HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-17, Page 8d INSURANCeP: iEt3T IaLLIO l}, AGENT FQR THE WESTEP.N ASSURANCE COAT PANT, ef'1'oroute : also for the PIIl39DLTt+. FIR %hell 4s comP`ANY,oti,ondou. England, the R O A C&RADIANof tkloatreal, and the BRITROI MIME BE LU ASSURANCE cObf- PANY.cf t,ondon. Ragland, established 1847 Assets aver, *5000.000; claims and bonasee ,paid.. over $10P00,000, 1 OC4L TTelvs.--We shalt be happy to sre- oeive at all tines, from, any part of the County, items of local news, such as ac- cidents,or any interesting incident what ever, from any of our subscribers or read. ere generally for the purpose of public- ation. aellcalleasclieries This (Thursday) evening ,at 8 o'clock a To the Editor of the 1Cxeter Times. children's servioe will be held 'in Christ Sm.—Since' drat'poiled a vote in Caen ads, Church, Exeter, when a sermon will be now a good many years, I was what is here Preached by Rev, John Bidley, recto* of called. a Grit. I got my ideas of politica from Mitchell. A.pleasant rift vice may be looked, the Liberal party in Germany, and oncoming The annivernsry services of the James - street Math. Church were held en Sunday and Monday last, The sermons on Sunday were preached by Rev. T. M. Camp- bell, of Goderich, and in the afternoon an to this country, I was led to behave that the Reform party here were about the same, and so I became a:Reformer. The Reform party , CONSI rrrON CURED, in 040001 ntry, always professed to belie fav-. Au old physician.retired from practice, hav- or of equal rights to all, knowing no race, re- in bad placed inbia bands by an Bast Indian nem or social oxndition, tiin administering missionary the formula of a simple vegecabio d f th ed d t Duro of MARRIED. 'fwan-r-8Knnrtx.-0n the 9th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Bev,' W. E. Gane, Mr. John F. Peart, to Miss Matilda Skinner, daughter of Samuel Skinner, Esq., all of Ueberne. open session of the fiebbath-segool Was pearl the Government or the law, whale the Tory uonseuua t .on. Irrenebit e. pCatmarrrrbn Asthma at which addresses were delivered by Rey. Mr, I party was alwaya held up to me as trying to Campbell, and W. Bowman, Esq., of London. put class against class, roe against rage bythe 1 e g1stir . Excellent music was furnished th school. and gen rel y up strife. On Monday evening a platform meeting was But I tell you that 1 and dozens of other"- held, and addresses, which we can not too Germans in this county have lately got our highly eulogize, were given by Revs. Messrs. eyes opened. Every German in the country, t i an Mart' knows Biel deeer ed to bangand that John Campbell. Eeruha$, of Ceu rel a, d lila ' Y of Exter. On this occasion the choir fur- i A.. did just right in letting him hang. All wished music. Amount realized from oot- ' honor belongs to John A. for not yielding to tit der gimes. THURSDAY, DECE11 17th, 1886 TEN CENTS. per line for arst insertion, and Peru CRNTS per line for each subsequent in ae tion' l lmbe ohargedfo no ice; epeeartn; this LOCAL HAPPE $NHS. To give our re ,era an opportunity of ee- caring a good. „teal paper and an unequalled agricultural Ind live stock journal, we offer the Mart,' and Canada Live Stock Journal forejaa for $1.76. Without exoeplion, the best and cheapest linea in Boots and Shoes we have as yet seen, stn now be had at C. Eaerett's. Children's Carriages, Exprase Wagons, Bicycles of all sizea, Felt Boots and Men's Band -read° Boots ; also harness of every description Constantly on hand. Call and see them. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for ,goods. C. Etcaavr. f#iilt ,Aaother Dodge. There are aoouple of agents travailing the country, claiming a patent for horse colter, who are victimizing farmers in Counties around. The farmer signs a coutraot to a0- cept an agency for the collar, and a month or two after is called upon to pay a promis- sory note that be knows nothing about. Be- ware ed tit me geutry, farmers. -- Little Sweethearts. Is the title of a wonderful picture by the great artist, Mrnrara. It is of bewitching beauty that words fail to describe.It is published by the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, aha is carrying the hearts of the people by storm. State and Provincial Governors, Sen store, Members of Parliament, and all classes of people the continent oyer, have deluged the Publishers with congratu- lations and compliments, A postal card to the Publishers of The Family Herald, Mon- treal, will got you terms and pattienlers. To Choose a Turkey, As Christmas is drawing nigh, the follow- tng hints bow to choose a turkey :nay be of interest to some :—Do not try to twist its wings, but feel the point of its breast -bone, if this "gives" to the fingers, instead of be. ing hard and sharp, von may know the bird is young. A hairy turkey, with reddish or thighaand beak, is likely to be old; so is one of unusually large size„ unless you can trust the dealer's word. The pin-fea• there are pointed in the young and rounded in an old bird; soft, pliable legs and feet are the signs of freshness in game, as 'Ithe legs very soon dry and stiffen. Canadian Grams for B xliibition. Mr. Alex. MoD. Allan, of Goderich, who is working with enthusiasm in collecting ex- 3libita for the Colonial Exhibition in England next year, has been requested by the Donal- d= Commissioners to make a collection of Fain, seeds, beans, porn (shelled and in the lar), as well as fruit- A peck of each is re- irred,and each sample must be acoompa- ded by name end address of the grower, to- etherwith the name of variety. IMr. Allan leotions and subscriptions totalled up $175, 1 threatening message of French supporters. Tlrevstles. ,For .Fancy Goode of every description, go to the Dominion Laboratory. J. W. Browning has the finest assortment and alt ttroat and lung affections. tlrleo a posi- tive and radical caroler Nervous Debility aud all Nervous Complaints, atter bavuig tested iia wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases. has felt it his duty to make it knownto his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tale motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, 1 will send frosof °barge, to all who desire it, this recipe, iu Gersaan,French or Zeal ieh,with full directions for preparing and using, Sent by mail by addressing with stampp, naming this paper, W.,A . Noxss,149PoteeesBiock, Acchester, And now wefiud the Reform party, just for the hope of getting into office are willing to turn round and join with these i, renchwen, after telling us for yoara that the French rnl- edthis country and lately that the French of X-mas cards in town. Calland see them. would prevent Riel being hung. Before his The Tiaras is not clubbed with any other !fate was decided every Reform paper that I Mier, unleas at the caeca of publtoation. I saw said it would be disgraceful to let hire Dressed bogss are beginning to be brought I escape death, and now when he got his des- erts, what a change, If the Reformers are going totem this country over to the French entirely, I for one, want to know it. And according to the Reform papers that I have bowl resdinr;; tbo Globe, the Advertiser, and the Expositor, tbeRefornora are about to sell Ps as a. body end bones to the French - Into the market pretty extensively,. The Dominion Laboratory is noted for new and cheap Fancy Goods, X-mas and Newyears Cards, &o. Jas, Ferguson keeps the best Roller Flour in town, rnanufactered at Fried's milt, Dash. wood. Glee .him a Call and try it. We are toldthat a lady fainted in the S. A. men. It ie about time we did get our eyes barracks on Sunday evening from religious open. We know of old what the Frenchmen excitement, are, and we don't want to be ruled by theta, The new $. A. offieara (male) have taken and we will not submit to it if we can help ;Marge, and reside in the "parsonage" on Main -street. Mr. E. Scarlett has opened a drug store in Coulson's old stand. He comes here highly recommended, Remember the performance in the roller skating rink Friday and Saturday evening, and Saturday afternoon matinee. We return our best thanks to Mrs. Andrew Stewart, of Ueborue, for the gift of a nice large turkey Bead T. Fitton's mammoth advertisement ourselves.] No Moro Globe or Reform party for me and to say dozens of others. Yours on the other side of the fence. Zuriorl Dec, 8th 1885. EliniviNo. 