HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-2-11, Page 8tario contatnin by adm'easuremOni ONE- , 1 r g oieloss beingoomposed of + Oke to sell b uelie auetlon'at lie lir. Jas. O y p sines. or o 16x eat he will until the Granton Glee Oltib goes out of town to another entertainment: It woti ii be safefor im.W ore teeter, the balance of hie fall and winter k f Boots, Sh es Fla Hess Trunks ctrl . ri e Will be so �r�oa tGtam 0 3 0 r ilii atreer, asp o: t r le -s r Yid bales wilt 11e held as follows :—Tfauray d ,danders Survey , h ',nett,. at/ 7 o"dloctt p. m,, b~ii(layr list 'Chars is erected thereon a commodiouH �' farm. e warden The elleottott of; the d gave,. INSURANON. '(,-eBIvEST :iI IQT, AGENT FOR 1e'1 TUE WESTERN ASSURANCE -,COM. 1, NT. of Toronto ;eleefee the11ICSN1Z+,VIER INSURANCE .00MPAIVT,oilenelOn, England, the 130YAL CANADIAN, of Montreal, and the BRITISH IMBIBE LU -1 ASS1713'ANC10 COM- 1'ANY,ot Londeu, England, established 1817, Aerets gYer, $5,000,00) i claims Mid bonuses pald, over $10,000,000, 1,0042 NEWS.—Tare shalt be happy to re- ceive at all Omen/rote any part of the (Jaunty, items of local neve, suelr d$ 08• ,i(lents,or any interesting incident what.wver, from our subscribers or road• m any of •ersgenerally for the pu7Tose of public- ,a4iatt. 1a peter J imeL. . r: THURSDAY, FEB'Y llth, 1886 riTEN CENTS per line tor first insertion, and FOUR Olt'..NTS per line for each subsequent in sertion will be charged to notices appearini this column. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. 13,roveties Out in Brandon it is so cold that the mer- cury has frozen in ;,rho bulb, and the ther- mometer has registered as low as 45 The Woodstock Iimeshas entered upon its thirty-third year, and is one of the brightest Village Council. local papers in Canada. May it ever pros1Ser. The Council met pursuant to adj.lurnment The 20 ° below zero weather has passed, at the Market House, Exeter, February 3rd., and wo aro now enjoying comparatively fine 1886. AB the members present except Mr. weather, Pickard. The minutes of the previous meet - We are sorry to hear that Mr. ft, J. Clark lug were read and confirmed. The Auditors' is still confined to the house with a severe report was received, on motion of W. Bissett, attack of sciatica. seconded by W. Hoskin. Moved by W. Bis - Mr. James Scott, barrister of Clinton, has set, seconded by D. Johns, that orders he been appointed Police Magistrate for the County of Huron. Diamond dyes and dye stuffs at Searlett's drug store. A smart and intelligent lad wanted to learn the printing. Apply at once at this office. Tooth brushes, hair brushes cloths brushes, combs, fancy soaps and, all toilet requisites at Scarlett's drug store. Remember the Presbyterian church anni- versary next Sabbath. For further particu- lars see posters. A good time is expected. Messrs. Cosh and Elliott shot three foxes on Monday last iu the course of an hour's time. John Drew, who has been residing in California for some time past, returned home on Monday evening. Revival services are still going on in the Methodist church, and are largely attended. Several have been converted. Day Books, Journals, Ledger's and all kinds of blank books, also full line of stet- tionery at Centra[ Drug Store. C. Lutz, proprietor. The proof of the pudding is in the eating of it. Buy your drugs and chemicals at Scarlett's drug store. They are new, reli- able and cheap. Monday last was a mild, summer-like clay A cutter to exchange ,tor wood, Apply at this office. Green cordwood and two -foot wood wanted, At this ot1ice. All the popular patent medicines of the day Sold at Soarlsit'e drug store. Six per cent, discount on oross.out .owe and axes a Bissett Bins. Mast be Bold at some price ; 3 Persian Lamb Caps,i1 Seal Cap, 1 Seal Miff ; at Bautoe Bros. A bargain for aomobody, err. Fred Knight haat week slipped awd'feI1 outting his hand severely upon a broken bottle, which was lying on the ground, Mr. W. G. Bisset, of Exeter, took a very large ahare of prizes in the