HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-1-14, Page 8INSURANCE._ T'RNEST ELr,IO1', AGENT FOR d THE 1v1',STD1tN ASSURANCE CCM• LIANY. of Toronto ; also ,for the P,IICENIX FIRE INSURANCP, COAfPANY,oriaonden, 17gglana,: the ROYAL CANADIAN. of Montreal, and the Diamond dyes and dve stuffs at Soarlett's I xoter• L. C. Association, drug store. The band has been serenading the newly Marge and influentlel meeting of elected town fathore during the past few - ni athe Exeter Lt ra on ar the s - ht„ Theytae 1 Q s vat A grePort the atm° a hexa -ver P P severe or outdoor playing, sooiation watt halt] in Fttn°Oh'8 Hall Mr. Geo, Dyer has purchased the property ou Monday evening. The °hair was ,ILRIT1snIx;n2Piit11 LIVE ASSVRA1vC10 Coif. of Mrs. Bayley; on Gidley street, which lute °coupled by iho president, Dr. Rol- p'ANlf,of l,oudon, iCngland, established 1847. been advertised in the Tx u s, for the sum of c a $575. The property is well worth the spm, line, who made a .cry alirrdR ad• paid therefor. drus, after' which the eleotiou of off. Day Books, Joaruals, Ledgers and all sere took place. Dr. Rollins wee re. LOCAL NEWS.—We shall be happy to re- kinds of blank books, also full Line of stat- elected President D. Mill,vire-Praei- 1 ceive at all times, from any part of the tionery at Ceetral Drug Store. C.'Luez, ; ' , Covety, item of local areas, such as ac- proprietor. dent ; M. EaerOtt, Seoy..Treae. The diluents or anyA re moved interesting incident what great many weddings have 000prrod follolvinq Cesoltllion lvae m d by here lately, and several more are on the Robt. Sanders, reeonded by W. G. tnpis. Tho cold Weather makes the young Bissett -- people "double up." 'Send us notice of year "That this Association, assembled marriage and it will be inserted free. Eyery'second person has it ; doctors think heartily approves of the regent legis it incurable ; but Da, CARSON'S CATARRH' lotion of the Dominion Oovornment Criait is guaranteed to euro or the money is such ae the Franchise Bill, and othe refunded. All druggists or tate Dr. Carson acts ; ata° of the officers appointed t Medical Cc., Toronto, $1.00 per bottle. Fifteen first-class heavy draught horses (terry out the Franchise Act, Tha were siftpped from, here on Monday. They this Association deolares most em were sent to London, but will bo forwarded phatio sympathy with the fiscal patio to Saginaw to a usedin the lumber woods. of the resent Government of our Do Mr. John Snell assistr9ci in purchasing them, p The wish -bone season, when the young minion, and believe that the prosper mnu stealthily looks over the front door ity and 6110oese in the interests of on while hanging his overoeat on the rack, to country have been wholly hrough gee if he has been the lucky one to come abort by the fares;tiiaig and °ompre first under the charmed bone, has arrived, ben boric of sheen at present it On Monday last, within a period of about yp two hours, our citizens were favored with power. That the Association Covera sunshine, snow, rain and frost, the latter at tulates the Government on the firm about ten degrees below zero. This caps the suprreaetou of the Rebellion, and els record for variety weather. The words• "bulldoze," ',boycott" and on the firm stand taken in referono "dude" are to be included in tare new edition to the recent political agitation, an of Webster's dictionary, The editor ought that we eulogize the patriotic action not to have overlooked "heeler," which fills of our Quebec statesmen, those' wh a The long-felt is11decidecllythe Gof oplish inion language.of have so nobly conjoined themselves t where a county passes a by law under the h.w and order amidst the present ex authority -of tbo Hawkers Act that non-resi- Qitement in that province. Also the dents oflhe county cannot oiler airy goods the •Association tenders its oongratu per sample or otherwise without a license. lotions to the Government on 1110 This will be bard on commercial travellers. The monthly meeting of the Banc] of final eetnpletion of our great national Hope will be held to -morrow (Friday) even- high way, the Canada Pacific Railway, Mg, in the basement Of the b[aln-st Metho- Lilo 'greatest boon of the present con - dist Church. There is 0, good. programme