HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-17, Page 121VIA NI00D
on one as
executors tit t'
its bed aud mem
- This ertalen`t be
•'The qu. , is sharply
laarplyi' aart . hat a babe,
iglu, a loyalist or a rebel need
not err. Ti e question is simply one
of loyalty ' c a and its Iowa;
ally administered; or loyalty
to 'xenon supremacy, broken laws
and a disrupted confederation. It
is a grave issue and it is well to mark
the friends and the foes o Canada.
The watchword should now be, "One
law fax all Canadians; no race, re-
l. igion, reveuge or minority to be
Bowed to interfere with its impartia
ministration. N„o l+reueh suprem-
y t' There may be some in Ontario,
will take Riel's part "simply be-
cause '1 so doing they will throw
blame on the Government, but the
position is disloyal, and unprincipled,
and those who take it will regret it.
1 Ho 1,1 EDWARD BLASE has arrived in
Canada by way of New York. and was
bangoetted in Hamilton the other
;,a- evening. The Reilites of the Province
sa of Quebec were no doubt disappoint-
'' ed, who had made great preparations
to give him a grand reception on his
t., arrival iu the ancient capital, having
intended to present him with the pro:
gramme of the Grit -Rogue -Bleu al-
tnonce. The Hen, gentleman acted
rf wisely in giving these gentlemen the
a 'lip. Had he arrived in Quebec, he
• would certainly have had to declare
et., for or against he agitetiou, and if de-
s:• nounoed by him the excited French-
�, men wouldhave burned him in effigy;
t•k - and if he motioned it his law Abid-
�;iug followers ip Ontario would de.
r; + Pounce him. He need not imagine
he is going to escape; for when he
es, reaches Quebec Province the Reilite
t promoters will either put him at the
head or foot of the march, but it is
possible he will march at the head.
THE Dominion Governmeut meets
Jany. 2nd, and if Mr. Blake wishes to
resign the leadership of the Reform
party, and it prouounoed that such it
hits intention, he sill never have a
better opportunity, as now, ou so
° high a moral ground. He will find
his party thoroughly demoralized.
•7 Surely, au a great lawyer aud as a
statesman, he cannot sanction the al.-
Bance with the Biel Rebellion party
F r in the province of Quebec made by
he Reform press and Mr. Edgar in
is name while in England. The
wicked compact must be repudiated.
In view of what he once said of Riel,
, when he offered a reward for that
muxderer'i head, for the slaughter of
-'” Tboe. ,SeQtt, how eau Mr Blake con-
e saient ouoly approve of ttte .position,
»., into which his rash subwlaerns hays
• eudeavored to force the Liberals of
..e Ontario? It is not probable that the
Liberal leaden "411 oome,to ,'an open
rupture with his patty. He eau truth-
- fully claim that he cannot staud the
• I'Haat mental and physical, a hioh
eettlers of any
ation of the law,
liioh must. follow in l
such a • a to be believed that
such crime . s could be committed.
without incurxin • the extreme penalty of the
law, by any one w o was either subject to
delusions or could ead people that he was no
subject. Tho or* "e of the prisoner was no
im -t a
constructive treaed r was accompanied b -
G p ed }
much bloodshed inflicted by his own direct
orders, and the Government bare, upon a
full a most earnest consideration of the case,
that they would have bean unworthy of the
power with which the were entrusted by
the whole people, and would have neglected
their plain duty to all clams, had they in-
terferred with the due execution of a sentence
pronounced as the result of a just verdict
and sanctioned by a righteous law.
Eters True Character.
We sae that nearly every paper in
the country 10 referring to the Riel
trouble says that the half-breeds sent
for Riel to assist them. This ie ab-
solutely false. Riel plauued the re-
bellion three or four years ago, while
living in 1llontana. He wanted that
$100,000. He asked the half breeds
to commence au agitation. He urged
them not to accent any settletnent.
Hence the frequent changes in the
nature of their demands. When all
alleged grievances were about to be
settle.: they always changed front aud
presented something fresh to embar-
rass the Government. Rio! was work-
ing behind the sceeee all the time, tie-
ing the simple-minded half breeds as
his dupes. When things were, ae he
considered, ripe for action oo in. part
be had a deputation go to Moutana,
aud ask him to assist them. He pre-
tended that he did not want t 1 go.
