The Exeter Times, 1886-1-21, Page 8INSUItA13CR.
. Y, of Toronto : also for bho 1'1L(ENIX FINE
A'N •C1tANCE CUMPAN\,otlioudou England,
the ROYAL CANADIAN, of Montreal, av d the ,
l+A.%Y, of Hendon. England.- established 1847.
AsTets over, 36,000,000; claims and 'bonuses
i•a„i, ober 810,000.000.
(7.4.L INT EWS.-._TireMail be happy to re.
i. e a
oe v tall tunes, front any part of the
County, items of local trews, such .is CO-
Ci4cnts,or any interesting incident what
ever, from any of our subscribers or read-
.exsgenerally for the purpose of public-
+ (c Order Junes.
7 11UR8DAY, JANUARY 21st, 1886
TEN REN'.rs neriine for arstinsertion , one'
1'ULR LENTS per line for each, subsequent in
eertion will be charged to notices appoarin(
this column..
2:o Our Patrons.
As this is the time of the year for settling
*amounts, we trust that all who are indebted
to us will settle their bills with as little de.
lay as possible. Subscribers, whose sub-
scriptions have expired, are respectfully in-
vited to renew during the present month.
]♦Porn.—Between D. W. Dnimage's store,
Ki• atoll, and Sample's corner, Usborne, a
lady's boa. Owner eau have the same by
calling at Dulmage's store, at Kirkton, and
pa)ingfor this advertisement.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Spicer, of Exeter, have
gone to Philadelphia, Penn., on a visit,
Messrs. D. Davis, Jas. Weekes and Samuel
Sweet arrived home from their extended tri
to Europe on Monday evening last. Th
+were accorded a hearty welcome home, t
deemed and the band meeting them at th
station After coming down town an oyster
supper was partaken of in Fanson's Hall
*here all did justice to the bivalves, The
boys bad a very rough voyage going. They
think Exeter is ahead of London yet, and
'who wouldn't after receiving suoh a rousing
and hearty welcome.
If you are not afraid of the results of that
cough and cold you ought to be. "PEoeome”
will thoroughly euro you, Sold everywhere;
25 cents,
The Exeter Poultry .and l'et. Stook Aesocia-
ticn hold their first exhibition on February
2nd, .3rd, 4th and 5th, and they offer about
§400 in prizes, The prize lists. are out, and
all who desire one will be supplied by writing
to the Secretary, lir. E. Spicer, Exeter,
1- enSaIL
The carnival hell here on Friday
evening Last on Mr. J. Coxworth'e
mammoth ice rink was a great sue.
Does. At au early hour in the even-
ing both skaters. Etna speedsters . came
thronging in until, before 8 o'clock,
Regular Customer) disposed to be faceid• nearly every foot of the rink was taken
, b skaters, and the
earl•—I guess you'll have to trust for this up y spectator's
paper till morning. (Merle -0h, that's all seats well filled. As ;announced the
Ir Brown, Regular us o er —ButI "
right, A ul C trr,
g lice in 01 earl of the evening
supose 1 was killed between now and to- l was reserved for skaters in costue,
morrow. Olerk.—Well, the loss would not
be mach, and as those circled round and round
The anniversary services of the Caven in their various costumes, to the stir
Presbyterian Church will beheld on the 14th, ring music of the Exeter bi ass band,
15th and loth of February- On Sunday, the scene presented was one both
14th the anniversary sermons will be
preached, and the animal tea will be held novel and pleasing• The following is
on Monday evening ; Sabbath school so°ial a partial list of•tbose in costume, to -
on Tuesday eveutng. Watch for posters. gether with the costumes they, repro•
At a meeting of the Presbyterian Church eented :—Thos. Chapman, Hensall,
congregation, held on Wednesday evening of
last week, it was decided to have the church "Military Officer"; Aaron b'herritt,
pews free in future, and also to coutiuno Hensall, 'Eoi ht of the 19th oentnry;
Wiling Wilson, oldithe Sabbath er'vices at fu the I
ng Sa a 11 a Stephen �'Vtl.on, HenAa 1, "Naval °t-
rimming and 6,80 in the evening. The finer"; i . H. Fish, Exeter, ''Comic
finauoial oondition of the church was found old man "• R. 'McCartney, Briloefleld,
to be satisfactory. Rev, ?rr, MaoAdarns will
preaoh the anniversary sermons on the 14th "Old r..xent";, R. Beatty, Brimfield,
of February. "Orangeman"; Francis Coxworth,
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Elizabeth West- Hensall, `'Summer''; Rosie Evans,
Pott, wife of Mr. Henry Westoott, of the 2nd
eon. of Ushorne, died so mewhatisuddenly, at " flower Girl"; Ellie McAllister,
the age of 73 years and 2 months. She was " Sell ool girl"; Mary E Diolc, '•Sum -
in her usual health up to Wednesday or
Thursday of fast week when she was taken
with paralysis, and for a few days before her
death she was unable to speak. The funeral
will take plane to -morrow afternoon. The
remains will be interred in the Exeter ceme-
One day last week, while the school chil-
dren were returning home from school, a
small boy named Sweet, who, with a great
many others, was '"hanging on" a sleigh,
was pushed off by one of the crowd, and fell
among the feet of a horse which followed
closely behind. Ile received several severe
bruises, and would doubtless have been
more seriously injured had the driver not
instantly pulled up. Small children should
ebe punished for "hanging on" sleighs, for
h' the practice is not only a nuisance to farm-
ers, but endangers life and Lim b of the
To the Editor of the Times.
