Cor -a �a+cd ax � U�,�.�:1 ,� , a Raithby of Auburn, and Mrs. Rochus Faber of Kippen. .(photo by; Wilma Oke) DERBIES CUSTARD CUP F sEHIS JANUARY �� AL EXHIBITION PARK TORONTO JAN.28.31 1975.10am to 6pm OXTUFVNG, THE LAOCEST-SELECTIONOh1 RICILTNIIAL.EQIIIPMIMT ORDEN ONE 1001 IN CANIIOS FARM FILM FESTIVAL OF AGRICULTURAL Fos MORN INIFOMIItA110N ON VION1115 CONTACT VOUR LOCAL "ADM EQUIPMENT 0 Atalt ON CANADA FARM SHOW 20 outte tick $CAD, TO110$ O,,ONTAtIIo MilVtatti 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON ON HWY. NO. 4 AT VANASTRA RD. OPENY EAR -ROUND SERVING • - *FULL COURSE MEALS *TAKEOUT ORDERS *DRIVE—IN SERVICE HOURS: Monday through Thursday -- 7 e.M. to 8:30 p.m. Friday •--• 7 a.m. to 12 midnight , Saturday 10 a.m. to 12 midnight Sunday -- 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. PHONE 482-989.6 A FvvYr Alz414 P.4...44-0. From Watnerf3mQA Warner Cr,mmun,c.alu,ns Company --- JANUARY 19, 20, 21 VIA AIR 1. Ft. Lauderdale - 9 days - dep. Mar. 15 (mid -term) -incl. transport to and from airports Twin 2. Daytona Beach -'9 days - dep. Mar. 15 (mid-term) Twin $329. -Incl. transport to and from airports VIA MOTORCOACH & AIR `3. Y Gettysburg;• jAlissltlrrgto , ="N iirffs- iSochi-�=Jekylt :1slandp. A Daytona, St. Pete', Ft. Lauderdale, Dayton -15 days - dep. Mar.1 -incl. transport' to and from airports Twin $398. '11 MOTO,RCOACH 4. Gettysburg, Washington, Myrtle Beach, Jekyll Island, Daytona, St. Pates, Ft. Lauderdale, Dayton -21 days -dep. Mar. 1 Twin $448. 5, Lexington, Perry, Cypress Gardens, St. Pates, Ft. Lauder- dale, Daytona, Florenc0, Washington Twin $337. -15 days - dep. Feb. 22 6. Daytona Beach - Long Stay - 29 days - dep. Mar. 7 Twin $495. 7. Daytona Beach - 9 days; 9 nights - dep. evening Mar. 1 4 -(mid-term) „ Twin $232. 8. Daytona Beach • 9 days; 9 nights - dep. evening w Mar. 21 --(no night travel) ARIZONA NEV AD..A CALIFORNIA 1. Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Hollywood, Monterey, Yosemite, San Francisco - via air & motorcoach -15 days.- dep. Mar. 39 & Apr. 12 Twin $629• -incl. transport to and from airports NASHVILLE 1. Attend Grand Ole Qpry; Tour Nashville; Visit Opryiand; -3 days; 3 nights - dep. evening Mar. 29, May 16, Aug. 29, Oct. 10 -via motorcoach Twirl $94. 2. Special Departure. . . visit Kentucky horse fefms Tourand Training Centre; see Mammoth Caves; Grano Ole Op y; Nashville; Oprytand - 5 day* (no night travel) -dep. Aug:1 Twin S159. For Information 8. Reservations - contact Hanover Travel Service. 290 10th St . Hanover Phone 1-1100-265-3007 Toll Free Red necks.White hoods. And raped black girls. OJ's grabbing agun and going to war. For 810,000 they break your arms. For s20,000 they break your legs. Axel Freed owes 544,000. - A Paramount Release Technicolor • A Paramount Release A Paramount Pictures Release In cola WED.,THURS.,FRI.,SAT.- JANUAi2Y22,23,24,25 PLUS SATURDAY MATINEE 11 V,1 T DISNEY 1 , ot.,o��c,•1.•�(,grl .1` vu and just for the FUN of ill WalDisneyt TEGHNI'CtflLOt1 a q -C KlJ1©t`ricvProductions Reteaccrlby(SUO4A'A51Ad.'11PIPUTI(RCQ INC 1474 Wall 5 nry()wh m, ' oa0oo.000e0e005 T7