2'o Sditor of the Exeter Times Deas Sia.—Sino you were kind enough to publish my last communi MARKET REPORTS. {corrected ate o'clock p.m. Wednesday., raw. "near wniteWne a t 0 75 to 080 VDite Wheat New ,-. "' 0 se to Q &4" y , HA'NDI EGSS axil waxer rife (new) ,rail ux Clover Seed — Timothy " JSAAi a-mwmmLeA.L lz,21 Exeter, GROCERIES, DRY -GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. 'GENERAL °ern Sete •» Flourperbb1.... t'otatoet,per bag Apples,perbag ... Drieda,pplespr b .., cieeeo per lb. Turkey per lb ... ]lucks perpx' Chickens per pr ffoga;irossedper100' Beef ". FiYleadreuon . ' .. Sheepskin s,o+toh .. Calfeatne ^' Wool per lb ... fray per tea dptonsuerhusli Wood per cord nte I" IiENSAIair 51 BK&TS' Fall Whsat Per ... ... E 0 80 to 0 83 in this crane. Ne is offering astonishing Gillian re kliQea' )flatus a week to Haring „ 0 5u to a sol bargains during the holidays. Faring{b late and With a tall to boot I lruat A few articles of household furniture for ' ' Ilarleytfee• Exeter. allowing thea *hart apace while I Bleak *ata o a A large stook of Chnatmaa and Newreare make a for o'lnialeuts with reference otetoes .ter bit 055 to 070 cards of the latest designs, just opined out at the Central Drug Store, at low prices, 0. Lutz. For the iuforrratioa of those who don't know, we state that sleighing here is ,good. 0soto075 045 to 0 ;s o°.a'to0SO 600tos 125Go*00 055 to 050 904to004 olato016 010 to 014 500 toe 65 osoto000 04010050 00410000 oo5to006 006 to 005 050 to 000 025to055 '000to540 500toe 00 500 to 000 60ot°700 05010457 0 60 te 0 70 o to 0 00 050 to0IS 250tosoo riebt) a t•5 to O 70 ling) .. 0 ee to 044 sale. Apply to Mrs, Logic, Andra,,,-street, you will kendly 40 me the favor of mita oats. ... a as too se tto033 i Apples per bbl. 1 O0 to I. 00 to aeid tail. Inthe f1;at place we are not iu Rome (Exetor) and orae queutty' you will please excuse us if we don't do exactly ae the Bewails and, iu oonsequenoo thereof business has im- do. Iu the eeooud place we treat proved. May it continue to improve. men as we find theta, and ohariey The ether day furry, son of Ar. Brawn- thiuketh no evil, carryiug out the old whiled ee di a' ofd & t dislocating his Dallas bone, lug. everyman iunoceut until proven One week from next Monday will be no- guilty. In the third plaoe the looture ruination day all over the country, and elan• was delivered in Ehmatile, sad the tions, whore in theitew y artl take place the people of that plaoe and those bsdidee first M++aday in the new year. ! 1 On Saturday last, whiles lad named Web. who heard the leotnre inert bog the eter, waa operating the sontehing machine privilege of judging its merits, and in the fax mill hero,lhe got lone of his hands badly lacerated. At the regular meeting of the Loyal Orange Lodge No. 924, Exeter, after the routine busi- ness had been transacted, the old at'floers were re -sleeted for the ensuing year. Both the Reese and Deputy -Reeve of Exe- ter voted in favor of the appointinont of a police magistrate to facilitate the enforce- ment of the Scott Act in this county. The Totgmann Septette Club will give a concert under the auspices .of the Exeter Fire Department, in Drew's Hall an the evening of the 23rd inst. The club bas a good reputation. Usual prices of admission. A team of large horses attached to a wa- gon, ran from the post office down street the other day, but fortunately they were caught before they had gone a groat distance, so that no damage was done. The "olde foikes"" concert in aid of Christ Church took place in Drew's hall last even- ing, and was numerously attended. Owing to our going to press while the entertainment is in progress, we can not comment ou or give particulars of it,. Mrs. Logie and Miss Dixon leave shortly for Goderich, where they will reside. Miss Dixon has taught in the public, school here for a number of years, and will be greatly missed there, as well as iu the Presbyteria Choir anda at .