HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-2-4, Page 12.4 LEGAL. H, DICKSON, Barrister, Soil- �J • otter of Supremo Court, Notary Publi.e Conveyancer, 3orumisSionEr, Sc. Money to Goan. Office in _Fa neon's Mock, Exeter, �2 . n:`MCFADDi+ N, Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Etc.;1 EXIMI31 - ONT, Office Sanrwell'sBlock (Ylall'sold office.) LENTAL. CABTWRIGHT, L. D. S., Has opened dente 1 rooms over o'NhIL'S BANK, where he will bo t®®canis• proparedto extract teeth without pain. All operations performed with ease and Skill. Gold fillings a speciality. Office hours a. m: to ,, p m, Ut3Ai G s MontILATE. Timed CASH. :'MAN, DPNTIST.L.D.S Extracts Teeth without pain, by, giving Vitalized Ai r, or by using the New Local Antest he - tic on theums; makes Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Rooms Upstairs in SAbZWELL'S BLoolt, East side of Ma.n-Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL CLU'1'Z, M. D., • Oflloeat hisresidonce Exeter. TAR. ERVING, dR ADUATE UNI - Awe VERSITY Trinity College, Member of Oolleee physicianeand euraoont Ont„ All- ae,Kirkton, D 11.HYNDMAN,-CORONEll FOR the County of Huron. office, opposite Ifr.I,Jarling's store ,Exeter W. BROWNING M. D., M. C J • P. S ,G raduate Viotor•iaUuiversity.Office au dirosidence,Doit •nionLaboratory. Exeter TAR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. 1'. S O. ()nue, Main St.Exoter,Out.Residen eehouserecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq, —J AUCTIONEERS. HEN1iY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Hay,Stephen, and McGilli- rray:Townships. Selesconducted atmoderate :atos. office -At Post•ofliec, Crediton, Ont. OHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Gr Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborno and the Tillage of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri. nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Voterinarj College, Tor•on• to, have op ened an office forth.. trea tmout o f a 11 Domestic Animals, on Main street Exeter. Calls from a die -21 --''" �' tante prompt'y attended to, )'!ti` licine for Horses Cattle,$c always on haiid: MONEY TO LOAN. AT ONE+'Y TO LOAN ON REAL ES 1v1. tate forth°Huron & ErieLoan ' Say. ingsSocioty. Low rates of interest. Apply to I John Spaokman,Exeter. MONEY t.accordTO LOAN totermsAT 6 AND 6k pereeuing . Private Funds. Apply to B.V,ELLIOT, August 15,'03 t.j Solicitor, Exeter , 'PONE ^�TO LOAN AT 6 AND 64,- per ,par cent, S25,000 Private Funds- Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSUIIANCE . XT J. CLARK, Agent for the Us - 1, • born eand ti[Inner tUntil a :PfreluBur aneovompany, Resiclonce-3rclCon„ Usborno Orders by mailto Exeter P. 0., promptly at- tendedto. JOHN i•1cDONELL, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIPENSES. • OFFICE IN FANS ON's 1LOCE. Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance Company of 0anada,3lercantile'insurance Co —Capital $500,000.00 Head Office Waterloo; Ont, Glasgow & London Insurance Coy—Cap- .tat 62,500,000 ; Head Office, Montreal : Stand- ard Life Insurance Co,, Head Office, London, England ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head Office, Toronto. JOHN MCDONELL Exeter. TELE WATERLOO MU`T'UAL• FIRE INSTJRANOECO. Established in 1863. •'IEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This coma.anv has been over 'Eighteen Fears in successful operation in Western On- tario,andeontinues to insure agaiust'.oss or damage by Fire, .Baildings,Merchandiae,Man- ufactories,and all otherdoscriptionsoflinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this' Company has issued 57,000 Policies. covering property to the amount of 040,872,088 ; ancl paid in loss- es alone 3709,752,00 AssetS, :ht176,10e.O0, consisting of Cash ..'sank, GoyernmontDeposit, and the unass- essed Premium Notes on handand in. force, ,T, W W.wnnx1I D. Presider t. C. rd. TAYr,olt, Secretary. J.B. Hvanrs,Insnector. CHAS. SNELL, Agent for Exeter(1,ud viciuitV. THE Ialerl�,dnialHailway OF CANADA. The Royal ..fail, Passenger and Freight Route between Canada and Great Britain and h West anti ell r nt acents direct ionto between 1 on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bane des Oha- leur, also Brunswick, Nova Scotia; New, P. E. Island Cape Breton, NCWfotlnil land, BerMUda, and Jamaica. New cud: elegant Pullman Buffet Sloopiirg and Day CM'S rnnenthrough Express trains. PiLSeerlf;erefor• Grow Britain or ilia Conti- irent by leaving Toronto at 8.2o a, nt Theis. day will loin outward curial steamer at Nati- fax a, re. Saturday, Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock no- oommodatroir nt Halifax for slliptnontof grain and general merchandise. Years of experience have proved the INTIM - COLONIAL to connection with steamship lines to and from London, ,:Myer -pool and Glasgow to Halifax, to bo the quickest freight route between Cadman. and Gront 13r stain, Information as to Passenger and Freight rates can be had on allplioatien to DOB EDT 73 M.)01)111 Western Vrota t &1'nssenger Agent 05 Rossi.. Roust Mock, York st,, Toronto: D.POT ING5ii,, Chief Superintendent, Rather„yOd' o'Moneto Nov, 13,1805, r, HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY,” VOL. XIII., NO, 24, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEB'Y 4, 1886; IMPORTANT NOTICES. COAGULINE.