HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-1-14, Page 1,e ILe;DIONSOIStrDerrielert Boil, I ,:. 04protOttproine 'coart,Netary PIA)lie 40. oney to AnS O # O ' 41 ' li 0` '0r. "4,ifetfeer# 30Millisetentr, M o son pAO , 0. eliNEIFADDN, 1, , whic'Solicitor, Conveyancer EU. .flavortEXETER, - • ONT. phou1mivi)11'13BIOCIt (11311tn 's olf1 oee,) aIdd'k from frO 't ' dish wt Te),TRIGHT,L, a5.t3,, eeHem op tsta dental rooms Dyer O'NEIL'S BARK wherhe will be Uhl' tia'a preparedto exf,,rliet teethwithout Alkill Operations perforined wtth ease and r Grold fillings a speoia ity. Officio houre, inl'40 5 P nt. 044408 tIonunays. TEBMS KIN 5144N f PANTI8T4•1•Di•S without pain, relate` • using th "yl#S7 LOOM y Orin/ ,.,#.413ze Ur) or by tic t gums; makes Filings And, all other donti work thebest poseible. Rooms UPOSAPEIirz Sauwionn's Bnoox, East side of Van -Street, Exeter, Ont. • '•••••••""'"'":"--"`"- MEDIOAL ,." (I LUTZ, M. D., e...1 • Officeet hisresidence Exeter. GRADUATE OtU VERSITY 'Trinity College. :Member of College ph ysiciansa n d surgeon! Out- -de- o e,Hirkton. 1-111.11YNDMAN .-C ORONE RF OR .5--/ the Countyof Huron. liffice , opposite illtrI.ilarling's store Exeter T W. BROWNING M. D., M. (3 p. S, Gr athlete Victorin.University.Otlice atid;residence,Oon.inionLthorator v,)Jxe ter DR. A.ROLLINS, M. C. P. S O. Office, Main St.Exoter,Ont. Resicien ce lioneereeently occupied by P. Esq. „ENRY EILBER, Licensed Alio- tioueer for Hay, Stopten, and McGilli. 4;4:Townships: Sales conducted at moderate Office -At Post-offico,Crediton, Out. OHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne d the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly tended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales ranged at this office. VETERINARY. glENNENT & THNNENT, Veteri. J_ nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toron, to,have op . for the trea Domestic M..instreet from a dis tans promptly attended to:- Medicine fo AMOS Cattle,iim always on hand: cued. an office tment of all Animals, on Eeter. Calls MONEY TO JAN. ATONE)! TO LOAN ON REAL ES .1.,TJL tate forthe Huron & ErieLoan Say. ingr!Seciety. Low rates otinteresi . Apply to Tohn Spaokman,Exeter. IVIONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6e --rev3rentacectraing totems. Private Funds . Apply:t o B.V.ELLIOT , Augustia','Eis Solicitor, Exam ONEY TO LQT 6 AND 6-e percent, $25.080 gate Funds. Best Loaning Companies repres leer DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. J. CLARK, Agen t for the US- A. *borne and ilibbert Alutua ":14 re Insur &nee 0 ompany, esidenc e-Srd Con., Osborne Orders byntailto Exeter P. 0., promptly at- tiondedto. TORN McDONELL. ISSUER OF MA.RBIAGE LI3ENSES. OEFIOE X2 PANBON'll BLOCK, Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance Company ofCansida,Mereantile insurance Co -08.01s1 $5130,000.00 Head Offloe Waterloo; Dot; Olthegow & London Insurance Coy-Cap- .tal $2,500.000 ; Head Office, Montreal : Stand- , tirttLite Insurance Co., Head Office, London, England ; GUAtalltee & AOoidant CO, Head 3ffice, Toronto. JOHN MoDONELL Exeter. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL rum INSURANCE CO. Eatablished in 1883. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This eornany has been over Eighteen years in suceessful operation in Western On- tario,andeontinues to insure againetIose or damage by Pire,Buildings,Merchandise,Man- ufactories,and !tit other deecriptions oflinsur- able property. Intending insurere 'hay° the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ton years this Company has issued 57,006 Policies. covering property to theartiount of 8.10.872,098 ; and paid in less - e alone 8700,7320 AssetS, eel/6,100.00, consisting of Cash n dank, GovernmentDenosit, and the unapt- &Med Premium Notenon handandin force.' a, T.V W.&tnenM D. Preside! t. C. hi. Tairtori, Seeretary. 