HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-17, Page 9TO a, holiday season iat a general is and the ,demand CRIPTION 1emand consist - PARKS 'OOL.'i,i t):34 50 yetlrs`' Mich I ttiuuance of the ioliday `.eason. Ixeter. .•t CICS. ono 4TM.tS of Oranges, Tobaccos, ?esh for the ng, le. Fanson's Block. )oo Y, ,t the nary, with an unknown for $25C.`side, \V hear from Mr. Henry Mason of Tuckorsmith that he bas bed u moat remarkable 'yield of oats,mutely he reaped 135 bilabials offs, acres of !eta The Date were cf White Chauvin d a 'oeen't,pu. .1 The p ictus! Don f Tu__ Democratic. Usu.." tltiltgs specter Iu editorial columns wztlt which we may agree. but its iulopeueace of tone, 'ani fear- less discussion of l:auaJa,s present autl future trust doped L exeitiug the elector q rr}•: a cr aro we rl tutg I11 !talc, a personal l tet r from gr. Slap para, the publisher of Tett. Haut, before u assuring us that les extraottlunrry veers will ba carried out to the letter, and wo fee Suro that they will. TlM NaWa i. net in competition wits local papers, andwa quote the !publishers words. coupled with oar advice to try Tun Nnws for a yo:ar :--"The man who is too mean to take his local paper is too stingy to bo houeat, too small to be respected, and too ignorant to hope to be honored by his fellow -citizens." atati•ot, tet rho ill u' ••W ' d f , T1lo (lei t, It " 7ariety. Oa Thursday last, Joint Torrance,. A boy ten years of ego, eon of :1Ir. J. Torrance, of the 12th can., 1LcOilli- vrny, was skating ou the ice and fell.' biting lei* tongue itt two, )fedictti aid was summoned and tlia boy will, it is hoped, raeavcr t.iihaut any per tnanout ittjury. The Scott Act appeal cases, rarerr- ad to test week, Dame up before Lila Geuerat Sessions on 1!riday. In the Schaffer ease the jury was out au hour lead a half, and returned a verdict of not guilty. The case of Mr. Reynolds was .adjourned for another term, anti iu thatkof ler Winters, of Blyth, the appeal was imissed, or, in otlior words, the vietion of the magistr.:- tee was sash led. As oonda for D. \IeO;tllum, of taint;ham, is proceeding homeward Monday n truing be discovered a young maU lamed Howard trying to force his sw into the •tVingltatu post - office. Tie 1 bored several holds through the door, and would have gaiued admittance in a shoe. time had he not been discovered by Mc- Callum. Howard was arraiuged be• fore Mayor Neelands, sed pleaded guilty and was sent to Godorioll for trial. We regret this week to chronicle the death of Wm. Buchanan, sr., of the township of Hay, which event occurred at his residence on Satur- day 6th inst., and at the advanced age of 82 years. Deceased was a native of Scotland, and was born in the vicinity of i%ippeu, Perthshire, in the year 1858. When hut a young man, (and when this now fair.oantry was but an unbrokeu forest,) he emi- • grated to this country with his family, and settled ou lot 21, in the third concession of the township of Hay, where he resided until rho time of his death, being for no less a period than 37 years. during all of whioh time he enjoyed the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends. common with many of the old ears of this country, deceased 0 endure many •diffioulties and 'pa, in the way of „/caring the farming heel marketing, but possesse of an unusually ng robust outititutiotl and of a and ehee ful disposition, he was o sugrvsfully cope with all ultitls .,and soon trade for If and family u comfortable In relegiotl deceased was a suno Presbyterian, and in polities a firm and pronounced Reformer, and being endowed or peddled with nacre than ordinary learning and intelligence he was able quickly to understand and clearly to discuss all important matters connected with both church and stale. The !neem! cortege despite a stormy *lay, ane largely attended testifying to tier respect in whioh he was held. residents of 6ted up for ores P PARSONS, )d the .sums ,arria -e an•d of your es- " clone at 1TfICI . les buying 'in Judge MoDot:gall Monday lnort,i of at Ayliner eet,t.