-so 00 . ing, es n ng a pair dark stairs. missed his footing and fell to the bottom, priuotpla of Bntish jnidice, of oount- WO1? POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Pargativc, Is a s-fo, sure, and rttectnal tile man's worth, awl we claim that 7'm' et worm, in ChildrenorAdaits, right. none daring to realest or make us afraid. In she fourth place Ur. Hine furnished us with oertifi- oatee of obaraoter and ability, sigued by some of the most eminent diviues of Great Britain, United States and Canada, as well as eulogistao extracts ;ANMayo DIi a o recientl iL'SiC1srd a SlewrD 146 from e0m0 of the m781 prominent ontheradioalaadpermauent euro twttb- publieatione of the day, on the phyaica) capacityNimpediments ok ra nage strength of which we gave him a eto„reeuitiuitrom excesses.. warm invitation to come, and we Price,iasoaledonvolopo,only6nenta,ortwo poatapo stamps. were not disappointed. He came and 1 Thooelebratod authorofthis admirable es, sayolearl demonateates, from ttdrtyyears gave us an able and highly. appreoi— suoeeeefu, raotioe, tbatalarming oonaegnen- ated leotnre ; acted while with us the part of a perfect gentleman, and now who pays the piper,you or we ? Again, for further proof of this man's popu- larity, kindly refer to the comments in his lecture by the Loudon Free' Press, and yet in the face of all this, and the fact that almost wherever he hae been before he has received pressing invitations to return at some nests thet all samples from this county or S bb b b 1 future period, it is to Exeter he need 1 apply for depreciatory remarks and !section be sent a left at Mr, F. Jordans We are glad to Ir, that Mr. John Gill, condemnation and why? It is Said drag store, Goderich, as that gentleman has telegraph Operator, London, son of Bailiff. ' kindly consented to,receive and care for them Gill, who has bean ill lately , is sufficient- that he takes hia "English toddy." is case of Mr. Allan's absence. ly recovered to get around. He will resume Well, granting that he does, and. many a thousand good sten and true do the same who pays for it ? Who bas to answer for the awful sin, if sin it be ? Not the people of Exeter I assure you. That is a matter be- twixt his oonecienoe and hie God, and I would venture to ask him that is MANHOOD. How Lost, How Restored,. village Council. The Council met pursuant to adjournment, at the market house on the 9th inst., all the present except Mr, Johne. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirm- ed. Moved by W. Biesett, amended by A. G, Dyer, that orders be granted for the fol. lowing sums, via.:—John Yager, $21.50 for lumber; J. N. Howard, 100.67 for lumber ; Jas. Creech, $2.10 for wood for Mrs Corbett; Spaokman Bros., $6 for two lamps; Fire Co., No. 2, $5, services W. Treble; I. Sandford, 82.10, account 1884; J. Pickard, 39.75 for charitable purposes and $8.15 for rent of amt-np; Exeter Brass Band, $60, usual grant, and R. Terry, $1.55, labor.—Carried. Moved by J- Pickard, seconded by A. G. Dyer, that Mr. 'Whitlock be granted $25 for widening the street opposite his property as soon as said widened street is duly registered. —Carried. A communication from Mr. B. V. Elliot, concerning Mrs. Pinch's assess- ment, was read. Moved by J. Pickard, sec- onded by A. G. Dyer that the Reeve get legal advice concerning the matter.—Carried. On motion the Council adjourned. M. EiORETT, Clerk. Church notes. Rev. B. Y. Thompson, of Hansell, will preach in Caven Presbyterian Church next Sunday and administer the sacrament. Mr. Bowman, of London. occupied the Main -street Methodist Church pulpit last Sunday, morning and evening; and preaohed two eloquent sermons. The annual missionary sermons. of Christ Church, Exeter, and St. Paul's, Rendall, were preached on Sunday last by Rev. R. McCosh, rector of Winghom. The sermons were both appropriate and interesting. On Sunday evening last, lieu. W. S. Pascoe, preached in Victoria street Meth- odist church, Godeich, the pastor of that church, Rev. T. M. Campbell; preaching the anniversary sermons of Mr. Pascoe's church hare. Rev. A. fe Russell, B.D., of Forest, will ore Sunday next preach the anniversary ser. tons of the Main -street Methodist Church. horence to just and true principles, enjoys the usual week -night service in connection the reward of seeing the paper possess the illi the anniversary will be dispensed with, largest circulatio f.any agricultural maga- the friends are expected to put on the zine in the Donzlli. 