3.0. HVGLIES,TtErnea01`. CHAS. SNELL, Agenttor Exeter end vicinity. THE:. iniorcolo _iispoSimeemebreamaijmetieSsiall'emelame.b. "IIEW TO TIIE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAX." VOL. XIII., NO. 21. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JAN'Y 14, 1886. T MPORTA.N T NOTICE S . C0A.GUL1N.E1,—Cemerit for Brok- en Articles, Sold everywhere. Sole Malcom—HAY 131t05., Stockport England. FOB COUGHS AND cops. COO* 41. so ROUND. THE COUNTRY. cAntritua. Mre. Tennant, who severely hurt her leg some weeks ago, is, we are glad to learn, improving. Wishes to annOunce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that be has opened out 11 a , i sh ,_ ......... $EED, Aniseed., Renege., Squill Tolu, !to with Chlorodvne. "WAY'S COMPOUND OF LIN- oo A oo 4nap FZIr'SfeelOIVIPOUND, a demulcent exneetoD1,q, for Coughs and Colds. KAY'S :COMPOTIne„ for Coughs and Colds, is equally servicahte; for HorsesandCattle. .TAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu Neuralgia Face -ache &o. NT J. CLARK,M COMMISSIONER _• inthe Court of Common Pleas. -Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases,and all forms of ag- reements drawn and executed aocorsling to law . lifoxxv TO LOAN ONLEAL ESTATE. Thirtie wishing to borrow money on account of re- con tpurahases oiland,or to pay off existing mortgages will find a great saving by giving ino a call, Can lend money ate and CI per cont. aocorclingto terms. N.J.CLARH. SUMMONED To Appear befire the Bail E. let. FISEI, Whine the 111.1.11 who came at the cry of "next" received a Shave and a Hair -cut which could not possibly Lave been surpassed by any barber. NEAR THE POST OFFICE. "JUST 110111471" SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE Ike. 3, DE &MIMIC'S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN RMS. WitliOnt a doubt they are the most becaming styles ever introduaea. Ladies, for something in vec:y fine style, such as the Lan"try and Parisian Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, Yaffe, Curls, or Wise, call on Ike.J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Where he will supply all your wants in the Hair Line, ORES 0:lia fiS COLD S, CENTRAL DRUC STORE • A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. L. al-Wa Six.1.1'.1Vec%,',...lina iii.. - ... - 1rents. OF CANADA. The Royal Mail, Palieen ger and Freight Route betWeen Canada and Gloat Britain and direct route between the West and all points bu the tower St. LM11,71.bnae and Baia dos Claa- &ISO, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P. B. Island Cape Ireton, Newrotindland, Bermuda, Jainttic a. 1(triv and elegant Pullman ..130ffet Sleeping and Day Care run on thronglitxprose trains, P,aesongertifor Great. Britain er the Conti. Went by leaving Tororito aee.ep a, 4,1. Tlyirs, day jbill oittward :nail steamei at till - f to Setnittiy, Stiperitir EleYetor Warehouse and book we. .66innuadit5on at Halifax ler shipment 0/,grain and generalrrterebandt se, 't mire of experienee have proved thoINTsxt, COLONIAL, in connectiou with steamship lines tot ittid frein Louden. Liverpeol and GhisgeWt� Valitat, to be 00 quiekest ...freight . rote betbetbeu Gailiola and Great niefa)ot, T3. ?W. Flour Two Boxee Matches Three ," " .. ... 23 Three Pearline ... .. ... 25 Emir lbs Sugar ... - .., 1 Ib Cocoa Two boxes Ride Starch ... ... .„ 25 , Three plugs lee Tobacco , ". '25 Seven and d halt His Rolled oatmeal 25 tone lb Y. 11". Tea - 25 Three packages 13ird Foocl .„ 2,5 Two lbe Mixed Candies ... Two lbe Filbert Nutt! ... ,.. 2i! Ono dos Orange if ... Onene iclbototitriens ... ,„ o Three 011113 Mackerel Cash Store! Smell Profite and Quick Returns, No Ore- dit SSW) your Money, Buy ertrly, TEAS, COPIPIIES, SUGARS & ALt FAMILY GROCERIBS. Of first-cless quelity It.'s in stok REMEMBER TEM ADDRESS, •, tt t • DreteS 1§1.0tAr., south otora. - , InformatiOn aa to rees. enger and terignt THE NAME, rates on be had ea appliaatioft to 110n PIM MJGDIP,, • Wegera Vreiglit &Passenger Agee* ,e -a re a.EA,Ldy e.i Rot KEMP wIltdoifts nouse Meek, Vork St., yoenott, 0 PGVVINGBIt, Chief Sueorilitendent. Agent for Dorninioti Line of D. et', steam. 