HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-01-16, Page 11PAOU, 41470V
A heavy snowfall didn't stop workmen last. Tuesday from putting on the beams for the
roof which will cover the new pool at Vanastra. The pool will be fully enclosed by next
week and workmen expect to be working inside until the first of April. The project is
partially funded by a LIP grant. (News-Record:phota)
Newhitfway home at Vanastra
'For 10 years Mrs. Clair
Haskett has been involved
with group homes of various
types. In her profession as a
psychiatric nurse, Mrs.
Haskett saw patients ready
for discharge' but without
homes to which to return
and r some without relatives.
Most have experienced long
term institutionalization and
our world is big and strange
and lonely. Where and to
whom. did they go?
Seeing- a Tweed for homes
and a substitute family for
these people Mrs. Haskett
established Heather Gardens
Incorp. them and find more com There were three mer -
On December 4, 1974, one home.
month ago, this private To the left of the main in. shared rooms and chandise draws worth $50
home for discharged foyer, there is a large lounge especially in the group at- each at Shirai Department
patients opened with television and ample mosphere of the,�home ac- Stores. The first draw was
psychiatric has been arranged. tivities. won by 'Mrs. Mary Brown of
at Vanastra. There is no seating Heather Gardens has a RR •5, Clinton; the second by
government funding. The Again the beautiful fireplace staff of four as well as Mrs.
people at her home pay for is lighted for warm get- Susan Meyer of Clinton, and
to ethers for these once Haskett. the third by Ena Hill of
their room and board with g Mrs. Hackett, a' native of
disability pensions and old homeless people. Glasgow, Scotland, has been Clinton.
age pensions. A Tuck Shop is available g At Holland Shoes, the
to the residents and is next in Canada for 29 years. She three winners of $15 -each
Some are employed part- to the lounge. received her training at the
time by the home and eat nre'Royal Victoria Infirmary were Mrs. M. I -lupi of
money in this way as well. On the next level is theHuro�rlview, Mary Wells of
cafeteria and dining room. and Gart Naval Hosptal f'Rr Clinton, and Mr. Ian Hill.
People come to Heather Psychiatry.a Hasketts Mrs. Marg Dobson of
Gardens from psychiatric The original kitchen ..."
p y facilities were designed to have two 'married sons and Clinton won the $25 gift
hospitals at London, St. five grandchildren, who live
Thomas, Woodstock and serve 700 so you can imagine g certificate from The Arbor
Goderjch. b the stoves, urns, five walk-in at the billets.
The Hasketts have pur- coolers and other equipment
chased the former Officer's available and of course, not
Mess as well as an adjacent all- in use. . ,
Officer's Quarters. Something new to me was
The Officer's Mess has an automated garbage can
new electrical service and washer. There is even a
many new fixtures. The cooler for garbage in this
obsolete boilers have been area.
replaced with a new oil Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
furnace. . Haskett'have living quarters
life„. rr Vel -0—. noir, - in- the—upper _level- af.-..th.is, -^..
-~^ empty but will be office area-baird1ng.
for social workers from the After our tour of the
various hospitals , who Officer's Mess Mrs. Haskett
maintain a tollow-through
with each case.
Ray Nielson from St.
Thomas will be supervising
a work shop for the
Mr. Hall a social worker
from the Department of
Health at Goderich has
arranged. for interested
residents to take part in
activities ,in, G.oderirfh. ,,Bus
pick-up from Clinton will be
The group have weekly
bingos and dance as well as
playing pool, shuttleboard,
cards and other recreation.
Recently a bus of 48 friends
from St. Thomas visited the
pany :.. w-xfl drtVs
Here is a complete list of in their Christmas Draw.
of Clinton.
all the persons whey' won The Clinton IGA Store The Clinton Retail Mer -
prizes in the Clinton Mer- gave away two food cer- chants Association also gave
chants' Christmas Draws. tificates. The first certificate away nine turkeys to
Victor Hoggarth of Rat- worth $25. was won by Mrs. shoppers selected at random
tenhury Street in Clinton R. Lubbers of RR 1, Auburn, , from the Association's
won the 12" black and white and the second certificate of members. The winners were
TV from Groves TV and $35 was won by Mrs. Jean Ed Brintnell of RR- 2,
Appliances. Scott of RR 1, Blyth. Clinton, Mrs, Bob Miller,
At Aiken Brothers, Don Three gift certificates Miss Lois Legg, and Pat
Freeman of Clinton won the worth a total of $100 were ,Anstett, all of Clinton, Neal
$50 certificate, Joan Silver"of given away by McAdams Salverda of RR 1, Clinton,
Clinton. won the $30 cer- Home Hardware. The Mrs. Fred Reid of Clinton,
tificate, and Mrs. J. A. windnerswere Carol Mrs. E. Munn of RR 2,
McEwen of Clinton won the McDonell of Clinton, Mrs. Hensall, Jack McGregor of
$15 certificate. Phyllis Mountford of RR 5, RR 5, Clinton and Joyce
In the Ball and Mutch Clinton, and Cathy Pichard Feltz of RR 3, Clinton.