4lectlon plates on Sunday the amounts me- Each year has been marked by a steady his duties in a few days. The cause of his illness is attributed to internal injuries re - calved by falling. The Parkhill Review, a new Reform paper, came to band last week. The initial number is a credit to the proprietor and village, It is well written, and the advertising patronage is good. Mr. Darrach is the proprietor, but we fear he will be a sorry one in a year or so, as Parkhill can ill -afford to support two lwithout sin to oast the first stone. newspapers. .1 Fair play is fair play, and we wish to. Wait for the grand entertainment under condemn no man on conscientious the auspices of the Oddfellows lodge here, on Monday evening, Dec. 28, which wilt be gig- scruples, for you know we are none en by the distinguished dramatic reader, cue perfect. I consider you had no Homer D. Cope, New York. He is well worth right to affix a tail to a foreign cons - hearing. The entertainmept will be held in munivation, expressing, as it did, tihe the Oddfellow s hall. Admission, 25o. H. D. Brush, veterinary dentist, (son of Prof. Brush), of Fingal, will be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, 19th and 26th inst. for the purpose of examining the teeth and mouths of horses and cattle, and extracting such teeth as are injurious to the health of the animals. See advertise- ment in another column. °es may be radically cured withouttbe ang- orons use el internal meal eines or'ttrause of the knife; Point out a mode of euro at 01100 simple certain and effectual by . e of whlaheveryaufforer,no matte what : ?' oon- ditfonmey beanay cure himself oh.tapl4, prl vatelv and radically. ISeThi lecture abonldbeinthe hands of ev- eryyonthandevery man intbeland. Address g'HE CULVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY, 41 ANN Sr.. NBWYOliKL, Post Odlce Sol 450 SANTA. CLAUS IS COMING ! and as usual will make the Dom Laborat'ry His Headquarters. Already he has forwarded several consignments of Y -M A. S views of .a great majority of the pee And Holiday Coods pie present that night, and we refuse to condemn whom to us appeared And still there's more to fol. perfectly inuooent. We had no right low. And to extend totheman any other than a cordial reception, and I fully and DON'T YOU FORGET IT fearlessly endorse all that was said in previous item of news, and just here, CONSISTING• OF A. Euccesstal Majority. by way of conclusion and a parting TOYS salute—and wherever the cap fits I , After twenty years of • faithful • service in hope it will be pulled over the ears- DOLLS, the interests of agriculture, the Farmers Ad- can ea tees nothing but contempt voeate, though oft -times severely tested by p g p CUPS & SA.UCERS, its enemies, has emerged (thanks to the just . for those who can to a man's face PIPES, PURSES discernment of the Canadian farmer and an eulogize and flatter, and behind Lie olio of standing the AUZOGRAPH ; an regardless o right d dt f politica or party)) a ing yon for this indulgence, I am &o. , and PHOTO ALBUMS, decided sueeeu. unohangeable policy by bank condemn and Blander. Thank Its independentposition as regards poli- FAIRPLAY. VASES, TOILET SETS, Bee, its devotion to the farmer, and its Elimrille, Deo. 14, 1885. PERFUMERY, resolute stand against all fraud, are the main causes which have placed the Advocate . [While We do not retract one iota COMBS & BRUSt1ES. in the enviable position it holds today, viz., of what we said last weak in the note without art. equal in Canada. - at bottom of Elimville oorreipond- . (yor Ladies' Hand Satchels are Behind a farming experience of 50 years, oe, W8 g p y ne. journal, assisted by an able staff best writersthat can be procured as and Europe, guides and edngat ht 'us1 " form "Fair la '" Fi and the that our object in appending it wee in,A seri- not