Black Java and Plymouth Rook classes at the regent Poultry and Pet Stook Show here, He hap several Plymouth Bock cockerels and pullets for sale, The thirteenth annual meeting of the Huron Sabbath Sabbath Sebool Assoeiation will be held at Wingham on Tuesday and Wednesday, February S3rdand 24th. Among those who are to take part in the programme is Mr, Wm. Grigg. jr., who will ,in- troduce "The in-troduce"The Teacher in and out of the School." The lecture entitled "Martin Luther" de. livered by Rev. Geo. Webber, in the lecture - room of the Jamea-street Methodist Churoh on Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Young People's Christian Association, was well attended. Mr. Webber's ability as a leotnrer is well known to the people of Exeter, and we need only state that this lec- ture did not deteriorate hie fame. `i'hia is the last lecture of the course, but a grand concert will be held on March 9th. and the sun thawed the snow very rapidly. All those who could, took advantage of the fine weather and went for a drive. Mr. John Crocker has sold his residence, together with a quantity of land on Huron street east, to Mr, Wm. Snell foe Elie sum of '51,800. The property is considered cheap, as the house is a handsome brick structure. Andrew Denholm, late of Kincardine, has commenced the publication of a new paper in Woodstook, known as the Standard. The sheet is large, well edited and clearly printed We wish Mr. D. sneezes in his new enter - Messrs. Trial: Sr Cnrrelley intend opening .,.general store in Swenerton's block, Market Square, to be opened March lst. These gentlemen are well known, having for many years kept store in Exeter North (Hay Post Office.) A runaway almost occurred on Monday. A horse, which was stanching tied at the. Post Office, became restless and circled around the post at a furious rate. Luckily it was caught in time to preyent any serious dam- age being done. Our readers will kindly bear with us if the TIMES, for the next few weeks, does not con- tain the usual amount of good readable news. We are so busy at job work that our staff— \vlieli consists of eight—are working night and. day. Hydrophobia is becoming very prevalent throughout the country, cases occurring where a person has been bitten by a dog 12 years ago. A patient in New York became so dangerous that it was deemed advisable to smother him Sleighing parties are in vogue here at pre- sent. On Friday evening seeeral large loads visited different places in the surrounding country„ and, we are informed, each party event a pleasant time. IT will, PAY all our readers to peruse very carefully, the article elsewhere copied from the Scientific American, addressed. to that dispassionate paper, and reproduced herein because it is of very great value to everyone, coutaiuing some important scientiec facts very plainly nut. During the last two or three weeks we have been encouraged by the numerous com- plimentary remarks we have heard concern- ing the Trnrrs. It is the unanimous opinion -of our subscribers that the paper is Improv- ing every week, and is a newsy and readable sheet. We feel proud that the Timm is giving such good satisfaction, and in a few weeks we promise other improvements. Mr. James Whiteford died at his father's residence, Hay, on Saturday night, in the 23rd year of his age, Deceased had been ailing for about three years with consump- tion, but which at last turned to general de. bility, He was a smart young mau and his demise is mourned by many. The funeral, which took place on Monday, was largely at- tended, His remains were interredin the Exeter cc netery. granted for the following snore, viz :—E. Elliott, insurance on village property, $24.57; J. Creech, balance of salary to January 26th, 1886, $57.17, and charities so Mrs. Edworthy, $2.37 ; M. Eaorett. services as secretary of the Beard of Health for 1885, $5.