HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-1-14, Page 5WAY 01-wP /AIM 40 140.1eg.
The New igland AfedicaZ ,111 mak
comments very favorably on the pre
verhial lot and healthfal three of the
Tows, Dr, Piovd holds 'het this
alperierity is due to their stringent
health laws, The Mooeio, like the
elder Egyptian code, le very stringent
regarding the eating of flesh and
Other articles of food. Of the ani-
mals exarniued, a large proportion
are always oondernned se unfit for
food. Peoptre who eat meat indis.
eritnivatIly are very prone to disor-
ders of the blood and of the kidneye,
for meat is composed of nitrogen,
which the kidneys have to remove
from the blood, and of course they
cannot do this rueeessfally except by
the ad of Warner's safe cure, the
best kidney' trengthensr, unless it is
Aempere tetietr ')artaken of and only the
verY ' 4t is used, Jews also
„ co ou qt very sparingly
nd thuti lc vpiup goct8tillizzialion, and
thea again they are a holidiqt-10ving
and Sabbath-ooaerving
Bidet ulp
XIttereatbag; Atetime. 1 Toronto, Jan, 12. --The Const of
ie liaset Injector free with ()Rob bottle of A peeal t o• day gave j ut4exuen 0 io the
sat by X. W. Browning,
It l'i. popularly admitted everywhere that although the Act made pre V181011 for
410GB&OCIB'S SPEEEDY CURE, Thomas. The Court held 41104
oast in the Scott Act contest in St,
3ltiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Priee 60 cents, applicatian for a re0oUrg of the votes
Mettregor's Speedy Cure le the safest, most e number of corrupt itets, still, follow -
reliable and liy far the aleapost Te1:00(1Y Or jog the declaim) of the Supreme
Constipation, Liver Vomplaint, Indigestion, cola io ohapniau vs. Bud, nQ 474415451lifAIL
proviaion hes been made for striking'
off the name of a OOTrUpt Voter. The
Court pointed out strongly theneces—
sity of remedial legislation upon this
topure Blood, L0f38 a Appetite, 9,1,n1 all sinu-
liar trouble
s. It is not necessary to take a
great quantity before auy.reault is produced.
.& few dOftea will convince you of its merits.
Trial bottle free at Dr. 33rowning's Drug
Store, 3
The election for local Member of Parda; point, but declared that in the present
m 1 eld for Dotbiniore, Que., will be held on state of the low the Count had uo
the Nth hist, power to order a recent' and dismiss—
This prevalent malady is the parent of 1 ecl application with costs.
most of our bodily ills. One of the best
remedies known for Dyspepsia is Bilriltlelt
Blood. Bitters, it having cured the woest
chronic forms, after all else had failed.
Are you made miserable by indigestion, of imilation butter in the country
amounts to 50 000,000 pounds. The
extent to which it is beiug substituted
for the genuine article may be gath—
•erod from the circumstance that in
The oleomargarine question use
again prominent in the United States,
It to claimed that the yearly product
constipation, dizziness, loas of appetite, yel-
low skin 1'Shiloh'a Vitalizer is a positive
cut. Sold at Dr, Browning's drug atom
Customs returns indicate that California
is largely supplying the Canadian market
with raisins.
Au unparalleled sensation is being created
ovelA'entaxio by the wonderful and unequalled
manner which Neuralgia, Toothache,
Blieumatisit;tBapireehe, Headache, is remov
ed by one appli011tiou of Fluid Lightning.
No offensive, disgusting drugs need be taken
At the recant entrance examination for days. It is an instant cure. Try a 25o,
for high school for Middlesex, the fol• bottle from Dr. Browning, Druggist. 3
lowing pupils, who wrote at Lucan, Scott's Emulsion of Pure.
succeeded in passing. To pub for ceh laver Oil, with Rypophospliltes
For Anaemia and Maramus in Clrilcireri.
the fifth class it iseneceesary to obtain
30 per cent, on every subject and 375
marks on a total—i.e., 50 per cent. of
750 ; for eotranee the same minimum
total is tequired, and also a minimum
of at least one•third of the marks ou
every subject. From W. F. Vay'e
-school, Granton :—Olivia Webb/432;
Eva Westman, 419. From other
schools—C. E. Carter, 424, No. 12,
Biddulph; Cliae. Caves, 414, Liman ;
Bertid Ellis, 409, Luoau ; Lena 1\1atheson, 395, Luella ; Bridget Mara,
389, No. 8, Biddulph ; Eva Hodgson,
387, No, 12, Biddulph ; Maggie Nau-
gle, 375, No. 0, Biddulph. Inaddi-
tion to the above the following passed
for the fifth clasS Granton
eikool—Elva Culbert. 875 ; Eliza
Pidd and Ernest Dunlol'• John To ell who are suffering trona the 'errors an
Dixon, No. 5, McGillivray, 417: The indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
winners of the East Middlesex. A.ssoci. rc.+Iirly decay, loss of.Manhood, &a, I wilksonda
lion diplomas are, in Weseminster, receipe thnt will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered by a nits -
Jennie Holmes; Lendon' Township,
sionary in South America. Send a self -ad.
dressed envelope to BEV, TOSEPH T. Imrax
Station D, New York City.
Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cum
will give immediate relief ? Price 10c., 50c,
ar,d $1. Sold by .J, W. Browning.
Dr. W. D. GENTRY, Kansas City, MO.,
says : "I have used Scottie Emulsion for
years, and for consumption and anen.mic
patients and children with marasmus, have
found it very reliable. Have frequently
given it when patients could retain nothing
else on the stomach."
Beware of any druggist who will try to in.
duce you to take anything in place of Mc-
Gregor ci5 Parke's. Carbolic Cerate. It is a
marvel of healing for Sores, Cats, 'Burns, etc.
No family should be without it. It has no
equal. Get McGregor & Park.e's, and have no
other. Only 25c. per box at Dr. Brown-
ing's Drug Store. 3
Dennis Dempsey, an old pensioner and
wearer of the Victoria Cross, died. at the
Workingmen's Home, Toronto, early Sunday
A 0 A Et D;
Louie Ralph ; Nissonri, Sydney Bis-
bee ; Dorchester, Maggie Dnnn ; Lon•
don West, Alex. Calder ; Biddulph,
Olive Webb ; London Seuth, Ella
Cooper ; Luoa.n, Charlie Cajlev. Scat:Tow. is known by swelling of the
1/` glands of the neck absesses sores a pale
The ----retvis,,-r`offi----cer'e clerks for corn ' ' ' '
itenance, low vitality, and. general signs
of bad blood. Burdock Blood Bitters cures
East, West ad North Middlesex are,
the scrofulous condition by making pure
respectively, John Symmonde, Lon• healthy blood.
don ; Henry Blackburn, Glencoe, and M. Melon, the Belgian Prime Minister, has
A. T. Mayhurry, Parkhill. been stricken with paralysis, and will retire
A fire occurred at Parkhill on Sat—
urday morning , about half -past, 12
o'clock in DavAtt's new brick building,
in a store occupied by James Porteous
as a grocery and boot and Owe °stab-
lishmente„,:4,' om auspicious circum -
stances co'n ,, ,ted by the fire, and the,
condtjet of th -Porteous family, is was,
thought advisable to hold an inquest.
-Accordingly e)r. Law convened a jury
and there are:theae who say it will go
hard with Porteous. 18 Warren Place, Brooklyn. During the
A Gmlerich paper says :— in June intense cold weather of the winter, in cross -
last the tubing of the vitt wen ,, ing.,the Bridge, the frost struck my face and
' adrattack of erysipelas was the result. I
Exeter were leet. The well had been .1 applied Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia:
rutin ing for a fdw years, and the corn- 1 the relief was immediate and the euro raldd.
I Elow.una DErss. Sold by C. Lutz, Central
pony was linxioue to get th'e tubing to
work agent. Several men who claitn• Dr:g Store.
I Paul Bert has acoepted the post of
ed large experience in Pennsylvania Minister Resident of Franco at Hue, capital
from office.
If you anknot afraid. of tile results of that
cough and cold you ought to be. "PeormuA”
will thoroughly cure you. Sold omrywhere;
25 cents.
At this season of the year Quinsy and
various forme of Throat Complaints prevail.
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is au excellent
Throat and luni, inediciue,that cures Quinsy,
Coughs, Colds, 'Bronchitis, and all throat
and lung troubles.
I am imployed by the House of Thurber,
Whyland & Co.. of New York, and reside at
and Petrolia, one of whom waw man•
agiee the works, nudertnok to get 1,11e
tubing. but after at, rkiug for four
months had to give up tile job ili des•
pale. They said the obstructions
could not be cletired,,end it looked as
if the well would have to be abandon
ed. .Before giving up all 'nope Mr:
W. T. Melilla'', of the ititeroatioual
salt works, Gobe deb, weett applied to,
send aft11er ten re; work he got the
tubing, cleaned the well out sufaci-
etitly to work 11, and , rejoiced the
heartsot the managers ,by gelling
them brine .of the desired, strength,
end leaving it in gond running order.