--Cement for Brok- en Articles. Sohl everywhere. Sole Makers. --HAY BROS., Stockport England, FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. K OF WAY'S COMPOUND+ LIN - 88151), SEED, Anieoed., Renege., Squill Tolu, &a with Chlgrodvhe. WAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent expectorant for Coughs and Colds, "KAY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally servicable; for Florsesand0attle, DAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu Neuralgia Face -ache &c. J. CLAR1i. COMMISSIONER • tattle Court .1Common Pleas• -Deeds, Wills,Sfortgages, Loasos,and all forms ofag- roements drawn and executed aocorfling to law. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Parties wishing to borrow money on account of re- cent purehasea ofland,or to pay off existing mortgages will and a groat saving by giving mea call, Can lend money at and si per cent. according to terms. • N.J.OLARK, SUMMONED To Appear before the Bari E. 11. FIS1f, Where the min who came at the cry of "next" received a Shave and a Hair -out which could noth possibly have been surpassed by any NEAR THE POST OFFICE. "JUST LOVELT!" SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE Ike. J. DE 6.ILINC'S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANS. Without a doubt they are the most becoming styles ever introduced. Ladies, for something in very fine style, such as the Langtry and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga WILTON, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike.J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Where he will supply all your wants in the Hair Line, URES G O UG HS. LOWS, .%;. H O A•R;sswea ewe ,ETC, CENTRAL DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition • Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always 'fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter COO* '),l1,', Anson Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out ,Boot Shoo Shop in the CoI'nOr Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o; ordered work Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptiy attended to. ROUND THE COUNTRY. Creation. The Methodist Church, Crediton, are making every preparation t0 make their Tea Meeting ou the 11th of Feb., a grand mimes. The Rev. W. H. Crane of I;llmville, had oon- eented to give to the people of Credi. ton his popular lecture, "Woman, her Work and Worth." We speak for the Tea Meeting and Bro. Gene's Leoturo. Beet o tided house. Friends `dust. It was blaog' Mlp. )dila- mumtny-olothe of Egypt,, rV1th neab. GEO. MANSON31y in. Late Manager C. Eaarett's Boot and Si, ich 1n - Establishment. Qradaa- May 14th 84. a's thou- ,eounions Lna,rnalfem vin employ- ai, who. started MB. WU. LYNL is prepared .o do'tered by to eribi- CUSTO TAtLORINGatgeat of life. At Kli'itton• rr a vil- a his SUITS, PANTS OR COATS At Ern- made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction olal guaranteed in every respect. had are CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST !are NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. mea, - Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. JOHN W*UTE & SON }Publishers mud Proprietors Nissouri. Mr. John Houlton, a farmer resid ing in West. Nisaouri, near Thorndele, describes the experiences of himself and family with a tramp on Monday, set follows : The tramp came to his. house iu the afteruoon and asked for n e melhing to eat and permission to warm himself. When he got all he wonted to eat he commenced a con• versation of promi4onou3 character, and freely intersperaed with oaths. Houlton told him he could use no such language round there, and or. dered him to more ou. He mored slxiy grnupe of these lava villages-app'aren<tly, and Houlton shortly found, there being about twenty hi afterwards went to the stable. While in each group. Tae evidences of oie he was away the tramp walked beck tion were similar to, but removed by., into