HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-17, Page 5l
t"11;1adICPan's" 1.,egitey.
"tSixa " exeleimed a man in the
homely garb of a meolianio to Melte.
lieu, Prime Minister of France, as Ila
was entering his palace; "Sire, I
It Ye trade a diacoret'y which ;hall
"teethe rioh 6041 004k the flatten which stories and all Awl
"shall develop it. Sire, will you give 1 Pe;haps the
"Me as audience.
Fnb1tcat1Ous leve% IBd, McGregor & k'arkeat Carbolic Cerate fell"
Frank Leslie's Sanday ltfagezi a for eve. valuable for Wounee, Sores, Stat etheuut,
nary, beginning the Ninteeutle lune, ;is a Cats, 'terns, Scalds and Pastors, es a heal-
briliiaut holiday number, almond., in; text Ing and purifying dressing. Do not be fra-
med pictaros appropriate to the s aeon. it posed on with other useless 'preparations,
opens with an Interesting and i='etrnotive recommended to be as good. Ilse orale rife-
essay on °Christmas Carols," Dr. a almage'a Gregor,* Parket' Cerate, Sold by J. W.
""Chritmas in Amer , " end Browniing, ' 2
st)rmo» la On
there are several Christmas: and Ne .. , Hawkins it Sons, rottorl spinners, at Pree-
n, Eng., have failed. Liabilities, 678,000.
CATARRH CURED, health and Sweet
eatle aeoured, by Slliloh"s Catarrh Remedy.
ice 50 cents. Nasal Injector fret). Sold
J. W. Browning.
poems, a ne y i a
ertiolo ileac. will attract
91" attention is "'Prehistoric Auler o°
iohelieu, constantly icnitQrtunad, :Iteti Gee. Thera arc'Wiany ohort anno
ually ordered tltet'madroan" imprie- 1 arttolea, and the fullepafte pictures arc
U11ed, Lyon in jail be did not desist tiful and numerous, The regular
from. tieolaring hie „delusion., which "+.,Dye's .Harvest," aid. '"Dilettante D
pile Aay attracted tba,attei tion 'of a and comtl!0 Editorial
i heparbyen'4e ar
British. toy, an n, velo d aid ie- LasI4 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, Ne
Caus3'a story, and developed his doe- city, et 25 cents a number, or °$2.50
Ali great aovery of steam power.,
J a paEald,
w. i „ t first L1A. Ftprank Popular Monthly for
nary 188Ei has articles and illustrate
it d lay a 13193,0033
u i t ley the Papula one
w tc :liver
hilxiaelf suddenly atriclien down. Reid, the frieorite American aaovelist
said recovery tributes a slier; story, :starch.,:
-when his physicians l�Ftiexne"; Brawler 111atthows, rho st
ma is set ori y, iYri >
a � ,
se, begins a. very attraetive serial mtetitted
The discovery of the instauteueoles process
taking photographs has been guiekly fol
wain the mediae]. world by a perfect and
stantaneous remedy for all acate ashes and
ins, as Noutetlgie, Toothache, Rheuulatiern,
e.Tbis valuable remedy is called fluid
gleheing. find isselcl, et 25 cents a bottle by
W. Worming, druggist,
seven a host of persons moment in literatu
,Seven yetire ago ¢ fecal yet under art, and eovars a large rangesof sublet
s Esse$ r o of our
h h :d the continent, found
Iles, s i i g
.riddle a'e, envie/13a
nr1C : is easel? is
n'tth the fasts of the luany C
iteilreelhie, lea need a rzew disoov- dra a is t te: of the L•lle3 s ,
ory, jgh1Qh, like all advance's inue; ion:: Ett \\' 1'Iercc too well -•known to need
�11� beryu opposed bisterlg the
spl3aQlmeu. IkaverthelessA it cured
- ° out of gratitude therefor lie
apart of his wealth to the
tafits merits betore the
in brief is the dietary
t cure, wbieh bas won,
testimony of eminent
est deserved reputation ,,Yeseau Notes," w, >a, McCann, 5f Vis, Staab,
any known cora ona;i K. Bolton, and I, V, Crawford, supe y
sally wireline atz its and sketches, Published by ;Ins, Veen
I,asLIE, 53, v5 curl 57 Park 1"taco, Now V ork
approval of the moat 1 city, at 25:seta i nuwller or 33.0(1 a year,
itiaaere. 13 facie Jpeet,paid,
a, The I-leraif,
tiQW b
cough fel
Will there
25 cents..
f. „. ,. R D.
all who are suireriugfrozn the errors and
,aoretions of youth, nervous weakness,
ly decay, loss of �tauhoocl, ere, I will soled a
etre) tient win cure you, FREE Oee CHARGE.
is great remedy was discovered by a oris-
nary in South Amori°a. sande selead-
oressed ouvelope to Itl;v, TOsEI^ol T, INuatt
SaturWD. Now Yorl: City.