A dispatch to the Teleurapb from
Dublin trays et' --“The Axeitement here
of Ai:Mem.
Varicose veins, old sores, ulcers, swell!
glands, erysipelas in the face, swollen joints,
bunions, eczema, salt rheum, are all cured
by Giles' Liniment Iodide Amonin. Write
Doctor Giles, Box 3,482 New York P. o.,
who will prescribe and give you advice on
ohronic disease free of charge. Tho Lini-
=out is sold by C. Lutz, Central Drug
Clergymen, Singers and public Speak-
ers,will find Robinson's Phosphoriz-
ed Emulsion of the greatest benefit to
them where there is any tendency to throat
or Bronchial tubes, as it soothes the irtitat-
ed membrane, gives full -tone and' strength
to the vocal organs and imparts new life and
yigor to the enfeebled constitution.
Father Becikx, the General of the jesuits,
is reported to be dying,
The poor cripple who has to use crutches
on account of Rheumatism, stiff and swollen
joints, contracted cords, and other ache,
amounts almost to a pante...Hope In pains and lameness, may throw aside his
at the lowest ebb; and there are rears orutohes if he -will try Bagyard's Yellow
that mischief will rim riot within three
months. Ittemberejoef the league
openly slate that the league i,t in irn:
aliment 'daft' Control of branches
in al reitay I,) , al, a Parnell's._ position
(1,a Jere and the worst aures speedily heal as
Pri ll I 11111:11 the general heikltrt is restored.
let 's 8111 , "" b" 4)P1)(4411"41 order The Rev. GOO. H. Thayer, of Bourbon,
to void All w aril rill, ill!! NO1411 Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe our
will reel re—electicm, lives to Shilolr:s Consumption Cure. Sold
rri,?cule lotig•stiindlog .Bradlaugh by 3, W. 13r"l'ing.
diffiA. °Maley accidentally:shot a little daugb-
ty ia to:equip to an end
quiltdy iiie odini.o.ion of ihe ter of gr. SitnnadnS at the Delta, near Ham:
Oil faithfully.
The Duchess of A.rgyle is dying. •
Sores and Ulcers. c.n. Abacuses hard to
heal, aro .due to bad blood or Scrofula.
Purify the bleed with Burdock Blood Bit-
tinstic merribst for N. riliamption to
tea@ the eit wbpn PtsylkiTie,d,
The government. it is Said, will offer
no opposition. Thl, ObjPetioll 1,0 hid
4 doing so rsiscd dories the la St Psi.
ee e eves iireie nee n se, tap,
ilton, the other daY.
1880 the exports of butter were 39,—
000,000 pounde, and of oleomargar —
to e 20,000,000, while last year the
relative pcoitions were reversed, the
butter export having dropped to 21,•
000,090, and the oleomargarine risen
to 38,000,090. State•lawe against
the manufacture have been passed,
but in some instances the courts have
set them aside as unconstitutional,
and now the iuterfeeence of the Leg:
islatu.ro is asked. The remedy pro:
posed is not to prohibit the manufac:
ture, but to provide that all °Isomer.
garine must he sold as suob, instead
of beiug passed off as butter. This
would probably be found eflentive, for
few except boardiog house keepers
would knowingly buy oleomargarine.
the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
and all bilious complaints. Large bottle 50
cents. Go to your druggis;, and get a bottle.
GOING NORTH. Express N[ail Freight
London,dopart ...7 55 AM 4 50 P, 6 05 Aar,
Exeter 9 13 6 08 935
Hensall.... ...... 9 24 6 29
Kippen 9 29 6 29
9 86 0 38
Clinton ---------------9 55 7 05
Londesboro.........1C 11 7 23
Myth ..... . ..... ...I0 20 7 32
Bolgrave ------------10 85 7 47
Wingham arrive 10 50 8 05
GOING SOBTH, Express Mail. Freight
Wingham,depart 7 20 Au +3 1.0 P.M. 10 20 Aar
Belgrave 7 38 3 30 11 23
Blyth 7 54 346 11 47
LondLsboro 8 02 3 55 12 00
01111t011 . 8 25 4 16 12 41,
33rueefield 42 4 35 1 10
Elppen 8 51 4 45 1 25
Hem- 8 58 4 48 1 40
Exeter 9 13 4 59 2 3.5
London arril e....30 30 6 00 5 90
10 25
11 29
12 00
12 00 r
12 00
C. 8c S. GIDLEY,
Furniture Manufacurers
Furiture, Coffins, Caskets,
And everything in the above line, to meet
immediate wants.