I thank you, my friend, for your papers,
And the good tidings they always bring ;
It keeps me from troubling my neighbors—
Which is such a small silly thing.
There are plenty who borrow your paper,
Aud often ita truths read with care,
Who, if they paid less to their lawyers,
could easily subscribe for a year.
I am glad for what it has taught me,
And hope it may flourish and yield,
For it taught me never to borrow,
And has always proved a "spoke in the
We now try to pay for our papers,
And thus help busineps`along :
I think those whq,so often borrow
Are very small mfef.the'town.
S. .S. & U Agriculturkic Society.
At the annual meeting of the Stephen &
Usborne Branch Agricultural Society held
,on Thursday Iast, the following offioere were
sleeted ; for 1886 Pres., John Bunter, sr. ;
Tice -President, Jas. Ballentyne; Directors,
Fred. Eunkin, John Hunter, jr, Stephen
Hogarth, Thos. Bissett, sr., Richard Davis,
John Willis, Hay, Thole Ballentyne, John
.Dellbatidge, and Alex. Colquhoun, Other
business was transacted, The retiring
1President and other officers are to be com-
plimented on the suecesswhich has attend-
edtthe society during their term of office.
At the commencement of the year there was
on hand §270. and they wound up with a
surplus of $583, which is a gold showing.
The county show, held in connection with
the S. & TJ, show was also a better success
this year than any previous year.
l.he Carnival.
The second carnival of the season, held in
the roller rink, under the auspices of the
Exeter Brass Band, on Tuesday evening
was a grand success. There was an exceed-
ingly large crowd present, estimated at 1,000
people. The costumed skaters were also
numerous and their attires varied and some
•ef them costly. The competition for prizes
was keen; and the Judges and manhgers con -
eluded the affair and awarded the prizes Ba-
4isfactorily. Following is the list of prize-
winners, Ladies' character costume, Mary
"Sanders, "Mary Queen of Scotts; Gent
tltaraoter costume, George Vesper, "Indian
0hiefe" Lady and Gent's best ooslume, F,
;'Elliot and Mrs. Fairbairn, "English Squire"
and "Godess of Hunting;" Old Man and Wo
man (eharaoter costume), 1. J. Dearing and
and Miss Dearing; Ball race, girls, N. My-
-ere, rat ; A, Fish, 2nd ; Potatn; race, boys,
'T. Tyndall, 1st ; J. Sheer°, 2nd; two-mile
-race, J. Veil; Fancy skating, D, Tait. In
the race John Veil did remarkably well,
beating his opponents by a lap and a half.
He will issue challenges shortly.
cordwood and two -foot snood wanted
at this office.
All the popular patent medicines of the
day sold let Scariett's drug store.
Diamond dyes and dye stuffs at Scarlett's
chug store.
'The Councillors, Reeve and Deputy -Reeve
%worn in on Monday morning at 11 o'clock,
An Usborne subscriber stoppod his paper
Mast week, and the post -office notice read'
"For the following reasons : Scott Act,"
Tooth brushes, hair brushes cloths
'brushes, combs, fender soaps and, all toilet
requisites at Scarlett's drug store.