the house, and commenced ewear- crudity and evident want of skill, a lug ett the woolen -folks, and finally deal from the articles foand in the `dr houses, which have been se fully wr ew a large butcher knife and threat - up in the reports of the geological sat ened to nee it upon them. Mrc. Scientists await with a great deal of i Houlton is now in bed sick as a con - est Maj. Powell's report of these rs sequence of the fright she sustained. very important diseoverie8. When Mr. Houlton returned from the barn and found the tramp flour. Directions to Speakers on Religions Tri. V hiingd pitched around, n ound, lie immediately w away the 1. Don't talk too much, 2. Don't talk unless you are postedti knife, palled in Constable Donald Ur 3. Give the best you have. : quhart, who handcuffed the man and took him to London, where an in- formation was subsequently laid be fore Squire Smyth. The tramp gave his neme as Henry O'Douoel, and claimed to Dome from St. Thomas. He was remanded for trial uutit Fri- day. 4. Don't talk when people are at Wake some one man and you will bol rest. 5. Don't try to show off your Iearnin 0, at hold of the most stupid man you'll hold the rest. 7. Don't try, but don't be afraid, to ; people laugh. Milk that slops one wai the other. S. Be natural ; don't try to be some else, 9. Avoid cant and pulpit tones. 10. Don't talk too lone.. A mats its: Woodham, `';There is a large attendance at our school at present. Otir storekeeper, Mr. Neeley is of - WILLIAM LYNE, fering some great bargain' in Dry Goode. He has got out a very et - tractive poster, announcing facts con. cernieg the reduotion iii prices. Mr. H, Abbott, of Centralia, in- tends opening a stock of goods in Lankin'e Hall, to a few days. Our people are sure of getting good bar• gains, as everything around is being out to its finest. ,; Messrs. Abray & Edwards, our enterprisiug sawmill men have so far this season purchased and drawn EXETER NORTH to their mill more logs than last year. This firm is year by year increasing Complete stock of Groceries. (iu popularity, and so they ought, for two finer or more gentlemanly per - sous cannot be found in Canada. They are energetic and pushing, and will, in time, build up a monstrous trade. The quality of lumber iu which they deal cannot be equalled anywhere. Butter Eggs CANTED. J. Matheson. Has opened out in Currelley & Co's. Old Stand, 16 lbs. Sugar; $1. Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts—Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of HI:RDWA_R,E. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. A reduction of 5 Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Snit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for 7.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. Exeter Butcher Shop. R. DAVIS, Butcher t, General Dealer —IN ,1LL 10KINDS OF --- FIS C.:9 U T ZCustomeirs supplied TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ''1 (I) CI) ic, B, CIVE PROMPT ATENTION. ORDERS)LEFT A7.' THETSF10P WILL RE Sit lbs Rice,,- 25 Cents; Three lbs Carolina Rice 25 I3 `V T ,,, 55 Two B oxo s Matches ,, 25' 1'hroe .. It .. 2i Three Ponalino... ,,, 25 Four lbs Sugar ... ,., .:,, .,, 25 11b Uocoa g7 Two boxes Rico fltarch :,. 25, 'rhreo plugs lac Tobacco , 25 Sovon end nrhalflbs polled Oatmeal 25 one lb Y. II, Ten Three packages Bird food ` „.25 Two lbs Mixed Candies n5 Two 1bsFilbortNuts ... 25 Ono don Oranges 25 „ One doz Lemons , 25 One lb Coffee -Y5 TThreb cans Mackerel 2 .---,---- AT THE;-'--, Cash Store I Small Profits and Quick Returns, No Ore - lit ! Save your Molloy, Buy early, TEAS, COFFEES, STDG ARS & ALL FAMILY GROG +EIleS. Of first-class quality always in stock. .111131EMTSER THE ADD.ilI SS W, VLMIL KT MKTO • BEFORE TAXING STOOK Is bound to reduce present stock; To do so prices are to be brought down to ROCK BOTTOM. FRESH TEAS Just in and constantly arriv- ing, Drew 'lock, Southtore, ::.INT Coons l 151515 NAa[DI, Ot all descriptions sold at Reduced figuioo. �e JL3U'1..I.1 11 & EGGS e1 crit for Doniir.riofi 11111 P 1'u Tr r .�• wanted o. 1\1. Steam. ships.fn lair o quantities. Etimvilie. Mr. Samuel Andrew had his finger badly squeezed last week. Mise Ellen Halls is at present a re- eideut in the neighborhood.; Mr. M. Elford sold a valuable corse the other day for the haudsoma sum of $175.00. A splendid sermon was preached by Rev. C. Fletcher, in the Methodist Church here, on Sunday evening. Mr. Silas Johne is procuring ma- terial for a hog -pen, sheep-houso and bowery combined, to be erected next season. Mr. Philip Halls has gone to Chat- ham for his second term the Busi- ness College. Farm life seems to have no charm for Phil. Marriages have been the order of the day for the last two months, and she resident ministers have had a rich harvest. Still there's mire to follow. Johns & Co., shipped a .Hall ma• chine and Diugee horse power to London last week. It was tested by them during the fall but did not give satisfaction- They were then supplied with a New Model thrasher and Cali- fornia terse power, which works to perfection. The eighteenth animal session of the County o Perth Sunday School Asseciatiou will be held in Mitchell on Wednesday, and Thursday, Feb'. 