HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1975-01-09, Page 12.11 10 I N e N WS R CORD,'EBDR$D t ,JANUAlitY 9 1975., ' o se ss res on committee BY 1973 $40,605 and in 1974 ' were Mental affairs on Janua 30 to provide to l �w .t' to provincial m iinjstrtes Oat ave W•ltilAA ()ICE 1973 $46,463, - municipal Officials with infor►natn ndwithn- -� 1 operations that affect municipalities within each county, Donald 1. Stewart, Seeforth, was appoin- ted township solicitor. Salaries were approved for municipal employees - clerk, road superintendent, grader operator, - but.'council refused to provide the inffrroatian to the newspapers. Bayfif4d... (continued from page 11 changes 'from residential to commercial from Bayfield ,.Building Centre and Mr. and Mrs: -Stotesbury-Leeson for part ,of their property bordering Cameron and Vic- toria Streets. Council appointed Councillor McFadden to serve for 1975 as the Village represen- tative on the Ausable-Bayfield Conser- Nation Authority and passed by-law 89175 appointing Mr. Pat Graham to the Com- mittee of Adjustment for another three year term to Jan. 1, 197.8. The committee also consists of Brig. Morgan Smith (Jan. 1, 1976) and Mr. Ernie Hovey (Jan. L 1977). , They authorized the Reeve to present a brief on the Mustard Report at a Cabinet meeting to be held Jan. 22 in Centennial Hall, London, granted permission to Mrs. LeRoy Poth to enlarge the shelves in the Archives Room and gave permission to the Bluebird Society for the use of the kitchen in the Old Town Hall for constructing bir- dhouses. At the inaugural meeting of MCiillop Couneml , upped grader rates ft Township Council last Monday afternoon downer from $12 per -hour for filling in tile.' William Campbell, rad superintends t,t ' etc. to $17 with a minimum charge cif $9 presented his road ,budget for 1975. whic Mounts to $140,000, about the same as last years. - He said that less road resurfacing may "be done this year because of gravel costs are up 25 percent, calcium up 15 to 20 per- cent and with the possibility crushing costs marbxru . He said resurfacing, if the same amount as last year, could be $50,000. • Mr. Campbell said winter snow control could be at a minimum ,of $15,000 or it could be more. - Mr. Campbell said maintenance costs of roads- in 1973 were $59,094 and in 1974 were $72,866, while construction costs in Tuckersm iih.. (continued from page 1) Reeve Sillery, and from Vanastra, pick Lehnan, Wilfred Schneider, Robin Gates, Barry Davis and Gerry Salton. Named'"to the"Vanastra Day Care Centre ' Army. Committee jbylaw for formation of this - An.open meeting for McKillop residents committee will be passed at the next will be held at the Municipal Office on meeting) are: Cleave Coombs and Bert Tuesday, January 21 at 8 p.m. to consider Brandarhorst and from Vanastra - Mrs. forming a recreation committee. Don Reid -Barbara Hodgins, Mrs. Carol Munroe, of the ministry of- community and social Mrs. Dorothy Wilson, Arthur Forler and services, London will speak. Gerry Salton. Council paid membership fee to . the Clerk Treasurer James McIntosh will Farm Drainage Conference in London apply for the balance of the 1974 road sub- February 12-13 when Hon. William A. sidy, about $21,000 onthe total of road ex- Stewart will be one. of the guest speakers. penditures for the year of $141,854.99. Six members of council will attend a Tuckersmith ratified the changes made seminar at Goderich sponsored by ministry in the Clinton Fire agreement. ' of treasury, economics and intergovern- from previous. $6 minimum, Mr. Campbell was authorized to adver-. see for 20,000 cu. •yds• of crushed gravel -to be ''crushed, hauled and spread with crushing completed by June 14, Passed for payment were road accounts oaf $1826.90 and general accounts of $2,132.80. Reeve- Allan' Campbell was named to • repfeseht the township on the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority -and the Ausable-Bayfield &onservation Authority. Reeve Campbell and Councillor William Leeming were named representatives to the Seaforth Fire Area Board for 1975-76. 