'levee bitd.6,Vkitot# in the corner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o:ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment, May 11th 84. 111,1111 TA11,1411 MR. W.I. LYNE is prepared do CUSTOM TAILORING At Kirkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. Butter & Eggs WANTED. 41. lifiatheson Has opened out in Currelley & Co's. 015. Stand, EXETER NORTH Complete stock of Groceries. 161bs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts—Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of I-1 A_ B D IV A. R E. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, - (Cheap.) Beet Machine Oil 60a per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. et.. A reduction of 5 Per Vent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A. good Suit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for t)7,50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A Howie anti Lot to sell or. rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. O. Exeter Butcher Shbp. R. DAVIS, Butcher &, General Dealer —IN ALL KINDIS1'— MEAI�S Customers supplied TUESDAYS. THURS- DAYS AND SATUBDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVF, PROMPT ATTENTION. KI RKTO N. Nevor ilndorsoli! WI10 ? lalltniag Op ' Winter Goods pulled dOwn in price. , A few Mantles and Jaokets left, to be ciettred out at cost. Groceries Fresh and oheitp, 1300t, and Shods at noolt 13 0 tt ° 0111 floes, Gerit1ernezi'k.4 Underwe:fr to be sold at 138,rgaitis4 ilighost rtiHrltot price paid for Mittel. and Egg • A ri" PPY NE VCr YEAIL, b•,;etteee, •le.e.,ere te ' ... .1 Dasnwoou. Henry Guinther, who lives a mile south of here, got his arm badly broken on Friday last by a kick from a home. Ho went to punish the horse fat some offence, when the ani- mal retaliated by punishing him. Dr, Rollins was called and atteuded the injured wan. . Scarlet fever is prevailing on the 14th of Stepheu, fear of Mr. Zeiler's children being down with a very bad form of the disease. The health au thotities ehould be ou tbe alert. Ktrhton- A very violable time was epeut at Mr. J. Callender's, by our young peo. ple, on Monday night. At the annual public school meet- ing held recently, Dr. Irving was re- appointed trustee. Owing to some repairs being done in St. Paula church, service has of tate beeu held in elle hail. A. new choir has been organized in the Methodist church under the old leader, Mr. J. 13. Sperling with Mese HattieHarris as organist. The proceeds of New Years night banquet, and Pock] 00 the lot/owing Monday evening, arum -lotted to about $65'. Messrs. W. A. Doupe tied Jameii Thuile left on Monday for Torouto, the former to enter the police force and the latter to pursue his etudiee tee a civil eugineer. Mr. Ale. Kirk is preparing to build new 'brick house next sumtner. The old log houses are fast disappearing fro in this prosperous neighborhood, being replaced by handsome frame and brick struoturete but chiefly the latter. The Reyal Templars of this place entertained themselves to an ()niter supper 01 New Jeers, eve. From the quantity of oysters consumed we have reason to fear that some of our members dont practice "temperance in ell thinks." Misses A. Urquhart and Maggie Somerville, .pupils of the Kirkton School, headed the hit of sucoessful condidatea,itt the remit model eielina exandinittion, held at Stratford, Mr. Samuel Tufte alio passed very credit- ably. We congratulate our you've friends on their achievements. Stephen. A enbacriber asks :—Sin,—Can you give me some information me to whether it is in accordance with the mucioipal law, not to have any print. ed "Gulden°. to Voters" posted up in the polling divieions in Ibis town- ship ? Tbi. yeinethere has not been any priitied ones pleated np in div. 2, and I assure you 11 has been very in- convenient ite welt as aggravating to some of the electors (especially tho female portion) who reeled for the first iinA"..