—Carried. D. Urquhart'a tender for lumber, (cedar and rock elm,) $11.75 per M., and R. Cook's, for hemlock, $7.44 per M., being the lowest, were accepted, on motion of W. Bissett, sec- onded by W. Hoskins, Moved by D. Johns, seconded by W. Bissett, that the by-law, ap- pointing members of the Board of Health for 1886, be amended by striking out the name of Richard Selden and inserting that of having Richard Young, Mr. geldon' declined to act.—Carried. Dr. Hyndman's resigna- tion as Oiedicai Health Officer was accepted. Moved by W. Hoskins, seconded by W. Bis- set, that Dr. Lutz be appointed Medical Health Officer instead of Dr. Hyndman.— Carried. Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by D. Johns, that 100 auditors' reports be print- ed iu sheet form and the abstract published as formerly.—Oarried. Moyed by W. Bis- set, that this council adjourn until Wednes- day, the 3rd March, at 7.30 p. m.—Carried. —M, EACREt'r, Clerk. This year the Queen's Birthday comes on Monday; St.Valentine's day on Sunday; Battle of the Boyne on Saturday; St. Pat- rick's day on "Wednesday ; :April Fool day and Dominion day on Thursday; Christmas ea Saturday. Lent begins March 10th, and Easter Sunday will be on the 25th of April. There will be two ellipses, both of the eon— one March Sth ; thie will be annular, or as near a total eelipte as the moon Can make in leasing between the sun and earth. The eecond will be a partial eellpse, occurring en a h Augtit 25th. Neither visible here, a y, p g Sohn Treble has engaged the services of HERE AND THERE. News Condensed. Hensall oatmeal mill is in full mi- ning order again. Mr. J. Hawkins, of Goderich, has purchased the boot and shoe busiuees run by Mr. W. Henry, of Hensall. Air. Donald Ross, of Stanley, sold a speu of horses for $340. and Mr. E. Glen a soul for $440, and were con siclered cheap at that figure. Mr. C. A. Redmond, of Ilay, and Mr. J. Lockwood, of Hensall, left a few days ago for California. Wo hope they may have a pleasant trip. Some sneak thieves visited tho pre - mikes of Sir. John MoCowan, of the 2nd concession of Stanley, last Friday night and stele some 20 er 30 bushels of oats, The death id annonuced at Biddulpli the other day of Adam Hodgins, in Lis 85th year, He hacl lived in Biddulpb 54 years, and was one of its first set tiers. For the month of January there were 314,200 deposited in the Sea - forth Post Office; money orders issued to the value of $2,960 ; 1,150 regis- tered letters, and stamps sold to the amount of $450. Mr. McTaggart, the postmaster cf Chiaelhurst, recently sold a vary fins three year old filly to Mr. Thomas Colquhoun, of Hibbert, for $200. Mr. Colquhoun intends keeping her for breeding purposes. Mr. Charles A. Howson, of the 12th concession of Hallett, Dau boast cf the earliest lambs of the season, he having two dropped on the 29th ult. They are good ones, too. Mr. Joseph Karcher and bliss L. Truemner, of the 14111 concession of Hay, Joined hande ole hearts, and were made one flesh on Tuesday even- ing of last week. Rev. Mr. 1'Iaurer, of Zurich, sealed the bond. Mr, and Mrs. Karcher intend going to Daliote to start life in the spring, and we unite with their many ft lends in wish• ing them success. Mr: John Little, of Loudeeborough, has traded his Canadian. bred entire horse to Robert Martin, of the Lou- don road, Moen Cliatou, for an im- ported ane, a very fine animal -light bay, with four white feet and face, weighing botweeu 1,900 and 2,000 pounds. He is a Scotch horse, "Prince of Wales," and should be a good animal, as he ousts Mr: Little over $1,500. Mr. John Berth, of Blake, has ex- changed his 125 acre farm at Grand Bend with Mr, George Spikeinan, for that their oppoaente might bring ou r. 0. Parsons,- 409i youngo Street, was the Tom. They didn't .see the point tears h"est yak;erd, the aocougli, of 16 at first., even when Mr, pliber rose to Mr. pa sous says Y•l y eutferin(ts wore in. suggest that the ori .sbie: r► era whiola louse, Tlieirest American ihysioiane failed Cig P t� 1 bad ublisbed the warden's name as to einem°. After nain(t'one bottle olf 1iec- p Coria 1 aro in, better health theta i have eti- tss t ebexited ;tin melte the true otjoo ed fortwo year .'" Peotoria will atm rho as the'1.'owa bah:in god to the other spye y e f, simplest or most severe cough., Ally Drug - aide of the House,•—Gnderieh !Stat•, gist• 25 cents. 