+ueed young Ardrl, foundguilty ofman-slaughter on on Thursday, to 14 years in peniten tiary, the highest penalty the law al lows for that grime. In sentencing bim the judge regretted that he was not able to in8iet a t.evmier puuish- rnent, and s=pressed an °pillion that tLe.jury should bald brought in a div # murder. The crime for whioh Ardel sheeting wa s the wits Wag of Cnplai a Flatters Iasi sprin when the latae • Was Attempting to ay- reet buil for eo "l:da're devil deeds. mutton tart , Ow you. 1� will be it nlilti;nt 1tey. J. (i. l'allt . some years toy wife b thsp..prin, RUA has tried t other recommended with Latin till advised to give Metirt; veil Spec trial. Siuee taking the t1t:;t battle 1 h ticed a decided improvement, anti can conlilleuctp reclullwentl it to bs one of, i the best medicine extant for Dyspepsia. invaluable medicine for Liver Complaint,1 digestion, Kidney (.'owplaiut,is purely leg table. Sold ut J. W. Lrowniug,'s Drug Store. Trial bottles liven fret • Interestieve Items. Scott's E DttIsion. of Rete, Cott Liver Oil, with It popitosphltes In Tubercular Di`ieaies trf tlo' Lung*. Dr, Joint 13ARtNOTON, Corrintnla, Mich., SAYS ; "1 pare prescribed Snot 's Emulsion, with satisfactory results in Tubercular dia. eases of the lungs, aua Mesentery glands; also in Neuralgia doe to defective nerve nutrition." Shares in the ban}: of Ireland, which a year ago were quoted at ,'310, were liouday quoted at .274. 1tnottLAnrrt' is the main spring of life, and regularity of the bowels is one of the essen- tial laws of health. Burdock Brood Bitters • regulates the bowels ill a natural ivauuer, curing Constipation and proventiug serious disease. One riuk from 1i'ingliam mat a rink of elle Lucknow Curling Club at the latter place Friday, when the Lucknow rink was victorious by 33 to 90. The hard worked mail of business, toiling day by day, with little chance for rest, should tease occussionally itobilt son's PIiosphorizeli Emulsion, to give activity to the brain, and stroughth to the constitution, and thereby prevent the attacks of fever and other destroyiug dis- eases. A proclamation is gazetted calling an election under the Canada Tomperauoo Act l in Polttinc county. 'rho election thy is fixed for the eet11 of January. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, \Whooping Cougit and Bronchitis. Sold by J. W. Browning. All the owners of horses to our village ter delighted with the effects of (!ilea' Liuimen Iodide Ammonia; it never disappoints. know of some wonderful cares that hav been made by it, other remedies havin failed to accomplish the result. Giles' LIni ment was successful. I. M. HorT, druggist South Norwalk. (Jonn. Sold by C. Lutz Central Drug Store. Chas. Wheeler, working at Burrow, Stewart d Milue's fouudry, Hamilton, was injured internally by the hoist going wroug Friday. Every second person has it ; doctors think It incurable ; but DR. CARSON'S (JA'TARRI1 CURE is guaranteed to cure or the money is refunded. All druggists or the Dr. Carson Medical (k., Toronto. $1.00 per bottle. The Ladies of the Montreal Protestant churches have united for the purpose of sending help to the hall breeds of the North-west. Ti -E BEST COUGH CURE. The best remedy for Clough and all Throat and Lung troubles is one that loosens and dislodges the sough mucous, clears the bronchial tubes, and allays irritation. This is what Hagyard's Pentoral Balsam dose in every case. t 0 o EMBLEMS of g C. ec S. GIDL EY, 1 UNDERTAKERS ! Furniture Manufacurers r' 1 r t: Y. it.\ ,YaG� /f•,'''‘,r )• 4 >v —.L FULL STOCK OF— Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to sleet immediate wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And Funerals furnished nal conducted at extremely low prices. ALL Tite DIFFERENT SOCIET.rs. ' During November the total receipts of iuland revenue for the Dominion amounted, ea , according to the unrovisod statement, to $50).,861. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A positive pure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Mo.tth. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. IMPURE BLOOD.—Boli, blotches, pimples and festering suers are indications of impure blood that should never be neglected. or i11 health and perhaps incurable disease may result. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the, blood by acting on the lour cardinal points of health—the S ontuch, J.Lmels, Liver and Blood. The Kingston cotton trill has enough orders on hand to keep it running 04 full time for the next six months. T}111 SECRET OF SUCCESS. The reason why liagyard's Yellow Oil is so popular with the people as a housetaold remedy for pain, is in the feet that while many liniments only relieve, Yellow Gil both relieves and cures Rheumatism and all aoltee, pains, soreness and loneness. '.The Itev. Geo. H. Thayer, of '1#ohrbou, Ind.,says . "Both myself and wife e yOre Dor lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cuj'ii. Sold by J, W. Browning. 'Emperor William of Germany\a pears in fine . health. lie says ;--"My r lief com- plainttlia my great age.,' Binder Twinei a 1 THE Dartmouth Ropowork Company, Halifax, Nova, Scotia, I Are now prepared to quote 71rices of BIN I)P fl TWI;VF, for the season of 1886. 1 CURE FITS.! When I say cure Idonot man merely to stop them form time and then have them returns>rin. I meow* male.! Duro. I have made the disease of FlTS,• EPILEPSY or FALLING SIOKN PSS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy .td' once the worst caeca. Possum others have felled to no, memo* r not now receiving acute. Send atewe dura treatimuand s Free Sothe et my tI rn111bio-remedy Glee Express and Post OIi*0. It ra. • thl.•r for a trial, and Iwlltoure Ton. tt: '4. now. 1811'orl St., New rots. WAN L'LD—LADIES to work for ua a', their own homes. §7 to $10 per week can be quietly made. • No photo. painting ; no canvassing.. For fill( particulars, please address. at once, Crescent Ary Co. Boston, .class. Box 5170. '7 ANTJ;D-L „tie'* ante geutUomoit in city or country to tote light work at the irOW11 homes. S3 to S4 a day can be rosily made ; work sent by mail; no canvassing. We have good demand for qer work and furnish ste.dy employment. Address, with stamp, CROWN M F (r COMPANY, 394, Vine St., eiccinnati, Ohio. . • • ttti 118 tai 't 81. aet ro.ih. 41.4.“) ;t b. 4,4 .dthousand'. 4tin 14 .,ht kind and of I.. standing have hh,I. Mtr,n la Inv .: 2i to Its t', taut 1,111 Mey111 n (t: togetherwitw{W,LVA InEob+., ,na,teallsufferer. pivn Fst+roali and P. ta. ,0.., D1t. T. A. w !.aisle, tri 1•491,114. , NOW Piot and Ca nice selection. 4 It A.DY-ArA1)li. ti 1,STJ..Pt,S The llut,ht.tittiu1 good, tit.t,, can be prodeteed, The Public are cordially in- i ;r vited to call and inspect for theinselves. No tr.uble to show goods. JOUN 1311,416:77N, UND1RTAt ER & CABINS T -MAZER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets A.t,sa COFFINS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. A CD ll,tlete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FUBNISr_Ep AND ()ON- DUCTED AT Low RA'T'ES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. ri?-GIVE ME A CALL. .3i ;tt 01.4 [l. • 44 n�tfi A e DVERTISEne .geeu"ger our let list or aepteere. Gco.'1'. „reit 10 Spruce 81. .1r. iF. j y I i Mt: fa ilf,,47 rf,31�y Under'taker and Cabinet -mal? ONTAR ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S MI Iifl[ FOUR PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED for Fall and Winter Purchases, which vvjj1 FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Co Superior Finish. It:will pay you to order now and derive a b chasing good and oheap `Goods. A ca is solicited. cII . so -r Fllrhi,• 0 21 Jalble Tailor, •Ezetee Exeter Post Office Tire. 'Tables Sf A.I LS—_ ----; �A4IBS* C otos I ji lzlrkton, Woodham \VincheisealtndElituvi110 ,.1 ,,, Southeast and west; including London rr ,.. - lt•m, i0 bfanitobe•,dJ west,Status, u8tglisiltutd,for igrzlimans ;'pato 3fo¢ilti•eal, SonLh east west Ac 1 s art laza . Nortils,tld eget including ltoderiuh, �1•inrham, liincar 0.45 p,m 1.iJ Y1. r' north, fitrat?ora, Toronto, 8loutrt ul, and H; seas. and •••apoints astertt Bt North east, aces . u. 2.80 P..m 3,9U a, 14 Hay .. .. ... •. x.30. • 1t: 6.30 p.1dK 11,0, StareptnTttcscttt,•sThuredwysaulS,turda)•>: ... it 1Q:OQa, m, , — Ooam tooun, al [rsueaand pS*id ire aced irorrt any 300,3 ', order office in the Dornihion of tn,rlr, .nal.arilisb fndig, I4ewtoauriland, Itgl),Australia,hew ales, rL'a} natD 3.410nd. M r ulce'ne agerin, tltoGer,aan Empiie, Rweden,Norwa,SOnth ark, I eJai of lglussIf- lie tb.la..ds,Switzerlrng, Austrta.Rungary, ti°ttutttnin, Vnitede at s, Iceland, >3d st,. ; ballots. States, Jttmafea and POSTineb',"E ffA#INCSlitlilli. 81::11 Ire;,osits will be received tat thus office frcoh 41 1.. tt ,ser-ttelttirlti'k:rtir•ciel .or `E3De - . t mi: onngn tlepoeityl1000, ne1:11 i althea "hr,11"nii;;