tory, .rem a provincial its well as an provided for the meeting. Mr, John Davies, who .for the pest number imperial point of view, and compli• of years has acted as foreman in the stove I !limits the Government on the. present and tin department of James Pickard's es- proud position of that road i and we tablishment, leaves to -day for Ailsa Craig. hereby affix ourselves n8 faithful ao1- Mr. D. intends going to California. We wish him a safe journey. . Biers to redecho the plates of our Otta- The 4th of January, 188G, will be remem- wa fathers, and back tllern up by tare bered 1`by future "oldest inhabitants" as the "rainy polling day." There are few living now who taxi say they remember such a period of warm spring-like rain in the first week of the year. Mr, John Gill conducted a very successful sale in Stephen last week, for Mr. ,Robert Lang. • Eyery article and. the tock sold ee• ceedingly wall. Mr- G. is fast gaining a good HERE AND THERE. reputation as an auctioneer, and nest season we predict for him a large share of auction- News Condensed. ing, The 'Exeter braes band intend holding a grand carnival in the roller rink next Tues- day evening. There is a good list for com- petition, and everything promises to be in- teresting. The Clinton band will assist in providing music. Admission, -10 cents ; skaters, 10 cents; skates, 5e. extra.. All go. In speaking of the Inspectorship of South Huron, the Signal says it prefers the appoint- ment of Mr. Turnbull. This is quite natural for our cotem ; he is a reformer and a north- ern man. It is nothing but fair to have a southerner once in awhile. We think, how- ever, that bur. Tom will receive the appoint- ment, as he is well qualified for the position. Hon. Edward Blakeisto be banquetted by the reformers of London to -clay, and many from Exetergo down to swell the gathering. g g We hope they will have a good time and that Mr. Blake will announce a policy for his party, and send his friends to their homes with well settled stomachs. The prize lists of Exeter Poultry and Pet Stock Association will be issued in a few days. The amount of prizes offered will connt np to about $400. This is a targe amount for our society, being its first exhi- bition. Judging from the applications re- ceived for Iists, one would imagine that the show was going to be a grand success. Steps are being taken by the County coun- cil of Perth to have an aot passed by the Ontario Legislature at its next session, regu- lating the width of wagon tires, and deo the width of sleighs in winter time to 3 feet, 9 inches. They are also asking the govern- ment to amend the Watercourse and Ditch Act, so as to plane railway companies on the same footing as private owners of lands. Both amendments are much needed through. out Ontario, and every county ought to be M work in assisting the scheme. A concert willTe Riven in the Main•st. Methodist Church on Friday evening; Jan. 16th, under the auspices of the Band of Hope. The following have kindly consented to take part : W. Hughes, two recitations ; Miss Hicks, instrnmental ; Miss J. Spicer, reading ; the Mises Eaorett, instrumental ; Mr. B. Grigg, reading ; Rev. J. Saunby, ad- dress ; Mise E. Pickard, solo ; Miss Bessie Hartnell, recitation ; Mr.Scarlett, solo ; Mise Ey, ity, reading; Messrs. Cof&n & Weekes, duet ; Admieeion free. A collection will be taxon. Monday evening, in the Quoen,e Park Methodist church, Rev. W. S. Pascoe, of burned. The fire caught from tl:e Exeter, delivered a lecture on the eubject 1 kitchen addition. The whole build - "Pulpit Oddities" to a largo audience. The sat was burned and the greater part ehair was o.cupied by the pastor, Rev. G.W., of the contents—ail the greater and Henderson, who introduced the speaker. g The speaker, In the course of his lecture, I oloths and i 140 in gash. The mem• ave examples of peculiar g p pec ar preaching, both in (bare of' the family saved only the in the past nn,ithe present time, dwelling, on the manner in which the preachers of olden times impressed their strone points on their hearers. This was followed by a number of amusing and interesting descriptions of the different styles of preaching followed in the present day. Mr. Pascoe's lecture was a masterly effort, and delivered in the pleasing style which has already won him fame as a lecturer.