The Exeter Times, 1886-2-11, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, Is published every Thursday mOrniug,at the TIMES STEAM PRINTING NOUSE ¥n-teetnerly opposite Eaton's Jewelery Sture,Exeter, Out., by John White Al lion, Pro- prietrOrS. RATIO or ADYEETESIXO //trot imeirtion, per line-. . . . ,to cents, Each subsequeot insertion , per' line.... ...3 cents. Tadvertisoments should both English suet German, will never tolerate the °ours* taken hY the Globe and Reform leaders iu the Riot affair, When Freser asserts in the House That Riel compared favorably with Sir George Cartier, sod that a monument will yet be erected to his memory, he commits his party to To insure insertion, a be pent in not bstar than ArednesdaY MOrning. stand that 10741 men, or bonnet man, Qr wise men, cr conscientious men Our JOB PRINTING DPA.ItTMENT is one are unwilling to take. We wonder of the largest 11ucl best equipped iu the County of Huron, All work entrusted. to us will recelv how the Crediton German (who lives our prompt attention: in Exeter) can justify the glorifies - Decisions Regarding New- 'lots of Riel that is now going on in papers. the Globe, and being indulged in by Any person whotakesa paperregularly from. Mr. Frazer and the Reform leaders - the post-oftlee, whether directed in bis name or How would the Crediton German anotner,s, or whether he has subscribed or not . lalresoonsible tor payment. like to gee Sir John defeated on this s If a person orders his papor discontinued issue the Reform party with the he mustall pay arrears or the pubshermay; continue to send it until the payment is made, Bleus come into power awl their first .and then collect the whole amount, whether the papor is taken from tire office or not. 3 In suits for subscriptions, the suit may be Band dollars to erect a MOTtUtnelit 10 instituted in the place where the paper is pub. lished, although the subscriber may reside the memory of the decesed rebel ? relieve their immediata necessities. hundreds of miles away. That is about what Mr. Fraser lays The Provineiel Government, it is also understood, will supply a moiler sum. How Lost, How Restored. move be to appropriate twenty thou - NEWS Aorgs. ilPr an Interesting ceerester. The floods et Belleville are Norm. ing more serious, and great suffering promises to *taus. Water six feet deep in the street., Eseterbee, the Effingham mur- derer, whose sanity was questioned M the time of the tragedy in which he played so promiuent i part, has 6110 tyti unmistakable signs of insauity, and has been removed from Kingston peuitentiary to the lunatic Ulm. The mute of the fishermen on the Gaspe coast who are threatened with atarvation through the failure of the firma on whom they depended for moans of subiietenoe, has met with recognition at the hands of the Fed- eral Government, which, it is report- ed, has made a grant of $2,000 to HARKNESS HAIR BALK Restores n.rey hair to its sus tuned color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the !lei: from falling nut, increases its, growth, and wit/ not soil the skirt. As a hair dres- sing, it has no superior. Geer- anteed harmie es. Prepared be Harkness & Co. London, Ont Sold by all Druggi and Patent Medicin Dealers. 00MAN H D. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post- down as the Reform platform. Blake office, or remor lug and leaving them uncalled for is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud offered $5,000 for Riel'6 body years ago, but uow a change has come over the scene, and now political exigency forces the party to which he belongs to propose a monumeut instead of a halter for Riel. Out upon snob cold- blooded hypocrisy. ••••••••••••Fon. rJ Junes. THUSEDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1880 1tDITORT.4L NOTES. AMONG the bills introduoed in the Leginlature Monday was one by Mr. Waters to extend the franchise at election) for the Legislative Assemby to widows and unmarried women. Tee Ontario Government favours its press by requiring sheriffs to ad- vertise sales in Reform Imperil only. As the amounts paid do not pass through the Provincial Treasury they do not appear on the public at:mounts. Mr. Mowat therefore preteuds that no Avoorki oome from him. But they do all the same. Ir is antioutmed In the Reform press that "Sir. M. C. Cameron, M.P. for West Huron, has been suffering ever since his recent epoch on timber