We have one of the very best
Hearses in the County,
And Patient's furnished and conducted at
extremely low prices.
Dartmouth Ropework
Hahfax, Nova Scotia,
Are now prepared to quote prices of
BINDER TWINE for the season. of 18W%
Muni sty ewe 140 not mean merely to etop them for •
time and then Immo them return again. I mean a radical euro.
I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY Or FALLING
seem e liceueie2e,ey, 1 warrant my remedy to care
the worst came. ttecause °there have failed hi no reason for
not now reaching IL curo. $mut et once fora treatise and a.
Frdo Bottle of my remedy. Give Brines,' met Pratt
- toc for r, 51151 nue I will rare ern,
Li. 11, •11,1.1 •
Idaormin'a Yenaow Om is pofitiveiy gnar-
anteed to relieve or curse Rheumatic Pains,
Sore Threat, Croup, 1)eafnesa,
Crtaups, Aches, Pains, Brniaea, Frosthits,
Chilblains, Stiff Cords, and alt lameness and
SOrtmea, When used iniermillv and eidertially
according le direetioas.
to of pol,1111,,, $4, ye I. P111'101111 Wallt4 to towa, an 1151.1 g'ven
, t1•11PG1'119,111131 It.
Inent. 1, 1, 11 WO ).;111111. Hill/15)A1V diet
eN ept 11111111'4 the 1,iberitl prefers:11ns ,
tegime, be Gil 1)y the ptamle often are of the fortnr i‘s; c(..)g:Ite"toeii8es
drain away era tatalarity is reached, tiiroUgh
ignorance, of Llte facility ItitOrdS(1. tliesn
Toti,; lb�
ov 1118 mato° 1,1 441401) f '1 '' ‘I 114 their stroll th.
88 of (Daily ot her incons,istoneies, is
drtf, to the Whig elenteot, win)
Bradhingli, toot beettd-,e he wits
011 iofidsl, 111(1 Ordirt.The Ile W t)ppn.4.
d 10 ,,,tei.es and ftetittle, (tett Itt5 tIi
)05 ,1011 ,.eseetii, by whicii they .11,c.
theie rvicIlds ort•fit Briitilituglr is a
fiztliter hoot the 0 (ril Alta will
8),a115 for 8111'4 "(11,l9to who IlitY0 thotightlepa would pei.mit it to sac the '1)Vj°Itt18151t5 46t16 for 0ttv 6°16t
, 1.40(itti , HOWell 4: On
WTANTBD—LADIES to work for us at
' their own !tomes. $7 to $10 per week
can 60 quietly made, No photo. painting
no calivaitstrig. For fall particulars, please
address. at once, Crescent Art Co. Boston,
etaso. Box 5170,
It.Nritai--101JR04 and gemletnen in city or
VV coo t try to take :gilt work at Choir Own
helms, $3 to 594 a day can be easily made ;
work sent by until ; no canvassing, We have
good detoctutt Mr our work and hums enr y
immloyment. Address, with stamp, CROWN
141,4rOr Coly3trANY, WM, e 81., Cat
incomparable Pills of choeking the first unto.,
ward symptoms of derangement, and Vein -
Statinr, order without interfering in the least t letj
with their pietism% or pureulte. 'Pe the ,Its) g';') •
• ,
61.111g eftrtedIttily. It 14 11.11p0hfittli to inainIath 1 , tr tlitt01/0' Sol 15
the highest digestive efficiency, without '
On) ah, 014
which tile growth is' etented, the ineetilit • • ‘:
become lax, the frame feetilee and tile mind. L.., "mr Ns"'
11.00,0 xekedillig tit), 044)01f111: Tilts reinovill indigesOon by , •
1 0 4 tileoo Palig.ts cesv ir one save tile west 4
ben isct;% exeludittg springe d ii(e. id Siiktind "
LinimentIodicin Ammonia
'Removes allUusiglitlyBanalle6, earns Ltune-
ness in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found-
er, Weak Limbo, Sprung Knees, Spey -
in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgalls.
No stable should be without it. Railroad,
Mining and Express Companies all use Giles'
Liniment,and. in the great racing stables of
Belmont andLorillard it has achieved wend, -
dors. Ono trial will convince.
Write DR. GILES , Box 3483, N. T. P. 0, who
will, without eharae, give advice on all diseases
and also on the management of cattle. Sold by
all druggists at 50o, and 31,00 bottle and in
quarts at $2,50, in which thero is .great savillE•
The Liniment in white wrappers 15 for family
use; chat in yellow for cattle.