A smart and intelligent lad wanted to.
learn the printing. Apply at once at this
Day Boolce, Journals, Ledgers and all
kinds of blank books, also full line of stat-
tionery at Central Drug Store. C. Luiz,
'Taft p?•oef of the pudding is in the eating
of it. Iiuy your druge and chemicals at-
Soariett's drug store. They are new, reit,
able and cheap.
The time is now at hand when merchants
usually clear off their winter stock at a die
count rather than carry it over. The way
teeeuceessfully do it is to advertise in the
71'rtses, the people's paper,
On Sunday night the Captain of the Sal.
oration Army direly AralineBat kwill down the
Mee leading to the barrticice, for alleged
ur during the kiervice, and on
arraigned be.
youngsters themselves.
Every year every local paper gives from
6100 to 85,000 in free lines for the sole
benefit of the vicinity in which it is located.
No other can or will do this. The local edi-
tor in proportion to his means does more for
his town than any other ten men, and in all
fairness, man with man, he ought to be sup-
ported, not because you happen to like him
or admire his writing, but because a local
paper is the best investment a community
Dan . make. It may not be brilliant or
crowded with great thoughts, but financially
it is more of a benefit to a community than.
the preacher or teacher. Today the editors
of local papers do the most work for the least
money of any men on earth. Subscribe for
your local paper not as a charity, but as an
investment.—Judge Davis,
A new swindle has been invented, which
is having a successful run in Western On-
tario. The •operator gets himself up in
clerical rig, white °hooker and sable suit,
and calls at .a farmer's house in theafter
noon.:to explain that he is agent of a religi-
ous society and is delivering Bibles and
hymn -books gratis. He takes a handsome
book out of his gripsack and presents it, and
is of coarse asked to tea or to stay for the
night. Whatever hospitality is tendered
he insists upon paying for, laying down 25o.
for tea, or75o if for two meals and a bed,
saying in reply to his host's objection that
his instructions from his employers are im-
perative to "pay as he goes," and make a re-
turn of all his expenses: Taking a receipt
book. he proceeds to fill up a receipt for the
money he has paid, and than requests the
farmer to sign the voucher. The receipt is
signed, the visitor shakes hands all around,
and departs, leaving the family load in his
praise, and nothing more is heard of him.
Three months after the farmer gets a °iron -
lar from some bank in the neighborhood to
the effect that "your note for §121.75 is
due," etc. Tableau.
mer"; Mra W 0 Charters, "Esquire-
ous lady"; Mies AIolntyre, "Queen of
Diamonds"; Mies Bunter, "Summer';
Miss Neil, "Indiau bride"; Edith
Miller, 'Red hiding . Hood'; Jessie
Chapman, 'Star Light; Miaa''J Mc.
Allister, 'Snow Flake'; Ida Hyena,
'Starlight'; P Derr, 'School'' girl';
J Miller, 'Bed, White and Blno'; M
Buchanan, 'Slimmer'; Ettie MoAllis-
ter, 'Sallooi girl'; & Reynolds,. 'Rad,
White and Blue'; R Reynolds, 'Flower
girl; Tilos, McPherson,' 'Young
Rover'; Win Tucker, 'Knight of the
bucksaw; A Scott, Bruoefield, 'Light-
ning Express'; R. Eaorett, Exeter,
'Irish Comic'; R Carlile, 'Eequitnaux'
R Carroll, 'Boy in White'; O.'Rey-
nolds and Jas Uhapmau, 'Siamese
Twins'; Holly, 'Bushwhacker'; J.