limits from a severe attack of herner- rhage of the nose." Let it bo uuder- stood at once that Mr. Cameron hag not noir auy of the victim! of his timber limit inveeti)ns. it was the mental effort that did the damage. Tan Clinton N611 Era feels sore be- cause Mr. Turnbull did not receive the appointment of Scheel Inspector, and says as much as that Mr. Tom had no right to the position, not being a resident of Huron. Mr. Tom was raised and educated in Huron, and has lived in it until the last few years. In this respect he bad as much right to the appointment as any ono else, and doubtless he is otherwise well qualified for the Inseeotorship. IN 1871 Hon. Edward Blake aud hie followers in opposition in the Le - cal Legislature weut out of their way to introduce the Scott murder into the discessions of that body. They thought it quite within the province of the House to dinettes such a ques- tion. In 1886 the positions of the two parties are reversed, the Blake party being in power. The oppoei- tion are anxious to discuss the rebel- lion of 1885 under tne same Riel, but the Reform party iusist that such dis- cussion would be as Mr. Fraser ex- Stephen. preesed it, "an unwarrautable intrus- -- jou upon the Proper domain of the rtxxl:)ZglttujeelOrpTeetomu°sustihat montes...4,koge2 To Editor of the Exeter Times Dominion Parliament." What Mr.your issue of January 28th Mowat's cabinet lack in coneistency, Total expenditure. ...... ........ ..$22477,315 Mr. Proutyolerk •of this township, The above expendi, ture includee the latnely endeavors 1 reply to a few questious asked by ale in your issue of January 21st, and which were sat• isfactorily aud properly answered by you. The questioos asked were in reference to the non-appearance of "Guidance to Voters" at the receot munioipal election in Stephen twee - ship, in No. 2 'division. Mr. P., in his reinarke skates that there were no "guides" posted up ire any of the divi- sions, and is at a loss to kuow why I. single out division 2. I made ref. erotica to my own polling place, and as 1 was not in any of the other ,]i. 'ikons that day, 1 said nothing of them. Mr. P. says I was not at No. 2 that day, and so much for my vera city. Straus° he should know mv whereabouts better than myself. The clerk admits that the law requires such "guides" to bo posted up. but says it was not a neglect on him part, as he sent to Toronto for them, with instruction/Ito have them forwarded to their proper destinations. Does this exclude him from the blatne ? The printing, I understand, for the whole year, including "guides," was to have been done iu hteter ; it was let by tender, and why Mr. P. seta 16 'reroute) for thew) "guides" ia .t mys• tery to we. ft certainty ()welled et. tra export/4o. How silty it is of him to, that !I did tett know what is claimed, and seemingly not without reason, that the Methodist ministers who changed their place of abode during 1885 are. under the provisions of the Franchise Act, which requires a year's residence in one place before the franchise eau be exercised, disqualified so far as the voters' lists which are now being made up are caucerued. The pro- vision, however, does not apply to Methodist ministers only. It applies to everybody who has not been a resident for a year. When the bill was passed through parliament the They twice who give quickly, and iq this prompt action on the , . We have recently published a new edition I.Rtl 01 of DR.CrYLVERWIILL'S CELEBRATED 113. administrations is followed up BAY on the radical and permanent oure (with - these by private effort, the six l d iun red 10,31,04tslincoaditcco.ipaaoc)ottrytr,oimrvpasealsnmeetnitieity,tiontaiana to Marriage, families who are affected will be eV., oresuiting from excesses. osriituiPe slasmeaplesd envelope ,only 6 cents,ortwo placed out of danger till the swing, by which time, it is eatisfacto-r :Tyl(veceerlebrated authorof this admirable es 7 "' .....18.4),=,11,17,Z17 gth9i9rpty Y"o"' au n - know, the Robins hope to be in A cos mayberadically cured witialiouttnege position to resume operations. • aroma use of internalmedicioesor311 u ang. the knife; Point out a mode of mire eatsoeno°ef simple certain and effectual, by means of whiohevery sufferer, no matter whathis con- ditionmay bo,may oure himself chiaply,pri vatelv and radloally. ..'"Thi lecture should be inthe hands of ev- ery youthand every man in the