—London Ex. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Aosete over, e45000000 l inns and bonuses plaid, over 510.000,000, ..- ever, from any of our subscribers or read- . ers generally for the purpose of public- ation. ublic-ation, 'xetelr amara. THURSDAY, JANLTARY 14th, 1886 TE- N , E CENTS ror, in r first ion ani t line stiusert FOU'lt CENTS per lino for each subsequent in sertionlvillhe charged to notices apLiearini this column. LOCA1. HAPPENINGS. SPLCIAL OFFER. To give our readers an opportunity of se- curing a good local paper and an unequalled agricultural and Live stock journal, we ober the TIMES and Canada Live Stock Journal for 1'886, for $1.75. Notice, annual meeting of the Stephen and Us • ue l ranch Agricultural. Society, will be lit at Flawllsliaw's hotel Exeter. on J ary 14th, 1886, for ,the election of offi s and the receiving of the Directors' report. ALEX. DYER, SECY, Personal, Miss bIa,;gie Willis, milliner, of 'Watford, has been home spending her holidays. —Miss Doherty, milliner of James Pickard's, estab- lishment, has left for Cobourg to spend her holidays. --Mrs. Hodgson, of Toronto, for- merly ofExeter,is her at e y fl present cisiting friends.—D. Davis, Jas. Weekes and Samuel Sweet are expected home this week. To Our Patrons. A.s this is the time of the year for settling accounts, we trust that all who are indebted to us will settle their bills with as little de- lay as possible. Subscribers, whose sub- scriptions have expired, are respectfully in- vited to renew during the present mouth. What Looks like Business. There is nothing as unbueiuess-like or so calculated to produce a wrong impression on the receiver; as for a man claiming to do a live business toconducthis correspondence on sheets on cheap paper, or anything in the line of paper that' comes handy. It costs but a trifle more to get nicely printed note heads and envelopes, and the result of using such supplies cannot be otherwise than satisfac- tory. Try THE TruEsprinting. ADesired Change. The system of holding school trustee elec- tions simultaneously with the municipal, wash introduced at Goderich this year, and found to work satisfactorily. The election is by ballot, which. in itself, is a decided advantage oyer the open vote. We have proposed this matter before and believe it would be wisdom • on part of the board this year to make a change and hold the elections at the same time as the other. The people would appre- ciate the change, and take more interest in school matters. Aceldent, On Thursday last Mr. John Brawn, of this place,met with a serious accident while work- ing in his faotory, It appears he was busily engaged sawing up some lumber, when his hand accidentally came in contact with tho saw, severing one finger from the left hand and Butting his 'thumb another finger and the palm of his 'band badly. Medioal aid was at once summoned to dress the wound, ,and we understand the wounded member is doing nicely. It will be a great drawback to Mr. Brawn, as this is a very busy season for hint. We hope soon to see him around again, An Open Season. Never in the annals of weather during the past many years, ran sueb a "spell o' weath. er" et this season of the year be traced. During the past Iwo weeks we have eiperi- enced a great variation in the atmosphere ; for two weeks following Christmas we had summer --like weather, and for the pest num- ber of days we have beeu visited by bliazards and 20 below zero weather. What will bo the outcome of the present weather is discus- sed -among the prognosticators. One says we are gding to have it cold, while another, of equally high repute, says that we may ex- pect an open winter. The reader can take his choice, if that is any satisfaction. breveties, The Exeter Council meets for the first time in 1886, on Monday, 18th inst. All the popular patent medicines of the day sold at Scarlett s drug store. y A flock of sheep were shipped from here on bionday'by Messrs. Wood. The Usborne• Council wits hold its first aneeting on Monday, the kith fust. Tho Salvation Army hold a Jubilee short - ay. They seem to be gaining ground here at 'present, A member of our exchanges have been