17th and 181,11. The election of a representative of the South Ward, St, ivIarys, at the Council Board, iu place of Mr. Snaith, took place by ncciarltaticu on i,inrrdtty hi of last week. Me. James Whitson tyres nominat,edi by 1'lr. S. H. Mitchell and seconded by Mr. A. Crone, and the thing was done. At the meeting of the Hibbert AC1'icnitllrnl Society, held lntely; the following officers 'Vero elected for the ensiling year' : Presicletit, Peter Campbell ; Vice President, Ilnmilten ; Srrcretary, John Car+ iilo:AM i Direotora, John Fulton, Thee: So at, Welter Shillingltw1 rats. Barbour, John i'ldler, jr., ,David 11111o, W. Oliver, .John MOLellen lied 0-eorgo Hemp ; Auditors, A, Mc'I'i>v- ish and Alex.l'nr$.tieon. Heneatll- Geo. Shaffer, on Salnrday evening laat,,mel with an accident while chop,' ping wood in Mr. Jes. Gould's bash. 3rd concession of Hey, by which he severely out his right foot, almost severing hie big toe. On Thursday evening last, another grand carnival was held in the Cen- tennial Ice Skating Riuk, Hensel', at which a great many were present, both spectators and costumed skaters. The following are the persons who succeeded in obtaining prizes :— Lady and Gent's Comic Hat, Francis Coxworth and E. Evans ; Gent's Character Costume, John Carroll ; Ladies' Character Costume,. Mita P. Carr ; Jessie Chapmauu 2nd,; Boy's race, one mile, (open ;to all), W. Charters, let ; John Murray,,2n'd; Backward Raoe,nue mile, Ed. Evans, 1st ; A. Cosworth, 2nd ; Potato Race, (boys under 15 years), John', Murray, 1st ; W. Charters, 2nd ; Special Race, for boys under 10 years, W. Coxworth, let ; W. Luker, 2nd ; B. Kaiser, 3rd ; J. C. Pelson, Rod- gerville, 4th ; Challenge Cupi (3 miles, open to all amateurs), M. Mc- Pherson, 1st ; A. Cook, 2n1 ; R. Carroll, 3rd, The racing was very exciting each race being keenly con- tested. Young Pelsou,of Rodgerville, is a prcmising young skater, and will rack high in the "skatorial" art in a ,Anaersoh, Miss Ella Rclbinson glad a Jaa'ga birthday party on Monday last, ai which the guests spent a very pleas- ant tune. Mr. John Wiles intends holding an anaa;ion sale on the last of February. We believe ilMr, W. will go to St, Marge to reside, The youngest son of Mr. John . Anderson is daugeroutily ill with` an attack of inflammation of the lunge. Slight hopes, are entertained of the child's recovery. Mr. Samuel Jamieson, who recent- ly returned home from Regina, N. W. intends going ° bask in a few weeks. l,Ir. J. speaks highly of the ooantry, and says there is no fear of another uprising occurring. A. meeting; was recently held in the Anderson Church, to decide upon what organ should be bought for the ohuroh. After an animated discus sloe, it was decided to leave the maty ter to a committee of five, who have purchased a Dominion Organ. Mise Jennie Apnerson, who las) week, was eeriouly 'melded, is' pro' greasing favorably. She was carry - tug a pail of water, when she Blipped and fell, upsetting the water over her body. Her legs and breast were bad- ly scalded. Mr. John M. Robinson, intends raising hie barn and building under - 'math a stone foundation. Mr, John Anderson has reoeived the contract for the work. Mr. Anderson's repu- tation as a good mason is suffioient guarantee that Mr. Robinson will get a good j ob. One day last • week while Milton Stephens, was detaohing the neokyoke from the hordes, one of the animals caught him by the ear, almost sever- ing it from'ite head. The wounded member is progressing nicely, and we hope the wound won't in any way disfigure his oheett. A few days ago the church took fire. It appears that the caretaker had made a very large fire on, for the purpose of hurriedly warming the church, when this floor caught, from which ignited the library and pews. A. serious oouflagration might have occurred, had the caretaker not no- ticed the fire in time, and stayed the flames. Several of the resideute of Blau - shard have lately been called away. Ou Wednesday last the wife of John M. Robinson, of the Mitchell Road, passed away in the 27th year of her age. Deoaaeed has beeu