HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-2-18, Page 14 LEGAL. T H. DICKSON, Bavritelee, Soil- i • citor of SupremoCourt, Notary Public Conveyancer, Oowmissioner, &e. honey to Loan, Office in,n'auson's 131ook,E,zetor. MCX'ADDEN, Barrister SolicitOr ConveYancer, Etc,, EXETER, - • ON'r, Office Samwoll'sBlock (Roll's old office.) DENTAL. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., Has opened dental rooms oyes O'Na:IL'S BANK, whorohe will bo p r'oparo d to 'extraot toe th without Pain. °A11 operations performed with ease and skill. Gold frl17 inks a speciality. Office hours 0 L. in: to 5 Yi. 01SAnot;s MODERATE, TERMS GASH.. KIN SMAN_, DE N TIST,Lu.D, $ BXtra is Teeth without pain,in , by giving Vitalized Air, or by using the Now Local Amest tie on the bums; makes GQ1c1 Filings and all other dental workthe best possible. Rooms Upstairs in SAzu}vELL's 13Locu, East side of Mein -Street, Exeter, Out. MEDICAL CLU'TZ; M.D., • Office athis rosidonce Exeter, 1f1R:I1IVING, 3.RADUATF UNI- VERSITY TrinityCollege, Member of Collage pbysieiansa ad surgeons Ont., Ali- • co,1iirkton. R.HYNDMAN,—CORONEB'FOR 1 the County of Huron. Unice, opposite . tr,T.')arl;ing's store,Exotor T W. BROWNING M. D., 111. 0 P./ . P.S, Graduate VLctoriatrniversity.0face and,rasidence,Don: inionL'uborates v. Exeter ;FIR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. S AJ 0. Oille ,Main St'.Exetor,Ont.Rosiden colicase recently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL, XIII., NO; 26. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY ORNIN.G, FEB'Y 18, 1886. IMPORTANT NOTICES. COAGUL1N:E.---Cement for Brok- wJ en Articles. Sold everywhere. Solo 11Takors.--KAY 13ROS., Stockport England. FOR OR COUGHS AND COLDS. JOHN WHITE & SON (Publishers; and Proprietors 443,000, ROUND THE' GOINTRY• NairE. Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Mr. Jae. Canlp'aoll, ,Argyle Ste is Exeter and vicinity, that he bas opened out at present laid up with a. very trees arm, which remelted from a slight cut, having fallep on tie loo going to shoo shop Cho barn, 'Pias doctors are not sure but the,rtirm ..lav have to be am ru. 1 I KAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN• oa a pounced tho death of Riel to be the execution of a righteous sentence. He also said the statements made, that there were no real.battles fough are false. he programme of the Granto school entertainment, to be held t morrow evening, 19th inst., is a go 911e. Iu additfon to local talent ti following persons will take part:—S Marys Colegiate Institute Glee Clu Messrs. T. H. Follicle, P. A., an C. J. Bradley, of St. Marys; th Misses LaGear and Miss Johnsto Notwithstanding the bad state of the roads, the large Presbyterian ehureh was well filled on Thursday evening last, to hoar Rev. W. S, Ball deliver his popular lecture on the North.West Rebellion. The speaker gave a very lucid description of the scene of the war and of the men engaged therein. He pro— SEED, Aniseed., Senega, Squill Tolu, &o tate d. th G Wore (Ivo e. in the corner Store North of Samwel Mr, ,'ijobn Stewart, Springbauk, KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent ds Pickard's, where he is prepared to make expectorai,',. for Coughs and Colds. • all kinds o; ordered work. :FAY'S :COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally/ sorvioabto: fol' Horses and Cattle. AY'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu Neuralgia Face -ache &c. J. CLARIC., COi1IMISSIONER • in the Court cfCommon Pleas•—Doeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, anclall forms ofag- reements drawn and executed according to 10wv, .