in 'forming their readers to writ° "1886," as if they knew anything about it. Wood, hogs and poultry, the staple winter articles, aro beginning to come into market again. Sunday night and Monrlay it was extreme- ly cold here, the thermometer falling to 19 below zero. It still continues frosty. Tooth brushes, hair brushes cloths brushes, combs, fancy soaps and, all toilet requisites at Scarlett's drug store. The band will be at the !'h rink this (Thum - day) evening and every Thursday evening r 0 t y • • r Charles Powers, fbe yeung man ar,. rested for attempting; to break into i the Wingham Post Office, was brought before Judge Toms oil the 27th nit-, and found guilty" of both indictments —attempting a btitglarioils entrance and having the 'burglarious tools in his poesoesien. He was remanded until Monday last, when he was gen- tended to one month in, jail. On Tueeday eight 29th ult.,, the house of Mr. Jas. McLean, a farmer living north of $ippon, was robbed of Iwo valuable watches and thirty dol. lare cash, as mentioned before. Suspeotan soon fell on an hired man, named Rose. 1* appeared that .boss,. to whom one of the watches belonged, took the tnattor quitely, and did not appear to be troubled about his loss.' He aroused suspieiens further by try- ing to leave on the morning train, i but was std ad afterthe robbery, n t _ by young McLean. The eo"stable in Exeter was informed of the matter, and took Ross ruder arrest. When t I brought to that issue, Does confessed - his guilt, delivered up most of the i money, and told where the watch • might, be found, The Clinton Record sensibly re - O marks:—There are already several e gentlemen in the field anxious and ant willing to step into the shoes to be e vacated shortly by J, R. Miller, In- o /meek]: of Public Scbools for West o Huron. The various Reeves are - being eanvas.ed. No fault can be t found with this but it is desirable • that the appointment be made solely on the iuerits of the applicant, and it would not be wisp for members cf the County C iuucil to pledge them- selves 10 any ono until they know of all the applican ts. Scholastic tic• quiremonts, experience rn teaching, admiuistrativ ability a•id tact should be kept in sight rather than politioai or sectional cousideralions. Mr. J. E. Tour, of Exeter, is tho ntnn, ae lie is puss'es:ecl of all the IIeceasa'3' scholastic aollieVelileills. working .rands and faithful hearts of a loyal people." The resolution was carried unatii- DIED. mously by the audience, and the meeting terminated. • At Clinton the number who wrote for the entrance examination, was 27, of which 17 succeeded in passing, Messrs. John Elliott & Son, of London, have rebuilt their foundry in that oily, which, last summer, was de. stroyed by fire. I. is a fine structure. Robert Sully, of St. Marys, has been fined $20 mrd colts for biting the ear off Thomas Marin in a scuffie there recently.. Mr. F. P. Riddle, B. A., of fort Diver, has been appointed olaseicel master of the St. Marys Collegiate Institute, at a salary of $900. Mr. Geo. Stephenson, of Kinburn, had theetmiefortnne to lose a very valuable brood mare this last weelr. No pause of her death can be asoer twined, as to all appearance she was in perfect „health the night hefore, but in the morning she was discovered dead Goon FOR GoDEBIC11.--The vote taken on the $50,000 public improve- ments scheme taken at the election was 5 to 1 in favor. This was in three wards. There being no con- tent for councillors in the other ward only a nominal rote was polled, otherwise the majority would he still greater. The vole polled was 1147 for. 245 against. At the close of the prayer meeting al Bluevale ori the evening of Deo. 29, Ju. Henning, Reeve of Turnberry, requested the congregation to remain for a short time when he addroesed the pastor, Ben. A. Y. Hartley. in a complimentary manner and presented him in the name of the people of the various churches with a hendeome and well filled parse. On Friday last the house of And, Cease, Babiyon line, Stanley, was clothe they stood in. Tho fallowing appointments have been made under the provisions of the Division Courts Act of 1880:— Myles Young or the village of Blyth, township of Morris, County of Huron, gentletnen, to the Clerk of the newly established 'Twelfth Division Court of the County of Huron, and Alexander Shiloh'a Vitalizer. It never fails to care. Murdoch, also of 1110 township of 111.