HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-2-11, Page 5SCIiNTIFIC TRUTH Regarding the Functions of An Important Organ, OP 'WHICH THE PUBLIC SNOWS -ROT 0.I'TT1.E— WORTHY OkIU FUL CONSIDERATION. To the Editor of the Scientific American; Will you permit ut to make known to t pubrio the facts we have learned during ahowu by ..after -death exatninationrr, bee its origi.0 u thebreaking. down of iheeosecret. ing tubes in the interior of the kidney. As you value health. as you desire long life free from sioknees and suffering, give these orMane some attention. Keep them in good condition and Out, prevent (as is easily done) all disease, Warner's ,Sato Cure, actit becomes year atter year better known for itll woudertul cures and its power over the kidneys, had site done and is doing more to increase the aver past 8 years, concerning disorders of the h man Kidneys and the organs which dulcet Kidneys so easily break down? You are co ducting a Scientific paper, and are unyrej diced except in favor of Taunt. .tt is nee less to say, no medical journal of "Cod standing would admin these facts, for ve obvious reasons,, 11. 11. WARNER &- CO., Proprietors of "Warner's Safe Cur. That we t','emphesize and Clearly e plain the relati the kidneys sustain to t general health nd how much is dopendo upon them, we propose, metaphorical speaking, to take oue from the human bod place in the wash -bowl before us, and exam ine it for the public benefit. Ke duration of lite than all the phystcians u- aud medicines known Warner's Safe Cure ed is a true specific, mild but certain. harmless n' but energetic and agreeable to the taste. t4' Take it when sick as a cure, and never let d; a mouth go by if you neon it, without taking ry a few bottles as a preventive, that the kid- noys may be kept in proper order, the blood pure, that health and long life may be your Cure blessing, . H. H. WARNER de CO. I' Ex -Mayor For~ est r. of Clinton, he nt ly Yr • You will imagine that we have before us body shaped like a bean, smooth and gliste ing, about four inches in length, two in widt and one in thickness. It ordinarily weigh in the adult male, about five ounces, but somewhat lighter in the female. A. sine organ, you say. But understand, the bod of the average size man contains about to quarts of blood of which every drop passe through these filters or sewers, as they ma be called, inane times a day, as often a through the heart, making a complete revo lotion in three minutes. From the bloo they separate the waste material, workin away steadily, night and day, sleeping o waking, tireless as the Heart itself, and fully of as much vital importance ; removing ire. purities from 65 gallons of blood each hour or about 49' barrels each day, or 9,125 hogs- heads a year! What a wonder that the kid- neys eau last any length of time under this prodigious strain, treated and neglected as they aro ! We slice this delicate organ open length wise with our knife, and will roughly de scribe its interior. Wo find it to be of a reddish.brown oolor, soft and easily tore; filled with hundreds of little tubes, abort and thread-like, starting from the arteries, ending in a little tuft about mid Sias. 'from the outside opening into a cavity of considerable size, which is celled the pelvis, or roughly speaking, a sac, which is for the purpose of holding the water to fur- ther undergo purification before it passes down from here into the ureters, and so on to the outside of the body. These little tubes are the filters which do their work au. tomatically, and right here is where the dis- ease of the kidneys first begin. Doing the vast amount of work which they are obliged to, from the slishtest irregularity in our habits, from cold, from high living, from stimulants or a thousand and one other causes which occur ery day, they become somewhat weakene,;their nerve force. What is the result?'i Congestion or stop- page of the current of blood in the email blood vessels surrounding them, which be- come blocked ; these delicate lnembi aims are irritated; inflammation is set up, then pus is formed, which collects in the pelvis or sac the tubes are at first partially, and soon ale totally, unable to do their work. The pelvic sac goes 0n distending with this corruption, pressing upon the blood vessels. All this time, remember. the blood, which is entering the kidneys to be filtered, is passing through this