\I(NET TO LOAN 0N1111AD ESTATE. Parties wishing to borrow money on account of re- con tpurchasos :ofland,or to pay off existing, ,mortgages will find a groat saving by giying Lam a. call, Can Lend money at and ei por cont. according toterms. N.J.0 LARK SUMJIONED To Appear before the Bail AUCTIONEERS. E. a. FISH, TJENRY EILBER, Licensed Ane- tioneer for Hay, Stephan, and McGi11i- rray:Townships. Sn.lesconclucted at moderate ates. Office—At Post-office,Crediton, Out, JOHN GILL,iotioneer for the EY Townships of Stop en, Hay and Usborno and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. !T1ENNENT & T NNENT, Veteri- 1 nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary' College, Toron- to, have op forth.. trey Domestic Mainstreet ened an office tment of all Animals, on Exeter. Calls from a dis twice prompt'y attended. to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&e always on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. OON'EY TO LOAN ON REALES LTA- tate forth° Huron&ErieLoan f flav- ingsSooiety. Low rates ofinterest. Apply to I V1111 apmunLLUU 11,1'Jhu.ul • TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6I- 6i- , A. „poreent.accorciinC totorms. Private taunMI. Q.1 lyto V .ELLIO T , kugustl5,'85 Solicitor. Exotel , MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6f Per cent, $25.000 Private Funds- Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, t, Barrister. Exeter, - INSURANCE. N J. CLARK, Agen t for the Us - all • borne and Ribbert Mutua ]Fire Iusur• taco Company, Residence -3rd Con„ Usborno )rdersbvmailtoExeter P.0., promptlyat- ,endedto. TOHN MoDONELL, ISSUER OF atARRIAGE LICENSES. OFFICE IN FANION'S DLOc11. Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance lompany of Canada,Mercantile Insurance Co =Capital 1000,000.00 Head Office Waterloo; )nt, Glasgow &' London Insurance Coy -Cap - tel 32,500,000 ; bead Ofnce, Montreal : Stand- ird Life Insurance Co., Head Office, London, angland ; Guarantee & Accident Co. Head )ffice, Toronto. JOHN MoDONELL Exeter. 'FHL WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. MEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This connany has been over Eighteen 'ears in successful operation iu Western On- ario,andaontinueS to insure againstloss or .nage by Piro ,Buildings,Morchaudise,Man- !factories,and all otho1dosoriptions oflinsur- .ble property. Intending insurers have the ption of insuring on the Premium Note or lash System. During the past ten years this Company .asissued ,57,000 Policies, covering property o the amount of 340,872,088 ; and paid in loss - ,s alone 8709,752,00 AssetS, tb176, tee.00, consisting of Cash n Sank, GovernmentDeposit, and the naris• !sod Premium Notes on handnod in force, J, V WALm1 vM D. Preside tt. C. M. TAYLOR, ecrotary. J. B. Huaulss,Tnsnector. GRAS. INELL, Agent for ExeterandVicinity. TIC • Tl n11n! OF CANADA. The Royal Mail, Passenger touts between Canada and iroct route between the n the Lower St. Lawrence 100, also - [ow Brunswick; `Nova P. E. Island 'e1V'iOtln(Ztall(i, Bermuda, -:11/37 &% I., 1 encs rreight l Goat 111itainand t West and all points and l3aio dos Cha- , Scotia, 1 Cape Breton, ,1 i and tJit1n'n0% , n No , and elegant Pullman 130(101 0100PIng and Day Oars run on through ExprOSI t1'ains, Passengers for Great Britain or the Conti= ant by leaving ;Toronto at 8.10 0. 10, shuns• day will join outward mail atosmor'at Half. lax a, n1. Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ac- Conn/Iodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and go moral nierebandiso, Veers of experience have proved flee.tNTrR- (3O1,ONIASi in cofinection with steamship li' and from London. L(yorpoeI a0(1 Os to Halifax, to bathe quickest freight cute b to 1 route between Cada cud. Groat Britain. mutt 1irei ]it i.0100 of ii be bad 011 Opl>YatiOn 1.0 (i.;at (tin i10 8 10"1 ',Iif B.MMfjor)]T, P,CtilcruI'reight.P111ossml;ro)' arena suj 0.1 nsrun 11oi1so t31oo1:, I'M* St, Toronto, ).T071Ihidi'll's, orinteil(tent. Chid Site h) (5cr„V'0lllco'yiOnfto N.V., Nov, 13,1581. Where tho min who cause at the cry of •'next” received a Shave and a Hair -cut which could not possibly have been surpassed by any barber, NEAR THE POST OFFICE. JUOVEL7!" SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE Ilse. LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS, Without a doubt they are the most becoming styles ever introduced. Ladies. for something in very fine style, such as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, ,Switches, Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike. 1. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Whore he will. supply all your wants in the Hair Line, I+URESCCUC HS Cuiosi CENTRAL DRUC STO A full E1 stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs Dyes, and package constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es; carefully prepared at he Central•Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. .tl ,ti'71l"7S a s,x (1,1 ,(,e .,. 1 gree lis Garonne Bice 1311ckwhmt„ + ii. Flour „ 2b 1 lb Cocoa Plireo plugs Ise Tobacco . ,. are lb Yont .11 -Tyson Tea 'our lbs Turkey Prunes... Ono lb Coffee rllreo cans Mackere 1 1'wocans S lmon ,. 11 low yrtie Navy T, &B. Currie Powe:1- qt Pickles 20 9 bars N. P. Soap 20 bars Fs 1n Li y Soap ... 15 two Royal East Crakes .., 15 S0neyy,Snckle Tobi coo.........10 Pecicstone's Crys a1... .. . 10 2 cokes e c s Blael:iug10 Cigarst5c) ,Pura SpSuish Juice ... G .•. 25 Cents. 25 :25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2r 20 DASHWOOD Ilr Flo►ur 9 CFEACKED WHEAT THE I?IiL ADDI%tS(S s DreW s 31o01« South Store - E ta.Jl 9. Agent tor Dominion Line of I1 1br1 Strtil)1- n Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. M AN SON, Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14tH 84. Y}E, TH T!LO8 MR- . WIl. LYNi8 is grepared to do CUSTOM TAILORING At IKirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS Made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. •' WILLIAM LYNE. butter & Eggs WANTED. J. Matheson Has opened out in Currelley & Co's. Old Stand EXETER NORTH Complete stock of Groceries. 16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts—Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stook of HARDWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. Mr' A reduction of ii Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. sold; a twv).yetlr oldr OOIt to (Jharltoti, of Lobo, fQv: 4e.f1f This s. $p615. 71his colt is olid tlt ported`. Ciydosdalti maea,i„ tp be the.fineet reeve ever brdui the Dominion. hitchers, will he kept busy uey " eu F.an or, judging from t'lie ascent of the fermiers at0-9 drawing home. Rev, Mr' d`no. Wells, of Jarvis, paid a flying visit to his old congregation here laR1 "week. Ltk3t, tVeelc a party of pleasure seat;• .ers from .the 12th conoession spent a very enjoyable evening at Mr. Arch. McCallum's, 17th Concession. r. etiixl of i lm— h'ed to ' ! Juto () e(tit,oit, Tenders for the construction of a sliownship Hall at Crediton were opened on Monday, by the Clerk. There were six, and after some de— liberatiou, the tender of H. Willert being the lowest, ($1425,) was as cepted. The old hall and land were sold to C Zwicker, for $310. Next meeting of Township Conncil will be held first Monday iu April. The tea meeting in the Methodist Church Crediton, was a grand euo• cess on the 1'th. Rev. W. H. Gane, from,Elimville; name nobly to our help 'and gave us his famed lecture on "Womau : Her Worth and Work." He' held the attention of the audience for one hour and a half while he ad- vocated woman's right. He received a merilsd• yote of thanks at the close, to whish ; he reeponded. The pro - seeds of the tea, $91.61. All the indebtedness On thin circuit now ie $188. The people of Creditor' are united and ars doing irell may, ■-..,, .i;,,,.