HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-1-14, Page 4FIR, l? 'ETE1 TI111ES,
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A LETTER TO MR. CAMERON, M. P, xdP. . c. caineron aax>vosed..
oteis so ru05:C=`lain Froni tile 1loutreet Gazette.
Clar es a am Imp al'
How baseless, ib the ere raised in
The following letter addressed to his 13ruoefield Bpeeh by Mr. M. 0,
I1r, U. 0, Cameron, M, 1'„ for West. Caneerou and taken up by the Liberal
Ilurau, will be of interest to our press of. Ontario, that the public
readers :— domain 4t that province is -beiug
M. 0, L-'ellilkron, Esq., M. P., (ocierich; plundered by the lioeuseea of the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.
See, --I have been absent from this Tlemiuion Government, is shown 1,,
try for some time past, returning the speech of Hnn. Mr. White at St.
only on Wednesday, and .as a cease, Thomas last night. Mr. Cameron
queue() have not been able to follow' gave a hat of thirty•rour names to
the course of
ubllo discussion and f
whom licenses to cutt{mb
er in thee
events as given iu, the daily press, disputed territory had been given,
1 have been informed, however, leaving it to be inferred that they
that in a speech, reported at length were still iu active force, and in ad-
iu the Globs, recently delivered by ditiou to these thirty-three permits to
were Huron, out issue Mr.While shows
you iu one of the ridings of Su kd I,
you made refereucel to certain fees that the permits were issued to set -
charged by me foe professional tiers to cell fire wood and to persons
to get out ties for the railway, 'teed
that the last of them expired eighteeu
mouths ago, while as to the list of
licenses said to have been granted,
eleven never had any existence. Iu
the cagef sixteen otlrere theperiod
o ,
of their existence expired over r year
ago, they have never been reuewed,
*wino new ouea have been issued for
twelve months past. in fact instead
of thirtyfour, there are today in
force but six licenses, and for most of
these the Government of the Hon.
Kr. Mackenzie is responsible. They
were issued before his oollapse iu
1878 for long periods, and over thein
the proaeut administration had no
control. Nor are they all in the
hands of Conservatives or turn -coat
Liberals, a8 Mr. Cameron alleged;
Grits of the deepest dye hold most of
them, such as the Conservatives
obtained being got by their fair com-
petition. Emulating Sir Richard
Cartwright, who charged in his
Orillia address that a son of the
Premier had been given a profitable
timber berth in the North-west, Mr.
Cameron Bought to cast odium on
Hon. Mr. Costigan by stating that
the Minister of Inland Revenue had
made a haul at Ontario's expense by
securing a license in the disputed
territory; Sir Richard had the manli-
ness to admit his error when brought
to the test, and Mr. Cameron, if he
had so much of the attributes of a
gentleman, will uow have to the
same. Mr. Costigan had no license,
and made no haul. Aud thus is
another grievance of Ontario exploded,
another plank in the `Liberal plat-
form shivered.
eereices rendered to the Governmeut
of Canada.
Tide is a matter quite within your
province and is unquestiouably the
subject of fair and legitimate eriti•
t oism, to which 1 would be the last to
(Che�f `e ever Onus. o Jjeot.
dE`D � It is right that the representatives
of the people 'should exercise close
T.EIUSRDAY, JANUARY 14, 1866. 'scrutiny over the expenditure of the
l public funds ; aud with a view to
facilitate enquiry Parliament has
adopted the method of appointing a
committee of its members for the
special purpose. known as the Com -
47E10 1VILL G1':T THAI?.' ?
At the approaching session of the
Huron County Council there will
doubtless be considerable exoitemout mittee on Public Accounts. Where
over the election of to person to 0000- exception is taken to any payment
py the chair for 1886, and aseump- made by the Govern.neut for the
tion is rife already as to who will . time being, I understand that the
be the Warden. There are several
Reeves iu the comity who aspire to
the position. s1r. T. M. Kay, Reeve
of the township of Usborne, is a po-
pular man among the members of the
County Couucil, having represented
Usborne for tnauy years, and will
stand a good chance of, being oaoaeu.
He would make a good executive. He
has liberal ideas and possesses good
judgment. Mr. Ratz, Rseve of Ste-
phen, is another whole -Routed gen-
tleman who is capable of assuming
the responsibilities of Warden, and
he has a claim on the office, too. He
has represented Stephen et the
County Coupon for V. number of years
and ie probably oue of the sharpest
man wild sit iu the Council chamber.
method usually and properly adopted
is to have :he papers called for and
laid before this committee and the
matter there enquired into.