terrible, disgusting pus, for it cannot take any other rodtie. Stop and think ene e.1for a moment. Do you realize the importance, nay the vital ne- cessity, of having the kidneys in order ? Can you expect when they are diseased or obstructed, no matter how little, that you can have pure blood and escape disease? It would be just a8 reasonable to expect, if a pest -house were set across Broadway and countless thousands were compelled to go through its pestilential doors, an escape from contagion and disease, as for one to expect the blood to escape pollution when constantly running through a diseased kidney, Now, 1'; tint is the result ? Why, that the blood takes up aud deposits this poison as it sweeps along iuto every organ, into every inch of muscle, tissue, flesh and bone, front your head to your feet. And whenever, from hereditary influence or otherwise, some part of the body is weaker than another, a count- less train of diseases is established, such as consumption, in weak lungs, dyspepsia, where there 1s a delicate stomach ; nervous. ness, insanity, paralysis or heart disease in those who have weak nerves. The heart roust soon feel the effects of the poison, as it requires pure blood to Iceep it 1n right action. It increases its stroke in number and force to compensate for the na- tural stimulus wanting, in its endeavor to crowd the impure blood through this ob- strne-tion, causing pain, palpitation, or an out -of -breath feeling. Unnatural as this forced labor is, the heart must soon falter, bscoming weaker and weaker, until one day it suddenly stops, and death from apparent "heart disease" is the verdict! But the medical profession, learned and dignified, call these diseases by high-sound- ing names. treat them alone, and patients die, for the arteries are carrying slow death to the affected part constantly adding fuel brought from these suppurating, pus -laden kidneys which hero in our wash -bowl are very putrefaction itself, and which should have been cared first. But this is not all the kidneys have to do ; for you must remit be' that each adult takes. about seven pori of nourishment every tweuty-four hours , supply the waste of the body which is este utly going on, ,a waste equal to the quantity taken. This, too, the kidneys have to separate from the blood with all other decomposing matter. • But you say, "my kidneys are all right. I have no pain in the back." Mistaken man People die of kidney di tease of so bad a char- acter that the organs aro rotten, and yet they have never there had a pain nor an ache1 Why? Because the disease begins, as wo have shown, in the interior of the kidney, where there are few nerves of feeling to con- vey the sensation of pain. Why *hie is so we May neTver know. Wfien yqu consider their great work, the delicacy' of . their structure, the ease with which they are deranged, can you wonder at the ill -health of oar men and women? Health and long life cannot be expected' whet) so vital an organ is impaired. No wonder Borne writers say we urn degenerating Don't you ace the great, the extreme iinport- ante of keeping the machinery in working order 7 Could the finest engine do evou 'a frit from lite engineer ? Don't you 94e ldow class. gerous this hidden disease is ? Itis lurking about us constantly, without giving any indi- cation of its presence, The most skilful physicians cannot detect it at times, for the Itidnoys themselves can. net be Hxai + n u d 0 byany'[Weans which wa have at our commend. 1'3ven an analysis of the watts+•, chemically and microscopically; reveals nothing definite in runny ca ees, evon. when the eidneye are fairly broken down. a n- 18 11 s 11 y n 8 y 6 a g r etional part of this work, without attention was recently presented with a gold watch and chain by the people of that town, "iu recognition of the faithful discharge of the public duties of May- or of Clinton front 1880 to 1886." LAKE SMITH SHOOTING GLIM. —A meeting of 1110 Lake Swith Shorting Club was held at :.arnia on Monday last, when it was derided l' iuoorpor• ate the Club under the above mune. It is the intention of the club to erect a suitable club house and to strictly yreserve the grounds. They expect iu a short time to have one of the best shooting reserves in the Pro- vince. The Exeter sports are "out." The Worst of Alt the Isms. "Don't talk to me of your political 'isms," said a facetious old valetudinarian, "I tell you