Home Furnishings draw,
Mrs. Gordon Dale of RR 4,
Clinton won the first $50
draw, Mrs. Margaret Dale of
Clinton won the second $50
gift certificate, and Mrs.
Norman Livermore won the
$100 gift certificate. The first general meeting ,gratifying, showing that
In the draw at Herman's of the Brucefield UCW of $2,779.98 had been raised for
Men's Wear, Mrs. George 1975 was held on Tuesday the UCW in 1975.
Yeats of Clinton won the afternoon, January 7th. The annual meeting will be
first gift certificate of $25, - Mrs. Brodie ' and Mrs. held on Sunday evening
Mrs. , Don Eastman of Cantelon were in charge of January 19 and all com-
Clinton won the second draw the devotion, and Mrs. mittees areA asked to have
of $25, Mrs. George Cantelon opened the meeting their reports ready., The
Thompson of RR 2, Clinton r,ith a new Year's poem. A induction of Rev. E. S.
won the third draw of $25, hymn was sung with Mrs. Stevens will be held at ''
and Ron Ellerby of Clinton McBeath at the piano. The Brucefield United Church on
won the fourth draw of $125. scripture was read and Mrs. January 31 and hopefully .
At Lees, the three $50 Brodie spoke on the New there .will be a 'good at -
merchandise certificates Year and growing up in a tendance from Kippen and,
went to Mrs. Margaret minister's home. The of- Brucefield.
Wright of RR 1, Londesboro; fering was received and The meeting closed with a
Mrs. Harold Workman of dedicated by Mrs., Brodie, poem by Mrs. Triebner, the a
Clinton, and Mrs. Stewart and the devotions closed benediction, and lunch was
.Baird of Brucefield. . with prayer and another served by Mrs. J. Hen -
The Clinton Electric Shop hymn. derson, Mrs. Stoll, and Mrs.
gave away two gift cer- The business meeting was Broadfoot.
tificates. The $25 one was chaired by the president,
won by Mr. David Pugh of Mrs. Triebner, who
Clinton, and the $50 one was welcomed all present and
won by Mrs. Tom Riley of read a poem, "Fault Fin -
Clinton. �
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110I�ht Wofli in' " Min
r:. 60" 108 • 111 is
. 61'.. 111 116 v
a4aN 1
�wtQ , : 117. 1
03' 123 126
Ba 129 134
¢6" 132' 140
80" 136 146
67" 140151
se" lid :156
148 100
70"' 182 - 164
1 �6 188_
Wesley Willis United Church
Victoria & King Streets
Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
. Two persons each • took The secretary s report was
home radios in the draw at given by Mrs. Cliff Hen -
Merrill TV. They were John derson and the treasurer's
Nogalo' of RR 1, Clinton and report by Mrs. John Hen
allowed me to visit the R. G. Bennett of Clinton. derson. The president then
Officers Quarters where the The $20 gift ' certificate asked for reports from the
private and semi -private ,_•from the Radiant Life Centre three groups, on their
rooms are provided for the was .won by Mrs. Valerie projects for the last year.
residents. Shackleton of RR - 1, Mrs. Berry reported for
There are 87 rooms in the Dungannon, and the $10 group 1, Mrs. Lorne Wilson
three storey building with certificate was won by, Mrs. for group 2, and Mrs. Arnold
each floor supervised. The Sharon Stein of RR 1, Taylor for group three. The
fixtures and a large number At Mary's Sewing\Centre, billets have new electrical Belgrave. report/ were most
of rooms have been fur- the three merchandise draw
ttish.ed hy,the 1-1a ktetts.'. ;,- r viiot h 00 were -4jbii' b? Mrs.
Ideally, 100 people could Lillian Evans, Mrs. Hazel
be housed in the complex. Clifford • and Mrs. C. f.
There are now 10 residents, "Volland, all of Clinton.
three ladies and seven The winner of the money
gentlemen. tree worth $25 from the
Mrs. Haskett' explained Shadow Box Boutique Was
many of the people have Marjorie Papple of R 4,
always had people around Seaforth.
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Don't forget the induction
of Rev. E. S. Stevens,, on the
evening of -January 31. Rev.
Stevens is the new minister
in charge of the Kippen and
Brucefield United Churches.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cribbon of
Toronto are visiting with
their sister, Mrs. A.
Paterson and with their
mother, Mrs. A. Sholdice,
who is in Clinton Hospital.
Mrs. M. Caldwell, Mrs. M.
Haugh, and Mr. Wilbur Keys
are still confined to Seaforth
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