Kaiser, 'Young Rover'; Wiilio char-
ters, 'Jockey'; Jas McArthur, 'Comic
By'; Tommie Bell, 'Young Canada';
0 Manus, 'Nigger'; D Miller, 'Jolly
Tar'; Wm Ball, 'Clown'; Win Stone•
man, jr., 'Blanket Man'; B Paterson,
'OldAnn'; Thos. Laing, 'Nigger' Boy';
T Kinnaird, 'Old Niok'; Walter Evans
'Spool Agent.' The timelallowed cos
turned skaters having expired, the
next in order was the competition for
the different prizes offered, all of
which was keenly contested. The
following is the prize list :-Jno Baw
den, . lei, comic dress .; Thos. Kin:
nerd, lst, character dress; Graceful
skating, lady and gent, E Evans and
Miss Diok, Hensall, lst, Thos (Than -
man and Mise Coxworth, Hansrall, 23•
Graoefnl skating, boy and girl, let
M Mot'herson and ,Miss R Evans,
Reused'. Lady'e costume, Miss Ida
Evans, Hensall, 1st. Girl's coetnme,
Miss R. Evans, Hensen, 1st. Three
mile race—open' to all --M McPher-
son, Hensall. The three mile rape
was a very interesting one, there be-
ing a large number of entries, but the
race was won, as on former 'ocvasione,
tc include all printing required by tin
township, suoh as ballots, road lists
notices' of aasesstnent, oolleolors re'
oeipte, bill heads for contracts, deelar
'tions of offltie, Bills for nominations
and court of Revision, Auditere
report in pamphlet form and voters
lists, with one dozen for judges oor-
Moved by Mr. Spearin, sec. by
Mr, nucleon, that tenders be received
at our next meeting for care -taker for
Hall, to inolude lighting, heating, etc,,
for all Meetings of the council during
the year, together with the meeting
for nominations, day of elections and
the two first greetings of the year.-
The following orders were then
issued and signed by the reeve;--
Wm. Kirk, $13.81 gravel; Jolie
Nagle, $8.80 gravel; Jas. Kelly,
$3.40 gravel;
Richard Jones, C'
, $2.87
gravel; R. Born, 25ots. rep, scraper;.
8. Clarke, 8.40 reg. births, marriages
and deaths; election expenses $47.
The council then adjoin nod, , to
meet on the first Monday of Feb, at
10 a. n7.
S. CLARirE, clerk.
Why will you cough when Shiloh's Curs
will give immediate relief ? Price 100., 500,
and 21. Sold by J, W. Browning.
The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon,
Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe our
lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Caro. Sold
by J, W. Browning.
T auBanAY FEB. 4TH.—Imported' and grade
stock, implements etc., the property of W.
H. Graham, lot 15,. eon. 1, Blanshaid.
No reserve. Terms easy, Wm. Johnston
and Alex. Brown, amts.
MOLUBE-1'HonrrsoN.—In rat. Marva, 1 3 th
inst., at the residence of the bride's father,
by Rev. J. A, Turnbull, B. A„ L. L. B.,
Mr. John Mature, of. Brampton, to Miss
Jennie Thompson, eldest daughter of Mr.
Robert Thompson, merchant, of St.
SHAW-WILxxa.—On the 6th met., at the
residence of Mr. David Wilkie, brother of
the bride, by the Rev. J. W. Penman, J3,
A., Mr. Wm. Shaw, of East Nisaonri, to
Miss Bella Wilkie, of St. Marys,
DixoE.—At Hensall, Jan. 15th inst., Mrs.
Abigal Dixon, aged 42 years and 8 mouths,
Niece of Mrs. Young of this plane and
formerly a resident of Exeter.
WEerooTT•-In Usborne, on the 20th inst.,
Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. Henry
Westcott. aged 73 years and 2 months.
An olddphysician .ret'red from practice, hay
ing ha.L'placedin his hands ny ail Mast lndian
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for
the speedy
cure of
coneem tion. Br nohitis Catarrh,Asthma
and all throat andlung affections,
also a posi-
tive and radical cure for NeryousDebiiityand
all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. Actuatedby'tins motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering 1. will
send'., free of obarge, to all who desire it, this
recipe, in German,Freuoli or English, with full
directions forpreparing and using. Sent by
mail by addreesingwith stamli, naming this
paper, W. A.Nosss,149 Power's Block, Rzchester,
Mo - (Correetedat5o'cioekp.m. Wednesday.
by our home abater, Master M.
Pherson with Master Willie' Charters %AItO hee t ... ... 0 75 to 0 76
a close second. The grand march ited V ••• ..- -•- a se too es
was the closing scene, and, beiag ;P:illi...,G; waxer
wall oarried out presented a very` fine I lfo;: -• 00
tt to 0 70
.. osotoos5
�., appenfitliOe, The best. of order was oats ..• .., ... U 28 to 029
ttlalotaiued, throughout the evening.
luaehWgoqt This ,(Thursday) evening there will be
another grand affair take plane on the
Mr A Ke�dt left on Thursday last rtnka competition for very valuable
left for Berlin to take a position as •prize', Alt should go. See program..
slaughter boy.