there's no ism on earth so bad as Rheumatism." The venerable soffercr was right. St. Lawrence's gridiron or Quati- mozin's pallet of fire was not more emphati- cally a bed of torment than the couch of the martyr to rheumatism, It is generally con- sidered by the faculty one of the most ob- stinate as well as one of the most painful of maladies, and it certainly does resist all ordinary remedies with extraordinary per- tinacity. Skill and science, however, in this I age of progress, seem to master all opposi- tion ; and even this painful disease, entrench- ed among the muscles, and interkuit, as it were, with the sinews and tendons of our frames, is compelled to yield to the curatives d they have provided. 8 We have it on unquestionable authority— f the testimony of patients themselves—that c rheumatism, however deeply seated, may be I cured by the regular and persistent applies- 1 time of Holloway'. Ointment. This, we feel a assured, will be welcome intelligence to thou- o sands of sufferers, bed -ridden by the disease, a or limping with stiffened joints along the e pathway to the tomb. In a climate where the quicksilver makes a leap of thirty degrees e up or down, the complaint is, of course, a ,n prevalent one ; and in our new settlements at r the West, along the alluvial borders of our v great rivers, iu the hemlock swamps of the South, and in all low and damp locations, n a I A14 LT0N RAPIENINGS. There is now being manufaetur(d here an, 4rtiele.for instantly removing pain of any acute external nature, and it is certainly the most perfect cure for Neuralgia, i1eadaehe, Toothache, and the like- that has ever been tried. Itis called Fluid .Lightning from the rapid manuor in which it acts, and it mann- fiotared by M.Gregor Bc Parke. Sold in Exeter at Dr, Brownings drug store 6 Mr. Sexton Kent idtle arrived back at Wiughatla front Manitoba- Sliiloh'e Catarrh Remedy. A positive sure for Catarrhs Diphtheria, and Canker !\loath, Sold at Dr, Browning's Drug Store. A SEASONABLE ITEM. , Daring the breaking up of winter, when the air is chilly and the weather damp, swab complaints as rheumatism, neuralgia, lum- bago, sore throat, croup, and other painful effects of sudden cold, are prevalent, It is then that Hagyard's Yellow Oil is found truly valuable as a household remedy. The Michigan Central Railroad station at Hawtrey was destroyed by fire early Satur- day morning: Scott's Emulsion of Pure. Cod Liver Oil, with Bypophosphitos, Excellent for Delicate 'feasting Children Dr. CIIALLEs C. GARRETT, Calvert, Texas, says: "I have used your Emulsion for over a year, and have derived much benefit from it in trio rnarasuias of children being tolsratod by the stomach when all other medionnlente Were rejected." Phomas D. Murray was drowned Friday while cutting foe near Harrow. His body was not reaoyered, MOGREGOB & PARKE, of Hamilton, Ont., are the manufacturers of the greatest healing and purifying com- pound knowu for Soros, Burns, Cuts, Scalds, Salt Rheum, Frost Bites, etc. It is called McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. Be sure and get the genuine McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate, sold at Dr. Browning's drug store at 25c. a box. 5 A WISE CHOICE. In selecting a remedy for coughs and colds the wise choice is to take one that loosens the tough mucous clinging to the air pass. sages. Such a remedy is fia„ yard's Pectoral Balsam, which promptly breaks up hard colds and their troublesome effects. Windsor will have a new High School. Tho Government has condemned the present school building as unsafe. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, nd., says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold by J, W. Browning. Holloway's Ointment and Pills. --Female Complaints.