HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-17, Page 13th `C. rs. ich, and ble es, zs- sy to Rp. 0 (IIL7;a, Auotioaaer LTownehinu of Stephan, Hay Pad Ua the itsifx9tPale* prima atatloa guaranteed. Sale hie otllae. VETERJNABY. ENT & TIiNNENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons. Gredu*tee of the Ontario College, Toren. ens) Rn 04tea Mont of all Aululala, on Exeter. Ca/la -- tenor lirempt'y for Boma Cattle,&0 Cahners 0, hare Op ferny,+ tree. 1J ino4tic ioinetrent rODA a dig , tti:nileil to.• Medic 1 W vs on hand; MON I;Y TO LOAN. 011]Y TO LOAN ON REALES tate for the Huron .0 Eriel.nan " SPV- r os3 ioiety. Low' ratenofinteresi. Apply to 5paakalan.Exeter. CONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i t,erreut.xccorting totems. Private (.1µ. Apply to. B • V.F.LLR)T. uet13,'6.; r,. ieltaltor, Fixates . ONE1 TO I.O. q AT 6 ANT.? ft percent, X13,000 rate Funds. Bait :.catkin Companies re anteiL 1)IC1 SON. Barrister, Exeter, L. INSUitAa`ICE. AT ,T. OLARN,, ant for the Us. t. • born eand liil ,arts utua 'EireInsur 'uccamrapit ly, Itosrdenca•-3rd Coli., Ueborne lydori 1,vroMite Exeter P. O., promptly at- en,tedto. OHN iIcDO TELL. ISSUER OF a1A.1t1UAGE LI^ENSES. • ' BOCK. OFFICE IN Fd\6O •:, a Al ac agent for the London Mutual Insurance inpany of Ca nada,tfercantile insurance Co Capital ;+500,000.00 head ("Ace Waterloo: it. Glasgow & Loudon Insurance Coy -Cap - 1 A2,500,000 • Heat Office, Montreal : Stand - 1 LiieInstiranca Co., IieadOffice, London. ngland ; Guarantee & Accident Co. Head. trice, Toronto. JOHN MoDONELL Exeter. liB \VA'TERLOO 11iUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. 'Established in 1863. EAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. Chis comt:auv has been over Eighteen ars in Successful operation in Western On- io,andsontinues to insure against:oss or mage by Fire ,13uildings,Mermandise,Man- ctori iro,Buildings,Mercnaudise,Man- atori a e,and all one r de sarlptioue of tinaur- o property. Intending insurers have the (ion of insuring on the Premium Note or sh System. During the past ton years this Company issued 57,096 Policies. covering property the amount of 430,872,088 ; and paid in loss - lone $ 700,752,00 setS, $176,100.00, consisting of Cash nk, Government Deposit,and the unass- 'um Noteson handandin force. 3, I D. Presidei t. C. lt. 'Etymon, . HuGnx s,Inspector. CHAS. r and vicinity. 1•IE nialk‘iway Al? A. Loyal ufail, ' ssenger and Freight between Canaand Great Britain and t route between the West and all points e Lower St. Lawrence and Bate des Cha• a iso t'. Brnnswnk,Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, wfioundiand, Bermuda, and Jamaica. ew and elegant Pullman Bnflet Sleeping Day Cars run on through Express trains. assongers for Great Britain or the Conti- * leaving Toronto at 8;30 e. In. Thurs- 11 join outward mail steamer at Hali- M s turday. levator Warehouse and Dook ac - at Halifax for shipment of grain lsinerohandise. a re .f experience have proved the IN7TR- NIA:L" in connection with, steamship to and from Loudon. Liyeipool and ow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight between Cadada and Great Britain. ation as to Passenger and Freight ho had on application to it 13.Mi)1)DIE, ern Freight d; Passenger Agent in Hoose Block, York St., !Loronto. D. POT'TINGER, Chief Superintendent. se, &toncto N.1;.,Ner,13,1885., OELT!' LADIES WHO SEE Tido.'' �F afa►RINC'$ LANOTRY AND PARISIAN BANOS. Without a doubt they are the most baa.ming styles ever introduced. Ladies, for soya etbin in very fine etylo. such as the Lan try an Parisian hangs, Saratoga. Way es, Switabee, Pude. Curie, or Wigs, call on Iko. J. Dearing, at CENTRAL DABBER SHOP, EXETER. Where be will supply, alt your wants In the Bair Lino, CENTRAL RUC STORE A full stook of all kinds of D e - stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh.Daily recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Iilg Store Exeter ' C. LUTZ. '85 $ '85 GR :FRIES ! A HA `'" 1` `HRISTMAS TO YOU. Christmas Comes but once a year Let us be merry and make good cheer, GEO. KEMP would draw your attention to his wel1•selected stock of Firet•claes Fa- mily Grxeries and would ask kindly for a share of yonr Holiday custom. Buy one pound of my 500 Tea and get 5 lbs. Coffee or Brown Sugar for 25c, 3 lb, Family Bar Soap,' 15o. Try my Coffee, fresh and pure, 25c and 40c -the best stimu- lant you can drink. If you want to make a nice Christmas or Newyears present, buy a pound package, of Himalayan Tea and get a nice Picture cal- endar for 188a. Ifyon want to make good pancakes, try a package of Buckwheat Self - rising flour. If you want a nice rice pudding. try Carolina rice. Cocoa, 10e a packa$e. Roller Flour is the best. Oranges,, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Hand- picked Dates Extra, Black Basket Raisins, Peels, Candies, deo., Tobaocog