An, Anti -Slave Convention is being held in
—,„vela (1NLX---
' fit WINT
T 1.7I .vl . R.'a
. ---A »---,..— ,1,.Y o OOLL 1 �' Y Int `s 1.
Furniture Iar c� a f rer et YOU1& 04011 '00 DUBI WINTER WEa.T, l et
• r " t Try efaCQLL'S SUPT WO= oOALCL audFAMiL'Y SAFETY (Amer -loan ve.. we0e a.
you STOCK OI`-,-
Furniture, Coffins,' Caskets,
And everything ie. the above line, to meet
immediate wants.
We have .one of the very best
Hearses in the County,
Alla Funerals furnished and conducted at
extremely lour prices.
p E N
T Dci
t •1 O LLT
I Ttl:
„DaelglaBosto Gala, laying she esof e Tangiera for the the purpose af taking r a .
sinters:. i3oston and the cattle ranges o the
steps to suppress the slave trade in Morocco, ,
west. Henry R. Doer, of a family of writ i J t: ll' D tk certifies • "For � rufd�,-• r ,:•
era ;elle at "'klermnda," tempting readers t
, Rev. J. a n . tl on, Gar i
o some years my wife has been troubled, with HARK t S
visit ,tatortrt vexed 1ierulootlaes," .lifts Lily dye eerie, awl hes tried uno thing after an l HAIR BALM
Iiigt in, a faQoriio witix..dlneieaa readers,. other recommended with but little or no effed P
draws "Tate Upper Ten Thoneenel fir Eng
; tilt advised to give i I ci egor'a Speedy Cure a " Restores re,
land:' Noel Ruthveu tells the story of € trial. Siuea taking the Sxst bottle t have no- hair to itsglie
era i New Park' ; mmol See, gives i c c ids iui roveenunt, and cell with 4 turai celgr, re-
tape n l ticcd a t e d P
eotzfsdeuee recommend it to be one of, if note moves Daudrus
the best medicine extant for Dyspepsia. `Chis stops the he
invabiebl'e mediciue'for Liver Qemplaiut, Lie front falling eat
digestion, Kidney Cou pinint, is purely voge. intron:,:: its
table. Sold at J. W, Brownings Drug Stere. grovstth, and will
Trial betties given free,
2 stat scall the Slain,
it rias
ea a
As a. ha d ;;
Singltst9ll 1tr1101risitiyslwcrks nave so°ur sin, it has iii
superior. Guar
Prepared by
Harkness &. Co.
Cures Dizztness, Loss of Appetite, .Indi9esttmt, ,Jillousxcess,
L s e sfci.i Jaundice, Affections o the liver and .Kidneys,
Pimples, Blotches, Holts, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrotitis; .
.Srystpelas, and all diseases arising from impute .flood,
_Deranges Stomach, or irregular action of the .Bowels.
he rosette of that
et be, "Pecronts."
Said everywhere;
Tho citya IlontrQal is dseared to
bo free of gtmalipox. Tate autheirities
should sea to it that it is kept so.