• -..► 1',,, ,,,, ! Datrltwoed , { .a.t The Lut t ewelemit ia Ie have a ball is les'.ttsw r by 1a etar Rapidly Ds titwegei: isle Hist * was fnrai- taa alms nest ami[. F , ... Yaw 0. Kotula", t ill ( in M. 0eoli'e mill, MO ;lis two fingers badly out, last weep. Business has. boas very goodlduriag the good sleighing. Messrs. Cook and Baker's': yards sire almost filled with logs,. and all the business men , have been tin good spirits. Mr, George Kellerman sold out his 1 butcher b'eioese to Mr. F. Null and' Louis Kle , stabler. It is hoped that the cbange'may bring in good and tender beef.`• PEBsox1,.-Mies Rebecca Fried is vieitiug alListowel.—Mrs. Wm. Ellie is visiting at Mildmay, attending her brother's sledding.—Mr. R. H. Fried, book keepepr for J. T. Bell & Co., of East Saginaw, is home spending his vacation. Mr. Noreworthy has been laid up with a sore throat, but we *re glad to see him at worst again. Wes. look out ler the stranger:—Mrs. A. H. Wesel° ;'' who has been • eiok for the past ree''months, and at one time dot a ipected 10 live, has, under the treatment of Dr eel,ollins, been able to be about again.—Mr..1?. Cook, who nae teen ill for some,time, is very low at ppoeent.—Big Henry takes Sam's ' places' al the Union Hlouse.- Pope is gelling pretty far advauced in the floor ar,, feed business.—Big bili still Iravele , itstward.—Mrs. 0. Pfaff, who is trolliled with cancer in her breasts it; at resent in a very low state.—M0 Alex. Brenner beoame the father of at.(other bouncing girl. llbi'ranton. Mr.W,; awls, who hasebeen visit• ing at I1r t atneron's for, ~cage past three or four•months, has rettifited-to his home in' the North-west. ` r One day last week, Mr. Jas. Wal— lace, with his team of oolte brought to Granton` station a load of wheal, containing 14 bags and weighingi138 bushels and 151bs, and this too was taken up the very' stoop grade it the storehouse.t. ns ecto earner I p t;i s, last weak 'vent a half day.n each' department of the public school. ' ;3e ' reported the school to be in 'a better condi len than at an jl. previous time , 4titirig the twelve years he bite been iiispSO• tor. A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. O. Exeter -Butcher Shop. R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer -IN ALL IIINDS Or - MMA TIS Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. W. ULMA , KI f KION. BEFORE TAKING G STOCK Is bound to reduce present ;stock. To do so prices are to be brought down to ROCK BOTTOM. FRESH TEAS Just in a>id constantly arriv- ing. TT'. COODS d Of all descriptions sold at Reduced figures, BUTTER & EGGS wanted illai'oe.l , T,tI' ships,. J q ant OS There was a' fair attendance at the oyster supper in connee1ion with, .the Methodist 6lhuroll, After a boui'ii. fur supply ofthe bivalves, 'Mr. W. D. Stanley, wee elcoted to the chair, when a goal& programme consisting of oougs arid rbc itat ions was gond tlrotlh wtllThe gloss receipts of the moot)ng:,ali ousted to „f$27. HEKi AND TKF+ '(M. News Conden.ed, Mr. James Wray, of the 7tile eon. of Turnberry, has a cow,'tvtljeh ;gage berth to three calves reoettly, Rev. John Gray, of Clinton, ha® has resigned. He preached his fare— well sermon on Sabbath Last. Geo, Shaw and Jas:' , Saint, of Wingham, have been fined by Mayor Neelaude for creating a disturbance in the Gospel Arany barracks there, and other parties are to be prosecuted.' Rey. Father Flannery, of St. Tlaamas, lectured in the TO WO Hall, at Luoan last evening, The address wits of high order and way well appre- ciated by tho large audience in at- tendance. Mr. D Cautolon, the "apple king". of Huron, has been onmmissioned to mnlr.e up a collection forexhibit at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition in England