best brands. Try "Golden Seal" Cigar, 5c. Try my two for 5o Cigars, Agent for Dominion Line of. Royal Mail. Steamships. Dnnw's HALT; to let. Apply to George Tea Kemp. F REMEMBER THE ADDRESS Drew's Block South, 'Store.. true goatantcert iia av, CUTTING DONS ON THE 8IOBT NOTICE "AND AT LOW BATES. Ladies,r :rackets a Specialty Wye hint a trial and be oouvIuced that win give Mtisfaatto ). WILLIAM LYNX opp privet in tbie qu of Cruet env must barefaced, a even silly thiug I ever I done by a greet party. reepoudenl truly nye, this t been au eye-opener for the Qutario { erinan. I wonder if Riel bid beau *Dutchman whether the R",iormers would have made auoh a hero of such tt cool villain. I guess not. There is not a Reform ed tor,wer - ber or speaker in Ontario, that does not fully believe that Biel was a des- perate aooandial told deserved death., and how they can here the cool 'by- pooraoy and audacity to turn round and try to persuade poor, 8unsoient. 8.1 sous Reformers to vote that keel was 0 a saint and * martyr, surpasses my ButteriggsWANTED. j° J. Matheson Has opened out in Currelley & Co's. Old. ;Stand, EXETER 11 O1' TH Complete stook of Grocerie 16 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 5 and 75 ots—Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at low Prices, A nicely assorted stock of 11 A.:RDW.A.1�T. FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVE 8, (Cheap.) Beat Machine Oil 60c per Gal. The Minister of The Interior. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. A reduction of r•5 Per Gent. o Tweeds, Ready-mades. A good Suit ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down 1 the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply t JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. O. precious knowledge of human nature. May a blight rest au any party oap- able of a course. I am AN HONEST DUTCHMAN Crediton, Deo. 191111885. The Hon. Thos. White, Minister of of the Interior, in addressing a public meeting at Peterboro' made some re- marke concerning the North-west re. 0 hellion, in which he said that the Op- position, having failed in all former attempts to create strife against the Government, had resorted to the last ° cry, enmmed up in words, "Mr. Biel le a martyr and Sir John Mac- donald is :r murderer." It was stated that the Government was to be con• demned, not because Biel had been • hanged, not because the Government was responsible for the rebellion. This question of the grievances of the Met - 1s was a new one. 11 had been up for quite a number of years. In 1875 when Mr. McKenzie was in power, Biebop Gremlin sent to Ottitwa an appeal for a nnmber of things the 1 half breeds asked for. as follows:— 1. neonragemeat for eettlare in agriculture. 2. Aid for hospitafe. 3. Aid for schools. 4 Aid for orphan asylums. 5. Conceasione of land for orphan asylums and model farms. 6. Reserves of land for children and aid to help them in farming. 7. Reserves for Indians of arable laud situated near fiebiug lakes. Exeter Butcher Shop R. DAVIS, Butcher & General Dealer —IN ALL KINDS or— Customers I�;AIT1S Customerupplied TUESDAYS. THURS. DAYS AND SATURDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL BE CHIVE PROMPT ATTENTION, X -MAS IS CtlOMING —FOR Cheap Dry -floods, Cheap Groceries, Cheap Boots, Shoes Cheap Crockery, GO TO DULMAGE Six' atou. Lance Tooth Saws right in Price and Warranted r5 Remember our TEA PREMIUM. All s guaranteed PURE. ALT BOOTS at Bock Bottom Prices. D. W. DULMAGE. THE ANSWER TOiTHESE REQUESTS was that they nearly all belonged to the Local Legieleture, and that the Dominion had nothing to do with them. Mr. Mills laid down the views in hie own words, as follows:— “The application of the petitioners to be aided by the Goveinment with seeds and agricultural implements in farming operations I confess 1 am not disposed to; view favorably. I do nol see on. what .grounds half-breeds can olaim to be treated in this part. touter differentty from white settlers in the Territories . E half breeds who have in some r ' y' +:' e adyan• Cage over new eettl ; the terrt- toriee, should be i with the neoeegity of eettlin ,', o fixed lo. calitles and. directing lis energies towards, pastorally ,' allure', par. 