Mae remains were buried Sunday
7litdrosttng Ltelits. ontreet for several euglaeeefor the cane
Ever eeeoud ;Orson lois it ; doctors. thiuk dlau Paeifle Railway, and wilt shortly re -
Seiwe gpe14'ions.
it incurable ; but Doe. o er e mr y is TEMT HACKING COUGH °An be ea
rete is , All druggists
to euro or the money is uiekl cured by Shiloles Cure, We guar-
refeuded, All druggists or the Dr. Carson c1 y" y ..codon, Out,.
guar -
Medical Co„ Toronto. 31,OQ per bottle, ante() it, bold b .i. W. Browuipg,
_-. colli by all term(
Scott's Emulsion of; Pure. ^"' _ t r..i Patent.Weide
Coll, l;,lvex 00, zvitl3 ;fiy,coiltivsglittea, DENTIS
il:sceiteat in. Lung Trouts.-"•
Dr. Elwell Ceeeowex, 3LaGraego, tette.
mese t "I owe used Seutt's Emulsion with -
wenderfal sueeess iu all. Lowe troubles, ales
find it hots no eaten in Summer Diarrlima of i
in the ohnrchyard at St Boutface. ohdoxi, t:
large dumber of iralfbreseda attended refit. HoueWmy. is . rester, who suffered t
trio funeral. Af. 1 bad so much. demand for Giles' Lai
cr were
Air. at whin P. l Conn taeat Iodide A,inmonia, Anti people: who v r
LW -
aye that what Ireland wants le a henoti#ed spoke so x11120)1 in iia prAiso, that 1
a syateat of Government Bitililiar to ;fres induced to wri;o the Doctor for n msupply
that enjoyed by Canada, l; was delighted; it made cures in the family.
audio the stables, and no article thnt I ever
The County Council of ."ruse lice da- lzaudlal sato enol. nuiv:real satistaaeion.
alined to appoint a police Magistrate titsoaa£ W. 13etaslex, Georgetown, Del.
f the working of the Scott sa y C. ,
to enforce
1d by C . Lutz Central Drug Store.
Act in that county. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Brat.
The election for King's Qouuty, ollitie immeahatolyrelieved by bhfloh'a Cure
Sold by .f . W. Browniut'.
New Brunswick, rendered necessary lamas A, Moron, President of the Un)on.
by Mr. Foster's aceapteuoe of a scat Rack of Ifalitax, N. S„ died an theduesday
in the Dominion Cabinet, will take from
a ylci 1aai the -
and tfracCCaitehe,
,p11300oin the 81x1 lava Influeuza.--The soothing properties of thee°
Dieing to alta activity and daily our medieamonts render thoni well worthy of.
creasing strength of the rebet forces triat in nit diseases of ril. Lungs, In eom-
under the 15W Mandi, The Imperial mon colds and iufituonza rho Pills taken in•
Government has deoitlod to seed a er exceedingly the
eOinttueutcaelous. rubbed ce tern fl -
new caped ion to the Soudan• arens epitemio this treatment is easiest, safest,
Tlir..lie rt Gladstone Bays nothing serest. Holloway's Pills and Ointment 1nn-
cauld indu' biro to countenance a se. ify the blood, remthroughvlihe image, the
peratiou of Ireland from Great Br1• freev rgir ul tapr tubes and zemage respiration
taiu, but he tbinke it would be wise Vireo without redaons, the strength, irritating
by let therisb people Have a park- the varves, or depressing the spirits. Snob
motif in D' blit to manage loonl of- whenaafiiiotell with c Idsmeans , coughs, saving
fairs. and, other complaints by which so many are
A. train r sixteen oars loaded with scrieusly and permanently afflicted in most
wheat for Ventresl and other eastern conntliee,
ports has been started from Portage Tho capacity of tilt) lliugstoa Icnittiug
la Prairie on the illan Lobe. and North no)wlshxanch of0manufature oommenced.ud n
western railway, and will go thrl.ugll ane. at 0Ne
to its destination without a break. Any liniment or other medicine that eau -
'The Serviette must be heartily sick not be tatter iuternatip is unsafe for ordin-
of war when they mutilate themselves cry nae. Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the prompt
by shooting o their to ' reliever is safe and reliable for 511
• aches and pains, and
this far to avoid fighting could not be SLEEPLI;S5 NIGHTS, mads miserable
expected t - make a resolute stand in bplthat terrible g
mod for you. Sold by J W Browning.
of Prof. proal*, Eiorse•lr daoatar end
Dentist, wilt be at
Exeter Saturday, Dec. 1$ & 2$
For the purpose of Examining Horses' and
Cattle's Teeth,
and removing the :come of much pain that
thousands of our poor dumb brutes aro nudes•
lolugdaily front the °trouts of diseased teeth,
such as earioue a.ed ovor•growu teeth, split
teeth, hollow tooth, and over r. rofections of the
nlolare,tee upper teeth project out, cut and
laeerete the cheek ; the under teeth project in.