4 largely attended meeting of L' 1- beral•Conservattvea, was held itt , Imelda s sohool ponce at Evelyn, on Friday evening, for the purpose of my - pointing a committee for 1'Vo. 8 divi- sion of Niesouri in connection with the revision of the voters' list, when tale following were appointed :—Alex- ander Moldartiii, Chairman ; John Taylor. Secretary ; Messrs. Baskin. - vide, S, Paidy, Jollu Johnson, Wm. Taylor, A. Day. Adresses were de• livered by J. B. Frarn, Jacob McNee and H, Bran. On Thursday night the citizens of Bruoefield had the pleasure of hearing the dietinguiehed boot black orator, iu his por ular lecture, "To and fro in London." He was secured by the Oddfellows of Bruoefield and vicinity, for the benefit of the poor of the vil- lage. The teetaror had the rapt at • tention cf all throughout, which was 2-i• hours. The receipts of the house were worth about $75. Should Mr. Clark again visit the village we pre- dict for him a large orowd. A few evenings since a load of Tuokersrnith young men, with their fair enes, were returning from the carnival at Tieneall, and when near Kippen the draw bolt came out, giv iug the horses their freedom. The y made good their escope, with the wbiitetrees tattling at their .eels, leaving the young people comfortably seated iu the sleigh!. Kippen is all excitement over the sudden disappear antes of a yonug girl, who for some years has made her home with a fa- mily there. She left the house on Sabbath evening, at the usual hour for Bible class, but has not been heard of since. ' On the night of January 19, a roan drove to the Grand Trunk railway station at Stratford, and picking. up it lantern walked through the yard, as though inspecting the oars. When he found the one he was looking for, he drove the team to the oar and commenced to load up. While doing so a yar'deman come up and was no- eoeted with an enquiry after the freight checker, whom, he said lie would report the next day for not as- sisting to got out the stuff. The yardsmau went about his business, and when he cams back Lie found that the man had so overloaded his team that he was stuck. The yardsmau got a crowbar and helped hide off. Next morning ib was discovered that the man was au audaoioui thief, who had deliberately rifled the car of its contents and driven away. The thief was traoed t.) Harriston and ;proved to be a well to do farmer named Jas. Brown, For cold, calculating cheek, Brown goes en the reourd as A. 1. Q�rr autos. BORN. 13aloirx.--'In Seaforth, on the 21st lilt., the wife of Mr. A. Bright, of a son, S$Aclira.tN,—In 'Exeter, ou the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. E. H. Spackman, of a daughter. MR. EDITOR -I would kindly take advantage of your kind invitation to correspondents, to send to your paper for publication any iteral of news that may be of public importance. I may say here that your regular Granton correspondent pretty fully covers the gr'oui{d and gives a faithful reoorcl of local happenings in this locality, which gives a spice to your paper for your many readers in Granton anti vicinity, and causes Thursday's mails to be looked forward to with pleasing anticipation. The Rev. Mr. Burns, of Toronto, occupied the Methodist church on Sunday last, and preached a "holi- ness sermon." If no one gets to heaven but those who possess that perfection. and holiness which lie speaks of, the population there will be very thin and scattered. The 12th anniversary of "Bobby Bartle," was celebrated at the resi- dence of Mr. Wm. Grant, on 5110 25th nl•, in true Socth "style, the motto "no Irish need apply,'. was religiously carried out both in spirit and letter. I believe that all applicants had to proeeut at the door a pedigree duly sworn to under the form of oath used some thousands of years ago by the Covenanters. This pedigree could not be