This was to tnialead the public. After
"urgent solicitation" he consented to
lead them, thi.iking possibly the Gov-
overnmeni would yield for the sake of
peace, bot yet prepared to wage the
most -unrelenting and violent war-
fare known to mankind against ie.
habitants should the G •vernment re-
fuse to give the $100,000. This is
She true history f the outbreak, aud
it can be proven by Riel's letters—
letters a titch he had ordered deetroy•
sd. Biel atone was the author of all
the auguieh which has fallen on the
homes of both the rebels end the ley-
aliste.— iesse:e Review.
The Municipal Elections.
The time is very rapidly approaciae
lug when tiis,40e40 I' )erg will bet.all.•
ed nut to oh'4q eeheil: sn?�a- i►nd' toll.
er tepreerti$ltixt•,,. #. 0011,, oil
basic for I886; 11J 3.•3te tai•.•.•ns
dal, the roasts, ttt;eal met be.ni to have
engaged a very {ergs %hare of awhile
attultiou, th••ugh in tc irolse more im
to diatrly ii'tetzeetcti' ui municipal
affairs hr subject 01 the forthoomiug
,sieetione her hien i,eely discussed,
mid on Monday next the"names oboe•
en to enter' the field *woe revealed.
But!;ab the day t..r tate uornivation
death shearer ire may a tttet that the
matter will Wo.exiid more engross
public attention. fled become the sub-
ject of hourlyr;eouverislion and
the loaaetsblpi as he discharges its discuetion. It is good :And <beallby
pecker. This
incl to the Bel
Province, ltijr. Watts
g that his via vs on the Matter
are not in bympathy with those of
the majority of ids conatitueuts.
\1r. Watts Was fleet returned to
the Legislative Aleombl3 iu the
Liberal iutorest for Drummond and
Arthabaske, in February, 1874, aud.
has represented the conetItuenay con-
ever eiuce. His father
also, represeuted the satno seat from
1841 to 1851 in the Canadian as-
sembly. With the exception of
Magenta, Druintnond and. Arthabas_
ka is the only constituency in the Pro-
vinoe in which the }:Tench Canadians
are iu a majority that is represeuted
by au English speakiug member.
Mr. Watts, who is known as a very
clever lawyer, was a member of the
codifioation committee of the Quebec
Legislature, and oue of the ablest
deputies in the Liberal ranks.
The License Act.
Ottawa, Dec. 22 ---The following
telegram was received to -day from
Sir Charles Topper in Loudon:—
"To G. W. 13urbridge. Deputy Minister of
"In re the liquor license decision.
"The Queen's order, after the pre-
amble, reads:—Their Lordships do
this day agree humbly to report to
your majesty as their opinion, in te-
ply to the two questions which have
been preferred to them by your Ma-
je.sty, that the Liquor Liceore Act,
1884, and the Act of 1884 ameudiug
the came, are not within the legisla
tivelauthority of the Pediment of Can:
ado. The provisiosle relating to the
adulteration, if separated in their op
oration from the rest of the acts, are
within the authority of the Parliament
but as, in their Lordships' opinion,
they cannot be separated, their Lord-
ships are not prepared to report your
Majesty that any part of these Acte
le within such authority.
WORTIi REMEMHEsnia.-Simple cure,
are. very often forgotten when ono.'
waisted, and the diictor•s skill invoked
tlali.Ceseatill. 111 11,11.0, Uf ` ,J,H
Throat showing diphtheritic symptoms
it would not be well to neglect calling
immediate medical aiai+tance, but a
simple remedy can al aye be kept es
hand. It will toot only affott 'ialedi-
ate relief, but if properly applied wilt
effect a certain euro. 1f the:.`ihrittit
is not entirely oleeed up, small° -donee
of litter of eulpltur. should be blown
!rt., the affected parte through s giiill
at brief intervals until ,••vl-
tnent i,t. effected Capt*lyt' nliioe
of 'era aud *wood ache 1hii nl
esterually, es hoe er tbutue.
If the disease fear ed it..
worse form, or if to is: e.'
t(tal the throat is a1 pd1 f�t�
haling the times
ui; . b
sprinkling it ou ' lii q Y�
much' good. T . a►1d
wife's noel,uin, ti: #1.„.;44f; the
ezuerien ell of -is, j+,retghrh
plrsician. s «"
WILL Y0t lift " reels And
Liver Calnplatnt ? t *liter is
uarsittoed to curiae ,d e , y J. W.
iA1'4!1 . 'rI !tW
SndCitu T&Ns? her addressed to theunder-
ait;ued,aa;d endorsed "render tar the Wel- OPENING!