—On the tnothes of England evolves much and serious responsibility in ecuriug for their daughters robust health; requently, ch08 1 thoughtlessly sacrificed by ulpable bashfulness at a particular period of ife, when all important changes take place n the female constitution, upon the man - gement of which depend future happiness r misery. Holloway's Pills, especially if ided with the Ointment, have the happiest fleet in establishing those functions, upon he due performance of which health and yen life itself depend. Mother and daughter ay safely use these powerful deobstruent emedies without consulting any one. Uni- ersally adopted as the one grand remedy for female complaints these Pills never fail, ever weaken the system, and always bring bout the desired result. few persons reach the age of forty yeare without a rheumatic visitation. It is clear, therefore, that a preparation which will af- ford immediate relief, and effect eventually a thorough euro of the complaint, must be of especial value to the people of all countries. We cannot reasonably doubt. in view of the well -attested statements which have been laid before us, sustained as they are by circum- stances within our knowledge, that the Oint- ment referred to will effect that object ; and among all the benefits which the discoveries of that celebrated physician and philanthro- pist have conferred upon mankind, this is certainly not the least important. Many au industrious tiller of the soil, whose seryicee are needed in the field, is at this moment languishing ou a bed of sickne,s ; the hands that should guide the plough or grasp the spade rendered powerless by Rheumatism. Many a toiler in every branch of productive labor is similarly situated ; and we can imag- ing with what joy these sufferers would hail the means of immediate care. To all such we feel justified in recommending this bal- samic remedy, the application of which, with the aid of a few doses of Holloway's Pills to regulate the iateinal organs, would, we feel assured, restore them to health and useful- ness.—Daily Argus. — . e1 • IN A DANGEROUS CONDITION. Auy mau, woman or child is in,'a dangerous condition when neglecting a constipated stat of the bowels. There can bo no perfect health without a regular action of this func- tion. Burdock Blood bitters cure constipa- tion by imparting a healthy tone to all the eecretfons. John Fitzgerald has been arrested at Sar- nia upon the charge of robbing Hector Le- mont, of Lobo, of $108 and a watch. A Nasal Injecto'• free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents, Sold by J. W. Browning. Several deaths ft om cholera are reported at Tarfa, Spain. "WHA 1' SAY YOU '1'0 APIECE OF ROAST BEEF AND MUSTARD ?" Well. there is much to be said. '111e ques- tion being asked of the banqueter at the av- erage boarding house, calls up reminiscences of Close contiguity to the horns, andbeefsteak three cuts south thereof. He, of course, will pass, unless it occurs to flim that he needs a binge for his trunk. Should there be any suffering, the effects of an indulgence in such sinuous fare, use McGregor's Speedy Cure, sure and effectual remedy for Dyspepsia, onstipation and all affections of the stem - la and liver. Sold at Dr. Browning's drug ore. Trial bottles free. 5 A seven-year-old boy, sou of Mr. John aylor, of Westminster, fell the other day nd dislocated his arm. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Curb will give immediate, relief ? Price 10c., 50c, and $1. Sold by J. W. Browning. A C1 AHD. To all who aro suffering from the errors an iudiseretions of youru, nervous weakness, earry decay, loss of Manhood, &c, I will send a receipe tbn t wi.l cure you., FREE 00' CHARGE. This great rowdy crab discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a self-ad- dressed envelope to Iinv. T0801'11 T. INMAN Station D, Now York City. , a Interesting Items. ac Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve st Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis Sold by J. W. Browning. T A BAD BREAKDOWN;. a It is a common thing now-a.days to hear one complain ;of feeling all broken down with a faint,. weary restless languor, with strength and appetite nearly gone, and no well defined cause. This is general debility, which Burdock Blood Bitters promptly re- lieves, and most invariably cares. Are you made miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, lose of appetite, yet low skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cue Sold at Dr, 13rowning's drug store. During five months about 9,000 persons have been vaccinated on Canadian Pacific trains alone. Richard Fuller, Church St. Toronto, on the recommendation of the City Treasurer, who l!lteb.oxperienoed the benefit of Giles' Liniment and Pills iu being oared of Rheu- matism, procured a supply. He suffered from Rheumatic Gout, commenced with sore- ness of the muscles of the knee -joint, after. wa'd pain and swelling ot the instep and ankles, and lameness of the muscles of, the right foot. Was unable to walk. Kidneys were