Now, the accounts to whiter you
had reference were for services ren•
dered some four or five years since,
and have been public property for
that length of time. Four seasons
have elapsed since those accounts
were taxed, preseuted, and paid; and
there has been ample opportunity for
the closest and most thorough ecru
tiny of them. They have not merely
recently been brought under your
notice or that of the members of your
party. In the season of 18834 Mr.
Mulook, U. P., made them the sub•
ject of discussion in the House. It is
There are others in the county who true that they had not been previously
have strong claims on the position, so called for before the Public Accounts
that there is no telling who the luclty Committee. That would have neces.
man will be. .
TilQ.1/1'N A7'11 -IE, POLLS.
At the recent municipal, election's it,
was noticed that many ladies wile are
legally qualified voters, and whose
naves are on the list. did not turn
out to exercise their franchise, while
some cohere whose names are also on
the list, but who have no right to vote
did so with very good grace, notwith-
standing the fact that they had hus-
bands to cast the ballot for them.
such a proceeding is. illegal. Wo al-
lso believe that in Exeter and sur-
rouuding townships there are maven'
lady voters, who ,ire not on the list.
Section 79 of the consolidated muni-
cipal net, 1.883, as ameuded by the
municipal amendment net, 1884, reads addressed to them. I accompanied
ae follows :— my letter with an official copy of the
Subject to the proyisious of the next eight Hansard, containing Mr. Mulock's
sections, the right of voting at municipal remarks, and those of Sir Richard
elections, shall belong to the following per- Cartwright, Mr. Blake, and Mr.
sons, being widows, unmarried women, or P.; anDavies, M. d 1 prayed that the
males of full age of 21 years, and subjects of
Her Majesty by birth or naturalization, being society would cause hill enquiry to
rated on property or income to the amount be made into the truth of their etate-
hereinafter provided (in incorporated villages wants and the propriety of rill
$200 ; in townships, $100) on the revised as.
sessment roll upon which the voters' list,used changes made by me. I notified Mr.
at the election is based, of tin municipality, Mulock of this, and publicly °hal•
for real property held in their own right or ledged him to the proof of hie ac0u—
in the right of their wives, or for income, Gallons. So far as in me lay I made
and having received no reward and haying no
sitated explanation which was uude-
slrable. I1r. Mulock, M. P., with
tit t chivalrous sense of honour and
and manliness which gentlemen of It is said that the Stratford Adrer-
his stamp and yours usually possess, tiser has suspended publication.
preferred to use his parliamentary The Session of the Peace met at
privilege, and without proof or ex- Goderich on Monday, 11th., selected
placation from me or knowledge on jurors, as well as doing other buei-
bis part, and in utter defiance of the nese.
truth to accuse me with having not Saturday moruing, W. C. Noble, of
Merely charged excessive fees, but Parkhill, was "sworn in,” to the office
actually with having charged fees for of deputy registrar before Squire
services which I bad never performed, Adam Murray. He was itppoiuted by
I bad no recourse but one, and Col. Walker.
that I immediately adopted.'' I at The friends of Mr. John Darrach,
once laid the matter before the editor of the Parkhill. Review, recently,
Benchers of the Law Society. I did presented him with` `a` purse of $53
so in the most open manner,-' taking and an appropriate address in no -
the somewhat unusual course of pub- knowledgment of his valuable services
Making iu the daily press the letter in the cause of education.
A small fire accursed Friday after-
noon in the City Block, corner of
Market and Main streets, Seaforth.
The firemen were quickly on the
scene and quenched the flames before
much damage was caused. The fire
originated from a defective flue.
On Saturday morning last Judge
Elliott, of Loudon, sentenced John
Newsome to three years iu the pent- '
tentiaty for the burning of widow
Stoddard'a barn iu Niesouri township,
of which mention was tnade some few
it obligatory upon him to attend; for weeks ago in the TIMab.
I stated in my published letter that George Grant. one of Clinton's pro
it was es.ential he should' be minent' business men, died on New
Year's night very suddenly. while sit-
ting in hie chair, from hemorrhage ofJ
the lunge. He wag buried with Ma-
settle' honors.
Philo White, at one time a promi-
nent business man of Lucknow, sud-
denly left that village twelve years
ago, and nothing was heard of him
until a weeit ago, when word was re-
ceived of his death in West Berkley,
me, and as no charge had been pre. California. I3is wife and family me
ferred against me to them, they still living in Luoknow.
could not deal with the (natter.