land, Address A London mob, white less easily moved than its counterpart volatile Paris, i6 apt to be more dogged and pertinacious iu endeavouring to effect its design. The cable dis- patehes report the most serious de- monstrations in the English capital that has occurred during the present decade. A crowd estimated at from ten to fifteen' thousand. nominally composed of "starving mechanics," but largely consisting of and con• trolled by Socialist, assembled in Trafalgar square, where TiOleu 1 re- operationsolutions were passed denonnoiug the of this requirement was Government and ceiling up') Perlin- evideutly overlooked, not only by the Government but by the Opposition, merit to provide immediate work for the unemployed of the city. The fur no gentleman on either side police were utterly powerlese to die - thought of mentioning it in the House. I parse the immense gatheriug, which rolled like a wave of the sea along Piccadilly to Hyde park, leaving de- structien iu its traok. Club houses and private tesidenoes were wrecked; hotels were brokeu open and food demanded and taken. saloons were raided and the liquor consumed, infiamiug the passions of the rioters; tailors' shops and jewellery establish- ments were entered aud the contents thrown out to the eager mob. and along the entire route robbery and destruction were paramount, and no lives were taken only because no resistance was offered. The mass meeting, while primarily called together as a labor demenstra. So far as the Conservatives are eau - corned they would bo very sorry if any injustice were done; and if the matter can be remedied we do nob see why it should pot be. It is to be remembered, tbough, that under the provincial law a somewhat similar condition of affairs exists. A minis ter who /eaves hie present charge after assessment is taken is ou the list in the town in which he does not live; but does not get on the list at his new home until after the next assessment is taken and the Court of Revision has sat. Thus a clergy man removes from Exeter to London in September, ';1886. He appears on the [assessment roll in August, tion, was completely under the cu - l888 -nearly 1887, and becomes a voter it! August, 1888 -nearly two years after the chauge. trol ot the Socialtste, a new and dan- gerous element in a London outbreak. There is terrible distress prevailing Dominion Finances. at present in the capital, aud the — political foes of all social order took Ottawa, Feb. 6. -The statement of advantage of this to further their the revenue and expenditure on own ends of terrorism. The demon - account of the consolidated fund of titration was a serious one, and to the Dominion for the month of Jau- prevent as repetition with even more nary is rie follows :- disastrous results the Government Receipts from Customs... ,''' , will be forced auto making at least Excise 467,079 Post.Office 220,879 some effort to relieve the trade de - Public works (including rail- 'minion existing throughout the .ways) 218,719 tliscellaneoua 469,098 length and breadth of the United I Kingdom. Total for the month *2,584,322 Revenue to December toe 31st 14.755,704 .--4-•-•--s Total for seven months 917,360,027 they make up for by er superabundance of audacity. sum of $2,184,000 paid out during the seven months on account of the North-west rebellion. It also includes NOTICE of a bill to extend the /lours the sum of $1,980,000, six months' of polling iu legislative and municipal subsidies to the Provinces, payable in elections in cities, to WW1, and villages, advance, so that the deficit is really has been given by Mr. Ermatinger, only about $1.200,000. M. P. P. The ()hint Is to Live work- J • Thi receipts for the seven months of the present fiscal year from cus- toms were $10,625,392, against $11 - 252,923 in the corresponding period hours, to free them iu greater mea. 252,923 the preview; year, and from excite sure from the supervision of employ- 82,873,405, against $3,183,410. There has therefore been decrease in customs of $627,000, and in excise of $810,000 ingmen more opportunities of voting than they at present heve, and by keeping the polls open after w e•king ers in exercising their frenchise. There would be some inconvenience in extending the time for voting until Ike in the evening, but if Mr, Erma - The decreara in cutoms is twin - Linger can show that the measure is really required the