The farmers are all bney hauling
loge and wood, and the miliyards are
beginning to fill up quite fast.
Our barber has given his shop a
thorough overhauling, and with many
other improvements bas added a new
A. number of our villagers took in
the carnival al Exeter, on Tuesday.
evening. They report having had a
good time.
Mr. Michael Fino than now taken
possession of his new shop, and is in-
tending to lay in a heavier stook than
The business of our popular tailor'
has so increased that was oo upelied
to have more help, consequently the
services of Mr John Pope, of Plats-
ville, have been secured.
The Evangelical congregation have
eommenoed their series of meetings
foe this winter, and it is sincerely
hoped that they will meet with such
good enemas as that which crowned
4beir efforts last winter.
Our miller informs us that he has
had,griate from within 3imiles of
Parkhill, which le conclusive evidence
that they are giving good satisfaction.
Farmers do not object driving fifteen
mites when`they are positive of get-
ting firat ualit . flour.
One of our neighboring farmers took
a load wood to r g
Exeter the ,atter day,
and upon being asked what he would
take for it, replied $3.00. The buyer
replied the amount was too mnch,aud
offered' him $3.50. Certainly' the
farmer took the advanced figure, ao, and
scored a point. Farmers are not so
clow after all.
Mr, and qrs. Widdotve, of paisley,
are the guests of Mr Weseloh.--Mr,
Paisley, of London totvnehip, is the
guest of Mr, Ball.-- Mr. 13ulliolr, of
Bosfon, le visiting (deride in. Dash:
wood. --Mr, Rnbie,
Ii of 'Michigan, is
me 00 his wedding tour. -Mr. John
me of rages, etc.
llanslsard Council.
The council elect for 1886 met at
the Township Hall ou Monday; the,
Sth inst., according to statutes.
The following gentlemen having
been duly elected,and hat}log subsoib
ed to the declaration of gnalifioation
end office, took their Beate at the
oonneil board viz : James Dinsmore,
reeve; Thomas Lawton, deputy reeve;
W. H. Ghaham; George-Spearin` and
George Hudson councillors.
The following offioere were then
appointed S. Clarke, .clerk, et a
salary of $100; John Anderson, col-
lector, at a salary of $90; Edward
Kennedy, ,aea099oC
at a salary of
$50; A. M: Driver, treasurer, : at a
salary of $40; Mr. Wm. Ford, was
appointed auditor on the part of the
council, the reeve appointed Mr. Wm.
Johnston, as the other auditor, at a
salary of $10 each.
A communication was read from
Mr. l+, E. Foster, stating that it had
been rumoured that the council ,was
about to withdraw the amonnt of
charity they bad been in the habit of
giving from month, to month. She
elated that if that was the case, she
would be unable to 'support her
family of email children. The coin
tnun'ication was laid over till next
Adam St. John, applied for aegis
tanoe to repair the; road running past
hislace a. it
was p in a very bad con-
dition: Moved by Mr. Lawton,• seo.
by Mr. Spearin, that Messrs Dins-
more and O•rtiham; attend at the plane
on Friday the 22nd inst., and let a
contract of graveling. --Carried,
Bylaw No. 130 for the appointing
of officers defining their duties' and
setting their salaries was read and
signed and sealed with the seal of the
coli oration;;
Clover Seed
is 25 6o 2 00.
... 053to085
• 058to060
ttlgge ... 0 17 to 0 17
Butte, ... .. •••• C 10 to 0 15
Flourperbbl. ... 0.00 to 5 55
Potatoes,per bag •• ... 0 60 to 4 00
Apples,perbag .. 0 40 to 0 50
DriedAppiespr b .. ... 0 04 to 000
geese per ..........00650000 00
i'nrii89:Per Ib ... ... ... 0 06 to 0 08
0 40 t
Ducks per pt ..• 0 000
Chickens petp`? ... 0 25 to 0 40.