Of these faots yon are perfectly •-
SEA.Ii17D TIONDE1LS addressed to the m der -
siguea,ancl endorsed "Ponder. for the Wel-
land Canal,' wi,1 be received at this office un-
bei the arrival of the Eastern and Western
010)18 on. MONDAY, the 1a"t)1day of JANUARY
next 884), ang hwalls h1Ook
weirs,(18se•, afornd rinisicreasingte the heightofte of thes,
banks of that nart of the Welland Canal b 3-
tween Port Dalhousie and Thorold, anti for
deepeningtho Summit Level between The told
and Ramey's Bend, near Flambe rstou.
The work throughout will be let in sections
al localities, together
Jf sof the several plans and descriptive apeclflcatious, can be
seen at this office on and after MON,) AY, the
11th day of JANUARY next (1880), where print-
ed forms of tender can be obtained, A like
class of information relative to the works
north of Altenburg will be furnished at the
isesidentlingiueer'sOffice, Thorold;and for
works south of Allanburg, plans, specifications,
&c., may be seen at the Resident Ruginoer's
Oiiiee, Weiland.
Contractors are requested to boar in mind
that tenders will not be considered unless
mode strictly in accordance w the )anted
with nrinted
forms, and, in the case of firms, except there
aro attacued the actual signatures, the nature
of the occupation and place of residence of
each member of the same; and further, au
accepted bank cheque for the sum of Two
Thousand Dollars or more—according to the
extent of the work on the section—must a0.
compa..ly the respective tenders, which sum
shall be forfeited if the party tendering do
clines entering into contract for the works, at
the rates stated 1n the offer submitted.
StThe amount required in each case will be.
stated on the form of tender.
The cheque or money thus sent in will be
returned to the respective parties whoce
tenders are not accepted.
This Department does not, however, bind
itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
By order..
Department of Railways and Canals,
Ottawa, 0th December, 1885.
expectation of reward for voting,
From the above it will be seen that
only widows and t
t unmarried
have the right to vote in tnunisipal.
electioumo provided they are rated in
tin it own tight for real property or in•
e)ttie t'• the amount of. $200 let iucor•
pot•ated villages, $100 in toweehipe.
It will also he noticed that it rn'trried
wotuan, because she holds property in
her own came, cannot vote in one
ward aid her husband in another, rta
wee done itt a ueighboriug township.
at the recette eleeti)II
to order to carry out the provisions
of the eboye clause, it is necessary
that the weed "widow", or "spinster,'
should fallow the mane of evety such
person 011 the atsessmettt roll, other -
Wise the clerk, in preparing titovoters'
lief.from the roll, cannot out the ntsme
of the Indy so lilted on the list, ail
there • is •retLiisuiy to Iro ., v that she it
:lot 0 muffled tvotnall. tvho cannot
vrrte. '1'11A voters' lists upon which
tile' ree•nt election wa- held wits pre-
en' P41 1'0 111 the $ret aeaeestnelt roll
compiled since the amendment giyhie
widows and unmarried women the
Iranohise becatne law, and it is quite
probable that the assessors, in some
oases, not understanding tete requite -
mettle of the law, neglected to specify
whether Indies aoseased were slartatere
:it. widows. To avoid such errorer rat,
rtilow•"ti.g :nettled wotneti to vote, iu
future, tt is hoped that to the votera''
list of 18$'1 it will be properly ep'eci•
decd It behooves every lady who iw
entitled to vote under elause quoted
above, to inspect -the 'tette AO soon as
they tire lashed, and if. they do not
wind their narnee en tile fret they
thould tr11rnediataly give the necesttary
DaCoe cat appeal to initre their addles
How Lost, How Restored.
We have recentlynublishod a new edition
SAY on She radioal andpernialseflt cure (with-
out medicine)of NervousDebillty,Mentaland
physical capacity. impediments to Marriage,
ete.,resuitingfrom excesses.
Price, in sealed envelope, only 8 oents,ortwo
postage stamps.
Thecelebra.ted author of this admirable ea
sayolearly demonstrates, from thirty years,
suoceesfulpractice, that alarming consequen-
ces maybe radically cured without the dang-
erous use of internal medicimesor'theuse of
the knife ; Point oat a mode of cure at once
simple certain and effectual, by means of
which every sufferer, no matter whathis con-
ditionmay be,may cure himself ch1aply,pri
vatelv and radically.
lecture shouldbeinthe hands of ev-
ery youthandevery man in the land.