-4-11114-4, bforrie, to be Bailiff of the Twelfth Division Court of the County of The managers of the Grand Trur,k I Huron, railway made a descent neon London A lecture was delivo.Yed in the on Saturday and wanted to know' why Presbyterian church, al Rpclgerville, the people of that, burg were so on Tuesday evening. Jan. 12th, by anxious to Throw off it allegiance to Ren. W. S. Ball, of London township, ,. P during the season. the old railway Tule which hal BO who ger ed as Military Clie testi ddr• Attention is directed to Dr. Woodruff'sl y o (London) card, which maybe found in anotht largelycontributed. to their ffreatn 3sa, ing the Late war in the North wont. er" column. iu favor of a line to the Canadian Pa- Subject, "The origin, dourly° and A 'smart and Intelligent lad wanted to eifie bystem. The Londoners toll results of the war." The sP esker learn the printing. Apply at onto at this them flatly that their love and re gavevery discourse, imparting office. soot for the old line had a a hfine Huron County Council convenes on "Tues• p been de -to his hearers some very valttabto say. 26th inst. This will be an interesting stroyed by ata greediness In the mat- tnforteettou, regardiug the rob°.lion: "erasion, as the officers for the ear 'rave' to be ler of fNigl,' rates to the detrirnent ofi, • e y On the townlu ° bet,+een McGlllt adip,iinted: the city, and that it Was ton late now vray and East 'Williams, a tantit: of ,,. The proof of the puddhig Is in the eating to ask for a renewal 'nf confidence, what;. andq__ ' .. iii it. Buy our curt a and chemicals at e °hop stuff, was one night i5carlott'fidrug store. gTliey are new, tali. Tuley' Would have oo"neciion with the heal week stolen from the promisee of able and eheap. Canada ''Paorfic system;., that they, Mr. Neil 11fcintyre: The thieving Prod, Elliott, of Exeter, and Samuel were determined upon, .Che e1Minna art eetered his farm on the o party rear Jones, of Crediton, succeeded in ,,asairrg the betwvoeh tiro people of Lon' on and the lot, and boldly drove a team examination for the civil service. T i 3and . u niateteir wrote the Grand Trunk railway ate now le sleigh across its 6olde at indicated They hair}r t loco atfloirdoii" the osition knotvtl as strained. S . p by trfteks seen relit day: 13ALLAxTINE,—At Roclgerville, on the llth inst., Naoma, daughter of Mr. 'Phomas Ballantine, aged 9 years and 11 months, BORN. CLARK,—In Creditou, on tho 10th inst,, the wife of James Clark, Esq., of a daughter. SoeninvILLE.—Iu Blanshard, cn the 2nd inst., the wife of Wen. Somerville, of a son. REE°.—In McGillivray, on the 4th inst., the - wife of Wm. Reed, 8th con., of a daughter. scaltAn,—Iu lieGilhvray, ou the 6th inst., ..the wife of John Schram, con. 7, of a daughter, SALE REGISTER. FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1886. -Farm Stock, Im-• plements, tee., the property of Jus. Gnilett, lot 14, eon. 4. Usborne. Sale at 12 o'clock. noon. John Gill, auctioneer, CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed in hie hands byan East Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro of Consnrnption, Bronchitis., Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a posi- tive and radical cure for NervousDebility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative, powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by I his motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of ohargo, to all Who desire it, this recipe, • d German,French or Enttlish, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addreesing with stamp naming this paper, W. A , Nors x,149 Power's .Bioek, Bc chaster, Y , MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected at5o'clock p.m, Wednesday. SAL.r, WHEAT WnitiVrres r Red... ... ... White Wheat New ... ,., Red WheetNew iP111170 WHEAT Vile (new) .,. Barley , Oats Clover Seed ... Timothy • Peas Oorn egg• Butter Flourperbbl. „- leotatoes,per bag Apples, per bag DriedApple.pr b Geese per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per pr Chickens per pr Rogi,droseedper100 Beef llidesronhg, dressed Sheep.kin.,eitch Caltekins Wool por lb ,- Hey porton Onionauerbnsh Wood per cord HENSAW.. MARKETS Fell Wheat perbh Spring •• Barley (bright) Barley (feeding) White Oats, Black Oats Apples per bbl. otatoes oar.bh 075 to 076 08010083 o88to 083 080 to 083 05uto070 050 to065 028 to 029 800 to 625 1 Saco 900 o53to056 058 to 060 017 to 1117 C10to015 500 to 565 0 so to o 60 640 to 050 004to000 006 to 006 006 to 008 0 40 to 0 60 025 to 040 450to500 500 to 600 500 to 600 600 to 700 050 to 057 050 to 070 017 to 018 800 to 9 00 050to075 250 to1o0 $080to083 ... 