-I1 is neeeseary, as the fellow- ieg will above :—Seetio.n 125 of the etstittes of 1883, reade, "In case of municipalities divided into wards or polling sub -divisions, the conk ef the municipality shall, before the opening of the poll, deliver, or canoe to be de livered, t. every Depnty-Returning Officer such a number of printed de. rrotione for the guidance of votere voting, an he may deem sufficient and shall so deliver, or eause to be ("dive.. ed, at least telt copies of ..nch p.inted directions ; finch directions shrill be . printed in conspicuous eharactere.' It Will 212812 tee mean that it is abso hitt ly necessary to have at least len copies pooted in each polling snbdi Thie 112 8 grave mistake, ene Ilene which an election could be matte void. The thereby for aaal, eerore atIOMAIllit to iectioti 167 of 1888 Ac', the& "Every officer and olerk who is pithy of any wilItil misfeasance, in Any wilful not or omiretiott in centre 70811012 of Sections 117 t iee, of 1116 not, shell, in addition to any ether penalty er liability to which ho nifty be eubjeet, forfeit to 4 y per - eon aggrieved by ouch inisfinteence, M. 0 omit! ohm. #i trona! mutt of $400. ' We i*�n° tine explerotrien be ett te.factcry, mid although we do not ro wit. tip snob effeirs., w felt ir onr duty, whoa kohoited, to artswer encli an important ouelition, I3tirglar.a 'Wet11)6stl:ty mglit entorOcl the r store ref 1fieeeee. Cattitibell & Seeforth, seciiring ceeintorint, tile lbf) n the Stitt d tieetentite, r'eftp,e, 010,, bat tiro Morley, .;Titity left, beltititl them au ...viii•ortet, tritlerceol :anti vest, by tvlittili ititt bbpoa tt6 4ei.tiblisli a tIna th the veb (IranIllteE05ting 101144. N1-4PWS •*4,0T..114' There Was an itlevase ( 2,000 in ipu,hiisliere,r4arro,:::ti et:rsgibur 149altiendu xignItobeele Hr en% of Bits') la ner asfg.:1 ,70) from 1 3v roleocir millopw ffl :I 1 Manage, 00 pc'neel asn ulleog; Eni r eylm4 ercm way sosiaer.; 401111f WHITE 4 :ON , pd11.48(;;$089:9f61in.oithdylVeei nrise8if:khueeln: otPtYror so: "Iftpi:trMuhe i8e'.:Ift°dr.elfte.°64t.shre. 4: o'38:1:14:k.;: f it.. Woodburn, , A public school examination was iu our school house on Friday, December 1lith- The weather was everything that could be desired, and so a large attendance of visitoreand friends were present. The 6416568 were examined in a very creditable manner by the following teachers :— Messrs. Alex. Fergneou, W. Fergil- sou, Wm. M, Leigh, J. Copeland and Was. Neely. At the close of the ex- amination IYIr. Sawyer was appotnted chairman, and addresses were deliv- ered by Memel. Feer, Wilkinsou, &tabour, Switzer and the visitiug teachers, all of wliorn expressed their atiefeetion as to the progress the pu- pils had made during the past two years, and the ability or' Mr. Doupe as a teacher. When the speaking was oonoluded, two of the scholars went forward and Mr. DouJe was made the recipient of an address, ac- companied by a handsome present, as a token of their esteem and indicative of their good wishes for his future welfare. Following is a copy of the addrese, with Alr. Doupee reply To 111r, Nathan Doupe. DEAR EMEND AND TE'ACHER,—WO, yonr friends, and the childreu of Woodham and and vicinity, feel the position in which we aro found to -day, as we come to part with you --our beloved teacher. During the last two years we have learuett to love, as well as respect you. Your conduct to us, as teacher, has won the hearts of many. Your untiring, energy and labor manifested in our midst has been beneficial to us in helpiug to lay a good foundation upora which to build in future, thus preparing us for successful lives. And, though, in the course of events, we conic' to, part with you to day, your kiud words and : - actions and exemplary life will remain in our memory for long years to come. Allow us, as a slight token of our love, esteem and re- gard, to