also affected, Doctor Giles' Liniment Iodide 'Ammonia gave immediate relief. Sold by. C. Lutz, Central Drug Store. SEARCHING FOR PROOF. There is no'trouble in ascertaining from any druggist the true virtues of Hagyard'e Yellow Oil, for all Painful and inflammatory troubled, rheumatism neuralgia, lumbago, frost bites, burns, brnidos, sprains, eontraet• ed cords, .tiff joints, mhos pains and sore KWIC. For D e e si and nd y p p Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure There are now 18 cased of smallpox in St. Timothe, Que., and 40 at. St. Dente, Shantbly River. Tho decided beneficial .effect of Rabin - Son's Phosphorizett 1 Inez fon in the treatment ot female °weakness, and uervou9 hroatration, has given It a wide- spread reputation, and itt every 0880` 010 story is the Same: '' Nfy health 14 da improved p since using it," "I aim like a new woman," that wo do not hesitateto recommend it to evoryono in need of a het►lth restorer. NO BL1JN1)ER1`:US. There is no blundering in the dark -in the action Of t u l `1 O I 13 cit Blood Bitter,, upon the s ystem,:' it is no scattering shotng,in pre. oription, no onre all ; but it ants directly I ipon the four (cardinal points ort stealth ; the tomaoh, the liver, the hotels and, the blond nil works its oiii'es in It natural Ynnithcl litough nature's eh vends, Then look out for them, as disb'ase, 00 rt matter whero situated, to' 93 peroeirtt, 00 .t arm BINDER TWINE TIIE Dartmouth Ropework Company, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Are now prepared to quote pricer r.t BINDER TWINE for the season n/' 1 8srt, in lots of 10 toms and nptrnrds. /Admit, 6o Fn(/1'-T STi 10ET, PAST. TOK ft 0T0. 1 1 OURE FITS! Mutt 11,.• euro Ido not sheen ane. nun*? to atop ahemlter e. time and then have them stere again. EPILEPSY I mesa a mercer Dore. S Cele SS a ttiLl dleestu 8, 7P,a ai or eta Mtre the worst a oa. Cacao ndot ,serum COint named/ to t: or no wows receiving ti0 ecnro others Mss retie¢ Is so tIOO.8 for not now la o 1 7 a caro. Bend it euro vera treatise l Poet, • Orog ffice. itic of ro lura l' a remedy. Olnd I willl Mire yen Ofito: it conte yon 1'.. 11 C for LOOT. les and r w1,. Now lidr+eol?�'.fi, H, L'OOL. les 1'w,rl et., Now Tort. TAi'llll—fiAf)Ilt1S to work for us at YV'ltheir own laotne' . $7t>$lOper weelc can be quiet y made. No photo. painting l no canviw,,in% 3I)1 full particulars, please address. at once, Crescent Art Co. Boston, St ens., Box 5170, ' Try ANTlof)-I,, (lies and gertIem en in city or VV country to tg7:o light work at their own fro' es, lfd8 to tee tt day eat be wildly Made 0 sent by '00native h,lnu. We v o f nlltll for 6it work. and furnish Btolciy nolo loynlonI,. Arlrlrr88,with stroll11, C10OW 111.'1"(3(1(33tL'ANV, 2t)4,Vine St.,cClrotnnat Ohio ' 1)V11tTla SIs8 fond Irr+ efts sols I, list fir 7,nDal vow4p.rpor,i. r.otr, i'. Rowell & co, 10 Spreeo 8L. 1,1,Y. IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF STOCK, E kw�la. G a, L E S,'' Liniment Iodide Ammonia Removes all Unsightly Bundles, Cures Lame- ness in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found- er, !ound-er, Weak Limbs, Sprung Knees, Spav- in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgalls, No stable sbould be without it. Railroad, Mining and Exp rose Oompenies all use Giles' Liniment, aid in the great raetug stables of BelmontandLorillard it has achieved wend - dors, One trial will aonviuco, Write DR. GILLS, Box 3483, N. Y. P. 0., who wi11, without charge, give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by all druggists at 50e. and 51,00 bottle and in quarts at $2,50, in which there is great saving, The Liniment 1i white wrappers is for family use; that iu yellow for cattle. GILES' IODIDE AMMIONIA HORSE AND CATTLE POSYDEBS. Used by all the leading horsemen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Beach, Sh eopshead Bay and Bull'sHead. Never dissapoini,are Tonic; Al- terative and Diuretic, Destroy Worms' Cure Indigestion, Colic, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink -eye and Rheumatism. The dose is small and the power is great. The Powders are Guaranteed and Purchaser* Falling to Obtain a Cure Money Refunded. Sold by all druggists at 28 cts. per boc. C. LUTZ, Agent, EXETER,ONT. C THIS OUT and return to "rte with 10c or 4 3c stamps, and you'll get by return mail 0 Gordon Box of Goods that will bring you in more money than anything else in America. You: fortune if you start quids!! CITY NOVELTY CO„ Yarmouth, N. B. Just Received AT SamweH Pickard's New Furs in Grant Varity Astrican Mantles and Caps— choice goods ; Persian Lamb Setts and Caps—choice value; Mink Setts and Caps—super- ior quality ; Baltic Seal Setts and Caps—a nice selection. READY-MADE; ULSTERS The finest -fitting goods that can be produced. The Public are cordially in- vited to call and inspect for themselves. No trouble to show goods. JOIIN 3311A,7;711, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPSION. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISF ED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. t °G1IVE ME A CALL, XI'RAC'iNiLp- . r,y t, .�. ; Fv V' I QUEEN CIYT OIL WORKS ► AU -AIN VICTORIOUS ! HIGHEST HONORS AND GOLD MEDAL FOR S P 0 1 At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the - Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDALS during the last three yeare, f ta''See that you got Peerless, Itis only made by S.A.IVIVEL ROc Es & CO,, TvrtioNTo FOR SALE .13'Nr ALL DI ALERS. BLo.op • Cures .DjJzlneSs, Loss of Appetite, Indigestton, Biliousness, ) Dyspepsia, Jaundice,' Affections of the Liver and Kidne? i'1, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofsatat , Erysipelas, and all eliseases arising from Impure ,731nod,' .Deranged Stomach, of irregular action of the Bower& es RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, IIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Conetitutione, and are invaluable in Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they etre prioelt THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. IL' famous for Gout and Rheumatism. w•n FOR DISORDERS OP THE CHEST 11` HAS NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings, and all skin diseas it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it aotslike a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at THOMAS HoLLowAY's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor'of 11fedioine, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d. 45. &l., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of;`tbe is lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and tbe+ 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be hau in any language R� Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, theyare spurious. V ILLIA1YI DREW 'Undertaker and Cabinet-maker. EX�;TER, ONTARIO, ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANS._ FON IT\IJi[ OOilfliUT1OiS PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to make room for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand, All. Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap Goods. A call is respectfully solicited, SJ' OUTNCOTT. Fanhionable Tailor, Exeter. 1eter Post Office Time Table. MAILS ARRIVE Hirkton,Woodham Wiueholseaand Elimville „. 4.0Op,m, South ,oast and west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, Manitoba, United States, English and foreign mails ... ... 10.18a an, South, east west &c 0.45 p.m. North and east includingGoderioh Win t Chum, Kincardine and all points north, Strattold, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States,.. ,,. 1C,15 man North oast,&c ,.. Saropta Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Snturdayn 6.30 p.m. 11,000.01. 0 Ona m 000570. 10 0o a.ns 8,30 a. m. 4.18 p. e1. 8.30 a. rn 5,30 p. m' 10.00a. m. 10 00 am ON1r.Y ORDERS Issued and paid On and frotu any ;Mon ey OrdevOfllco in thoDoulinion of 0atada Gro - n t TtRev and Creland,Brit tehIndia, Norvfoun,llaud,Italy, Auetralin,fieivSOuth Weiss, Tasmania, Nn}� Zoland,11'rance an Algeria, the Gorman Empire, Bweden,Nor•iVay, Denmark Iceland Belgium m the Nethrlards,Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, itouanla, United States. Jatnaiett' andBatbados, POST 0PPLC10 SAWN OSB ANK, Deposits will be received at this odieo from 81 to $300. Depositors obtainingthe 'o rnasor•Generet'sst) octal permission can deposit81000. Debositsson av` s . Post U toil Bank lldapcorona re ccvod fi•otr, 0 a. m, to 4 p, m, Serest at 4 pet cent per riunnlu will be allowed on ell depotetti Office hours fiom7.30a.m,to7 p, tn. Letters intended for registration 0011111 bo pstttd 10 mhmtes bo1ei' *10 allosung of ¢aohuteri; N.B.•-Itis harti.eulary roquosttd that, the senders of matter will kindly add the panto' 01 rag t;drtntie8 to the address() D JOMNS,I'ostinfttor,.