attained by any with more than two crossed from the "Sinton pure," In fact so strictly was this enforced that one nice young gentle. men that had to own a small streak of Irish, was pc'rernptcl;ily rejected, whilst bis lady love who establiehed her claim "to the blood," was duly accepted. Of course what took place ou that festive occasion is too sacred' for vulgar ears and eyes. DIF1D, V skokR r l r r M i ng. —I r tau t y lshr u Eel r, nM Y y 1 P+ • on the 21st nit, George Yearley, elder brother of Thos, Yearley, Esq., of Stephen, in the 64th year of his age. MoCruse—lu Stephen, near Staulake's mill, on the 6th lust., John McGee, aged 47 years, Wnlrrvoan —In Hay, near hodgerville, on the 6th inst., James, son of tlr, Adam Whiteford, aged 22 years and 9 months. OaOOKEa.—Of Cd.nsumption, on Suuday, at 10 a, m., February 7th. 1886, Luther John, eldest sou of James Crocker, aged 19 years, 11 months and 20 days, iu London, [Deceased formerly lived in Exeter.) ADV1ca TO MormxRs.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your roat by a sulk child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and Set a bottle of "Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup • for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the pour little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is uo mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Dialrbcea, regulates the Stomach and Rowels, cures Wind Colic, sotteus the Gums, reducosluflammation, and gives tone and energy to the wbole system. "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is tor sale 'by all druggiate through- out the world, Ptioe twenty-five cents a bot- tle. Be surd and ask for '•Mae, WINsnow'a SoorImaG 6=nus,"and 'take no other kind. CONSUMPTION CURED. ' An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing ay ing had planed in his hands oy an East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, ronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and ell throat and lung affections, also a posi- tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases. has felt it his duty to me ke it known to hie suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German,French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail tr ' addressing with stamp,naming this pap or, W. A , Nowes,149 Power's BBock, lice/Lester, N. Y, LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE R'Y. GOIxG NORTII, Express Mail Freight London,dopart ...7 55 Ass 4 50 P.M. 6 05 A.M, Exeter... 9 13 608 935 Hansell ............... 9 24 0 23 10 liippen9 29 6 29 10 Bracefield9 30 6 38 10 25 Clinton 9 55 7 05 11 30 Londesboro......... IC 11 7 93 12 00 Blyth t0 90 7 39 12 00 Psi Belgrave 10 35 7 47 32 50 Wingham arrive 10 50 8 05 1 20 Gorxa Sourly, Express Mail. Freight Winghaln,depart 7 20 Aar 3 tO r. sr, 10 20 A.M Belgrave 7 38 3 30 31 23 Blyth L ondt eboro Clinton 7 54 3 46 11 47 8 02 3 55 12 00 ' 825 416 134b Brucefiuld 8 42 4 35 1 10 Rippon 8 51 4 48 1 25 Hen• all 8 08 4 48 1 40 Exeter ....... 9 13 4 59 2 35 London nrrii o....10 30 6 00 5 30 r `ItIARKET REPORTS. (Correetedat3 o'clock') en. Wednesday. N'dLL wnEAT tVllitc\VL1ctt . ... ... ... fled ... ••. ••• ... 0 76 to 0 77 {1'liING wEEAT 076 to 077 Ulf° ... iiarlee ... ... ... Oats Clover Seed Ten othy Peas Corn Bugs tte) Flourperbbl .... ... ... Potatoes,por ha.g Apples,perbag .., DriedApplespr b Geeee.porlb. Turkey per lb Ducksporpr Chickens por pr Flogselressedper100 Beef •-• aidosronlhg, ... Crossed . ... Sheepskins each, .. Calfskins Wool per lb ... Hay per ton Onionsnerbusn Woodper cord ..• HPNSALr, NIA.II TITS 600 to 070 0 50 to 065 028 to 029 50010600 150 to 200 053 to 050 u58to060 0 1. to 0 16 30 to 013 500 to 565 060 to000 040 to 050 004 to 000 006 to 006 006 to 008 040 to 060 025 to 040 475 to500 500 to600 500 to 600 600 to 700 050 to C57 050 to 070 0 17 to 0 18 800 to 900 050 to 075 2 50 to 3 00 Fall Wheat per bh ... ... 5 0 80 to 0 83 Serreg " ... 0 50 to 0 80 Barley(beiebt) .,. 0 5.5 to 0 70 Barley (feeding) ... 