land oauul, tea he received, at this o4tco int-
til the arrival of the Eastern and Western I LL1NERY
roam on noainex.the sub day of 3AhrAItY
next (laid), for raffling the walla of the locks,
weirs, Me and increasing the height (if the
flanks of that next of the Welland Canal a t- TT (� r EST rTl r `tet 1
twean Port Dalhousie and Thorold, and far
THE �i,.l tJ l J ■ "• tJ .L : ,L1.1� 7 �
deepouingthe Summit Level between Tliorold
and llama a Bent', near Hum t ratan. W1LL f};i•-• -
p - 1 e
The work throughout will be let iu sections
Xavier the revered localities, together with
pleasant! descriptive specificetions, eau be -..1- _STjAY eiC +`DN E SD�9Y, 29th & 30th
seen. at this ofdee an and after MONuAY, tbo
lith day of JANUARY next (163c),where print- 'MAKE 'rtuEIR I3EST DISI'ILA1 OF
ed forms of tender can be obtained. A. like
class of information ill be
to the worksid. afis and Bonnets
north of Allaullurg will bu furufelted at the
neeideutEngineer's Office, Thorold; and ter
u 1laUA specifications,
�ol t r. daub
a 11 o A
w rka l
Co,mayba aeon tit the' osident I:ngineor'ri Plumes, Feathers, Aigrettes
fgoo, l n
lautraatore urs requested to boar in mind
that teudera will not bo cousidored unless
made strictly in accordance with the Printed
forme, anti, iuthe caseof Brim , except there
aro attacnen the actual signatures, the nature
of tho occupation end plate of residence 01
each member of the saute; and 4Intbex, an
accented bank cheque for the suns of Two
7'housatal bolters or more—acoarnull to the
axtau.of the week au the soetian—must ac•
nom may the respective tenders, whieb sum.
aha11 be forfeited if the party tendering de
clines entering lute contract for the work", tit
the rates stated in the oiler submitted.
ssttatetloatho amount
uof tender. each case will lie-
The cheque or money thus sent in will be
returned to the respective parties whose
teudera are not accepted,
This Department does not, hewever, land
to accept the lowest or any tender.
By order.
A. p.I3ItA LEY,
1lopartmeut of Railways end Canals,
Ottawa, 11th Poceml,er, 1885,
Aro pleasant to t:.ko. Contain their own
Purgative. Is a srfe, sure, and effectual
Msirorer of worms in Children or Adults,
How Lost, low Restored.
We have recently published a new edition
SAY on the radical and permanent ouro (with-
out medicine)of Nervous Debiltty,eientaland
physical capacity impediments to Marriage,
etc.., resuibing trom excesses.
Price,in sealed envelope ,only 6 cents,ortwe
nastnnc stamps
Tbeeelebrated anthorcfthis admir
eayalnarly demonstrates, from thirty years,
euccepsfulpractice, that alar ming consequen-
ces may be radically cured without the dang-
ero • s use of internal medicines or the use of
the knife ; Point out a mode of cure at once
rimp)e certain end effectual, by lueano of
whir. h every sufferer, no matter what his con-
rlitionmay hominy cure himself ch.+aply, pri
vatelv'tea radically. zy
t.:s-rid lecture should be in the hands nf ev-
ery youth and every men`itithetand.t
able es
41 ANN Sr., NA'vt"TORIK.
Post Orfice Box 480
Restores grey
hair to its ne
to al color, re-
moves Dandruff,
steps the hair
.from falling out,
iaorcasts it
growth, and Aril
not soil the s,'
As hair
sing,it' Lar': `
superior. Gee
Prepared b7_
Harkness & Co.
London, Ont.
Sold by all
shod Patent M
Birds, Orn ents, 8cc.
Flushes, Velvets and a variety* of Trimmings 11. " all colors.
MISS Doherty, who for the past three seasons has successfully condor ctrl this branch,
agniu resumes, and will be more than delighted to have every lady in tie l illage and
surroundings give her a call.
t "Grand General Opening" satue days. Everything complete, E b tdy* come.
That, is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable
for Bomaner, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides,
Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely `Wives, Children, Hus-
bands, Etc., Etc.
SPECTACLES. --Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy
and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age.
Give him a call. No tronble to show Goods.
Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to
Main Street, Exeter.
Keeps Watches That Are ate
And are warranted correct for Time, Tide•••:
Train, and to please the ,most fastidious.
The Fall Ehjbitioa
Competition open to the World
STOVES & TINWARE -A Full assortment.
HARDWARE, PAINTS & OILS—A Complete stock
LAMPS t• LAMP GOODS—An endless variety, very cheap.
ova, AND SEE
,,�►. EDA OF ANY