cut and lacerete the termite, unless it is a
dorsa whose teeth wear eerfnotly level. The
teeth eye ouoof the firee points ofrehorse, If
le horse, minuet masticate properly he is bound
to fall. This is tbo cries() of many Verses _not
keeping in collation. the should for dh s hot
5yiuptems s i I
Just Reo
Purify the Bleed, correce all Disorders of the
r Write
ire iitei and restore Fe to
esaof aDebilitated
t ages. tt Ft) childre#toue, andn and the K d they havalare prix
plaiots 3ucldmntal toFeat l
infallible remedy for Bad Lege, Bad Brceate, 01d Wounds, Sores a 'Ulcers. It
famous for Gout and Itheumatislu.
or Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds.Glaudaler elwelliags, awl all skin dise:te
it 1105 no rival ; and for eoutracted and stiff joints it actshke a ellarlu.
The Pills and Ointment are sold at TUoues Ifot:o owex's Estal'1lishment,
# 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (:33, 4'saFQR11,STRBETI, I+ti:NAON ;
also 11 ,nearly every respeetattleVeudor'of fotlielno, in Boxes and Pols.at a e. led.,
.,of the
45. fide lie„ 22s., and 33s, each, The 24.9a. size contains three rue quantity
is Sid, alae ; the 4s. Ed. size F,ir ; the lis, aize ei£xt see aintbo 22s
t s size
polis ee ' and tbo
i33asize fifteetwotitn atli q
Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and en» be had in auy .language
tome Purchasers should look to theLabel on the rote and Boxes. If the address is icor
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
Pickard' s
Neer `urs in Great Varity
Astrioau Mantles and Caps --
choice goods ; :Persian Lamb
Setts r
Setts and Gaps--choleo value;
1Vlink Setts and Caps ---super-
ior quality ; Baltic Seal Setts
and Caps --a nice selection. 1
and 01.50 they $0t. \Vh011 0. horst) o 1
masticate r;gl:t ho is all wrong.
1 a vn bSy a gorse with a lied
Mouth, Ove:grownaull S,tl t Reath Throwang --
0uttra18011c%V1Ilk1f 0hoecd,slobltoritagOats, iREADi_ MADE VIISTEI3,S
cies of ui erat°uT°etb in UpperJeer—
$ trigger %agars pain can be swallowed as
escape ;service. Men who oculd go
p 'well as applied
ibl cough. Shiloh's Cure is the
a battle field. remedy. rhe i ng.
Messrs, John Moody & Son,
Professor 'Wiggins claims that he ter-
prieiug millers of Ridgetown, are to erect a
predicted the late disastrous storm in larder fionr mill at Danville shortly.
a letter it) the Minister of . Dlarine on Ta Cal xE0' Worms n of tali Broon ie Soro
the 1.6th ult. He blames the meteor+ feulma ethat gnawsodeuC nsahmptita is but Lung
ologioal bureau for the loss of the Ira-
brador fishing fleet. He has offered Scrofula. Burdock Brood Bitters is one of
the best''enown comtenations to cure Sore.
his method of oaloalation the Govern-
The Grand jury at the Middlesex
General Sessions in their presentment
on Saturday referred to the evils at-
tendant upon the bores system of jns-
tioe practised in the county, express
ing their regret that remedi r 1egi -
lature, and advooiting
themenu of stipendiary magistrates
throughout the province.
Oxford county council, at its ses-
sion Friday last, unanimously decided
ant the petition of the temper,
)3 P
Diachargiutl fetid matter from the nostrils, and
da (comp aloes enlargement ea side of face,
I1eoratod Teeth Ill Lower Jaw-- Entargomont
andatten a dlsaharge underneath.
Symptoms of Teeth Cutting Check and
Tongue -»Turning head toeue side whoa eating
oats and slobbering them around rho Stall,
drooling scourl8g, sometimes tongue lolling
won driven, indigestion, hide-bauud, weak'
eyes, and eausing many other dlseesee as *Well
as habits, W011 510th will ala() Ga1150 ~veal:
eyes, but never knock them out, The proper
way into extract.