0 40 to 0 46 White Oats, 0 98 to 0 30 Black Oats ... 0 3t to 0 33 fipples por bbl. ... ... 1 00 to 1 00 otatoos nor bh .........0 55 to 0 70 • \OTICE.--SEALED TENDERS t willbereceived by the undersigned tip to noon of Monday, 15thinst., for the erection of a Town Hall at Croditon. Plans and speci- fieations may be seen at Croditon P. 0. So^ curity of $200 of some sort to accompany . tender to show the good faith el the applicant, which will be returned to thefunsu°cessful an- pli°auta. The Council dogs not bind thoru- selves to accept the lowest 0r any ton dor. Tho contractor t0 give security of $2,000 es a guar- 111=1317==11316/1 - 2:� - artoe 05 oompletic'U 01 contract. Write, `fit "Tonder" on the outside cf envelope. t . •i ' ? ;. ; r". Fe br ier 2nd 1880. ^x' ?i+ f.i • rn1 b . y C PROUTY,Hay P.O. 200 We],lane Ca7.A1. .NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.. 0�ttEALi111D TENOERS addreesodto the under - t signed, and endorsed "Fender for Look Gate Timber,' will be received at thisoilloc un- til the arrival of the .l5aatorn and ' aeeterny wails onTUISDAY,the 9thday ofPE R Ali. next, for;furuishing and delivering, on or be- fore 22nd day of June next, 1880, of Oak and Pine `VImoer, nun to the dttuensioustroquired for increasing the height of the Look urates on the WELLAND CANAL. Tho timber must be of the quality described and of the dimensions hated in a printed bill which will be supplied on application, person- ally or by letter, at this office, where forms of tender can alai be obtained. No payment will bo made on the timber un- til it has been delivered' at the plane required on the Canal, nor until it has been examined andapprovedby au officer detailed to that seryioe, Contractors are requested to boar in mind that an accepted bank cheque for the sum of 8600 must accomuay 'molt tender, whioh shall be forfeited if the party tendering de- clines to enter into a contract for supplying the the timber at the rates anti on the terms atated in the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties who,te tenders aro not accepted, This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order. A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 22nd Trnnary, 1886. 011 SAAB.--& llRST QL ASS FARM C y4 Peron, h lie au doti; load bet,geou ilateter and UliutQn, olose to rettwey station ; about 98 acres ; 8(1 ctee,rad; spparier wall Rnrnishod9 story la Set Dwelling: and:farru buildings, Two, ereharee and gar.- den, Fall ploughtrig cions and 13 agree of fall wiieat sown, Apply o D, V. F,x+LTOT, Solicitor, Elf Ober. - lst Feby.,1881. ABI FOR SALE. -4, Aub• e north half of sateh oethe . i_ os scriber offers rl b f lot 89,com.13, Township, of East }Vairtauosh; County of Huron, Containing, 109 pores'; wail. tonged ; a .good stream of water, from a never - failing eprtng ; ntoe young orchard of choice.. fruit trees; . a frame bank be rn aid log house 90 acres cleared and seeded down, balance bush. Pride $4,000, two-thirds clash, Possession given any time. Apply to 1): Stewart, cattle buyer, Wingham, or to 3, Matheson, lily P.O. I So d1t0 cents postage an Ntrwill send Yon fro P royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you in the way of making more • money at once, than anything else in America, Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the timo. Capital notrequirud. Wo will start you. Immense pay eine for those who start at once. STLNe4N & Co , Portland, Maine R, WOODRUFF, permanently located in ad No.183 Qneen'a Avenue, London, a few doors east of Post Office. Speoial attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, an 15 the pres- ervation of vision; (linseed of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, oatarrh being a common otasa of impel 'ed hearing. ISAAC CARLING'S C3-ENERAL STORE Exeter, .Ontario. GROCERIES, DRY -GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES GENERAL- MEROIIANDISE • • Our Goods and Groceries are warranted of tit 43est Qual- ity and Latest Styles. Families in the village and surround- ing country