'suits, in whioh oa t ands, would no doubt be wayaur'”- as to ite wb i 1 � t � beyond. this the/42%01 sol, he 0ov. ocoupaate ing it allotted in quer whore all, ocoupante of t desired lots to he teu chain two miles deep, their wiehe be complied with. 1 1, ;I. °dgiaar, 165; ollingweod,1.16; THESE SUGGESTIONS WERE &PIROVED by the than Minister Sir. D. itfaopher. seas, and ordered to be earned into ef. foot. During the season of 18741 Mr. PeAroe had investigated and reported au the half-breed claims. .He was summoned to Ottawa in last January to facilitate .a settlement of theta- Ott February 6th the agent was instruct- ed to carry out the detention arrived at and interested partite wore notifed by the Prince Albert agent of tine deter- mination. This was several weeks be fore the rebellion broke out, and ye tho people of Cauaela were told tba the whole difficulty had arisen becaue surveyors would not survey laud in accordance with the wishes 'of the half-breeds. The real foot of the mat- ter was that the Manitoba half-breeds who had no claim whatever on the Government, were the men who re- belled, while those who had claims did not rebel, but some of them were actually forced to take up arms. It was said that their friends in tower Canada were going to leave the Con- servative party. Happily this was not a religious dispute, as was ovine eat by the French-Canadian bishops in refuelling to allow their ohurebes to be used to political 'ends. If the Conservative prrty lost some of ite supporters in Quebec he had no doubt their places would be taken by meu who had always gone with the Ii.ber- al only in name. This new support was evidenced by such papers as the Huntington Gleaner and Sherbrooke l xalt:iover rouging themselves with the citizens of other parts of the Domiu• ion in support of law and order. (A.p- ulanse.) The Conservative party is not going to be defeated. He begged them to bear that foot iu mind. He knew as much about the feeling in - Quebec as any man. It was -'not go tag to be defeated because of this event, bub, on the contrary, because the Government was prepared to do its duty to the whole country irres- pective of nationally, creed or local sentiment, it would be supported by the overwhelming voice of this great Dominion: (Applause.), On motion of Mt. J. O O'Meara, sec- onded by Mr. J. Kendry, a cordial vote of thetas was tendered Hon. Mr. White for his eloqueut address • peels' meeting of this oo. or the purpose of closing up th bust.. meas for the year, was held fit the town hall, Crediton, on Deoetltber the 14th. Atik members Present. Moved by C. Either, seconded by Coughlin, that this Coattail grant to R. Leathern $21,60 for gravel taken out of his pit, also $110 for damages, but in the event of Mr. Leathorne nol Accepting the above amounts in full conspeneation, that Mr, T. gays, of Caborne, be requested to act as arbi. trator for Stephen, in ¢ase the latter should be left to arbitration. A number of orders were granted,. chiefly 0.R. interest, council fees and e salaries, which will be iooluded iia. the Auditor.' report, to be dieirtbuted on Nomination day. —Resolved that in the event of the deviation road on 5th concession be p art paid for according to agreement ' by the third Monday in January, 1886. that the board be pushed or said road will be soli. Osborne. FARMS SOLD.—M. I. Bowerman, She well known agricultural implemeul agent, hoe sold hie farm to Mr. Wm. Glen, son of John Glen Esq., of Lumley. The farm contains 100 aures, and was sold for $7,600. This is a good price, but it is one of the beeliftsrms in the couuty of Huron.-- Dinnan, of the 7th con.has oda of 26 acres a.. his fAitm vee .v Mr. 'Wm. Eltttfof the sum of $1,500. --Mr. John If , has cold his lot ''of four KOMI re tQ. is k_. 0 t r « he Ge o.;K' d , o t .r the f e suefeel). Anderson. Mr John Graham, who hu bean in the vicinity of Paisley for the past Iwo years, retnrued home last week, bricging with himtwo valuable heavy draught entire horses. Mr. John Stephen, 'oat a valuable mare last week in rather a atrnge manner. She commenced bleeding at the nose and continued to bleed until she died. Mr. Stephen *meatus quite a loss as he purchased the mare for $1170 about two weeks previous. Special eevioes have been held in the Methodist church here for some time past. They have been attended with fair success and continue with increasing interest. They are coeduat ed by the Bev. Messrs. Harrill and Fear assisted by,H. Viokere, leader of the Kirkton band. A lively time is autieipated at the coming municipal elections in Blanc- hard. It has been decided that Mr. - Hutchings will try enuelueiops w%41 Mr. Dinsmore for the Reevaehip, but it is still a little nnoertaia as to who will be the candidate who will oppose Mr. Lawton for the deputy-reaveship. The Bev. James Legear, who is stationed at Holmesville4snd who has been home for some tiine on account of illness, having recovered' occupied the pulpit of the Methodist (hurob here on Sunday morning and preach- ed an eloquent sermon having for his subject "The bread of life." Half an hour before the time of opening, the church was filled to its utmost capa- city, many having to stand through- out the service, but considered they were wall repaid in lieteuiag to ; the thoughts so eloquently and efiegt- ualfy produoed by the rev, gentleman. De. CAnSON'a STOMAUa Burgas will dire the worst forma of Dyapepaia, Indigestion, nd all biliousobmplaints. Large bottle 50, onto. tto to your druggist and get a bottle. - .f