49 Councillor Arthur Anderson will represent the township . on the Seaforth Community Hospital Board. Council passed a borrowing bylaw for ,$140,000, and donated, $25 to the Salvation Bayfield personals .James'. Robinson, ,Chuck Sm th.he-r' sister, and Jonathon, Peterborough, Mrs. Margaret Garrett and Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Len Jeffery, Cameron. and David, Healey, Lenny and .Julie, Mr. Stoney Creek were registered holiday guests at the Albion and Mrs. Charles Pilgrim of Hotel. Varna, spent New Years with Rick Westlake and Brian the latter's son, Mr. William Makins are holidaying in Pilgrim in Kitchener. Florida during their • school Mrs. Nancy Castle and break. - Randy spent the holidays with - Mr. and Mrs:" -Jack Pounder her son, Mr. and Mrs. : Ken and Mary, London were joined Castle and Kenny in, Galt. Mr. by their son, Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Scott Castle and •Mrs. L. B. John Pounder'fiif•Sarnia for the family, North Bay and Mr. holiday at` their Village Dana Castle, Galt joined them - .residence for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scot- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. chmer, Robe -r -t, Lori and. Sturgeon, .Jeff and Roll•te, Carolyn, Chatham spent the Orangeville; visited with his holiday with his mother, Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs Jack B. .X,W. Scotchmer. Sturgeon, Bud and Andrew Mrs. W. E. Morely and during the holidays. , Robert were at her Village Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pollock, home for the vacation. They London, visited Sunday •with had as their guests her sister, Mrs.- Milton Pollock, Goshen Mr. and Mrs. Otto,Rennenkam- Line. pff,, Peter and,;, C l;,dl,,; Sudbury;.,. -Mr. and Mars. W. Erickson and her brother, Mr. and Mrs. and children visited with her Ronald Burt and Diane, St. sister, Mr., and Mrs. - Gordon Catharines for New Years.- Stewart and family, RR 2, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ripley. on Monday. Blackie, London, spent several In conversation with Andy days with his parents, Mr. and Turnbull of London, we lear- Mrs. Tom .Blackie. Mr. and ned that a 35 foot sailboat had Mrs. W. Burgess of Angus were been lifted onto a truck on Mo - also visitors with "the Blackie's. nday to he transported to dale in Florida. espec - continued from page 10 Mr. and Mrs. Brian King, Matthew and Tim, London spent the weekend with her. ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tur- ner. Mrs. King and children remained for this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brandon and family visited with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Peter Renner, Wiarton during the holidays. WS. George Reid, Varna, visited Friday and Saturday For --t Lauder The sailboat is owned by Mr. Frank Matthews of, London and he plans to sail the Carrihean this winter. In the spring he will sail her hack to Bayfield. This was a masterful operatiorr to lift this huge sailboat out of the water and onto the truck 'and felt that it — reflected local endeavors un- dertaken in the Village. M1 Gawain Johns and f Master Gavin and Mr. Renou Johns all of Mount Clemens, Mich. and Mrs. Frank A. Cooper, Mayville, Mich. were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Cooper at their • • Village residence. The • Scout.4' and Cubs and their leaders rode. around the Village .on -Elie evening-• of Dec. 20 and sang Christmas Carols to the elderly and shut-ins. They wereia.ter-invited back to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Siertsema for an exchange of gifts ,,and lunch. Mrs. W. Taman and Mrs. J. Chapman were also present and presen- ted the leaders with and, On- Friday Dec. 27 the Scouts and 'Cubs enjoyed a hike at the Bannochhurn Conservation Area. At noon they roasted hot 4, FINAL 3 DA -Y -S JANUARY -9, 10, 1 1 Sale Ends Department Closes 6 P.M., SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 1 THIS IS IT! — FINAL CLOSE OUT OF REMAINING LADIES WEAR... . THURS. FRI. SAT. THIS WEEK. AWAY'_ PJU.(ES! THIS IS WHAT YOU PAY... ONE HALF OF THE LAST OR LOWEST 'SALE PRICE' ON EVERY GARMENT. . REMEMBER, THAT'S 1/2 OF THE SALE PRICE! _-SINCE EVERYTHING IS MARKED NOW AT HALF PRICE OR LESS, THIS MEANS THAT YOU BUY DRESSES -SLACKS - BLOUSES -SKIRTS AT 25c ON THE DOLLAR, OR LESS! EXAMPLE: A REG. PRICE DRESS AT 25.00 IS 'SALE TAGGED' AT 10.00. STARTING, THUR- SDAY, YOU WOULD PAY ONLY 5.00 FOR A 25.00 GARMENT.' IT'$ THE LAST THREE DAYS OF--THIS--CLOSE OUT SALE.... DON'T MISS IT THE UPSTAIRS DEPT. WILL BE CLOSED AT 6 MEN'S. CLOTHING DEPT, 10% TO 20% oFF' EVCrRYTHI{yG Hayes Family Clothin WINowAM " tl o LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LOOK FOR THE BIG ijftjE7BUILDING dogs . and returned home at 3 p.m. All reporting a very en- joyable outing . with many thanks