letterset of it free ballot, Its ought to pass. But unless there is a decided demand for it from those ID W11088 intereet Ilio cipally due to the diminished receipt!) of the first five months, the receipts during the past two months having been nearly $160,000 more theta the bill is urged, the objections to late corresponding months of the previous year. The decrease in excise receipts closing cot the polls will probably out- weigh what can be said in its favor. in the game way is dne to the earlier five mouthe, the months of December —.... IN our fecal °Otani. of last week and January showing an increase over appeared &letter from a Credi.on the Name months of the previous German (who lives in Exeter and is fiscal year of $68,800, of which $61,. of Britieli origtu), cas.iug doubt on 0001,; is; due to the increase in January. the anthenrioity of some letters from 12"'8 'ncreee.° in °Rcieet veicleiPtg i� a Germans on the political gituatinn, mos/ gratifying feature in the returns, We as beyond question the bent evidence recently printed in the, TIMES. of growth in trade to not the onetoms can inform our Crediton friend (who lives in Exeter) that these lettere anti"' which fluctuate with fillc"n- tion„ in pacee, but file excise e„ti,,,elpet,,,,,, were emniedi ehm, my letter And runerele furnished and. conducted at whieb are unaffeeted by pram fluctint I to elai reed dastiewly "geidunce to extremely low metes. time!. The expliini0/1 of the, revenue volt 1, i., ho taint 1, ,,,,tefrea," Emeratas OF ALL TITE• DIFFEILENT 800115T108. from excise gives poiet and force to not me, s 4 thr olvirk state. ; noel any the rtetIrrinetila matte in liiiie'rr'lit relationship goat may be traced be - quarters that a decided revival of ttr,?en In,. 4titi ..Febrs 7, 1884," beninens lots taken piece -more de whatever that ineees_._rrehehly he leo. He asks who takes, the TiAtt,s eider] than ever)1 the fieuree indecive. inenne it writer of that tlate--le bet. spondept does riot stale ttint he read which the Tempo new) Act (Treetop aoti't knew iri Scarcely wertla knew. 1 in Waterloo, Our Watetloo corrs- hie:muse the iticreneing orea over ter la ewe re himself, „6 „her lieYELLOW the former letters in the Titres, hut ftfrect° the rt'"Iiny fr("11 P"i" In n' Ing/ Ut 1 fail to Perceive any very . , ... ie. grotto'. degree then erne* looteetgol In Woe() conneetion-pitesibly third 00114J. CA -1 9 Es,5Siiii14;10j1MAX115:ki . Oita he intw them in the Sti;14, crec. the dooties themselte,„ ed fo this paper. Otir lee colon. in. Will Mr, Preuty take a little ad- P7.1,EEDZAAT'S fled all others similarly interested __earet- vico from a ratepayer and not ellow a Vir 0 it ivi pcyvvnign. ineloioing testimony is borne to the feet ,,,.,,,i,,,, enee „,,„ „e„,, e-,., it, 1.,,,,, ;1„,„„, 1, dray AS well rnalto up their rninrlic that that the brat family PhyHia. the host cere for it".:: ".: """re,""' ,flrnt"-t' "" " '' ""' tile t eoplo in genetai, and aillong,I Dyspepsia, (1r LI I iensnes4 IS Dr car.q.wil Lua.Y calla° i'l°t1,Ule. I Aro Plea8all„t to the. Contain °lair °N/ki II ,. , . , tonne!) lettel a They Traver sie'On e.r 0 prp PargatiVe. Ts a Safe, auto, and eitecittat i , , SUDO rii . _ in a, great ritunber of Refertiter-, s •J gripe, All dru,,ggists, 50 tents. I Ejlephetio Feb. 8, 1886. tro$1, of *Milt in Children or ad ta , ,, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY, 41 ANN Sr., NEWYORK. Post Office Box 460 0 ° 0 E4 -rat C13 Pee p4 rJ) ID 0 E a) 0 al tett SAWS, A_XEIS And Other Hardivre, A t?, GAINS • IN WINTER DRY - GOODS ! FOP One Month Longer. RANTON BROS. —AT— it REDUCED PRICES 0 C. & S. GIDLEY, UNDERTAKERS! Furniture Manufacurers -A FULL STOOK OF - Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, came to us in the metal wrsy ; wars not t.litten in the Tiaras office or by any one conoected with thin and were published by us in good faith. Our coroespondents aril not the mythical persont, fypefied by Crediton German (who lives in Elite- JAMES PICKARDS. PICKARDS. EITTPRA.11 --FOR DRUG STORE! 0 0 Pure Drugs Family Receipts Carefully C pounded SIX PER CENT. DISCOUNT _LON.. CROSS • ANDg E 1 t. a t, t, tt ir Ii CI CC el 01 h. Pt c( tI cc ti rt b] sv in Yc of lo CC/ 11( th PC 10 ut tu cr st ou be it "11 cli in di, to br Iti VC' ha fol ab tw bo ki eq all li Pe acl ba ha wh ve rn del tvb tine He wlj vro, Do nut ord fra, fro ger, abs eat: it , nc,t hat the roe