Used by all the leading horsemen on Jerome
Park, Fleetwood, Beach, Sheepshead 339, and
Bull's Read. Never dissapoini,are Tonic, Al-
terative and Diuretic, Destroy Worms! Cure
Indigestion, °olio, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh,
Founder, Pink•eye and Rheumatism. The
dose is small and the power is great, The
Powders are Guaranteed and Purchasers
Failing to Obtain a Cure Money Refunded,
Sold by all druggists at 25 cts. per box.
0. LUTZ, Agent, EXETER, ONT.
)11 'ems orm and return to An with
10c or 4 0e stamps. and you'll got by
return mail a Golden Box of Goods
that will bring you in more money
than anything else in America.
Your fortune if youstart quic't.:
Yarmouth, N. S.
Just Received
Astrican. Mantles and Caps—
choice goods ; Persian Lamb
Setts and Caps—choice value;
Mink Setts and Caps—super-
ior quality ; Baltic Seal Setts
and Caps—a nice selection.
The fit:est-fitting goods that can be
The Public are cordially in-
vited to call and inspect
for themselves.
No trouble to show ..00ds.
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings
Always on hand.
My Stock of Furniture is un-
oit YOUR., D KIN N'iii
14 :QC NI4I0 IITOt.)ALOE. andFAAILLY SAF3:112,1r tAlnerioa4 w.)01 -Le
etre4eel ' CeetieteMet
Cures Lizuness, Loss of Appetite, Indigest4on,
:Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the .per and Kidnop,
Pimples, :Blatcli,es, Boils, Rumors, Salt .Rheurn, Serofuick
Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure
Deranged Sionzacil, or frregulcir acticn. of the BowetS.
, 74
1p t h. 4
. ,,.
Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the
They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, ana are invaluable in.
Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the ailed they are pricela
Is an infallibloreniedy for Bad Lege, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It
famous for Gout and Rheumatism.
For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings, and all skin dims
it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it actsliko a charm.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at Trio:irls HOLLOWAY'S Establishment,
also by nearly every respectable Vendor -of Medioine, in Boxes and Pots, at ls. lid., 2s. 9d.
4s. 6c1., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the
Is lid, size ; the 4s. 65. size six ; the lis, size sixteen.; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the
33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots.
Full printed. directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language
1." Purchasers shouldlook to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. lithe address is not
533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious.
T:EE, OTri" iiO
FOlIR 11111, 101101111101S
for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly.
FULL LINES OF GOODS :constantly on hand. All
Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and
Superior Finish.
It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur-
chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully
cx-za.5. SOITTECOTT.
Fashionable Tailor, Exeter.
Ezzeter Post Office Time Table.
Kirkton, Woodham Winzbelsen. and Eliniville
South ,eas t and west, including London Hs.milton, Toronto ItIontreal,
Manitobn,,Uniiod States, English find:foreign mails ...
South,. east west ,
North and east, including Goderich, Winghain , Kincardine and
borth, Stratford, Termite, Montl t al, and 1.,astern States...
taitIvE otosz.,
1.00 p. ni, 10 00 a.nn
30,15man. 8,30 a, us.. ,
1.45 9.111. 4.13 p. re.
an 'points
11,15 am 8.00 it. m
North ettPty ite .•• 414. 8.00 P.m. 5,30 p. rat
11,00it.m. 10.0011.
... 00 11, m 10 00 n,rxi
Sereits Tuesdny‘t, Thursdays and Se tnrdays
ossy OltDEBS
Esse siti and paid to1 and lrom any iSIJlSy Order Ofllcett, then cnti u ion of delimit') ,Orea
and treland ,Britisn India, Newt:Out/414nd, ItalyAustralia New South Wales, Tasmania, 14e.e'
Zoned, Fran Ce all Algeria, the Germnn Einpiie,,'Sweaen,Notm
way, Denmark, 16511010, r4
nd, Beight
the '4ethrla,r,0s, Switzerland. Austris-Rtingitry, iionmanitt, United Stales, jams:lc it 0.11d Eel
Inapos(ts will be received at this dace iron) :tl to $800. Depositors obtaining the l'ost
l'a ecial permiSsion can depoidt 81000. Deposits on Savings Bank -racoon:A re
nelvtairoreett.111.10 4p.m,, In toreet at 4 per cent por anntin Will be alleved on ill cltnosits
Office b oni.sf,.orn 7.90 it.m. tO 7 9,8>.
Eettersintended for regietration mutt be posted I5 Minutes before the el ow rigor each matt
efee.—itio retrticalaty requested tbat the son lera etiv:atter will kindly add the it eine of
C.1140tieP t6t1t6 addieste
Bo/6)/143,116st waste