can rely on Good Value for their money. Articles delivered promptly at your homes, in the Village, if desired. A Trial Respectfully Solicited GEN�,R,\1. STO..R. Sag Vo —AND - 66 }I1-i]LTLO '9 FOR CHRISTMAS !. AND DON'T YOU FORGET That G-. A IIYNDMAN has a Fresh Stock of Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Teas, Coffees, Pipes, Tobaccos; Biscuits, Confectionery. These Goods are All Select and Fresh for the. X -Mas Trade. tz Don't forget to give us a call before buying. Oysters in Every Style. G. A.. ,lam-NDM..A N , Fanson's Block. Goods delivered at once. Power of Sale eontainediu a curtain in -"t NEW clentureofMortgage, which Will beproduced. at-gb0u�i T xr rS at the NFJ YY the time of sale, there will be sold by Public Auction, by ME. JOHN GILL, Auctioneer, sub- ject to such conditions as shall thou bo pro- duced, or. Moncjc i • ] si day of March; 1886 A'r5i15 none 9i''• , t ," 13 TIIEE�:llr+f1(300l1. QUICK!! I-IUNDRED :cod customers CARRIAGE SHOP, Exeter. Suffice to say that Scotts, Elders and ON 71iu1'i Pit tiMI:S1:+S, Prebendarys of all ages and sects, The following oit)eri in the tnazy dance and Hi;,lr. land ding uutil the wee 4171it honr'y of mum. hie 189 acres on the.BrownsonLine,' ""Paul Pr.'s ' attem>o to report at :. y 1 I? Stanley, Mr. S lxeman receiving the six'miles distant the Whalen enter, •. sum of : $3,260 to boot. On Mrd 'tainment has been too mdc,li for him Reith's new retro there' is a fine birch j o has i13t been able to ebony himself house and two bank barns;- an a VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY, VIZ, Ali and singtilart those °attain parade Or tracts of band and Premises, situate, lying and being In the VILLAGE OF EXETER, I.1 the County of Ruron aha Provitn r of 0n - never -failing and shoe store, east 5(510 of i d p never -failing s ring : creek rune asel h> on it beech nTo .bus and it' would Make a �splet did stook acres ICILwrrii op AN ACHE EACH, be'the sum- imore rimy s bC o. oa s, q , r' , h re are 1 Ali ,q Belle, and Blankets. As all through the plate. T o w 1<+tlTS'YvilHYlt)N1tts T8I)Ct7'is;;Crt�FbUli�t9>l`.r Will be, y S119ea, , f? r 'es letiT7ttS ou the S 1 v 1d t ba' s be oxpeutels g f b h and ma 1d t It ) 1► t 0 a li tretst thtir rest: tit 2 o'clock in the efterneen and ,t lsth,inst, :illi at � In the evening; saeurday, . r .• . , a 2' alt fhe afternoon and 7'In' tile evening'. rise to aoneiderable merrltnen0. Tho doted the use df.:Drti'; oareolita (faterrll at, . cute, by . All galea 146 Sind lander will lie cash; over Bref irtls members were into -:gleeful cure. 1`lo reaeotl why you, eheuld suffer;:atrr t '461ondr m Private anbtt.• tStloTiitr catarrhal Heedaelier Hawking, ,aidd epi.t� ting hp;pirlegt», 4cc,, at `onoe relieved and . eburs' "credit will be' given an 'cute thh aporotied 161st notes. Mahan* have been cured by a single be9enItbaod to tttrstiohl rho Rrtt 13e Si per; bottle. '' t first utltil rethinr'led that tblty bad other rap, Many cases sof oatarrh of long Z fin bottle wale is apaetil Minh flet, ' 0f ibr'r ttorrrnro rrt►tllrrh• Leifer A niggle ator'" Prairie »i,elfing lletitc with Cellar, also Stable and ether oeriyenieeeee, >+erfurtbor1,Lbticttlets, aliply:to tloneer, dr to. I3. V. i t410' b.e� 0 'Vend r Tl alert nth tee,, USG. The undersigned begs to intimate to the resid?nf! 'or Exeter and surrounding country that; he has fitted tip for country, p Carriage a Purposes l iso c`li tel:- South of MR. PARSONS' The buildings y >w.: gimme a y : rte ilea the same Blacl�slnithop, Main�st., and having stocked ' a ..e aid with suitable material. for tl- . t,c,lstrtctioiz� of Carrl l., -of • ues- teemed s Sleigh wolf we therefore, ,v.1ult;allbera� share your e, tb 1 J em d patronage.. to e or�.� a t � arid ��� �roi�. t�and....... re's •yy,,, Rtes M �il. Satisfactor.. Prices, s cls truly the Aafo;. r .. VSarrtill/lt. T. B tsb,�t t � r � r�G2�� rates to the Livery:vitae told ttv2 tc !folio?, xt a Ti • 0 to 0 :t s E iif n 0 0 h t0 es Osn se M5 On let nee eat ' x .510 Celt e tee, tut �'1