the coaling slimmer. Letters patent have been issued t, incorporating the North Middlesex Cheese Manufacturing Company for 11 the manufacture and sale of cheese 0- and butter in the Township of Bid- ed dulph with a capital stock of $2,500; le Mrs. Cauu has b=on elected Pt'osi- t• aeut of the Luean W. C. T. U.; vice• b, presidents, •INfrs. L. Fox, i\Iiss Sproat, e and Mrs. Judge- recording secretary, e 112iss Dian oud; oorrespondiuo seers - i, tary, Miss Burgess; treasurer,.Miss Kirkton; Mr. G. A. Stanley and Mi Bugess, Lueau; Messrs. Fred. Robi sou'and W. :11„dgins, of Parkhi Several colored gents promised take Dart but siucs getting out E progrrtmme word stay been receiv that it 13 not convenient for them be present. es Lyn ham. o- It is stated that Reove Frail, of 11, West Nissouri, has resigned owing ' to to 001115 disagreement over the Ddpaty LI itoeveship. It is also stated that ed Councillor Lord has sent in his resig- to nation on account of his (lolling his farm, land jtiterltiot2 t9 aQove eleg- whr1'e. Jolla Whalen, of Eidduipll, paid a flan of $1 and costs for using abusive language to John Evans, and the case against Patrick Hough, the hired man, of threatening Bailiff Cum- mings, was enlarged, as one of the witnesses was absent. Hough is Out on bail till Saturday. SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—On Thursday, while Mr. Richard Taylor, sr., of the Township of Bosanquet, who owns a number of farina in the vicinity of Forest, was in Cho act of taking down an old barn on a farm recently pur- chased, he was felled to the grimier' by a beam falling several feet, stria.. ing him on the back of the head. He now lies in a very critical condition, little hopes of hia recovery being entertained. At sonnei meeting of the Con. Ass. D. H, Ritchie resigned the presidency owing to ill health. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Ritchie for past' services and the warmest inter. est manifested iu` his future welfare, Mr. W. J. Shannon was elected prssi- dent and Geo. E. Jackson and Da,. Coleman vine do. Hearty approval was given to the policy of the Ottawa Government in regard to the Fudge, Railway, and the Northwest may. agement, Sb. Adolph Ceram eotniag in fes especial praise - The Glencoe ease was argued Tuesday before Squire Hannah, who - Kirkton. Mr. Julius Doupe has returned from a visit to friends in Kincardine. A singing class has been organized under the leadership of Mr. F. Ruse, of Exeter. Mise Rachael Kirlc hat returned from a mouth's visit to friends near Mitchell. Mr. David Kirk is malting prepare. tions for building a new brick house in the 'village this season. A number of our literary lights contributed to the concert held in Horne's echooI house on Friday even- ing last. Reg. Mr. Macadam, of Strathroy, preached in the Presbyterian church, on Friday last. On Sunday the sac- rament of the Lord's supper was ad- ministered. A four day'. meeting will be held in the - Methodist church, eommeneing an''Tuesday, of next week. Rev-: Mr. Sherlock, Of Arthur, will be present and assist iu the eervioes; The Jersey breed of oattle is being inlroduod nolo this neighborhood by Mr. Wm. Stacey, who now has in his possession a thoroughbred young bull bred by Mr. John McClure, of Bramp- ton. Mr. W. W. Buchanan, lecturer of the Dominion Connell of Royal Temp. tars, delivered an address in the hall on Friday night last. The former part of the lecture consisted of an ex planation of the working of the Orde dealing at considerable length wit the beuefioiary part of the work, showing the great advantages a total abstinence society had over one in which moderate drinkers were insur- ed. In the latter part of the addrees the speaker dwell on the Scott Aot, showing that it was not a failure, and also stating that it was not only