Post Office Box 450
present and prefer his charges before
is tribunal to which we both had ae
cess, or in the estimation of every
gentleman and man of honour stand
confessed` a liar and a rlauderer..
Mr. &tutock, M. Y., did not attend.
Convocation after consideration of
my letter arrived unanimously at the
conclusion that as no one was there
to support any accusation against
well aware. Yet with a full know --
lenge of them you publtoly repeat the
base and cowardly elander.
You are,, 1 believe, an attorney and
a member of the Law Society, and
.pith a view tofeeling whether her the
Act of parliament which ooufere upon
you the title and ostensibly reifies you
to the rank and diguity of a gentle
rnan, dose net carry with it soiree
ooriesponding obligation to your pro-
ftissiotiitl brethren, 1 tiow notify you
that I shall prefer a charge against
yo.t before the next meeting of o in-
vocalioit of having tleliberetely and
f l I d bl' t
The undersigned offers for sale a one-
story frame house, containing 7 rooms aid a
good cellar, together with half sus ere of land;
also hard and soft water,numerous fruit and
ornamental trees, and other conveniences.
The locality in which the premises aye situated.
being on tiidloyy-street, is central awl convou-
ient.to the business portion of. the town Per
further particulars apply to Mils Wu BATLEY,
onthe premises
p s
VARA,' FOR SALE. -Tile eubscrib•
1 er offers his farm, for sale, being rot 17.
con. la`, Township of Iiay, containing 110 aeros,
of which 10;. acres aro cleared and in a good
state of cultivation ; 75 acres first•class land ;
good fences, There are on the promises a
frame hone, 2 fraruo barns end good stabl-
ing,The farm Will be sold cheap, as the pro-
prietor wlahes to giy'e up /arming. Por further
particulars applv:on the prebiiSot, or by letter
to J,ii. Sor,nAx', Zurich J? 0.
.it ae y tea o a pie lc aecasaLIQ11 Itn•
tamouut to out, of free) I age ext a
fella v member of the soelety, without
proof, troth or + ttquit
I cnnllt'.n a yon tit tnset this with.
a et afemeut to the rsct°lAt y that rile
allegattous made by you'are true erred
sltonl<1 be,:ouquit°ed into. if you have
an atom rrf trrttn1itrer8 about you you
will ilo it otherwise yon will be known
tor *lint you are, tt bliss and Melte
tient List, tt L"« fttf Inedible deb iii-
fitn)otiw coward.,
t, The fennel vote trill yet bo I a1 I fir* your ol)etlieut oof}�ant,
kutvet j .l`. A. trfAto)eNat,l.
veY important one iLt tnntticillal j t,
allti(er'go , oroilio, tart.; .
. Al TY .._�..'f
i.e `I
. r.. . • ;.
1 ,
',CIO FIE; . ,w..
lryr o + t POVY
kre l leasarat to tttf ti Ctiutalrt their erste
leareetteee ts'iurfa, iat:t°rf, sp¢ reseisait.
or at warms eta, f3biltrtith or idelttt
bio E -I
0 co
ti _stores erre,
hely to its Y? •
ntra ,'i O Gt, l'-
tops,, tj t is ,L;
frofallln�r rrut,
incrCn5ea its:
growth, anal vvil,
not soil the skin.
As a,, hair drys•:
sing, it has no
superior. ,Gor.,
Prepared b•`.
Iarltness & Go
Loancloa tit,
'geld lie nit bele:K(tt
ttfid blit a 1,tOdish1
2� 7171.--i.'�
Remnants Dress Goods,
eninants Velvets,
emnants Twee
riants Prints Etc.
Alt 0 CUri':: ;; I
Winter Goods must be rushed off to make room for spring:-
pring:-Already, New Cottons, Shirtings,
Cottonades, Eto.
GENTS, we have a Fine Range of Ties we are closing out
fast. Take a look at them.
Change of A.dversement
That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable
for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides,
Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely Wives, Children, Hus-
bands, Etc., Etc.
SPECTACLES.—Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy
and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age.
Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods.
Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to
Main Street, Exeter.
Keeps Watches That Are Watches
And are warranted correct for Tiril'e, ride, or Railroa
Train, and to please the most fastidious. '
Tho PaPall r,sclilibition
Comptition C pen t� the Wo ld
Full assortment.
LAMPS LAMP GOODS—An'endless variety,
very cheap,
I e .