ailing for years with consumption, which fatal disease caused her death. The fun- eral, which took place on Friday last, was largely attended, there being up- wards of 106 vehicles in the cortege. Thaseelsep sed lady was highly re- spected by all. On Sabbath last, the fuueral eermou was preached in the Mitchell Road;Methodist Church, by Rev. Jae.. Harris.. The text selected can be found iu Romans, Chapter 8, Verse 8, comprising the following :— "For I reckon that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared" with fhe glory which is to be revealed in us." The reverend gentleman preached au eloquent and impressive sermon to a very crowded church. The bereaved husband has the sympathy of the entire commun- ity. Also on the 28th ult., Mrs. Jennett Skint), of Anderson, was sum- moned away to sojourn with the ma - year or so. The proprietor of the') jority across the rivet'. Deceased lady has for a great many years liv- ed in this community, having always worked for the good of her family and the Methodist Church, of which she was a consistent member. Sha was 79 years old, and almost up to death ehe enjoyed comparatively good health. The funeral took place on Monday, to the Presbyterian Church cemetery, followed by a great many friends and relations. The fuueral ceremony was conducted in' the Methodist Church dere, by the Rev. Jas. Harris. Although the deceased lady had reached a ripe old age, it is regretted that she has departed from amongst us. The Dominion Government has Jas. Mr. Coxworth, is offering a valuable gold medal for fast raoiog. R. Carroll ie going to surprise the country in fast skating ; he is a strong skater, and always keeps his feet. Great things are expected of him. On this rink fast skaters can always be accommodated, as we have some of the fastest skaters in the country. There will be another grand carnival in the Centennial Rink shortly. For date and other partienlers see posters. •r.4 I3lanshar de PUT OUT Or SCHOOL. Tho case of McIntyre vs. the School Trustees of section 8, of Blanchard, in the county of Perth, was argued on Monday before the Common Pleas Divisional Court at Toronto, and is of some established a new post office in the county of Bruce, at a place called llolton, between Kinloss and Glam• rnis, with Mr. Molten as postalaster. An old landmark on the Roman Ling, Biddulph, wee destroyed by fire on F,iday morning. It wa- the frame house where .Tohu Dounolly was shot. The building was (mecca• pied, and the fire was evidently the work of an incendiary, as the ,Y heap of material set on fire could be soot through the window. The calmness of the night and the snow on the roof saved the other buildings. Detectives Brown and Crawford, of Londou,, went to Glencoe on Saturday to arrest Robert a:moony (of 1 Jido Bid- t l 11 fi timet turd Peter Ryan 411 charges of disturbing Salvation Army e'nvi'es. Donnelly was oat and the detectives waited foe his rewire A9 interest. The action is by a boy who was expelled for misconduct from school for damages ler his expul ion, and at the trial before County Judge Lnzars he recovered a verdict for nominel damages and costs. It seems that 0110 School Board clot upou the 01)80, and, without notice to the father, arranged to allow the boy to return upon his renderin' an apology. The father objected tothis, and the Board at the next session allowed the pupil tr, return after erre day's farther suspension. Thie'. tees not objected to iced the boy did re- turn but the 33 nrd at soother inset• io,g cancelled its 8ecoud resolution and went bock to the Jlfat one, upon 0t1 which acro 1 was l:leo r,milt. "0 t Men- day, Mr. Shepley, for the i\liui"ter of IrelucatiOn and the school trustees, appealed from the judgement, l'a;oing .Donnelly eeered the door 13ro.vn. eovoral intcresti'ig gnest,io04 tinder grabbed him in the Qdoon's liaise, the P11bite School Aot. tMr, Smith, Donnelly jumped beets through St, J 1 lrou,,.h iho of St, Marys, supported the jud - door Sud tali eonird the house. meet, The Court reserved its do 13rOsvn drew a revolver, commanded et8ion: The chief nestiono are t h (1) him to atop and „hon fired, Denn whether the School I3oard in eon ne ly, hor•ovir, atelia pct to malts atdoring a, 0900 of tills ltin•1 btis ,.. ., tlnd .good his t;scapa. Broittt says he dtt to give notice to a, tllti'ont, tend (2) 00t shoot at;.Do011oll , bet: 10 to the ,ho whether 0000 having suffer0d silopen- elle to fi•ig11t011 Bila), TI.iiro 81'0 1,1i1.1eO satin tinder resolution of the Board the charges a atn(t Donnelly alone, and 11t11 einld *Lr1011 T be punished for the 40 altogetlaee egainetthe ivltelo same offende, orowdr