Frogs,dreseedp0l00 ,. •. 4 75 to 5 00
Beef 500 to 600
ilidoeronhg, ... ... ., ... 5 00 to 0 00
dressed . „ 6 OD to 7.00,
S-heepekine,eaob .++ ... 0 50 to C 57
Caitekfns At. 0 50 to 0 70
Woo? perlb 0' I7 to 0'18
Hay�pertoaa.• 800 to 9 00
Onions parboils!' .. 0'¢0 to 0 75
Woody erco'rd 50`t0 3'00'
Fail Wheat perbh $ 0 86'0'0,88
Sbring 0'50 tit:0 80
{ Earley (berebt)- 0 55 to W70,
Barley (feeding), 0 40 to d 4C
White Oats, 0 28 to 0 3t'
Black O'sta 0 91 to 0 384
Apples per bbL1 00 to 1 00
otatoes Der bh 0 55 to 0 70
A meeting of the Ratepayers of Stephen will
be 1 at fiowu• HaFI Ci di£tbn on the First
d b
Monday kr February, at ]) fit• m., for the pur-
pose of diaaiise5ng matters in connection with
the construction of a New Ebavn Bali.
Tho Council of the Corporation of the
County of I uron will moot in the Court Room,
in the Town, oft GoAgrich, on TUESDAY, the
20th Instant.
The Annual Mooting of the Usborne & Bib•
bort Mutual Etre Ins 11 ranee company wilt be
held at the Head .Office of the Company, at
Farquhar, on MONDAY, the let day l'15 it.
prox., at ono o'clock p.m. The business of tho
meeting will bathe Electiou'of a Board of Di-
rectors and the Adoption of the Mules regulat-
ing Steam Threshers, as prepared by the Un-
derwriters' Association.
7..CUAPJ . Seotetarg,
Fiend 10 cents postage
and we will send you
free a royal, valuable
sample box of goods
that will put you in the way of malting mord
Money at once,, thati anything else in l nioriea.
Roth sexes of all ages can live at home ivnd
work in 'spare time, by all tho time, Capittnl,
notroquirtid. We will start you. Imnionse
pay stile for those who start; at once; STINSON•
et Co . Portland, Baine
•ir1It.WOOIYSU•FF,, permanently loaateci in
LA No, Ise Q'leen'e Avenue;i,owdton a few door§
oath Of Peet, Ciffioo, Specht attention given to
disoagosof the Dee, bed eight, an.1the pros
orvation of Vision : "4teeaeesof the leer, im-
,aired hearing, and . fsthargos freitt the ear
odgee of;tbo'lflirt at" chin "id ins alit' alien
Exeter, Ontario.
n t
Our Goods and Groceries are warranted of the Best Qual-
ity and Latest Styles. Families in the village and surround-
ing country can rely on Good Value for their money.
Articles delivered promptly at your homes, in the Village, if
A Trial Respectfully Solicited
Beli5ving that we are .about to experience a holiday season
of unusual' activity, and anticipating that a general
and wide -spread observance of X, -leas aid the
holiday will bring with it a generaledeilg d
R. HICKS has a fine stook to meet the demand consist-
ing of
Thanking you for favors during the two years which I
have been in Exeter, and would solicit a continuance of the
same. A liberal discount given during the holiday season,
Stand opposite Jas. Pickard's, Main. st., Exeter.
in 01,4 1:14111(0111110
That G. A HYNDMAN has ti Vies&. Stook of -
Raisins,Currants ( Figs, Dates, Ori
Lemons, lea Coffees,
Pipes, Tybsccao
Biscuits, Confectiongltr:
These Gdods are All ge�,1:e., ...
Et and F're,�sh for the
X -Mas T 'taco e.
't Don't forget togive us' a call ••
�.. b Were fraying.
Oysters in Every Style.
Goodifde]iVoredat puce. - A. II Y DMA__N
neon's Block.-
• r
About TWO 0 HUNDRED, good customers at the NEW
The undersigned begs to intimate to the residents of
Exeter and surroundlll co that
g country he has fitted up for
Carriage Making Purposes
The buildings lying immediately
BlaclsmittatoPr Maln-
st.aid havl1g stocked the same
withsuitable material for the construe Carriage and
tion of Ca g'
Sleigh work, we therefore solicit
a liberal share ofour es-
, atrona g;o, Y
6pr'om.ptl anal done at
� properly
Sat sfactory Prices.
Yours truly,