present you with this dressing,case, hoping that your lifa may be happy, prosper- ous, and a blessing to many, as it has been to us. Signed on behalf of the children by MARY STEPHENS. HENRIETTA WYNN. Mr. Doupe replied ne follows Dear Scholars— In reply to this elegant address I may say that it was very nexpected, as I was not aware that my services as teacher of Wood- burn school were appreciated by yon to such au extent as to be worthy of such an address, accompanied by this keautiful present. which I have ereat pleasure% accepting and retain you many thanks for the same. I have lied the honor to be teacher of Woodham saheb1 for the past two years, and I must say it was pleasant duty to perform. I have had a happy time with you and always tried to be faithful in my duty toward you as far as it lay inmy power, although I may have erred sometimes. I have a great respect for each ono of you, on account of your kindness, obedience and williugnesss to receive instruc- tion, and I think, if there is any credit to be given for the progress you have niade during the put two years, you should receive it. You have always shown a kindred feeling of affection toward sue; and now, as: we are about to part, it is with deep sorrow` and re- gret that I leaye you. I know that I have been severe at times, perhaps more than 1 shonld have been, and if I have at any time injured your feelings, 1. trust you will forgive me. I thank you again, dear scholars, for this beautiful gift with which you have pre- sented me. 1 know that when I look upon it in future 16 cannot fail to remind me of the pupils of Woodham sehoot and the pleasant time I spent with them. The f )(lowing po,ttry wee also pro. seated te Mr. Doupe b -y She echolare, which show how much they appreei and their !ale eesolier Dear teacher, we hear it's true that you are going *Way; We asked our fathers, they say you can no longer stay; We think it hard for you to go, we learned with you so. well, So how we'll learn without you it's hard for us to tell ; It matters not who comes to beech, he'll never fill your plats°, For meet you where we would, there's a smile upon your Nee. So, Nathan, join our little circle, and grasp our little hauds, For you acted like a shepherd over his little lambs; You've been so very kind to us and showed a loving heart, So the cause of all these tears is because we have to part ; For you our hearm aro warm, add we carrnot get there cool, Till you return !vain an 1 toaolt the Wood- ham school. So, aince,you've got to go, and leave us all behind, We never shall forget you, yoe've been so *my kind; We ofittean,e,tried your patience and acted very r So please forgive us now -we wish we had been good.- ° Lir 'hearts are growing sad as the time is drawing oigh. So liere'e our little hands, now cra;pvcrituclW. 9.30(1.1)118. appear e to be no longer gave to oend motley by regielered letter. A fertner 1iV1I titer Ielppee filet a reget tenet letter, � tnitaieing a fie-. dller hill, to tt friend no 'reterton, Ont. The 1 oter reeelool PretilOn, blit on being optioed, the money was mineing. Etrieleo'ly the envsh)pe 1)esn 4111n.ine,1 anti .11vetid, 5 It !Neve p [ins If r 2 reeeli ntiplioation of reecitee Whett, where, 02' by ,eltorn the robbery wee itoinmitted, will probehly twee', be kilo en; bat let It be e witruittg to ether,* b ere sending wimpy, to teectieo a P. 0,- el • The Widsor Tow ea the Electric Railw, which if- Triagli franchise for a line R�»110 to Wallrerville. I)iiipttlohee from 6' south show that Ilia cold wave ext ids as far as New Orleano. Old Bo eas has been impartial in this instao le, distributing liinaself all the country ' without fear or favor. Canada Byrne thizes with the frozen solid south. A. man has been frItzen to death while oroaeing Cralveseton Bay in a boat. Tine is a remediteble 000ur- renoe in the futility south and shows 11181 the "norther" that carried the Northwest oold wave a•.3 far towards 1610 equator