'Yining hams as well as old need looking Ito,
If colts were looked to more in time of shedding
tooth there would not be so mealy bad mouthed
free.i I Bring o/toed to maike the public believee
something that they cannot sore Tho most of
us know the pain that ariseai from a (Rimmed
tooth. 1515 tee same with domestic animals.
Charges reasonable for 0peretions.
to gr o of e
arise workers for the app.inset . its . i,y Ely.„
a 11 lice magistrate for the county i IIaPIIaE BLOan.--Bolla, btotahas, pimples
ointnt will be made' im: and festering sours are indications of impure
The ppmebrood that should never be neglected. or ill
me' iy; -, Au appointment Will also t health and perhaps incurable disease may
, a de for Huron. result. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the
A. Regius, N. W. T., despatch says; blood by acting on the four cardinal points
g of health --the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and
-A troop of Mounted folios has left Blood.
special train for Fort McLeod.For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh' s
it is stated ou good authority that the Pruotvnin 1's6Drug Store2D cents. Sold at Dr.
Blood Iodlaae have assumed a threat B THD BEST COUGH cum.
snipe attitude toward the ' oflioiais. The best remedy for Cough and all Thrgpt
and have taken two hundred horses, and Lung troubles, is one that loosens and•
which the Police are afraid to tate 1 dislodges the tough 11106008, clears the
einforoenlente are' bronchial tubes, and alirritation.
rr .acro doThIs
to'e ;item. Ther is what Hagyard a Pectoral
to'ennble the police to relator° author- scarp ossa.
ity.Herr Eidwald writes to the Cologne
Qn how her Gazette that he has discovered ostensive
dean ylOtcria floe show nos iu Zululand.
era old ml
et g
sillies he regarding the ea a nn Wes who are growing
°ymp•$2,500 to a $oy d (to ensure strogr and
question byaubecibing rapidly, should,
q° regularly
Ind for tlle'relieC of wounded 'Bok- haslthy, constitutions) be given mI1l-
riaue. But - thea Alexander, -..the Robinson's Phosphorized hat is contin-
fight, is brother to sion, to keep np
prince whottlcan figually going ou in the' eeystem during the
Trix's little duck of a husband, and is growing `period. eased the lata
at setyou know, so the Queen Due D'Aumale has purchasedt
in th , lift Dudley's Raphael, "The Three
. Zander a Lord ... y
may llnwe elven Ale
beoausa of her reails for Prince Graces." for 025,000,
REi}IILnaITx is the main spring of life, and
Henry.' regularity of the bowels is one of the easel'.
'"`" '-0"....._— tial laws of health. Burdock Blood Bitters
Why will you cough when Shiloh'a Curs regulates the bowels in a natural manner,
will give immediate relief ? Price 10o., 50c, curing
o Constipation and preventing serious
and 01. Sold by 3. W. Browning.
E>;et r, Commercial Hotel, Saturday, 19 and
26; Hensait,lteynold's Hotel, Monday; Decem-
ber 21. and 28 ; Zari0b, Tuesday, December 21
and 2DeeDeshtivood, Wednesday, Deeamber 23
and30; Crediton, Thursday, December 24 and
CLnrrrzanTr•:,--Exater,Daaemb0r 18—We, the
undersigned, hereby certify that Mr; H. D.
Brush is a professor of his business and a man
who isidoln go great deal of good for domestic
animals throughout the country.;James nand -
ford, Sohn lHawkshaw. Chris. Westc0tt,P, Cur-
tin, P. O'Brien, E. Christie (livery), T• N. How-
ard, Gae.Moir, John White it Sou.
The finest-fitt.ng goods that eau be
produced. 'Undertaker
The Public
vited to
for themselves.
No trouble to show goods.
JOIZrte, :`eA.TN,
call and inspect
cordially in -1 and
fula, •
Burglars broke a pane of glean in D. H.
Gould's Shoe Store, Hamilton, and took
goods valved at 040.
The reason why Hagyard's Yellow Oil is
so popular with the people as a household'
remedy for pain, is in the fact that while
many liniments only relieve, Yellow Oil both
relieves and cures Rheumatism and all
aches, pains, soreness And lameness.
SHLLOWS 'COUGH and Consumption
Cure is sold by ns on a gearautee. It cares
Consumption. acid by 3. W. Browning.