05uto080 055to070 040to046 02Bto03C 031 to 033 1DOto100 0 55 to 0 70 'TOTICE. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will moot in the Court Room, in the Town of Goderioh, on TUESDAY, the 26Th Instant. 41) PETER ADAMSON. Co. Clerk. 1 TOT10E. 1 Tho Annual Meeting of the Usborne & Hib bort Mutual Fire Insurance Company will bo hold at the Head ()Moo of the Company, at lrarquhar, on tIONDAY,the let day of Pal it. prox., at ono o'clock p. in. The business et the Meeting will be the Election of a Board of Di- reotors and the Adoption of the, Rules regulet ing Steam Thrdshers, as prepared by tho Un- derwriters' Association. N. J, CLA111i. Secretary, TSend 10 Gents postage and we will send you free a royal, valuable sample'boxof goods de that will put you in the way of malringgmtore money at onox, than anything alae in Amorlea, Both serosa of all ages can live at home and work in seerotime, or all the time Capital notrequirucl. Wo will start you. Immense payati0 for start atonce. S tieoee doCo„ Portland, Mateo Tp. WOODRUFF, permanently located in Na'. 185 a 'fioon'. Avenue. a few doors east of the Poet Oiride. Special attention given to didcaaes of the Eye, liacl tight, and the pret ervation 81 vision : riisoasos of. the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the eat•; diseased of ties Throat,;01180ni0 inflammation U.elug;a fvequoiit cause, of deafness; diseases of the;Nose, dtttarrh being a common 0 r.n80 of imt)af'ed boding. AC CARLING'S GENERAL STfORE Eseter,'Ontario. GROCERIES, DRY -GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES AND GENERAL. IERCF Our Goods and Grr, aerie's are warranted of the Best Qual- ity and Latest SV"les. Families in the village and surround. ing country can rely on Good 'Value for their money. Articles delivered promptly at your homes, in the Village, if desired. A Trial Respectfully Solicited :l flyCAR LING'S GENERAL S 241w Sip Believing that we are about to experience a holiday season .: of unusual activity, and anticipating that a general and wide -spread observance of X-mas and the holiday will bring with it a genera,lodemand for GIFTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION R. HICKS has a fine stock to meet the dew .consist- ing of \VA.TCHES, CLOCK', JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS,' &c., &c Thanking you for favors during the two yea e which I have been in Exeter, and would solicit a continu e of the same. A liberal discount given during the holL-Lla'y season. Stand opposite Jas. Pickard's, Main. st., Exeter. R. HICKS. tog up the Irelep e e —AND— HELLO " • FOR CHRISTMAS ! AND DON'T YOU FORGET - That G. A HYNDMAN has a Fresh Stock of Raisins, Lemons, Biscuits, Currants, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Teas, Coffees, Pipes, Tobaccos, Confectionery. •1• These Goods are All Select and Fresh for the X -Mas Trade. Don't forget to give us a cath before buying. Oysters in Every Style. G- A - HYN:DMAN , Forma'', Block, Goods delivered at once. 27-0 WANTEB. ,200 RI GHT AW.A .. QUICK!! About TWO HUNDRED good customers at the NEW CARRIAGE SHOP, Exeter. The undersigned begs tointimate to the residents of Exeter and country, surrounding g , that he has fitted up for . Carriage as MakingPurposes The build,lugs lyingimmediately atel south of MR. PARSONS' Blacksmith Shop, Main-st., and having stocked the same with suitable material for the construction of Carriage and Sleigh work, we therefore solicit a liberal share of your es- teemed patronage. Re ai.r' E< , Repring „promp, p Yptly and ro erl done at Satisfactory Prices. :Yours 0111,.'a truly,. ,. 11.EvziiridA+c K. N. B, Sfecia/rates to the Livery trade and parties buying in quantities