must lattve, been of un- prEcedented severity. The coroner's jury iu the case of Wm. A. Hobbs, who received a fatal wonnd in Joy's bather shop, Toronto, found that deceased came to his death by a wcund which penetrated the heart, and which was received in a scuffle, the sael wound being caused by a pair of scissors in the hands of McDenald, the prisoner, and that.the said wounding VMS purely accidental. Tbe eastern farmer who sold out last year and moved to Dakota to grow up with the country, is now revelling in a temperettire of from 30 to 40 below zero in the shade, while blizzards whistle the airs of the frozeu north around his • house -top, But the atmosphere is so dry up there that a cold day is like a eum- iner d ler in Cameo. The total revenue on account of the Dominion Consolidated Fund for 'Vecenaber was $2,302,680.24, and Lin expenditure $2,846,092.12. The fatal revenue and expenditure for the six menthe ending December .•31st were respectively $14,755,704:97 and $17,570,854.27, the latter 'including the extra expenditure on account of the Noetb west rebellion., The fellownig is a statement of the revenue and ekpenditure of the Cana. diet) PacifieTailway for the past year (the earplugs and expenses for De- ceinber aro approximate, but the cor- rect figures will not change the figures malenalty):—Gross earnings 1885, $8,249,551; 1884,.$5,750,521; gross expenses, 1885 $5,124,874; 1881, $4,558,630; net eV:binge, 1885, $3,225,183; 1884, $1,191,890. A dispatch from Fargo says:— Partie$ who have just reached here from elie Northwest territory, the theatre of the Riel rebellion, say all the Iudiau tribes are making arrange- mente for an outbreak in the spring to avenge the death of Riel. Traders on the United states side Of the lino are reported to be supplying the reds with large qeantities of ammunition, the tribes generally participating. It is believed the Dominion govern• merit will find it It serious manor. The following well known Can*. thane died during 1885:—Sir Francis Hulks, Hon. Isaac Burpee, M. P.; Col. Williams, M. P.; D. MoCraney, ItI,1». P.; Mr. Beason, Col. Rennedy, Commander of She Canadian Niel Voyageurs; Alexander Somerville, Ib. Whistler at Ibe Plough; Dr. Med- calf, Superintoudant of Rookwood Asyulm, killed by a lunatic; Senator Chaplin. Rob*. Walker, of Toronto; Mr. Darling, Montreal; Judge. Mor- rison, Adam (rooks, Archbishop Bourget, Mre. Moodie, authoress; Dominion Lend Commissioner WaMhihgrl Dangevin, of Rimer:ski, has issued is mandement on the Riel rtgitatiou, in whitth he deplores the "dangerous exeitement" feted a "de- megogic spirit" which have intoned themselves into the people "generally so peaceable and pions," and he counsels them to beware 1046 their feelings 6110111,1 plunge them into a war of race ant religion which would le deplorable and would arrest the the progress of them eetryand a grade the people. With the politicians pulling one way and the clergy pull - log the other, the French•Cattedian is in e very undecided elate at PrIseyuan we.* tried at Chatham the ether day f etipplvieg whiskey to the 10(146114. The lawyer de- fended him was nettled G G. Martin, and he glowingly referred to the halcyon system in which all wee pane and good.tvill and ea a precedent for His Worship exercising clemency pointed back 3,000 years ago when its the year of Jeibilee t1 general aillOOSty wee procleirned. “Yotir Worship* let hitn ito back to hie liorsee they have been whitteying for him, to Inc exit for they have beroi lowing toe even the dog hes not wagged his tail since JOS. left. Do so, and the prietwee'e bettedietioes will ase Rend beyond the orb of the tnooi* hp, to Heaven iteelfoind descend upon Y611 with it eteltitililed.' bleeeirig, like file ' breerl eeat tittore flee 'We,orreee, mollion ,, , ,, . %eel' eettieo 0V1100 feor ,,,r,iiiti.v ,dva ,,,. ,.. . i. 7- . ' p-ret(11101tee$20 It ** * itll• t , t 1 ilt t, ,6 t- ..P.'- 411the irate fted th� elee 11 1