the duty of temperance men to vote tor the act, bus to place mea in office who were in sympathy with it, and would see that it was parried out, as he believed that the public offices throughout the land ought to beld by ohristian men, giving David . and Daniel as examples of religious peliti- oians. Mr. Buohanan is a pleasiug and forcible speaker, and his eloquent address call forth well-marlted ap— plause. Sir Kt. Hebdon. of Kent o0anly, was also present and contri- buted very much to the interest of the occasion. The duties of the chair were discharged iu a pleasing manner by Rep. Mr. Harris. Appropriate se- lections of music were given by the choir of the Order. At the close of meeting a special council was held, when six persons were initiated into 'the Order. Au effort is now being made to have the Benefioiary Degree instituted in connection with the Or— der m this place, which we hope will prove successful, as there is plenty of Material here to' work that degree - r, h The Mitchell( Advocate comes to hand in an eight page .form, and considerably improved. A''strange and fatal epidemic has made its appearance among the liege in the vicinity„of.Putuamvimle, 111 the eastern part of'Middlesex- . glace ball' .'shitting match be— twgen- aides captained by Messrs. BJ.'F.`Stewert and W. Drought, of L scan, wise won by the former by 003 ball the other day, A Aditcholl mall knocked at the drlor of a recidont of that burg alta at,ilo: egcnr5l; and handed a "parcel”' 111 "ho Owoor of the. Molise. . T150 "li,:reel" \vas afterwards found to contain a healthy girl baby, Capt. Grattan, of the Salvation A.rtuy, Immo, and Capt. Boar s, of 1he Seufoi'th oorpe,, vVero married the other days reoeryed recision tit! Stlturday The defence took the ground ibai tri the Army had no barracks and was on the streets, its service oould not come under the head of public wor- ship in the moaning of the statute; ..leo that the defendants had as much right to sing or shout in the street as the members of the Army, The prosecution argued that damp meet- ings and all assemblages for religious worship were entitled to protection under the statute, whether they poesessed and occupied any building or not. So far as the evidence was concerned oo clearer proof of the guilt of the defendants could be desired. The Kincardine Reporter tells the following story :—.Bro. Whitlook,, publisher of the Tara Lender, has for a number of years been working about 18 hours per day, and living on porridge and- potatoes, with an oo- national red herring thrown in. By his rugality he accumulated what to a printer is a very large fortune—•i 665 Not considering banks a said deposit: ory, he purchased a bnrglar proof safe—on credit, and tolling thejwealth up in the office towel placed it within the iron box. Not being accustomed to a safe as an artiola of furniture, he forgot to look it ou betnrday night, On Sunday he wished to gaze upon his accumulated wealth, and then found that he had been robbed, We are sorry for Mr. Whitlock. He is the only publisher who aver secured a fortune in the newspaper business. Now he has lost it. Mr. W was a for, mer employee of the TIMES office. Mr. M. 0. Cameron, M. P. for Huron, delivered an address at St. Thomas ofnasi o 12 Prtday rifght; and his speech contained little else than very uncomplimentary allusions to the Conservative Government and party?' `'‘Tory bummers,,, 'eland beats," "fight barnacles," "party hacks," "heelers, "mal.admiulsilratioit," "tmiegovernment," "corruption, '• "(tamp -followers" (`scandalous," "plunderers," t`lie9 " "hangers-on," played -out political hacks," 'tp,iIpa,' bre fraud," and" " t11io1res were among the choice eepressions shade use' of by the learned erentleitirhe In the course of his address sic lead e,X from the .t hc+nnl, ..n -e