to interfere with his opinion of ee ho 'ay'the lecturer or the leotnre, or with stock, dairy, apiary, die., and by a Rim ad- (hose who hold the same viewer bel simply to defelld the managers of the church. against the attack upon t`liem and to justify their course, as we,00n. sidere'd it onr duty to do. We "said nothing whatever of the lecture, as one would infer we had by reading the above communication. In regard to the correspondence being published a wank late, we positively assert that it did not reaoh us in time for the issue for which it was intended, --En. T±MEs.1 the editor and owner of this really excellent 01300,mi mer in all matters relating to agrioultnre, ally contributed towards a tea -meeting. 'Tuesday evening last, Rev. T. M. Camp' belie of Goderich, delivered hia justly cele- brated leotnre, "God Save the Queen,“ in the leotnre-room of the James -street Metho- dist Church, under the anspicea of the Exe- ter 'Young People's Christian Association. improvement, as oleo by an increased demand upon itsissue, until the present month, which is the largest ever published. and with its neat print, fine paper and original prac- tical drawings, certainly makes a creditable appearance and affords entire satisfaction to all concerned. The speaker was greeted with a large andi sample copy mailed free by addressing enee and everybody was delighted with the Farmer's Advocate, London, Out. address. 33. Our Goods and Groceries are warranted ofthe. Best ity and Latest Styles. Families in the villa ing country can rely on Good Value for Aitticles delivered promptly at your homes, in desired. A Trial Respectfully Soli+ QuaI* ound- ouey. ISBAC CARLIN G ERAL STO * °r«' '. ori1t, NERRI '+ COMgilli 'H. HICKS 9 Believing that We are about to experience a holiday season of unusual activity, and anticipating that a general and wide -spread observance of X-mas and the holiday will bring with it a generaledemand for GIFTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION R. HICKS has a fine stock to meet the demand consist- ing of WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, KNIVES, FORKS SPOONr. tt; Thanking you for favors during the two yea% filch 1 have been in Exeter, and would solicit a continuance of the same. A. liberal discount given during the holiday - eason. Stand opposite Jas, Pickard's, Main.st., Exeter. R. Hi CKS• Gt Sting lap.** alsolophowe —AND— HELLO FOR CH.RISTMkS AND DON'T YOU FORGET That G. A HYNDMAN has a Fresh Stock of Raisins, Lemons, Biscuits, Currants, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Teas, Coffees, Pipes, , Tobaccos, Confectionery. 'hese Goods are All Select and Fresh for the X -Mas Trade. Don't forget to give us a call before buying. Oysters in Every Style. G. A. HYNDMA.N , Fruition's Block. Goods delivered at once. 200 WANTED zoo U1 -OK!! About TWO HUNDRED good customers at the CARRIAGE SHOP, Exeter. a uar side Tuni renal reap The yarit 0± a bo' Torn Pray, bitin, aid VI it is l wants Tri ed to Gene Soh: and a not g was iu tb apps: ,turd tee N As Wing Mon" youn force oflee.. throe game had h Cal in fore k guilty trial. We the di the to ocourr day 61 age of native the Vic in the man, was bt • grated and se concee where his dei than 8 tim e esteem 000 0e 0 8 SUDO flit and be more intellig uadersi itnporti both all cortege largely. respect, Judi; at Aylu found on Thu tiary, 1 lows fog Lim /hr not able meat, a ora jury die Ardel .rt of Con when 11 rest bin The undersigned begs to . intimate to the residents of Exeter and surrounding country, that he has fitted' up for Carriage • Making Purposes The buildings lying immediately south of MR. PARSONS' 111/1 c' c a 's Blacksmith Shop, Main-st., and having stocked the :same ' with suitable material for the construction of Carriage and Sleigh work, we therefore solicit a liberal share of your es- CA S teemedatrona e. . P g Repairing 'promptly and `properly dame at 'Satisfactory Prices; Yours truly, W. T UEIVZT$ICK. N. B.—S¢ecial rates to the Livery trade and parties buying in Quantities, By the million and very Cheap. Give me a Call. Dominion Laborator . . J. W. BROWNING, PROPRIETOR„