to the leaders for allowing them this opportunity. Holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Fricnk Burch were their family Mr. and Mrs. Frank". - Burch and three children and Mr. and Mrs • Donald Burch all of Toronto and Mrs. Howard McLean and Beth of Calgary, - Alberta. As the New Year begins, we .cannot think - of a Netter greeting to convey to all our readers than the ' following which is'displayed in Graham's Store window in' the Village. "Our Wish .For You, Health, Happiness, Prosperity, Peace and- Love" Notice: Employers and Employees New Employritent Standards Act Effective January 1, 1915 the new Employment Standards Act covers the existing standards: minimum wage, vacation pay, overtime pay, ,termi- nation pay, collection of wages and provides for: Public Holidays Employeesare entitled to seven paid statutory holidays; Nevb Year's Day, Good Fric#ay, Victoria Day, Dominion Day, Labour Day; Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. (Conditions and exceptions apply in certain situations.) Overtime Pay Overtime pay at time and one-half the regular rate for hours in excess of forty-four in a week. Equal Benefits The Equal Benefits provision will be brought into force at a later date. Pregnancy Leave Pregnancy leave is extended to seenteen weeks for employees with one year's service or more and covers all employers having one or more employees. Transportation The Act no longer requires an emliTOW-ti ro-_ �- vide transportation for female employees_irnish- ing or starting work between the hours of mid- night and six o'clock in the forenoon or prohib- its females under 18 working after midnight. - These are the principal amendments and changes to the Aot. For detailed information regarding exemptions and application of the standards contact your nearest Ministry of Labour offibe. Hamilton -1 West Ave So. Kenora-808 Robertson St Kingston -1b55 Princess St Kitchener -824 King St -W London -560 Wellington St Ottawa -2197 Riverside Dr -' Sault Ste. Marie -125 Brook St Sudbury -1538 LaSalle Blvd. . . TtrrrnderBay_4.35-Ja0 es.St..So........,.. Toronto -400 University Ave -9 256-827861 Windsor-500'Ouellette Ave 527-4501 468-3128 542-2853 744-5211 438-7291 731-7200 949-3331 566-3071 ,;14,�-2101 • Ministry of { THIS WEEK'S SPECI it Economy. PANELLING ti A very economical way to dress up your rec-room Dr—cottage:.-Small de- fects in manufacturing or colouring make these panels less than first quality. V, Nr • 4'x8' 4'x90" 4'x8' -. 5.20- --5:56 5.20 SAVEWAY MONEY SAVERS CARPET. Made of long -wearing, easy - care polypropylene. Complete with comfort cushioned backing. Red, Gold, Rust and Avocado. 12' wide. 5.25 Sq. Yd: VINYL BASEBOARD Black, brown, beige & eggshell. Available in 4' lengths. Base - 79' ea. 21/2' Outside 29( Corner ea. a Base 99� ' es. 4 Outside 3q, Corner ea SUSPENDED CEILING PANELS Each panel is 2' x 4' x 1/7 '. A carton covers 64 sq. ft. Plain White 10.$2 carton VINYL CARPET COVER HelPs keep your Carpet beautiful, clean, anri.new looking 27 wide Avail- able in green and gold 1 '09 tin tt Aromatic Cedar CLOSET LINING Comes in- random le.ngths. Each bundle covers 16 sq. ft. Saveway carries all the supplies you will need to complete your project. —929 per bundle WHITE CEILING TILE An ecdnomical, practical way to dress up an unat- tractive ceiling A carton of 2 x 12 ' x ' 2 tiles covers 64 sq ft We will rent you a stapler to help you do the lob .99 carton DUO -FAST STAPLE GUN AND STAPLES ,Duo -Fast Gun is handy for re- upholstering and fastening ceiling tile. Uses 5 different sizes of staples. Box of 5000 staples MAHOpANY MOULDINGS 1 6" 3/4" X 3/4" Quarter Round 3/4" yr3/4" Corner Mould 8c ea. 10c 4a. 14c ea. Allows light from a 11 uorescent fixture in- stalled above the ceiling to brighten the room. 2' x 4 panels. 60 to 96 Top and bot- tom plates included Prismatic Cracked Ice (Clear) 5.99 14.16 MAHOGANY LOUVRE PANELS Natural Mahogany colour All doors are 11 8 • thick 9.99 12.20 12.70 13.99 4 different woodgrain 4' x 8' PANEL shades to choose from An inexpensive way to add the beauty and warmth of real wood to your home 599 PANEL ADHESIVE tridge will apply approximately 99. three 4 x 8' pa; each • PANEL NAILS lengths Black, beige, brown, 'white. 99 tan One pkg ot five panels per pkg. 25 SAVIMAYS TO SERVE YOU ! Av E wA y Prices in efiect at London store until LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Mon. - Thurs. Friday 1111 Saturday At Our EXETER YARD, ONLY