The Borsen Courier says Russia will raise
a naw loan to meet the withdrawal of the
p per troubles to the amount of 1)50,000,000
Dartmouth Ropework Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
Company, A Com tete Stook of Robes 8 Trimmings
Ialifa 4 Nava Scotia, { p Aiwaya an hand.
Are now prepared to quote prices of FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON-
BIYD1":Id TWVI.'V!ti for the season of DUOTED AT Low RATES.
Whim poi euro 800 net mean merely to slap them for •
time and then have theta return seats. r mesa a radical care.
I have made the disease at FITS, grasper or ramie*
5808N 883 a lire -long study. warn en y is remedy
no toren tura
the worst cases. 'Because otha
not now receiving a cure. Send' at once fore treatise end 0
Free Battle of my infallible rained,. 01•So Fapron and Post
Waco. It costs you nn thing for a tried, .and l will cure yon.
• Addrosanr. n. G. 1.001, 83 -Pearl at.. Now lark.
for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly.
FULL LINES OF GOODS :constantly on hand. All
Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and
Superior Finish.
Itwill pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur-
chasing good and oheap 'Goods. A. call is respectfully
My Stock of Furniture is un-
t atIV I1 ME A (TALL.
ANTED --LADIES to work for us at
their own fomes. $7 to $10 per, week
can be quietly made. No photo. painting ;
no eauvassin;;. ': For fall particulars, please
address. at °rice, Crescent Art Co. Boston,
nes.. Box 5170.
TIT' ANTED—Deities and geafoul en in city or,
VV country to take light work et their own
homes. 83 to 04 it day an bs .n easily mae ure hdeo;
work sent by mail ,
good demand for our work and tarnish steady
1rGm)0,it cinWN
1i1"COMPANY, 24'SneS,Cin
I h;wu n posstOf remedy or rho ab0Vi d an do h 1188
use thousandsvboon cured, Indeed,, so kind
n and
my faith
standing a
tints etucw:v, that I will ETREATI BOTTLES Eli 3 'eRB,
wgathos with n YhLIIAaLE TREATISE on Elia disease,
So any eufrm•or. Give Express et P p0 address. dr ss. Tart..
1331. 'P. A. SLOGU>I,
'Unlocks ;1l the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying
c.ff gradually without weakening the system,
ell ibe impurities and foul humors of the
secretions ; at the same time Correcting
Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili;
c _ .:.3SS, Dyspepsia, Headaches„Dis.
eas, Heartburn. Constipation,
D ;*fiess of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim -
,93 of Vlsion,Jaunoice, Salt Rheum,
• rysiuelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of
t'.13 heart, Nervousness and General.
Debility ; all these and many other simi-
l;ir Complaints yield to the happy influence
�i ale Bottles 1Oc ; Regula size $1.
Al or our solo; list of Forsaleby all dealers.'
Dy'>;1i.T16LrFS send f � '
Decal Newspapers, Geo. .i P. Rowell & Co•, . eneeeepeee �'t Ct,., L rcorieter.6, are, "to
Spruce St,, N, Y
Fashionable Tailor, Exeter.
Exeter Post Office 'rima Table, (((
kAhltIVIII { dLosa..Kirkton, Woodham WinchelseaandElimviile ... .•.4.0011• m, 10 00 aim
°nth east and west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, le i5a.m, 8.30 a. m.
tif,initaba.Unitod States, English andforeirn ma
South, east west &c ... ... •.. ... 6.46 p.m. 415 p. m.
North and east, including tkoderiah, Wingham, Kincardine and all points
north, Styattold, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States(.. ...
.. , ... 1G.18 a.m 8.50 a. m
.30 p.m. 5.30 p. m'
North oagt, &c
feriae .m. 10:00a. en.
Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursday Band Saturdays 9 Oo a m 30 00 axis
end� ,,n rind minionof(anteda.GretBraye
e,ndDla,B India, aInlNwSouth
Zeland..Fr8nce en Algera,theGlinimpize,Swedeu,3vatDenmk:elnd, Belgute
tee Kathrlands,Switzerland, Austria.Rungnry.lonnia, United States. Smuttier). and Bat
wilibe received at this office from $1 to e300. Depositors obtaining c he tore
Lr -Gene p eclat permissionoan deposit 51000. Deposits on Ravings Bank a
eeivedfrom9a . .to4p.11.
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